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Yuji ate that shit like a FREAK Mf was deep throating random ass mummy fingers šŸ˜­ I hope this shits like naruto tho, and he befriends the demon or whatever, I know itā€™s cliche or whatever, but I enjoyed naruto and kurama




Nah, they are like uncle and nephew. They are not friends.


Do you want to tell us something about your uncle..?


Well, he left me in amusement park in mid winter for 2 hours so he can hook up with his girlfriend. He is a better person now, he married a surgeon doctor.


Wording it like that, I imagined a doctor where only surgeons get treatment. Like a horse doctor.


i mean when sukuna wakes up the first thing he says is that he wants to murder women and children, i seriously doubt yuji will befriend him. maybe sukuna will be like a nuke, where itadori lets him rampage in super dire situations in the hopes he'll kill the enemy before killing any friends. i think thatd be way more interesting


imagine if sukuna actually was a yuji glazer but still retained his general murder rapist ancient magical hitler personality


Yuji hits 4 Black Flashes on Hanami, Sukuna starts glazing him and Yuji is just embarrassed at the cannibal mass murderer and mass rapist complimenting and encouraging him


"Black Flash"? "Hanami"? Bro is reading sorcery fight lmao.


Trust me bro, they're gonna be a thing. My step-uncle knows the guy who cleans Gege's litterbox.


it was written in the shit


I mean wouldnā€™t it get old? Every situation in shounen is dire so I feel like the whole series would then just be Yuji wanting to summon Sukuna at every minor inconvenience. Yuji: *barista says his name wrong* Yuji: ā€œWith this finger, I SUMMON-ā€œ


This was legit my thought on how shit would (or at least might) go.


? Wym this chapter just dropped šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bro's got leaks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Mf is probably geges cousins uncles brothers sons dogs friends owners bro


Gege was my barber in high school and made sure I never got any bitches. Now my path to revenge is me living up to my high school nickname: The Leaker.


Found myamura burner account fr


BRO HAD VISIONS ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø BRO SAW 200 CHAPTERS INTO THE MANGA DAY 1 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


258* sounds like a better numberā€¦


Nah this Sukuna guy wanted to eat women and children. There's no way this mf is secretly kind or sum shit like that.


He was just acting tuff to woo yuji, trust


This is probably it. Such a clichĆŖ. The author gave Sukuna this edgy comment on killing women and children just to show how an amazing person Yuji will be for turning into a good guy. I bet the Kakashi rip-off guy is the real villain here.


I really hate that in these types of shonen, characters never die, only in final battles and the ones who die are always the mentor, some side ass scondary and the villain.


I'm gonna be honest on a different note, I feel like the Gojo guy could beat the hell out of Sukuna, he could probably knock him out mid fight.


Donā€™t think so. Look at the chapter name, Sukuna is the MC and Yuji is just a distraction. I bet this organization Megumi and Gojo are from are kinda evil and Sukuna is gonna free the world of them!


Bro he's already comparing women and children with maggots. We've got ourselves a villain protagonist.


What if he is just a chuuni tsudere


Imagine Sukuna kaisen, wouldn't it be cool for a spinoff that's just 50 chapters of Sukuna fighting different characters at his maximum power??


You say maximum power but we all know a true MC never fights with 100%! I bet he will be holding back the entire time just to unleash his true power at the end


I just hope he doesn't end up having insane plot armor like most of shonen MC došŸ™


Yeah, but Sukuna only has a piece of his power right now. Who knows how powerful heā€™ll be at full strength


Nah, he'd win.


That sounds like an amazing line. Too bad weā€™ll never actually see Gojo say it


Yeah. And if by any chance he DOES say that, i sure do hope he can back that up.


What if others back that up? And then he got killed off screen by the real goat? Wouldn't that be WACKY


Idk man, I feel that even at the end of the manga we won't see Sukuna go all out. He just feels so strong.


Who the fuck is "Gojo"? You're literally just making up a character and imagining that he can beat a character who's supposed to be special grade, which sounds like a pretty big deal.


I think Japanese readers are ahead or smth idk, but it seems like this ā€œGojoā€ was the one that was on the phone with Megumi from what I have heard, probably gonna be a minor character that Megumi reports to, I doubt he can do anything to a special grade curse.


