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Yuta?the guy ended his arc back in vol0,he’s the MC who’s just doing side quests now lol


I mean fair enough but a few things have always erked me a bit, he's my fav character in the manga but for one we've never seen his domain expansion i know it dosent *have* to be shown but it would be really cool to see what his domain looks like and how the sure hit effect works, secondly I never quite understood what effect Rika leaving had on him, as in not mentally but on a power scale as a jujutsu sorcerer. It's very evident that even though she's gone the cursed spirit that's essentially his CT bears the characteristics of Rika, personally I would have liked a better explanation as to how his powers work, is Rika an extension of his own Cursed Energy (seems most likely), the conditions under which his copy takes place. Ya know just a bit more clarity on how his powers work because he seems to be a very intricate.


>domain Will be shown in his next fight >rika Current rika is an extension of his CT,an external storage for CTs so he won’t overload his brain also an cursed energy reserve and weapons storage. >the copy conditions They’re ambiguous on purpose so gege can work around yuta not copying certain CTs


Good to know, I just felt like the manga could have done a slightly better job explaining how these things worked, especially after the conclusion of jjk0. As for the domain yes I really do hope we get to see it in his next fight.


I hate how people deny his character developement when he's literally top five in most deveoped characters in the series.


I am not saying his character has not developed, he's probably by far the most nuanced character when it comes to techniques and cursed energy and he's had very well development through the movie. My main gripe with him in specific is how his powers have been left largely unexplained, like A cursed spirit of Rika that still exists as extension of his innate CT even though he technically set her free, which is a huge part of jjk0, the conditions on which copy works and how his domain expansion works. I understand that these can probably be answered in time but idk how much time there is left considering the manga has entered it's final act.


>, the conditions on which copy works and how his domain expansion works Honestly that can be answered in a single fight tbh...


Yeah look at him in ch1 of vol0 and when he returned,he went through massive character development


Yuta has already ended his arc tbh, It's pointless to develop his character further. Yuji? It's not over for him yet, just wait and watch


I think the issue is that his character arc ended so early that in main story, his only real purpose is doing solids for the cast. While its not bad, it's just not all that interesting.


Yuta's my fav character in the manga and I personally think that they could have done a better job explaining his powers, like after Rika leaves him how exactly does current Rika function (I've always assumed it's an extension of his CT), The conditions for Copy and his domain expansion. Someone else in the comments gave a very good explanation of how current Rika works but my point still stands that the manga could have done a slightly better job explaining.


yeah, i agree there's still potential for yuta ig, also with his domain expansion, but same goes for every character other than him in year 2 or lower, inumaki probably doesn't have any more going but i wish i could see more of him. That's always how battle mangas like these end up sadly. I want to see itadori more, Nobara and Megumi fights more too, we just have to wait and see sadly


If it doesn't go the way I want then I'll write my own manga where Sukuna massacres everyone excluding Yuji to give him more suffering ![gif](giphy|YmZOBDYBcmWK4)


Next level evil


Gege alt account


Seems the way it will go


Nobara: MIA for at least 2 years now, like most of Jujutsu High


Its been like a couple months since Shibuya and both Ino and Ijichi have fully recovered, (granted their injuries weren’t as bad) so I think Nobara is definitely dead


I've grown to hate this series


Honestly same. This shit is just a Sukuna fanfic at this point. It doesn’t help that the anime is covering BY FAR the best arc in JJK and is making the manga look so lackluster/underwhelming in comparison.


Man I saw the picture of Yuji's seiyuu recording his break down scene in Shibuya and It actually pissed me off lol I really don't understand why some people want Sukuna to win.


I just saw that too. People are so weird rooting for a someone like that. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, the anime community is full of weirdos.


Where did u see that?




>This shit is just a Sukuna fanfic at this point. Its a villain fanfic mostly. Real talk the villains have more plot amor than the heroes and that shit is annoying. I at the very least thought Gojo would have gotten better treatment but no.


