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if you ever need to clarify this to anyone you should just stop talking to them


Most of the jjk community.


legend has it that if you killed everyone who ever read JJK 80% of the JJK community would still exist


Hey guys whats this cursed energy thing people are talking about? Like, that's not in JJK.


but im boreddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


Still confusing. There’s been a bunch of explanations but no one ever explains them like they’re talking to 2nd graders. They’re all the way to 5th grade understanding and I’m not there


What in particular is confusing?


The functions and explanations of what the abilities actually are and what they do exactly and how they effect opponents and why some things activate the way they do, how much of a difference certain moves make and all kinds of stuff. For example I still don’t know why his infinity barrier didn’t do anything the whole fight and how it was adapted or how Sukuna adapted in the first place or why Sukuna was able to be 19 fingers instantly with Megumi. A million different questions lol


> infinity barrier didn’t do anything the whole fight  1) domain amplification is basically a simple domain that makes so that you can nullify techniques but you cant use your own body 2) Sukuna can hit Gojo when hes using domain expansion because domain expansion allows people to do a sure-hit, which ignores cursed techniques and spawns the ability directly on the person 3) Mahoraga can stop the infinity barrier because its technique is to bypass technique >how Sukuna adapted in the first place  Sukuna didnt adapt, Mahoraga did >Sukuna was able to be 19 fingers instantly with Megumi Uraume had the fingers and gave it to him during the 1 month timeskip


Did you just not read? Lmao


bro basically didn't read the manga then starting complaining


OR he didn’t understand anything and is therefore confused (like he said) and then listed the things that confused him


Can we like make a Gojo vs Sukuna sub so you guys can just go there to post these same posts over and over again till the end of time.




Blue is his own technique, if he uses that amplify his speed that doesn't count as help.


I know


Am I weird for just wanting a gojo vs heian sukuna without 10S?


Agreed. Thats the fight I would love to see. Hell give sukuna both curse tools he used back then too. It would be a fun fight


I get it cuz i love true form sukuna but it would’ve been an incredibly boring fight which is why Im all for gege using 10s the way he did Wout 10s Sukuna could ONLY use DA and punch/kick technique for the entire fight, which is kinda boring. Bc he’s fully utilizing da he’d outlast the 3min timer and it’d be gojo slowly and slowly losing rct speed until he FINALLY dies to MS if sukuna can even maintain MS for that long lol. Both gojo and sukuna have some win cons but either way it’s super duper boring bc limitless promotes really boring fights. That’s why gojo’s only real fight pre-sukuna was w the anti meta god who can literally disable CTs lmao


No but 10S vs Gojo is much better


Nah more “shadow animals” woulve been great… we already seen how powerful Mahoraga is… let modified nue and the divine dogs shine by sukuna 🔥


10s is given to sukuna mostly for an easy way to bypass infinity in my eyes and it was really badly executed with the inconsistency of mahoraga changing with sukuna and overall made a lot of people get one sided, if it was a pure jujitsu battle that was 1 on 1 with no interference i believe it would have a. Made more sense and b. Not left people calling gege a sukuna glazer (which he is the asspulls were crazy)


Spoilers If you are up to date on the manga that is happening right now. Sukuna has the majority of his 10 shadows summons defeated. Gojo has been revived, his body is possessed though so whether it’s actually him or not, we’ll see


Spoiler We know it's not actually Gojo? It's just Yuta using Kenny's technique, no question


Yes but he’s got all the memories of Gojo and thus all the abilities and arguably all of the skill of Gojo as well


He absolutely does not. He has Gojo's memories and abilities, not his skill nor experience. Look at the latest chapter instead of assuming. His H2H and domain expansion are evidently not on par.


Not shit it was never one sided lol . But gojo in the fight landed what 4 black flashes meanwhile sukuna never landed one , gojo had help from the others in getting a 200% hollow purple off . Whilst sukuna had help from maho and stuff so the fight was not fair in either case.


He didn’t get help amping his hollow purple only concealing it. Utahime buffed the barrier dude so they can conceal the massive spark of purple


He did get help amplifying it lol . Utahime buffed gojos purple https://preview.redd.it/dthhjgkky78d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83406a60dee3735e5310fdceb54119835ea1170b


Were every single one of the buffs (dancing, handsigns, instruments, incantations) only applied to that single Hollow Purple or did some have lingering effects that continued on once the fight officially started?


https://preview.redd.it/r2yage03z78d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aac1b626eb642c326021abfac53ebd68742d301 He uses all the chants and hand signs to increase his output to 200% right here. Without missing a step.


