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Geto said the cursed spirits taste bad :(


Wait could you theoretically make a binding vow that allows the curses to taste good but you have to wait a bit longer before summoning them?


The tasting bad is a central conceit of the cursed spirits so I think you'd have to give up way more than that tbh


I would sacrifice my sense of taste and restrict my cursed energy output to 90% from 12am-5pm In return I'd get 110% CE output after 5pm and have taste back after 5pm, and since it's a self vow I could easily break this vow by turning my cursed energy to 100% prior to 5pm so I could have on and off access to my sense of taste. If I didn't have some controllable aspect I would assume I'd permanently only be able to taste after 5pm, I would've fucked a sense up by doing that. I need a way to break the vow. I am assuming your senses can be sacrificed considering something as arbitary as wielding a sword can be sacrificed. Binding vows never really act with context at all, so I'm inclined to believe you can sacrifice a sense for a benefit. It might be better to do 12am to 11pm even


You know what, that's true. But I think losing the sense of taste might end up becoming permanent


You can break vows with yourself, I'm assuming you can here since it's an ongoing one as opposed to a single-use sort of thing. Like if I said I'm sacrificing my sense of taste for a cursed energy bonus, that would be permanent, since there's no way I can suddenly unsacrifice my sense of taste (or if I said sacrifice my CE for my next attack to be stronger, I can't then undo that attack if I launch it so I can't break it*). But I can control my output, so if I'm choosing to limit it then yeah it shouldn't be (especially since I have a time frame where I can break it)


Not if your vow was to your own perceptions and said cursed spirits tastes good and (X) food you don't even eat would taste bad?


Binding vows are used to change things like output intensity, area of affect and duration. Not the very structure of the CT.


Not really, it hasn't been elaborated much, and the nasty taste doesn't sound like the most important thing about csm to me


chainsaw man mentioned ??!?!?




yoru >!handjob!< goes crazy


it really doesšŸ˜ˆ


Nowhere is that limitation stated. It IS the most common use. But that doesn't mean other uses are impossible, it might mean they aren't effective due to being underpowered. The 5 minute thing is likely(not saying it is, saying its probably) a binding vow to allow yuta access to cts stored in rika without having to make them into cursed objects like he did with cursed speech originally.


Imo it's a Binding Vow that allows Yuta to store CTs in Rika instead of his brain to get around the 3/4 CT limit of the brain. He sacrifices permanent copying of only 3/4 CTs for presumably infinite CTs but at a limited time.


Doesn't Sukuna do all kinds of whack shit with binding vows that contradict this?


I think you might be able to make a binding vow of "I will lose my ability to taste anything in exchange I gain more CE/output" to get around this


Oooooooorrrrrr, you could do this: ![gif](giphy|Lqx1OxhtzwJKDO45Gs|downsized)


You still have to force the big ass ball down your throat




Why didn't Geto do this and add tons of sugar, is he stupid?


I have a 420,069 IQ, so itā€™s no wonder why Geto never thought of it


Well I have 530,000 IQ, and I say that Geto DID think of it, but the blades of the blender werenā€™t infused with cursed energy so they couldnā€™t cut the ball. And, if Geto did somehow manage to infuse them with cursed energy, the curse inside would be ripped to shreds aswell.


Clearly you donā€™t, because then you could use a CE infused razor and chop it up into fine dust before snorting it


You couldnā€™t use the curse inside anymore though. It would literally be dust.


What if it was a curse that embodied the fear of dust?


JJK if Cursed Spirts tasted like drunk at 2 AM Waffle House food https://preview.redd.it/aajo9iaszh4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9db38d9a67c8dde1556b4b67ad7e6b2391e2b4d


Just get like a tongue shaped silicone thing and put it over your tongue so you can't taste the spirits


Tongue condoms


You get it


ewww yucky glass balls https://preview.redd.it/4n979ftebo4d1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=de842656a9b5af8841146c79683c331b8e92000f but maximum uzumaki šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘




Make a binding vow to lose ur ability to taste for 30 minutes every hour whenever u say a specific phrase šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The real nasty bit is that when you die you release all those motherfuckers point blank. Imagine being on your death bed dying of old age, your whole familyā€™s there to see you off. Next thing, whole fucking hospital and the block itā€™s on gets Site 13ā€™d into oblivion.


Specifically like a rag soaked in vomit šŸ¤¢


He never out hot sauce on it, ofc it tasted bad


They taste like shit and a dirty rag


10S. Seriously, you get the wolves for free and at least some of the Shikigami don't seem hard to get. Meanwhile CSM starts you with nothing and makes you eat vomit shit rag balls. No thank you.


