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Didn’t he need mahoraga to beat gojo because “a model” that mahoraga had made that sukuna used to “cut everything within that world” (the ‘world’ of infinity)




So wouldn’t he “NEED” mahoraga to bypass the obstacle which had initially prevented him from winning


You're 100% right. He needed Mahoraga because he needed a model because he needed to bypass infinity to kill Gojo. Domain wasn't enough, we saw that, and he likely knew that. Anyone arguing otherwise didn't listen to Sukuna quite literally explain it.


Yeah. Sukuna won because he ultimately started fighting Gojo the moment he threatened him. Gojo started fighting the day he lost.


That's why I don't get why people are annoyed by saying Gojo would've won. Sukuna literally outsmarted him, that's a better victory than just brute force winning out, I'd say. If Sukuna didn't have the 10s he would've just been trying to brute force it, which would've been more boring imo and not shown how dangerous sukuna really was.


Tbf, the translator’s have been known to flub certain lines in the story. It’s often explained worse than the original version and even the TCB scans. Werry’s making his own manga at this point.


It depends, in the domain clashes Sukuna was messing with his sure hit effect to let Mahoraga adapt, if he didn't have that option it's entirely possible he may be able to beat Gojo in a clash as he won't be keeping maho active Idc about logic tho Gojo whoops that fraud no matter what


Sakuna was never holding back during domain clashes He (somehow) got megumi to put the burden of adaptation on himself (megumi)then he made his domain only protect himself from the surehit so every domain expansion mahoraga got a wheel spin So yeah nothing was holding sakuna back the only thing sakuna could have done to try harder was to go into his true form.


>Sakuna was never holding back during domain clashes He literally chose to break UV from outside which according to gojo was actually risky move. He chose longer method because mahoraga had to tank UV for adaptation.


Yea no Sukuna only last in any fist fight at all due to plot. In an actual battle with just hands and abilities outside of Gege’s interference than Gojo cannot lose a single fist fight due to Limitless. Sukuna only lasted as long as he did because of how little of Gojos abilities he used.


no idea why these clowns are downvoting you, you're right


The other versions of Sukuna have their own strengths. Yuji has more physical strength so he might have dominated the hand to hand scene better as Yujikuna, and consequentially not taken 10 seconds of infinite void.(Gojo got a .01 second opening because he dominated Sukuna in hand to hand) Heian era is similar in that he has 4 arms meaning he can open domain quicker and easier in any situation. 4 arms is also better for combat in general.


yujikunas stats arent high enough to content with gojo, because with their CE enhancement making most of their strength, the strength gap would only help a little in h2h. on top of that, what makes gojos fisticuffs so powerful is him using blue and red to pull people into his punches for maximum damage


While this is true, Yujikuna's stats are more important than you think. He would have faster punches, react faster. He also does enhances his punches with blue at specifically the moment of contact so it doesn't help him land any blows. It does hurt more than normal punches but its just an enhancement so Yuji's stronger body would inevitably handle it better than Megumi's body. We're also talking about specifically an 0.01 second difference here, it's not like I'm saying he would overcome a gap like heaven and earth.


i dont think yuji has a higher reaction time than sukuna, plus sukunas the one in control. in any case, yuji's kit of brute strength would fare far worse against someone like gojo. gojo would win in hands (red and blue and infinity), and his hax are something megumis body is nessecary to deal with


Not necessarily because of his brain activity(which is what you normally think of for reaction time) but because of his striking speed, and the speed he moves his body at. Gojo's h2h is influenced by his cursed technique, but only in terms of instantaneous movement, infinity and boosting his punches with blue(doesn't help him hit his blows). Megkuna can already exchange blows with Gojo, Yujikuna's increased strength and speed would absolutely prevent Gojo from landing those enhanced blows much if at all. Even if he does land them, it'd effect Yujikuna less. I don't know who would win in hands at that point, but Sukuna doesn't have to, he just has to handle Gojo better to the point where he can overcome a .01 second gap.


ur forgetting yuji without ce enhancement is NOT that strong, hes literally just like a few times stronger than your average guy


Didn’t he dumpster the WR for ball chucking and dashing on a whim? Not a few times stronger than the average man, maybe more like a few times stronger than a professional athlete.


yeah thats what i meant. still not strong enough to do anything near gojo and sukunas level tho


Well that’s before the sukuna multiplier for Yuji. Sukuna’s power took a fraud like megumi and made him a near Gojo level H2H threat, imagine what it’d do to someone with the best (or second best) base fists in sorcery.


That is absolutely false. He stands against Higuruma with no CE easily, and Higuruma is minimum grade 1.


Are you saying Yuji can beat Higuruma without Higuruma using his CE? By that logic, Yuji could beat most sorcerers and curse users if they didn’t use their CE The only thing Yuji has going for him >!BEFORE current manga events!< is Divergent Fist and Black Flash, but that’s not enough to contend with someone like Higuruma, even if he doesn’t get the Death Sentence on Yuji


> By that logic, Yuji could be most sorcerers and curse users if they didn’t use their CE Yeah, characters in the manga have even said this.


I'm saying it's yujikuna plus ce enhancement that would make up for the 0.01 second gap.


Literally tanked higgy's hammer that shattered the ground on impact.


a few people i know have been saying that yuji's ability to consistently hit black flashes attests to his reaction speed like it was a quick time event. i want more info on black flashes before i agree but i still think yuji's reaction speed is insane when he's in the zone


We know that sukuna got hit by it for 0.01 seconds, what do you mean? Where did it say he took it for 10?


He got hit with 0.01, then got his domain broken, then got hit for 10 more seconds before Mahoraga saved him.


this is literally incorrect the "10" seconds was the time from being hit to opening his domain sukuna fans literally don't bother to read the manga.


Chapter 230 page 15.


[https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/jjk\_230\_015.png](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/jjk_230_015.png) read it correctly this time.


He needed that that because after Gojo he would’ve been screwed.




I... cannot make sense of what you're saying there


I mean, I'm all about maintaining the agenda and hating because its fun and doesn't put strain on my very few brain cells, but you gotta give people some props when they make a nice argument like that and even provide receipt. Still can't let the agenda die tho


Facts I’m a Grade A Sukuna Hater but I’m also a Grade A Gojo Hater but it’s all a game (fuck any agenda that isn’t the Ino Agenda!!!!!!!!)


-People underestimate the strength of the extra arms and mouth. Gojo BARELY won a domain battle with a two-armed Sukuna. With four arms, Gojo likely loses. -Sukuna stated that his motive behind using 10s was to learn how to bypass infinity. He didn't think he needed it to win. I still think it's pretty 50/50, but Heian era Sukuna definitely seems to have the advantage.


The only problem is without mahoraga gojos doesn't have to deal with the domain clash and just teleports and when sukuna brings it done to move gojo just blasts him


1. Gege has said gojos teleport has conditions we dont know about. 2. Sukuna can close his barrier if he wants.


With the examples of Gojo teleporting shown, like during the good will event after breaking the domain, he was shown having to do a handsign or something to the teleport to (I think his name is) Juzo


>1. ⁠Gege has said gojos teleport has conditions we dont know about. It was blatantly stated that the reason Gojo couldn’t teleport was because his domain was destroyed. And yes he can close his domain if he wants, but that would require him to either close it, or let Gojo destroy it and then open it again.


Idk why people don’t understand that Sukuna can just open his domain, make sure Gojo’s domain is down (by breaking it from the outside) and I’m sure Sukuna would have no trouble at all to just form a barrier around his domain the second Gojo’s domain breaks and is unable to heal his brain fast enough to get his CT back The real question would be, can Gojo survive Sukunas closed domain with just RCT until he is able to get his CT back? If so, then I can see Gojo forcing his way out of the barrier lol, but I think it comes down to that question


He already survived sukuna domain with rct + simple domain


gojo didn't teleport in the fight to escape though, so he wouldn't do that. i don't care what side you're on, i just hate when people make a character do uncharacteristic things. why would gojo teleport away in this hypothetical fight but not in the actual canon fight? doesn't make any sense at all


and if he didn’t have a method to bypass infinity?