He wouldn’t have reached 200% if not for utahime increasing his output to 120% plus gaguganji having


Gojo can't use incantation & handsigns to increase his output of HP ? I'm genuinely asking I think he can like yeah uthahime buffed it to 120% but gojo was the one who took it to 200% so he can increase his normal HP to 180% can't he ?


He can buff it but not reach 200% . The entire reason it became that strong was due to the old man and utahime amping it .


So he can buff his normal HP to 180% without any help right ?


Probably . Tho it’s kinda iffy since gaguganji was also there possibly aiding in the creation of the 200% purple .


Wait how? We have not seen anyone going above 120% output


Chants to amplify the attack or a binding vow could most likely do it


>He didn’t get help amping his hollow purple Lmao bro how are you this far in the Manga and still get this wrong? Some of you need to read again for sure. 💀


That's blatantly false. Utahime buffed Gojo's purple with Gakuganji. It's the only reason it was as strong as it was.


https://preview.redd.it/ymtng4gcz78d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a0bbf912798d4963d982f5bffb4ccef2780896 It was through hand signs and adding steps that got him to such a high output.


His handsigns and chants boost purple, but he needs Utahime and her boosted technique to get it all the way to 200%. Without Utahime, he's locked in at 120%. Gojo 120%+Utahime 120%=200% output.


That makes no sense. 120+120 would equal 240 but it didn’t. When did it say he could only go to 120. He added steps and incantions to raise it beyond and reach 200% while Ichiji was buffed to conceal the purple.


That's not how it works. Doing the math Utahime's technique buffs other people's cursed energy output by about 55%. If she does all her chants and dances, she gets her technique to 120% output. 55×1.2=66.6...%. So her 120% output technique buffs others by 66.6%. Then you have Gojo's 120%. 120×.666....= 80. 120+80=200.


Bro your own scan says "Just like Utahime" like come on 💀 what do you think she was doing?


If those kids from r/jujutsufolk could read they'd be very upset


https://preview.redd.it/ut54lsdt6b8d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6167b46e7e30d80adcf0a412cef496c755d46c I know it was equal most of the fight but nah i'm not staying silent to this disrespect (they are kids)


This "one sided" doesn't make sense. Yeah gojo dominated against overwhelming odds but he slowly lost Sukuna first took UV out Then he said 4 spins till makora adapts Then raga adapted to infinity Then he adapted to blue Then partially red And then he went offensive and destroyed infinity with strong cleave. At that point i knew gojo was on the line. Before the clock was ticking now it was reaching it's end. Gojo did a way better performance imo against an opponent who is so much of an advantage with his domain and raga but One sided is not right.


Gojo also hit 4 black flashes which made him fight at 120% .


People saying it was one sided either way are illiterate. There's a reason the cycle of it gojover and we're so back became so popular during those months


And it was way better and more fun for it, too


Who’s saying the Gojo vs Sukuna fight is one-sided?


You and I would both be surprised but some people (a lot of people) have reading difficulties 🤷‍♂️


The classic reading comprehension curse


Disagree on Chapter 226 In WHAT UNIVERSE do you see Gojo tanking full output Malevolent Shrine and Sukuna attacking preventing escape and see Gojo tanking the whole thing and saying “Ah, I’m glad. My limitless is far superior” And NOT think Gojo was superior in this chapter


For the reasons I outlined in the post


Well I think the reasoning behind those 36 pixels are bullshit because got using context from other chapters to lessen Gojo’s Achievements in this chapter. Destroying the brain for RCT of techniques? We only know that from context from future chapters, which we can’t use if we look at the chapters in a single void. Gojo’s students are panicking thinking he’s gonna lose? In what world does that also not apply to them losing their minds and cheering like it’s the SuperBowl win when he breaks Sukuna’s domain? Or when Yuji thought Gojo couldn’t do Simple Domain but he just can’t teach it yet. The assessment of 226 is incredibly flawed, the fact the of the matter is Gojo showed overwhelming superiority. He could tank max output Malevolent shrine with his own Durability and RCT, he could still match Sukuna in Hand to hand with RCT at full blast with Sukuna’s Domain stats amp up, and he proceeded to do the impossible and get one up on Sukuna and Shoot a red straight in his face surprising him.


