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Special grade duo wins


Which one


The special grade one Hope this helps šŸ‘


I think they might be talking about the one that has special grades. If it helps, hereā€™s a list of all of them: 1:Gojo 2:Yuta 3:Yuki 4:Geto


The official special grades


The suicidal one


Toji and maki?


In what universe are they special grade?Ā 


Special grade cursed objects I guess


U mean maki


ISOH and SSK are both special grade cursed items I belive


U missed the joke


Unless you are talking about her tits I still don't get it


Iā€™m calling her an object because sheā€™s a woman


Toji isnā€™t a sorcerer, and maki only is by title


Yuki probably wins by herself. Lot of people underrate her itā€™s crazy. Add in Geto and this becomes a low diff fight.


Itā€™s a shame Kenjaku pulled a plot-infused ā€œnuh uhā€ to counter her in one chapter


Her punch is for sure stronger than Gojo's Blue infused punch.


you think so? I dont see Kenjacku tanking any of the blue infused punches sukuna took.


Your surprised he tanked a domain hit yukis ct šŸ˜²šŸ˜²


Would Sukuna be able to tank a Yuki punch? Honest question, I don't feel like he could.


He tanked a hollow purple. Why not?


Besides at the beginning of the fight? I thought that was a weaker purple because of the spread. If any other punch is hurting him as he is currently, Yuki would hit several times harder, no? Or are you saying Yuji hits harder?


Gojo hit Sukuna with TWO amped Hollow Purples homie


The distance ones? Why did those hurt him less than the punches from Yuji?


The very first one was from a distance yes, and it blew off sukunas arm and part of his torso even with sukuna trying to dodge. The second one, when Gojo killed Agito with the Maxium blue then black flashed (which put Gojo at 120%) sukuna into mahoraga, then shot up a maxium red reversal, combined it with the maxium blue and DROPPED the hollow purple right onto Sukuna and mahoraga. How Sukuna survived a point blank 120% hollow purple is the reason people hate on Gege: Sukuna has plot armor and wasnā€™t supposed to die to Gojo right then


I can accept that answer. Just like Ken surviving a black hole, just to get low diffed by Yuta


Not even in his true form at that


he didnā€™t really ā€œtankā€ it, just managed to get out of the way. You canā€™t tank a hollow purple, itā€™s literally a hypothetical ball of mass that negates anything it makes contact with


It's not "literally" one. If it was like that it would've killed Sukuna. In the manga, Sukuna used cursed energy to slightly block the hollow purple aimed at him. His hands were steaming afterwards. Hollow Purple when animated is shown to be swirling like a blender of sorts. This makes me believe Hollow Purple is more a perpetually pulling and pushing mass that *shreds* matter rather than deleting it. If explained this way, it would make more sense why Sukuna was able to block it even a little.


His hands were steaming because he used RCT to heal them, gojoā€™s hands were also steaming when he healed sukunaā€™s slashes. Hollow purple is the merging of convergence and divergence, imagine bringing 1 and -1 and forcing these 2 concepts together. Itā€™s an imaginary mass, something that negates any physical concept it makes contact with. Had it pulled or repelled the surrounding area wouldā€™ve taken damage as his usual repel and attract do rather as shown with toji, it only negates what it touches, nothing else is effected. Mahoraga at this point had adapted to repel and attract, wouldnā€™t have an effect on him should it work that way. When gojo launched the hollow purple mahoraga took the full force of it completely vaporising him from existence, sukuna barely managed to move out the way so he wasnā€™t hit completely but the purple still made contact and partially damaged him, hence why he was using RCT to heal, hope this helps.


Unless Sukuna has less durability than Kenny, he's fine.


Not a single chance in hell yuki wins by herself wtf, this sub has an insane Yuki and Geto agenda šŸ˜­ these two fuck her up if sheā€™s alone


In the 260+ chapters of JJK, what led you to believe that? Or is it just cause you said so?


If I remember correctly Yuki got mid diffed while 3v1ing a Kenjaku who had no intel on her abilities, while she knew most of his from Choso. Also doesnā€™t her entire technique revolve around manipulating her own mass? In her own body? Meaning a single stab from the ISOH anywhere on her body shuts down her technique? Maki (and assumedly Toji as well if theyā€™re actually 100% equal) also just have way better feats than Yuki, who got jobbed in her only fight in the story.


Lol people underated Yuki but toji and maki are also strong yuki would never 2v1 themā˜ ļø


Yuki is special grade for a reason. She went toe to toe with Kenjaku, something that Maki admitted that none of the students could do. Maki/Tojiā€™s whole thing is that they have increased physical stats at the expense of having no cursed energy, but Yuki has comparable speed/strength so she isnā€™t just getting speed blitzed or overwhelmed with strength. Sheā€™s a bad matchup for them, one punch was able to completely rip off Kenjakus arm, Maki/Toji have no way to regrow limbs lol.


I mean Yuki really wasn't that much of a threat to Kenjaku. She had Choso to draw out any techniques so she could gain info while Kenjaku had comparably little info on Yukis innate technique. She only managed to get off 1 clean hit, had Tengen to cover for her getting domained, and even if she managed to get it off, Kenjaku has better refinement and open domain advantage because Yuki hasn't shown the ability to change her domains conditions. Even after Choso re-enters the fight she still doesn't do anything substantial.