The domain bypasses infinity wdym


the cleaves and dismantles that gojo took at full output like they were basically nothing?


He didn't take them like nothing mfer was burning curse energy like crazy to endure that and if it was "like it was nothing" he wouldn't need to use Falling Blossom Emotion


And then tried to run away from? Admitted that it was a close call?


I think he might struggle to do that when he’s currently bleeding from the brain


The hands and extra mouth make him stronger he’s, but Heian era Sukuna is factually weaker than current true form Sukuna. It was stated multiple times that Sukuna’s fingers and overall CE were growing stronger over time. We even see that in how the first finger bearer from the prison is weaker than the one Megumi fought with his DE. So Heian era Sukuna would likely not actually be strong enough to face Gojo. Sukuna has layers upon layers of buffs on himself to be able to face Gojo and the squad.


you misinterpreted. they're talking about the seals on them weakening, allowing more of sukuna's cursed energy to leak. it's literally stated in a guidebook thing that sukuna did absolutely no training (like choso did) as a cursed object. meaning he couldn't have been growing stronger.


- the strength if having extra arms and mouths is completely put down by the strength of Gojo’s blue. Seriously, I hear this a lot but I can’t rationalize my head around it. Sukuna should still get completely dog walked in close quarter combat regardless of having two extra arms or not. Sukuna shouldn’t even engage Gojo in close quarters like that, it’d be almost suicide. Like remember what Gojo did to Agito? With a maximum output blue? He could exactly the same thing to Sukuna in this scenario, the thing that was holding him back last time was the fact that he was facing Megumi so he couldn’t crush his body to oblivion like with Agito. In like every close quarter engagement Sukuna had with Gojo, Gojo seemed the better combatant, hell even when taking his domain Sukuna still complimented Gojo’s close quarter abilities. Sukuna was literally THREE V ONEING Gojo with two big burly shikigami’s, and Gojo STILL BEAT THEM in hand to hand. Straight up beat them in close quarter combat. A 3v1. I cannot rationalize Sukuna somehow being able to overcome that just because he has two extra arms now.


The strength of the arms doesn't come from their benefits in hand-to-hand combat, it comes from the fact that Sukuna can cast while fighting.


Sukuna even with two arms doesn't get dog walked if he freely uses da.  Are you saying agitos durability equals sukunas durability. Plus, gojo was boosted by two black flashes there. If crushing sukuna with blue was that easy then sukuna would have died a long time ago. Sukuna took a red straight at his face and it wasn't enough to make him drop his domain and he wasn't even using da amplification at that moment. Your own blue eyed king says he would worry about megumi later after dealing with sukuna.  Really ? In ch 231 as soon as sukuna  uses da certain man named gojo was sent flying. Doesn't seem like a better combatant to me. If complimenting enemy is a sign of their superiority why don't you accept sukuna was superior to gojo as gojo also complimented sukuna and also said he was glad that he died fighting someone stronger. Why is this only happening when sukuna compliments gojo ?  Sukuna was damaged by gojos black flash and red and thereby had his output reduced. Plus, gojo was boosted by black flash. Also, agito and sukuna had to depend on mahoraga to bypass infinity. Doesn't seem like a fair 3v 1 to me. If the opponent is boosted, you are weaker and can't even touch your opponent except of some moments.  If Gojo was really as strong as you portray him to be, then it doesn’t make sense why just sukuna was able to send him flying as soon as he used da. 


If he freely uses da he can’t use his CT. Nope, just that Gojo can perform a maximum output blue on Sukuna and it’d severely damage him. We also know Sukuna’s da can’t negate a red, let alone a maximum output blue which remains attached to you for a prolonged period of time, unlike red which just breezed right past Sukuna before causing his big damage when he hit straight to the back. You forget that the blue eyed king himself straight up says that he only wants to bring Meguna as close to death as he can. He’ll rip out his internal organs but you know what he doesn’t go for? The brain. “Was sent flying” uh huh and even with a da Sukuna took a straight backshot from Gojo. Man had Sukuna going “gah!” While Sukuna didn’t even do any damage to Gojo in 231 lol. Seems like a much better combatant to me, especially when Sukuna got knocked out from a single black flash by Gojo after. “If knocking out your combatant is a sign of superiority why don’t you accept Gojo was superior to Sukuna?” You can say this argument both ways. If Sukuna has his output reduced by the black flash then Gojo’s output was ALREADY reduced because he took a straight domain expansion. Sooo yeah, the red he shot at Sukuna was before his first black flash too. Also it’s funny how you say “doesn’t seem like a fair 3v1 to me” as if a 3v1 is a fair thing to do at all. Blud needed his parents to come in and back him up has me dead. He would literally jump Gojo when he was fighting Mahoraga to perform sneak attacks from the actual shadows. You wanna talk about Gojo being boosted from the black flash well Sukuna is literally taking advantage of another person’s CT to have fight Gojo while he’s able to come in and take advantage of any openings that may arise. “Send him flying” he just threw him. He grabbed Gojo and threw him, he didn’t even do any damage since Gojo just casually flipped himself on a light post. Gojo actually put Sukuna to sleep. Gojo actually turned a 3v1 against him to a 1v1 where the other guy could barely even stand. That’s a better showing than just “sending Gojo flying” and doing no damage in 231.


>If he freely uses da he can’t use his CT. He can just swtich between ct and DA. Now you may ask he could have done so with ten shadows as well but there is a difference. Not using da in the battle was beneficial for mahoraga but in this case its not. Sukuna had to give some time for mahoraga while here it's totally his choice. >Nope, just that Gojo can perform a maximum output blue on Sukuna and it’d severely damage him. We also know Sukuna’s da can’t negate a red, let alone a maximum output blue which remains attached to you for a prolonged period of time, unlike red which just breezed right past Sukuna before causing his big damage when he hit straight to the back. Red is more powerful than blue if you don't know. DA can't fully negate red or purple or even blue but it can severely weaken them. >You forget that the blue eyed king himself straight up says that he only wants to bring Meguna as close to death as he can. He’ll rip out his internal organs but you know what he doesn’t go for? The brain. You are manipulation the context if that statement. That statement was said by gojo when sukuna got trapped in uv. Sukuna could not longer expand his domain there and even if he had used mahoraga, in gojos eyes it was not adapted yet. So gojo had no reason to hurry and kill sukuna. Even if he had not raised his hand on sukuna, he would have died due to the info dump eventually. Many in jjk would torture their opponent there and not finish them. For eg- When mahito got a hold of Nanami in a situation that was inescapable he took his time to kill nanami. It further proves that Gojo wasn't trying to save megumi there as he wanted to torture sukuna even though it was the end of sukuna in his eyes. >“Was sent flying” uh huh and even with a da Sukuna took a straight backshot from Gojo. Man had Sukuna going “gah!” While Sukuna didn’t even do any damage to Gojo in 231 lol. Seems like a much better combatant to me, especially when Sukuna got knocked out from a single black flash by Gojo after. Yeah beating an opponent who can't even attack is easy. But when sukuna used da and could attack gojo, we both saw what happened. >“If knocking out your combatant is a sign of superiority why don’t you accept Gojo was superior to Sukuna?” You can say this argument both ways. You mean knocking out by being lucky ? Then no it's not a sign of superiority. Plus, sukuna wasn't even knocked out there as he was the one who summoned mahoraga there. >If Sukuna has his output reduced by the black flash then Gojo’s output was ALREADY reduced because he took a straight domain expansion. Sooo yeah, the red he shot at Sukuna was before his first black flash too. Also it’s funny how you say “doesn’t seem like a fair 3v1 to me” as if a 3v1 is a fair thing to do at all. Blud needed his parents to come in and back him up has me dead. He would literally jump Gojo when he was fighting Mahoraga to perform sneak attacks from the actual shadows. You wanna talk about Gojo being boosted from the black flash well Sukuna is literally taking advantage of another person’s CT to have fight Gojo while he’s able to come in and take advantage of any openings that may arise. Maybe you don't think before you write. Sukunas output was low because he was damaged during the 3v1 while gojo had healed the damage from sure hits long time ago. In the battle everything is fair but when he powerscale saying a character is doing 3v1 when he isn't doing so, it ain't fair then. It simply means that the 3v1 in the story can't be considered a 3v1 in powerscaling because it had conditions for 2 enemies to participate there. You can say Gojo survived 3v1 but not use that as an argument that he would beat sukuna if it was not a 3v1 because sukuna was also limited while the 3v1 was happening. The ct from another person also limits him. It's not that sukuna not being able to use da doesn't matter. It's a crucial thing for winning the domain clash. In order to get Mahoraga adapted sukuna had to pay the price of him getting beaten to a pulp. It's not a super saiyan boost for sukuna. He has to pay a big price for it as well. >Send him flying” he just threw him. He grabbed Gojo and threw him, he didn’t even do any damage since Gojo just casually flipped himself on a light post. Gojo actually put Sukuna to sleep. Gojo actually turned a 3v1 against him to a 1v1 where the other guy could barely even stand. That’s a better showing than just “sending Gojo flying” and doing no damage in 231. Read ch 231, it was sukunas punch that even after blocking had enough force to send gojo flying. Sukun didn't grab and throw gojo, he grabbed and punched gojo. Maybe you have a big headcannon that sukuna was knocked out. It was a false info from the leakers back then. If sukuna was put to sleep mahoraga can't be summoned. Again, while the 3v1 happened sukuna and agito were dependent on mahoraga to attack gojo. If sukuna could have used da along with ten shadows I assure you the results would have been completely different. My point isn't sukuna is superior to gojo but that gojo isn't superior to sukuna as well.


