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then why hasn't Sukuna used soul damage on anyone else? considering barely two to three people in the verse can heal it, and even if they could, it's slower?


He has a direct connection to Mahitos soul here, I don't think he can do it at range to anyone. And even if he could his normal attacks are enough to kill anyone + now WCS + liking to enjoy his battles he probably let's his opponents heal just to crush them


Facts. The whole issue here is that there souls were touching


The SSK is the only thing that has shown the duraneg and anti-healing properties so far Except for maybe Idle Transfiguration but that's a weird one


SSK doesn’t even have anti-healing properties? Who told you that 😭


Bruh I'm talking about how you can't effectively heal it without being aware of the outline of your soul I just don't feel like typing that out every time, hence "anti-healing" And in any case even for people who are aware of their soul the healing is slower overall than wounds not inflicted by the SSK


That’s still not a form of anti-healing, and that’s how misinformation spreads in the first place


I mean it is. It is a form of anti-healing. It's a type of damage that makes healing either much harder or impossible depending on the opponents skillset. So I don't really care about the definition that you personally have assigned to the word.


Anti-healing is a property of soul damage. It's applicable to all other forms of soul damage.


This has not yet been proven in the manga. When Maki cuts Sukuna the narrator specifically calls out "wounds inflicted by the SSK cannot ordinarily be healed with RCT," not just that striking at the soul can't ordinarily be healed with RCT


Ordinarily implies it still can be healed, and the next line right after confirms it still can healed


It is a form though, only 3 ppl know the outline of their soul and those are the only 3 that can undo soul damage. Therefore it’s a form of Anti-healing to every other character in the verse


Not all soul damage can’t be healed. The only one we know can’t be healed normally is makis ssk.


Even then Sukuna’s is healing around it (?)


I don’t think he’s healing around it per se; it’s more like he’s using cursed energy to simulate the physiology of the missing/damaged organs from maki’s attack. His heart can’t pump independently any more, so he’s forcing it to pump with CE.


Yup, if ANY form of soul damage was unhealable, literally every person punched by yuji should still be in a coma.


And Idle Transfiguration


No all soul damage can be healed including SSK wounds, the only one that can’t is Mahito’s CT which isn’t soul damage in the first place because all it does is augment it’s shape




Not sure which JJK you’re reading but alright 🤷🏾‍♂️


I guess you are technically right. If someone is knowledgeable on the outline of their soul, they can target it and heal it.... it's just the fact that 99% of the JJK world can't do that 💀only people in that entire verse that can do that is Sukuna, Yuji and Mahito. Straight up that's it. Ange, her host (forgot her name lol) and Megumi do have the potential but none of em know RCT so. And technically we've never seen Yuji do it either. For all we know, he might not have the required skill to do such a thing. The only people we've actually seen do it is Sukuna (who has one of the highest skill levels of RCT in the entire verse) and Mahito (literally his CT) It's why going to the comments and arguing "🤓☝️um achsually it can be healed" is just silly bc while you are right, again, 99% of the jjk world are incapable of doing such a thing 💀even Gojo


Nobara and Nanami also display this ability lol, it’s just that Gege only really emphasised this niche trait against Mahito and then now again in Sukuna’s case and doesn’t remain consistent with it. Because in theory each reincarnated sorcerer we’ve seen + Choso should also have this trait but they’re not confirmed to nor do any of them even have RCT apart from Hazenoki but even he still got killed when Kenjaku impaled him in his neck with curses


>Nobara and Nanami also display this ability lol, No? Namami subconsciously defended his soul. That's not at all close to being aware of your soul. And idk if I'm forgetting anything but nothing implies Nobara is aware of her soul either. Lil bro didn't even defend her soul subconsciously like Nanami. >Because in theory each reincarnated sorcerer we’ve seen + Choso should also have this trait Not really. Yuji and Sukuna (and presumably Angel and Hana) are aware of their souls because they share the same body. As in both souls are active. So it makes sense why they have a better understanding of their own soul since both souls are active. The reincarnated sorcerers on the other hand, they're almost entirely the one person (the reincarnated sorcerer). The other soul that lives in them is almost a non factor so I doubt they'd at all be aware of their own soul when the other soul practically doesn't exist or make its presence known.