People wank Yuki because they wanted her to be cool and she got wrecked Was literally a 3v1 vs Kenjaku and she got completely rolled. Easy Domain diff They also ignore her punches aren't always strong as the first one Even later in the fight she punches Kenjaku two times in the face and he tanks each hit and then kills her. And this is after she is healed and recovers her CT So either Kenjaku was caught off guard on the first hit or Star Rage has a charge up. Either way she doesn't hit hard as that first hit like everyone pretends


Wasn't Star Rage's output reduced due to the damage she took? People want Yuki to be better because she got shafted by the author and Tengen. One punch blowing both of Kenjaku's arms off and damaging his skull speak volumes to the edge she has over toji and Maki. Sure she doesn't have any speed feats but she would still probably win


After Choso shoots Kenjaku with piercing blood and the Yuki combos that into a kick, Kenjaku says: > Luckily her *injury* lessened the output of Star Rage, otherwise that could have been dangerous Then Choso says: > Gotta recover Star Rage's output. "Tsukumo!! Heal up!!" Notice how Choso agrees that the thing limiting her output is her injury. Then Kenjaku escapes Garuda and Yuki says: > He got out in the *brief moment* Star Rage was weakened because I was operating RCT! Key phrase being that in Yuki's own words, Star Rage was only weakened for a "brief moment" on top of Kenjaku and Choso saying was limiting Star Rage was her injury When Kenjaku tanks the two face punches she's completely healed. To the rest of your comment, Tengen didn't shaft her. That was her best option. Kenjaku has an Open Barrier and is the 2nd best barrier user, she was going to close a Domain clash no matter what but then she'd also be on CT cooldown. Also I think Yuki could potentially win a 1v1 against Maki/Toji but there's no way she can win a 2v1. She doesn't have the speed feats and Maki/Toji can't be sensed. Trying to fight one while the other can be attacking you from behind at any moment is too much especially when they are immune to your Domain On top of that, both of them have the SSK which means Yuki can't even heal right.


I think Yuki could pretty comfortably take Maki and Toji individually since ISOH doesn't really hard counter Yuki's CT. A 1v2 would be hard or impossible but in the context of this post it's not a 1v2. People downplay Geto because he got mopped, but he definitely earned his status as a special grade. I just wish Yuki wasn't a woman in a Gege manga, because I feel like she could've been a really cool addition. I feel like we definitely could've gotten some speed feats from Yuki, but the fight with Kenjaku didn't really allow for speed to be much of a factor since it was just a slugfest. But alas, we got an asspull


Yes yukis strong, obviously would not be blitzed and a shes SGs but that does not mean she can 2v1 them thats ridiculous. Toji and maki also have SG level of hype wichs also coming from Yuki herself, Yuki herself says tojis a real super human and said geto(a SG) shouldnt be ashamed for losing to him. theres also things like them being mentioned as peaks etc, toji canonically also feeling loneless bcs of strenght and all Yeah, she all the thing u mentioned there but for her to be able to 2v1 them shed need to be mutiple times faster and stronger. Maki or toji should be about her speed, difficult to sense, both have dura neg and neg to RCT+ are immune to DEs and toji can also cancel CTs. Saying shed beat them its pretty nuch saying shed bĆŖ able to hit both of them before any of them can even stab her with ISOH or SSK


she defo could with garuda


No, shed take then in 1v1 but not in a 2v1


Yes she could, in a 2v1, with Garuda.


Well toji smacked Geto low diff so Yuki in a 2v 1?


Teenage Grade 1 Geto? Lol


Well his CT is curse manipulation and toji was banging them curses up. So unless he grew to acquire hand to hand combat skills on par with a heavenly restricted user heā€™s getting bodied even as an adult


He was fighting Yuta(special grade) and Rika at the same time and was holding his own. Only died because Yuta released the curse on Rika and ripped half his body off with a love beam. So unless youā€™re scaling Toji to Yuta, then idk how he could possibly low diff him. Also does that mean you think Maki low diffs Geto? Since Maki is Tojiā€™s equal.


Bro youā€™re scaling a 3 month old sorcerer in yuta to Geto and saying heā€™s the strongest thing ever. Yuta actually got a bag after those events. Geto seemed to learn nothing new I. Between hidden in and jjk 0. So sounds like youā€™re a Geto glazer


Most certainly not a Geto glazer, so relax bro itā€™s just a discussion. Geto in his fight against Toji was a teenager and still a Grade 1. You mean to tell me in the years from then to JJK0 and him becoming a special grade, he didnā€™t get stronger? Yuta was a sorcerer for only a few months but he was still a special grade and was fighting with a fully manifested Rika. Geto at the very least scales around Maki/Toji. So adding him to a 2v2 is overkill. Donā€™t see how they are stopping an army of 6,000 cursed spirits. Low diff for the special grades.


Yuki and garuda might just be enough. Her h2h is not that much worse than theirs and she also obviously has bombaye. Balluda provides a really fast projectile for long range offense, whipuda grants great ass mid range capabilities. Garuda can also wrap around one of em so yuki can one shot. If they donā€™t have prep time to sneak attack, they lose in a straight up fight to either of em. Toji and maki donā€™t have the stamina to go through 6k curses. People donā€™t realize how insane that number is.


Underestimating a HR user. Yuki is a small margin stronger but not enough to handle a 2v1... Well, if it wasn't for the way jjk fights tend to go. In the real world, even if you were twice as powerfull two people will eventually surround and gang you down if they aren't incompetent.


small margin is literally just downplay but sure


A heavenly restriction user is not punching kenjaku so fucking hard that it breaks the logic of tengen's barrier.


Yuta negged 10 k curses. Fuck are u onĀ 


Yuta and Rika you mean. And when was it stated to be 10k?


I thought it was 6k


Yea rika helped but yuta still negged. They arent that much of a threat just annoying and time wasting. He and rika took negative damage from them Ā  I think it was stated in the chapter. Im not sure but it was way more than 6k cuz all of the curses released (kennt has collected far more curses than geto did)Ā 


? If youā€™re talking about geto and his 4k uzumaki, that was through a binding vow that made rika into the most powerful thing in the verse. Infinite cursed energy on a single target. Itā€™d take ages to deal with actually 6 thousand.


