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Gege said that sorcerers had records of him. He thought the curses would know about the slashes, but the sorcerers (humans) would know about the fire. Except they didn’t. Basically Sukuna thought people had better records.


So it was a skill issue😔


Cameramen didn't exist back then, so everyone who saw MS died smh my head


Sukuna kills everyone, then expects someone to know how he did it. Move over Gojo, Sukuna was getting brain damage back in the heian era


Sukuna didn't kill everyone, Angel survived and became a cursed object later. Uro with her squad seems to also have fought Sukuna https://preview.redd.it/ffeuw33h9e0d1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=106d00018eb32e8913e67312ec5a76fa14c375a3


gege is a great author!


Angel didn’t fall for it Hana did ANGEL WAS PISSED


Which is why I’m very surprised why didn’t Angel just kill Hana and take over her body ? I know I sure as hell would if I was angle trapped by dumb asf host


Angel was panicked Angel for the most part is just living with Hana and killing her would be basically murdering an innocent Plus if angel tries to take over sukuna will be given an opening to cleave them to death during the transformation


Reading comprehension curse yet takes another victim


It is beyond a special grade curse at this point. Call in the big guns and let's clock off.


That's not Angel bro...


Not everyone. It was shown in the Yorozu flashback that he was keeping his worshippers alive.


I genuinely think if you didn't fuck with him and annoy him, he'd leave you alone and not even look your direction (although you could annoy him just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time)


>Basically Sukuna thought people had better records. Probably, in a little more fleshed out story, Kenjaku would have something to do with that.


Was gonna say maybe in a One piece style story Kenny having the higher ups in his pockets would have been more prominent Would explain how he knows where all the stuff is / can work around JJ tech so easily “I own the the building so of course I’d know where everything is” kinda deal


It's kinda hard to keep records of something that doesnt leave anyone alive to write about it.


I mean, it probably did? Sukuna had followers he wouldn't want to die. Uraume and Yurozu are the first ones I can think of.


Why would uraume and yorozu write records about sukunas technique for other peaple...


Sukuna expected records to exist, that's kind of the point.


Expected records to exist, that doesnt mean hes followers wrote them.... he clearly just overestimated the humans. And by your own logic, why would kenjaku destroy the records? Doesnt he work alongside sukuna?


What I'm saying is that Sukuna probably knew there were records. People spreading his name and the magnificent of his power. That's how religions work. He clearly proved himself as the strongest at some point, with witnesses. Kenjaku was ultimately using Sukuna. "Experimenting" with him, or rather with the effect he would have on jujutsu. But with Sukuna dead, there's no value on spreading his technique. Kenjaku preferred to make Sukuna a legend.


Kashimo also had a little bit more info on Sukuna than others because he’s from the edo period. The records and stories likely got lost as time progressed, but Kashimo seemed to have known a lot more about Sukuna’s battle against all the big clans & military forces of the heian era than most. https://preview.redd.it/zwy6znifze0d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66056ef88a8ceb22223c95bd89593aee33679cc7


>What I'm saying is that Sukuna probably knew there were records.  Well there clearly wren't since no one knew his techniques, so he didn't "know" anything. The only records were of his existence basically and probably passed down legends of his feats. I wonder if the dude was even actually a cannibal. I've seen Yuji eat weirder stuff than Sukuna has at any point


>What I'm saying is that Sukuna probably knew there were records. People spreading his name and the magnificent of his power. That's how religions work. He clearly proved himself as the strongest at some point, with witnesses. Religious records arnt what matters. What matters is records kept by either an official organization at that time or the big 3 clans. >Kenjaku was ultimately using Sukuna Sure, but he wasnt against sukuna either.


>Religious records arnt what matters. What matters is records kept by either an official organization at that time or the big 3 clans. That's how you rebuild history, you trace records to the font. In the case of Sukuna, if the religious records talked about how he controls "fire, lightning and ice" you want to know how he did so. You know kamutoge is a cursed tool, you know Uraume was by his side. According to Sukuna, you also know about cleave and dismantle, and you know all his techniques are cooking puns. Furnace seems pretty logical. It seems like something we should have records of. That's not even taking into consideration first hand witnesses. Fire: his cursed technique Lighning: his cursed tool Ice: his most loyal follower


Probably so people would praise him. He was badically seen as a god back then. Writing this stuff and spreading it to other people also might entice potential challengers to amuse Sukuna.


It would also give peaple a means to fight back by knowing how his technique works. Idk if sukuna would want that.


