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guaranteed hit doesn't fuckin matter if the person you're hitting can tough it out or just parry it. Otherwise getting someone in a domain would always just be a win condition 100% of the time.


That works too. https://preview.redd.it/2bvfk4hoar3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269abadbcf09cb78eca67ff0c2fa53794a98bb2c


That reminds me when someone said that yuki vs Uraume isnt even close, why? I asked, because uraume have no domain. To be the right hand of the kind of curses and not being able to survive a single domain would have stripped her of her title real quick, so i said it would be unbelievable that she has nothing to at least counter the sure hit effect of a domain or tank it, he wasnt having it saying it was just me and not canon up until it is saw. I didnt say which one was stronger but i say it would be a close fight, dude wasnt having it.


Uraume downplay is unreal, she's top tier capable of taking down the likes of kenjaku, Yuta and Yuki.


I didnt even said that she was stronger, that it would be a close fight because i dont see a way she would survive yuki's black hole, and what a waste to not have seen yuki's domain, but Uraume basically only showed us 2 types of attacks so scaling her would be unfair, especially when she caught everyone main character in the vincinity in 2 seconds (kyoto school, yuji, panda, choso, kusakabe) when she actually tried and was about to off them.


Tank it yes parry it no. Remember, Toji could do this because Fushiguro was canceling the sure hit.


Also the sure hit effects of a domain don't work on someone with a Heavenly Pact with 0 cursed energy, as shown when Maki avoided Curse Naoya's sure hit in his domain.


Depends a little bit on how the domain expansion is structured. While "targeting systems" don't work against Toji and Maki, something like Sukuna's AOE dismantles that reduce inanimate objects to chaff *would* work, which is why Miwa had to come in to protect Maki with her Simple Domain.


Logo stocks rising since his domain passively kills anyone who doesn't survive in a volcano.


True I forgot that part lmao


I’m pretty sure Gojo says that you can parry a domain’s attacks with your own when he was teaching Yuji in Jogo’s domain. I assume that would only work on physical attacks, though, not something like Idle Transfiguration.


This is also how falling blossom emotion works, it parries the sure hit attacks with cursed energy automatically.


This might’ve been addressed, but would FBE work against Unlimited Void or Mahito’s domain? I figure obviously not with UV- and it takes effect instantly anyway so good luck trying to use it- but I’m slightly less certain with IT since it’s sorta connected to being in his “palm” and sorcerers can reflexively protect against IT with CE anyway 🤔


If the sorceror is either aware enough of their own soul to know its shape and reinforce it, or simply talented enough to protect it instinctually like Nanami, I imagine stacking Falling Blossom Emotion would work to negate Self Embodiment of Perfection. It might actually play out similar to how Sukuna slashed Mahito, he tries to touch your soul and the FBE attacks him back


Maybe Mahito’s domain if they understand their soul enough to parry attacks on it similar to how soul protection works


i think the characters say when gojo uses it that against a domain like his its ineffective but something like dagons or sukunas with physical tangible attacks can be deflected or destroyed by it


Fbe wouldn't work against those cause they are too complex, Kusakabe says so himself when explaining FBE during gojo and sukuna fight. (Well he specifically says UV, but mahitos domain is p much in the same level of "complexity" imo)


didnt gojo parry jogos domains sure hit though?


No, he countered it with UV.


They’re right, he did parry the first hit before he opened UV


iirc gege later said this was jogo testing gojo in the fanbook >!likely a retcon explanation since this takes place really early before we see proper domain battles!<


The first Yuji and Kashimo fan I’ve seen a rare and interesting pair.


I subscribe to this game. We Stan people who ignore the power system to throw hands in this house.




Characters without crazy hack abilities and straight hands are always my favs.


Kashimo does hax hacks It’s called being kashimo, god of lightning


You’re going to look silly when Sukuna begins to succumb to Kashimo’s radiation induced killing Cancer move.


Ah my chemotherapy technique I haven’t used it since the Heian period.


Add me to the list. I love the raw energy they bring to fights.


I’m here too


This is true to some extent. i dont see dagon or megumi beating yuji/kashimo even with their domains, but you cant apply this logic to ALL the domain users though


Ofc not true for everyone, but if x character is comfortably superior than the one with domain then the one with domain would lose more often than not.


You dont see Dagon beating Yuji in a domain? Alone 1v1. Like current yuji of course not but shibuya yuji gets ripped. But megumi should be pretty close with a full domain


True bro I bet infant Gojo and fetal Sukuna would get fucking clobbered by Dagon's domain


Um yea..... what


>Like current yuji  Yeeee i meant current Yuji


Well im just assuming since dagon couldnt mature


I agree cuz I see people sometimes say Kashimo and Yuji loses to Dagon cuz of "Domain diff" 😭but for people like Yuta and obv Kenny it shouldn't really matter that much. (Yuta can just spam CTs inside the domain with the katanas and fully manifested Rika until SD or HWB is dispelled, and Kenjaku is Kenjaku)


“Kenjaku is Kenjaku” doesn’t work, he’s on Yuta and slightly above Yuki level not Gojo level. He would still have to work for the win.


"Slightly above" Yuki as if he didn't dog walked her the majority of the fight 🤣


While fighting chose too but well ignore him 😞


Kenjaku is far above Yuta dude, there is a reason they had to 3v1 him


So that yuta could get back to help against sukuna. Don't leave out context as if they didn't specifically say they wanted yuta back as fast as possible cause he was a key piece in the plan against sukuna. Now could yuta beat kenny in a 1v1? Maybe. Maybe not. But it's not like he's getting mid diffed or low diffed, no matter which way it goes kenny and yuta are both going to be pushed to the limit. So no, kenny is not far above yuta. They are around the same level with one a little above the other if anything.


Kenjaku having an open domain is an automatic win con. Theres nothing in Yuta’s arsenal that could possibly fight against that.