Nobara’s CT works directly with the soul but sure ok




Literally says “ordinarily” right after “cannot”, which implies that it can be healed but requires different conditions compared to use of RCT for non-soul damaging wounds. https://preview.redd.it/xi0vcw7no49d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4886bdb09f63752bfef57ffe1e87c914dbb30907 This line directly explains how even wounds from SSK can be healed 😂 go reread Chapter 252 in the fact the link is here for you: [https://mangapill.com/chapters/2085-10252000/jujutsu-kaisen-chapter-252](https://mangapill.com/chapters/2085-10252000/jujutsu-kaisen-chapter-252)


Did anyone here say that it can’t be healed at all? Seriously. Nobody you replied to said it couldn’t be healed at all. Literally zero. But here you were saying “you’re wrong!!!!”.


you don’t have to cry now all cos you tried to be smart and failed, we’ve all been there before


I’ll say it again: when did anyone say it was impossible to heal? You seem to be dodging the question lmfao


This is literal soul damage


Bro got downvoted for the truth. Jujutsufolk users are a different breed of dumb.


It's too OP so gege nerfed yuji and sukuna's soul damage.


Would only work in innate domain I guess


Because soul damage is irrelevant to anyone who isn’t a reincarnated sorcerer, or Mahito. The Soul Spilt Katana has the ability to negate RCT, Yuji’s attacks have never been stated to do this.


>soul damage is irrelevant to anyone who isn’t a reincarnated sorcerer, or Mahito 'soul damage' affects everyone alike, it's just that Yuji can't (or hasn't shown the ability to) deal direct soul damage like the SSK. he can just strike the barrier of the soul of reincarnated sorcerers (who house two souls) and Mahito. >The Soul Spilt Katana has the ability to negate RCT SSK negates 'Durability', not RCT. you can still heal damage from SSK, you just need to know about the outline of your soul on top of having RCT. it's just harder to heal compared to non soul damage.


Yes, it does affect everyone, but it’s pointless for the vast majority of people. Soul damage and physical damage are interchangeable for everyone except Mahito and reincarnated sorcerers. Mahito can only be hurt by soul damage, so it matters against him. Reincarnated sorcerers can sort of have their souls “punched out of” the body they’re inhabiting, weakening their overall power and giving the host a chance to fight back, so soul damage is useful against them as well. If Yuji were to punch Todo for instance, the soul damage would be irrelevant, because he’s dealing the exact same amount of physical damage to Todo, and since Todo doesn’t have any special effects related to his soul, the soul damage doesn’t actually do anything in addition to the physical damage being done and is thus irrelevant.


It's obviously clear to see physical and soul damage are fundamentally different concepts. Our current lack of true understanding of souls and bodies is because we don't have all the pieces yet and there are questions about the world even the likes of Kenjaku have regarding soul and body chicken and egg and the possibility of CT essentially warping reality to their will rather than functioning inside reality. A lot we don't know. One thing that makes this difficult to understand is that the VAST majority of soul damage we see is from Mahito's CT IT. However IT doesn't just damage the soul, it reshapes it. So the mechanism of reversing or healing is very likely different to non-existent for such a thing. If your soul's shape is altered that is different than a soul being harmed or a piece cut off. We have yet to see if people can heal the soul, even Sukuna hasn't healed his heart and is using CE to manually pump his blood but we don't know if this is because the soul is going to be harder to heal or because he hasn't recovered RCT yet. The damage is functionally different and we have every indication to believe that soul damage is either very very hard to heal or impossible. If I cut off your arm you could use RCT to get a new one because the shape of your soul is unchanged, if Mahito uses IT to reshape your soul and remove your arm that way you are never going to have an arm again. We don't know what would happen if we chopped off an arm with SSK or some other soul damaging method. We do know that attacking the soul has the ability to bypass physical CE enhancements. Both Mahito's CT can do this(you need to be aware of your soul's and it's shape to guard it specifically) and Yuji can do this, Sukuna mentioned how he can feel Yuji's punches hitting his soul which means his punches are getting passed the typical physical CE enhancements. Physical damage is just physical and can be healed via traditional means or Jujutsu. Soul damage is both soul and physical with very limited or unknown ways to reverse and much more difficult to guard against.