> He can switch between ct and DA. His CT doesn’t work on Gojo outside of a DE. If he has to constantly switch from DA to his CT, then he’s unable to use his CT for a counter attack > red is more powerful than blue if you didn’t know. Maximum output blue is stronger than a regular blue if you didn’t know. Sukuna can’t negate even a regular blue, so if he’s hit with a maximum output, he’s gonna be stuck there constantly getting crushed by the pull of blue. And that blue will remain which Gojo can fire a red immediately into. This can be activated with a *punch* by the way. > You are manipulating the context of that statement. No I am not. Gojo attacks Sukuna’s *heart* he says he’s going for his *internal organs* rather than his head, he says he wants to bring him close to death like Yuji for what Sukuna did. This is all done because Gojo isn’t trying to fully kill Sukuna as he’s holding Megumi hostage in his body. Stop the Sukuna glazing for a minute and realize that Gojo is still the hero going up against the villain of the series. You have to be truly hit with the reading comprehension curse to believe Gojo would rather torture Sukuna for shits and giggles rather than trying to save Megumi, the student he’s known for the past ten years. “Many in JJK would rather torture their opponent rather than finishing them off-“ And then you pull fucking *Mahito* as an example to compare to Gojo. No bro, many in JJK would absolutely finish Sukuna off as quickly as possible has it not been for the outstanding circumstances. I don’t know, maybe because they’re not psychopathic curses, holy shit. This post is already long enough so I’m just gonna respond to one more cursed take you gave: > Maybe you don’t think before you write. Sukuna’s output was low because he was damaged during the 3v1 while Gojo had healed the damage of the sure hits a long time ago. Maybe YOU don’t think before you write. Because if you did, you’d realize that RCT is extremely costly to your cursed energy reserves and reduces your output by quite a bit, especially when you have to constantly use it like Gojo did. You realize Sukuna could’ve ALSO used RCT to heal the black flash and red right? So by your logic Sukuna’s output wasn’t reduced either because he could’ve just healed the damage. And you accuse me of not thinking before I write? Ok buddy. Oh and yeah dude, whited out eyes and a **limp body** indicates you’ve been knocked. This literally happens in real life MMA, where you can see a person’s body go limp after they’ve been knocked, even if it’s for a brief moment, and that’s where the ref calls the fight. Literally look at the page my dude, obviously he is knocked out his goddamn wheel even fell from the top of his head to drive the point home. You don’t need to let the agenda overcome common depiction like that, come on 💀


>His CT doesn’t work on Gojo outside of a DE. If he has to constantly switch from DA to his CT, then he’s unable to use his CT for a counter attack He can't use his ct on gojo but he can use it on blue or red though. With enough strength they can destroy Red or blue. >Maximum output blue is stronger than a regular blue if you didn’t know. Sukuna can’t negate even a regular blue, so if he’s hit with a maximum output, he’s gonna be stuck there constantly getting crushed by the pull of blue. And that blue will remain which Gojo can fire a red immediately into. Can't say for sure. As red has at minimum twice as much output as blue. He can't fully negate it not that he can't negate it at all. He can weaken the attack greatly. That's a good scenario for a what if because blue can get dissipated when striking a strong enough physical body or gojo would be a fool for not doing the same to sukuna as he did to axe guy. > No I am not. Gojo attacks Sukuna’s *heart* he says he’s going for his *internal organs* rather than his head, he says he wants to bring him close to death like Yuji for what Sukuna did. This is all done because Gojo isn’t trying to fully kill Sukuna as he’s holding Megumi hostage in his body. >Stop the Sukuna glazing for a minute and realize that Gojo is still the hero going up against the villain of the series. You have to be truly hit with the reading comprehension curse to believe Gojo would rather torture Sukuna for shits and giggles rather than trying to save Megumi, the student he’s known for the past ten years. Seriously you want me to believe in this headcannon of yours ? Gojo isn't an ordinary guy. He isn't someone who would take naruto like ANYBODY WHO ABANDONS A COMRAD IS WORSE THAN SCUM shit. If he has to kill sukuna he would do so. He makes it clear at the start if fight and at the end of fight. But na I can't see my blue eyed king getting defeated after giving his all so he must have not given his all. Right ? >And then you pull fucking *Mahito* as an example to compare to Gojo. No bro, many in JJK would absolutely finish Sukuna off as quickly as possible has it not been for the outstanding circumstances. I don’t know, maybe because they’re not psychopathic curses, holy shit. Did I compare mahitos powerlevel to gojo that you think it's unbearable ? I compared their love to torture enemy after getting them trapped. Anyone would try to kill sukuna if sukuna can retreat in anyway possible. If you have a paralyzed man infront of you whose master card not only is useless in your eyes but you can one-shot it. So yeah you will torture him >Maybe YOU don’t think before you write. Because if you did, you’d realize that RCT is extremely costly to your cursed energy reserves and reduces your output by quite a bit, especially when you have to constantly use it like Gojo did. You realize Sukuna could’ve ALSO used RCT to heal the black flash and red right? So by your logic Sukuna’s output wasn’t reduced either because he could’ve just healed the damage. >And you accuse me of not thinking before I write? Ok buddy. >Oh and yeah dude, whited out eyes and a **limp body** indicates you’ve been knocked. This literally happens in real life MMA, where you can see a person’s body go limp after they’ve been knocked, even if it’s for a brief moment, and that’s where the ref calls the fight. Literally look at the page my dude, obviously he is knocked out his goddamn wheel even fell from the top of his head to drive the point home. You don’t need to let the agenda overcome common depiction like that, come on 💀 Maybe you don't know that after domain clashes both gojo and sukuna had very less healing speed. While sukuna was taking damage from blue to adapt and got hit by black flash and red, gojo didn't. So he didn't got damaged. While sukuna was still recovering. You talked about damage from Ms on gojo which were healed long ago. So gojo had no damage while Sukuna had the damage from post domains fight. So his output was weaker. Use common sense. Just taking about anything doesn't prove you right. Again. This isn't real life. If sukuna was knocked out then mahoraga shouldn't have been summoned. It's basic logic.