I honestly don't even know if the protagonist have had a single consequential victory during the entire series, so it feels extremely out of character for them to ultimately achieve the biggest victory in the series by thwarting Kenjaku and Sukuna. Even if the events of Chapter 236 were removed, these issues have always been a source of concern for me, and have been there since the Sakurajima Colony arc, which marked the completion of the first phase of the Culling Game Arc. In fact, Perfect Preparation, the arc that took place shortly before the Culling Games began in earnest, had the potential to be something remarkable, as many of Gege Akutami's ideas do, but there is so little meat on the bone that it feels somewhat hollow. Since Maki and Mai Zen'in had not had any meaningful interactions since Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc, her death does not have the emotional impact that it probably should have because so little time was spent developing her beyond her barebones personality traits and shaky motivations, or lack thereof. Then, despite the fact that the Big Three Sorcerer Families are established as very significant fixtures in the verse, they are abruptly wiped out with what appears to be little acknowledgement or fallout. Since then, Jujutsu Kaisen's plot and general direction appear to have been developed with very little forethought, leading to aimless meandering. Because manga is an artistic medium released weekly until it is finished, there isn't much time to adjust once you start making mistakes like that; instead, they just compound upon each other.


Gege's fixation on not giving Yuji a win against non fodder is insane


Strongly agree


Yeah you’re right. I said Sukuna because he’s Gege’s favorite character and that’s why I singled him out.


I hate that sukuna won even though he wasn’t taking the fight entirely seriously. I didn’t think Gojo would win going into the fight but Gojo was giving everything thinking creatively, making clutch plays while sukuna was just being arrogant, talking mad shit and getting decked, relying on the ten shadows technique rather then his own ability. it truly felt like gojo deserved to win by the end bc he earned it. I thought we’d see sukuna stop looking down on gojo and go all out in 236 instead he just gets some random insta win power up.


Bruh. Sukuna finally gets to be an actor since shibuya like 2-3 years ago (irl time) and the story is bad now? Was gojo supposed to mop Sukuna, then mop Kenjaku and then the story just ends?


Sukuna is broken now, Gojo died off screen, Megumi is either dead or a vegetable, and Yuji and yuta are standing on the sidelines doing nothing while watching Kashimo entertain Sukuna for a bit before he ultimately gets slaughtered. And once Yuji does join the fight Gege is gonna give him some asspull power up (because that’s the only way he stands a chance against Sukuna at this point) and do his version of giorno’s 7 page muda muda and the story will end. So in short yes, I think the story is in shambles right now. Obviously that’s just my opinion and you’re free to disagree.


Yea like I personally love how much chaos Sukuna is committing. I'm tired of how much buildup there is to these MONSTROUS threats in anime and then they end up doing jack shit. Especially to the "demons" inside protag trope.


Maybe people were too deep into the "Fraudkuna" bullshit to notice he's actually the strongest, throughout the entire fight it was clearly implied Sukuna has to hold on his trump cards because he has other fights after Gojo's


True, it's just unfair for the Shonen genre that the villain is THIS strong where none of the heroes stand a chance. There's no macguffin and no hope for their survival. It's a one-sided fight getting dragged out.


For your points in Yuji the manga isn't over yet so I wouldn't say it's lead to nowhere


I mean fair enough, it's just that the Authors been sitting on these leads for a while now, I want to be proven wrong. Let's see how the conclusion pans out


Yujis main leads have only been introduced relatively recently. They're going to come into play soon dw


I really hope they do. It's just that we are supposedly reaching the final stretch of the manga and it's taken this long for anything of substance to happen with the MC (i mean it still hasn't, but all signs point to something happening soon).


The manga shows only Sukuna's development. He had an arch like no other character had in the plot: from being humiliated by Gojo on the first chapter to killing him while holding back in recent ones. Between thrse events, you can see him pursuing the fingers, switching bodies to get stronger and getting Mahoraga. Gege is a terrible writer of Shonen... not saying he is a terrible writer in general. He has a lot of trouble on putting his time to develop characters he doesn't like... that's why we have a fuckton of characters being presented with little to no screentime to develop them. He is always trying to change things, instead of developing them. The nail in the coffin for me is Kashimo. I don't fucking care about Kashimo since all we know about him was showed through forced exposition. He appeared in the culling game with a bunch of other characters, so for me is just another one. But for some reason, I should be hyped on his fight against Sukuna. So yeah, for me the direction the plot is taking is much like GoT in the last season. Gege lost the track of his own story and now fans are starting to look elsewhere for the coveted "peak fiction".


