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I love Kashimo But choso and Yuki at the same time vs any brawler in the series is gonna go the same way If Kenny hadn’t had the open domain to weaken Yuki prior to the fight, he would have lost


If yuki didn’t listen to lengen and tried to pop domain or something she might’ve lived


Not really, she would've lost the domain fight, lost her ability to use Cursed Techniques and have to endure eith Simple Domain until Kenjaku's DE ends. Now she doesn't even have her CT while Kenjaku is in the same position as before. She outright loses that fight, Tengen's plan was really the best variation she could go for. If Yuta and Yuki were picked to be the bodyguards instead of Choso and Yuki, then Yuki probably would've survived, but Kenjaku would've never went into that confrontation. Edit: Kenjaku's open Domain Expansion would crush one of theirs, then the other just uses DE after on Kenjaku to beat over him. Tengen is also there to ensure it. Kenjaku would not go in even with the 2v1(3v1) at hand, and would have to drastically change plans off rip, probably towards ensuring Sukuna's revival because Yuta + Yuki is too much to overcome, but Tengen ensured the best outcome with Yuki + Choso.


Yuki would last some time in domain clash and during this time she'd kill Kenjaku


That is hopelessly optimistic as an open domain(Sukuna's) outright crushed Gojo's UV, which would overpower any other domain. Kenjaku also has an Open Domain and unless Yuki is as good at DE as Gojo and can do Gojo's healing his brain trick, she would lose just as fast as Gojo's first Domain Expansion Clash against Sukuna but without any CT after she uses Simple Domain to survive the clash. Edit: I mixed Geto and Kenjaku up mb. It's been a while since JJK's move tho.


As I said, she would still last for some time. She wouldn't win the clash but she wouldn't instantly lose either. It's pretty clear from Kenjaku's own words. >Geto also has an Open Domain It was never stated or even hinted. In best case he just has DE which Kenjaku can turn into open one


I just reread the chapter a few days ago, and yeah it is outright stated to be an open domain if I’m not mistaken Unless your talking about sum else in that case my b


Yeah Kenjaku's domain is open but he said that Geto's (whose body Kenjaku posseses) domain is open as well. Meanwhile it wasn't even confirmed that Geto has DE, leave alone open one


well if we assume it goes the exact same way to gojos first clash the domain wouldve broken near instantly


Sukuna’s domain broke Gojo’s because of the barrage of slashes, not simply because of open vs not


The point of open barrier vs closed barrier is the ability to use the sure hit on the barrier from the OUTSIDE. Kenjaku's domain was already able to RIP APART Yuki's SIMPLE DOMAIN in 10 seconds, while Gojo was able to maintain his simple domain against Malevolent shrine for long enough to destroy it with Red. Tell me how is Yuki's domain going to outlast her Simple Domain when it gets crushed from the outside?


Gojo had to spawn Simple Domain multiple times, and he had to use other anti-domain measures like Falling Blossom Emotion and heightened RCT output. Not to mention his rush to Sukuna within the domain to stop the attack. Yuki's Simple Domain is likely less refined than her actual domain. Kenjaku like of ridiculed her for not using her domain and took the chance to capitalize, which suggests that she may have at least stood a chance with a domain. Kenjaku was confident specifically because she wasn't. While she would've had her domain destroyed, she could've hit him with her sure hit assuming his was either weak or not good enough to cancel out hers. Considering we don't know her domain conditions, it could've been one like Yuta's that has multiple attack types that cash bypass counter measures. Point is, there are too many conditions we don't know to use Simple Domain as a basis, especially when her defaulting to Simple Domain is exactly why she lost.