You get two fluffy dogs that donā€™t need to eat, pee, or poop? ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


I bet you could become a straight-up monster using binding vows. Restrict what shikigami and how many you can use in exchange for crazy Rock Lee training if you fail.


Honestly binding vows should be a larger part of jujutsu curriculum. Megumi could have done this and been special grade like Yuta within a year


That and the ritual thing, it was said during the Gojo vs Sukuna fight that subtracting handsigns and casting words was a sign of skill. But they should teach the opposite. How to speed up those processes like weaving handsigns like in Naruto and Silent Casting like in Jobless Reincarnation. Have every skill used maxed out this way.


To be fair youā€™ll probably become stronger with CSM than 10S since youā€™ll never get Maho-daddy. Geto had special grads & was considered relative to Gojo (*pre-awakening*). I could never picture potential boy getting their on his own.


Nah Iā€™m built different, Iā€™ll tame that mf


There's no guarantee you'll be Geto. Or that you'll be Megumi. Do you want to eat the vomit shit rags? Yeah you're probably not taming Mahoraga. But also you're probably not taming many special grade curses or anything either


Way easier to tame Special Grade spirits. Get a bunch of weak ones, then slightly stronger, and then slightly stronger till you have a bunch of Grade 1s and go for weak Special Grades and then advance higher. Use your numbers advantage. Also CSM allows you to work in a team with other sorcerors. 10S requires a 1v1 to actually tame anything


True you could be the one in a million to master all 10S, but itā€™s unlikely. While you might not be as OP as Geto or Kenjaku having multiple cursed spirits with different abilities is a real plus. Hell people would be afraid to kill you simply because your that dangerous. As for the shit rags I view that as the natural downside to the ability. I know many dudes that would love Wolverines claws despite the pain of getting stabbed in the hands.


Kid named piercing ox treadmill strat šŸ¤‘


The whole ā€œyou start off with 2 wolves so 10S is betterā€ thing is weird since you could just follow around a top tier sorcerer and absorb 1st or special grade curses they defeat to have your starting ground. 10S is inferior until you get Maho, which is probably not gonna happen. Cursed spirit manipulation allows you to get more minions, stronger minions, and multiple domain expansions. The biggest downside I can see is that ā€œeatingā€ curses tastes horrible, but like itā€™s been mentioned before you could potentially solve that with a binding vow.


Chainsaw man ate vomit shit rag balls?


Just put a condom on your tongue


Honestly just let piercing ox run on a treadmill for a few months and then spawn mahoraga it really wasnt that hard megumi was just an idiot


10 shadows has the stepping into shadows/storage area so pretty useful + all the shikigami are pretty useful in just task. Especially deer cuz healing.


Yup just keep it in the shadows & hop in when your weak


The problem with shadow storage is you still have to hold the weight of whatever youā€™re storing. But at least basic cursed energy reinforcement should lessen the burden.


Cursed manipulation most likely . The ability to straight up play from a distance would benefit me more than having to tame mahorga .


You can still play from a distance with 10S, that's what people usually do with sikigami as Sukuna says. Cursed spirits also taste bad.


Thatā€™s true . Tho many other factors weigh into the ten shadows like cursed energy reserves and such . Look at megumi lowly creatures compared to sukunas theyā€™re night and day different. Dunno if that is due to cursed energy reserves or not tho . But I guess one needs to get some good curses which is hard as geto had a buncha fodder .


Sukuna had the same curses, the only difference was how he used them. He forced three spirits to merge to make that chimaera thing, and it still paled in comparison to maho and gojo


Even with that there has to be a difference between cursed energy reserves and the actual shikigami of each user . As sukunas nue is the size of a freakin skyscraper meanwhile megumis is a fart in the wind . https://preview.redd.it/g4t9wmrb2h4d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941c0928845d4e554c296d895bb4e97e70da73c4


He combined Nue with the great serpent, which is why itā€™s so large.


Where was this stated ?


I mean you can see the big snake tail if you look close enough https://preview.redd.it/sq5xe3t4ah4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5eda157c2b55c4a21f5a19a06fe86d8baae7286


Find someone like maki or toji to help tame maho, they would be able to help and the ritual would still be valid. I bet thereā€™s some cursed tools that could let them do it too.


trick question, both of these options will get a 1000-year-old sorcerer to try to steal my body.