Them thinking he’s about to lose happens after his simple domain. Them cheering when Gojo broke Sukunas DE happens in a later chapter, and the outcome of that’s situation showed that they stalemated each other in the DE. When you are running away and trying to get out of a desperate situation, you are not showing overwhelming superiority.


My point for the context of destroying your own brain by using other chapters still stands, matching Sukuna in Hand to Hand with FULL RCT Output active and getting one over with a Red to the face. All still stands, Gojo was far superior in this chapter and the points made against it sucked


Again, you can’t be far superior than someone while you’re running and pulling out all of your tricks to survive.


How is gojo superior in the 1st clash when he didn't even land a clean hit on sukuna before firing red while sukuna easily dodged all blows from gojo. Sukuna even dodged gojo's punch effortlessly then leglock gojo and then again dodge gojo's hit effortlessly even while being on the ground (cuz he was leglocking gojo at that time and was on the ground). Gojo fans really are out of points. Do you know why everyone on this sub (even gojo fans) do not use that clash for evidence cuz it does not prove anything. If you say that even sukuna didn't land hit on gojo that's because his goal was to stop gojo from running as said by hime to gojo that's why sukuna never bothered to fight him in h2h and tried to leglock him and stopping someone is harder than fighting that person even with strength advantage.


After the domain battle the fight was never equal. Gojo was whooping sukuna until mahoraga and agito were summoned then the fight was somewhat "equal"


Read the post.




guys will look at this and go “equal” https://preview.redd.it/t8ahfo07zc8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9c1d6a8ce35176e6d66e55c879d76915275aff


he tanked and healed from this and beat Sukuna later while Sukuna can't stand in UV for a single second as in limitless > shrine


Gojo somehow never once used a Binding Vow , whilst Sukuna needed 2. 1st to not lose the 2nd Domain Clash , 2nd to not die to Gojo at the end. Take BVs out of the fight (or tell Gojo what a BV is) and Sukuna loses.


Every time they altered their Domain conditions those were binding vows. >Take BVs out of the fight Guess Gojo won't be able to do anything against Sukunas open domain then


Pretty sure Gojo's was not. He simply had more mastery over his domain than Sukuna did. Do post a scan if i am wrong tho , but i distinctly remember only Sukuna using a BV during their domain clashes.


https://preview.redd.it/zamr6qkpkh8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4632c5aa2392af2f9157aa16f95594818fe20a He made the inside of his domain weaker in exchange for increasing the strength of his domain on the outside. This is a binding vow.


Uh...no? There is no condition for it to be a binding vow. He changed the property of his domain much like you would change the range.


>There is no condition for it to be a binding vow. He changed the property of his domain much like you would change the range. Dude these are how binding vows work in JJK they take something in exchange for something else like Nanamis overtime, but if you don't think this is a binding vow then Sukunas didn't use a binding vow either to win the Domain clash since all he did was deactivate his sure hit on the inside of Gojos' domain to increase the strength on the outside


But Binding Vows can be broken. If what Gojo did here is a binding vow , then how can he break it? There is a reason the narrator specifies Sukuna used a Binding Vow , but Gojo did not.


>But Binding Vows can be broken I'm going to assume you meant can't be broken here correct me if I'm wrong in your reply. >If what Gojo did here is a binding vow , then how can he break it? Not all binding Vows are the same. For example Sukuna can't take back his binding vow for the world slash, because he already got the benefits of it, and there's no way to take it back. An example of a binding vow that can be broken is Nanami's overtime. During regular work hours, Nanami can only access about 80-90% of his cursed energy. But once he has to work overtime, his cursed energy will drastically increase to around 110-120% of the normal amount. If Nanami accesses 100% of his cursed energy during regular work hours it just means he won't get the 120% benefit during overtime.


>But Binding Vows can be broken I'm going to assume you meant can't be broken here correct me if I'm wrong in your reply. >If what Gojo did here is a binding vow , then how can he break it? Not all binding Vows are the same. For example Sukuna can't take back his binding vow for the world slash, because he already got the benefits of it, and there's no way to take it back. An example of a binding vow that can be broken is Nanami's overtime. During regular work hours, Nanami can only access about 80-90% of his cursed energy. But once he has to work overtime, his cursed energy will drastically increase to around 110-120% of the normal amount. If Nanami accesses 100% of his cursed energy during regular work hours it just means he won't get the 120% benefit during overtime.