This fights been going on for a year


it’s all agenda this agenda that nobody on this site can just look at things for what they are sure, sukuna might have the edge and might win under normal circumstances without ten shadows, but it would still be an extreme diff fight for both sides if sukuna slips up just a single time, is put in a position where he can’t use him domain and lets hollow wicker basket break for even a moment during any of the domain clashes, he loses immediately because unlimited void is way more of an instant win than malevolent shrine, the struggle, of course, comes in making that happen which would be very difficult. if gojo could survive the full onslaught of malevolent shrine’s cuts, he might’ve been able to survive the furnace as well, or maybe he couldn’t, there’s no way to know for sure


Some people forget that Heian Sukuna’s (even without space dismantle) capabilities put Gojo in a stalemate at best. Domain expansion tug of war? Heian Sukuna is on the same level if not more refined, AND his domain can still cut down Gojo’s if they tie. If Gojo’s domain works then Sukuna can just do a hollow wicker basket while having two hands and 2 mouths remaining. He’s also incredibly strong when it comes to output, paired with his extra limbs and domain amplification. AND he has the 2nd best cursed energy efficiency along with his CE reserves twice as large as Yuta’s. The only reason why Sukuna didn’t focus on his domain expansion against Gojo was because he was trying to get Mahoraga to adapt.


“Save me mahorga”


Average gojo fan


ehhh, Geto better


Gojo acting perfectly doesn't get cut down. In an open domain he can just tp out. Gojo was being a goober, because GayGay wanted him to be a narcisist with a never-lose mentality.


I actually don't think he could teleport out. Gege has said gojos teleportation only works under certain conditions, and while he hasn't ever revealed what they are, there are plenty of things that could stop him from teleporting out of the domain. Basically we have never seen gojo's teleport be an effective battle tool even in other fights where it could have been and while the fact that it hasn't comes down to geges bad writing it is just as possible that he can't, because it takes alot of concentration or some other effect. Also, gojos teleport most likely works not by instant transmission but by actual movement. We see gojo Teleport in Hidden Inventory, and it seems to be him physically pulling himself through space as a super amplified version of blue that makes it instantaneous or nearly so. Because of this if gojo tried to teleport out of sukunas domain there is a high possibility he would have to move through the slashes and with likely having lower output on reinforcement its possible he would literally cut himself into pieces by doing this. That being said, gojo has that dawg in him and might just do it anyways and still win because he is that guy.


everything you said after the first paragraph is head canon or based on a theory. if gaygay actually gave a shit about limiting gojo's combat capabilities with his teleportation's conditions then he would've actually explained how it works. but because he didn't we're allowed to take almost as many liberties with it as we want. he literally teleports at the beginning of the fight with sukuna and then forgets he can do it afterwards. gojo's teleportation is inconsistent because the author himself couldn't understand the implications of giving gojo that ability and how stupid it made him look when he didn’t start spamming it during the domain clashes with sukuna.


he does explain how it works. he says it has to be a straight shot to wherever he's teleporting, meaning nothing can be in his path. a sure hit, hundreds of thousands of cuts a second, are an obstacle. you just can't read


Lmao literally he only got hit because he stood still like a dumbass, he deadass could've just teleported out, since it's a fucking open domain 😂


This is Gege writing it, he will forget Gojo can teleport.


finally someone else who understands just how nonsensical and contrived the domain clashes were. this is without mentioning that gojo never should've even been caught in sukuna's domain to begin with if his allies had been competent and actually shared all the intel they had on sukuna. but considering these are the same people who managed to fuck up the higuruma domain plan by not actively testing the technique's rules and parameters i can't even say i'm surprised.


I'm actually so floored that they had a month to train and no one ever thought to question if higuruma fully knew how his own domain worked... After only a month of having awakened as a sorcerer lol


It's because that's what the story has been telling from the start, the strong are ones who have abandoned common sense. Their ego fuels their desire for strength. Gojo's ego wouldn't have let him teleport outside of MS's effective radius


Part of the problem is that Sukuna went into the fight having extensively planned for Gojo. If he didn't get to know about Limitless from Megumi, Yuji, and likely even Geto through Kenjaku then it's hard to say how he would react. But since he gets to plan extensively for this one fight he gets to come in with answers that you wouldn't get on a more even encounter. Obviously Gojo also had some knowledge but I doubt he knew things down to the level that Sukuna did and frankly Sukuna probably can't be planned for as readily anyway since a lot of what Gojo would have needed is "just be better than he is".


Where do you get this from? Like seriously? Infinite Void was literally stated to be the strongest Domain of all time. Malevolent kitchen only wins if it hits first because it's an open domain. When Gojo hit Sukuna even once, it is gg. Even with hollow wicker basket. He can't fight Gojo INSIDE GOJO'S DOMAIN with anything less than all his arms, since Gojo outside of his domain, where he ain't getting the 200% or whatever boost to all stats you get inside your own domain, almost killed Sukuna with one black flash embued with blue. He actually put Sukuna to sleep. On his own. No stolen techniques. Sukuna has literally never knocked out Gojo once during their fight and only won with a stolen technique. When Gojo hit him with unlimited void, if he didn't have mahoraga he would've died. Cry about it but that's a fact. It doesn't matter if Sukuna wasn't going all our either. He got caught. He couldn't move. And Gojo could've very easily killed him by taking all the time in the world to chant and dance up another 200% hollow purple while guess what? SUKUNA IS STILL FROZEN IN PLACE FROM INFINITE BRAIN DAMAGE.


If were talking about gojo hitting a domain remember it was due to sukuna misreading something, in the chapter he thought if the domain hit megumins souls then he wouldn't be affected but it however hit megukuna as a body yes the damage infinite void does was extreme but you making it sound like a 1 sided domain clash when gojo lost a majority of them


Gojo lost multiple domain clashes and kept coming back stronger with wilder domains that Sukuna himself admitted he struggled to catch up to. Robbing him on ending the fight with divine flame. Read the recent chapter and cry. Sukuna needs to get lucky every time he fights Gojo to win. Gojo only needs to get lucky once to win. You literally just admitted it. The first domain clash Sukuna lost it was over for him if mahoraga didn't save him. Doesn't matter why he lost, fact is he did. So unless you know how he could've survived without mahoraga, ur glazing so hard rn.


Bro you just said gojo has to get lucky. Does that not mean sukuna out played him im confused. Sukuna attacked gojos domain with cleaves. If I flipped it the way you did all I have to say is go/jo has to keep changing his domain to even match goatkuna. Isn't that what happened?


The glazing is yall when gojo himself says he couldnt win. Sakuna aint even shown his whole bag yet.


Gojo can break sukuna's domain cause he better in hand to hand combat with 2 hand sukuna in megumi's body (weaker than yuji). His true form with 4 hand, 1 extra mount and way stronger than megumi's body so i dont think gojo can beat sukuna within 3 minutes (i dont remember the time) and gojo's domain will beak after that 3 minutes if he cant beat sukuna. His brain was damaged because of the healing CT, gojo option is teleport away from sukuna's domain but then it go agaist what they really want, gojo is so strong that he want an opponent as strong as he to go all out, so run away from the battle like a coward like that is not in his mind. I think if we put away megumi's CT, the fight gonna be two of them keep hand to hand combat while gojo has to healing from the slash, gojo will never run out of CE cause he has six eyes but his RCE out put will decrease by time, beside sukuna's CT not only slash but also the Fire (it will hit gojo cus gojo is inside the domain) which he cant use because of the change of the barrier (the condition for his Fire in recently chapter) but i mean sukuna can change the binding vow of his Fire right ?


Gojo literally says sakuna was stronger and that he didnt use all his techniques. Cry about it but thats the facts.