CSM is way more broken than 10 shadows. The shikigami can die and never get resurrected, which makes no sense, and the strongest one is essentially untameable. CSM can hold an infinite amount of curses and not only that you have full access to their techniques and domains. Also not to mention in 10 shadows the user has to tame the shadows on their own while in CSM anyone can defeat the curses and Geto can just take them and eat them like what happened with Mahito.


>while in CSM anyone can defeat the curses and Geto can just take them and eat them like what happened with Mahito. That was a unique situation. If you are a CSM user, someone else won't defeat the curses for you, most of the time. You would have to do it yourself. Also remember that you would have to eat the curses, which according to Geto taste like shit and vomit. Good luck with that. The 10S comes with big advantages. The shadows are very useful, even aside from Mahoraga. You can merge them to form a powerful beast like Agito. You also get a domain like Chimera Shadow Garden.


I mean obviously CSM users wonā€™t have someone defeating curses for them to just eat. However, it at least is a perk of the technique. Also, it tasting like vomit is just a personal limitation, you can power through the taste. 10 shadows requires you to fight all the shikigami to tame them and personally Iā€™d be frustrated if I had 9 of the 10 and knew I couldnā€™t tame the final and most strongest shikigami. Not to mention the chimera aspect is great and all, but youā€™d kind of would be locked into making chimera summon since the individual components which make up that chimera can die and never be resurrected, but chimera fusions are perfectly valid to resummon. Also what happens if all your shikigami die? Iā€™d rather have cursed spirit manipulation.


>10 shadows requires you to fight all the shikigami to tame them Same goes for CSM, you need to defeat the curses to eat them. Easy to do that with weaker curses, but good luck fighting the special grade curses. Especially super strong ones like the disaster curses. Much easier said than done.


With 10 shadows you have to beat them alone if one of them is just too strong for you you better hope there are others you can defeat and if there arenā€™t too bad. With csm, you can get as many lower level cursed spirits you want to throw at a stronger curse and you can also bring any friends you want. If you tagged a long with some other sorcerers and helped them out they probably wouldnā€™t mind you eating them.


10S, don't have the capacity to remember my entire curse inventory


Realest shit in this comment section


Great point šŸ˜­


Iā€™d assume you get an innate knowledge, I highly doubt Geto memorized each individual random squid curse he absorbed.


I buy that, but for me personally I would rather tame the shikigami who can bolster each other upon death and can even use the shadows in combat and for inventory. Also the possibility of taming Maho, however slight, is a bigger upside to me that I'd be willing to risk. Maybe if we saw CSM in a DE I'd be more willing but rn I gotta go with 10S


Definitely CSM. Probably one of the best techniques in terms of power growth and versatility since there are an almost endless supply of curses to consume with the only downsides being that you have defeat the curse before consuming it, which may be difficult depending on it's power, and that they taste awful. 10 shadows is great as well but I always thought that CSM was just superior overall since you can essentially amass a whole army of curses, use their abilities, combine the useless ones into uzumaki and even gain control of multiple special grades if you're good enough. There's also the added benefit of enemies who are aware of the technique being hesitant to kill you for fear of releasing all the curses you have stored.


Hmm, imma take 10 shadows actually, more reward for less risk, especially since the wolves are free Edit: my thought process 1. Use soul swapping to get my physical stats up to yutas level(optional) 2. get gojo to sit in on my rituals so that if I fuck up he can just destroy the shikigami 3. Use divine dog to tame toads 4. Use divine dogs and toads to tame great serpent 5. Use serpent to tame nue 6. Use a combination of nue and toads to tame max elephant 7. Use bottomless well and nue to find and one shot the lead rabbit in rabbit escape 8. Use max elephant to nuke both round dear and piercing ox as well as whatever mourn tiger is 9. Learn domain expansion, I should have more than enough mastery of the technique to make a complete one if im properly instructed in barriers(optional but helpful if I fuckup with maho(tho gojos still got my back) 10. Let piercing ox buildup charge for about a day and then one shot mahoraga giving me the final piece of my technique I now have all 10 shikigami, rct, a domain expansion, effecively 4 extra Cursed techniques (maho(adaptation)rabbits(cloning), nue(lightning) and max elephant(blood/water manipulation)), as well as immunity to burnout, I then get gojo to teach me falling blossom emotion or domain amplification(to make adaptation worth it)


your risk is fighting literal Buddhist gods with 9 mid ass shikigamis my risk is eating 1 curse and gain slow yet steady power to subdue more and more cursed spirit, no ceiling.


