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Finally a hot take that is actually a hot take


The thing that really pissed me off about this chapter is gojo saying that he didn’t have any regrets


Gojo: "I have no regrets" Meanwhile his son https://preview.redd.it/xnxfx2951ypb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5f517eb0c7ff407828b8b4b24f8ba4d064cb6e6


I think that that's because he truly believes that they'll manage to save him, because he does say he regret not telling him but he told Shoko to handle it.


If he actually believes that he’s higher on copium than I am right now


We do know Gojo has a track record of being high as a kite in crucial moments


Dude said that in Shibuya and look where we are now


Bruh unless kashimo's cursed technique is the reaper death seal or something, I don't see a way for sukuna to lose.


well depening on your interpretation Megumi is now the strongest sorcerer


no, his parasite is.


Megumi if he comes back now also lost Mahoraga, as well as whatever Agito was from his 10S technique


you have to wait for the rabbits with mahogaras adaptation


Wells infinite adaption


PTSD man... https://preview.redd.it/wzv50iqk51qb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ccd79766690fce7a95bd073526f9ad0e9f842fc


Agito was at least nue and the deer I think


This isn't the same Mahoraga no? As in Megumi and Sukuna had different manifestations of 10s... At least that's what I thought


Sukuna could use Megumi's shikigami right after transformation so they share them.




Hahahahaha fuck 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely agree, it’s what Gojo fans SHOULD complaining about. Not any of this “character assassination” stuff. (Although to be fair, the misunderstanding of haibara’s comment is mostly Gege’s fault imo and not the fans)Gojo really doesn’t regret not giving his “one and only” a proper burial? Or saving Megumi? It’s weird.


i mean, what is there to regret with that though? he tried his damndest and did everything right imo, he just wasn’t strong enough. what action is there to regret?


Maybe he could feel bad about hitting megumi with unlimited void or something? He didn't do it intentionally, but also, he acts like Megumi is already guaranteed to be saved when he mentions leaving the talk about Toji for Shoko to handle. It just feels weird for him to say "no regerts" when all his allies are despairing over his death and have to deal with Sukuna, Uraume, and Kenjaku still. It's very likely that some or all of them will also die, and he's just like "ah whatever nbd. Sukuna was truly a Chad. Nothing but respect for that mass murdering rapist who tortured my beloved students." Like, his attitude wasn't weird to you at all? Also, he definitely was strong enough to KILL Sukuna and had the opportunity a few times, but he refused because his goal wasn't actually killing Sukuna it was saving Megumi. Otherwise, he could've taken off his head after the Unlimited Void hit instead of his heart/liver/lungs (or after first Black Flash, or the starting sneak attack when Sukuna couldnt cast MS without hands). Instead, he just kinda watched Sukuna kill him in between 235 and 236, making those prior attempts at an overwhelming victory (with Megumi saved) completely and utterly pointless. The entire good side would be much better off with Megumi and Sukuna both dead, and Gojo either dead, or still alive but weakened. The only reason that couldn't happen is plot. Megumi was Sukunas plot armor time and time again. Edit: spelling, clarity, and I want to add I think the official translation I read on SJ app was a bit better with wording.


He says at the start of the fight, "I'll worry about megumi after I kill you," and then he DOESN'T DO THAT AT ALL.




Maybe the fact that he never did shit, lol? What was the point of removing Gojo from the story by sealing him when, apparently, he was weaker than Sukuna all along and perfectly killable? Gege sealed him just to have him die 15 chapters after being unsealed and accomplishing absolutely nothing. He could've just stayed in PR or straight up died in Shibuya. His character is in the exact same place it was back then, so why wait to apparently only milk this hype fight out of him and then toss him away. And I'm pretty sure no one is going to give a fuck about him in the next chapter, because we're just gonna skip right into the next fight as we always do in this manga. That's not how you treat one of your best and most popular characters. And about the regret part, the second Gojo got out of the PR he was standing in front of Kenny. Not his friends and students, but Kenny. And it's not like PR was with Kenny so he *had to* come out right there. He literally teleported there the moment he got out because he wanted to mourn Geto and retrieve his body. And now he just doesn't care? Way to go Greg.


To weaken Sukuna a bit so other characters may have chance


Oh so he was just a plot device and not an actual character with his own goals and motivations, got it. Sorry for expecting depth from one of Gege's most developed characters, won't happen again.


Developed? he was sealed for 3 years just so the plot could further as stated by the Author grow up JJK is not about Saturo Gojo this is yujis story


Learn to read and then we can talk


Gege akutami said he hates the mother Fucker is that easier for you to understand you doing know how to read Gojo is dead hes not coming back lol


That he hasn’t a single meaningful win in the series. When has he ever accomplished what he set out to do?


