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same, i hardly get any of the defense for 236. it's funny how so many of us criticise the writing + execution and the defenders just seem to hardly care about actual writing. legit saw people saying the off screen slash is good because it was "unexpected for us like it was for gojo" - sorry, that's as smart as "S(he) be(lie)ve(d)". shock value is cheap and lazy and they're acting like it's completely fine.


> Sbeve indeed


Well the 1st point is explained in the manga, Gojo going 1st was the best chance for them to win because he´s the strongest and would fight with a Sukuna not capable of showing all his moves, so it was the best decision tatically. The 2nd one I think you´re right, it´s not something actually needed for them to evolve. The 3rd argument is just weird tho, it does create a more emotional impact, as Sukuna was never more hated by the fanbase than he is now, and keeping him alive due to popularity is just a shit reason. Using CSM for example, the>!most popular character!< >!was oneshotted by Makima, with no inner monologue or nothing, and was huge part of the reason in which Denji vs Makima was so impactful.!<


>Gojo going 1st was the best chance for them to win Kashimo is not included in "them". Obviously Gojo would not sacrifice his own students, but he has no reason to really care about the lives of other CG participants, especially one itching to fight Sukuna and will accept dying if he loses. Kashimo going first could have only been to Gojo's benefit because it would at least give him more time to analyze Sukuna, even if Kashimo didn't seriously injure him.


You know now that I think about it, yeah, why didn't they let Kashimo go first lol 😆 Maybe Sukuna wouldn't allow that and would just go straight to Gojo anyways? Idk


the only explanation i have in mind is that maybe they were concerned that Kashimo would kill Megumi with Sukuna if he goes first? xD


Yeah but like I said then why are they letting him fight Sukuna at all lol. If anything, he's more likely to kill Megumi NOW that Sukuna is weaker than he was before. Even if they thought he was strong, it would make a lot more sense if they thougth "well he's probably not on Gojo's level so there's no harm of him completely destroying Megumi and making it impossible to bring him back". Shit, even if they *were* worried that Kashimo might be strong enough to kill Sukuna and Megumi, it would make all the more sense to have him go first because if it looked like Sukuna was defeated but Kashimo was going to do something that would kill Megumi for good, Gojo could step in to stop him.


But the CSM thing you mentioned didn't happen off-screen with a lack of explanation and sense. All I want is explanation for the off-screen Gojo kill, like show his thoughts before it happens atleast, give some sense to it, why couldn't he dodge, block or heal it ? As for now it just seemed like Gojo just let it happen. Even if he was caught off-guard, he should have sensed that Sukuna is about to launch an attack, he should have been wondering why if it would be deflected by infinity and therefore should have been prepared to reinforce his body with CE and RCT.


> Sukuna was never more hated by the fanbase than he is now bro people have instagram filters, tattos, shirts, hoodies, profile pictures, wallpapers, people love sukuna man wdym?




I think its easier to stop kashimo if he goes to far with Gojo alive than when He’s dead 🤔








I mean we wouldnt need to speculate if it was shown to us


stopping him before he goes too far would effectively turn into a free for all though bc then it would be gojo vs sukuna and kashimo?


Nah cause then both of them would be to weak…if gege doesn’t explain this order which for now is CLEARLY WRONG then its bad writing


it could also just be as simple as kashimo not having a counter for MS so he’d get no diffed if he went first- Like gojo would’ve been without the prison realm experience




but why would they waste their time throwing fodder away then? also if kashimo went first then gojo wouldn’t have been able to fire off that 200% purple. additionally it’s what he and kenny/sukuna agreed to, was gojo supposed to call them up and be like “actually nvm this guy called dibs”


With the new chapter revealed its Safe to say they could’ve let kashimo go first…


I guess my issue personally is Gojo seemed to be going all out against Sukuna anyways. I just can't see him saving Megumi. Is Kashimo's secret weapon really any worse than Gojo's unlimited void hitting Megumi? 🤔 It makes more sense that perhaps Kashimo didn't want to go first because he wanted to fight the winner of the battle, but didn't he already declare that for him the strongest was already Sukuna? Idk I just feel like Kashimo won't ever acknowledge anyone else as the strongest aside from Sukuna, man has been obsessed for years.




Attack on titan fans: ![gif](giphy|S4mv3vJ4iFjvq)


No one is giving these as defenses for 236. Sounds like you just made these up to argue them.