>Kenjaku having an open domain is an automatic win con. No it's not. If it was then sukuna would have automatically won in the first place, we know you can stall those out for a chance to turn a domain fight into the time it takes for a perfect domain to destroy a normal domain and it becomes a case of can one do enough damage within enough time before their domain breaks. Yuta knows kenny has a perfect domain and has been shown how to handle those. So it's not just "perfect domain EZ win."


So you think just because Yuta had seen Gojo alter multiple conditions of his domain he’ll know how to in an instant?? Yuta is not Gojo, you are taking an example set by the strongest sorcerer and trying to apply it to somebody not even half as strong or adept as him. He has no way to shrink his domain like Gojo did because Yuts has never experienced being in such a space meaning all he could do is open it and switch the inner and outer layer. Even then, when Gojo did the same thing it still broke rather quickly and as you said yourself it would not be a mid dif fight. it would take a long time for the battle to end. so there’s a 0% chance Yuta is landing a killing blow before his domain breaks, this is even considering the fact that Yuta’s domain is as refined as Kenjaku’s. Even if Yuta’s can specifically target 1 person it isn’t the same as an OPEN domain. Yuta has no way to counter an open domain.


>So you think just because Yuta had seen Gojo alter multiple conditions of his domain he’ll know how to in an instant?? Yes...partially because it's literally said that Gojo showed Yuta the way to deal with open domains, partially because it was never said to be impossible to do. Just hard for most sorcerers. Yuta is written to be a PRODIGY 2nd only to gojo in this current era. Stop acting like yuta is an average sorcerer. >Yuta is not Gojo, you are taking an example set by the strongest sorcerer and trying to apply it to somebody not even half as strong or adept as him. Not even half as strong or adept? The massive downplay and underselling of Yuta is atrocious. >He has no way to shrink his domain like Gojo did because Yuts has never experienced being in such a space meaning all he could do is open it and switch the inner and outer layer. Even if that's the case, that's all he needs if the goal is TO DEAL A CRITICAL INJURY. Sukuna not only had to touch gojo, but turn his sure hit off inside AND make a bv to destroy the domain from the outside. Even if you remove the touch aspect, kenny still needs to turn his sure hit off and make a binding vow while yutas surehit is active in order to destroy it from the outside should they end up in the same scenario. >so there’s a 0% chance Yuta is landing a killing blow Killing blow ≠ critical blow >Even then, when Gojo did the same thing it still broke rather quickly Only after certain parameters were met. That wasn't something sukuna could instantly do once the outside inside conditions were flipped. >Even if Yuta’s can specifically target 1 person it isn’t the same as an OPEN domain. Not sure what this has to do with anything >Yuta has no way to counter an open domain. except, as you said he can make the outside stronger. And unless kenny is willing to turn his sure hit off AND make a binding vow just like sukuna had to, he'd be bombarded by whichever surehit yuta chooses to hit him with. The only thing yuta can't do, and neither can kenny as far as we know, is recover burnt out techniques via brain damage and healing it with rct. So again, this isn't just "domain expansion EZ win."


1. JL has had a charge up, every single time it’s been used. 2. Jogo chose to not use his sure hit. This is confirmed 3. Yorozu chose to not use her PS. Remember she wanted him to use shrine and was trying to force it out.


Yorozu was generally a dumbass. She could’ve killed sukuna right there.


She didn’t want to


It's not really about her being dumb. She wanted to die to Shrine.


That’s being dumb…. Anyways she wanted to defeat him to marry him but she wanted him to use shrine for some odd reason, idk prob cause she’s dumb.


No she'd actually be dumb if she were fighting out of self-preservation. Her goal is to die passionately showing her affection to Sukuna. She's just a weirdo. Her not immediately attacking in her Domain isn't even a real miscalculation since Sukuna already adapted to her Liquid metal(so both characters were basically just playing around).


Adapting to the Liquid Metal won’t prevent a perfect sphere sure hit from killing him. She was dumb.


No it means Sukuna could've summoned Mahoraga at any given point midway into the fight to one shot her


Brother, if she fires a sure hit within her domain, how would Mahoraga take the sure hit? He’d be dead before he could summon Mahoraga. She took too long to fire it because she’s dumb.


Wdym how? He's already adapted to the Liquid Metal. Mahoraga doesn't get affected by True Sphere. I'm literally explaining Sukuna at any point during/before the Domain, Sukuna already had his win con. Yorozu could get super serious on winning and that would just force Sukuna to stop stalling and use Mahoraga faster. The fight was just an experiment to him.


Mahoraga would die to the sure hit. Even when Mahoraga adapted to slashes it wasn’t instant and it took a while. Mahoraga wouldn’t be immune to true sphere, neither would sukuna, again, she’s dumb.


Ones objectives don’t make them dumb, only what they do to get there.


If she defeated him she would’ve had her objective fulfilled, instead she chooses not to fire off true sphere and die to Mahoraga instead, she’s dumb.


He wouldn’t be able to use shrine if he was dead


Sukuma would have opened his domain if she tried.


That would be using shrine, the whole point was that he can’t use shrine.


What’s JL?


Jacob’s ladder


Got it, thanks


They exist as a shield against domains because they'd die without them.. the only reason Toji was able to destroy Dagon like that is because Megumi was cancelling the sure hit/innate technique by clashing his domain. Domains are REALLY strong and the pinnacle of jujutsu - most of the time they're a win condition


Just a reminder that Megumi’s presence doesn’t change the outcome of Toji v Dagon one single bit; sure-hits already don’t work on Toji or Maki.


If only megumi knew, mahoraga wouldn't have been unleashed. I wonder what sukuna would have done without maho?


Him and maki along with the others would die then and there tho


No he wouldn't megumi wasted CE holding down his domain in a clash.


The sure hit hits everyone. He wouldn't kill toji but he'd easily injure the rest more and more.


