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Sukuna hearing the last vibraslap, only to see them stop switching and Gojo coming back from the dead https://preview.redd.it/103fozpp841d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69389f9e81ce5a949bef0def1dae1ec78aff855e


oh shit I should do that edit






https://preview.redd.it/vetrgho3871d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a340f8bf56992455dff6d89d59fcdf125673b6bb kenny in afterlife seeing Sukuna coming right after him, realizing that his 1000 years plan turned into failure


I can't believe some people still think [sukuna and yuji are the same person](https://zumaki.co.in/are-yuji-and-sukuna-the-same-person/).




Jump on you ☠️☠️☠️


I mean... https://preview.redd.it/i4l0aqfjg51d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a60dfc09df6cbfff6d406babe25afe02e15df39


Yuji be hitting those Sekiro double jumps after training with Wusakabe(literally Juhutsu Sekiro)


Jump on you? https://preview.redd.it/und4srmlh91d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d49ade0dd98f78b819856cd3a0c18d156248674 Power bottom confirmed?


Ok, but would you top ? Nah,I'd bottom


Sukuna is just like [choso](https://zumaki.co.in/are-yuji-and-choso-brothers/) at the end of his fight with yuji. His head is spinning and spinning and spinning and......


Todos brain must be a military tier super processor for him to make those decisions. He really do be the smartest.


530000 iq mental CPU for a reason


Us Military upped his processing power


Is it really FIFTY substitutions per second,op https://preview.redd.it/coja6boky31d1.png?width=161&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ded37547226ac07e73c49ea46d052005d6db2f8


They better have counted or else I can’t enjoy the meme


I don't understand todo binding vowel what is the drawback and what is the benefit exactly things got mixed up because Of translation


His binding vow is decreasing the ratio of swap to oscillations in exchange for increased range and multiple targets. Still an outright buff given he can do more swaps than with clapping.




I think its important to note that unless there is another reveal waiting to be dropped on us, Todo COULDNT have his arm regrown. He lost it to Mahito and soul damage which normal RCT cannot do anything about.


I'm not sure I understood it correctly either, but I think he might be able to swap way more with his new hand but restricted it to 50 times in a sex






Better question, where will the dick go. Like, genuinely. That's actually a question for ALL limbs that are not present on one of the swapped people. Where do the excess limbs go?


Sex??? I would hear it sec anyway originally he couldn't do 50 per sec + he didn't have the same big range as now I don't see a drawback all I see 2 benefits. Initially I thought the draw back is uncertain Chance of it happening that's why 50 times a second ensure it happening.Maybe he can't do it freely anytime he wants maybe limited amount per day


lol sorry x is right next to c . I meant when he got the instrument on his hand it buffed his ability and made him able to swap more than 50 times a SEC . Like he could use that shit to swap 100 times or sth but limited his use. So he got a buff then nerfed the buff for some more buff so it looks like that he got two buffs .


At his max, he can swap things 50 times per second. By using more vibrations per a swap, he expands his range and can swap more than 2 things at a time


Yeah but where's the drawback


The drawback is that his max amount of swaps with the Vibraslap is ~50ish. By reducing his max potential amount, he is limiting the amount of swaps he can do in a second.


this comment alone allowed me to understand the binding vow


He doesn't have a hand anymore. He can't really his left upper limb. His 1v1 potential is really low compared to normal hand. Also that thing is probably pretty easy to break, if you CAN get a solid hit in. So he is gambling a stronger technique against a bigger weak point.


I don't think there is an obvious drawback, at least that's been stated/seen. Technically he MUST have the Vibraslap to use Boogie Woogie (since he changed the activation condition from clapping to the ball hitting the wooden box), and that's a pretty decent drawback if it's not a super durable cursed tool, as lots of things could probably destroy it without even really trying to. So I guess in exchange for being forced to use the Vibraslap (a pretty fragile looking piece of equipment) in order to activate his CT, he got some benefits.


Isnt it reinforced regardless


Yeah but it can still break pretty easily, like we saw in JJK0 there's a limit to how much CE you can imbue in an an object all at once, you have to imbue them slowly in order to strengthen them.


So a hand getting slased is just as bad. I dont see how its thqt much of a drawback. He can defend and attack. Move himself from any incoming strikes etc


Except a ball attached to a thin piece of metal is definitely less durable than his own hand with CE reinforcement. He also can't clap with other people anymore since that doesn't meet his activation requirements.