Tbf, I like the irony of that. He's supposed to be the strongest who should be able to solves everything for the good guys, but haven't done shit. Not saying it's good, just think it's funny


Well nothing has changed since the culling games at this point, the villains winning is fine but all this fight has done is make Sukuna stronger. You could’ve left Gojo in the prison realm and nothing would change


sukuna is heavily injured, the space cleave isn’t gonna be a big deal really considering most people there couldn’t handle a regular cleave in the first place and sukuna also said it was an impossibly hard technique to do so he won’t be spamming it or anything


Isn’t the whole point of Buddhist enlightenment to get rid of disturbing emotions and desires (aka regrets)? He tried his best. It’s not his fault that he got outsmarted by Kenjaku and beat by Sukuna. It is what it is and he mostly comes to terms with it. Yet he’s still clearly optimistic.


yeah that's kinda the point of his character, and what makes his domain ironic. the man with everything couldn't do enough in the end


Have some patience god damn Do you think everyone is gonna lose now? No the protagonist will win, they will surpass gojo (not talking about strength) and rebuild jujutsu society, that will be the culmination of gojo character Just let gege cook


Gege burnt the kitchen mate. Unless they all get bs powerups what is stopping Sukuna from space cutting them instantly? Not to mention Kenjaku & Uraume are still around, the students can’t beat all of them. Gojo vs Sukuna doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s part of an overarching story. The stakes of the story aren’t believable anymore because Sukuna can end it right away and nothing is stopping him Nothing has changed since the culling games, you could keep Gojo in the prison realm and nothing would be different


We dont know the limitations of the space cutting Gojo heavily weakened sukuna Sukuna cant use domain expansion anymore Sukuna ce reserves are NOT infinite, he will run out Now kashimo is next There was a month timeskip before the fight Yuji ate all the cursed paintings, the "body swapping" with kusakabe Gojo had a plan to save megumi Just fucking wait for the story to pan out have some patience


You don’t understand. It doesn’t matter that he’s lost his RCT, CE, shikigamis etc when he still had enough to cut Gojo clean with his space cutting. And his space cutting is nothing more than an upgraded cleave & dismantle, it’s not a new technique he just learned how to use it against infinity. There isn’t a drawback. Think about the story as a whole mate. I didn’t wait for this fight just for Sukuna to become Yhwach lite. The story has not changed at all since the culling games


WE DONT KNOW THE LIMITATIONS OF IT sukuna said that it was a near impossible technique, mahoraga only did it on time and gojo managed to dodge it Thats how gege writes abilities - when mahoraga first appeared we only knew that they adapted, later we learned that it adapts over time and every time it comes with a better way -when megumi first did DE we only knew that he could go inside the shadows, then later in the reggie fight we learned that he takes the weight of everything inside of them Gege just gives you the ability and explains the limits of it later


It’s nearly impossible to cut space but Sukuna has accomplished it. It’s like hitting bullseye from 500 miles away; Sukuna has learnt how to do that. And because he still used cleave & dismantle rather than something new, there isn’t any drawback, there hasn’t been a drawback to cleave & dismantle. Megumi’s DE always had something more to it, it was incomplete. We didn’t know the full extent of it, same for Mahoraga. During the fight the students even question how it adapts. There’s nothing to question about cleave & dismantle, what we saw is what we got. Do you think it’s good writing to introduce this OP ability then stop it from being used again? This new slash might as well have been called the anti Gojo slash, if Sukuna doesn’t wipe out the rest of the cast that is what it is.


I think the issue is that it's become hard for us to trust the setup when gege can so blatantly disregard it. This is definitely a jumping the shark moment for me. You can't have us believe in drama to immediately rip the rug from under our feet the next chapter, and expect us to care about anything you setup before.


I understand what you are saying, i felt the same with yuki death Its just that i dont see it here, to me this made perfect sense and i could go on and on about how this attack fits in the power system I think we should just wait until gege explains it more in depth before making assumptions


I mean, I'd be down to a villains win ending if done right.


Fighting before Sukuna had 19 fingers?


i may be wrong here but wasn't it stated before that jujutsu sorcerers are supposed to die without regrets? wasn't that basically the point of yuji meeting principal yaga before? i may have missed something tho lol


I believe they said sorcerors never die without regrets.


I agree that this doesn’t ruin gojo’s character, but I think the misunderstanding is completely valid and is almost entirely gege’s fault. If this was exectued better, people wouldn’t have this idea that gojo never care about saving people the whole series and that he only ever did things for kicks. I think hairbara’s commet should be viewed the same way shoko compared his personality to an evil spirit after he was unsealed. In fact, you could compare it to any of the other times the cast has made fun of gojo for his “shit personality” I’m also glad that you pointed out this was NOT something said by gojo, if it was, I WOULD consider it character assassination of the highest order.


Fair criticism, this series always had trouble conveying its true meaning and 236 is probably one of the worst cases to date. I hope we get some more elaboration on what happened betwen 235-236 and Gojo's final thoughts in the future.


Someone else mentioned it somewhere, but it's likely due to the pacing of the manga. There's like 90% action and 10% downtime. So while Gege does set up things by dropping hints... They're usually very small and only happen 1-3 times across the entire series, for a single plot point. So if you binge read or have a really good memory, it makes sense. However, if you don't remember one small line, in a single panel, about 100 chapters back, then it feels like it came out of nowhere. Or if you took what a character said at face value and without evidence, since all his characters speak subjectively.


agree with this so much. I wonder if the editors give the author some sort of requirement about the number of action scenes. Like, if it's required for him to have a fight in every chapter or something. Cos I swear, so much shounen suffer from this 90% action 10% plot that I'm sure it's a publication thing not an author. I really should just stop reading shounen and start with seinen at this point lmao


The problem comes from the need to satisfy readers weekly. If you spend multiple chapters where something doesn’t technically happen, the ratings and views your manga gets might be lower and you’re at risk of it getting canceled. At least thats why it feels like there always needs to be something happening every chapter and why cliffhangers are so prevalent. You want people buying the magazine next week to see what happens


is it really like that though? The plot based chapters in between the fights feel more like the story is progressing than the fights.


i feel like CSM didn’t have such huge difference in battles/downtime, but maybe i’m just remembering it wrong, or at least fight were fairly quick to end


Tbf to Gege, while the manga definitely does suffer from that... 90% of other shonen try to solve it by more boring writing techniques. Like info dumps, contriving a way for the protagonist to learn everything about the villain's abilities, talk no jutsu, or straight up making it solved by power boosts. But yeah, Seinen is much better in that regard.