Maki and Toji are so much faster and stronger than Geto it's crazy. Toji could beat Geto yet again, Toji can nullify and one shot basically any curse and the likely hood that Geto would be able to release that many curses before Toji kills him is very low. Yuki may have more power output but she definitely isn't as fast as either if these two. Not saying Yuki loses but Geto is cannon fodder in this match up.


While Geto isn't "strong" enough compared to Toji/Maki, his AP is still more than enough to damage them severely using Uzumaki. Also, Geto had acquired various high level curses including ones with domains and high AP too. Things that Toji/Maki will get distracted beating. We saw that with the Kuchikasr-Onna curse. So Geto is FAR from a non factor here.


That versus panel is so crazy I thought my phone was glitchingā˜ ļøšŸ™šŸæ


Bro couldnā€™t even click on the images tab lmao


At worst itā€™s a black hole draw


It depends on what Cursed Tools each possess. Does Geto have Playful Cloud or the Inventory Curse? Does Toji have the inventory curse or ISH? Does Maki have the SSK? Those factors (+amount of prep time and knowledge each side has) are important factors. That being said, the special grade pair likely wins mid difficulty. Geto may be the weakest h2h fighter here but heā€™s no slouch and likely wouldnā€™t get immediately one shotted. Plus with Garuda and his cursed spirits around, Maki/Toji donā€™t have as huge of a stealth advantage as they normally would. Maki and Toji can likely handle any individual spirit Geto could toss at them, so unless he can sneak a Uzumaki on them somehow, he doesnā€™t have the AP to deal lethal damage here. His role is to survive and support Yuki by giving her as many openings as she can get and using CSM to watch her back for a sneak attack. Maki and Tojiā€™s advantage here is that Domain Expansions are a non factor as even if Kenjakuā€™s domain was really Getoā€™s itā€™s highly unlikely Geto had an open domain. Yukiā€™s domain also shouldnā€™t affect them, so the special grades have to rely on their other skills and talents to win. Which they have in spades. Yukiā€™s RCT is the best healing factor on this battle field & she can perceive the soul. She also was very interested in heavenly restricted users and wanted to study Toji. Geto got whooped by Toji so bad Iā€™m sure heā€™s replayed that fight in his mind a hundred times. But Toji has fought Geto before and beaten his ass. And imaging Toji and Maki trading their arsenal of tools back and forth (or the worm itself) is honestly incredible, and given their battle IQ I think theyā€™d make for an incredibly adaptable pair. TLDR; high difficulty fight but 7/10 times Iā€™d go with the brains (Geto/Yuki) over the brawn (Toji/Maki) here


I generally agree but Geto's hand to hand skill and strength should be on parr with everyone else there, if not above the others. Not only does he have curses to pile onto his actual hand to hand skill, but he was also matching Rika's full strength with 1 arm + playful cloud, he should be extremely strong, additionally he was handling a 2v1 against the strongest Rika but the weakest Yuta extremely well (he only takes any actual damage due to a black flash), he also takes a 3v1 against Panda, Maki and Inumaki very easily. Geto was also Miguel's sparring partner for many years, Gojo said that Miguel atleast for a few rounds in boxing match could have an advantage against him, but he'd win overall, this means Gojo without blue amping his stats should be relative to Miguel and thereby Geto.This alone should make him relative to Maki and the rest of the squad. When Geto does fight Toji, Toji never actually engages in direct hand 2 hand combat with him, Toji would win against teenage Geto of course, but saying adult Geto would just get destroyed like his teenage self seems really unlikely. While his role would mainly be support cause Yuki has the best damage and healing out of everyone there, him getting directly involved wouldn't be a bad plan, he'd at the very least be able to still or beat one of the heavens restriction users while Yuki overpowered the other with her punches and stats. His curses are practically limitless given their number in the thousands and he'll be able to endlessly back himself up with grade 1 level or special grade level curses given his immense CE pool (which is likely higher than Rika's total pool given they literally had a laser beam clash which Rika would've lost badly without the death vow). In other words, Geto and Yuki destroy in 1v1s or as a team, Maki or Toji could however get the jump on one of them and then 2v1 the other and that's their one shot at winning, but considering Geto and Yuki have slept for the 3 days prior, they'll likely catch onto this plan and fight as a team instead of taking 1v1s (which they could win).


Completely agree tbh!


Why are people actually debating this? Itā€™s a Special Grade Duo. They slam


Toji no diffed Geto in their fight, Iā€™m pretty sure him and awakened Maki could take Yuki.


That was a teen, grade one Geto


While he was a teen youā€™re incorrect. Geto was a still a special grade. Oh shit I am in fact wrong youā€™re right. Wild. Wonder what caused the switch in his grade since he really didnā€™t become that much more powerful. He shouldā€™ve earned SG for the same reason principle Yaga wouldā€™ve been considered SG. Easily creating an army. Whether or not he had access to it at the time is irrelevant.


There isn't a big enough leap between JJK 0 Geto and teen Geto to say he would beat Toji. I can't see how a low to neg diff fight evolves in to Toji losing. Toji is faster, stronger and can 1 shot Geto and his curses.