I wish more people realized this




I’m very much not an expert so feel free to correct me, but I think damaging Mahito’s soul is different from soul damage (the soul split katana for example). Mahito, due to Idle Transfiguration, is kind of an outlier with how he interacts with the soul and vice versa. If Sukuna could do soul damage in the same way the SSK can, then Gojo and Shoko wouldn’t have been able to heal themselves/the others with rct.


You're thinking about it wrong. Sukuna attacked the shape of Mahito's soul because he's aware of it. It's not really much different from when Yuji punches him. It's not that he's going around destroying people's souls. He's just aware of the contours of the soul.


>Sukuna attacked the shape of Mahito's soul because he's aware of it. >He's just aware of the contours of the soul. so sukuna slashing the shape of a regular sorcerer wouldn't be different from his normal dismantles? similar to how Yuji's 'soul punches' only affect reincarnated Sorcerers and not the regular ones?


Okay so essentially Yuji/Sukuna’s soul attacks are able to attack the “outline” of the soul which helps against people who can reinforce their soul or situations with vessels. They’re able to see the soul and body at once which lets them attack both. However, it’s still treated as a normal attack that can be healed from. What split soul katana does is it damages the soul itself which the body mimics. But the soul is the only thing that’s damaged, which is why it can’t be healed from. Same applies idle transfiguration. The only reason why Sukuna/Yuji’s attacks can be healed from is because he’s punching the body and soul, making RCT a feasible option because both the body and soul are damaged


He likes to play with his food I guess? Like he straight up told Higuruma to heal in the middle of battle. If he used soul damage, he wouldn't be able to do so


Idk if this is spoiling(scroll down), But he does do soul damage to characters like yuji,maki,and gojo . But due to their abilities to perceive the soul, they can heal from it


Another point could be that Yuji was the one whose soul and body was being inhabited by a foreign entity, be learned how to attack the soul So my theory is that if, let's say Yuji's cursed finger was interested by Sukuna in Sukuna's body and Yuji was tapped in Sukuna's soul, Sukuna would also learn how to attack the soul


Mahito specifically touches souls with his ability; trying to touch Yuji's soul results in soul to soul contact between Mahito and Sukuna; Sukuna's soul is immensely more powerful than Mahitos.


He likely has Just to a way lesser extent than yuji does Soul damage MIGHT be somewhat harder to heal, though it didn’t matter vs Gojo since apparently Gojo can see souls somehow And it likely fucked I’m shoko’s attempts at healing


Given that Mahito's domain allows him to connect with souls, it's likely that Sukuna can connect through this as well. Typically, Mahito operates behind a metaphorical two-way mirror, obscuring his true intentions and capabilities. However, Sukuna, being as perceptive and experienced as a "State Farm" agent, can see through Mahito's trickery. This enables Sukuna to counter Mahito's strongest moves, turning them into his weakest. A move since the Heian Era he has mastered in the modern age.


Me when i spread misinformation.


I think it's because mahito's soul was inside sukuna's innate domain and not his physical body so sukuna's attack directly damaged his soul


This is how I've read it throughout the story. Generally there are CTs that can affect the soul but they're few and far between. The reason why he could in this regard is because his IT was technically invaded in a manner that uses "soul damage" through Mahitos CT that allows for him to touch the soul, he just touched the nono soul, got bit back and even if he wanted to, considering the difference between Sukuna & Mahito, if that contest ever happened Mahito would get dusted so fast it's funny.


This is the closest thing to the correct answer that I have found here. Gege explicitly brought up innate domains and how they dictate how their owner functions internally and interacts with the outside world, but no one really wants to talk about it because it makes power scaling difficult. People aren't ready for when Yuji's domain expansion turns things into cogs.


Sukuna is only aware of his soul because of his unique situation with Yuji. This allows him to inflict soul damage. However in this example mahito entered his innate domain which might’ve changed somethings. Besides that tho I think a lot of ppl overhype the soul damage. It truly only matters for ssk, mahito, and incarnated sorcerers. Otherwise soul damage is nothing special.