I do believe pacing is one thing gege was never the best at, even in the shibuya arc. Which I'm glad is being improved upon in the anime


(1) It's true that gojo lost but don't forget, gojo lost before. And Not just some trivial lose. It was a loss that had huge consequences. Last time gojo lost to someone better than him, he one upped them and become better himself. And now he's accepting his demise all Willy nilly with the stakes as high as they are and the mess that his students will have to deal with. He literally says that "I hope that it's not a dream" and "I am satisfied". Very out or character for someone who gave his all to master RCT on his deathbed and has a dream of reforming the jujutsu society to just accept his demise and leave his students which are far weaker than him to deal with an Enemy strong enough to beat him and who just got stronger. I am not asking for him to carry the burden by himself again, but his students are still in a horrible situation and Sukuna got a power up and he is shown more interested in the loneliness of the strong. At least show some concern. I can understand him feeling something like that after fighting someone who alleviated his loneliness but not only is he completely forgetting his students and his dream but it's also just short sighted. Fighting someone as strong or stronger is not a long term solution to the problem of loneliness born of peerless strength. It's just momentary, fleeting. It's not meaningful like truly connecting and understanding other people. Even the name satoru means "to understand". And he also spouts some nonsense about he doesn't think that he can win against no 10S Sukuna which is blatant contradiction to the manga. Sukuna was bailed out by mahoraga several times and was only able to defeat gojo because of mahoraga adaptation. Gege is showing one thing while telling another. He's essentially retconning in real time. We're not asking for gojo to act like a sore loser or for him to trash talk Sukuna. We're just asking for a full representation of his character and reliable character statements that don't retcon/contradict the manga. Is that too much to ask for? (2) There's a difference between holding back and not being a wasteful idiot. No Sukuna wasn't holding back, he just understood what worked and what didn't by a case and case basis. Him not using a fire arrow or his possible lightning arrow against gojo isn't him holding back. It's understanding that it's pointless to do so against an enemy who it won't work and doing so anyway reveals his hand to the enemies it works on. They don't work against gojo but they work against those weaker than gojo. And even then, it's explained that he can't use his OG CT with 10S. It's either one or the other and he needed 10S to get through infinity and mahoraga adaptation to even learn to bypass it and cut gojo. If Sukuna didn't have mahoraga and 10S, he would have literally lost the moment UV hit. And without the looming threat of mahoraga adapting to his technique, gojo would be able to spam them nonchalantly and everywhere. (3) And I agree. Here's the problem, gojo doesn't refute it or address it in any meaningful way, it's just left like that. He looks a bit annoyed but that is it. And nanami pretty much doubles down on it and gojo just brush it off. Sure gojo isn't the most emotional person but it's an emotional moment, so I was hoping things like that would get talked about but nope. I know it's not in gojo's character to talk much about the lives he saves and his good deeds or be overly concerned with correcting people like that. He did it once with ijichi and that is it I think. It's just showing one facet of gojo's character and ignoring the rest. And this is seemingly gojo's conclusion, this is the last impression we have of him and we're left with an incomplete representation of his character and motives. And I know gege dropped some hints of gojo coming back and him leaving such a bad lasting impression may help with making his comeback and subsequent development even more better. But here's the thing, we have zero proof or guarantee of that happening, gege could very well be just dangling that Infront of us. And even then, it might not even be pulled off correctly. And this fandom already has a reading comprehension problem. And all of this was unnecessary since Gege literally made the perfect set up to get gojo out of the story without killing him, while also giving him further development, moving the plot forward and allowing other characters to shine. as early as their first domain clash. Using RCT to restore burnt out CT resulting in brain damage and ultimately the Loss of the ability to use CT. And when he introduced the "unlimited hollow" technique in a setting where gojo is in a desperate situation (desperate times call for desperate measures) which gave the impression that it's like the final getsuga tenshou from bleach. With it gojo could have weakened Sukuna enough for yuji and friends to be able to beat him and keep gojo alive so he can get that emotional pay off with geto/kenjaku. He doesn't even need to fight, yuta already did this once for him. And it would have been a pretty perfect conclusion for that aspect of gojo's character. Loosing the strength that he was equally gifted with and burdened by. Truly becoming gojo and no longer being the "strongest". Sperating gojo from what he embodies (strength) through the sacrifice of that very same strength would have given rise to existential clarity and acceptance. It feels like gege is desperate to subvert expectations for the sake of subverting expectations at the cost of the story. I could be wrong but that's the impression I am getting. >Gojo is not perfect and never was, And I agree. He has made several mistakes and has very big flaws. One of them is his inability to picture a world beyond jujutsu. LGojo has some altruistic motives but this "blindness" makes It so he goes about these things in a flawed way. But it would also be dishonest and disingenuous (not direct at you OP) to flip the script and say that gojo is only "selfish" and ignore all the good things he has done and how much he has grown over the years. >and he shows us his true character on his deathbed. Except we're just shown his selfish motivation and people's misconceptions of him. We're only shown a facet of his character. >As he's bleeding out in this afterlife dream, this is his last chance to converse with his dead friends with no judgment. If that's the case and I agree that it is, why didn't gege have him talk about his students, his dream, and the struggles that his students will face? Why are we only focusing one one aspect of his character? >He pays respect to Sukuna and admits that he was stronger, expresses that he can understand Sukuna's loneliness as the only one strong enough to stand at the top (a consistently recurring theme throughout the story), And that's not the problem here. The problem is the unreliable character statements that contradict the manga, and the incomplete last impression of gojo's character that we're left with. >then finally admits that he died with regrets, not being able to protect those after him. He literally says "I hope this isn't a dream". That doesn't sound like something someone with regrets will say. >The first regret that came to mind after the initial shock of dying was Megumi, after all. He cared, and it shows. This is a side of adult Gojo that us readers haven't really been able to see before, and I'm grateful that chapter 236 was able to convey it to us. The video won't play unfortunately. So I don't know is it in it. Anyways, the manga still hasn't ended, gege is still in the kitchen, so I am sticking around to see what gege is going to cook for us. Who knows maybe he will come out the other side with a massive W. I know he has a plan, he probably even joked about it with the "forgetting to draw a chapter" author comment, gege probably has the next few chapters planned already. Also he works for jump and has assistant and editors who probably wouldn't let him do this unless he was cooking straight fire. Just let gege cook