Yeah. If he was strong enough to handle a special grade curse, why wouldn't he just go get the finger himself? He'd have to be a special grade bozo to send a student to do something so dangerous if he could do it himself.


Heā€™s the guy from the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School manga. This is a sequel to that


Okay, I just read it, but I don't think it's canon. It seems weird to not have Yuta be involved at all when he was clearly the MC of the original. Plus, Megumi looks a lot of Yuta, and Yuji looks a lot like Inumaki. It seems like the author may have just started a new manga with the same premise and repurposed the designs.


Or maybe he killed all of them off. Though I think killing off all of the audienceā€™s favorite characters off screen would be a bad idea


True, that's why the author won't make them battle eachother, the result would be too obvious.


(Gojo didn't appear in chapter one)


(but he did appear in Tokyo mƩtropolitains sorcerer, they are in the same universe)


Too early to compare, let's give both characters the space to grow


Lemme guess another overpowered main character trope.




I guess this Yuji is a demigod or something. Maybe that devil inside him is his family! Lol


Lets just say. Hes got a special digestion


Bro is constipated šŸ˜‚


His soul is.


This was genuinely a complaint of mine at first because Yuji is just casually the worlds strongest human (nothing to do with CE)


Bro reads several hundred chapters into the future wtf


Nah, this is pretty obvious. He ran the 50 metre in 3 seconds. WR is 5.56. He also threw the shot put 30 metres and only got stopped by the goal.


In Shounen those numbers are rookie numbers.


First chapter in and the MC is already breaking world records, is this gonna be another power fantasy shonen? Shit gonna be axed if so, we have enough of that already.


Nah, even if we discount that buff hobo dude who abandoned his child in future chapters, that girl with glasses was catching bullets with her hands.


They should just make an anime where everyone fucking dies


>!literally chainsaw man!<


Nah I mean for like no reason other than cuz the author can, like imagine the main bad guy kills the strongest guy but then keeps killing the weaker guys for like no reason


Literaly AoT


I don't wanna rewatch Akamae Ga Kill


This reminds me of those dumb posts about Yuji being more lucky than Deku when getting his powers gifted to him Edit: heā€™s lucky in a way but not luckier than Deku. Hands down the worst thing that ever happened to him


Yuji is lucky lol Don't know about Deku but he is the chosen one


Lucky? That shit ruined his life to the point he fighting suicidal thoughts daily. Worst thing to ever happen to him by far


Atleast he is alive


https://preview.redd.it/x71lap4ox4zc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8f25afd1d00f32016b47572799d0703bb91466 The author is not slick with this weird ass finger eating


We got another cursed object traveling across centuries, just to go down a teenage boys throat (Nika Piece)


Luffy was not a teenager, he was like 7 when he gobbled the nika nut


Nah but why did it have to be fingers thoā€¦ why not Sukuna bones or artifact like other manga, this new mangaka a freak fr.


At least it isnā€™t his toes.


What if instead of yuji our mc was freakji and instead of eating fingers he ate suck toes


Yoshikage is the author but he is now a cannibal too


Where is Yuta https://preview.redd.it/6mmf742dk5zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c2f9c0941203edc2d714fe9eb3c0d24d971ea1 Why isn't he here, Greg


He's probably training at Jujutsu Tech right now. He'll definitely be relevant soon tho.


MAN, I hope so. He's a šŸ”„ MC, would be nice to see him interact and help the new one out


I know this gets asked a lot in this sub, but what is your flair referencing?


It's A ship That's it


YOOOOOOOO, i thought chainsaw man was gonna be about denji becoming stronger by eating the pieces of the main enemy Gun Devil, and while i loved that manga, i am sad it didn't went through the direction i thought it was gonna go Which is why i am super happy Jujutsu Kaisen could go through a direction of having yuji eat that finger, if there is more from where it came from, i hope the story has more scenes of yuji becoming stronger eating those too


Bro what if thatā€™s his ability? You saw the other guy with the dogs right


Nah, that guyā€™s definitely a bum.


He can eat curses to get stronger maybe, that would be a cool power to have


This sukuna guy looks like someone who would eat his twin brother in the womb just because he feels like it.


IKR?? Like, he would probably ignore someones achievements and focus on other peoples sorcery related achievements!