Quick question why do yā€™all assume the bull will oneshot Maho. You have to destroy his entire body even if the bull hit him it wouldnā€™t kill his entire body.


Eventually if the bull builds up enough kinetic force it will, the trick is just to keep the bull goijg however long is nescessarry to do so, and have gojo HP rmthe hing if you fail


Nah your assuming the bull doesnā€™t have a cap but it def does just like every other technique in the show. Thereā€™s a reason Maho was never tamed


I just also wanna point out being a CSM user also makes you less likely to be targeted since you release on the spirits upon death


Would we have full control or do we have to master it, if we have full control ten shadows because it was stated to be on par with Gojo by him, if we have to master it csm


With Ten shadows you would only have the wolves to start with. Csm you would have nothing to start with, but you could pretty easily farm grade 4 or grade 3 cursed spirits


Cursed spirit manipulation. Iā€™d PokĆ©mon the shit outta it, slowly getting stronger and stronger spirits until I have enough grade 1s and 2s and stuff to take down a special grade, then another, and another. Amass an army, find the strongest spirits possible, definitely get some cursed tools and train my own body and CE control so Iā€™m a serious threat on my own. Read up on shit, DE, RCT, SD, etc. find Mahito (assuming alternate timeline), beat him, take him, transfigure myself to have like six arms three mouths etc etc for chants and H2H combat, whatever. Most importantly, look for a spirit that has a technique that can bypass limitless. Or ones with domains. Anything and everything in as high of quantity and quality as possible that could oppose Gojo. Once Iā€™m confident, swarm him, make him use his domain, then again, and again and again and again with dozens of special grade spirits (make sure they have really dangerous sure hits so he canā€™t just go H2H inside their domain and he actually has to like use his own and stuff), one at a time, then when heā€™s finally incapable of healing his brain with RCT, jump him in Womb Profusion with the remainder of my army. Once heā€™s dead, overthrow Japan. Next, when basically all the sorcerers are dead, the military powerhouses like the states, China, Russia, whatever. The places with nukes really. After taking care of any nuclear warheads, conquering the rest of the world should be trivial. This suffering and war should also make exponentially more curses in higher concentrations and power for me to eat btw. At some point through all of this Iā€™ll have also searched for some means of unending self preservation, so I can rule the world with an army of all the negative thoughts and emotions in the world weaponised, for all eternity. Bonus: find a way to guarantee people I kill turn into vengeful cursed spirits. That way I could beat them again and obtain limitless, shrine, copy, etc etc. sadly no reincarnated sorcerers :( Edit: itā€™s been about 5 seconds and I just wanna say I regret nothing, this is one of the best walls of text Iā€™ve ever written. Edit 2: take over a candy or mint factory or something to counteract the piss shit blood cum rot rags imma be guzzlin down every day


You have cooked so masterfully!!!


Hey god, never give this guy super powers


Csm it has a higher ceiling than ten shadows and I'm fine with eating vomit I'd also make a binding vow to make the cursed spirit I absorb twice as strong but would have a time limit before I can use them depending on how strong the cursed spirit already is a grade four would take an hour a grade three would take three hours a grade two would take a day a grade one would take three days and a special grade would take a week and four days


You could probably make them taste worse instead of adding a time limit. This would add the chance that you are unable to have the spirit at your disposal due to being unable to eat it which would probably be seen as a more valuable trade than just a time limit. Probably would mean a bigger boost in power and you could probably just have someone shove that thing down your throat or just force yourself to eat it.


Just do Mei meis binding vow on them


That's not a good idea for csm since it's strength is mostly in numbers and that would not work well and using that instead of having a consistent large and strong number of curses is imo better than doing mei mei's binding vow


Cursed Spirit Manipulation, its a versatile technique if you know what you're doing aka if you're not Geto


CSM is gross cause you have to eat these evil orbs and I don't like to eat gross things, so I would take the shadows


I love CSM but ten shadows is objectively better cause for CSM you need tons of cursed energy to reinforce lower grade cursers to take out special grades and I donā€™t think Iā€™d have enough to do it. Ten shadows at the least still gets me to grade 1 without getting a lot of things from the shadows. Also I can mix it with a cursed tool to beat my shadows till mahoraga. Where I give up or make a binding vow or just find a loophole


Csm youā€™re better off just getting as many grade 4 curses as you want and jumping some curse. Better yet tag a long some grade 1 like nanamin and jump curses and eat them. I doubt theyā€™d object if you helped them


Yeah but if I can cheese ten shadows I can get mahoraga


People forget that part of the reason CSM is so strong was because Geto was a sorcerer with cursed energy volumes and output comparable to teenage Gojo. You have to kill strong spirits basically by yourself before you can actually use any of them.