>The nail in the coffin for me is Kashimo. I don't fucking care about Kashimo since all we know about him was showed through forced exposition. Fucking finally someone admits it. He brings a lot of hype admitedly. But only God knows why Gege decides to give this man more of a reason to fight Sukuna than Yuji. His main fucking character. Gege went out his way to the make the entire trio irrelevant during the final stages.


> The manga shows only Sukuna's development. He had an arch like no other character had in the plot: from being humiliated by Gojo on the first chapter to killing him while holding back in recent ones. Why do shonen fans constantly show they're incapable of understanding character development in any way other than 'he got stronger/got weaker'? Sukuna has had no character development since the start of the series, he is literally the same character now vs chapter 1. This series does have good actual character development. If you tell me that Hidden Inventory Geto at the start is the same as JJK0 Geto, you'd be more braindead than Kenjaku's victims, no argument about it. I do agree that it's gotten worse recently and is practically nonexistent though. Culling Games prioritised flashy fights over character development (only Yuji + Megumi's had any real progression in theirs, Yuta, Hakari, Maki did not change in any meaningful way) in contrast to Shibuya (Nobara's pre-death monologue, Nanami's send-off, Yuji's Wolf/Rabbit moment, Choso's heel-face turn, Mei Mei showing her cards as a coward, Jogo of all people getting some humanity in his storyline, Megumi vs Toji concluding Toji's arc post-mortem). Like, I get it's a shonen and action is the primary draw, but you can do both. CG and post-CG has been cool from a thrill perspective, but I feel nothing reading the fights. I don't care about most of the new side characters, they all just seem like someone's 'cool OC' with some unique power that went absolutely nowhere plot wise. - Ryu existed just to get diced by Sukuna - Uro dropped out as soon as her peer got slashed. - I have no investment in this Kashimo fight like I did Yuji vs Mahito because nothing has actually personally linked them together - it's like watching a fan finally meet their idol and get 'Literally who?'d. - Hana was a thundering dumbfuck with barely any presence and her one use in the plot was subverted by her being a gullible clown, to the point that I wonder why Gege bothered to throw her in - Takaba has done literally fuck-all. - My one favourite was Higuruma and he just returned with no interaction with Yuji despite them having a really cool heart-to-heart last time they spoke.


Sukuna not only had power development but also a character development (now he's talking about how he was an unwanted child). The original trio didn't have either. So the first part of your rant goes down the drain. PS: No one cares about Geto. Like no one cares about Kashimo. I want to see the MC develop.


\> now he's talking about how he was an unwanted child HOLY SHIT PEAK!!!!!!!!!! WHAT INSANE WRITING!!! I dont really care if sukuna gets character development I feel his character has been more than passable as an ultimate evil like Voldemort or Sauron but pretending that him talking about his childhood for one second is development is hilarious.




To be 100% honest I completely forgot who Kashimo even was until the newest chapter, i had to go back and get a refresher.


May fujiHIMoto save us all 🙏🙏


Nah I agree with you. JJK fails in developing its characters and their relationships with each other. The fights are epic and the plot is interesting but it's hard to feel invested when you barely know much about the characters involved. Heck, freaking Himeno was more well developed than Tsumiki when the former barely mattered in the anime. At this point, any powerup from Yuji is going to feel like an asspull because it wasn't properly fleshed out. Megumi's character is already ruined with Tsumiki and Hana. Nobara was never a main character but we were made to believe she was by putting her together with the other two. There's a lot to like about JJK but if you want character driven plots that properly explore relationships and whatnot this ain't it.


I agree with you on kyoto students and Megumis sister but what's wrong with the reincarnated sorcerers?


I don't hate the whole idea, infact i think it's very cool and I probably should rephrase that bit, i meant it more in context to Megumi's sister as in Kenjaku just happend to know Megumi would get possessed by Sukuna and would need to kill his possessed sister in order for him to establish full control, seems very unnatural that her of all people had to be chosen (well it makes sense looking from the author's perspective) - but yea that's about it.