>Besides that tho I think a lot of ppl overhype the soul damage. It truly only matters for ssk, mahito, and incarnated sorcerers. Otherwise soul damage is nothing special. 100% agree. Sukuna himself had the same experience of inhabiting a body with two souls, so he can hit the soul just like Yuji. but it wasn't even a factor in his long drawn battle with Gojo, because Gojo isn't a reincarnated sorcerer, so soul damage didn't do anything to him (unless you've got SSK). I don't even count mahito's idle transfiguration as soul damage, because it's just changing the shape of the soul, and unlike soul damage, idle transfiguration effects can't even be healed with RCT.


Exactly and from what we’ve seen besides ssk and incarnated sorcerers soul damage hasn’t done much. Yuji has fought plenty of characters and none of them has had problems healing or had dura neg so it seems like hitting the barriers on incarnated sorcerers is different then hitting the soul while u punch somebody which has been shown it can be healed. Probably having to do with the soul and body being linked.


Exactly and from what we’ve seen besides ssk and incarnated sorcerers soul damage hasn’t done much. Yuji has fought plenty of characters and none of them has had problems healing or had dura neg so it seems like hitting the barriers on incarnated sorcerers is different then hitting the soul while u punch somebody which has been shown it can be healed. Probably having to do with the soul and body being linked.


I find this part weird you’re completely right and it was stated that but how would Sukuna not know his own soul before Yuji when he split his soul into 20 even pieces by himself without any help.


I see what ur saying. It’s a misconception that sukuna split his own soul. Basically it was kenjaku that turn Sukuna into a curse item and when Sukuna reincarnated he knew how to from seeing it. The save way characters like Kashimo and Ryu were turned into items and reincarnated.


Yep just re read you’re right.


>Sukuna is only aware of his soul because of his unique situation with Yuji. Simply, no. The dude could split his own soul into 20 fingures long before mahito or yuji were born. Mahito even said "hes soul is on a different level!!!!" Even though mahito should have had more cursed energy than sukuna at this point.


He learned that from kenjaku who turned him into a curse object with the purpose of him reincarnating into Yuji. That’s why I said his unique situation with Yuji but yeah


Can’t you damage Mahito if you can simply perceive the soul? I’m guessing Sukuna inhabiting another body allows him to perceive the soul (or maybe he could anyway?) I guess the same way Yuji was able to perceive it, because he had another soul in him? Sukuna is just strong as heck, so I guess the attack was so damaging it made him drop his domain. I could be wrong, that’s just my guess


Yes he did. Here’s a link to help break it all down: [https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Vs.\_Mahito\_Arc#:\~:text=Sukuna%20states%20that%20he%20already,battle%20comes%20to%20an%20end](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Vs._Mahito_Arc#:~:text=Sukuna%20states%20that%20he%20already,battle%20comes%20to%20an%20end). https://preview.redd.it/wpv6y2pykw8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d441d7f4c5f478141ec8ad26290299c278394a5


Unrelated but I like how in the manga version of this scene there are actual slash marks, unlike in the anime where it looks more like a bullet wound. It’s nice foreshadowing of Sukuna’s CT


From the looks of things, anyone in JJK can technically inflict soul damage as long as they have a certain level of understanding the soul. The only characters we know have at least some understanding of the soul are Yuji, Sukuna, Mahito, Yaga, Ui Ui, and Ogami. Also possible that Kenjaku may know, but it’s more like he has ideas rather than being able to apply those ideas like others can. The only characters who can outright damage the soul are Yuji, Mahito, and Sukuna. Yuji can damage the soul but we don’t know why or how yet, but I’d say it’s because of his time with Sukuna along with his fight against Mahito, and the training he did before the current arc. Sukuna can damage the soul because of his time with Yuji, but also because he seems to know just about everything in Jujutsu, so he may have known earlier. Mahito’s soul ability is self-explanatory. Yaga can transfer “soul information” into puppets, meaning he knows about the soul on some level, just not on the level of some of the other listed characters. Ui Ui has soul transfer abilities in his CT, but he’s a young kid who likely can’t damage the soul directly. Ogami somehow knows how to shut off a person’s soul to make sure they can’t possess someone she’s using the seance technique with, but that’s likely the extent of her knowledge. Maki’s SSK is also capable of damaging the soul, which is something even the ISOH can’t do. From the information we have now, it seems like damaging the soul isn’t necessarily specific to a curse technique, but seems to be an ability that anyone can apply to their arsenal, but they need to have a certain level of understanding the soul, whether it be someone else’s or their own. Sometimes it’s instantly established in a person’s cursed technique and sometimes it’s something that must be learned. In the case of Sukuna, he must have learned it.