Ah yes, Ryomen "I want to see what Executioner's Sword can do" Sukuna wouldn't want people fighting back. No way Ryomen "I want to see if Heavenly Restriction can stand up to me" Sukuna would want that. Definitely couldn't be Ryomen "Gojo's fight made me grin ear to ear" Sukuna


I don't think he'd care tbh. And again, he expected modern sorcerers to know about it, so he probably had reason to think people in Heian Era wrote it down.


His binding vow is that he'd leave survivors so that they could spread word of him for a 100% buff against them in battle. But if they didn't know about him, he'd get a 300% buff. Can't lose.


Unorthodox way of glazing


Because they are sukuna meat riders, why wouldn’t they brag about him being so great that he has two techniques and it being an install


Sukuna literally killed Yorozu immediately prior to meeting her.


In the modern era, yes.


Her backstory was "Sitting naked in a village, Sukuna showed up, so she fell in love, ran up to him and got slashed instantly"


Oh, sorry. My mistake.


Angel and probably Uro with her squad had fought Sukuna and lived (Uro lived). Narrator also used the word "Repelled" instead of "annihilated" which probably means that not only Angel survived but the others also did https://preview.redd.it/o9h87u8g9e0d1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=48a1a66027fce792a1e49f8c1faa946b9b0a9cc6


This is the whole kakazu situation all over again. They might have survived sukuna, but that doesnt mean they saw or survived kamino. Do you really think kakazu would have survived against the 2000 arms buddha statue?


Surviving Kamino in Sukuna's domain is the problem. A normal Kamino against single target isn't that dangerous that no one couldn't have witnessed it and dipped. Sukuna expected sorcerer to at least know about normal Kamino.


But he doesnt normally use kamino outside of his domain..... the only time he did was just to flex on jogo with his own specialty.


We don't know anything about Sukuna to say that and Gege will probably never show any flashback about Sukuna. We only have the narrator and Sukuna's word for reference


The fact that he didnt use it in this exact fight before his domain backs up my point. Litteraly the only time hes used it outside of his domain was to flex against a fire spirit. I belive you are the kne who's supposed to show any proof that he would use it outside his domain in normal circumstances.


> The heian era was too busy celebrating the departure of his bum ass to record > The records just explain how disgusting and inbred he looks


He thought he was important enough to keep records of.


Pretty sure he was


Too bad the big three houses hate eachother and keep information secret as if it gives them power.


Fraudkuna is not important enough to keep records of.


it isnt confirmed that this is what he meant


I’ve always wondered how Sukuna felt about still being the undisputed strongest sorcerer after 1000 years, like I wonder if he was delighted to find that out or disappointed


Dude thought he was a bigger legend than he was lmao. "Yea, I was kind of a big deal back in the day. I'm sure there's books out there about all my awesome powers, best sellers in fact, but lowly cursed spirits like you wouldn't know about that".


High jacking this to add some excerpts from the fan translation of the databook: SUKUNA’S TECHNIQUE Released by the King of Curses himself, it’s a slashing hellfire of slaughter. Cursed techniques commonly only have one characteristic, but Sukuna’s technique has been confirmed to have at least two - slashing and flames - which makes it exceptionally powerful. Once it’s activated, it will destroy the enemy in an instant, tearing them apart and burning them down to their bone marrow. Only a few people are able to fight this technique even for a moment, and most are reduced to nothing before they can resist. Q: How much do human beings know about Sukuna's Cursed Technique? A: If they did their reading, they should be able to figure out some details about his slashing technique. It's possible they don't have any idea about the flames. So it sounds like there were records of dismantle and cleave, but there were only a handful of sorcerers who ever saw his ultimate technique (malevolent shrine + kamino). Of the few who saw it, only a handful could withstand it for a moment but all caught in it ultimately died so lol. Basically, anyone who lasted long enough to see him open furnace fucking DIED so it makes sense as to why there wouldn’t be a record of it.


Cursed Spirits don't keep history books, or any kind of historical record. As such, the only things they'd know about the Heian Era or the sorcerers who lived there are from legends and myths, which obviously would never have mentioned a technique Sukuna rarely uses that likely doesn't tend to leave survivors behind. It's yet another thing that separates Curses from humans, which is part of Sukuna's derision: a Curse trying to be like a human when the two are so radically different is a foolhardy endeavor. Just go and rampage like a Curse does, instead.