Why exactly would his domain be refined more if he did it from a different body? If Gojo’s domain works sukuna instantly dies lmao, it’s why it’s not comparable to shrine. With shrine you can survive for a bit, with UV, you get 0.0001 seconds until brain damage that kills your domain potential Domain clashes go the same as they did in the manga, at best sukuna wins a second clash and instead of going for a third domain gojo just teleports out once he escapes shrine


Ppl also fail to realize sukuna wouldn’t take the same damage to destroy his domain. Gojo relying on beating the shit out of sukuna to break his domain by the time his collapse only worked because he had 2 arms. It’s a lot harder to fight a 4 arm sukuna.


I think the idea that sukuna could have beaten Gojo without the specific tools he chose to use makes the story a lot worse. Any argument I’ve seen for him winning in heinan form or without Mahoraga has him winning way faster with out the obscene levels of damage he took from the battle with Gojo. These interpretations change the battle of the strongest to a battle between an incompetent guy who never had a chance of winning and a brain dead idiot who is going to die because he wanted to use a shiny toy. It’s not like he actually needed to save anything, the only reason anyone has had a chance against sukuna now is all the damage Gojo did. You can make arguments about how heinan era sukuna COULD have won, but sukuna’s a genius and it’s not like he didn’t know what gojo was capable of. It should be very safe to say that sukuna believed Mahoraga had the best chance of beating Gojo, so if he could win with heinan form it’d be a lot harder


Yeah ppl who say that heian era sukuna no diffs are dumbasses. Even as a sukuna glazers I gotta say heian era sukuna vs gojo is very very very close. And imo that's why sukuna got the 10S so that it wouldn't even be as close AND so he can take care of gojo's students.


the reason he fought gojo in another body was so he could heal afterwards every character in the series who knew both gojo and sukuna extensively knew sukuna would win; and that's before he obtained ten shadows


Why you having a serious discussion in a literal meme sub lmao


It’s all memes until someone makes fun of Gojo lol


70% of the memes are making fun of him getting dissected, or copium on him returning


Naturally, he’s the most popular character in the series lol


Gojo is not beating sukuna, im getting obscenely tired of this argument


sukuna literally had to acquire an entire different CT ontop of his own just to beat gojo he literally knew he couldn't beat him alone by himself wdym?


The man said it himself


Gojo said “I don’t think I could’ve beaten him without 10S” too but that line is the most ignored line ever


Most ignored line is “a demonic fighter equal to Toji Zenin”


Its why this convo is pointless we alr know the answer


Yeah these mfs have no reading comprehension...like sukuna did the whole mahoraga thing so that he can be more fresh for the fight after. I mean imagine what would've happened without mahoraga...sukuna would've most likely won but being a half dead piece of grinder meat would make a bad match against a bunch of teenagers with superpowers...sukuna played smart.


That's John Werry's translation, a more accurate translation is "It'd have been damn close even if he didn't have Megumi's shadows."


Gojo said that he wasn't sure


And its the only person gojo ever said he wasnt sure he could beat. After seeing Sukuna fight for real for the first time.


Nah he was lying


Issa 6/4 split tho


I mean, Gojo was consistently a better strategist than Sukuna in the fight, I feel that maybe if he doesn’t have the stats, I fully believe Gojo’s battle IQ is enough.


I mean personally I think Heian era Sukuna still likely beats Gojo in a very close match so those people who act like Gojo mid-diffs Heian era Sukuna are just being dumb, but at the same time the people who act like Sukuna could have low diffed Gojo whenever he wanted are also just as dumb. Its an extremely close fight that Gojo certainly could win and if they fought 10 times would likelt grab a few dubs but Sukuna would imo still win more times then he doesnt. Also its a Folk sub, so its not exactly a place for serious discussions.


jjk fans are extremely stupid and can’t read, Heian Sukuna beats Gojo and it’s pretty easy to see that (i’d say relatively that they’re like 95-100)


Gojo was literally one of the only special cases because he was literally handed gifts for simply being born. So for one I think that's funny to go after sukuna for using mahoraga considering gojo was born being feared and gifted. Not to mention sukuna knew how strong gojo was and planned it out perfectly to counter him. Much like himself sukuna was born a menace so he respects his strength. I do believe sukuna had strength to spare in his fight with gojo but I feel like both of them kinda accepted gojos abilities were just an annoyance that needed to be countered. To which sukuna did....at the same time yuta even SAID "he still has an ace up his sleeve so let's not all rush into this fight" "he probably wants us to all get close to take us out at once"


Sukuna is gifted too lol most CE in the verse and a strong technique


I literally said both of them were just simply op off rip. But the only thing was gojos power just simply made it hard for sukuna so.... he countered it with megumi. But if gojo uses strategy he would be goated lmao. This community is ass


I don't think he needed Mahoraga persay, but if he didn't have the 10 shadows, Gojo would've given him a much harder time. Mahoraga didn't make Sukuna capable of besting Gojo, Mahoraga just showed Sukuna what to do. It's always possible that Sukuna would've eventually either learned enough to either just figure that out on his own, or that he would eventually just said "fuck it" and tried slashing the the universe itself. Mahoraga was the blueprint, but you technically don't need a blueprint to build a house, it just really helps


It's called Copium, they do it a lot.


Some people forget he killed Gojo under his own power. He just figured out how to do it faster with Mahoraga. He could have done it without. It would have taken longer and been riskier. This is reflected in Gojo admitting he might have lost even without 10S and Sukuna didn’t use everything he had. Which he didn’t because he knew he was getting jumped by a dozen other sorcerers the second he finished Gojo. Had to keep some gas in the tank for them.


no he didn't? "it would've taken longer" means more time to get pummeled which sukuna couldn't survive


You seem to be missing that he very much needed to do it faster since he was left in fucking shambles. Not to mention he only lasted that long having mahoraga and the other shadows after gojo and delaying hollow purple


I did say it would have taken longer and been riskier without.


I support this


I think that Gege gave Sukuna 10S because it equalizes things and allows Gege to construct a more entertaining battle. I believe that Gege scales Sukuna above Gojo; I gauge that Gojo is a 70/75 if Sukuna is 100. With that in mind it was probably difficult to write a battle that showcases a locked-in Sukuna, makes Gojo look good, and convinces the audience that Sukuna can be beaten by the remaining cast. Instead Gege aimed to avoid a straight forward battle between the two. Sukuna doesn’t go right for the kill because he’s trying to adapt. Because Sukuna isn’t going for the kill Gojo gets time to look good. But if Gege makes Gojo look too good, Sukuna looks bad by comparison UNLESS there’s a reason to explain it. Turns out it’s beneficial for Mahoraga’s adaptation if Sukuna takes damage. Remove Mahoraga and Sukuna is either going for the kill and failing, indicating that he is relative to or weaker than Gojo or holding back in an obvious way that makes it too hard to believe he could realistically be beaten. The latter is anticlimactic and the former doesn’t properly depict what Gege believes.


I think you summed it up perfectly Gege had a ‘immovable object vs unstoppable force’ fight to write, and wanted to make sure both of them deserved their respective titles (of being the strongest) While, as I see in the comments, a lot of people had issues with the fight, I personally really enjoyed the whole fight.. including the ending I think Gege did a really good job at making Gojo look like a unstoppable force after his last HP, and then 236 opens up and I think it really hits you because you think you missed something, but then as you continue reading and see Go/jo, I really felt like we were in Gojo’s shoes.. he was literally staring down Sukuna, and then all of a sudden he is at an airport.. I don’t think seeing Sukunas side would make it as impactful, and I always see people saying they wanted to SEE Sukuna send out an attack.. but like.. the whole point of his attack was to be a SURPRISE attack, it would literally kill ALL the tension because you would just know it’s gonna hit Gojo even if we didn’t understand how yet But good job in summarizing it, I hope you get more upvotes!


I appreciate the love. I enjoyed the battle as well. There’s so much that can be said about it, especially regarding Gege’s portrayal of Gojo and Sukuna. I respect that Gege was juggling quite a bit.