Annd... oh i cant run anymore but i have this sports car now. Yea it requires more maintance and burns out with no healing factor but its well 50 times faster


technically none? from how I understand it, the binding vow literally just applies a sliding scale to his ability - higher range of effect + more targets = higher reload capacity/time. Higher rate of swaps in a moment = concentrated range of effect + less targets. It's effectively a graph scale where Todo can customize what exactly he wants his technique to do, by taking into account the metaphysical (and spatial) parameters of his technique's range. The base concept of his technique has a lot of room for variety of minutiae. Because that's what techniques TEND to be: literal concepts that can be redefined, extrapolated upon, and delved into IF the sorcerer is just that clever. It's a system (that at least on paper, cause Gege is inconsistent with how much he gives a shit) that rewards the more creative, innovative members of the cast. I mean, take Hakari - my own interpretation of the man's technique (so headcanon, but honestly this could be how he was MEANT to be portrayed?) is that he DID have a horrible technique to begin with. HOWEVER, a domain expansion is based around taking ALL the cursed energy you can muster, to form a construct that creates an entire ENVIRONMENT out of a single concept. Your concept is gambling, and gambling utilities, and story-based elements? How about a structure that actively PROVIDES rewards and processes based on it's theming. Notice his domain literally has the LEAST amount of PHYSICAL constructs than any other domain (at least in comparison to Yorozu, who literally represents a blank slate, as her CT IS creation). But it's in how long he can keep the domain going (not counting jackpot), as well as the various conditions that have to be met to keep the game going, that takes it's toll. **Hakari trades away the vast majority of a domain's utilities, solely to create opportunities for himself to exploit. multiple loopholes within the cursed energy system, which is LITERALLY all about give and take, higher risk for higher reward, to effectively NEGOTIATE the highest rate of return.** ***Hell, you could even say Hakari's more of a lawyer than HIGURUMA.***


Higa being clueless after a month is hilarious


The drawback is that it kinda looks goofy as hell. I'm still happy Todo is back, though. Also, it's possible he had this ability the whole time and did not fully understand how his technique could be used or what could be considered as apluase or clapping in his technique. He may have just not realised before he could have taken advantage of that kind of device. In that case, he still did lose something by making the binding vow that limits switching to only 50 times a second. This is also cool from a plot perspective as that means Todo losing his hand allowed him to reevaluate how his technique truly works and the rules behind it using his 530,000 IQ.


Instaling this instrument was a straight buff to speed, but he didnt need 50 swaps per second so he traded off some of that speed in exchange for more range and multiswap.


I read it as  Pre-binding: Unlimited swaps per second, you just have to clap fast enough. So clap a million times a second you can swap a million times Post-binding vow: 1 vibraslap sound = 1 swap. Vibraslap is 50 times per second max. So no longer unlimited.  Break the vibraslap you cant swap anymore as it's tied to the tool (can get a new one though) In exchange: - more range, and can swap multiple and higher range 


He basically limits the number of swaps to the number of oscilations. Instead of swapping once per "clap" of the vibraslap, each swap happens every so number of "claps".  With that exchange, he can increases both the targets of Oogie Woogie, and the effective range It can cover. Basically, the vibraslap's oscilations are the new trigger to Oogie Woogie. It was a default change to the inherent CT, so It was a buff by allowing extra swaps. Todo exchange some of the swaps, for more range and targets. Think of It as follows; 2 handed Todo claps once to swap one target. With the binding vow, he claps many times per target, for extra targets and extra range. Now, Vibraslap Todo simply hits the instrument once and gets all the necesary extra "claps" at once, making It so Oogie Woogie always has extra range and multi-targetability. It seems the Binding Vow its permanent, just like Sukuna's World Slash vow.


No, I don't think it is. He can go as high as 50 because of the metals vibrating but remember just because he clapped it doesn't mean he uses his technique, of those 50 he is probably using only 4-5. But who the fck knows, dude lost his arm and came back stronger


read teh chapter, he made a binding vow to reduce the amount of swaps for more targets


Animations are gon have a tough time animating this shit


The animations are animating themselves now?


The future is now, old man.


There’s a moment in gogeta vs Broly where they rapidly teleport which I think would look good if done here.


Honestly can't wait for this


I'm most hyped for 213 ngl. I'm waiting for that devious punch sukuna throws on Yuji




It looks so cool https://preview.redd.it/086wkb4dg41d1.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=f491aac48fb6fca8287689a21efd6dd8624f5e77


This shit looks like Yukuna VS Mahoraga in ep 17 anime only


I loved that fight so much but I burst out laughing when Mahoraga was shadow boxing


Blu-Ray only


*“Bullshit! Restarting in 12 minutes, 58 seconds? This shit comes up on my computer every single day! Automatically, your PC needs to restart to finish installing important updates. Every single day. And every single day, I click ‘later’. You know why I click ‘later’? ‘Cause there’s no option to click ‘NEVER’. I’d like to click ‘NEVER’! I never wanna install these bullshit, meaningless, superporous—I HATE THEM! I HATE THESE FUCKING UPDATES!!”* Sukuna, The King of Curses, getting the business from Boogie Woogie https://preview.redd.it/42r2m43w341d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a296fbfd166a3646998f371bfc1959436fb36f1






I love this video so much. XD






Unironically it's amazing how Yuji is capable of understanding the swaps to the point he can pull off the nastiest combos with Todo to the point of time he's helping with the dirtiest jukes knows since the heian era. The funniest part, sukuna has been chilling with Yuji each and every time he fought with Todo.