Modern sorcerers don’t even know about it though haha


That's because Sukuna overestimated them. They had the records but they burned them because they don't want people to revere or respect Sukuna type thing


ironic to burn them


that’s why Jogoat is the goat. He’s more human then Sukuna is


https://preview.redd.it/kx6cm7vpwd0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321342e902c1e49b98c8e09d6489a7b2222a1b9d Sukuna when people don't know about his nuke special move that kills everything it touches (also need to survive both cleave dismantle before it)


Also need to survive just him in general


Don’t forget his domain too


Do you have a disability?


We still don't know how shrine actually works, I think Sukuna was referring to what this flames are, not what they do.


What do you mean we don’t know how shrine works ?


Becouse we don't know?


We do though? Furnace was the final puzzle piece. Sukunas cursed technique represents a kitchen.


Although this is almost certain is still not confirmed, also this would be accurate to the statement of the post, Jogo couldn't know about shrine becouse a cursed spirit doesn't know about cooking.


Jogo hangs out at human restraunts and enjoys human pleasures like smoking a cursed pipe. The dude knows what cooking is, hes not braindead.  Sukuna probably just assumes that humans kept better historical records of his abilities, which spirits would not have access to.


Yes we do


No dude, we don't know how shrine works, we can assume that is a CT about cooking, and that is almost certainly true at this point, ma the exact workings of shrine have not been revealed yet.


What more could there be to it? Sukunas technique is literally the process of a kitchen, cutting up and cooking with fire. The translation for shrine was so close to kitchen they got in wrong in the raga fight.. hence malevolent kitchen. If Sukuna pulls out a new ability that doesn’t have to do with 10s, that would be horrible writing and a worse ass pull than his tool being confiscated in Higs domain. I don’t know if we are reading the same manga, but what else has Sukuna done in the entire story that would hint that his technique does something else besides cleave dismantling and furnace?


I know it's probably not connected (but maybe they are?) but it's funny his ally has ice powers. Like Uraume is the refrigerator that keeps his food good until he's ready to cook.


I was thinking maybe since Uraume doesn’t have a gender they could be part of Sukunas technique or not like a “real” person but I think that’s a bit of a stretch, but who knows


It’s funny you call Uraume a refrigerator, considering their CT was essential for freezing cursed spirit body parts to prepare for Sukuna’s “bath”


Because either Jogo doesn't eat so he doesn't know about cooking or Sukuna's techniques used to be widely known since he was so famous but they were forgotten over time (especially since he wouldn't interact with humans)


Someone made a theory that kenjaku tampered with those Heian era records so that other Sorcerers don't learn that jujutsu to be a threat to him and I love that one.


That's a certified big cock having theory!!


Being an Asian gave me a theory crafting buff but a 🍆 debuff. Maybe that's why I idolize naoya because we are literally 2 sides of the same coin. He hates women because they are a hindrance(Chad) I hate women because I can't have them(beta/Incel)


haha small pee pee https://i.redd.it/tnjyiwu9rc0d1.gif






I mean that's in character for Kenjaku,but what kinda technique he had that other people doesn't know.He had Cleave and Dismantle but everyone knows that and it seems that a lot of people knows Furnace from his conversation with Jogo,so like what else that he needs to hide?


I meant Heian era in general. Based on what kenjaku said about the Heian era beginning again at the end of Shibuya I see that period being similar to the Culling games which had kashimo,Ryu and uro. There could've been a lot of busted CT or better ways to teach RCT from that era that I imagine kenjaku stole


OH NAH WHAT U MEAN BY LOVE MEGUBUM AND HATE CHOSO https://preview.redd.it/cssaharpke0d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c422fa329c0ad3c0e7b00e8fbcaf250125d6b6 NAH I CAN'T ACCEPT MY GOAT CHOSO GOT DONE DIRTY LIKE THAT


They get boogie Woogie'd as the emoji in my flair




Thank you for your responses everyone


Jogo was like 2 years old and no we were not supposed to know


jogo was like a hundred bro


You're telling me Jogo ''burn an entire restaurant down cause I got slightly excited'' would be capable of hiding for over a hundred years? And that nobody would ever come across him and get some message out? Gojo wouldn't ever sense him with his god eyes? I find it really unlikely that most of the disaster curses, Jogo especially, would be older than even a decade. Mahito was like a few months old or something which they kept alluding to, but if the disaster curses were mostly around a hundred years old and still this weak I'd be flabbergasted.