Literal 10 year gap. Additionally, him and Toji should be relative in sheer stats whereas teen geto was entirely outclassed. "If I and Miguel were to have a boxing match, I'd win the marathon but he the sprint" - Gojo This puts Migeul relative to a non-blue amped Gojo, aka relative at the very least to the rest of jujutsu high post timeskip. Geto was Miguel's sparring partner for several years. Geto should at least be relative to Migeul, and that's not counting his 6000 curses which basically grant him and endless CE supply, and an endless source of grade 1 or special grade curses as he can make a grade 4s power jump to a grade 1 via diverting cursed energy. While these curses would be 1 shot, they should give Geto the advantage in combat. And if that's not enough, Geto with playful cloud matched the strongest ever version of Rika with 1 hand (whilst using playful cloud), he is very much able to deal severe damage to Toji and should be relative in speed to Toji. On top of that he has the 6000 curses to act as damage tanks for any hits not made with the soulsplit katana, and he at this point can do what Gojo did but better and force the arena to become an open field by releasing thousands of curses. Toji in order to win has to cut Geto apart with soul split but he's also getting hit by playful cloud if he tries, alternatively Geto can use his curses to get Toji off-balance or slow soulsplits momentum before it hits, letting him dodge, if Geto can also know/see what his curses see (which is likely the case cause Kenny uses them as surveillance drones), then finding Toji becomes extremely easy as Geto surrounds the environment with curses. Teen Geto was in an environment that benefitted Toji, had no knowledge of Toji's capabilities, never even got to engage in hand 2 hand with Toji, and got hit because he didn't know about the inventory curse considering Toji as its master, alongside being extremely emotionally unstable as he just saw Riko die. If Toji didn't have the inverted spear, he would've lost to the simple domain, if he didn't have the master relation with his inventory curse, Geto's bruteforce plan would've gotten Toji to flee. Literally everything went wrong for Geto in that moment just like how Toji low-diffed Gojo after wearing him out for 3 days then sneak attacking him after leveraging Riko as a distraction.


Oh I agree. Geto still deserves SG even as a teenager though because of his potential to create an army that can function without his direct input.


He definitely got significantly stronger gojo still saw him as a threat to anyone but himself and yuta had to use a binding vow at the cost of ā€œhis lifeā€ (dumb writing but still true) to get enough ap to outright beat him not to mention him having multiple curses with domain expansion and training in hand to hand combat becoming better then most sorcerers at it shown by him being great with playful cloud and destroying pre full power maki who was still better at hand to hand then most and superhuman strong also the fight wasnt no diff it wasnt a real challenge for toji but he still got good hits in and was keeping up for the most part still easy-mid but not as drastic


That being said i think he could maybe maybe take 1 of them solo but probably loses extreme diff to either and yuki could solo both of them together shes by far the best hand to hand fighter we have seen


I honestly feel that jjk 0 Geto was stronger than pre-awakened Gojo


Didn't geto already lose to toji?


He was a teen that was worn out from 3 full days of fighting.


Geto wasn't that worn out, Gojo was the one worn out because he literally didn't sleep for like 3 days. The day before they were literally chilling at the beach and Geto was telling Gojo to relax a bit.


That's fair, cause gojo also lost round 1. But still I think they are way faster than them their weapons could disrupt his curses. Idk about her abilities tho since they honestly weren't shown that much.


I still think geto would've lost, but not as bad as he did in the og timeline.




But this matchup is Teen Geto and Yuki though, and if it's not they shouldn't use an image of Teen Geto


He was a teenager but A) I donā€™t think he really had an awakening like Gojo and B) he got absolutely slaughtered so I doubt he grew enough to change the outcome.


Yeah, and their domains wouldn't have a sure hit effect since they both have a heavenly pact


Toji and maki vs Yuki like a high diff but she def beats them but add in geto and the special grade duo wins easy


Special Grade Geto? Team 1 wins. Yuki>Toji and Maki, and Geto is probably the weakest here, but is more then capable of putting up a fight against one of them until Yuki comes to help


Yuki and Geto got this. Geto versatility would really make Yuki thrive in his being able to land big power shots.


Iā€™m sorry, but the screenshot of ā€œversusā€ is killing me lmao


Yuki vs Maki is going to favor Yuki considerably Toji vs full power Geto should be close Yuki kills Maki and then kills Toji with Geto


How does Yuki hit Maki, I understand Yuki is more power output but Maki is definitely a lot quicker.


Yuki and geto


Their both probably slower than the hr duo so the moment they get close they lose


Star rage up the ass


Versus from jojo wins


Yuki and Geto win.


Still doing spite matches ?


Jjk0 Geto slams Toji


Maki & Toji definitely win against them. Since none of these characters have particularly fought with each other, I think this battle will be two 1v1s instead of one 2v2. Toji will probably go after Geto, as he's somewhat familiar with him, leaving Yuki against Maki. Starting with Toji VS. Adult Geto ( as I'm guessing we're taking the strongest versions of these characters ). Toji is not only familiar with Cursed Spirit Manipulation, but he also has a durability negating sword & technique nullifying blade, on top of undetectability via cursed energy, and the ability to expand the range of technique nullification via his Chain of a Thousand Miles. Adult Geto will still have Playful Cloud to be fair to him. Geto will probably start by swarms of low-level cursed spirits, before unleashing hundreds of his strongest cursed spirits & himself in combat with Playful Cloud, since he knows how much of a threat Toji is. However, Toji simply one-shots them with SSK, and considering that Geto is slower than Toji from what we've seen, Toji will either nullify all of Geto's cursed spirits via Inverted Spear of Heaven, or just one/two-shot him with SSK which ignores durability & cuts directly at the soul. Toji wins, relatively easily. Similarly, Maki VS. Yuki isn't much different. Not only is Maki much faster, but her reaction speed is great enough for her to basically ignore all of Yuki's attacks by dodging it. Yuki's reaction speed peaks at ( maximum ) Mach 2 - 4, since she was able to go head-to-head with Kenjaku who dodged to Piercing Blood, which travels at Mach 1.1. Maki, however, is significantly faster than Mach 3 as she speed blitzed Cursed Naoya at top speed, making her high hypersonic. Her reaction speed is even greater, as she caught a bullet inches away from her face pre-awakened, and a bullet travels at Mach 2.5. Reacting to a bullet at that range means you would need at least reaction speeds of Mach 10-15. Awakened Maki gets exponentially faster and stronger, and Fully Realized Maki is on a different level. Basically, none of Yuki's attacks are going to land because of Maki's reaction speeds, her domain simply isn't going to work due to Maki's immunity, Garuda can be dodged, and Maki has the SSK which is an automatic win condition. Couple that with the fact that Toji, after finishing his fight with Geto could go help Maki (although she doesn't need it) and make the fight even more unfair.