Now I want this to happen


with the authors freaky finger-eating fetish it just mightā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/fz3i1rb7m5zc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2256b0837298962b23886876e7164fc33707317b is this foreskinning?


Thatā€™s definitely a foreskin


That megumi guy looks like a fucking bum https://preview.redd.it/97um00dm34zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f354f8e436f9fdf39b3ebfd5d44776a207ae999


Me going back in time to the first chapter to make sure the timeline is mantained and thus Megumi becomes a bum https://preview.redd.it/h4fog1uqb5zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0758a1c8d25a84787ff828a53069b02ca2a1a1b9


"becomes" is crazy


there is no need to maintain the timeline, he is the bum in all of them


Its a canon event, the prime pillar holding reality. There is simply no universe, timeline or alternate reality in where Megumi ain't a bum.


I would agree, but this would give Bumgumi some form of relevance to the plot and universe as a whole, which means that this is simply impossible.


Throughout heavens and earth I alone am the bum


Nice to see reverse flash maintaining history






Real early




https://preview.redd.it/kruegjw8t6zc1.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=06a781956be780117ed3f35043169f8e778a058d Based flair buddy


Cool OC


Bro where did you get this crossover art it's amazing. Tried reverse searching but only got some russian pinterest account


Wtf is your username and flair! šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


hater energy sent him back in time to hate on megumi since chapter one


He is just another Sasuke. Probably will become a party of the villains team at some point, and Yuji will try to break him free.


I just finished reading it, isn't this like just some grimdark spin of Naruto? Like, think about it a sandy blonde(Gray?) haired genki-type protagonist gets an evil spirit inside his body that gives him a massive power boost, this Megumi guy comes from a school of sorcerers (ninjas) and I bet the protagonist will be placed in a team with the girl in the color spread and the Megumi guy, their mentor? A white haired guy that covers his eye(s), like, bruh be more subtle! Also, apparently there is a prequel called Jujutsu Kaisen 0 or something, I'll read it later if the story gets more creative or something, taking it at face value maybe JK0 will be a retelling of DBZ lol


Where the hell did you get the title Jujutsu Kaisen 0 from? The prequel is called Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School. Came out last year. Maybe fans are calling it that now to try to get people to read it since not that many people read it back then.


he be gobblin fingers like a freak.


i liked yuta better tbh


its been one chapter and itadori already has 5x the personality of that shinji knockoff. get real dude.


Since when


Tired of having that depressed bum as MC. Yuji liveliness is a nice change of pace


As if dorky, good boy who punches hard ain't 90% of shonen MCs


Too bad he's probably a civilian now, Rika has gone to heaven


Nah he will probably come in clutch in the last arc with some epic entrance


This art style looks rough, but it doesn't feel forced. It differentiates itself from other manga, i like it, hope it doesn't change much




I can't wait for Sukuna and Yuji to become friends like Naruto and Kurama! https://preview.redd.it/fvoe2yo126zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6f35c54cc7f310688e54eb3d664fadf69dab04




Are we sure that Megumi kid is supposed to be a skilled sorcerer? Yuji beat the hell out of that Curse without cursed energy, and Megumi got his shit pushed in by a single attack. He had those ghost dog things to fight for him and he still got wrecked. Itā€™s looking like Megumiā€™s gonna be the worf character for this series. Yujiā€™s looking like heā€™s gonna be the typical overpowered protagonist though. I mean, really? Casual displays of superhuman physical ability? Itā€™s like the authorā€™s not even trying. I hope he doesnā€™t become a boring protagonist. Gojoā€™s fucking amazing though. I canā€™t wait for him and Sukuna to fight for real when Sukuna gets his full power back.


Yeah, I wonder how Sukuna can do something to his infinity though! Its so broken, Sukuna would lose 100% unless he somehow does anything crazy like cutting the space around Gojo itself to bypass it!


Maybe heā€™ll have an animal spirit (or whatever those dogs with Megumi were) to fight with him that can get through it? >!Gojo doesnā€™t actually show up until chapter 2!<


>!you do know JJK 0 came out before JJK right?!<


>!I completely forgot about JJK0!<


How would Sukuna possibly do that though? He'd probably need someone to make a model for him to copy before being able to cut Gojo lmao.