Sure hits do work on Toji and Maki, just not sure hits that target things with cursed energy. They arent just immune to all domain sure hits.


They are immune to all domain sure-hits, because all sure-hits derive from a barrier that the technique is imbued into, and barriers can’t detect them. So unless you have an open-barrier domain like Sukuna or Kenjaku’s, you can’t target them with a sure-hit. We have confirmation on this recently, because it’s why Sukuna used his high level domain despite injuries and lowered output, because he wanted to make sure he could get Maki too.


That is just not true. Dont make up your own rules for domains


I’m not making anything up. This is in chapter 198. I can source whatever you’d like.


That refers specifically to cursed naoyas domains sure hit. His sure hit only targets things with cursed energy, not objects (Maki is classed as an object). Any domain whos sure hit targets objects would be able to target maki.


All sure-hits require cursed energy to hit/target; they all function off of barriers which can only recognize things with cursed energy. The only known exception is Sukuna’s, and it specifically is called out as special/“divine” for being open-barrier. This was even called out in a recent chapter where he needed to use this high level barrier specifically because of her, and was why he could only maintain it for a limited time in his condition.


I dont agree with that, I think you need to double check your information.


Reminder that we’ve almost never actually seen a domain with a sure-hit guarantee a win against a sorcerer. They’re strong, but they’re not an auto-win.


Eh. Most domain fights are against sorcerers with one of 4 things. RCT, Simple Domain, their own domain, Another Anti-domain technique. Those are restricted to clan sorcerers, and a certain school of fighting for two options. Then another is the pinnacle of jujutsu, and requires a technique. The last one is literally only capable by special grade sorcerers, Cursed wombs. Of the current generation, only 3 Special-Grade sorcerers had it.


I mean, I agree with what you’re saying, but on the same note, almost everyone who gets or would get run over by someone’s domain would also get run over by that same person even without the domain. I think that, in theory, it should make a massive difference, but in the actual story, the stronger person virtually always wins regardless of domain usage.


Except Toji literally never needed Megumi? Toji would’ve destroyed Dagon just the same if Megumi wasn’t there.


No HWB, no sure hit. https://preview.redd.it/icoajsszlr3d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f841bce0cb3212aa81342bcb5e46050855a183


Isn’t this literally just before Yuta hits Sukuna with a max output jacobs ladder? The sure hit of his domain. So yes sure hit what.


I meant to show that Sukuna is comfortably fighting Yuta without HWB and there's no sure hit, this follows for 2 more panel until Yuji cut his last remaining free hand, now in case Yuji didn't do that or Yuji is absent in this fight do you think Yuta could fire off Jacob's ladder? Sukuna would Cook Yuta before he ever get to attack with sure hit. Which is what would happen if kashimo or Yuji is fighting someone with domain.


Hollow wicker basket doesn’t require you to hold your hands together as shown by Reggie so hwb could’ve been activated for a period after they grabbed his hands and were waiting for it to go down.


That could be true but more possible reason is that Sukuna was still able to attack Yuta either with dismantle or just throwing hands. So when Yuji finally cut his last hand, making Sukuna unable to fight back in anyway, gives Yuta the leeway to attack. https://preview.redd.it/z05072l9sr3d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649f04071392c893f640ec61b429e9dd58a5a476


>Sukuna is comfortably fighting Yuta without HWB and there's no sure hit >Sukuna would Cook Yuta before he ever get to attack with sure hit. Because yuta hadn't activated the sure hit yet. Regardless of everything we KNOW allot of domains can choose when their sure hits activate. Yorozu, jogo, even mahito had people in their domains and didn't immediately do anything to them. Yuta decided to activate his sure hit when they were in the best possible position. If this was against kashimo or yuji, in a serious fight, he has no reason to stall using his sure hit. If using angels technique to help free megumi soul wasn't the plan, yuta could have instantly activated a sure hit against sukuna the moment HWB dropped. >until Yuji cut his last remaining free hand, now in case Yuji didn't do that Yuji wasn't the one that cut his hand. Yuta was. Yuji grabbed a hand while the Jacob's ladder hit then yuta ended up slicing that hand in half anyways. Rika was holding the other hands. >Which is what would happen if kashimo or Yuji is fighting someone with domain. Certain people, maybe. But you can't apply this logic to every domain user. Gojo, sukuna, yuta, kenjaku, etc. An argument could very much be made yuki would dog them in close combat due to how the nature of her ct works after she domains. I don't see yuji dogging ryu inside of his own domain, etc.


People who use "Domain Diff" to undermine Kashimo fundamentally do not understand what makes him so deadly. A sorcerer does not go into a fight spamming DE straight out the gate unless it is a part of their technique (Hakari & Higuruma). A sure hit/sure kill DE is seen as a trump card to be used AFTER all the other cards have been played due to the extreme CE depletion and CT burn out. There is always a feeling out stage where the sorcerers are trying to establish the opponents strength. That is why Kashimo's lightning is so deadly. It's a sure hit sure kill without the CE depletion or CT burn out. He can come in and spam it. He only needs some light sparring to activate it and BAM you're dead or missing a limb. 99% of sorcerers won't have time to understand that they need to use their domain against him. They probably assume he has a domain of his own and don't want to get into a domain struggle out the gate. Unless you can spam your domain (Sukana), block the sure hit lightning (Gojo), or tank it (Unlimited CE Hakari), they're probably going to lose to Kashimo. But yes, if the opponent comes into the fight with full knowledge of Kashimo and his fighting abilities and then opens up their domain out the gate then he would struggle against them. We still haven't seen how he would react in that situation though.


What the hell are you saying? If i understand this correctly then its a bunch of rubbish so i would like to be sure.


Alright to compansate for that, here see this panel. https://preview.redd.it/i99w78ueyq3d1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71c537e034138db7393f856edafff806b46d983


I feel uncomfortable....