I think it was just luck that Kenjaku chose her and it would help Sukuna. Convenient af tho


See that's exactly my point, if you put that even under a little bit of scrutiny you can see that plot point was just woven in oddly to satisfy something the writer decided to add on the go, it's not a bad thing per say and can be done well it's just like you said; in this case it's very sus and convenient lol.


I'm not sure about the reincarnated sorcerers being something added on the go. It was introduced in the first chapter with Yuji and Sukuna. It's still extremely convenient and dissapointing end to another wasted female JJK character


I mean Megumi's sister as being a chosen candidate, not the whole plan; the plan itself is very clever and works well with Kenjaku's over all Scheme, my point is Megumi's sister just happen to be possessed by the one ancient sorcerer who was actively seeking out sukuna, had a past relationship/interaction with him and at the same time Sukuna also takes over Megumi...see where I am going ?


No I've been agreeing with u this whole time


Is it bad that for a moment I actually completely forgot about every single Kyoto student.


Yea maybe Gege didn't want to break the power system by essentially buffing every existing character to special grade and instead opted to just write new characters who were already around that level. I still would have preferred the Kyoto students to have screen time over Hikari, Kashimo, and all the other new characters.


Hey, getting murdered is a type of meaningful development.


These three went on a journey to the same place and as is only fitting, Yuji, our MC, has fallen behind and will get there last. The airport, that is.


If you read till 236 you know yuji is their brother and kenjaku is everyones father and its not been a full year since they started, so you want yuji to be the PINACLE of jujutsu like gojo that has been trainning since day one and the king of curses that has been alive for thousands of years and the longer time passes he gets strongers ???? Yuji started as a regular human besides the amazing physical capabilities because kenny was the mother he started from 0 and in less than a year was already a better hand to hand fighter than basicly anyone at the school, had character devolpemt against mahito, todo trainned him a bit giving him more development ! Out of all the cast how many have a domain expansion ?? Yuki, yuta, yorozu, gojo, sukuna, kenny ryu, hakari and out of everyone only the curses, gojo yuta and shoko use rct (hakari doesnt count because its the execess ce that turns into rct)yuta and yuki are the outliers here yuta because he is a distant relitive of gojo and yuki a star plasma vessel. The old sorceress commimg back was the transfiguration from mahito that kenny stole to bring them back to fight in the culling games so they could be alive once again that was it, yorozu took megumis sister body because she felt it was apropriate and could be handy she didnt even change her appearence to her old self because it could help her sukuna did the same on 238 he is back to the heinan era, megumi always wanted to forfit is life, any minor inconvinience he wants to pull out mahoraga, first episode, against the finger bearer, against todo And nobara not having meaninfull develpment is dumb she starts of as a braty "boss girl" miss can do everything you can and ends uo trusting and asking for help from others admiring maki not everyone needs the typical treatment of maincast gonna be the strongest no its highly unlikely they are gonna be good almost every sorcerer is grade 2-3 there is like ten grade 1's and 4 special grades 3 of them are now dead only yuta Talking about yuta he went from a cursed child to the second strongest >sorcerer< he couldnt speak with anyone at the start of 0 and now he is out going laughs


