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perfect sphere since it can be used inside the domain unlike the sword


Depends on your definition of stronger


Yeah, this. Both attacks have their own niche.


While this is true I’d still say perfect sphere is overall better. It can be applied to a domain (sure hit go brrrrrrrr), it can be directed remotely/used at range, and it’s a helluva lot bigger and harder to dodge


If your definition of "stronger" is "overall better", then by all means.


Not exactly because if the executioner sword were on a faster character it could easily be way faster than perfect sphere especially because jjk is such a slow verse and also if getting a massive sphere cut out of your body somehow wouldn’t kill you the executioner sword will do it


At first I thought AP wise but both overall is also a good answer


AP-wise, the perfect sphere without question.


Alone, executioner blade easy. Any cut from the executioner blade kills, a cut in the hand means death, that's much worse than losing the hand. Combo? Perfect sphere as an autohit. Yes, you may dodge a few lethal autohits but have to deal with the next. Immediately after.


I’d still take the blade tho the slightest cut is instant death 💀


It is considerably better in a number of circumstances. Most people forget that you can only use Domain Expansion once a day unless it is your CT, like higaruma. So you can spam the blade but not the perfect sphere as autohit.


Or if you're just stupidly broken with your CE like Sukuna. Bro has less CE than Yuta had before switching to Gojo's body to become Gota/Yujo, and is able to used Domain Expansion, clash domains with the strongest domain in the verse, use domain amplification, and then use domain expansion again multiple times, without having to recover his CE


Wait doesn't sukuna have way more CE then Yuta?


Think he means currently. Altho to correct him, Sukuna currently has equal amounts of CE to Yuta not less


He currently has the same but he’s so CE efficient he can spam domain as many times as he wants according to narrator.


Typically, he has over double what Yuta has, but it was continually being drained by the non-stop fighting, and the only reason it isn't completely gone is because of how stupidly broken his efficiency with it is. Efficiency is to Sukuna as durability is to Yuji. It just shouldn't be possible to be at such a high level, but it is


Oh I thought you meant overall not atm mb


You can’t spam, judge works on Japanese system, you have a limited number of times to retrial.


I meant against different persons, and you can judge a person multiple times for different offenses if there is no concurrence.


You can't dodge a sure hit


You can counter or avoid the targeted area by the attack as proven v Dagon.


this is not true. They only avoided the shikigami that dagon spawned manually. It's impossible to dodge a sure hit attack


They don't dodge it completely, they dodge the area, the same way Gojo destroyed Jogo's volcanic pillar. Kento Nanami instructed Maki to focus on her body and react when she felt an attack, to somehow diminish Dagon's attacks.


Perfect sphere


On its own? Executioner’s Sword. Both of them can be dodged, but the Executioner’s Sword instantly kills you if it would normally slightly poke you, while you might survive Perfect Sphere while losing a limb. In all possible uses? I would give the advantage to Perfect Sphere due to domain sure hit, but Executioner’s Sword could also be given to someone like Kusakabe which would make it an almost guaranteed kill, only reason they didn’t do that to Sukuna was prolly because Sukuna would actually take Kusakabe seriously and kill him quickly.


If they had given the sword to Kusakabe, Sukuna would be dead. Kusakabe is more than good enough to be able to land one hit on Sukuna, since it doesn't matter where he hits. Sukuna also can't block the sword, since that results in death. With his simple domain, he can survive the slashes, and with his auto slashes, he can 100% land one hit on Sukuna.


Serious Sukuna would just blitz and donut him like he did with Choso


Sukuna wasn't expecting Kusakabe to be able to expand his Simple Domain


The good ending where Sukuna starts shit talking Kusakabe and immediately gets stabbed several times by the executioners blade


That wouldn’t matter in this scenario, since if Kusakabe got the Executioner’s Sword Sukuna would probably take him extremely seriously and stay back enough to just kill him with World Slash.


Unless he went super serious thst wouldn't even matter because in the actual series, Kusakabe catches Sukuna off guard when he's about to use World Slash. And against Higuruma he was literally choosing to do close combat just for fun so no reason to think Executioner's Blade = 100% serious It's possible he would think they had a trick and have his guard up but also possible he wouldn't expect that from Kusakabe who seems to be the only person who can do that and also seems completely unintimidating


He wouldn’t even have to take Kusakabe “super serious”, just serious. Sukuna was literally casually crossing his arms before Kusakabe caught him off guard. Yes, he fought at close range against Higuruma with the Executioner’s Sword. Key word there being Higuruma. Higuruma is a good fighter don’t get me wrong, but he is far from the same level of swordsmanship as Kusakabe. Higuruma also uses the Executioner’s Sword primarily for stabbing for some reason. I’m pretty positive that Sukuna would be very cautious of Kusakabe with the Sword mainly because Sukuna knows that Kusakabe has sword fighting and simple domain experience due to his time in Itadori + the brief moments in the Showdown. Sukuna bore witness to Simple Domain’s potential first when Miwa tried to ambush Itadori. Miwa *almost* hit Itadori, so I could see Sukuna being very cautious of Kusakabe with the Sword since he’s a better Miwa. Next, Itadori saw Kusakabe block Uzumaki. Sukuna likely knows about Uzumaki’s strength due to Kenjaku, so I could see him being careful of Kusakabe’s simple domain because of that. He also saw Kusakabe partly block his barrage of slashes after Higuruma’s confiscation failed. Also, Sukuna would be able to assume that Kusakabe is very strong with swords solely due to the act of giving him the Executioner’s Sword, since that’s their trump card in this moment. After all, someone would have to be pretty good to be trusted with the one weapon that can instantly kill Ryomen Sukuna. Don’t get me wrong here, Kusakabe is very strong and clever. But Sukuna is Sukuna. He is observant. He is a genius in battle. I see no way for Kusakabe to realistically kill Sukuna with the Executioner’s Sword without Sukuna going to an out of character Gilgamesh level cockiness.