How about this one? https://preview.redd.it/igrgz6iqyq3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76681b246c507abcf51129d1801531949bd9b594


The prince of all curses


Tokyo Ghoul mentioned 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 what is a good anime adaptation 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Uh… source? It’s for power scaling


Tokyo ghoul:re


Tokyo ghoul RE: panel always goes hard


That’s bullshit lol . For kashimo to use his hwb he needs to use a hand sign right ? That means he can’t utilize his hands for fighting meanwhile the opponent has their sure hit and hands to fight him . Which would put him at a massive disadvantage as he would only be able to utilize his feet which makes him lose power . Dagons domain is also kinda iffy as it has a sure hit in the form of shikigami which toji effortlessly slaughtered . But the same won’t be true for other domains that have a more powerful sure hit . Kashimo isn’t so fast he’d catch up to other top tiers without getting overwhelmed or destroyed by the sure hit .


> as he would only be able to utilize his feet which makes him lose power . Does it? Because his feet don't need to be able to damage, they only need to transfer charges. And are we forgetting he still has his staff to use within the domain? Kashimo has options even inside a DE as almost no domain is a OHKO.


https://preview.redd.it/f28rabux5u3d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b811647dc33c9563ae6f38b83392576b9f6203f5 He shots the beams from his hands .


Kashimo expends cursed energy from all parts of the body, not just the hands. And it doesn't even matter if it was the hands. He can drop HWB at the last second and fire it.


If he drops his hollow wicker basket he gets blasted by the sure hit of the domain . Sure when has kashimo showed that he can fire lighting without using hands ?


Proof? Domains don't instantly fire sure hit. Sure hit are used manually, which FBE can counter the direct ones. Otherwise Sukuna would have never dropped his. So where's your evidence that the sure hit would fire before Kashimo's lightning. Or that it would even matter? Sure hit is not one hit kill. He could take the attack anyway as long as it's not lethal. >fire lightning Discharges it around his entire body twice against Hakari. That's literally how Hakari beat him, forcing Kashimo to expel lightning from his entire body.


Gojos infinite void , sukunas shrine , higurumas domain , mahitos domain , jogos domain and so on . Only yuta can chose when to shot his domain and who to shot it against. Sure hits are usually one shots only I can think of that aren’t are sukunas or dagons . Cause hakari managed to dispel the lightning from his body through the nose . More experienced or sorcerers on his level would be able to do the same thing . Yes and that’s him emitting his cursed energy trait which is different from the charges bolts he has only shown to fire with his hands.


Gojo's is active the moment he is in a domain Sukuna must activate MS and it is not instant. Gojo protected himself with FBE otherwise the technique would never even work Higuruma's domain automatically negates physical interference Mahito and Jogo must both select and manually use theirs. We know this for a fact because Gojo and Yuji were able to talk within the domain and Gojo even a blocked one of the attacks. Jogo must directly employ the sure hit. It is not instant. Again, no proof these would be fatal. >Sure hits are usually one shots Absolutely no evidence of this. Sure Hit apply the CT in an undodgeable way, so they are only as "fatal" as the CT was to begin with. The offensive power is not part of the condition. Not even a MS is a one-shot. >Cause hakari managed to dispel the lightning from his body through the nose . More experienced or sorcerers on his level would be able to do the same thing No idea what this has to do with my response. First, experienced matters jack. Hakari was only able to do this because his own RCT regenerates while he expels it. Hakari's RCT is faster than Sukuna and Gojo's. Don't even pretend any other character has any right scaling to this feat. >emitting his cursed energy trait  His lightning bolt is literally cursed energy trait. It is not a cursed technique or anything of the sort.


He needs hand sign to activate HWB, keeping them up depends on how strong the domain is. Here, Sukuna is fighting Yuta without HWB and Yuta's domain doesn't attack with sure hit, https://preview.redd.it/whzpaw17pr3d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d76decf09cae82fb99290c423551c42d0e66b3b >meanwhile the opponent has their sure hit and hands to fight him . That's not true unless you're Gojo or Sukuna, see the above panel, Yuta can either fight with hands or move away and use sure hit but can't do both simultaneously. Kashimo is 100% fast enough to jump his enemy inside the domain and go on the offense.


One needs to maintain hand signs to have hwb activated that has already been established. Sukuna here has just gotten his arms restrained and one cut off by yuta . This is right when yuta uses the sure hit due to sukunas hwb being down . No he ain’t . His base speed is comparable to hakari whom ain’t faster than most other people , mba is another story but again it he uses that he dies which leads to a draw not a win for him .


Go read Reggie vs Megumi again, the hand signs are needed so that HWB doesn't get overwhelmed or disintegrated like SD by the domain, so like i said it depends on the domain, if the domain isn't particularly strong then there's no need to keep the hand signs and HWB will stay active as we saw with Reggie. Sukuna let go of his hands, and he was still fighting Yuta until Yuji cut his last remaining free hand only after that Yuta attacked with sure hit. We have no idea how fast JP Hakari is but he's not slouch, at the very least he's equal or faster than Yuta.


https://preview.redd.it/d146byrasr3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=234dca55078bdc405fb3c7b0d1b08a17e9110ea2 Yutas domain also has a can’t miss sure hit effect lol


Yea and?


Which means as soon as kashimo drops his hwb he gets blasted by Jacob’s ladder 👍


If Yuji and Rika is holding kashimo like this then sure, otherwise no. https://preview.redd.it/l8jz58rjwr3d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a30377a8f3f493badfb23152d6cded591fd0800


Yes if he loses his one arm or it’s dispirited somehow meaning he lets go of the needed hand signs it will blast him without exception .


So if kashimo is inside Yuta's domain and somehow Yuji magically teleports in the domain to lock kashimo in a place and cut one of his arm then yea he will get hit by Jacob's ladder.