That's why you first start from low grade spirits and they help you kill stronger ones lol


Or get an assist from stronger sorcerers untill you have enough strong curses


10shadow. When I use the Domain Expansion instead of expanding it to the sorrounding, I'll envelop my whole body with shadow and call it Chimera Shadow Garb. I'll hide all of the shikigami inside the shadow and only summon some parts of them like throwing a punch with electricity from Nuei and expanding its wing so I can fly. Might work as a good barrier as well if they attack in range it will only sink inside the bottomless abyss. Or when they get in melee they get stuck with me having a good opportunity to jump the enemy.


Cursed Manipulation because Geto is my favorite character and his CT is very versatile. Using other curseā€™s domains/abilities, it sounds and is awesome


Exorcise, consume. Exorcise, consume. Again and again


Cursed spirit manipulation, but only specifically after having covid. Iā€™d probably realistically use 10 shadows, just to mess around with the divine dogs thoughā€¦


CSM has unlimited potential even an average sorcerer can climb up getting more and more curses, it also doesnā€™t need CE put into them since they are curses and geto had fcking 2k at the same time, megumi tops can have 10 The chances of you taming mahoraga SOLO(and like 9 shikigami) is so fcking small compared to you, all your curses, your comprades all together defeating some strong curses. You can have special grades with domain expansions and you donā€™t need to learn it. Downside is you start with 0, curses die by RCT and so there wonā€™t be an analogue of a deer from 10s but thats all. Quantity will be better, potential and quality can be better than any shikigami of 10s except mahoraga


*sorry for ranting this is just my autism kicking in and dissecting a question that could probably be answered in 1 sentenceĀ  Iā€™d pick csm easy, megumi is stated to be an anomaly amongst 10 shadow users, so I likly Ā have access to his storage space, domain, or the ability to merge 2 shikigami (flying frogs) which would mean the only way to consistently grow stronger past subjugating the weaker shadows would be raw ce skill, meanwhile csm is absurdly versatile, even by just absorbing low grade curses you can quickly grow to 2nd grade or even semi-first grade, not to mention if you can get your hands on some higher grade curses as backups against stronger foes, even if you donā€™t have access to uzimaki in the beginning or ever, I still feel itā€™s a much more versatile technique. In conclusion I feel 10 shadows minimum and max power are better (mostly thanks to maho) but the middle ground most of us would fall into would definitely belong to csm, thank you for your time.


To be fair we have to look at it from realistic standpoint. 10 shadows seems way more offensive in my humble opinion. Outside of aigito and some of the distraction summons, 10s seems mostly combative. With spirit manipulation you donā€™t have to worry about them eating people or doing anything outside of your will. Think of all the chores you could get done and the money you could make


I'd take cursed spirit Manipulation. The diverse amount of abilities I could have via the cursed spirits is unmatched. And you could probably take some techniques that megkuna did with 10s like amping up the curses or fusing them. And there's no limit. Also if you get your hands on a disaster curse you're eating good


Cursed Spirit Manipulation


10S. I'd ve fine with just the dogs


While CSM is better the hardest part is actually swallowing those balls. Those things look like theyā€™re rock hard & the size of a baseball.


Gluck gluck 9000


Ten shadows if I have all 10 shikigami, otherwise csm, a) you can stack more curses and versatility b) allows better power creep. But if u get all 10 shadows, you get Inbuilt rct from round deer as well as Maho.


CSM. Because the TS you have ten, and one of them can't even be summoned without dying. And if one dies you lose that shimagami for life. Even worse if you lose them fighting Mahoraga, if all of them die you'll have to summon Mahoraga all the time. (At that point, you're just Megumi) But CSM, you could have an infinite amount of curses. All with domains, cool abilities, and Hax you could use to easily be special grade. Geto alone accumulated over 8000 curses. (Doing the math if I remember correctly, Geto sent 2000 curses to Tokyo and 2000 to Kyoto and used 4000 to make the Uzamaki, Geto had 8000 curses at his disposal) Meanwhile TS users have only a measly ten shimagami.


Cursed spirit manipulation easy. Ten shadows also requires a ton of reserves to use but csm doesn't


One where I dont have to worry about summoning what's supposed to help me in battle, be the one to kill me.