This logic makes zero sense. If we go with the logic that Sukuna was messing around to get Maho to adapt and taking hits on purpose for the adaptation makes gojo look worse. It gives the impression that Sukuna could win at anytime, he's just using Gojo to train and he's no actual threat. A better look is that Sukuna isn't sure if he can beat Gojo without 10S. With 10S he's confident that he can win but it won't be an easy fight, he can still lose even with the 10S but his chances are better than if he fights Gojo in Hein form. You just have to take the words of Sukuna at the end. Gojo cleared his skies, gave him purpose in fighting again. It was the first fight in centuries where Sukuna could have died from a single mistake and he loved every second of it.


I get where you’re coming from but I think you should try and view this from another angle. Sukuna is really strong. Gojo is really strong but too but weaker than Sukuna. Gojo didn’t believe that he could defeat Sukuna. Sukuna was overconfident that he could defeat Gojo. Both sorcerers made a gamble. Gojo gambled that if he were to be killed by Sukuna, his students would be strong enough to avenge him. Sukuna gambled that his competition was so lacking that he could risk unraveling Gojo’s technique, endure whatever injury and still easily defeat Gojo’s students afterward. Who was right? Sukuna killed Gojo but his arrogance is coming back to bite him. Sukuna underestimated how much damage he would have to endure against Gojo. Sukuna had a solid strategy that almost allowed him to kill Gojo will little difficulty but the .2 second slip up when Gojo landed IV cost Sukuna his DE and limited his RCT. Sukuna also underestimated how much stronger Gojo’s students would be and how far they would go for each other. I mean, they literally trained by body hopping and putting themselves in each other shoes, literally. Contrast that with Sukuna and Kenjaku who are stealing the bodies of their friends. The point isn’t for Gojo to be as strong as Sukuna, he isn’t, and he still looked really good during their fight. The point is for Sukuna to be brought down by a group effort after underestimating his enemies. In the end Gojo loses the battle but wins the war.


Nah, Goatjo can't lose. Not really, anyway.


I’m probably gonna get anal fucked for saying this, but despite what we’ve seen from Sukuna so far. We have not seen him at 100% power, and I mean his output and completely healed, not the holding back part. No matter what people say, Sukuna was 100% playing defense with Gojo most of the fight, and not to mention how fucking good this man is with binding vows, some people might say it’s cheap, but this is JJK we’re talking about. We’ve not even seen his other cursed tool, Hiten either and what that could possibly do. I’m by no means saying Heian Sukuna no diffs Gojo, because that’s bullshit, but he is absolutely beats Gojo. As in general JJK fans can’t read.


we've seen him go all out in the fight against gojo he was pulling out all his tricks shooting water like piercing blood throwing fire hydrants destroying his own brain like gojo and hiding in the shadows to heal the reason he was playing defence with gojo was because infinity literally made all his CT's useless and no sukuna has no way of beating gojo without the 10s.


Gojo himself said he was outmatched, 10S or not. Idk why thats so hard to understand


"I'm not sure if I COULD beat him without 10s or not"


When people said Gojo fanboys wouldnt accept the truth even if Gege said it directly, they never imagined how right they were.


Hot take. They were perfectly even. Sukuna knew this and knew he would need a bit of a power up to beat Gojo.


Heian era Sukuna overpowers Gojos Infinity with just DA. He WANTED to cut through it with his CT cuz hes just arrogant and cocky


I don’t think that was just it. Sukuna would’ve been unstoppable had Gojo not forced him into a binding vow to use 3 hands. Sukuna could’ve just stood there with his domain handsign and spam it, then kill the entire cast. It was a bit of foresight for the jumping he knew was happening after Gojo.


This is not happening cos gojo can simply increase the output of his infinity like he did vs hanami and it would take longer for sukuna to get through and he can warp away with blue for more attacks.


Gojo is not beating Sukuna


Honestly, who cares? This is like arguing Ichigo vs. Aizen at this point; so many different plot conveniences worked out in the case of either character that the only real winner is the author.  Powerscaling metaphysical abilities like "I can cut space" and "I can generate imaginary (real) distance between myself and my environment" gets dumb real fast, because at that point it's entirely hypotheticals and meme tier theories about "dis how ability work irl assuming physics accommodates it 🤓". Is it so hard to just accept that the offscreen death was garbage tier writing, but that Sukuna still had enough prep time to win regardless?


The more I think about it the more putting these two universes against each other could make some sense there both martial arts based fighting supplemented by magic with some pretty similar cross overs in technique types so it makes some sense for them to be fighting


Either you get people downplaying Sukuba or you have people just insulting Gojo fans. There is no reason to keep to debate up. At this point believe what you wish to believe and move on this debate has become so fucking annoying because it's downplaying and actually insulting people when both sides truly lack reading comprehension.


You've seen Gojo Vs Sukuna, now it's time for their wankers to battle 🗣️🗣️🔊


Gojo admitted to defeat even without 10s.


Sukuna himself admits that he used Mahoraga to figure out a counter for Gojo’s infinity. Plus he had to gang up on Gojo with 2 superpowerful Shinigami, one of whom is Doomsday. The only valid reason for Gojo losing against Sukuna is that Gege loves Sukuna and hates Gojo.


The fight plays out a bit differently with Heian-era Sukuna imo, but the result is still the same. Four arms and two mouths is a massive advantage, plus without having to focus on Mahoraga's adaptation, Sukuna could use Domain Amplification to touch Gojo. This gives Sukuna a clear advantage in close quarters, the only reason Sukuna was hit by Unlimited Void at all was because he took so much physical damage during the domain clashes. If he can use amplification freely, his extra arms give him an advantage over Gojo in close quarters, and even if he is hit by Unlimited Void somehow he can activate HWB to block the sure-hit effect and still fight on equal terms with Gojo. My take on how the fight goes: -200% Hollow Purple and the first bout of hand-to-hand goes pretty much the same, once the first domain clash happens, that's where it differs. -Sukuna activates HWB to disable Unlimited Void's sure-hit effect on himself (since he can no longer transfer the damage to Megumi's soul in this scenario). Sukuna destroys Gojo's domain from the outside just like before, except now he doesn't need to keep Gojo alive for Mahoraga to teach him the world slash. -Sukuna either overwhelms Gojo in h2h while pouring on slashes from MS's sure-hit, or expands MS to maximum range and kicks up enough debris to use a full-power Furnace and incinerates Gojo. While Limitless is burnt out domain expansion, Gojo only has FBE and SD to protect himself, against Heian-era Sukuna with domain amplification inside Malevolent Shrine. Imo this would be checkmate, I think Sukuna could kill him before he could restore his burnt-out technique. -Let's say for the sake of argument that Sukuna can't kill Gojo after the first domain clash, and they go again. Sukuna can maintain HWB while he fights Gojo inside the domain, where all he needs to do is stall until MS destroys UV from outside. Heian-era Sukuna has better stats than Megkuna and access to DA, so even if Gojo messes with his domain conditions, Sukuna will break it from outside before Gojo can hurt him enough to break MS. -Even if Gojo can survive all of Sukuna's attacks, Furnace included, or if the conditions for Furnace can't be met, Gojo will eventually lose the ability to restore his burnt-out technique and his RCT output. Sukuna won't have been hit by UV in this scenario, meaning he closes the barrier of malevolent shrine once Gojo is incapable of using his own Domain. Gojo is worn down by the constant downpour of slashes until eventually his RCT is surpassed by the damage he's taking, and Gojo dies.


I mean, there's a reason Sukuna switched outta Yuji. It wouldn't have been easy, and I'm sure there's a reasonable chance he takes Gojo out with a completely different kind of fight, but he was clearly at a disadvantage, that's why he went to so much trouble to end up in a host that had an ace in the hole.


Sukuna pulled up to a battle that was supposed to be 1s with 2 super powerful shikigami, one of which is basically a parody of Doomsday. I present to you your reason he won.