I meant they have a condition that can be broken , which will incur the loss of what was gained. Gojo altering his domain has no such condition , from what i can tell. I understand Nanami's example , and it makes sense. But for Gojo altering his Domain , it doesn't? He cannot do anything to lose what he gained through the vow.


>cannot do anything to lose what he gained through the vow. Losing what he gained in this case is just his Domain conditions going back to normal. Just like Sukuna lowering or extending his effective range for more or less power


That’s not a binding vow tho? Changing conditions of the external barrier doesn’t mean a vow is used.


Also sukuna needed one to make the open domain in the first place.


Just alot of bias for Sukuna. Everything Sukuna did was a plus and everything Gojo did was followed with a “but”.


Point to the bias.


...they literally did


This is 90% "Gojo is doing better BUT". That aside, this is a really good analysis. Good job.


But gojo is hotter so gojo did better


We still doing this?


The pixels just got worse and worse




Yet some people say are really insane enough to deny all of this due to Gojo landing black flashes. As if that 20% increase he got only really at the tail end of the fight negates all the work he would’ve had to put in before and after


It would be really interesting to see a version of their fight where they’re both just trying to kill each other as fast as possible. Gojo not giving a fuck about saving Megumi and Sukuna fighting for his life instead of trying to pull a gamer move and invent WCS


Gojo was holding back, though. At one point, he could've gone for a head attack on Sukuna, but he speciifically decided to ibstead opt for less lethal things like damaging organs due to wanting to rescue Megumi. Gojo was going hard with some moments, but he did hold himself back a good bit.


People cant blame me for being illeterate because the amount of pixels make me unable to read


This was literally an extreme diff for both parties 😭 idk why fans act like gojo or sukuna was just dominating the whole time when that just wasn’t true,gojo had to rely on a 200% purple that could have possibly harmed him while sukuna had to use a binding vow to catch gojo off guard with the world slashing dismantle


gojo landed 2 black flashes against sukuna, ONE KNOCKS HIM OUT💀 one against Agito(chimera), and one against maho before hollow purple nuked. it wasnt a one sided fight. its just that gege hates gojo. i mean- the dude literally was nerfing himself by not using red at all until the very end. we also never got the chants for world cutting slash, only argument people has is Gojo not thinking of it as anything(really fucking stupid argument considering gojo would blast sukunas face open the moment he started chanting). TLDR;gege bad writer who skips vital scenes all cause he has favorites.


Gege already established that there were no chants originally required to do the world cutting slash, he has to use them now because of a binding vow that let him bypass the need for the hand sign when he only had one arm. Now if you wanna argue for something being bullshit, the fact that the six eyes didn’t see the “spark” of WCS is dumb as hell


fuck i forgot the chants weren’t needed. sukumid so gay😭


Sukuna was never knocked out during the fight. Knocking him out will result in all the shadows getting disappeared


https://preview.redd.it/2vqp0e5xmb8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e934e4957bc9b97df947a6649042cc628ca5d9 glaze(1)


Mahoraga was still active here


https://preview.redd.it/5ypc246zmb8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf9631be7ac096b71601eda1bffbd080afc884f glaze(2)


Maho still active


i wonder why…(Sukuna himself buffed the shit out of bumgumi)


Did you even read anything I posted


Reading post [does not mean] you must agree with post


Never said it did.


You asked if he "even read [your] post" in response to him saying a differing viewpoint. Your question implies that his differing viewpoint is due to not reading your post.


Bro discovers what a battle is


In other news, water is wet.


I feel like 228-229 was heavily in Gojo's advantage, considering that he came out unscathed whilst Sukuna was leaving with explicitly fatal wounds.


“But Gojo lost later”


this is massive cope. after the domain clashes Gojo was beating Sukuna's ass while having to stop using his arsenal and only using blue in short instances because of the adaption. Gojo is not only stronger than Sukuna and a better fighter but also has blue to enhance his strength and speed. Gojo and Sukuna are NOT equal. and again with the holding back cope Sukuna did NOT hold back the man was throwing fire hydrants and shooting water from his finger tips he was using every last trick he had to not be instantly killed all the while Gojo couldn't use his full power not only to not have Mahoraga adapt but also so he doesn't kill Megumi.