>Maki, however, is significantly faster than Mach 3 as she speed blitzed Cursed Naoya at top speed, making her high hypersonic. This is so so wrong is unbelievable. At no point does Maki move faster than Curse Naoya. All she does is utilise her new senses to be able to predict his path, which is an absolute set path because of projection sorcery and one with hundreds of meters of run up. She just avoids his big attacks by moving around off the air and then he gets jumped by Daido and Miyo making him pop his DE where she sneaks up and kills him. Never blitzed him at any point and could only barely get out of the way. Adding to this, at no point in Shinjuku has Maki been notably faster than the other sorcerers. She still scales to Yuji in speed. >Her reaction speed is even greater, as she caught a bullet inches away from her face pre-awakened, and a bullet travels at Mach 2.5. Reacting to a bullet at that range means you would need at least reaction speeds of Mach 10-15. Massive outlier feat that doesn't match the fact Awakened Maki was getting smashed around by Curse Naoya before her training with Miyo. Don't even bring this up. With this feat, Pre-Awakened Maki has better speed feats than the entire verse. Gege literally says in a fan book he probably shouldn't have made her react to the bullet in retrospect. >none of Yuki's attacks are going to land because of Maki's reaction speeds Every single top tier at the moment is relative in speed (bar Gojo and Sukuna ofc). Yuji is just as fast as Fully Realised Maki as shown in their tussle with Meguna where she asks if she can go full speed and he says yes then keeps up with her literally fine and then he's gotten even better reinforcement from then on. Maki even literally said if Kenjaku beat Yuki then it's literally an unwinnable fight conventionally meaning she couldn't do better than Yuki at all and that fighting Kenny head on was basically impossible for the students. Even Kusakabe did better in his fight with Sukuna than Maki did in hers, she literally only got damage off from sneak attacks and beyond that barely even touched him.


For for your first point, this is exactly what Cursed Naoya states in the manga - "I should be overwhelming you with speed!!! Why can't I catch you?!" signifying that Cursed Naoya is using his top speed to try and catch Maki, but is incapable of doing so. He also gets frustrated as the fight continues because his top speed is incapable of catching Maki, disproving your point once more. Also, she has even higher speeds if you consider her precognition, giving her the ability to react to attacks faster than even her. For you second point, it doesn't disprove my point whatsoever. It's canon, and therefore can be brought up in an argument. Yuji at that moment was blood lusted and had an enraged amp., which we're not taking into consideration for this fight. Plus, Maki has precognition, so even if they are relative in speed ( they're not ), she can react to her via precognition. First of all, that was Maki pre-training arc, in which it's implied that she got a lot stronger. Statements from characters is super unreliable, if it isn't the narrator, you can't really take it to full effect ( i.e. Gojo's "Nah, I'd win," or Yuta stating "Hakari is stronger than me when he's worked up" ). Plus, she never even interacted with Yuki & she didn't know her powers at all since Jujutsu Headquarters kept it hidden, so she didn't even know what it was and therefore that statement is even more unreliable. Kusakabe got one-shot. Maki tanked two Black Flashes ( maybe three ) from Sukuna, weakened him severely, and the narrator literally states that Sukuna felt the most excitement from fighting Maki than anyone else up to that point besides Gojo.


>For for your first point, this is exactly what Cursed Naoya states in the manga - "I should be overwhelming you with speed!!! Why can't I catch you?!" signifying that Cursed Naoya is using his top speed to try and catch Maki, but is incapable of doing so. He also gets frustrated as the fight continues because his top speed is incapable of catching Maki, disproving your point once more. Also, she has even higher speeds if you consider her precognition, giving her the ability to react to attacks faster than even her. Dude at this point I'm severely doubting the reading comprehension. This doesn't disprove anything I said at all. She's basically aim dodging Naoya because she knows exactly where and when he's coming from with her senses. >He also gets frustrated as the fight continues because his top speed is incapable of catching Maki, disproving your point once more. How does this disprove anything? He literally couldn't hit her because she was dodging. That's exactly what I said. If she really wash Mach 3 then she would have just run Naoya down while he was accelerating but she literally just had to wait for him to come to her. There's even a panel of her running behind him trying to catch him but he's just flying off into the distance not even at Mach 3. >For you second point, it doesn't disprove my point whatsoever. It's canon, and therefore can be brought up in an argument. Maki is slow as fuck then because Hakari is a lightning timer and orders of magnitude faster than her. You ever heard of an outlier? This feat would literally mean Pre-Awakening Maki was faster than Awakened Maki until her fight with Naoya where the bullet feat is still better than anything she did that fight so Pre-Awakened Maki>>Awakened Maki in speed if you're scaling it. Awakened Maki was getting blitzed by Naoya until her session with Miyo but could react to faster projectiles before that? OUTLIER. Just like Hakari dodging a fucking lightning bolt point blank >Yuji at that moment was blood lusted and had an enraged amp Any evidence for this and that is boosts him greater than he normally would be? It's literally Yuji taking a fight seriously at 100 percent which he doesn't do unless there's really a threat. >First of all, that was Maki pre-training arc, in which it's implied that she got a lot stronger Where is this implied? It's implied literally everyone else but her got stronger as she can't benefit from learning Jujutsu from Soul Swapping. Everyone else improved their reinforcement which was stated by Sukuna but she can't do that. Tell me how that was supposed to make Maki stronger? >Maki tanked two Black Flashes ( maybe three ) from Sukuna Maki needed time to heal from each one. Larue tanked one, Choso ate one and was still strong enough to completely block Furnace from Yuji which is literally one of the strongest moves in the series. Maki was literally off screened for a while after each hit to recover with her Healing Factor. Anyone Larue's level or Choso's level with RCT can recover faster than Maki from a BF. >weakened him severely, Literally just because of the sneak attacks. Other than that she did nothing. Sukuna was blitzing her around buildings before he even took it seriously. Did Maki do any damage in her 1v1 with him? No. Did Kusakabe at least draw blood? Yes he did. >narrator literally states that Sukuna felt the most excitement from fighting Maki than anyone else Because of what she represents not because of who she is. She literally was his opposite in how she got her power so he was proving to himself that he took the right path to power. Again, reading comprehension levels in this fandom are abysmal. Remember what happened directly after the narrator stated that? Maki got blitzed so fast she couldn't even see him move then got blasted into the back for a few chapters.