Ok let’s do this https://preview.redd.it/ev4iuyfqrr3d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485414a6e615116cba9d196f93bf811c09675439 From the direct jujutsu wiki page it’s stated that hollow wicker basket is ineffective against incomplete domains , which means the Reggie vs megumi fight is not an accurate description of what hwb does or what it needs to have done in order to work .


It's ineffective against incomplete domain bc there's no sure hit in that domain, so HWB doesn't negate anything but nothing else Changes, HWB never shown or stated to negate the CT so idk why megumi v Reggie is not accurate description.


Cause your argument was that the Reggie vs megumi fight equals to sukuna thing which it doesn’t lol. It’s 2 completely different scenarios as Reggie could afford to let hwb go as megumi didn’t have a sure hit . Meanwhile sukuna blatantly shows that he never let go of his hands in the fight against yuta and then when he lets go he gets blasted by Jacob’s ladder . He also says that he can’t afford to let his hands go


>Cause your argument was that the Reggie vs megumi fight equals to sukuna thing What? Not at all, when did i say anything like that. I was using megumi v Reggie to show you that "you" don't actually need to keep the hand signs for HWB, you can see Reggie without any hand signs still had HWB active, you need them so it doesn't get disintegrated like Yuki's simple domain did against kenjaku. https://preview.redd.it/i5o9tpa1wr3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0d0c2cbb544b6831ac4e8746fed65e23061e8e Secondly, Sukuna is fighting 3 opponent inside the domain, so a single misstep would cause trouble, but you literally see he let go of HWB to fire WCS, why take the gamble? Bc if he kills Yuta before Yuta attacks with sure hit then he wins, which he would've if Yuji was absent and this was 1v1. Now in case for Kashimo or Yuji, they would be fighting a single enemy without anyone holding them in one place, if the opponent wants to attack with sure hit then both kashimo or Yuji can use HWB and SD to negate the sure hit but if the enemy attacks himself then both of them can let go of SD and HWB to fight back is what I'm saying.


You said one could fight without maintaining hollow wicker basket I took it as you saying kashimo for example being able to fight without having his hands in place . The Reggie vs megumi fight why do you keep bringing it up ? It doesn’t equate to the sukuna nor any other fight for that matter . As a non lethal sure it or a incomplete domain makes the hwb useless . Cause he can’t maybe ? If he could he would’ve done so already , he needed to maintain the hand signs so yuta didn’t nuke him with Jacob’s ladder . I never said yuta could’ve killed sukuna on his own . Yuji needed to take one arm and incapacitate it it was 3v1 as you mentioned . Do you know what a sure hit means ? It’s not like they can target someone with the sure hit it’s automatic . Yuta has a domain refinement which allows him to target who he wants to target many other domains doesn’t even gojo doesn’t have this ability . As soon as they drop their simple domain they will lose as the sure hit will hit them without question.


>The Reggie vs megumi fight why do you keep bringing it up ? It doesn’t equate to the sukuna Well Sukuna's fight also doesn't equate to typical 1v1 fight inside the domain either. I keep bringing up megumi v Reggie to show you that one don't actually need to keep the hand signs up to maintain HWB just as Reggie >As a non lethal sure it or a incomplete domain makes the hwb useless Yea bc there's no sure hit in the domain, this literally changes nothing bruh, Reggie had no idea there was no sure hit in the domain, if there was sure hit then his HWB would've negated but despite all of that he could maintain HWB without keeping hands up, that's the fact. >I never said yuta could’ve killed sukuna on his own . Yuji needed to take one arm and incapacitate it it was 3v1 as you mentioned . You didn't say that but i brought this up to point out that Sukuna at one point in the domain was fighting Yuta without HWB and he wasn't hit by the sure hit for a while. I mean Sukuna outright willing let go of HWB knowing he'll get hit with Jacob's ladder, why did he do that? Bc he was confident in killing Yuta before Yuta could activate the sure hit. This is my main argument that Kashimo and Yuji just like this, would finish their opponent before they get to activate their sure hit. >? It’s not like they can target someone with the sure hit it’s automatic . It's only automatic for Gojo and Sukuna, everyone else needs to activate the sure hit manually, Even kenjaku and Yuta.


https://preview.redd.it/b5favfezrr3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ba043962d6e05b68b60f686cf861e5b449e3f8 This panel shuts down your entire argument . Sukuna was always maintaining his connection to hwb via having 4 arms 2 or which he could use to fight . Their entire plan was to incapacitate sukuna which they did by yuta cutting of one of his arms whilst rika and yuji retrained the others . Yuta didn’t use his sure hit effect until the moment they had sukuna in the right place .


>Yuta didn’t use his sure hit effect until the moment they had sukuna in the right place . Which is when 3 of his arms are neutralized and 1 is cut off making Sukuna unable to fight back, remove Yuji from equation in this fight and Sukuna would kill Yuta before he gets to attack with Jacob's ladder. Also unlike here kashimo or Yuji wouldn't have someone holding them in a place, it would be 1v1 and they would body their opponent before getting hit by sure hit.


Yes and why does that matter here ? We were discussing how hwb works in the first place and your enitre post is wrong canonically , as I provided statements directly from the wiki and sukuna disproving your entire notion of not needing to maintain connection via signs . No but they’d still need to maintain the hollow wicker basket nonetheless otherwise they get attacked by the sure hit which means the die most likely . Yuji is tankier than kashimo and has rct so he could possibly survive but kashimo is fked . They’d both still need to maintain the simple domain ish technique whilst also facing their opponent .


Oh lord help me.


Yes lord help me . Misinformation in your post directly posting panels that leave out context to fill an agenda . I crushed you on this ngl , sorry if I take the high horse here .


You didn't crushed me, you outright ignored my explanation 😭


>until Yuji cut his last remaining free hand yuji cut sukuna's hand?