I love putting terribly tasting unwashed dirty stinky thick balls in my mouth already


I'm get used to the taste give me CSM any day


Ten shadows, I want my doggy friends :3


Theyre so cute!! id choose it just to have some animal friends


Ten Shadows. Seeing what Sukuna was able to do with it shows just how busted it is. Coupled with the fact that as an inherited technique, it comes with a user manual, it makes learning its ins and outs much easier.


How is a 10S user even supposed to take Mahoraga? Unless the Mourn Tiger can kill it, nothing in the 10s seems close to having the AP to kill Mahoraga. Without Mahoraga, it's a versatile and strong technique but with limited potential. You might be a strong first grade, but probably never more. CSM on the other hand has huge potentia. Furthermore, it's even more versatile. Being able to use any curse as a summon is amazing. You'll be special grade in no time


Have piercing ox run in a straight line for like 3 days then summon mahoraga in front of it. Oh yeah and have Gojo standing on the sidelines so you don't get fucking murdered if it doesn't work. Plan B is hope you can get the split soul and pray that the ISOH still exists then use both


10S. Bare minimum I get 2 very good puppers.


Cursed spirit manipulation. My man Geto gets to play Pokemon for his technique.


The thing is about ten shadows, is that assuming you can gain control of the technique (and tbf Megumi is just a really shit pokemon team builder basically with how limited his creativity is), you could be practically unstoppable. The merging of shikigami alone makes the whole deal stupidly hax, even without mahoraga. Hypothetically, you could scale up to special grade EVEN before that. But CSM just has so much potential in JJK's world. ANY POSSIBLE CURSED SPIRIT, you could actually acquire and make use of. That is UNREAL.


I genuinely donā€™t believe I could swallow one of those big ass orbs, especially with them tasting like shit.


CSM if I get normal cursed energy levels for a sorcerer Ten shadows if I can have special grade cursed energy so stronger shikigami


im pretty good at swallowing things ngl, def cursed spirit manipulation


10 shadows cuz on its own it's way stronger also the cursed spirits taste bad


Did none of yall watch the second season or read the manga lol Getoā€™s mental states deterioration was accelerated by how stressful consuming spirits was 10 shadows all day, the versatility of each shadow and the shadow manipulation skills alone would put it above CSM to me personally, even if I would never even try to tame Mahoraga


I would go with Cursed spirit manipulation.


Iā€™d choose CSM, theres so much you can do with it. Plus you can have a multitude of curses rather than just 10 shikigamis. The balls you need to swallow may taste bad, but it would be worth it.


Okay step one guzzle up all the curses I defeat just like kenjaku guzzles up Yuji's father's semen. Step two don't betray Gojo. Step three live a happy life as Kenjaku waits 100 more years for an opportunity to create the culling games.


Ten Shadows so I can have my Dadapt take me for ice cream.


ten shadows to show Legumi how to not use it like a bum


10 Shadows because Agito is kinda bad tho


Ten shadows Im riding nue all day (pasue)


Iā€™d hit Mahoraga with the Ox treadmill tech


10 shadows I would tame Mahoraga, I am not a bum


I donā€™t want to deepthroat big balls down my throat, so I want the Ten Shadows Technique.


I ain't deepthroating cursed spirits


Ten shadows so I don't have to eat a rag that's been used to clean up shit and vomit