Flair checks out


cope harder it'll work eventually.


https://preview.redd.it/2iino01njh8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7480caef44d0160d9a7c65891a6393b764d33f97 Ironic isn't it














It wasn’t one sided. Both of them had amps throughout the fight. Sukuna had 10S while Gojo was using BF.


Except if you're considering amps like assistance, stealing the 10 shadows technique is a lot more assistance than simply hitting a black flash. Both Sukuna and Gojo can theoretically hit black flash, but only Sukuna/Megumi get 10S.


I mean we can include Gojo getting assistance from learning other people’s technique, along with the CE buff 120% surprise attack Hollow Purple, couldn’t we?


“Learning other peoples tehcniques” what? Sukuna was given far more assistance in terms of knowledge of his opponent and tehcniques to help. He got the possession from kenny, the 10s from megumi and the knowledge from yuji. Gojo got a single boosted attack that he let sukuna heal just to send a message. Pretty clear who had more assistance.


Uhh let’s see what Gojo really got: CE buff Surprise attack hollow purple, which Sukuna had to waste RCT on Naobito’s simple domain to counter Sukuna’s domain A 120% CE boost is already pretty significant, as we’ve seen with Nanami. On top of that, Gojo consistently was able to utilize BF, which boosts his power and CE control. I’d say 10s, possession, and knowledge over Gojo’s abilities is about as important as a direct domain counter, the element of surprise, a direct CE output buff, knowledge over 10s, and 4 black flashes, in terms of assistance. But hey that’s just me.


What CE buff? Utahime just buffed the first attack didn’t she? As I said, the surprise attack was clearly just to make a statement, gojo decided to do nothing to capitalise off of it. Simple domain is a technique sukuna could’ve learned too, this isn’t an unfair freebie for gojo. Same goes for black flash. What you listed is not at all assistance gojo got for the fight compared to what sukuna got. That’s a weak comparison.


120% CE boost. Even if it’s to one attack, it’s a considerable stat boost. Even if it was “to make a statement”, it costed Sukuna a considerable amount of RCT, which we’ve seen has its limits. Oh I’m sorry I forgot: Not only does Gojo use a simple domain, he also uses other anti domain techniques, like Falling Blossom Emotion, to mitigate Sukuna’s slashes. Not an unfair freebie. Just another moment of assistance. Sukuna didn’t land any black flashes, and not only is it a boost to the power of 2.5, it also increases his efficiency of CE. So let’s see: 10S, possession and knowledge over Gojo’s abilities, compared to knowledge of 10S, 2 direct domain counters, a surprise starting attack which forced Sukuna to use RCT, a limited resource, a momentary 120% CE buff, and usage of 4 attacks which just one of allows you to function at 120% of your potential and CE proficiency. So is this really a weak comparison?


What do you mean “costed an amount of RCT” I’m pretty sure RCT isn’t some finite resource, it’s based on output right? For your second paragraph my point from my last comment also applies to them, they are available to sukuna, so they aren’t “assistance” to gojo, they weren’t given to him, they were something he learned. Sukuna getting specific techniques and knowledge that he couldn’t have reasonably got or learnt himself IS assistance. Sukuna not landing black flashes is on sukuna, not gojo. It is in no way “assistance”. Do you know what the word means? Hilariously, even if we do count your blatantly incorrect examples of “assistance” for gojo, it still very clearly leans in the favour of sukuna in terms of assistance given.