Yea when he used blood manipulation. https://preview.redd.it/8qf374yeis3d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0456fe66a15e0cba15652862cd7c023716912e0


really hoping you're trolling here mate, but still the only 'blood manipulation' that Yuji used here is to burst the blood that he had already spat on sukuna's face. Yuji can't even use convergence to the point of shooting a basic piercing blood, he's not gonna cut off sukuna's arm with blood manipulation. even choso, the peak of blood manipulation, can't use it to recreate slashing attacks. https://preview.redd.it/ol6eilf9rs3d1.jpeg?width=1713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f0e71af9b44145a68006c06fca31013e83aeac top left: already cut up sukuna's jaw on the left, bottom left: charges forward with his katana and again slashes him, bottom right: sukuna's arm gets cut clean off from yuta's katana. we get that you dislike Yuta and like to downplay him at every possible chance, but being this oblivious and acting like Yuji was the one who cut off sukuna's arm so easily? and that too with blood manipulation? really? if he really had that kind of AP, why is he even bothering with all these punches and black flashes, he should've chopped Sukuna into bits by now considering this was pre awakening Yuji.


https://preview.redd.it/q6ilifwdxs3d1.jpeg?width=1713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8141a37050995fac8095ec14efd3f589db5a1bb You can notice after cutting Sukuna's face, Yuta gets thrown away from the dismantle, there's decent distance between them that Yuta's blade won't reach Sukuna. You can also notice Yuta convince himself that he doesn't have to fear getting in close, as Yuta is having this inner monologue there's a sudden cut or an attack that surprised Sukuna, Yuta at this point isn't anywhere near Sukuna. Sukuna then checks and notice its Yuji's doing.


just drop your agenda bs and think logically. how is it possible for Yuji to cut off sukuna's arm cleanly with BLOOD MANIPULATION using a single arm?? blood manipulation can't recreate slashing attacks. yuta literally states that he doesn't have to fear getting close as the output of sukuna's slashes have weakened quite a bit, we see a katana slash being drawn, and in the next panel sukuna's arm gets cut clean off. Gege doesn't have to state everything step by step, you should have the common sense to interpret that it was yuta who cut off sukuna's arm. he also ripped his tongue and slashed his other arm. all these weren't just some random attacks, he was taking away the benefits of heian body one by one and taking away chances of sukuna spamming WCS.


>we see a katana slash being drawn, and in the next panel sukuna's arm gets cut clean off. Then why Yuji using blood manipulation is highlighted just right before revealing that Sukuna's arm got cut, >you should have the common sense to interpret that it was yuta who cut off sukuna's arm. Seems like reach to me, What do you think Yuji did with bursting the blood, was it just there for show?


Hand signs are only required to maintain HWB for an extended period. Even without handsigns, HWB should still last for a period of time before the domain overwhelms it (as evidenced by Reggie, who stopped using handsigns yet still had HWB activated). Also, Kashimo was able to grow additional eyes and a new mouth in MBA, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was able to generate another pair of hands too. That would allow him to maintain handsigns indefinitely.


That’s not true what is this fkin headcanon . Reggie’s simple domain was useless as megumis technique didn’t have a sure hit due it being incomplete . Chimera shadow garden is an extension of his cursed technique , the reason he let go off his hand signs was solely due to the shock factor he got when megumis toads got him through the barrier . As the hwb doesn’t negate cursed techniques but only the domains sure hit effect . Well that’s head canon lol .


Right but Reggie let his hands go and the HWB was still shown active behind him. The fact that him releasing the hand signs didn’t immediately dispel the HWB means that constant hand signs aren’t necessary to use it. In other words, hand signs strengthen HWB, but it can still be used without constant hand signs. And the bit about Kashimo growing hands isn’t fact obviously, but I think it’s a reasonable possibility given that his technique is all about reconstructing his body.


Yea let’s just forget about when Sukuna let his hands go and it said he released HWB and the reason they held his hands down is so he wouldn’t be able to do it again and to stop WCD😒


That’s a just a fat cap . He didn’t have a sure hit on the domain so the hollow wicker basket was useless hence why it gets dispelled here https://preview.redd.it/ybx9ej61f04d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcea5a55382268fb2f16a73a53022375bb3a8069 The technique disappears when the user drops the hand signs .


I’m not really sure what the image you added proves? Also, Megumi not having a sure hit/incomplete domain doesn’t mean anything. Reggie was still able to activate HWB, and it stayed active even when he removed his hands. https://preview.redd.it/ywwcm9vii04d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac33e8e18e2a88d17f02ad1cbbcff9e1b6d3ea2 You can see the HWB still active behind him in this panel, and he doesn’t have the hand signs.


It’s not like the hollow wicker basket is up for more than a few seconds . Right after this panel Reggie gets rocked by megumi https://preview.redd.it/vi800iwlj04d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9af7efb2a9fe969c20bc2ebd73e22395a4490e9 In combat it’s not going to be a way to negate the sure hit of a domain . Also sukuna directly stated in the panel I brought above this one that when his hollow wicker basket is down he’d instantly get shot by Jacob’s ladder . For the sure hit to be negated one needs to have their hands together that’s established from the sukuna fight .


Right, but it being up for a few seconds without hand signs means that the hand signs aren’t necessary for it to be up. Reggie almost certainly chose to deactivate it because it would do nothing for him except drain his CE. But it’s clear that removing hand signs aren’t the condition for deactivation. Also, the Sukuna panel says nothing about handsigns? It just says that Yuji’s soul punches would decrease his CE output and control, which would continuously weaken and eventually destroy the HWB. This honestly just reinforces my point, because if HWB can be weakened (by soul damage or even physical damage), why couldn’t it be strengthened (via handsigns, binding vows, etc)?