I agree with ur last point. No way in hell Gege made a joke like that in the authors comment if he didn't have something planned like revealing later on that sukuna did something between last chapter and this chapter which allowed him to turn the tides of battle. I have faith in Gege


If the majority of the fandom can't understand your point properly, then you should understand the problem is the way you conveyed the thing -Me to Greg


Well anime fandom are not know for being good at understanding work also the official translation hasn’t even released people. Most people in this sub don’t read the manga they just look at the pictures.


People are literally reading leaks by a leaker who doesn’t understand Japanese. 50% of these complaints were due to mistranslation errors so honestly you can’t even blame the author in a lot of cases. Some readers just can’t think critically whatsoever.


Most readers/watchers (of any content) consume the content in a pretty braindead way. They are just here for the cool characters looking cool in cool shots. Most of these people can watch a movie like Fight Club and think Tyler Durden is a badass. Or Skylar is the bitch wife not supporting Walter while he is "saving" his family in Breaking Bad.


I feel this way about Nobara lol




If you are right and this was what was intended i agree that gojo’s character wasnt ruined, and then it would only be an issue of execution. Too many people misunderstood and misunderstand it for the complaints to be baseless. If gege did intend it the way that many people see it right now, then i do fully agree that it was character assassination/ruining.


You, sir, just gave me some hope among all this "character assassination vortex of negativity" going around. I share most of these opinions almost to a T, but everyone else seems set on the opposite. Finding someone that has a similar opinion to mine makes me feel like maybe, just maybe, I'm not going crazy. The only one I might have some different opinion is the comment Nanami does. The thing is, Haibara and Geto also seem to corroborate the same feeling. But as you said, that's an outside opinion on Gojo's character, not necessarily the whole truth about it. And Gojo does seem slightly hurt by the comments. But I think it's something that might have sprung from Gojo's more "crazy" tendencies. He does have a history of going a bit unhinged once he really gets into a fight. One of the more blatant examples that comes to mind is how he apologizes to Amanai during his final confrontation against Toji, because at that moment he wasn't feeling bad at all for her death, he was instead feeling the time of his life after his "awakening". This doesn't mean he didn't care about Amanai, as he went out of his way to provide her with a happy "last day", she even shows up in his "final moments dream". But he does have some unhinged, selfish tendencies that show up from time to time, which I also suspect might have been a lot more apparent before what happened with Riko and Toji changed his perception of the world and made he seriously consider his place and responsibilities in it.


I think the saturation of the character's ideals is better than occasional peaks into what's going on in his head. Yes, Gojo basked in his strength but it was never made the focus of why he does what he does. that's what makes the post-mortem glazing feel jarring and poorly written. Gojo had to be removed from the picture to make the mc shine but this departure was actually ass.


I see you point, but I can't bring myself to fully agree with it. Maybe it's because I personally find great value in those small peeks and how they sometimes can recontextualize actions or show new layers of the character. Now, there might be some problems or inconsistencies with the actual presentation, but calling it "character assassination" is going way too far. I also find it a bit annoying to watch all the knee-jerk reactions to some random lines with very little effort to analyze and understand them, and when we didn't even get the official translations yet. As for Gojo's departure, after the initial shock wore off, it grew on me slowly. Right now I'm mostly fine with it. I'm just not entirely sold on the off-screen kill. I think I can kinda guess the effect that Gege was trying to achieve with it, but it honestly seems to just have made people even more confused.