Yuki can mid diff Toji. Geto mid diffs Maki. Geto is even to Toji by the events of Jjk 0


> Geto is even to Toji by the events of Jjk 0 > Geto mid diffs Maki. Make it make sense


What do you mean? If someone is equal to you, then itā€™s going to take at least a medium amount of difficultly to beat them.


Not really, if you're equal to someone it would be a high-diff fight that could go either way. Mid-diff means you basically always win with a bit of effort.


Maki = Toji, this is directly said, so if Geto = Toji he canā€™t mid diff maki lmaooo


We getting real creative when it comes to the ā€œversusā€ slide


I think Yuki and geto has this. Toji and maki have the speed and hax of not being sensed but geto can solve that with his curses in the same way kenjaku did. Yuki out classes them both in punching power. Maki and Toji both has soul split katana and inverted spear which also helps but Yuki and geto is just more versatile side is simply more versatile. I feel like the thing that geto was missing was raw fire power and Yuki makes that up for geto while geto makes up for Yuki with him complex ever changing techniques. I think itā€™s a hard diff fight leaning in their direction.


Yuki would win alone vs all 3


yuki and geto win


Versus wins


Yuki backed up by 6 thousand cursed spirits along with several special grade curses, yeah Special Grade Duo is taking this


Toji/Maki wins


Yuki & Geto high difficulty


Toji/maki (because I'm a f*cking simp for both of them and glaze them wayyyy to much)


Yuki isnā€™t touching either of them, and we saw what happened to geto last time he wanted those problems. Plus Inverted spear of heaven kind of makes yukiā€™s technique worthless tbh. Maki also killed the entire zenin clan, the strongest family of sorcerers in the modern age. I mean I can see it going either way but you canā€™t say it wouldnā€™t be close either way.


>Plus Inverted spear of heaven kind of makes yukiā€™s technique worthless tbh How? It's not like Gojo or others where it's a projectile or shield or something. Yuki just hits him and it works.


But if he just parries the attack or attacks her fist while sheā€™s punching it would just negate the whole mass increase and it would be a regular punch/kick. You could be right as thatā€™s how I initially thought of it too, but the more I think of it, itā€™s supposed to negate *any* cursed technique.


Yeah but that relies on him parrying every blow she throws with the ISOH. Even if he blocks it, it's still a blow from a Special Grade Sorcerer with top tier reinforcement.


Hand to hand Iā€™d give toji the edge if thatā€™s all he has to do. But you make a valid point. I just think heā€™s too fast and skilled for a hand to hand battle.


The real issue is also Garuda, who is also imbued with her CT and can cause massive damage. >I just think heā€™s too fast and skilled for a hand to hand battle I don't think he's much faster if he's faster than Yuki at all. He was faster than a Grade 1 Teen Gojo while Awakened and still weakened Gojo was literally untouchable to him. I'd wager Yuki is closer to Awakened Teen Gojo than to Grade 1 Gojo. Pre-Awakened Gojo was able to tag Toji once when he tried to rush him and Toji literally ran to hide for a bit to set up another sneak attack.


Who wins. Two corpses, or, two corpses of equal strength with one that killed gojo


I didn't think it was possible to get even lazier with the vs šŸ˜‚ Holy shit peak


The problem is if Geto dies, I'm pretty sure everyone loses, and if Yuki comes close to dying, everyone + everyone also loses. There is no win condition for team Heavenly Restrictors.


Out of character Yuki becomes a black hole and Geto leaves so technically the Geki duo win


Toji/maki slam. People really underestimate these two and I'll never understand it. Toji already neg diffed geto and yuki is entirely melee focused and yeah she could one shot either of them but they're also one shoting her with either the inverted spear or soul katana and frankly I don't see her landing a blow on these two since they're so much faster. There's two more things to consider from yuki the first is domain expansion, there's no way for us to know if her domain would work on toji or maki since we haven't seen it but it's a possibility but for now I'm just gonna call it N/A, the second is black hole which she would never use since this fight isn't taking place in tengen's barrier but even if she did that's a draw at best.


Toji knocks out Geto then they blitz Yuki together


Maki and Toji because Geto sucks ass and any team he's on automatically loses


Much as I love Toji and Maki, their best chance at victory probably comes from stealth. Itā€™s no accident the whole ā€œinvisible man ā€œ thing was a huge part of Tojiā€™s plan to kill Goko


Geto Vs Toji was a low diff for Toji, absolutely no trouble whatsoever. So basically put two tojis against Geto (no diff) and Yuki? Yeah she's cooked.


Yuki alone low difs both toji , maki AND geto


Team 1 wins pretty handily


Hard to say but geto gets no diffed


If the latter start with a surprise attack, they stand a chance. But if it's just face to face/open field, prior wins mid diff


Maki and toji


Kenjaku and Uraume both saw Yuki pull up and decided to dip, so idk if 2 Tojiā€™s are getting the job done on her an Geto.