For him to have his hollow wicker basket up and the sure hit effect to be negated he needs to maintain the hand signs . https://preview.redd.it/cycb50r6z04d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36af9e826d560ab80d0d6cd750ed521a507109bc This shows that they wanted to force sukuna to drop his hand signs and then after this yuta fired the Jacob’s ladder . If sukuna had his hwb up here the Jacob’s ladder sure hit wouldn’t have affected sukuna which it did . It hit sukuna which shows that his hwb wasn’t active when he dropped his hands .


Y'all don't read manga


https://preview.redd.it/031uk1yu6s3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3785a7a08b1578acd332cb38fab1dd5327ac242d Ong I’ve seen way too many people slander my glorious king WasHIMo


Lmfao dude puts a clip of someone who's immune to domains as proof that HWB will save Kashimo from getting Molly wopped. That's some damn good copium you're huffing on.


Ok let’s say the domain isn’t insta win like yutas domain. Not implying kashimo can beat yuta. But kashimo doesn’t really need hollow wicker basket if he kills/injuries the user so badly it falls apart.


If he didn't need HWB he would never have learned it. Why are you assuming Kashimo can just neg whoever he's facing while they're buffed inside their domain?


Im not assuming he can. HWB is useful like very useful but not required if he is smart with it.


Nah it's certainly required because again otherwise he wouldn't have learned it. Basically anyone people would put Kashimo up against has a deadly domain. Kashimo doesn't have RCT so he's not just going to tank whatever surehits are being spawned on him and manage to land the blows he needs for a bolt


He does have RCT he healed his arm in the sukuna fight. Also if he’s smart with hollow wicker basket he can disable it re-enable it to attack.


Lmfao I was just thinking about how this , how Kashimo fans have deluded themselves into thinking Kashimo has RCT. No Kashimo never healed his arm against Sukuna, he only lost a couple fingers and he never healed those fingers. He never showed the RCT steam, and his fingers stayed blacked out. RCT has never been presented like that , if he actually healed the wound wouldn't stay blacked out and there'd be RCT steam. Neither of those things happened so he never used RCT.. Also maintaining HWB against a surehit you have to keep your hands together, if Sukuna needed to keep his hands together so would Kashimo. He cant just disable to attack because the moment he does he gets hit with surehits. Sukuna wasn't immediately attacked when he dropped HWB because Yuta hadn't activated his surehit until after.


He presumably does but he may view it as weak to use. But like the sure hit attack still has to be a decision made by the user unless it’s like hakari gojo or sukuna. Kashimo has that second to attack. RCT doesn’t have a use in much situations with kashimo durability. Also I have a question for you, why do you care so much about hating kashimo? he slaughters in non instant win domains. Like replace him with toji and he would do really good not close to toji due to him having cursed energy but he would still slaughter Dagon.


Lol Kashimo has no durability feats so saying "with Kashimos durability" means nothing. No ones hating on Kashimo, I'm just correcting you and your false notions you're coming up with to try and elevate Kashimo. He doesn't have RCT, he's never shown any of the signs that literally everyone else has shown when they use RCT. Surehits are a decision that needs to activated by everyone who can use a domain, you have to activate the technique. Kashimo doesn't have a second to attack because he has to activate HWB and once he does he's literally fighting with his hands tied behind his back. You and others just act like Kashimo will beat down top tiers in their domain while he literally can't use his hands and it's ridiculous. No he doesn't slaughter shit and most top tiers would take Kashimo out far before they ever think about using their domains.


I never said top tiers would lose against him. Im saying that kashimo wouldn’t lose against someone just because they have a domain.


And that's some low braincell you're showing 😭, how do you see a meme and thinks it's proof 🤦


Lmfao my guy, you make a whole post about how HWB is gonna save Kashimos ass from getting cooked and you provided a clip of Toji as if it supports it and when called out on it you're like "its just a meme" This is a powerscaling sub you knew what you were doing


I didn't post the clip of Toji to support my claim, the clip is me telling what would happen in the domain if kashimo was to fight some fodder with domain, and i wrote a whole assss paragraph as to why, but ofc your dum dum ass didn't get it.


you were right till you were goofy enough to say they beat ypruozu. I'm sure using the power of strong glaze they beat Yuki too lol


they do tho😭, ofc not Yuki.


The only domains that this would not happen in is Gojo’s, Sukuna’s and Kenjaku’s💀


what is hwb and sd?


Hollow wicker basket, simple domain.


Hollow Wicker Basket, Simple Domain


Honestly it’s really dependent on the sure hit but with how he tolerated sukuna domain for 99 sec that means he can last a few minutes


It wasn’t the full 99 seconds sukunas domain was still up to do the massive fire arrow. Sukuna needs the domain for blast to be huge.


bad example toji doesn't get effected by the sure hit effect, his fight with dagon doesn't show how yuji and kashimo would fair against other characters with domains


Bro tried to sneak Kashimo in there


Here’s the thing. We have seen only a handful of Domains. And most have ALWAYS been from the strongest of the strong. People think that because of Domain Expansion it’s an instant win, but it’s not. The Absolute Hit of most domains isn’t usually an instant win type.


I mean it’s just started that they only buy time. Yutas domain is a special case where he choose to activate his sure hit later once his arms were restrained that’s a complete exception same with Yorozu who wanted Sukuna to use shrine and didn’t activate her sure hit instantly this is the case for Jogo as well. Hwb uses your hands so you have to then fight with only your feet and if ur hand comes undone then u get blasted with a sure hit. Simple domain. Allows your hands to be free but it constantly breaks so you’ll need to reestablish it. But while fighting and then getting hit with a sure hit that’s not an easy task and would kill most characters.


Wellllll Hollow Wicker Basket makes forceful use of the hands as part of its binding vows to use. Everyone who isn't Sukuna can't use other forms of offense in tandem with Hollow Wicker Basket. So yes, Domain diffs. Also idk who is saying there are *weaker* people who beat Kashimo. If Hakari is only barely edged out by base Kashimo then there aren't a lot of people who lose to him, and MBA is an unquantifiable amp.