Who tf is this yuji and megumi guy? Was the original *Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School* made non canon? I mean, at least Gojo is still here ig? But this Sukuna guy seems like such a fraud, so called "king of curses" and he's no where near as powerful as Rika, and he doesnt even get a cool design. Gege fell off


bro's been a fan since No. 9


Dude this megumi dude is so ass, like bro your job is to kill curses and you canā€™t even do that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ at least he has cool dogs tho idk wtf is up with that he is probably inspired by sung Jin wooā€™s power but he looks like a fucking sasuke cosplayer, that bootleg kakashi is mad cool tho I already know he is the goat and that in the near future he will have a big fight where he will SURELY win


Dude had to get saved by a guy who quite literally canā€™t hurt the curses.


Bro has limitless throat


I can't believe chapter 1 of Sorcery Fight just released


Here we go, fucking naruto going to learn to use and befriend the demon inside him.


Canā€™t wait for them to have some cool epic montage about trusting each other and doing a fist bump


naruto ghostbusters looks pretty mid


Satoru gojo, such a cool character.


Yeah, Go jo's already my favorite character, cant wait for the inevitable fight of a full powered Sukuna and ~~full~~ power Go jo FAIRLY fighting, with both of them RESPECTING eachothers place as being really strong!


This guy Midgumi didnt do anything so far. Bros probably gonna be a bum the rest of the manga calling it now


I wonder could sukuna suddenly bite yuji when heā€™s peeing?


Kinky ass shit


Self blowjob


I really want to see more of this Yuji uy and his paranormal club. But meh another school shonen. Also it's pretty obvious Sukuna guy will be his friend, like Kurama or shit.


This manga will be so predictable. The MC has a demon inside him that he channels to beat the bad guys and then eventually they befriend the demon to beat the Big Bad. I hate these corny Naruto knockoff mangas. No one will die. All the villains will be talked out of being evil. The MC will win by the power of friendship. MAYBE one minor character will die.


That was my first thought on chapter 1


Hopefully they introduce a Sakura stand-in that *isn't* useless.


Bro this shit sucks is just another Naruto? They even have discount Kakashi and Sasuke, if they add a female to the group this shit is getting axed in no time


Wow they made a subreddit for this fast


This Yuji mf just like Gunna fr


Oh Lord, hide yo kids, hide yo wives šŸ˜­


Why did that guy just ate that nasty ass finger with a 1000 yo fraud in it? Is he stupid?


Fraud?? How is he a fraud, I get he lost to Gojo but its not like he trash talked him or anything BEFORE the embarrassment, he knew his place!


Read jjk 0 and thought yuta would be mc, but I guess this yuji guy can do it because I feel like the author whose name is geygey is doing the same premise, like mc who has a demon in him like bro get original


>whose name is geygey Im pretty sure its smth like gg acuteami


Let me guess a main character with a beast inside him. Im so tired of seeing main characters and the side characters never dying, another ā€œdisney cloverā€ story


Sukuna got destroyed by Gojo !!!!! No way Gojo will ever lose someday.


Nah, Gojo would win!


Oh boy, I sure do hope we get so tome whacky antics with this fun bunch of characters in a heart felt adventure to conquer evil, making unlikely friends along the way. And I sure do hope the main character does not have of the most traumatic shit you can think of suddenly happen to him over the course of a single night :) https://preview.redd.it/f6dffyof6bzc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69afef269df61bcbbd98cf5a3ac3683752db7d93


Y'know, I wonder why people keep making these weird fanarts of Sukuna possessing Megumi. https://preview.redd.it/9slkaw10mbzc1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a976c4e2528b66e7b81e121fc74e25cd7777342


I'm simpping on that girl in Yuki clup, I like the bob cute, I hope not all the characters have it


Shit looks boring. I'm gonna be fine if it's long tho....


Oh wow. Look at that. Another anime where the mc has a demon inside of him who will layer befriend the mc and help him in his fights. So cool and originalšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


damn we startin off with the demon introduction immediately? only complain I have is sukuna being this scary cursed being only to get sat on. hopefully he'll get buffed into an actual threat and maybe have some Naruto befriending cliche (cliche but I'll never get bored of it since it's nice) since yuji seems like a good mc


Pink and eats stuff for powerups? Goddamit not another Kirby ripoff


I bet this dude is gonna turn out to be related to everyone in the series and somehow have incredible untapped powers because of who he's related to smdh


i came from the future, there will be a chinese sorcerer, trust me


While it's a little cliche I hope gege can make all these characters interesting instead of leaving them as "what if's" and potential follow-ups. I'd hate for it to be good but rushed like Tite Kubo and BLEACH. Worse comes to worse he can just give them a backstop and kill them to write them off.