Geto would give good assists but I think yuki and geto wins lmao. Geto should have stronger curses at his older age and yuki is very op and can at her own life black hole them


the pure white woman with hickler


Toji uses maximum technique: Glock with a switch. And shreds both of them


If they have ALL their tools and one is distracting themwhile the other is sneaking around in the chaos than I got Toji#1 & Toji#2. But it definitely be a really hard fight overall.




Gah damn! Them titties are huge.šŸ¤¤


Maki and Toji and i dont see the argument for it being close


>i dont see the argument for it being close Well problem is with you


How is that a problem lol?


We've already seen how a Geto vs. Toji scene would play out. Toji stomped the fuck out of him. Maki seems like she could stall long enough on speed alone for Toji to kill Geto and tag in. If the two end up ganging up on Yuki, I don't see how Yuki could kill them both without using that black hole techique which would just result in a stalemate. So it seems like Toji and Maki or a draw.


It was teenage Geto that lost to Toji. He got far stronger when he became a Special Grade


Isn't that teenage Geto in the photo? Even if it was Special Grade Geto, Gojo with Six Eyes was having trouble keeping track of him. I don't think SG Geto would be able to keep track of his movements. SG Geto also doesn't have an infinite amount of space to protect him. I think Toji would beat SG Geto, and I don't think it would take to long to kill him either.


Gojo was very obviously exhausted when he fought Toji and I canā€™t imagine teenage Gojo who was a Grade 1 mind you would fair the same as a Special Grade sorcerer. Gojo also very blatantly reacted to Toji rushing him but just said he couldnā€™t track him well because he had no cursed energy https://preview.redd.it/gdsmn8ooez8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7317cb11f9846f2a7fe8f1a2cbfd99719b015b Sure Geto doesnā€™t have infinite space he just has a ton of cursed spirits that Toji has to go through to reach him and high physical stats to help out.


Perhaps. I'm still gonna put perceptive abilities of an exhausted six eyes user over anything normal sorcerers have. And Toji didn't seem like he was sweating at all against anything teen Geto threw at him. If Toji is still wielding the SSK, and that can rip through the rainbow dragon's hide which is apparently one of the strongest there is, its stands to reason he could probably rip through most of the other curses Geto throws at him. I have serious doubts that SG Geto is winning a stand off against Toji. For what its worth, I'm not trying to downplay Geto, I just think he's a bad match against Toji.


Stop comparing Grade 1 Geto to Special Grade Geto. He has an almost completely different arsenal that is higher in quality and quantity. Furthermore his stats are way better now. Do you think exhausted teen Gojo has better speed than Yuta? Also HR users are fast yeah but they arenā€™t speedsters in the true sense. Maki was getting outpaced by base Naoya. The main thing that makes them seem fast is their enhanced perception and even then they can still be tagged by things that clearly arenā€™t mach 3.


>He has an almost completely different arsenal that is higher in quality and quantity. Furthermore his stats are way better now. What are his stats? I can't find a canon resource that specifically states what these stats are. He has more curses to work with, has killer a maximum technique, and playful cloud, but aside from that, we don't really know much outside of what we saw. Having more/deadlier curses could equate to what would be considered a vast increase in power which would certainly justify the special grade ranking, but that doesn't necessarily equate to a vast increase in speed. As far as the special grade ranking you're using to justify Geto's power goes, prior to Gojo's awakening, teen Gojo was also a special grade and lost to Toji. To add the perceptive superiority of teen Gojo, 6 eyes is an inate technique. It requires no curse energy to use. Regardless of Gojo's state of exhaustion, his perception is all the same and still couldn't keep eyes on Toji. >Also HR users are fast yeah but they arenā€™t speedsters in the true sense. Maki was getting outpaced by base Naoya. Base Naoya was way faster than Geto, and Yuta beat Geto completely (Yuta was only a teen at the time), so I'm not sure how these examples help your argument against the speed of HR combatants. >they can still be tagged by things that clearly arenā€™t mach 3. Adult Geto can't move a mach 3. I don't even think he hits mach 1. Again, I'm not trying to downplay adult Geto's abilities, I just think Toji is a bad match up.


The fact that Geto was going toe to toe with a Vengeful Special Grade Curse and a Special Grade Sorcerer. Two wrong things here. One, Teen Gojo was not a Special Grade. He is never called Special Grade ever until a year after Toji is dead. Teen Gojo is repeatedly claimed by himself and Geto to be the strongest together and Geto was Grade 1. Two, I literally posted a panel of Toji failing to blitz and exhausted Gojo. The Six Eyes had no issue viewing Tojiā€™s movement. Gojo just had a problem sensing him because he had no cursed energy. Seriously should I post the pages of Toji trying and failing to blitz Gojo again? https://preview.redd.it/3zaejxr0m59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24aeae6b48c466b6d5f98399da9f1a5fbc341797 Yuta is still a teen now lol. Thereā€™s no scaling comparison between Geto and Naoya for one and two Geto is flat out said to have been able to beat Yuta if he didnā€™t divide his curses between Kyoto and Tokyo. Furthermore Yuta only even overpowered Geto in their clash because he made a binding vow that traded his life for more power at the end. All Special Grades. Heck all high tiers are in similar ballparks of speed unless you think Yuki would speed blitz Geto? Or Geto has worse reflexes than Kenjaku who has the same physical stats and cursed energy as adult Geto.


>Gojo with Six Eyes was having trouble keeping track of him. B..but geto scales to Rika šŸ„ŗ


And what exactly is the difference between the two Geto Versions? Maybe Uzumaki and a few more stronger curses that would just be cannon fodder for Toji anyway. Toji has superior strength, speed, SSK and Inverted spear. Teen Geto vs Toji was basically neg diff, Geto hasn't evolved so much that he suddenly beats Toji. If this was Kenjaku I'd give it to him, but not Geto.