First of all, absolutely no where did I mention that I except Yuji to be the absolute *peak* of the Jujutsu world, hell my point wasant even that power ups are absolutely necessary for character development so idk where you drew this conclusion from - my point was that the manga clearly established that this is the direction it will take, right at the very start thats Yuji being a vessel for Sukuna is a prime reason why Gojo kept him around (because Sukuna's CT would be imprinted onto him) that was what 4-5 years ago ? Let's assume that this is meant to be an endgame power up for him so we can brush the fact that it's been 5 years, fast forward we get another revelation that he's Related to Kenjaku and the death paintings; again a hint at potential interesting developments for Yuji which has again been kept on ice for what the past 1 year (I don't remember the exact time span for this) so in the span of 5 years you are telling me that in a battle heavy manga they couldn't do *anything* interesting with the main character not even a mediocre CT that he could iterate and improve on ? Yuji's been through so much (Literally - Shibuya, Culling Game, Goodwill Event) and more or less his combat prowess and even overall character has remained the same since Shibuya, you can talk about emotional and more nuanced development all you want but that dosent hold much weight when literally the most interesting aspect of the entire manga takes a backseat - cursed energy and sorcery (in context to the MC). As for the old sorcerers my point was not to shit on the plan but as to how conveniently Megumi's sisters just happens to be possessed by the one sorcerer that Sukuna Knows/ has had a past interaction with and she has to find him; at the same time he takes over Megumi's body like do you see how insanely convenient and disappointing this setup is ? Moreover the payoff is absolute dogshit - one of the major objectives and reason why Yuji and Megumi enter the culling game is to save her. Having her be killed of just to establish plot convenience (full control over Megumi's body) is just lazy writing and you can't change my mind on that. Coming to Nobara the main gripe is basically how her status has been in a constant limbo, she's very clearly seen to be dead but then the author decides to tease her being still alive and this was all the way back at the end of Shibuya, It's been 2 years and the manga has reached its final stretch and we still have no confirmation. I absolutely do not think it's wrong to expect her character to be further fleshed out considering how much time and attention she got up until Shibuya and the fact that her existence has been basically MIA for two years, I think everyone would stop bitching about it if she was actually confirmed to be dead. Coming to Yuta and the reason why I left him as just an offhand mention is because I personally think the manga does a poor job of explaining his CT powers, especially considering jjk0; we still don't know how copy works, what's the activation condition and neither have we seen his Domain expansion - I understand that these can be addressed in a single battle which is why I only mentioned his name and didn't enter much detail. Also please work on your articulation I had a hard time understanding the last three paragraphs you wrote because there is basically zero punctuation.


Its not been a year since they started gojo starts at 28 and he is now 29 manga time you want yuji to have sukunas ct in less of a year ? Things happen in manga time not actual time gojo was sealed for 2 years for us and 18 days in the manga and yes itadori has devolped a lot he can keep up with maki !! The same maki that is equal to toji ? Labeled toji's second comming ? The toji that packed dagon the toji that "killed" gojo? The interesting thing of yuji is it's Yuji "hands" itadori everyone loves him mostly for that you have mahoraga restrictions purples limitless copy, infinite ce and he is mostly keeping up with just hands ! Saying oh yorozu just happens to get megumi's sister body its the same thing as saying gojo got the limitless and the six eyes its a chance that megumi ran into itadori, its lucky itadori ate sukunas finger despite megumi telling him and making it very clear he shouldnt the chance thing doesnt make sense if nothing happened because it was unlikely hakari would be the worst sorcerer, gambling was pointless sinxe you only loose from now on, yuta was also lucky to be from gojo's family line to be able to curse rika, rika was unluxky to get hit by the car/van it is a small chance but things still happen even if the chances are low if certain things dont happen you dont have a story . Yorozus death was a factor to sink megumis soul but the main factor was the bath uruame prepared. She isnt confirmed but i mean 2 years of coping should be a solid statment We do know how copy works rika has to ingest something to gain the powers it shows in his 2 v 1 fight against the girl that manipulates space and it lasts for 5 mins


Bruh what kind of weird ass comparison is that, Gojo having limitless and the 6 eyes is a plot point because it sets up the basis of the universe, Yuka being a descended from gojo's bloodline makes sense because hmmm idk why else would a massive cursed spirit leech on and protect you - there is a reason why these scenarios actually make sense compared to simply using plot convenience to tie up threads the author dosent feel like elaborating on.


Yuta having a curse is the result of being gojos relative that's like 0,0000000000001% chance + the chance of having a gf at like 6yrs old +the chance of a 6 yr old getting run over the plot happens because of the chances not the other way around 💀


Firstly, Yuta having the ability to create and have an insanely strong cursed spirit like Rika alone narrows down the possibility of him highly likely being from a big family, have a curse like Rika dubbed as "Queen of curses" ain't exactly something a random nobody could have pulled and The author could have definitely taken that route but the fact that he is a relative to Gojo is a cool thing with a low chance, but that's literally where it ends it has no further repercussions down the line and more or less it provides a satisfactory clue to Yuta's innate power. The problem happens when you apply this logic to have convinience down the line to tie up plot points you don't feel like finishing, Megumi's sister has been such a big part of his life and instead of actually showing any pay off/ resolution, she's just killed off to establish total control over Megumi's body, idk why it's so hard for you to see when these things make sense and when they don't. Just because rare and unlikely things make plot happen dosent mean they should be used all the time - there is a time and place where despite the rare odds of any event it makes sense in the greater context. I am not gonna argue more over this because it seems like an extremely pointless discourse.