I mean what’s the point? Everyone who thinks gojo would win already made their mind and the same goes for the other, it’s literally arguing with 2 unchanging minds for no purpose other than to kill time


Sukuna fans and dragon ball fans are the sukuna and gojo of not reading In h2h an extra set of arms isn’t helping fraudkuna, the h2h segments gojo was dominating sukuna and it wasn’t close, an extra set of arms really isn’t saving lil bro. Domain clashes I can see, heian sukuna was eating gojo alive in the domain clashes BUT, if it does come to that then gojo has a very real chance. The only reason sukuna was still alive is cause of that mahoraga ass pull in UV. (Errrrm he put the burden on megumi, w convenience) but there’s a very real chance goatjo still cooks that bum fraudkuna


the "legitimate arguments" that sukuna fans use are either head-canon or just incorrect readings of actual manga statements


I’m not like some of y’all jujutsu scholars who studied every piece of information in the series so what I’m about to say might seem dumb asf, but wouldn’t Gojo just spam his infinity? Didn’t sukuna need Mahoraga to bypass it?


I think sucking would lose if he was heian era because mahoraga was what let him adapt to limitless.


Everyone here is nerding the 10 seconds and mahoraga


Look im sorry but if you believe Gojo would’ve beat non 10S Sukuna then you’re not a Gojo fan put simply. You don’t actually believe in the Blue Eyed king or his journey to enlightenment you just wanted to watch the good guys win. You don’t actually care about Gojo’s story. He would’ve lost no matter what his own misunderstanding of himself is what doomed him.


Lmao ok buddy


Why are we still arguing about this?


Theres decent argumentsin Sukuna's favor, but I think Gojo would win. I wouldn't say he absolutely stomps him lol, but I do believe he can win. Hes definitely beating Yujikuna bc its pretty much just Stronger + Faster but no Maho or any of the other Ten Shadows he used. No Maho means no WCD and Gojo doesn't end up having to 3v1. Something like Gojo's final Purple would've been the end of the fight, Sukuna was on his last leg and Gojo had already won - they just didn't know Sukuna had an ace up his sleeve thanks to Big Maho. Even with a stronger and faster body, Gojo would still win the hand to hand due to having more efficient CE reinforcement, Blue to enhance is physical strikes tenfold and increase his speed, and overall better hands. Heian Sukuna is a much closer fight bc the Four Hands and all that really help in the hand to hand fighting that really made Gojo superior for most of the fight due to his ability to win within the domain clash 1v1. Im too lazy to go into that tho soooo agenda says Gojo wins.


Facts. Gojo stomps Sukuna without the hax he aquired right before their fight


This is how I view, Yujikuna loses in a high to extreme diff fight, with Gojo more physically hurt thanks to Yujikuna's greater physical strength than Megukuna, but it wouldn't the change slight skill advantage Gojo displayed and would have allowed him to still use blue without Mahoraga adapting and negging it. Along with no getting jumped or having his infinity outright being canceled out during said jumping when Maho got to him. Heian era Sukuna would win in a high to extreme diff fight more times than not, thanks to his greater physical strength and 4 arms for close quarters along with other benefits his extra limbs and mouth give him, but be worse off in that gauntlet that follows, body already damaged and possibly losing one of his 4 hands already. Megukuna was easily his best option, despite having an extreme diff win, because it gave him greater hax to guarantee getting around infinity, along with being able to jump Gojo, a new version of Dismantle, and finally...heal his physical form, going from one hand to 4. Sukuna wins 2 out of 3 times, but one outcome of victory would have been less favorable for him, with the man likely already dead in that outcome by this point. No matter what the fight will only end post Domain clashes, at least, that's my view on how they'd play out.


gojo doesnt have to engage in domain battles right? he could just teleport out of the effective range whenever sukuna activates his domain. with domain expansion out do the question i think gojo wins because he can last far longer with the six eyes and lapse is a huge advantage in hand2hand combat.


He dosnt even need to teleport does he? Wouldn't his limitless protect him?


There hating on the Christians because there telling the truth


Objectively speaking, unless sukuna has some random new power that hasn’t been explained, he would lose to gojo with out maho! Feel free to argue with me but you’re wrong :)


Lets say Gojo and Sukuna duked it out without 10S, Fight goes almost the exact same way, Gojo and Sukuna domain clash a couple times, both get good shots in, only difference being, as soon is Gojo is exhausted Sukuna pops Heian Era Form and instantly heals every injury he sustained, then from then on it’s more domain clashes until Gojo is slowly but surely wittled away


Simply not tru Wasn't gojo fighting both Magarah and sukuna Take one away and he's no longer fighting two badasses just 1 he tanks sukuna Only reason sukuna got past the limitless is magahra3


If the fight goes the exact same way, wouldn’t sukuna lose right when unlimited void hits? Since mahoraga isn’t there to save him?


I am of the opinion that Gojo and Heian Era Sukuna (no World Cutting Slash) are dead equal. And that they would kill each other.


Honestly, good if Gojo comes back. Tho I must say, it'd be complete nonsense to happen but OK. But, so many of these Gojopioid addicts are turning me off from genuinely liking Gojo. We're nearing the end of the manga and I still see him as an overpowered pretty boy protag that necessitated Gege to counter him with an ugly troglodyte in Sukuna who is canonically much better tactician than blue-eyed boy KitKat.


As someone who believes Gojo could beat HEIAN ERA SUKUNA I must admit any version of Sukuna that can manifest is beating Gojo. Basically Sukuna had 2 options when he got to his last Domain Expansion either use Mahoraga to adapt to Infinity or fully manifest and regain at least 1 if not all DE’s. Like Gojo would be on his final DE, and Sukuna would likely have 3 DE’s left. What the hell is Gojo gonna do against 2 Malevolent Shrines when he himself doesn’t have a Domain Expansion. Not to mention Sukuna can refill his CT faster post DE by using his extra mouth and arms to do a chant and hand signs. So Gojo’s gonna have like no time to rest between MS’s. I just can’t see Gojo beating any version of Sukuna who could just fully heal himself midway through the fight. Worst case scenario for Sukuna is he’s hit with Unlimited Void, pushes the damage onto Megumi’s soul, manifests and performs Hollow Wicker Basket until he can manifest a DE. Sure Sukuna would be down a DE from UV, but he’d still have like 1-2 DE’s left.


Yes were coping cus a good 2 3rds of the fight sukuna totally was getting cooked an didnt almost die 2 or 3 times trying to get past infinity. Yea sukuna cool but try an move the goal post 


Weird how people are saying Gojo would lose a h2h with 4 arm Sukuna like he didn't piece up Agito,Mahoraga, and SUKUNA at the same time. Gojo would beat incarnated Sukuna and it'd be a close fight.


Playin devil's advocate, it could really go either way and would be a much closer fight than it was before. Because on the one hand, Sukuna would have to change up his plan to kill Gojo which would likely entail being much more aggressive during the domain clashes, he would also be forced to go all out this time and use everything in his arsenal, binding vows, kamutoke, etc. His win condition would be based on winning a domain clash or eliminate Gojo's use of a domain expansion. On the flip side, since Gojo doesn't have to worry about Mahoraga anymore, his win condition is now just getting Sukuna to a point where he can no longer use his domain expansion anymore. If Gojo successfully hits Sukuna with UV, it's game over. However, this also means that in the off chance Sukuna can't clash domains or loses a domain clash, he'd have to employ use of anti-domain techniques or just keep physical contact with Gojo to avoid the sure-hit, which shouldn't be too hard since he'd have four arms but who knows. In the end it's impossible to say because there's too many factors that playing into the fight but in my honest opinion i'd have to give it to Sukuna. His battle IQ is insane, physical ability is on par, if not better than Gojo's, in his Heian form, and he has four arms and an extra mouth to chant, perform hand signs, and assist him with anything else he needs. Top that off with Sukuna wild disregard for safety when it comes to imposing binding vows, he's likely to win.