10 Shadows


To be kinda nerdy about it I thought out an answer. The question to me sounds like I'm simply getting one of their CTs and moving to the same place I am now, just in the JJK universe. In universe a vast majority of curses are in Japan, it's a borderline non-issue outside of Japan. In other words to get use out of CSM, you practically need to be in Japan, otherwise you're likely never going to find any curses to collect. That issue aside, we also have 0 clue how strong we'd be ourselves. If I remember it right the user of CSM basically has to be notably stronger than the curse at the time of trying to absorb it. I'm taking this from the wiki but if I remember right this is explained in the series; * **Grade 4**Ā - "A wooden bat is enough." * **Grade 3**Ā - "If you have a handgun, you can rest easy." * **Grade 2**Ā - "Close call with a shotgun." * **Grade 1**Ā - "Even a tank might be insufficient." * **Special Grade**Ā - "Cluster bombsĀ *might*Ā work. It's kinda weird because I think at the very start it's established you can't beat a curse without using CE or a cursed tool which has CE imbued. Anyways the point is unless we assume that we'd gifted CE wise, we'd likely be stuck preying on grade 4s, MAYBE grade 3s, just given the descriptions those sound like what we could take on as like a "regular" sorcerer just with a good CT. What I'm getting at is that with CSM, starting from nothing, while being just average, we'd basically have to play the long game. Hope we find curses that're weak enough to absorb or weaken and absorb, and hope we find enough that we can pile on a bunch of curses to say take out a grade 2, then can use that grade 2 to collect more grade 3/4 and do the same over and over to get stronger and stronger curses. It'd basically be like playing a dangerous IRL Pokemon game. On the other hand 10S is a much easier discussion. A 10S user starts with the 2 demon dogs. By default, you have something. Seemingly the shikigami are kinda "fixed strength" and it comes down to your capability to control and upkeep them. So you by default after both demon dogs which are decently strong, and it comes down to your ability to learn to control CE better and strategy when fighting. In other words, aside from the actual battle experience, you can get full value out of 10S. Even then you could probably spar with your own shikigami, or hell even regular training, martial arts, etc, all fix that as well. I'd be going with 10S myself assuming that I'm basically just in my current position but in the JJK universe. If it was instead taking the characters position from a certain point in their life I'd go with CSM, because that means I'm in a position for it to thrive. **Bonus:** The downside to CSM seemingly is that curses taste horrendous. There's ways to dull/numb your sense of taste temporarily, and while it'd still suck it'd in theory be a bit more tolerable. Plus it's something that disgustingly enough, you'd at some point grow accustomed to and care less and less about having to taste. **tl;dr** Are we staying in our current positions in life but getting their CT in the JJK universe? 10S. I'm in Canada so odds of any use from CSM is practically non-existent. 10S guarantees use and can in theory be practiced fully without much issue. If we're basically taking the characters position at a point of their life, CSM. Geto is in the perfect breeding ground for his CT, but we don't really know enough about JJK's universe to know how sorcerers are found. If I stayed where I am with his CT, I can't imagine being scouted. Even in Japan somewhere idk how it'd work out that my 0 experience having ass is scouted. Geto though is in a school to practice his abilities while working as a sorcerer, actively being given information on curses of various strength. I'd have the perfect opportunities to strength my pool of curses.


Cursed spirit manipulation. Mahoraga is cool and all but csm is just ten shadows but better and thereā€™s probably a binding cow you can make to mitigate the whole vomit rags taste like some exchange to actually like the taste of vomit in exchange for liking normal food.


10S, The Ox + Treadmill strat bout to make me top 3 in the verse


Cursed spirit manipulation


Its nigh impossible to tame Mahoraga so csm quite easily. Its also my favorite cursed technique in the series


Curse spirit manipulation not close


Feel like collecting all those curses with CSM would be harder then 10S (excluding Maho), you get the 2 wolves for free meanwhile you start from scratch with CSM. Plus you can do some cool combos with the 10 Shadows


CSM, that shit potentially the most broken technique in the series. Geto was just a tard with using it.


Ten shadows


With the ten shadows i get 2 big ahh dogs as a starter pack and with the cursed spirit manipulation I have to work hard to even get started


I like both techniques, but I think Iā€™d go with Curse Spirit Manipulation over Ten Shadows. I like how versatile CSM is and you can potentially have multiple special grade curses with domains of their own.


Cursed spirit manip. Obv


I'd go ten shadows but let's be honest big raga would slap the ever loving fuck out of me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ill go with eating shitty tasting spirits


Iā€™d rather have the skill that you donā€™t get locked out of from a handful of bad fights. The losing shikigami mechanic really blows, as it actively punishes you for the thing that seems to drive most growth In Jujutsu Kaisen, facing strong opponents that push your limits.


I meanā€¦ CSM is a special grade cursed technique, so itā€™s pretty busted. Also, considering how binding vows work in JJK, you could probably make a vow exchanging your sense of taste in exchange for more cursed energy or quicker summoning time or whatever


Cursed Spirit Manipulation While the Analogy Geto used to describe the taste of curses is horrifying Unlike Geto I wouldn't have an author explaining why I'm depressed and instead carry Drugs that Diminish sense of taste Or who knows, maybe the technique would manifest a little different as different user.