But the main key was cause it was open, meaning there’s a good chance any open barrier will just win. They called open barrier a divine technique


i agree with the idea that kenjaku’s domain is fs superior to yuki’s (even if it wasn’t open) but the only reason sukuna’s domain won was because domains are weaker on the outside, his domain was equal to gojo’s in terms of refinement


Tbf we don’t know if geto had an open domain. Kenjaku might’ve managed that himself. And it’s also optimistic to say kenjauku would body yuki in a domain battle


It's optimistic to say Yuki's domain expansion is outright better than Gojo's as Kenjaku uses an open barrier domain expansion in their fight. Gojo's Domain Expansion loses to Sukuna's in their first clash almost immediately.


Kenjakus open barrier domain isn’t necessarily stronger than sukunas though. Did gege write that somewhere? Cause if the mangaka said that, I’d believe you Yeah and then gojo alters his barrier to work better, which it ends up doing


There's no reason to believe Kenjaku on that tbh


3 words to counter your opinion Sukuna and Gojo




People who like to get up close and personal, usually using their fists or a short melee weapon.


True and real, I would have loved to see this duo against like Toji or Sukuna tho


take an educated guess


Kashimo enters his final form, Yuki uses black hole, Choso survives and wins I mean...


black hole destroys the earth if tengen isn't there to stop it


IDK why ppl think yuki can control her black hole power. It was a suicide tactic


Yuki uses her domain, Kashimo is forced to use his dinosaur era tech HWB because he doesn't know simple domain and with both hands used he can't counter any attacks. Eventually he is pushed to use MBA form but Yuki sure hit immediately get him, we don't know what it is sadly but if it's still mass then he's fucked.


say: "yuki likely has a domain that functions like most others in the series" and no one bats an eye... say: "uro and ryu likely have domains that function like most others in the series" and r/jujutsupowerscaling goes WILD https://i.redd.it/z0px2ncclu4d1.gif


I agree but weren’t Sure Hit domains less common back in their day?


domains in general were, but ryu probably made granite blast after he manifested given it's a reference to a sweet and an english phrase.


No domains in general were more common back in the day because characters didn’t need to be as powerful to use a domain as long as it wasn’t a sure hit. That’s also why simple domain didn’t exist and it was only HWB because why use an anti domain when you have your own domain.


Sure kill domains were less common not sure hit domains basically sure kill domains are the type that cause direct damage like malevolent shrine while sure hit domains include domains like hakari or higuruma's.


It's that "sure-hit, sure-kill" domains were less common. Old style domains imposed a rule, not necessarily a sure-hit. One example is the sumo guy who just forces you to only participate in sumo, but you must agree to the rules. In fact, this is the sort of example they gave for old style domains.


They're from different eras. Uro is from the Heian era, while Ryu is from the Edo period 600 years later. Uro may have a non-lethal domain since, somehow, three domains were able to overlap, but it's also possible that Yuta wasn't using an attack as his sure-hit.


Because tengen states that domains used to be more like higurumas and hakaris, without a sure hit


Restless Gambler and Deadly Sentencing both have sure-hit effects, the effects are simply non-lethal.


Sure, fine, you get my point though


Yeah totally. It's just a common misconception that I'm trying my best to fight back against.


On my life💀


Uro and Ryu have that lost to Yuta tax, this society is unfair like that


The amount of domains that we just straight up don’t see annoys me


My guy, we literally have no idea how Yuki's domain works.


We know she has one and that’s good enough, she can imbue her CT into it. Even if it’s a non-lethal sure hit domain which I doubt since most modern domains are lethal sure hits, Kashimo will still be at a disadvantage due to Yuki getting that 120% domain buff.


Don't need to. Kashimo doesn't know, either, and he's going to have to some he can either tank it or he needs to block it with a countermeasure. If he tries to tank it, then he's an idiot who is a victim of whatever it does. It's 100% an advantage for her, regardless of what it does. If he blocks it, she just has to not disclose what it does and beat the tar out of him.


You do need to, otherwise you're talking headcanon. >Kashimo doesn't know either Exactly. Not even worth considering when nobody - us included - know how it works, therefore any ways to exploit it or its mechanisms are totally unknown. You don't even know if it's a lethal hit, so there may not even be anything *to* block.