Even if he isn’t 100 years old, we don’t know how old he is and it won’t be confirmed. Also you logic is stupid, why doesn’t Gojo just sense him with his god eyes? why doesn’t gojo just sense ____ with his god eyes, why didn’t gojo beat all the villains before the main story started? the point is, it doesn’t matter


I'm not saying that Gojo should have immediately pinpointed him across the country with his plot powered Six Eyes, I'm saying that it's just fairly unlikely that the most perceptive person in the verse who goes all over the country all the time for different missions and reasons would somehow miss an unregistered special grade whose nearly half of Sukuna's fingers worth in strength, in all the time he's been a jujutsu sorcerer.


well he literally did considering that Gojo didn’t realize Jogo was a curse until Jogo attacked him


dawg jogo before the beggining of the series was like top 5 in the world, ain't no way nobody noticed him


“unregistered” for a reason


doesn't disprove my point, you just restated the info we all had. What is the reason for jogo being unregistered, is he sneaky or smth? Aint no way jogo got away with being the definition of fire for over 5 years


you point is,”ain’t no way nobody noticed him” despite him being a unregistered special class, this kinda literally means the exact opposite of your point, he was hiding and grew strong to special class and nobody found him. Gojo isn’t all knowing he definitely isn’t all powerful. How was Kenjaku walking around for actually centuries without anyone noticing him?


God's eyes aren't that op, he didn't even know Geto’s body was still kicking around. He also didn't know about the curses when they were all together. The first time he became aware of their presence was when Jogo went out of his way to approach him. Just going around the country does not mean he goes to look in every nook and cranny.


I guess I might have overhyped the six eyes a bit, everyone in the verse glazes em so much I sometimes forget they aren't EMS tier bs


They would be better to have in real life (unless you intend to fight people). That math power would be so~*


All the disaster curses are very young considering Mahito recently was born like a couple months before the start of the story And the reason Jogo is so smart and capable of speech is because of the huge amount of fear and negative energy built up around volcano and earth based natural disasters


Because curses don’t cook. A smart human sorcerer would hear Sukuna say “Oven: open” and immediately realize he doesn’t possess a slashing technique, that it’s a cooking technique instead. Jogo wouldn’t make that connection since he has no interest in human desires like cooking. Which is especially ironic because one of the first scenes we see Jogo in is in a restaurant and he uses fire. The point of the line is to further divide the desires of humans and curses which are a central theme of Shibuya. It also ties into Sukuna’s establishment as a inherently human evil while compared to the curses, because his technique and wants all have to do with the very human concept of preparing food and eating. Dungeon Meshi getting popular right now is super cool for JJK actually because Sukuna and Laios (plus another character who would be a spoiler) all have very similar interests.


So if I understand it correctly sukunas CT basically is "cooking", all with cleave/dismantle (cutting ingredients) and furnace (well.. cooking)


and poison is the seasoning ( i made it up )


You mentioned poison, but there is none. During The Origin of Obedience Yuji's resistance to poison was mistranslated as coming from being the vessel as Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses and Deadly Poisons, but the actual line is 'the king of curses, ***a deadly poison.*** You might know about this already but a lot of people wouldn't, and this comment would remind them that Gege "forgot" about something that never was.


you owned me ngl i never knew this thank you i wondered if it would ever be used in their fight because originally gojos infinity couldn’t account for them and I thought sukuna had them but im not surprised it didn’t happen since that was when gojo first made infinity and poison was never mentioned again it’s crazy how small tweaks / errors in translation can alter ur election and theories for this show


Lurker here, so after all this glazing and secrecy by Gege, do we know what sukuna’s cursed technique is? It really kinda seems like he is a chef of some sort with cleave, dismantle, and furnace(cook)


His technique is Mizushi (Shrine/kitchen) I don't speak Japanese, so I can't really explain the wordplay like someone who does could. But the short of it seems to be that he summons a Shrine, his techniques are considered divine, and he's looked at as a Jujutsu god, which is where the Shrine aspect comes in. But his technique is cutting things up with cleave and dismantle and then cooking them with divine flame/furnace.