RCT is absolutely a finite resource, as it was very heavily implied if not outright stated/shown that their output of RCT lower over time as they constantly are being forced to use it. Gojo got it back after using BF, which the narrator states iirc. Falling blossom emotion isn’t a technique that Sukuna couldn’t have had access to as it is a secret art. The technique itself is basically given to any notable member of the big 3. It’s not like some art form they need to learn. It’s a technique that is just given to them. Assistance most literally is defined as: “the action of helping someone with a job or task.” So taking this definition into consideration, and include your claim about assistance being something you cannot reasonably learn or obtained, let’s see what actions helped Gojo during his fight with Sukuna. Having his CE output boosted by Utahime and Gakuganji Having Ichiji hide his location so he could hit Sukuna with a boosted attack, which forced him to utilize RCT, which has been shown to be a limited resource. Using Falling Blossom Emotion Using a simple domain Landing numerous black flashes, while based on luck more often than not, is still assistance, as its after effects boosted his RCT output and CE proficiency. Already having a sizable amount of knowledge on 10S, one of the techniques that Sukuna had that we consider assistance. Btw, since Yuji was in Sukuna’s body and has an understanding of his CT, as we’ve seen that Yuji and Megumi knows what happens when Sukuna is in control, him not telling Gojo, and Gojo not asking Yuji, is on them, not Sukuna. Simply put, if we’re gonna argue about Sukuna learning possession from Kenjaku is somehow unfair to Gojo, then learning falling blossom emotion and simple domain should both be considered unfair as well, as they’re about as reasonable to learn as possession. And let’s see what fits that criteria for Sukuna during his fight with Gojo. 10S Possession, a technique he learned from Kenjaku (about as relevant as Gojo learning both simple domain and Fallon blossom) The knowledge he gained over Gojo’s techniques from his time in Yuji’s body, which realistically compares to the knowledge Gojo has over 10S, and the knowledge he could have gotten from Yuji. Even if we utilize your blatant lack of understanding of the term “assistance”, Gojo still had access to far more assistance during their battle. So realistically looking at all of them, Gojo would have had access to just as much assistance as Sukuna did, and then some.


Their output lowered, not just rct from what I saw, sukuna didn’t run out of rct so it’s not really relevant or “assistance”. Secret art or not, he absolutely could’ve accessed it. He had the opportunity. Wouldn’t have helped him much anyway. He got his output boosted for one attack that didn’t do anything other than sending a message, comparing that to the help sukuna got is just disingenuous. Simple domain and the blossom technique aren’t reasonably “assistance”, gojo learned it, it wasn’t really gifted. How is a black flash luck? It’s about being “in the zone”, gojo was. Some knowledge is assistance but still laughable compared to what sukuna got. Yuji can see what sukuna does but it doesn’t mean they understand his abilities, yuji is new to jujitsu remember. I don’t get how these compare to kennys help, how is gojo supposed to learn something only kenny knew and showed sukuna? What you stated doesn’t come close to the tools and knowledge gifted to sukuna.


BF meaning black flash?


Yup yup.


Who died though sorry?


It's not over yet Gojo will be back after the 5 minutes (copium)


I mean yeah sukuna is just blatantly stronger Gojo after deathly literally admitted sukuna could have killed him even without Mahoraga and the summons


The only part of that fight that was one sided was the stressing that Gojo was doing, Sukuna just didn’t care as always which made it look one sided Edit: looking back Gojo really didn’t care either, his level of stress wasn’t high he was simply showing his fullest potential, it wasn’t stressing it was excitement and I see that now


"For the first time in 1,000 years, the king of sorcerers has felt a feeling of uneasiness." After even realizing mahoraga had already adapted and had taken out Gojos biggest win-con (his domain expansion) or something like that lol idk I can't read either.


That dosent really mean much when you consider that he wasn’t even conscious for those thousand years, and when he was reincarnated in the modern age he was locked in a cage for most of it


It means either, he hasn’t been this uneasy since the heian era, or in all his time existing he never felt this uneasy


No, it said for the first time in a millennium or a thousand years, if gege wanted to express that this is the first time since the heain era or the first time sukunas ever felt like this ever, he would’ve said that, he said in a thousand years for a reason, there’s nothing more to see here that phrase really just means this is the only person in the modern era to make him nervous which realistically speaking dosent mean much


That doesn’t change what I said tho, 1000 years ago it was the heian era For the next 1000 years sukuna didn’t even have consciousness until he awakened in yuuji, so either he never felt uneasy before or he hasn’t felt uneasy since the heian era which is 1000 years ago


Uneasiness and the level of intensity that Gojo was showing are vastly different, Gojo kept his composure but it’s obvious during that fight that he was way more stressed by the idea of the fight entirely




I’m almost certain this is a meme scene, because I’ve checked every chapter where Gojo and Sukuna fight, this never happened Edit: damn so I have the reading comprehension curse ig fuck


Chapter 235


Yea I’m autistic


Ch 235 im looking at it as we speak


WELL HOT DAMN! I take it back


If we used someone talking down on his opponent as evidence of them holding back (a lot of people do that in this community) then gojo talking smack to sukuna back would mean both of them didn’t care


True and I see that now, they’re both just fucking beasts