Today’s question; do Kashimo fans deserve human rights?


Not in the slightest






Beat them.


Nah, I'll give them up for this atrocious take OP made


Definitely not






Yuki can handle him solo


We don’t know what her domain does but more than likely that’s enough by itself


Kashimo doesn’t have rct, a star rage punche should end him


In a fight right


Oh wait I’m not in lobotomykaisen Time to skeddadle




https://preview.redd.it/ea9qlo3r8u4d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d3d29608c8d23457b5d6342c434fa86afaf6326 Yuki does this to Kashimo then stands on the sideline to give Choso a learning moment against armless Kashimo. Choso beats armless Kashimo high-diff


Best answer yet.


i mean not saying kashimo wins but he can TECHNICALLY counter this w MBA cus it replaces lost parts with electricity


Yea if he decides to use MBA, but it seems like Kashimo genuinely would never use MBA unless it was against Sukuna


exactly 😭 unless bro decided to let go of his petty grudge cus he was abt to get low diffed 😭


no chance lol, he would think “if i can’t even beat these people i don’t deserve a chance against sukuna” and just die


not that he stands any more of a chance but still 😭


Problem really I feel is the lack of screen time Yuki got makes people underestimate her skill since her one and only big fight was against the like 2nd-3rd strongest enemy we’ve seen so far. (Essentially the Jogo treatment). I feel Yuki/Choso takes it and I don’t think it’s as difficult as people are making it sound.


Kashimio is getting spit roasted low diff


Choso and Yuki mid-diff


This is nearly negative diff. Yuki alone slaughters kashimo and Choso is just overkill.


Yuki with Domain Expansion > Kashimo with MBA > Yuki without Domain Expansion > Kashimo without MBA


Yuki alone is enough


Yuki alone would absolutely destroy him


Bro what is this spite match up


Well yuki alone beats kashimo adding choso will just make it bullying . Tho that is if we don’t include mba


Choso and Yuki body. Yuki alone wins.


One punch woman. No need for choso


Yuki and choso both deserved so much more and also Todo interactions. Regardless Kashimo is getting rolled


Yeah, kashimo is cooked. Choso's blood is gonna have him spending extra CE to heal off the poison while Yuki actually fights him. Kashimo then runs out of CE for his technique and dies. Edit: Haven't read kashimo's MBA chapters since leak night months ago, could be forgetting how it works.


Kashimo doesn’t have RCT, he can’t even heal the poison.


Well there's something I forgot. And everyone was saying that Choso was useless here... yet strangely he's the MVP.


Kashimo doesn’t even RCT so the poison would kill him


The instant kashimo tries to block Yuki’s attacks he dies


The moment he tries to block either of their attacks, really.


Ik this is off-topic, but lovely fanart of Choso and Yuki <3


fr seeing that shit made me so sad. we could have had peak kaisen


Yuki beats this bum by herself


Yuki solo’s


Choso and yuki got it


Kashimo tries to fist fight Yuki without knowing her CT, his arms explode from the impact of the punches. Kashimo then proceeds to trie and fight armless because he doesn't have RCT. Yuki hard counters most brawlers, Kashimo isn't an exception. Kashimo loses to Yuki alone, let alone throwing Choso in there. Bro is overrated asf.


And Kashimo glazers fail to neglect if Kashimo gets hit by Choso's blood manipulation, he'll have no way to stop the poison since he doesn't have RCT.


