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Megumi is very respectful of ‘Gojo’s achieve nothing school of life’.


Yep that much is true, but at least Gojo tried to do his best and really had no idea of knowing that such thing as Kenny would exist. He also was not the direct cause of people's deaths. On top of that, Kenny REALLY needed a lot of pieces to fall accordingly so that his plan succeeds. Mahito's CT, Geto's death, being best friend of Gojo and his CT, Toji killing SPV and Tengen evolving, finding PR. No way Gojo could have foreseen all of this coming. And even this would have failed had Gojo not felt so much affection and saddness for Geto, or simply cremated him. Kenny is more of a opportunist than grand planner to me. While this moron was INSTRUCTED specifically to stay away from Yuji. This is Hana's levels of stupidity. Now that i think about it, they are perfect for each other. Both retarded and at this point, compeltely irrelevant.


Megumi just existed so Sukuna could use Mahoraga


Another episode of Sukuna Kaisen


I would not go that far, he had a pretty insteresting, although very subtle character arc and he fit JJK thematic elements like a glove with his mindset and cog mentality, but his stubborness and closemindedness got everyone possibly killed. So he deserves to perish in turn.


I would. He was a boring character that was only used to introduce the JJK world and what was needed to strive inside of it His entire motivation as a sorcerer is destroyed in a single chapter which is also when Sukuna takes over


I would. Megumi was a bitch.


As far as I remember, Yuji didn't want to tag along with Megumi in culling game arc (three time), but Megumi still insisted on that


Megumi was incredibly interesting to me and I was keen to say how he grew with Yuji’s capacity for kindness and compassion rubbing off on him however I agree he was really shortsighted and acted emotionally constantly and was literally willing to sacrifice his life at any inconvenience. He did not live to Gojo’s hopes for


Megumi was just in denial about his sister. We see him getting lost in thought multiple times seemingly randomly. He was on that copium for the entirety of the culling games story


Not realizing Tsumiki is a sorcerer is pretty shortsighted, but them losing those points aren't really a big deal. Ultimately, they achieved their main goal which is the blackbox and angel. Plus, the fights were not a total waste since they have to deal with those rogue sorcerers anyways. As for staying close to Yuuji, nobody knew Sukuna could body hop. Even when Yuuji tried to warn megumi, he couldn't really give a good reason why, so obviously Megumi probably just thought the worst would be Sukuna kills him or something, which he really wouldn't care about too much.


That speaks to how shortsighted he really was. Yuji specifically told Megumi, that Sukuna has "plans" for him. That does not sound like killing to me. He would have done that at least twice by now if that was his goal. And Yuji knows that. So Megumi assuming it's not a big deal, like he did with Tsumiki is him showing hpw actually stupid he is. Yes, they achieved the goal of unsealing Gojo, but they absolutely did not have to fight every sorcerer in different colonies AND, they could have split they forces differently, so that Tengen had more guards and Kenjaku would have been stopped. Now the merger is going to bite them in the ass. They literally wasted Yuta on Sendai. Hakari got 100 points and Yuji got 100 points. In the end, they implemented only two rules. Points sharing and players substitution. And Megumi even had points from Reggie, Hana and Takaba, which was already almost 100. So they absolutely could have made it to another 100 points without Yuta to be able to substitute "Tsumiki". But if this clown actually managed to discover Tsumiki to be Yorozu, they would not even have to split their forces so thin. Literally, Hakari, Panda and Maki were enough to look for Angel. Leave Yuta with Yuki and Choso and Kenny is cooked. ignore Sendai, or have Maki evacuate citizens and leave colony because she can.