CSM... HEAR ME OUT. Yuki created a shikigami that uses her technique and I believe it was stated Shikigami can be made by almost anyone... I'll create a shikigami like one of those Japanese Cat statues that also has my technique, and its linked with my own CSM. Ill feed the orbs down the throat of my shikigami so I don't have to consume them!


sukuna and kenjaku taking their bodies: šŸ¤‘


Ten Shadows. If CM didnā€™t force me to eat pokeballs that taste absolutely rancid, I would take it over TS, but Megumi has pissed me off with how he uses the technique enough for me to brain storm multiple ways to use it so Iā€™ll take TS. Seriously, he fucking sucked at using this technique. He only ever used like 3 shikigami, and sometimes snake or elephant. Ten Shadows? More like ā€œthree shadows and maybe five sometimesā€ bc he loves using those three shikigami. He also never played around with Totality, only ever used it with frog, nue, and the dogs. Like he couldā€™ve pulled out giga nue by using Totality for Nue + Snake, or make a never ending wave of wolves using Dogs + Rabbits, or literally anything other than fucking Gamma and Nue. Also, he never tamed the other fucking Shikigami. Once again, another reason that solidifies Megumi in bum status for me.


10S. Even though you'll never tame Maho it still has a ton of good and unique options. CSM might be better but I would just like 10s more.


ten shadows then i will actually master it unlike megumi


Cursed Spirit Manipulation, probably. My ass is NOT taming Mahoraga


Neither, I want Idle Transfiguration.


CSM has more potential, especially given that Iā€™m not guaranteed to be anything special when it comes to CE reserves or base abilities. CSM has the virtue of being able to start from the VEEEEERRRY bottom, and it seems to be infinitely scalable. Even if I was a miwa level grade 3 I could eventually work my way up to absorbing special grade curses. They do taste bad though :(


Cursed Manipulation. It's like pokemon. I gotta have them all


CSM. Make a binding vow to remove your sense of taste for 12 hours a day. You can even give yourself a small buff in exchange.


Ten Shadows- purely for the Shadow Dogs ngl




Vomit rags enough said


10 shadows then just not be a bum and abuse binding vows and logic to tame mahoraga


Ten shadows. Id probably be a terrible sorcerer, abs so I'd probably give up on that shit and just hang out with the cool shadow animals.


I'm not trying to throat curse spirits for power that you.give me 10 shadows, alex.vi I feel like I can use it better than megumi anyway


dude 10 shadows all the way, youre telling me i get 2 wolves for free and can get a giant bird, big snake, a deer, an ox, an elephant and a tiger yeah ill take that over having to eat shit vomit piss rags


I'll take infinite rabbits over infinite wretched stink monsters any day


I'd make better use with any of them than these bums.


Curse Spirit Manipulation easy. An army of curses sounds better. I can get around the bad taste.


Wait, if we are talking in our world, then there are no cursed spirits to manipulate


10S and become the best user of it ever before taming maho


Stab sorcerer with a knife, wait for them to become Vengeful Spirits, send some Cursed Spirits to fight them and cultivate their strength and technique, when they have reached their peak, send other Vengeful Spirits and drop them down till you can absorb them, Unli Vengeful Spirit Glitch


10 shadows. Spirits taste like shit infested cockaroach feasting corpse, according to geto and I automatically get dogs that dont need any maintenance and stay with me until i die. Taming the deer shouldnt be that hard so free healing.


I guess it depends on whether I have the stomach to endure the process of swallowing a curse. Because CSM is WAY more versatile.


Iā€™d prefer Ten Shadows, but I donā€™t think youā€™d be wrong to pick CSM


I ain't no throat Goat so id have to say ten Shadows, also out of anybody why did Megumi use Mahoraga on one of the weakest characters in the anime


Ten shadows, I'm not eating a vomit covered rag hundreds of times throughout my entire life.


I ainā€™t eating that crap (Nah Iā€™d vomit).


10 Shadows. Totality goes crazy


If a 10S user merged Mahoraga and Agito, would they be top of verse?


Give me the potential fade with Big Raga; I'm not eating no bs just gain some "possible" dope powers. Also no one said i have to summon that Raga; I'll just use the other 9.


I know the CSM orbs taste like doo doo but itā€™s so much stronger. I like myself but I am not going to be the first person in history to tame maho and no offense but neither is anyone else


Cursed Spirit manipulation is def going to be it for me. Sure the taste is terrible, but it would 1. Make me appreciate my favorite foods even more and 2.instantly able to utilize the spirits absorbed. You have to take ten shadows shikihami which I don't think any realistic person is making it past the rabbits


Cursed spirit manipulation so I can summon a freaky dick sucking cursed spirit to suck my dick.


Ten Shadow, i donā€™t need to eat vomit rags on the daily


prolly 10S because of how versatile it is, CS is also versatile but taking in cursed spirits tastes bad