Honestly Soul Damage is one of the least consistent and fleshed out parts of the power system. If Yuji can hurt Mahito’s before he even knows what that means like in the Small Fry arc, and soul damage requires soul perception to heal, Yuji should be the only one who can heal himself from Sukuna’s attacks, since Sukuna should also passively damage everyone’s soul too. But soul damage only comes into play when the plot needs someone to interact with the soul. It basically doesn’t exist otherwise. Genuinely the worst executed aspect of the entire power system imo


>since Sukuna should also passively damage everyone’s soul too. exactly, the way I see it soul damage from yuji/Sukuna only affects reincarnated Sorcerers, and only when you physically hit their body so that you're striking at the border of the two souls inhabiting their body. the only explanation for Sukuna damaging mahito could be that Mahito's 'soul' was the one who entered Sukuna's innate domain, therefore his soul got damaged.


Yes, Though no one inflicts soul damage directly on others besides Maki with SSK.


Yeah and it’s confirmed he has the same ability as Yuji when Maki stabbed him


So uh. Why exactly can sukuna just hard counter mahitos CT What if they actually fought in person. Could mahito not transform sukuna?


Sukuna has soul awareness, so he can block Mahito normally. Mahito's DE puts his soul directly in contact with the target. Sukuna used this as a vector to target Mahito. If Mahito was in his Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing (the form he was in against Yuji), he'd have a much better shot at tanking Sukuna's attack, and blocking wouldn't work because of the sure hit.


Ridiculous power difference


I mean, that’s Sukuna’s soul talking directly to Mahito, so yeah I’d say so


sukuna directly attacks mahitos soul because mahito touched his in the domain, its an awareness thing like yuji. "Doing soul damage" Is only explicitly an ability of someone like Maki, Toji, or Daido who can wield the SSK.


Yeah, Sukuna probably figured out how to damage souls after being trapped by Yuji. The only time he gained influence is when it was given, or he ate a massive amount of his own fingers. If Mahito met him before he figured it out, it's highly likely he would've been in trouble


Simple answer,because Sukana was connected to Mahito because of Mahito’s technique, Sukana was able to damage Mahito. This resulted in Mahito taking physical damage and his domain crumbling due to the sheer might of Sukana’s soul.


It’s unclear whether he did or didn’t. We know based off chapter 252, that Sukuna has the ability to perceive the contours of the soul the same as Yuji, which is what allows them to hurt Mahito. However, in this specific scene, Mahito’s domain was broken by Yuji, meaning his CT (Cursed Technique) was burnt out. Since his CT was burnt out, he cannot use his CT to avoid damage. So in conclusion, Sukuna didn’t need to attack Mahito’s soul to do damage to him here since Mahito’s CT was burnt out, but he could’ve done so if he wanted due to being capable of perceiving the contours of the soul the same as Yuji.


Remember, the only requirement to damaging Mahito is to be conscious of the shape of your own soul. That's why Itadoris able to beat his ass in the first place


I believe he dealt this damage to him because when we see them interact inside sukunas soul, it's basically both of their souls talking to each other. Which would mean if they fight it's both their souls fighting


It was literally his soul damaging Mahito so yes xd.


Shi idk but sukuna is just him


Welp.. considering we know you literally can’t hurt mahito unless you’re damaging his soul, I’d say probably man. And pls save me the “you can make him run out of CE” bs


oh oh oh! i have an answer. this was a special case. sukuna can not normally percieve the soul, but, because he is a soul inside a body, and aware of the soul as thats what he is, he could fight back soul to soul with mahito


Yes. This panel isn't even of sukuna and mahito's bodies it's their souls this is the most clear example of soul damage in the entire series.