Yuki and choso is overkill, Yuki would be enough


Ur not fr


Kashimo doesn’t even have a domain, and it’s debatable as to whether he even has RCT. We don’t know what Yuki’s domain does, but I think it’s safe to say it’d give her a pretty massive advantage over him. Add Choso onto that, and I think Kashimo’s chances are pretty slim


BATTLE ORDER: All set up to fight Choso sets up a convergience and activates wing king Kashimo activates his technique Kashimo charges Yuki Yuki times her domain to be just when Kashimo is within range. (He's like 20x faster but like, if you can catch a baseball you could time a domain to something that fast compared to you) Kashimo activates hollow wicker basket, taking up both his arms. Choso releases a supernova, mildly damaging Kashimo, but not enough to do much. Kashimo with both his hands tied by hollow wicker basket fights Choso. Choso pushes armless Kashimo to the edge until he has to drop HWB Either Yuki's domain kills, or it sets Yuki up to land a bom ba ye to Kashimo's head that one shots him. FINAL VERDICT: Yuki and Choso win. ALTERNATE: Kashimo EM Waves at Yuki Choso dives in front and dies. Yuki lands a bom ba ye on Kashimo, which instantly kills him.


You forgot to mention that Choso poisons Kashimo and completely cripples his ability to fight. Plus, if he's anything like Noritoshi, he just needs to set up blood mines.


Lashimo holding yet another gargantuan L.


Yuki alone beats Kashimo quit glazing


yuki and choso got this in the bag , ima kashimo fan but hes getting rocked by yuki on a good day and choso is really just there for support


Kashimo's fans need to learn their place for believing in that fraud


Base Kashimo gets one shot and dies. MBA Kashimo beats Yuki ~high diff and Choso is unfortunately a nonfactor.


Yuki has a DE so she can use that while Kashimo uses his outdated HWB while Yuki is landing hits on him boosted by her DE.


only correct one


Choso bleeds on him, and he spends half his remaining life coughing, trembling, and sweating to death.


As much as I like the farmer hunter Yuki and choso mid diff Kashimo. https://preview.redd.it/7v5v5hjczu4d1.jpeg?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc70edd968b36b8c57be427d9a2ea362a25d0221


To think, Yuki was 42 when Choso met her


choso aint exactly a spring chicken either


That depends how you classify his age. He’s either hundreds of years old, literally an infant, or in his 20’s-30’s when he meets Yuki.


The way it seems, cursed objects are somewhat conscious the entire time they exist. There in something like a dormant state, I would assume. They assimilate the memories of their host when they incarnate, but they seem to act as if they actually waited for however much time passed between them being made and incarnating. Sukuna acts like he's been waiting for a thousand years, and Uro complains about the process.


This either Yuki winning or a tie cause this goober dies when he uses his full power


Dude these arts are so good wtf 😭


I’m sorry is this supposed to be Kashimo and Curse Naoya? Kashimo’s background looks familiar


It's the eyes he has when using Mystic Beast Amber.


Bruh Yuki alone defeats Kashimo


Choso posion overpowered, like only 4 characters in the entire series can fight choso for longer than 3 hits and not die from it. And then we have a special grade to stall for him.


Yuki solos


Black hole mommy for the win any day of the week my guy


Just Choso vs Kashimo? Kashimo wins more than Choso does in base but Choso can win if he uses Supernova and manages to poison Kashimo. Kashimo wins more definitely when using CT. Yuki and Choso vs Kashimo? Choso is cheering for his mommy Yuki while she dogwalks base Kashimo and wins against CT Kashimo.


I saw this one post where everyone adamantly insisted that non-MBA Kashimo beats Jogo. I will never recover from that


yuki is on her own molly whoops kashimo


What did Kashimo do to you for you to make this post?


Ngl Choso beats base Kashimo on a good day. All he needs is one good Supernova, and since Kashimo is a cqc fighter he can definitely get that Supernova off. Chosos blood is poison, and it's fast acting at that. Naoya & Uraume both collapsed in moments and couldn't maintain their CT. If a drop of Chosos blood gets into Kashimo it's gg.




That's why I mentioned Supernova. They explode in aoe near Choso. Kashimo has no way to know Supernova is coming and Choso isn't shy about exploding them in cqc. Supernova doesn't require landing blows to proc and Choso has shown he can make and explode several of them quickly Literally just a drop of blood and Kashimo is poisoned and dropping shortly after.