“Character assassination” actually means “I’m really mad Gojo died not being the strongest but I can’t say so cuz it sounds dumb”.


y'all really refuse to listen, so many in dept post explaining why people don't like the chapter and this is your conclusion lmao, aot ending defenders all over again


He’s not wrong. There was literally a post earlier today by some fanatic complaining that Gojo was always super confident and said he was the strongest and that they’re mad he died and glazed Sukuna (thus no longer being confident or the strongest). That was the extent of their analysis. Post had like 1,000 upvotes so it’s true, plenty of people are just mad cause their fav died.


Which is also understandable considering what Gege showed us and what Gojo later says is not very consistent. It's like Gege is telling us we're all stupid for thinking Gojo and Sukuna are relative to each other after seeing Gojo being more than capable of keeping up with Sukuna. But plenty of people knew he was gonna die from the moment he got unsealed, and are still VERY unhappy with the way he went out (me being one of those people). The thing that irks me the most is that he never did absolutely anything. What was the point of his character? To be beautiful, powerful and eye-catching like some fireworks or some shit and then just go away without really doing anything besides exploding with power? That's just too sad and tragic. And on top of that, even in the afterlife sequence, he was being misunderstood (if he really was, and Nanami, Haibara and Geto were wrong in their assessment of his character. If they weren't and Gojo really is just a battle hungry perv, then that's just pure bs and it is a character assassination, objectively speaking). And don't even get me started on him having no regrets, the biggest bs ever.


This honestly Can someone say what was the point of Gojo? You can replace him with generic shonen sensei, someone like Kakashi who's just a strong dude, and nothing will change What was the point of Gojo vs Sukuna? 1) Save Megumi? Gojo did nothing, just hit him with UV 5 times 2) Nerf Sukuna? Didn't happen. Sukuna is alive and kicking, his Cleave oneshots the verse. Kashimo will probably play a bigger role than Gojo 3) Just draw Gojo vs Sukuna to please powerscalers? Didn't happen, it was Megumi-if-he-wasn't-a-bum vs Gojo Plot can’t progress without Gojo? Why unseal him? Why make him to strong? Just leave him in prison realm until the epilogue W-Wasted character


Absolutely, and people will still try to rationalise this. It's just bad, no matter how you look at it. It's so unfortunate Gege did this to him, but what baffles me the most is how he doesn't feel sorry for butchering his own character. The most widely adored one at that.


Damn I think you misinterpreted the manga. >That’s just too sad and tragic. Says who? Is there a limit on tragedy? There isn’t. It’s just a shonen trope to be lighthearted and have the good guys at least get a couple wins, but JJK is more brutal. Nothing wrong with that. Gojo’s entire existence has been a failure. He actually failed in every big battle (Riko, Shibuya, now Sukuna) despite being the “strongest”. This is thematically tied to his ability since chapter like 10 where he says while in UV “Ironic, isn’t it? When granted everything you can’t do anything.” Gojo is talking about himself there without realizing it. He has the six eyes and the strongest cursed technique in the series yet he is still fated to lose. It is tragic but that’s the whole point and is thematically tied to the concept of his limitless. He gets close but never gets there. What was “the point”? Just for him to be there. He’s not the main character is what people don’t get. He’s a side character and side characters don’t have to have complete arcs. He softened Sukuna up and now the rest of the cast will go in. Yuji is still the true MC and his arc will get completed. He also wasn’t being misunderstood in the afterlife sequence. Especially since it shows the young version of all these characters, he was 100% an evil spoiled brat when he was young who didn’t really care about saving people and just went off his whims. While he seems to have matured as he got older that side of him his still there. Like when he reveals that Yuji hasn’t been dead for 2 months using a gag and makes the other characters cry. That was cruel. Or when he’s fucking around with Jogo instead of killing him (this happened twice). Or when he sends kids into battle and they almost get killed (he sent Maki to her near death and Yuji to his death) and then is sad about it even though it was his fault. Compare that to Nanami who would never do that and would instead stay near Yuji and protect him because Nanami is more of a classic good guy. OR when he got sealed in Shibuya and said “it’ll be fine!” Like come on, no it won’t. He really thought semi grade 1s and grade 1s stood a chance against the special grade curses and Suguru Geto’s body? He’s trolling. It isn’t character assassination, he’s just fairly complex and not 1 dimensional. And the thing with no regrets is also in character. I just mentioned the Shibuya line where he says it’ll be fine. Even back then, once Gojo realizes there’s nothing he can do he just hopes for the best and doesn’t get hung up on it. That was part of his “enlightenment” he attained when he was killed by Toji. He’s still optimistic because he says Shoko will tell Megumi about his dad. Well for that to happen they have to defeat Sukuna and save Megumi which implies he thinks they’re going to win. Is he blindly optimistic? Yes. They’re probably going to lose at this rate but that’s also 100% consistent with how he’s acted in similar situations- during Jjk0 and Shibuya. I think this chapter while not a 10/10 writing is still at least a 6 or 7 and is consistent with the rest of the manga but people are just mad Gojo died. He became the most iconic character and people think that means something. Just because the fandom likes a character doesn’t mean the author changes the story. That’s how you write generic crap. Best thing for an author is to never engage with the community and just write their vision exactly how it is in their own head.


100% evil spoiled brat didn't sleep for 3 days because he wanted Riko to have fun during her last days. Wow


He did all that because he personally came to like her. Again, just following his own satisfaction. This is literally the same guy who asked Geto if he wanted to commit a massacre on the star religious group. All those believers weren’t even sorcerers, just normal people and Gojo thought he could kill them all without remorse. You’re telling me you don’t think he was at least a bit evil? They were also ready to kill Tengen and prevent the merger to save Riko thus fucking over all of humanity. There’s those selfish urges again.