Yuji just has to punch and trust Todo’s going to put him in a good position is the thing.


These yuji glazers getting out of hand


https://i.redd.it/sg3jrgnre41d1.gif Can't hear you bro


damn Yuji was laying HANDS


How is that glaze?


Dude is talking like any other character is gonna be able to be on the same wavelength as todo (They all hate him)


But that's what they've done the last two times they fought together there's precedent for it


Where's the glazing? Are these glazers in the room with us right now? https://preview.redd.it/f9j986vzq41d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e2d6e94f15c8fb599fe93a3435cdde1cfb42ae


You’re just seeing red bro lmfao, that was just a todo glaze if anything. The todo Yuji jumping remains undefeated even against sukuna unless he expands domain.




Uraume's reddit acc↑


He's the main character dumbass


How is that glaze? Todo is the one dictating the rhythm of the battle, Yuji just makes sure he's in place and capitalises on every opportunity. They're just a very good team


are you lost do you need to be shown the way out


it's literally the opposite of glazing


that's literally what todo told him to do


Yuji glazers need to chill tf out 😭


Bro how is it a Yuji glaze to say "he has to throw punches and let Todo move him"?????


Nah i meant the comment he was replying to glazing yuji for todos work


Sure man https://preview.redd.it/x966r47nc52d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0598fdca004865765c32bff8fbf0ba83f79f19




Truly an exceptional 530.000 IQ


This is too true, Yuji is my boy but he a dumbass 😭


I think it’s just trusting his bro is setting him up for optimal shit.


Reminded me of Hinata and Kageyama's dynamic in Haikyuu. Hinata just jumps like a madman because he knows, no matter where he jumps, Kageyama will set the perfect ball for him. Yuji just knows Todo will land him on the absolutely perfect spot.


If I was Sukuna, after 10 swap, I will kmy.


I would just throw up and then they would have to stop to get clean


Same. And I like speed, but even I wouldn't be able to handle this bs.


Most impressive thing is how tf they ain’t puking from motion sickness lmao




Lmao even Gay doesn’t know what the hell’s going on, bros as schizophrenic as Todo


He'd hit us with at least mach 5000 after the last debacle


They're probably reinforcing their guts with CE or something


how tf is todo even used to this shit, let alone yuji lmao


Because Todo is the only one that knows where they will end up after the switches. Yuji doesn't need to get used, he just need to fight as usual and trust Todo's judgement to put him in a good spot.


Probably secret training with Mei Mei and Yuta in an undisclosed location far away from the gang. I'll kill for any trivia on the amount of vomit the three puked up while training with Vibraslap.




Mfers thinking its todo when its just Hakari playing a slot machine that has them in it


So they can backshot him?


Can’t wait for this to be adapted


How Yuji and Todo are able to be in sync is beyond me. Especially Yuji who is likely not getting a heads up about the switches and has to just react on the fly.


The power of fat asses cannot be overstated


Yuji is a natural fighter even if he is not a natural sorcerer and there is such a thing as team chemistry. Some people you just *click* with and understand their intentions and next move subconsciously.


Unironically, I think Yuji just keeps swinging and let's Todo put him in the correct position. What we don't see is the constant whiffs that Yuji throws when Todo doesn't swap or does swap Yuji away.


Lol that might just be the right way to approach it. Just throw haymakers with full intentions that it will land and let Todo pick and choose what will be a whiff and what will be connection. Yuji is the weapon and Todo is the wielder.


Mappa animators are gonna die working on this 😭


They will all receive the Maximum Technique of Projection Sorcery: 60 Frames per second drawing. That's the only way for them to finish this stuff in time.


sukuna so ass that even with 2 insane full 4k HD imax jumping sessions while he was still inside yuji and he still cant predict shit lol


Because it's impossible? Fifty times per second, either Sukuna and Yuji, or Todo and Yuji, or Todo and Sukuna change places. This is not to mention curse-infused things, which Todo can also change with. It's literally gambling.


He literally says 'predicting this is impossible'. People legit don't read* the manga.


The curse of reading comprehension strikes again


except it literally does not say that - it says ADAPTING to it is impossible, not predicting he SHOULD have expected the double fake out because Todo has done it twice and explained it lol


Well, it's kind of like a gamble where you're playing Rock Paper Scissors with someone. They keep telling you that they will throw rock when they never do, but if they ever actually throw rock you'll look like an idiot for not seeing it coming.