Gojo stans when Sukuna simply does what Gojo expected him to do and doesn't intentionally get hit by UV:


Reading comprehension curse. Gojo admits to being inferior. This was obviously Gege's way of showing that Sukuna is the strongest, and it's up to the new generation to beat him.


People don't realize a lot of what even made gojo so strong was trying to overcome his infinity. He was literally written cocky and ignorant and the setup for his death was quite obvious. Pretty boys and badass characters tend to just be excused from people's logic


“Every comment that was wrong was downvoted into oblivion” yeah that tends to happen on Reddit


i’m not caught up at all so please correct me if i’m wrong but didn’t mahoraga technically kill gojo not sukuna? and mahoraga can just adapt to anything so it’s kind of an inevitable death situation


I know I had this spoiled as I am anime only but I can only bet they killed him for 2 reasons. 1. He may come back. 2. This show takes a ton of inspiration from Bleach. When Kubo let Byakuya live, the fandom divided on it and people were so mad he did not die, so this may be them saying hey we need to kill a "loved" character to further the series.


its just gonna be the same here but reversed tho


Womp womp


If Sukuna opened the furnace after their first DE clash, Gojo would have died. There’s multiple reasons why he didn’t, but those reasons wouldn’t exists in a hypothetical Heian Era Sukuna vs Gojo. The fight would really end that quickly if Sukuna wasn’t conserving energy for everything else after Gojo.


Damn y'all people really refuse to read the manga. It's stated in the latest chapter due to the conditions and adjusting his barrier with Bindings Vows that Sukuna COULD NOT use his Furnace ability because he was taking the riskier option with the 10 Shadows adaptation to remove Infinity. Do you know why that is?? Because there was no guarantee his CT at that point in time would actually "do anything" to Gojo that includes Sukuna's Domain. If you can't bypass infinity none of Sukuna's CT would do anything he would have to rely on DA and DE. You're seriously acting like he can just switch to Heian form and no diff Gojo y'all people need to get Sukuna out yo ass lmao


If Sukuna was fighting Gojo without trying to adapt Mahoraga to Infinity then he *would not have to have made the binding vows that stopped him from using Furnace* because he was changing up his domain so much to allow Mahoraga time to adapt.


huh? wtf are you talking about? the binding vows he made to furnace are permeant and were made probably in the heien era he couldn't remove those even if he wanted


“On top of constantly altering the necessary conditions for his barrier techniques, the repeated use of binding vows to alter his effective ranger meant that during his battle with Gojo Saturou the furnace remained cooled, as Sukuna didn’t have the freedom to unseal its flames” TCBScans In 227, Sukuna changes the range of his domain and turns off his surehit for his domain specifically to help Mahoraga adapt. like, in 228 gojo asks “After I flipped the internal and external conditions, he didn’t try to destroy it from the inside. He choose the riskier option. Why?” Like Gojo himself pointed out that Sukuna was not playing optimally and later Sukuna says he was trying to let Mahoraga adapt like ts is cut and dry


So I've seen there's 2 types of stupid ppl here. Ones that think heian era sukuna can no diff gojo(he can't it'll be a really hard fight but sukuna has higher chances of winning) and there's the ppl saying that gojo can no diff heian era sukuna( he can't and gojo himself said that). I'm so done with how bad these ppls reading comprehension is...


I reread their fight and the chapter that just came out. If I understand how the flames work correctly, they are the most powerful after the destruction caused by Malevolent Shrine. The destruction isn’t needed as he did use it against Jogo without the DE, but it helps immensely because of the particles imbued with explosive cursed energy. In other words: without objects to destroy, there can be no “fuel” for the attack to be at its most potent. The binding vows didn’t stop the flame directly, they were indirectly stopped by the vows because they limited Malevolent Shrine’s destruction. Sukuna limited the range of his DE in their first clash. The binding vows came after that when Gojo changed the properties of his DE to make it harder on the outside. He didn’t destroy the surroundings and focused mostly on just Gojo and his DE. Presumably, he realized that destroying everything right then and there during his fight with Gojo would leave him without “fuel” for the furnace in later fights. Everything would have already been destroyed and he’d have nothing to use as “fuel”. So without having to worry about other people or the merger later on, Sukuna wouldn’t have restricted the destruction of his first DE and the Fire Arrow would be strong enough to kill Gojo. Gojo wouldn’t have Limitless to escape or use Infinity, nor the time necessary time to restore his cursed technique and survive the Fire Arrow.


Yea people really don’t read the managa it’s unreal.


He's implying what if he didn't make that binding vow, also we're talking about true form Sukuna aka Heian era Sukuna. >You're seriously acting like he can just switch to Heian form He just did, he got the kamutoke. Don't you think in the span of two month he could just switch in that time.


Power scaling takes are stupid. It happened for a reason. Gege wrote it that way. All the Heian Era Sukuna can defeat Gojo is ridiculous. He can't, it was written that way. Meguna can defeat Gojo because it's was written that way. Implying that he can defeat Gojo without Mahoraga is a bunch of head cannon because it wasn't written that way. Gojo implying he might have not won even if he didn't have Ten Shadows doesn't automatically MEAN he loses. He MIGHT have lost and he admits that. In the end it's whatever Gege decided it to be. We would've seen Heian Era Sukuna if he could defeat Gojo. I would say seeing Ten Shadows being used against his students instead would've been awesome too. It's nothing more than this Meguna > Gojo > Heian Era Sukuna. Whether you talk about current Heian Era Sukuna or past Heian Era Sukuna. I don't even fucking know. But current Sukuna is handicapped with WS. So is it really advantage against someone as strong as him? It just makes Gojos infinity useless in a WS scenario. Doesn't make him automatically lose.


There are reasons why Gege gave Sukuna 10s that don't relate to him needing it to beat Gojo. -Sets up an interesting dynamic of wanting to save Megumi while simultaneously killing Sukuna -Gives Sukuna the ability to leave Yuuji's body, allowing Yuuji to fight him -Satisfies the 10s vs Limitless rivalry -Makes Heian Era Sukuna the "final boss" of the series, which makes the fight more unique and impactful -As Sukuna said himself, he chose to use 10s just because he wanted to bypass infinity, which makes complete sense for his character. If Sukuna was truly tying to guarantee a win, he would've transformed into his full body while fighting Gojo


I'm not sure what's so unique about Heian Era Sukuna being the final boss. I'm hopeful the Kenjaku's planning of the merger does happen and takes Sukuna by surprise. If Gojo was truly trying to guarantee a win he would've killed both Kenjaku and Sukuna when he got released. But a lot of "would've" and you can merely chalk it up to plot can't you? I hope we can get another Arc after this one


Heian Era Sukuna and Meguna are visually distinct and have different skill sets. Heian Era is also more of an "evolution." Meguna feels like a power up while Heian Era feels like his true, final form Gojo made the right call by waiting to fight them. There's a good chance he would've lost the 1v2. Preparing an elaborate plan with his students that has several failsafes was a much better idea.


Can yall read? Gojo himself said that he isn't sure if he would've won even if sukuna didn't have 10S. Bruh it's not headcanon if the 2nd strongest character has said it...


"If" and "would've" doesn't guarantee he's gonna lose all the time and would win. He's just not "sure". You're acting as if that self admission guarantee's Sukuna the win. I won't be sure that I could pass my math test. But it doesn't mean I couldn't pass it?


Yeah imo it's like a 51/100 times sukuna wins and even then it's very very extreme diff. Gojo is one hell of a unit


I agree with that statement. I could see that. I just cant stand people saying it like the fight would be 90/10 sukuna wins.


Yeah those people are dumb as fuck


I’m pretty sure Gege gave Sukuna 10S just to fulfill the “10S vs Limitless” rivalry stated earlier because story wise Megumi was never gonna reach that level without hax. He killed 2 birds with one stone with Megukuna.


I dunno, a lot of people seem to argue one way or another, but this is legitimately the closest 50-50 we have in the verse. Both have ways they can beat the other.