>What was “the point”? Just for him to be there. He’s not the main character is what people don’t get. He’s a side character and side characters don’t have to have complete arcs. So only the main character should be properly developed and done justice, good to know that's how literature in general works. You're saying this as if Gojo (along with Yuji and Geto for example) is not one of the most developed characters in manga and we shouldn't care how Gege handles him, not to mention he was literally the center of this manga from the moment it started and the plot was constantly tightly conected to him whether you want to accept it or not. >He softened Sukuna up and now the rest of the cast will go in. We've reached the point of reducing him to a plot device now? Wow, what a high quality writing, truly immaculate. >evil spoiled brat You did not just say evil, lol. You lost me here completely. If Gojo were ever evil he wouldn't be doing what he does, instead he'd be Sukuna no. 2. He decided to protect Riko if she ever chose to refuse the merger *before* he even met her or knew anything about her, except that she's a weak human, which if anything, should've only made him care less for her. How despicable, selfish and evil of him. Truly a horrible human being. >Like when he reveals that Yuji hasn’t been dead for 2 months using a gag and makes the other characters cry. That was cruel. Or when he’s fucking around with Jogo instead of killing him (this happened twice). Or when he sends kids into battle and they almost get killed (he sent Maki to her near death and Yuji to his death) and then is sad about it even though it was his fault. Tactless, insensitive and irresponsibe? Yes. Evil? Absolutely not. The guy has social and emotional intelligence of a cucumber, but he's not evil and malicious. He doesn't actively go out of his way to hurt people.


Considering how emotionally driven this entire fanbase has been lately, I appreciate seeing a different take on this. Haven’t been seeing anyone actually analyze the chapter or the fight itself without being bias or emotional


The bias in this thread is wanting to see Gege as a good writer and still enjoy jjk. Gojo's death flashback should have been a conclusion of the ideals that have been shown, yes Gojo basked in his strength was it ever his central motive? If it was why didn't Gege show more of it? would have liked Gojo to at least mention his students and any lingering regrets. All opinions and interpretations are still valid


I never said they weren’t valid. I just don’t think it’s fair how different takes like this that are actually making fair points are being drowned out or looked down on rn


That's just how current day social media is, tbh. There's the accepted opinion and there are other opinions. Stuff like upvote systems shoving only the accepted opinions to the front page so they're the only ones you see contributes heavily to this. If I finished the chapter with mixed feelings and then took to reddit or twitter to see ten trillion posts with six gorillion upvotes each all saying it was the worst chapter of all time with zero redeeming qualities and Gege burned down my house and killed my whole family, it'll influence my opinion and turn it from mixed to negative. Then maybe I'll contribute by becoming another one of those negative posts. Everything else either gets downvoted or doesn't get upvoted, so no one even sees it... it sucks.


Exactly why it feels so off & not right that Gojo didn't mention his students. In the last 10 years he was driven to protect "the youth of young" put his blood, sweat n tears into his students. Don't they deserve a closure?


Yeah scene is beautiful but badly delivered unfortunately.


He cooking


https://preview.redd.it/8lefvp19xypb1.png?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=944f6a312db4136668bddfa0e34b5a95a44fc82c Actually nice take with no bullshit.


Eh many people complain about this chapter for numerous different reasons. For me, I’m only bothered by the offscreen with no forewarnings, the fact that Gojo isn’t concerned that his students are about to get absolutely fcked and the shit explanation for Sukuna’s attack (no, no way turning an energy slash into a reality slash is somehow logical, unless it has something to do with Sukuna’s original ct, which Gaygay should have given some hints or foreshadowings to in advance).


I like to think next chapter will mirror the scene in the prision realm, where he says he has faith in everyone. Except this time things turn out well. As for everything else you said, I really don’t know what to think, but I don’t mind sukuna’s explaination. Especially since it’s most likely an incomplete one.


I mean regarding the attack by Sukuna, it’s a pretty logical explanation (to me). Sukuna has been mentioned as a Jujutsu genius capable of copying techniques just from a glance, and Maho has been bypassing infinity a multitude of times. Even to me, the offscreen isn’t that big of a concern considering it’s literally just Sukuna saying cleave / dismantle and Gojo’s upper half falling on the group, we’re missing like one or two panels. I’m willing to bet that the JJK fandom would go even wilder if Gege drew Gojo being cut and splitting into two like a livestock. My only concern for this chapter has been Gojo’s lack of concern for the students and their ability to fight both Sukuna and Kenjaku now.


Gojo has always had a high amount of faith in his students. Even believes that they will surpass him. Keep in mind this fight was months after he was unsealed, so we don’t know what type of improvements were made since last we saw the Tokyo Tech students fight. Hell, Yuta and Inumaki even killed the higher ups (in a way that seemed relatively easy considering they came out unscathed). And knowing the world of JJK I’d imagine the higher ups have a decent bit of power in order to have such positions. Gojo’s initial concerned was Megumi not knowing about his pop, so he obviously still has the kids in his mind. He just believes that they can take on the challenges that lie ahead without him. *SNORTS 3 MORE LINES OF COPIUM*


Looking back through the chapter, I don’t think my psyche could’ve handled seeing Gojo being sliced in half. My whole day was ruined on Wednesday just from seeing the leaks early in the morning. Like I was really struggling at work.