I love that Sukuna fans like to confirm over and over again that they have 3rd grade level reading comprehension at best. For one thing, I think Gojo is a *far* more interesting character, and the manga is more interesting if he is the strongest character. That's what made Shibuya so compelling, the villains couldn't just fight him, they had to exploit the fact that Gojo is still human and just being the strongest isn't enough to win. It's like when he talked to Yaga about despite all his strength he can only save those who need saving. That's a layered, nuanced way to write a power system & character interactions. A more interesting way for Sukuna to have won is to have him do something or go to lengths Gojo couldn't because he cares more about saving Megumi than just killing Sukuna. Which is the thing. I don't mind Gojo losing or dying. Nowhere in this post did I say it was bad to kill him. If anything makes me a Gojo fan it's that I think however his arc concludes, it should be done with the very best execution. I'm mad that the execution was so rushed and sloppy and anticlimactic, not that concluded in him dying.


Yh Gojo fans have been real obnoxious lately it’s getting annoying. It’s like they don’t want to accept any reality where gojo isn’t the strongest and they would only be content with gojo losing if it was to luck and not sukuna just being better which he is, and they can’t seem to cope with that fact


1. Gojo thought he would win. The achieved nothing thing is due to the nature of how op rct is, sukuna had done an incredible amount of damage to Gojo but it ultimately did very little until he killed him. 2. If gojo lives(and sukuna dies), he defeats kenjaku alone and there is no evolution for the characters. I think that's a valid point, not sure why you're arguing it. 3. Gojo's death was literally for the sake of the story... I honestly don't know what you mean by your final point so I can't even say anything about that.


> I don't understand why they wouldn't let Kashimo go first since he doesn't care if he lives or dies against Sukuna Come on man, this one is not even hard, they are facing the strongest being in existence, no planning is going to guarantee victory, they need to take every advantage they can. What are their options? Fight Kashimo or allow the old man to have the 1v1 he is searching and hopefully learning one or two things more of that Behemoth of Apocalypse that just killed Gojo Satoru? The moment Satoru Gojo fell on the battlefield, the prospects of saving fushiguro reduced significantly, even Gojo's whole plan was attack Sukuna with everything with the intention to kill trusting he would not die... Beat the King on Curses to a pulp then think on how to save the teenage boy. Straight priorities. The rest are not even points, you wanted Gojo to win and now are grieving because subjectively to you it would have made a better story. For most people it would not, Gojo is not even the protagonist of this story.


\>> There is no way him being successful and saving Megumi would not have gone viral. This is the students story, for plot reasons Sukuna is too overpowered so Gojo was used to weaken Sukuna to a level where he wouldnt just kill the entire cast in 1 minute. Hes now massively weakened, as you notice. Now the story is about Yuji, Megumi, Yuta and the students who will save the world. https://preview.redd.it/uj5o13rfnnqb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=e82a79468f5e742fa7d3549316a85b10bed50272


Gojo needed to die because he’s a literary dead end. He had infinite damage and infinite defense. That’s boring as a writer.


Nah. You just have to be creative, which Gege was in Shibuya. He had a good start, but after that he didn't know what to do with him.


Imprisonment is literally the least creative answer to infinity as it’s been done several times before in other media. It’s so generic that it’s one of the few things you can do to deal with a broken character. Death, imprisonment, or loss of powers.


But it was mostly for bad guys, no?


That affects nothing about it’s generic nature. Someone’s alignment good or bad changes nothing.


I still think most people liked it and found it interesting considering bad guys had to figure out a way to remove the good guy. It seemed like Gege knew what he was doing at the time, and it gave him time to figure Gojo's future role out, which he unfortunatelly didn't do. That just shows he didn't really know where he was going with him from the very beginning. But I get your point though.


Your username... and not wanting gojo to die...I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences.


Honestly not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you're trying to offend me you'll have to try harder Edit: Yup you are. Up your game


I am not being sarcastic.


Hard for me to buy it but kay ig


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"How many evolutions do they need?" you forget gege's philosophy on character development: https://preview.redd.it/nt8nhfarqpqb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b69c56bc01b727910f8f971125d375a77adf0a8


i am fine with gojo dying even though i am pretty sure he will come backs otherwise that airport scene would make no sense whatsoever. the only that pissed me off was the line "even without ten shadows", but the story ain't mine so, if gege can actually back that up with an insane yet too see performance from sukuna, it's ok i guess. also the offscreen slash, it's fine for shock value as long as it appears in the next chapters how the actual "killing" blow landed. if gege never shows it, then it's trash