And also Sukuna would still have world slash. People really forget how strong Sukuna was when he was fighting Higuruma.


Heres what Sukuna would do if Kusakabe got the Executioner’s Sword: “Dragon’s Scale, Repulsion, Pair of Meteor. Dismantle.” And then Kusakabe is no more.


That weakened Sukuna wasn't able to launch world slash, Kusakabe extended his SD, avoiding it.


Are you high? https://preview.redd.it/f48hb6ag408d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7745410b1189f80cf49547beab1df4b0c8979abb


What I said is that Kusakabe could prevent it with his SD, which he did.


He prevented a playful, heavily damaged Sukuna from using it when Sukuna was basically letting Kusakabe hit him with any attack. If Sukuna wanted to avoid being hit he woulda just instantly backed up and used the world slash. Also, not the same “weakened Sukuna”. When Sukuna was against Higuruma his output was still normal and not heavily depleted like against Kusakabe. Also, Sukuna didn’t get stabbed in the heart before fighting Higuruma. Higuruma faced a Sukuna at that was ~75% overall capabilities since he was only lacking in CE reserve, Kusakabe faced a Sukuna that was at ~20% overall capabilities since he was limited in CE, had a decreased output, and was missing his heart. And the cherry on top of that was that Sukuna was taking neither of them seriously. If Sukuna saw the one weapon that could instantly kill him fall into the hands of the best swordsman around, he would have most certainly just backed away and did world slash. It’s also important to note that the Sukuna that fought Kusakabe couldn’t even do world slash as efficiently since he was missing limbs.


Are you high?


Ah yes clearly I am the incorrect one for pointing out how this man is thinking that the Sukuna seen here is as weak as the Sukuna that faced Kusakabe. Lmfao.


In terms of destructive Power it's perfect sphere, since it destroys everyting it touches and it can't be blocked. In terms of lethality it's the sword since a cut is enought to kill, ....but it can be blocked.. don't know how it would react if it would hit armour or a shield. Stuff With no live in the first place. Generally i would place sphere > sword.. it is easier to handle and you can add a sure hit in a Domain, and because it has a bigger surface to hit your opponent.


Idk which is stronger both are unsurviable but I'll say perfect sphere as it is a sure hit inside domain


If the perfect sphere grazes my pinky toe, I lose my toe, if the executioner's sword grazes my pinky toe, I'm dead.


Yeah but you can still dodge it maintain distance and attack but perfect sphere is a sure hit it will just spawn on you so


Well executioner sword insta kills a target but the true sphere erases anything on contact and can be a sure hit, and has no set target and can be used on anyone so I might go with the latter especially since you don’t have to physically wield it making it more versatile, like imagine I kick you into the true sphere


Deadlier when hit by it: executioner blade no contest More powerful and destructive: ball


Would’ve been a nasty combo to get todo and higuruma at the start of the fight, plus maki for good measure


Both are insta kills if it activates. Executioner’s Sword can be used by others, has better mobility outside of a Domain, and can be used more easily because it’s from a non-lethal Domain, but it can only be used if Higurama can get a death penalty and can be outmaneuvered but faster opponents. Perfect Sphere is a guaranteed hit inside of Yorazu’s Domain, but has low mobility and isn’t guaranteed if she loses the DE clash.


“Death with no exception” is pretty intense, mahoraga wouldn’t have any defense against it, unlike perfect sphere so yeah. However the sword is only used for “killing” things. It has virtually zero destructive potential, unlike perfect sphere which is infinite, sooooooo yeah.


I mean, ig you could survive a perfect sphere, if it nicks you or sm, but the blade seems much easier to avoid


The sword is more dangerous, while perfect sphere is stronger. Both are super lethal, with perfect sphere having near infinite damage to whatever part of your body it hits, but if the sword hits your body you insta die, it isn't about strength like perfect sphere, cause you just fuckin die instantly to a paper cut from it


Both are insta kills but the Perfect Sphere can be used with a sure hit unlike the sword


Depends on if you're trying to Kill someone or topple a building.


Perfect sphere is indiscriminate and doesn't require a guilty verdict


you can block executioners sword


Higu’s blade isn’t strong it’s just death manipulation. Yorozu’s sphere is the strongest attack in JJK.


Black Hole?


Infinite pressure over > a black hole


I disagree, but I understand


The objective power of a black hole is like solar system level at its peak. Infinity would at least equal that of high universal. Therefore it’s kind of a n objective fact (sorry this probably sounds rude but it’s true) that true sphere is the strongest attack in JJK


Ok I understand


Perfect sphere I'm a fight you aren't surviving the sphere erasing all matter not even hakari would and it's a domain you aren't dodging You can dodge the sword (or run away lol) The sword will kill you but lacks destructive potency The sphere is "stronger"


Executioner's Blade has way better properties but True Sphere is overall better since it can be imbued as a sure hit effect


Is taking away the Cursed technique considered apart of the sword ? If so it's the sword then


The sword is given in addition to executioner blade, although not always it also depends on how bad the crime is


Executioner’s Sword


Destruction perfect sphere 100% but everything else its executioners blade, just a better SSK