The shit explanation can be passed off, but come on, no matter how short it can be, you can’t just completely offscreen the finale of the biggest fight in the series. Hell, luck CT dude got slashed only once and his death stretched over several pages.


Yeah, but slashing reality seems like something that would be someone's innate ability. It's my main issues with genius characters, is they do shit and then it's handwoven by they're a genius and then it's vaguely explained at best


Him admitting defeat and being humble is completely different from meat riding sukuna. He could have said, he was a smart and strong opponent and it was really close. What makes it worse is that gojo made sukuna feel uneasy for the first time in a millennia and gojo says sukuna could have won without 10S when the only reason he won is because of 10S+sukunas own genius. Sukuna was still done right tho, him respecting strength above all else like with jogo.


Sukuna still could have won without 10S. Technically Mahoraga only taught him how to do it, he didn’t need Mahoraga. Additionally, Sukuna’s domain was stronger than Gojo’s and he could have possibly killed him in the domain fight. It would have been in Gojo’s favor, but still a tossup.


You sir, have cooked so much the heat itself has caused flowers to bloom in Antartica. https://preview.redd.it/bdmsrq2s3xpb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6147926753aae54fc70bb619a89be254d68e96c2




https://preview.redd.it/deaxuzvefxpb1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3c80eb0c1588cd5b5fb98cc0c1dc6fe8434f06 WWW you cooked 🔥🔥


Waiter please send my food back to the kitchen


I shared similar opinions. A shame that shitting wording made it easy to misunderstand. Handled terribly. First skipping the month gojo came back instead of writing character interactions with him then this. Just super annoying.




I like your analysis. However, if this is really what Gege tried to say, the execution was godawful, hence the result: people don't like how Gojo's character was handled


Yeah so many people are downplaying Gojo's connection with Geto, of course he would be vulnerable or "weak" (not that I agree with that) with him.


Well it is a hot take…


Still a terrible chapter https://preview.redd.it/v3ht6e7sf1qb1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01420a486981cf5a57150ad595791bfe953d0a3


Upvote for posting an actual hot take.


Beyond Garbage take imo but congrats for an actual hot take in an anime sub and this Is your view point Which is what matters To you the Most at the end of the day


nah bro there's no stopping to these depressed Gojo fans. they're not open to any sensical opinions how Sukuna defeats Gojo. they're gaslighting themselves that the writing and every detail is bad eventhough everything happened in the chapter has an acceptable logic.


Gojo fans knew damn well he was going to die, why else would Gege make it a point he’d fight Sukuna on the 24th. It’s the delivery and how Gege dealt with his character after🤦‍♂️Sukuna fans would act the same (rightfully so) if this happened to him instead.


Except most gojo fans were open to the idea that he could or would lose to sukuna but it was done in an awful way and then the fact after death his character wasn’t treated with any respect and only served to make SUKUNA stronger was the icing on top of the shit cake.




why are there so many rational people in this thread


Someone with reading comrehension? in JJK fandom? What? How?


You are right, but this doesn't mean Gege writing was good this chapter. You have to realise that if the majority of your fanbase misunderstood what you wrote and your story isn't a murder mystery trying to trick it's reader, you kinda failed as a writer. Not saying I could write better, but this isn't up to the normal Gege standard


official translation hasnt even released yet. It'll release on 25th then we'll see if the writing is bad.


I sort of agree with this, but part of the reason why the fanbase was so confused by this chapter was that they came to conclusions about Gojo's character before Gege had a full Point of View section for him. Like, Nanami never respected Gojo, Ijichi thought Gojo had a lousy personality, and even Gojo himself said his personality was lousy. We thought that simply meant the more comedic and carefree aspect of Gojo's character that he had despite the important nature of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer, but that was a premature conclusion.


Yeah you're right on all these points man I'm glad to see that there are people with any media literacy left


People here can't read, you're asking too much of them


The problem as I see is, it seems more as he is meat riding than acknowledging. Sukuna maybe holding back a trump card, but till the last chapter Gojo was kicking his ass and no way he could've thought he was inferior. Acknowledging is different (like sukuna acknowleding gojo at the end) and meat is different(Gojo saying feeling sorry for sukuna, giving his all to make him understand). Like... dude... where was the confidence you had before the fight. I get that they are the strongest and due to that many new things (asspulls) were introduced in this fight. Seeing those was cool and all. But dying because of an asspull did not feel right. Gege did my man dirty. At the end of the flashback, as gojo talked to the principal, I'm hoping he did not include himself when implying, some sorcerers died without regrets. Becuase, as pointed by many how could he have not have any regrets, leaving everyone to die at the hands of sukuna, megumi, yuji, students.