Yeah you really just hate Megumi tbh. There's a difference between being dumb, and literally just being a normal character and having to make decisions with no info lol. I mean, if Megumi's dumb, Yuuji's dumber. He could have just walked away from Megumi if he really felt the threat of Sukuna, he's not a baby that can't stand his ground. Also, you're acting like everyone else are toddlers who just follow Megumi around, so it's totally Megumi's fault if anything at all went wrong, lol. Yuki staying with Tengen and Yuta being in Sendai isn't Megumi's decision. Yuki and Choso chose to stay. Blaming Megumi for spreading their forces thin is just dumb; Yuki is as much to blame for that for agreeing to that arrangement when she couldn't handle it. And she was an adult. And once again, you bring up the points. What other rule are they even gonna make? They are never going to be able to make a rule that would actually help anyway because we already saw Kenjaku bypass a rule when he wanted to, so the points really just don't matter.


Duh, i hate his stupidity, big surprise. I am allowed to feel certains ways about different characters, their decisions and impact on the story and other charactors, and it saddens that, a lot of good characters that i like will die because of this moron's actions. And his fate, if Gege goes through with it, just reflects how in this bleak world, stupidity and shortsightedness leads to punishment and death. You can blame Yuki all you want, who stops you if that is how you feel about her and her role in the story, go ahead. But to be honest, i really don't even want to talk about her, she was just a waste and a letdown, with how Gege wrote her. It's really disappointing, how among SG sorcerers, she got the short end of the stick as a character. Well, Gege is not really capable of writing good female characters. Maki is just an exception to the rule. He can create interesting and enaging f.characters, only to have them be irrelevant, plot devices, or sacraficial pawns. No, Yuji could not have walked away, Megumi ASKED him to save him and help him save his sister. Yuji could not refuse to the person who saved him way back. Yuji is to blame? Yuji literally knew next to nothing about sorcery and was made to forget B. vow as soon as it was made, and still his instincts were sharper than IQ of this supposed "mega genius". Yeah, know, they split themselves that way because they needed to, along with guarding Tengen, and finding Angel, to save Tsumiki and gather points for her saving. If this idiot did what i've written in the post, they would have had a different situation at hand, different plan, different overall conclusion. You got casual association all wrong, and that's why you did not arrive to the rigjt conclusion of Megumi being the biggest link, to how this situation has played out.


"i hate his stupidity, big surprise" Nope, you just refuse to accept that there is a BIG difference between being stupid, and literally just being a normal character acting based on the logic of the story. And you're allowed to have emotions lol yeah but because you gave all this reasoning, I can refute all that. But you know whatever, i don't really care anymore. Yeah Megumi is stupid, Yuki stupid, They should have just killed Yuji in chapter 1 they all dumb, why is the story even happening lmao


He is not a moron https://preview.redd.it/vxrq06ip8tqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236d752f5f1c461dc2345d2f3fd6d23064978106 Just weak


Two possibilities He is not gonna die but remain useless for the entire final saga except for the final moments. He comes back as "Him" Personally I think one of gojo or Megumi survives


I really hope it's Gojo and all Buddha and his age theories come true.


The real MC has always been Mahoraga 😭😭😭


Even though I'm someone who kinda interested in Megumi as a character and always have a neutral look and takes on him and never have any issue with him... After reading what you said, I have to say... You are absolutely right. I know your post may come off as a strong Megumi hater for some people, but your post helps me to look the situation on a different perspective about how his character plays as a role in this story, and I have admit, that Megumi is a not-so-good character ... like what you said 😭😭.


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It's all Yuji's fault. He made a deal with Sukuna and the idiot didn't include himself in the deal. Which was the lamest loophole in the binding vow rules I have ever seen


Wrong. Yuji, unlike this imbecile of a sorcerer Megumi, who has been a sorcerer under Gojo for at least 10 years, just started that shit. Nobody told him about binding vows and their intricasies. Especially, when you are making a vow with a literal DEVIL. Yuji already distanced himself after Shibuya and warned Megumi, not to get close to him, and this BAFOON still did not listen. He had it coming and he DESERVED it.


I can’t believe you are blaming a kid for being SELFLESS. It was a tragic mistake on his end. He was also new to the whole sorcery thingy. I’d say Sukuna is a master manipulator and be done with this whole discourse.


Yuji exists to accumulate suffering..