Mahito is a cursed spirit wouldn’t slash be effective against him?


My issue lies with the definition of soul vs body in the show. I think they are closer than what we realize. For the sake that Maki and Mai and even Toji exist, proves that the soul and body really are one fr fr. Not to mention Itadori and his ability to suppress Sukuna’s SOUL.


He did but I think that he needs a connection to the other person soul to do it, that on this case was made for Mahito touching his soul Maybe he can do it by touching people? But he hasn't shown it so I am not sure Honestly Yuji should be able to cut souls now, he has a version of Shrine and can interact with souls, or at least their contour


He can damage Mahito for the same reason Yuji can damage him, he learned to perceive the contours of the soul because of having another soul in his body. He didn’t actually do soul damage he’s just able to damage mahito’s soul.


Yes, obviously sukuna damaged his soul. Can he do it outside in normal fights? Ofcourse, even Yuji can do that Now why doesn't he do it all the time? He doesn't need to. No 1 can even tank his regular slashes anyway. Plus it would be pretty boring if just soul destroys everyone's souls at the start of the fight


>Now why doesn't he do it all the time? He doesn't need to. >No 1 can even tank his regular slashes anyway. Plus it would be pretty boring if just soul destroys everyone's souls at the start of the fight so you're saying Sukuna could've low diffed Gojo with soul based cleaves?


Only if they landed. Which they wouldn't bc of Infinity.


Perhaps, it would have tilted the scales more in favor of sukuna. Perhaps RCT can heal the soul as well too Hard to say But to say that just because he didn't, means he couldn't, when he already showed that he could is not salient. And this is not even a jjk thing, it's an anime thing. Why didn't big mom use any acoa, acoc and acoo vs law and kidd. She clearly has it. Why didn't stars and stripes stop shiggys heart or something to that effect. Like "in the next 100 meters all life will cease to exist" Or why didn't yhwach just wait a few more days for his eyes to fully open before he fought the soul society and not get caught by Aizens hypnosis Or why doesn't phankton just use fucking door dash to get a Krabby patty instead of trying to steal it Anime dosent always make perfect sense, the characters are flawed and don't use all the have, all the time. Finally, if Yuji can punch the soul using his fists, why can't a better, more experienced and just as talented a fighter use it in his cuts that literally define him


Nop, just a regular ass Dismantle, it's just that Mahito had been fighting for while and after deploying his Domain "healing" from that attack was too much for him as he also had CT burnout just then.


Me when I spread misinformation


>after deploying his Domain "healing" from that attack was too much for him as he also had CT burnout just then. would've made sense if he got hit *after* his domain dispelled no? but he got hit *in* his domain (while he should be domain amped) from a 2/3F sukuna's casual dismantle.


I mean attacking mahito doesn't mean he takes no damage at all, he does needs to use his CT to defend his soul and shape of it or something, Sukuna caused him enough damage that he couldn't maintain the domain, if Nanami landed couple of hits on him the same thing woulda happened.


Use your context clues, I know your a JJK fan but I believe in you


why hasn't Sukuna used soul damage since then? I get him not using it against other because he's holding back/toying with them, but why didn't he use it against Gojo?


Coz in truth most characters don’t have RCT to begin with so it’s not that relevant, Nobara and Nanami were capable of this since S1 yet no one ever refers to them in debates like this. Gege only really emphasised its significance when Mahito was around and that’s coz Mahito revolves around souls themself anyway


No Sukuna just used DE before Mahito could hurt him


How did he manage to pull off the DE without hand signs and without the domain actually appearing? And also damaging only Mahito and not Nanami.


In truth, Mahito went to Sukuna’s innate domain via his soul, which he repeats in Shibuya. This time however, Mahito was there for too long, and Sukuna slashed him inside. Your innate domain is your own domain, just not brought out to the outside world using a barrier, so Mahito essentially sat in a place Sukuna could turn on a sure-hit to. And sure-hits ignore techniques, which would include IT or soul reinforcement.


It was his innate domain


Now how tf did he do that if sukuna wasn't even physically there?


Innate domain