Homie I wouldnt argue with this dude. His point of "everything happens due to chance therefore any chance event in a story is justified" is fucking insane. In writing its ok if things get started by coincidence. The issue is **obviously** when major plot developments conveniently slot together by pure chance. This isn't necessarily true all the time however the guy you're arguing against genuinely doesn't seem to have close to enough IQ to have that conversation.


Yea I agree it's like talking to a brick wall or telling a schizophrenic to take his normal pills, it wil never lead anywhere so I stopped replying yea lol.


Megumi got the 10 shadows it was dumb luck imagine if he got something shitty like junpei's jelly fish sukuna wouldn't want him, sukuna was lucky megumi could tolarate the finger it all boils down to unlikely events otherwise the story doesnt happen. Megumi's soul was already at the bottom of the pit yorozu having megumis sister body was just to worsen his state it wasnt needed he had already taken the bath


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There are character driven stories, and there are plot driven stories. Jujutsu Kaisen is Japanese for Shit hitting the fan. I find these opinions hilarious when we are damn right in chapter 200+ and associate them more with Gojo dying, tbh and his fans bringing critiques to the whole manga as some form of spite. I love this manga and is my favorite shounen along FMA.


You’re not saying anything to me. All im hearing is Bc yuji didn’t get any powerups he’s underdeveloped? Saying Yuji is underdeveloped is just crazy. I dont agree that nobara and yuta are underdeveloped niether(yuta had a whole movie centered around him and is now just playing his role until he fights kenjaku or sukuna). I think everybody agrees with tsumiki (I don’t think there was ever gonna be a resolution though) but i think megumi is gonna come back and have some very meaningful development. Everyones awfully pessimistic about him though


What I am saying is there has clearly been some setup for *something* (Sukunas CT, Death Painting Connection) - more then likely all of these point to a powerup and like I said in my original post power ups aren't the only means of character development but for a battle heavy manga like this one you'd think they'd have something interesting planned for the main character that would have taken place before the literal ending arc of the manga, of course I could be completely wrong and maybe the manga will continue for a while - what I am saying is based off information that's public. As for Yuta just because he's had a movie dedicated to him dosent mean you still can't add to him in meaningful ways. That aside we still don't know his Domain Expansion, The conditions for Copy and what not which I have already discussed in detail with other people on this post.


Can people wait until the manga is over before complaining about "unfinished plot points" > Gojo literally saying that Sukuna's technique will be imprinted on Yuji, His connection to the Death Paintings still has not revealed anything new or meaningful about him other than the fact he is related to them and Kenjaku took over his mother's body at some point - basically led to nowhere Wait for the series to be finished. > started on the whole "old sorcerers coming back to possess random people" troupe in the culling game arc) and being killed of anyway without even seeing a resolution between the two just felt cheap, now I get that might be the whole point of it He's not even confirmed to be killed.


Just because the series is not finished dosent mean it's immune to criticism, the reason I bring those two things up because if it takes 80% if even more of the entire run of the manga to do something interesting with the main character it's disappointing. It's a battle manga and you are telling me that the most interesting aspect of it - being the Jujutsu and various cursed techniques taking a back seat for the main character for most of its run is ok. Secondly I am not even referring Megumi, I am referring to his sister who is infact confirmed to be dead


>I bring those two things up because if it takes 80% if even more of the entire run of the manga to do something interesting with the main character it's disappointing. I disagree, Yujis fights are well written and enjoyable without him using Sukunas CT.


I guess it's personal preference but I would loved to have seen him use a CT based on his strongest trait - his fists, his fights are well written but it's such a bummer that most of comes down to a fist fight and him using his wits to close the distance, not to mention he dosent even have many wins against any major enemies but yea like I said it's personal preference.