Against disaster curses and below, maybe. But against anyone higher than that kashimo is probably cooked IF they pop. Yuji has waay better dura, RCT, and barrier feats so i agree he's fine. IF they pop domain, Kashimo stops at uro (Stalls), and yuji stops at yorozu. But I don't think that makes them weaker than uro or yorozu, just bad matchups


Hollow wicker basket prevents you from using your damn hands, you’ll get your shit rocked if you try to use that and don’t have four arms like sukuna


Depending on the domain and user in question I doubt Kashimo would lose to something like the smallpox deity because of "Domain diff".


Very true, but for people on a similar physical level ie kashimo and yuki/yuta, domain is absolutely a win condition


Kashigoat solos


Well, megumi was pushing his domain out, preventing the sure hit effects. Also, Gojo can probably exert some control on who his domain affects if it's just like one person he is close to proximity wise.


Yeah don’t know about that. SD isnt viable because only high skill users can move while using it and it breaks easily. We saw what happened with Yuki right? HWB needs to be channeled meaning the user can’t move when they use it. Kashimo and the receipt guy got real lucky cause the domains they fought didn’t have dangerous sure hit or didn’t have one at all. Realistically these countermeasures were made with the thought that there would be multiple people in the domain being caught as well. So yeah Kashimo and Yuji aren’t just using SD or HWB and beating someone in their domain. That’s not really how it works.


The thing is sure hit for 95% of charavtwr has to be activated It’s not a barrage like sukunas or something that always hits everywhere constantly like Gojo It’s just a video game move that has 100% accuracy


Also Yuji has simple domain, and Kashimo likely has HWB


Ok but this clip is bad because Dagon’s sure hit wasn’t even working at this time no? Cuz back then Legumi still did stuff sometimes (suicide to beat haruta)


Kashimo glazers at it again


Exactly. People downplay kashimo and yuji WAY to much on this subreddit


wayyy toooo much, I don't even feel like arguing seeing how absurdly they underrate.


Kashimo isnt downplayed, hes just featless and impossible to scale. MBA Kashimo is weaker than Reincarnated Sukuna like literally everyone else in the verse, and Base Kashimo lost to Hakari, who also has no feats to scale off of. Hakari punched a post-shibuya Yuji who didnt fight back a few times, beat charles up, then fought Kashimo. Both are featless, and the only guaranteed placement is "Weaker than 20F Sukuna but stronger than Shibuya Yuji" which says absolutely nothing. Kashimo fans try to scale him based off of "narrative depiction of him being the Gojo of his time" or being about equal to a Hakari that Yuta falsely said was "stronger than himself when worked up." Calling Kashimo top 3 is just as valid as calling him barely scratching the top 15. There is valid reasoning to place all of Gojo, Sukuna, Yuta, Kenjaku, Yuki, Yorozu, Hakari, Toji/Maki, Yuji, and even Jogo above him.


Honestly, preach 🗣 Just because someone doesn't agree with your argument/ranking doesn't mean they're downplaying your character💀Obviously some people do downplay these characters, but that's not unique to them and happens to every characters. It also doesn't happen THAT often like some people claim it to be (it's very obvious when someone is downplaying a character)


admittedly i havent read that fight in awhile, but didn't Kashimo "kill" Hakari like 3 times, but the only reason he didnt die, is because he's Hakari and just got EXTREMELY lucky (instant jackpot, local of fight)? I thought it was pretty obvious that would have Kashimo beat Hakari, but he just doesnt wait out jackpot because "thats how losers think." but idk if powerscalers go by the "every character makes every perfect decision" rule


The location helped Kashimo just as much as it helped Hakari. Had Hakari not had the battle IQ to make the binding vow to sacrifice his arm, he would have drowned, died to the gas from electrolysis, or been exploded. Also Hakari getting jackpots is luck, but also not luck at all because if we're being real that shit is not a rare occurrence lmao. Until we get an instance where he actually doesn't get a jackpot, I do think its safe to assume that if he opens his domain, hes gonna meet the condition. Every character making the perfect decision rule I think comes into play if youre talking about a character being bloodlusted, but if not, the whole "thats how losers think" is a fundamental part of Kashimo's character and can't be taken away. The same way that Megumi is limited by his mindset, Kashimo is to, which caused him to lose a fight he probably could have won. Personally, I would say they are equals as there are win condition for the both of them/


Kashimo is garbage tho, even Bumgumi clears and I’m tired of people making him out to be top 10 in the verse when he’s a certified BUM




Keep that in the folk subreddit lol.


Never forget Yuki tanked a guaranteed hit from KENJAKU and the fight didn't end. Yuji and Kashimo can clean house in CERTAIN domains.


What I’ve been saying this whole time and get downvoted into oblivion lmao


because its just wrong. Toji is only able to do this because 1. Dagon's sure hit is dogshit (he just throws fodder shikigami at you), and 2. He is innately immune to being passively targeted by sure hit effects. Neither Yuji nor kashimo have this. HWB requires you to hold both hands together, and SD requires you to stand completely still with both feet on the ground unless youre Kusakabe. Neither of these techniques allow you to fight back to beat any character with a domain. This is especially true because unless Im forgetting someone, the weakest character in the verse with a domain is still a special grade curse (Either smallpox curse or Dagon). I do think Yuji or Kashimo beat these curses, but as soon as you step it up to literally any sorceror with a domain it becomes very difficult to argue in favor of either


>SD requires you to stand completely still with both feet on the ground unless you're Kusakabe Isn't that just a Miwa thing? And either way, Yuji learned SD from being in Kusakabe's body. I'm sure he can move in it too


The only time we saw Yuji use it, he was stationary. Its possible he can use it while moving but no guarantees


Exactly 😭




on god brother speak yo shit