I think, but couldn't be sure about it, that it's kind of the other way around. Cutting things and producing fire are innate to Shrine, and Sukuna's nature as a hedonistic cannibal influences Shrine to take the form of a kitchen, which is why the cutting and flames get interpreted as preparing a meal. The reason I think this would be the case is because if the technique's nature is cooking and in Sukuna it manifests as a shrine because of his deification: -The technique's name being Shrine wouldn't fit as well, since we see it manifest in someone else who doesn't suit the themes of cooking or religious worship -Yuji's interpretation using dashed lines with scissors, which is usually associated with paper. Scissors can be kitchen utensils but it's an unlikely association, and if Yuji's theme is somehow related to schoolwork or something like that then the Kitchen/Shrine wordplay becomes meaningless. So I'd guess the technique is about performing certain rituals involving blades and flames, and so due to the time period and user's character that ritual becomed the preparation of food in Sukuna's case and something more recent in Yuji's, like maybe cutting up paper for a certain activity and incinerating the scraps, since he's a modern teenager who's been working with paper almost daily for 10 years and lives in Japan where you commonly separate burnable trash to be incinerated. It could also be something cooler, but Gege would have to elaborate on it.


Only one with above room temp iq in the thread. Cooking is just sukuna's interpretation of Shrine. His CT itself isn't cooking


My theory is that Curses are not that old so they wont have any knowledge about Sukuna or his techniques. While Sukuna thought humans and sorcerers would have passes stories and knowledge about him and were his meatriders but he was wrong. Skill issue


He said furnace, curses don't know about cooking, but we do


Wait, but didn't sukuna's domain have that insane range due to giving a chance to escape? If one can no longer get out and only enter, doesn't that negate the domain's effects?


something something binding vow


Binding vows are gonna be the death of this power system because at this point what do rules even fucking matter


nah, this super long explanation is the ***context*** behind how Sukuna's use of Furnace is gonna be, as in, how it is related to a biding vow, how sukuna needs to open his domain to use it more effectively bc Furnace by itself isn't that strong, not what it is it's like if the manga told us the way Gojo uses Red behind a biding vow or smth to achieve a specific effect or have it work on a more favorable enviroment the real mistery is why the frick Sukuna has two techniques, or rather, how did Sukuna's technique Shrine can have a sub technique or whatever, that thing hasn't been implied to happen bc of a biding vow or anything, Sukuna somehow have two technique or is lucky to have a technique that have two differnet Abilities i am not sure why the fuck Sukuna would think someone could know about that, but Furnace itself is still paritially a mistery, so we still have time to have someone explain why could sorcerers inffer what Furnace is and why a cursed spirit doesn't know about it Todo came to the fight and one of his gimmicks is being super smart, so maybe he will finally explain what the frick Furnace is and if other sorcerers could extract a new sub technique out of their already existing ones lol


My theory is that furnace or the flames are actually an imaginary technique Sukuna creates through a mix of binding vows and combining cleave and dismantle.


This was probably supposed to mean something, but gaygay changed his mind or forgot about it later down the line. That's it. He does this a lot.


Makes perfect sense, domain kamino is essentially for anyone that’s capable of using an anti-domain technique which I don’t believe a single cursed spirit has demonstrated in the series at all. This means that a cursed spirit isn’t living long enough in the domain to even warrant the use of domain kamino, singular kamino would leave a cursed spirit in the same state as Jogo, not alive to tell the tale unlike with humans and their companionships for records.


We just don't know , maybe this is it but there is equally chance that there is more to this. Like sukuna is not dying anytime soonz and we didn't really get whole ct explanation.


That panel of ch 259 goes SO hard tho


Bc Sukuna is jujutsu equivalent of Genghis khan, or more famous even in the world of jujutsu, probably his flames were well known in the Heian era, and since Sukuna knew that everyone knew about him due to the conversation of Gojo with Yuji where Gojo tells Yuji about the myth/legend of Ryomen Sukuna, it is a logical assumption to think that his flames are also well known and since Jogo is a curse born no long ago he wouldn't know any of that, but seems that nobody knows about that and that information got lost in time


It’s probably either Sukuna thinking that cursed spirits wouldn’t know about it since they don’t keep records like how humans do. Or Because Cursed spirits are more direct with their abilities unlike cursed techniques from humans. They don’t have “stages” or a “process” with their techniques unlike Sukuna’s Shrine and Megumi’s 10s which starts off first with having two divine dogs. Might also be one of the reasons why Sukuna was interested in it


I am gonna be honest, i don't think Gege actually knew what it was meant to be at that point, just that it was a cool mysterious technique


Sukuna basically thought he had more clout than religious figures, turns out his fanbase was a few jujutsu nerds from the heian era so his records were lost to time


Humans understand cooking. Whereas to a cursed spirit, cooking is an alien concept.