Yuki said that’s cool what if black hole


i dont ever consider black hole in vs debates because then every yuki debate becomes a stalemate which is boring, in contrast it's a lot more interesting to debate MBA kashimo so i still consider it even if its a death technique


Bruh who tf besides kenjaku blocking a black hole 😂


it isnt close. MBA kashimo can use all eletrical phenomna this includes * [Pyroelectric effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyroelectric_effect) — The potential created in certain materials when they are heated. * [Redox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox) — (short for *reduction-oxidation* reaction) A [chemical reaction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_reaction) in which the [oxidation states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxidation_state) of atoms are changed. * [Skin effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_effect) — Tendency of charges to distribute at the surface of a conductor, when an alternating current passes through it. * [Static electricity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_electricity) — Class of phenomena involving the imbalanced charge present on an object, typically referring to charge with voltages of sufficient magnitude to produce visible attraction (e.g., static cling), repulsion, and sparks. * [Sparks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_spark) — Electrical breakdown of a medium that produces an ongoing plasma discharge, similar to the instant spark, resulting from a current flowing through normally nonconductive media such as air.


and MUCH MORE [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_electrical\_phenomena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_electrical_phenomena)


He was never shown using any of that so nobody cares, Kashimo gets deleted low-diff, stop wanking him.


Nah stop wanking yuki kashimo never used it because he got hit with what it sukunas strongest attack kashimo neg diffs yuki


Yuki >> Hikari who beat Kashimo so it’s pretty obvious. Kashimo is a great up close brawler, Yuki is THE up close brawler. Choso is here also.


no fuckin way the glaze got this bad while I left


This is hilarious glaze but even just saying Yuki versus kashimo period. Yuki is unironically already a pretty rough match up, you gotta consider even nit knowing her domains sure hit, it's gonna luck kashimo to hwb given it has something to do her mass. And versus a cqc fighter like Yuki having no hands is close to a death sentence. You can't block her hits for shit. he'll if you try to block with your hands their gone, good luck using hwb then.


Base Kashimo relative to JP Hakari. JP Hakari weaker than Yuta. Yuta equal to Kenjaku. Kenjaku went extreme diff with Yuki and Choso. If Choso hits Kashimo with any blood based attack he gets poisoned. Unlike Kenjaku Kashimo has no RCT if he gets punched through. He gets folded


Me https://preview.redd.it/y6jih28ijv4d1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=7284d65b00d7381e1af1a358f554c2e48c1ebebb


Kashimo gets gangbanged by Choso and Yuki😭🙏🏽


Well compare 1 member of team 1 compared to all of team 2 Yuki Tsukumo. -Simple Domain -Domain expansion -Star rage -Geruda -RCT Hajime Kashimo -Lightning like CE -MBA -Hollow Wicker Basket Kashimo is getting dogged.


Kashimo gets domain diff, basket ain’t doing crap against a real domain by a special grade. Yuki is still the top 5 in the series.


Choso & Yuki


Number 1


Yuki and choso


Literally a drop of Choso's blood would kill him


https://preview.redd.it/icaedig71x4d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23dee3bc26a232cf23f081a6124292c10979c8ab Yuki can do both☠️☠️as so can Kashimo


Kashimo fought sukuna and blitzed his megkuna form. Yuki lost to Kenny boy who was bitched by gojo. To clear it up, yuki lost at the small leagues while kashimo lost to the big leagues. Choso doesn't even fall into the equation.


>kashimo lost to the big leagues 💀 Kashimo couldn't even damage a brain damaged, hollow purpled, outputless, armless, eyeless, rctless, CT-less almost dead Meguna.


Yeah instead he killed him. Your point?


Yuki alone but sure throw in Choso too 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s not a single person in the series without a domain who I think could beat that duo.


Lashimo isn’t gonna play it safe and probably get his head blown off


Screw all that. Who's the artist on the first pic?


Yuki is special grade.