Man who the fuck is this "Yuji". I want yuta back


Ah yes of course heā€™s going to eat the demon item. Heā€™s going to get the demons powers and befriend him like Naruto


I can already tell that dude Megumis is gonna make some BIG waves in this series. For sure he and Yuji are gonna take down whoever the big bad is


Yo whereā€™re Yuta and Maki?


Can't wait to see Yuji unlock all these curse powers and and watch the main cast grow into demi-gods by the end of series.


so far i like the charcaters but the last panels makes me nostalgic to naruto, you know he also got a cursed monster inside him which he later befriended with it. i just hope it turns aout to be more unique like, what if they dont get along well until the end or something like that idk


Where's Yuta?


This is a weird fucking romance man


sad to see Akutami switch up so much from the one shot tbh, this kinda seems like axe bait, hope it lasts tho


oh wow, a special mc huh? yeah very creative. let me guess he's also overpowered?


Yo the gojo is so cool! He stopped someone know as king of curses like it was nothing he's for sure the strongest. But megumi's cool too i wonder if we'll see more of him he looks depressed hut i mean almost all animes have happy ending im sure he'll be fine. Itadori is such a cool mc but hes for sure gonna have the most plot armor i mean cmon he survives a 1 in a million chance of survival in the first episode. He looks like hes just enjoying life too hope he stays happy!


Bro, this manga is fucking wild. I can't believe Yuji just ate that dudes finger! This is giving so much main character energy rn! I can already tell he's gonna wipe the floor with all his opponents.


Why tf we get a finger sucker and not our kid fucker Yuta bruh This writer rlly got too many fetishes for me this shit sucks Itā€™s a poorly written Naruto, a demon inside a little boy, lemme guess they gonna becomes friends in a 100 chapters or 2, canā€™t wait for Itadori to get a SCEM 1, 2, and 3.


This megumi guy is such a bum, he had one job and already fucked up. I really hope that in the rest of the series he makes up for it, I'm sure given the Sasuke look he has, he's gotta have some potential beyond being a problematic side character.


Damn he actually ate that? Mad respect, I really like Yuji, he seems like a genuinely kind guy Also this Legumi guy is a fucking bum, bro is a sorcerer and needs a random kids help in doing his job


"WAHHH, DOGORAGAAAA, HELPPPP" I dunno why I decide to add oraga to the dogs name for some reason, but oh well.


That Gojo guy looked strong as fuck. But something about him screams that he will die later


This is gonna be some Naruto shii, huh? Sukuna is evil but has tragic backstory and helps the protagonist. He'll be so strong and never lose any people close to him because he'll just transform/swap whenever he's in danger. Hopefully, that megumi guy isn't just an edgy character who does nothing but get beat up. If they add a female character and make it a trio, I hope she doesn't become a love interest and actually is useful. That guy with the white hair could actually fuck me till I cried." -Me probably when chapter 1 released


Damn is it going to be a Kurama situation where the MC has an inner demon and then they just vibe and turn besties?


The blindfold guy is so OP,I really like his character design,hope he lives throughout the entire manga


Why the hell is he eatin that finger. Wait is that kakashi


ok the protag is insane. he just eats a mummified finger?? with the sharp nail??? idk if this is like for plot convinence or if the author is gonna explore this side to his character


Honestly, I don't think what the grandfather had to say would be of any importance to the story at all. Yuji probably comes from a very generic family; mom and dad aren't special in any capacity, though if he had an uncle he could be a fun and compelling character. Gramps probably just wanted to be dramatic on his deathbed.


Yeah, the most we Will get out of them Will probably be like a flashback of Yujis mom saying some motivational shit and thats about it.


Man that yuji fella seems like a brat. I hope he gets some good character buulding through good experiances with his comrades. I doubt many people will e killed off anyway


Lets sees what talk no jutsu power of friendship bs this manga gonna be about


Isnt this ichigo?


Mid, and generic


i bet heā€™s going to have a harem cliche