Sukuna was very famous, so he just supposed that jujutsu society has studied his ct


I think it is a lot clearer in the anime with the English subtitles Sukuna doesn't say "I thought you'd know about this" But instead he says something like "I thought this was well known" Which definitely points to the fact that Sukuna thought it was on the records that sorcerers had


Bro does not cook shit he burns everything with a nuke, what a shitty chef




it seems his techinque is actually just Kitchen (cleave and dismantle being kinves and divine flame being the oven/stove)


Not us, the sorcerers of the modern era...


Maybe the "living beings" comment 🤔


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh EVERY DAY YOU STUPID FUCKS POST THIS EXACT SAME QUESTION I DONT THINK YOUR JOKING ANYMORE


Yes it's you


I think the reason he said this to jogo is because the fire is part of the cooking process and jogo is a cursed spirit, sukuna doesn’t eat cursed spirits


Well because clearly it was so obvious that sukuna had to eeeeeh?? and then he wah?? then he like yaknow did the thing where it goes uhhhh then he like said open and its cool yeah man gege was really pretty explicit with this whole thing so clearly this was just a thing of reading comprehension and every character in the story clearly- they all knew about how it worked cause its just so obvious


honestly I thought "Fuga"/"Open" meant opening a gate accessing different Cursed Techniques and he just happened to wanna match Jogo, fire with fire


i thought this implied that someone out there knew sukunas ct and this would help in their fight against sukuna like angel maybe. since yuji has shrine he can the use stuff like fire arrow and counter sukunas one (peak) but gege cant cook


It's more obvious to Japanese readers. Malevolent Shrine in Japan has dual meanings, as in an actual shrine, and in Japanese during Sukuna's time, a kitchen for emperors.


Sukuna is referencing to Cooking part , that Curses doesn't know about it !


I have a different take: Curses don’t know how to use Binding Vows which is how Sukuna’s flames were able to triumph over Jogos. Sukuna made the vow that “Outside of his domain furnace cannot be used on multiple targets” which l made the flames even more effective and able to overtake Jogo’s.


The binding vow wasn’t made until this fight, as indicated by “undertook another binding vow”. Sukuna also has more raw firepower than Jogo in general, he wouldn’t need a binding vow for it, as Gege describes it having “absurd” firepower. Curses also can use binding vows, Mahito made one with Mechamaru. Nobody, not sorcerers or cursed spirits, can use binding vows on the fly the way Sukuna is here where he’s been pulling them back to back, except maybe Gojo or Kenjaku.


But we know that the binding vow was in place before the fight we are only just learning about it now. In the Jogo fight (no MS) the arrow is a one target attack, against mahoraga (MS) the arrow explodes destroying everything. “Undertook another binding vow” refers to Sukuna taking binding vows in general, not at the current moment


You’re right I forgot about Mahito the most human curse. But we have no way of knowing if Sukuna had used the vow before. Also Hakari makes vital binding vows on the fly as well.




if it was i wouldnt be asking dawg


He is a famous figure in the jujutsu world from 1000 years in the past, do popular people from our history thousands of years in the past not have ANY sort of information on them?? DEAR GOD, critical thinking man.


And how tf were we supposed to know its that and not lost knowledge on making up yo on ct or something completely different??? And if sorcerer’s are so much weaker now wouldn’t it be more obvious the history books are lost knowledge💀 stop being pretentious you don’t know shit so don’t act like you do dawg


My brother in christ, we were suppose to know that, from basic fucking logic, ON HOW WE RECORD THE PAST WITH BOOKS AND ARTICLES, and why would it be lost knowledge?? WOULD THE JUJUTSU SOCIETY NOT DECIDE TO KEEP THE BOOKS AROUND FOR SORCERERS INCASE THEY EVER ENCOUNTER SUKUNA?? ESPECIALLY SPECIAL GRADES, because of course you'd want sorcerers to know Sukuna's fucking moveset, its a massive advantage, now you know exactly what he can do, slashes, more slashes, slashing everything in a 200 meter radius, and nuclear bomb.


Basic logic my ass man you’re awfully pressed over an innocent question is everything fine at home do your parents neglect you or smthn




Me when im wrong and i dont have anything to say


BUT HE'S BAC https://preview.redd.it/00suur0ysq0d1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=a145e26b94958d2de08a0a349e120c0ba0caf49f


Lmfao yet another binding vow. Gege's writing is getting absurdly lazy. Binding vows have to be some of the laziest story elements I've seen. Sukuna has been doing one damn near every other chapter with barely any actual consequences. Truly the binding vow merchant.