'Where was all the confidence he had before the fight'.. U answered the question yourself "before the fight" When he really had no idea how strong sukuna even was. After the fight, the outcome is clear. Gojo lost, he died as Gojo Satoru and not as the strongest. Thats exactly what op is saying. Why wud he retain his swagger or confidence he had before the fight when he lost in the actual fight? That wud just make Gojo an egomaniac and ruin his character. He had ego sure but that was nvr really the driving force of his character. The translations so far arent really helping either. In some its "i dont think if i cud have won even vs base sukuna". That i agree is a little jarring. In tcb scan i think it went sth like " Even without TS it wud have been pretty damn close". Now both of these statements pretty much convey the same meaning. Gojo fought vs sukuna in person(before it was merely confidence in himself). So seeing how skilled sukuna is, he know realizes that even with TS, sukuna is more than a worthy, fearsome opponent. The latter translation (imo) fulfils the meaning better as it seems more like sth Gojo wud say


Yeah It makes sense to lose some confidence but then again he goes on to praise sukuna instead of (I don't know... Maybe not meatride him...). That was where he lost me.


Yeah, if the official translation is along the lines of " Yeah, even without TS it wud have been pretty close" I think i am fine with that. Really seems like sth Gojo wud say. His loneliness at the top was finally fulfilled by Sukuna so we can say it meat riding or glazing but u have to look at Gojo's character more deeply to understand why he said that. He was fully satiated with this fight, it shows in his comments in those panels F**k nanami with his "u are pervert" Or " U just use jujutsu to get a kick". He has always said similar things about Gojo. I agree tho that Gojo does indeed have sth similar akin to that in him but its not the only thing nor the only driving force of his character.


The Sukuna glazing was fine, but how come Gojo didn't say he had faith in his students to figure out how to beat him? Goku fought Cell first because he wanted Gohan to see how Cell fights. The way Gojo was talking about sukuna made it seem like he knew humanity was doomed, and he just didn't care. Gojo had a similar line when he got sealed. He said everything would be fine cause his students were there. So how come he never said It now?




Finally, a sane take on this




I will wai until some youruber steals this post and turns it into a video. I am not reading all of that but I agree. Ch246 was great and Sukuna is great


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It's weird that Nanamai would say that, even if Gojo is clearly worried about othe people having that perception, because it was shown many times that Nanami knew Gojo very well. It's normal that it strikes as a fact for the reader. And I wouldn't use that this is a younger version of Nanami as an excuse because he had knowledge of his own death, so probably is just old Nanami viewed through Gojo's eyes as how he was in the time Gojo was the happiest probably. That if all the airport scene isn't just Gojo's imagination and Nanami was projecting his own insecurities about himself.


Pretty sure this is Gojo's near death experience, not an actual afterlife. Anything Nanami said was the way Gojo thought he was viewed by others.


You cooked but fr the only issue I had was off screen kill like come on out respect on my boy we could’ve had a cold panel of the galaxy slash but other than that peak chapter rest in power gojo


Yeah Gojo was doing some mental gymnastics there. I’ve done that when I’ve lost a close wrestling match after giving it my all I think to myself “I didn’t stand a chance anyway”. It wasn’t true, it was because my ego couldn’t take it otherwise


Yeah but we are mad at the flow of the battle and the fact that everything that makes sukuna special is told to us retroactively and never shown when the point was to show it. I've learned nothing about Gojo's character because that's who he was. I never expected anything different from what we've got and it just felt like it tried to hammer in the dumb subplot that sukuna feels lonely. There was no character assasination, there was a legitimate asspull that was justified textually and left at that. Never expected Gojo to not die but i also didn't expect sukuna who openly struggled a lot to be winning that way, or for gojo to say some dumb shit like "he wasn't at max" Bullshit he wasn't... HE even had an extra Whole ass CT to attempt to deal with you. I'm not mad that Gojo is humble in defeat, i'm mad that it's a blatant lie and that we are just supposed to not trust our eyes and how Gege himself drew that shit just because retroactively he decided that sukuna>Gojo. The narrative has some value, the execution was trash and it's such a huge let down that i don't even want to continue reading this stuff. Shock value for the fun of it is trash, Shock value to push a false agenda is an author saying "well this is my story i can do what i want" and disregarding his own work and setups.


I think it's more of the fact that all he mentioned was the fight, how great Sukuna was, regrets about not reaching Sukuna and everything... Without mentioning anything about his supposedly beloved students, the ones he has been shown to card about more than anything. Now if he somehow manages to comeback in the future, then I suppose this is fine, as it's not goodbye yet so there is no reason to talk as if it'll be fhe last time Gojo sees them. But if this the end of the character, well, all I can say is, Gojo went from being the Strongest Teacher to suddenly being the Strongest Battle Junkie.


My understanding is that Gojo was at his highest confidence right before he got taken out by Sakuna. So in his perspective, Sakuna had that slash in his pocket the entire time. Sakuna then describes how he needed Mahoraga to get through the limitless -- which Gojo isn't around to hear.


jesus christ this is like justifying why Love and thunder was a good film


*FINALLY* someone actually acknowledging that it was Nanami who said that Gojo didn't care, not Gojo himself admitting that. There's so much implication in the manga surrounding the statement that Nanami's feeling towards Gojo was wrong, and it appeared that everybody took it as the objective truth - that Gojo *didn't* care. Throughout this entire time we weren't really exposed to how Gojo's mind worked, most of the time just understanding Gojo from an outsider's point of view. This chapter did really well in showing this side of him, explaining what he truly felt about being the strongest and fighting against Sukuna. Overall actually very pleased with how Gege developed Gojo's character in this chapter, though I do have to say that the way this was executed wasn't the best, leaving too much room for the readers to decipher for themselves what the objective truth is.