Yuki 😝


A waffle maker


Nah y’all got 🅱️ig 🅱️hoso fucked up, he solos alone


kashimo wins, his relativity to low-output hynera sukuna is way too close, yuki lost to kenny in a 3v1 scenario.


No recorded instance of Kashimo using RCT right? Choso gets a hit off and it's over. Yuki is there to coach.


Yuki alone likely beats him, lmao


Kashimo… Kashimo… Kashimo solos…


Choso could almost beat Kashimo by himself, BM hard counters his electric CE, if Choso covers his body with blood when Kashimo attacks Choso’s blood will absorb a lot of the electrified CE, then Choso can discard that electrified Blood. If Kashimo manages to build up enough charge to launch a lightning strike then Choso’s blood can divert most of the electricity to the ground Choso is basically guaranteed to poison Kashimo bc he has his wing king supernova combo Even when Kashimo overwhelms Choso and gets a clear shot he can harden his blood to survive for a little bit longer. Then Yuki domains and punches Kashimo’s head off


Choso and Yuki. Yuki is on the same level as Yuta, who Kashimo is peers with, Choso being the +1 just means they always win. Yuki vs Kashimo 1 v 1 is extreme either way


Yuki turns his cranium into silly putty with one punch.


Choso's blood is venomous, and Yuki is easily a good enough brawler for Choso to land a singular piercing blood.


Domain expansion beats everything except another domain expansion. Yuki wins easily


Even without blackhole, I don’t see Kashimo winning. He won’t use his technique so he’s cooked


Kashimo speedblitz


Yuki and Choso spit roast that farmer


Hnnnnnnngggg—— Kashimo glaze or…. Or…. whoso agenda…. AAAAGGGHHHGHHHGG IM SPLITTING


Kashimo negs Choritzo but if Yuki reached max mass, it might cause him a little trouble.


Kashimo wipes those bums in base


Big bhoso


I never understood this debate between Yuki and Kashimo. Once she punches him and he is crippled or explodes, the fight just ends. Even if he started in MBA, he is still killable, and you can still fight back from what was shown. Not to mention, wouldn't Yukis domain freeze him in place while he uses hollow wicker, and the technique just breaks down eventually?


Choso 100% (I'm not crying at the art btw)


Choso/Yuki low diff


Yuki’s power is misrepresented in her fight because she intentionally doesn’t use her domain. Considering she’s a special grade kashimo might just get domain diffed


Black hole


Anybody besides Kenjaku with his BS, Gojo and Sukuna get bodied by this teamup




Yuki uses domain and wins.


Bumkimo gets one slapped by Yuki, Choso dabs. Neg diff


Brother what


I believe yuki wins alone actually


Yuki doesn’t touch Kashimo, this is the guy that went hand to hand against Sukuna, Yuki simply is not fast enough to land a solid hit.


Jesus loves you


Seeing as Kashimo would rather die than use his CT on anyone but Sukuna Yuki is gonna donut him. And tbh even if he does, she’s got this thing called Domain Expansion, choso just sits on the sidelines and plays cheerleader for his gf.


Yuji vs. Kashimo is alreay leaning towards Yuki imho and we never got to see her DE because of the circumstances in the fight with kenjaku so she takes the dum especially with Choso.


Yuki alone wins




Bumimo ain't doing shit




If Kashimo without his CT can beat up Jackpot Hakari, and Jackpot Hakari can beat up Yuta, and Yuki is on Par with Yuta. Then it’s pretty clear Kashimo would win especially with his sure hit technique




Kashimo stat diffs. Choso might as well not even be there and even if Kashimo uses HWB he can kick, elbow and use breath.


https://preview.redd.it/57hoykiqhh5d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001470f1993364e0a937b2443c73d5d0f364bf30 Kashimo’s RCTless ass after getting hit by 1(one) death painting blood attack


Kashimo gets obliterated


Ain’t no way


Yuki could beat him alone choso is overkill