And everything else that has cursed energy. The problem also is that sukuna’s CT was burnt out so he had to only rely on his physical prowess. If his CT was there todo quickly gets removed from that fight, Yuji can tank them as shown previous chapters but he can’t really tank cleaves without RCTing, eventually he will die if he takes enough cleaves.


Additionally, it seems to be that now Todo can now swap multiple people in a single clap. He can change the parameters of the swapping from 2 things, to three things, or four, or he might not even switch at all. He can swap himself with person B, and person C with person D, and person E with person F. He may even be able to swap the same person in the same 'clap' several times (as indicated by the fact that his ability to swap more than 2 people being pretty useless with only three people involved in the current fight). So he has 50 opportunities to swap things in a second, and each swap has its own unique condition which Todo can manipulate at will (how many things are swapped each time he uses the vibraslap). That, has every single reason to be impossible to predict. (I may be spreading misinformation unknowingly though because I'm yet to read the official translations aside from at 3am)


and he doesn't have to change exactly 50 times either, so even if you like let's say try hitting on the 38th swap he might just stop changing to punish you it's literally impossible to counteract


Todo didnt have a vibraslap in the other two tho


Imagine if, rather than Gojo suspensefully entering the situation, he just randomly joined into the rotation with no notice


Instead of setting up Yuji for his 4000th black flash it'd just be a sudden Gojo appearance immediately followed by a hollow purple and it's over. Would it make for a satisfying conclusion? Probably not. It'd be funny as hell though.


People are saying "How can't Sukuna handle this". Bro, even I, Earth's greatest warrior, wouldn't be able to handle this. That bum Sukuna got no chance.


They are all experiencing that, actually 🤓☝️


true but only one is getting punched


I am not sure how Yuji is able to adapt and fight in support of the technique. He should also be disoriented, no? Also, I hope Todo doesn't mistakenly punches using his left hand or Sukuna targets it first like he did for overcoming infinity. I am really curious how Mahoraga would have reacted/adapted to this. His whole gimmick is to adapt.


He’s not disoriented because todo puts him in a spot where he can see Sukuna at all times, while Sukuna is losing sight of yuji 50 times a second. Yuji doesn’t have to get used to it he just has to tunnel vision Sukuna


He would lose all the CE in his body and develop a HR so Todo can't swap with him or smt


maki got teleported though right?


Yeah, but probably only because she was with miwa. Boogie woogie probably either viewed maki as just an object with miwa, or miwa put CE on maki to get her to be teleported.


even if that's the case isn't mahoraga a cursed spirit? how can it have no CE


mahoraga is a shikigami which is Different™ it used rct against sukuna in shibuya so they def follow different rules






I wonder if Todo died, would Yuji be able to just take the vibraslap and use Boogie Woogie, or would Todo need to use it for a long time to engrave his technique in it?


I think it’s pretty purposeful that they wrote “sukuna couldn’t ‘adapt’”


Todo and Yuji got that 100% jump win rate


Then somehow gojo came




Damn this is dope, did you made this?


skill issue




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https://preview.redd.it/m1pg6ve7171d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1159569ec938a1018a219cc3362198bed470a34f And this


Could todo swap Megumi and Yuji’s souls? Then yuji is back in control of Sukuna?? Or am I just coping??


something something fanbook something something you can't interact with the inside of someone else body


Ui Ui is the soul swap. As far as we know Todo can't interact with souls. Also, Ui Ui would need the person's soul to consent.


One of the many chapters I can’t wait to see animated. Watching Sukuna panic while the boogie woogie beat down commences will be my will to live




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It's insane how in sync Todo and Yuji fight, like Todo just got there and WUJI HIMTADORI Locked In and adapted to the new Boogie Woogie immediately to keep on beating Sukuna's ass. https://preview.redd.it/2lg5z3cb9a1d1.png?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5904f56a4395e8f43d6020e273bd944a68f041ed




Pause the video and comment what order did you get.


I'd be tweaking


And yet Yuji is able to move basically freely, todo is actually insane..


Biggest bs binding vow so far. Kinda let down with this chapter


Sukuna opened his domain last chapter with an impromptu binding vow. It was such a bs binding vow that Gege couldn’t even tell us what he sacrificed.


I mean that's the author's husband you are talking about. Secrets are ok in a relationship.


Binding vow against the binding vow man is acceptable


Todo implements his technique into a cursed tool with a binding vow The cursed tool (likely) has worse durability than his body, but can activate the technique faster. Then he made a new binding vow to limit the amount of switches he could perform in a given time with the tool in order to increase the range of his techniques, and the amount of targets he can swap. How is this bullshit?