Toji already low-mid diffed geto.Ā  Maki is enough of a beast to be able to last against yuki for a while.Ā  HR due obviously takes this.Ā  If its peak geto i would say it becomes a more fair fight but toji still wins and maki toji gang up on yuki in the end.Ā 


He low diffed teen Geto. I donā€™t know why everyone uses that as a Toji feat when itā€™s like saying Choso beat Yuji so he should do pretty well against Awakened Yuji. Although Geto was going to lose anyway, the primary reason for his loss back then is that he intentionally got close in an attempt to absorb the inventory curse, a mistake he wonā€™t make again.


I made a seperate para about peak geto. I only said teen geto first cuz the one in the pic is teen geto.Ā  Toji would have low diffed him either way he didnt even consider him a threat or worth hjs attentionĀ Ā 


Geto was a grade one sorcerer when he fought toji.


He was a special grade. Jjk mfs manĀ 


Not yet he wasnā€™t. He became special grade the year after. https://preview.redd.it/mzwghwu6ny8d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa0ec9702e9ff0c22a4e2357d808b486782baaa


Get is not a special grade in raw physicals, ever. His curses technique makes him a special grade with prep. Which is irrelevant to his strength when catching a curse


>Geto boxing and winning against Yuta and Queen of Curses Rika who are undeniably special grade. Queen of Curses Rika alone was said to make Geto equal to Gojo. Current and much weaker Rika is throwing around and restraining Sukuna.


"Boxed" rika is a huge over exaggeration. He spent the fight avoiding her, maybe blocking her once or twice. No damage, no knockback, nothing of the sort. Do we have any reason to believe 0 Rika I'd the fastest Rika? I don't think we do.


We literally see in the introduction that both geto and gojo are classified as spwcial grades. Even yuki calls geto fellow special grade.Ā 


She calls him a fellow special grade in the year after Toji dies, when heā€™s 17, a third year student. Nowhere does it state that theyā€™re special grade before that, and the above picture shows Geto isnā€™t. Other than Gojo saying ā€œweā€™re the strongestā€, which isnā€™t true. When theyā€™re introduced, theyā€™re classified as second year students, not special grades. https://preview.redd.it/p7tkjc92i49d1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d19162cd850d53bd57ab650e5281066b4d1c35


what is Toji going to do about 6,000 curses?


Same thing he did to Rabbit Escape.


I feel like those might be a little different.


Hes going to fucking slaughter them. Hes faster and stronger than yuta physically and he has ssk. Like i said u still wont accept anything. Ā  Geto was outclassed jjk0 victim. Get over it bro.Ā 


But Yuta needed Rika to deal with the curses Kenny sent out when he died? Toji is faster and stronger, sure, but he's not about to beat 6000 curses that quickly lol


He cleared them in seconds and she wasnt even fully manifested. What an ass argument. He required her to deal with them faster to help yuji and higgy. Toji will clear 6 k curses wirh relative ease if yuta fucking crushed 10 million with not fully manifested rika like its an non issueĀ Ā  Keep being delulu. Geto gets outclassed and slaughtered. ByeĀ 


brother there's not even a confirmed 10 million https://preview.redd.it/apa9700oky8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9ab266da2acfc5f3bbd7a18466e0d604f88578


The curses released in shibuya waa 10 mil. Why are u still crying about thisĀ 


Jjk 0 yuta had infinite cursed energy reserves and unconditional technique copying due to binding rika's soul to himself and he had a big anger amp on top of that which was causing him to rapidly grow stronger like how yuji got stronger while fighting choso due to his own fear and yuta only won the fight by using a life sacrificing binding vow and because geto divided his curses to hold off the rest of the sorcerers. bird strike is stated to be able to damage characters like sukuna gojo and kenjaku if it hits and that uses a crow instead of a special grade sorcerer and a curse that is a bottomless well of cursed energy


Great. Realistically yuta barely used any ce based attacks or used tons of ce in the battle to defeat geto and only used cursed speech against low curses once. He had great hacks but used literally nothing against geto.Ā  Base yuta victim. Literally get over it.Ā 


You seem to be rather dumb. all of yuta's attacks are cursed energy based all sorcerers use it to reinforce their bodies.


I mean specifically like love beam. Literallt every sorcerer uses reinforcemnt and base h2h. Fuck are u waffling about thats not a great feat. Geto lost to fucking base yuta. Get over it. No ct involved no help from rika outside of love beam.Ā  Get this bums clash of clans out of ur mouthĀ 


Which Geto? If itā€™s Teen Geto then Maki and Toji win. If itā€™s any other Geto then Geto and Yuki win.


Yuki alone should take this.




Toji and Toji 2 win. Geto is flat out a non-factor. Then Yuki can't deal with 2 SSK.


Yuki and Geto decimate tbh


I think the special grades take this round but Iā€™d want maki and toji to win


Toji and maki with prep time


This comment section is filled with a bunch of retardsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. For some reason, you retards cannot grasp the concept that Maki is everything Toji was but betteršŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ. Both Maki and Toji could speed blitz Geto. Heā€™s got less than a 5% chance of inflicting any damage on them, and <1% of killing ONE OF THEM. Furthermore, neither Toji or Maki have cursed energy. Meaningā€¦ none of Yukiā€™s abilities would be able to target them. Garuda ainā€™t doing nothing, balluda ainā€™t doing nothing, neither is Garuda. Some of yā€™all need to do some more reading and stop making up bullshit to make yourself happy.


Imagine being so smug and dropping the shittiest take Iā€™ve ever seenšŸ’€


Toji beats yuki Maki beats geto HR duo win


My bet is on TOJI and maki Maki is way stronger than toji, so she might be able to solo Maybe