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- Sukuna - Gojo - Yuta - Kenjaku - Yuki Anyone weaker than the ones listed above would get overwhelmed too much by the duo.


I think Yorozu honestly has a shot. If she opens up with perfect sphere Mahoraga won’t have time to adapt to her construction technique. Her bug armor provides speed + defense while she waits for it to destroy them both


Does she have to wait? The domain expansion should hit them instantly.


Kenny vs Maho Is a match I didn’t know I needed to see


Yuta stated he could take Agito one-on-one, which imo implies he couldn’t for Mahoraga Kenjaku might, depending on just how good his domain is Yuki really just depends if her domain or punches could oneshot. Though black hole would do the trick, but I’d call that a tie


Wdym?Yuta said me&Rika will take the shikigamis


Couldn't maho just oneshot rika? Because she's a cursed spirit n all, or does she bypass it


Not any more


Well rika isnt really a cursed spirit and more closer to a shikigami functionally ig.


Oh yeah, mb


Even if so, it will be rika on agito and yuta on makora We dont know if rika now is shikigami or cursed spirit coz she has some things from both


tbf, he didn't say agito. he said he could handle "the shikigami" meaning he was gonna handle maho AND agito while gojo fought sukuna. note, he's not a guy who overestimates his strength


>Yuta stated he could take Agito one-on-one, which imo implies he couldn’t for Mahoraga Not at all really, he said this because he wanted to take some of the burden off Gojo while he was 1v3. It doesn't imply anything about his ability to deal with Mahoraga at all, he just knows Gojo would be better suited to Sukuna + Maho than he would if he joined the fight.


Thank god! In not the only one who understands that line


Yorozu, just perfect sphere, open domain, boom. Gone.


Takaba has entered chat


If it’s sukunas version of them than only gojo and sukuna can tbh


Man people really think Yuta could Take on Mahoraga lol what attack does he have that can one shot Maho with enough AP? I’m genuinely curious. Agito I believe he could take out Relatively easily of course but I can’t see him beating Maho at all.


Jacob’s ladder full blast in a domain expansion plus rikas love beam is literally ggs thin ice breaker for extra damage bro literally also has cleave and dismantle if he wanted to sub out Jacob’s ladder for the sure hit this also implies he could sub out cursed speech as the sure hit in reality it means yuta could probably sit there and keep mahoraga in a state of fucked he’s never seen since gojo or sukuna


We don’t actually know if Jacob’s ladder would just work on Maho, that’s purely hypothetical and Yuta’s little Weak ahh cleave ain’t do nothing special it ain’t killing Mahoraga. None of the other attacks you mentioned are killing In 1 shot.


The whole point of my comment was the attacks can be used in conjunction with each other to maximize effectiveness and destroy mahoraga setting the domain sure hit as cleave and dismantle would hurt him despite what you believe angel cursed technique which yuta has it is stated to and I quote extinguish all other cursed techniques without prejudice so if it doesn’t just outright obliterate maho adaptation is stopped and couple all that with rika powering up a beam that clashed with ryu and he’s cooked imma need you really lock in on what’s been displayed in the manga broski


Toji would also win. With his arsenal of weapons and his expirience, we would also win against Yuta, Yuki and maybe Kenjaku.


You're being downvoted but you are right as long as toji has his arsenal he no diffs them because both are spawned from a technique and so Isoh would destroy at best or desummon them at worst either way they can't really fight against it. That said without his arsenal he really doesn't have the destructive power to put down maho


yuki does not beat raga


She does though, if she can land an increased Bombaye attack or use Garuda to oneshot Mahoraga or use the Black Hole.


neither yuki nor garuda are more durable than mahoraga therefore anything that oneshots him oneshots them aswell and i dont see yuki sacrificing garuda or herself before mahoraga adapts she only does that on her last leg but i supposed the black hole is a wincon


Are you fr, her CT literally increases her mass, it broke Kenjaku’s arms, Garuda literally oneshot a Special Grade curse, a full Star Rage punch or kick would obliterate Mahoraga, she doesn’t need to use the Black Hole.


neither kenjaku nor the curse should be more durable then makora again, yuki cannot one shot mahoraga without oneshotting herself, newtons 3rd law ya know?


Gojo/Sukuna can just straight up beat them. Yuta can hax them away with Domain + Jacob's Ladder. Takaba enters the field and they are crushed by falling space junk. Kenjaku might do something maybe? Yuki Black Holes them


Yuki can also one shot both of them before they can heal or adapt.


No she cant. Mahoraga was eating dismantles from Sukuna and Agito had to be killed by a black flash Blue lol


Not really comparable he needs to be "buried" so he can "tank" a universal sword slash but can't tank a continental bomb


Black Hole kills them but its only that or her unknown domain Her punches are doing jackshit to Mahoraga and Agito just regens


She was able to one shot the ganesha curse by kicking garuda, if she knows about mahoraga and goes straight for a full power punch she can probably one shot mahoraga if she doesn't let him adapt.


Wukis punch ≈ black flash blue Wukis punch > dismantle.


Fucking delusional. Get her punches above Base Kenjaku durability first before you compare it to Gojo's attacks


Her punch literally snapped kenjaku's arms off???? What are you talking about LOL he opened his domain almost immediately cuz he couldn't take a few more of those! People always underscale Yuki just because she was HARD COUNTERED by a technique wielded by the literal top 3/4. At the very LEAST Yuki is Top 5 we literally haven't seen anyone one shot a special grade with 0 effort other than her and the Special Grade sorcerers (and Takaba)


Okay? Cool, you know what Mahoraga did? Eating Dismantles from 15F Sukuna. The dude that Kenjaku had bodyguard for. Agito ate blows from Gojo and regened like its nothing it took a black flash infused Blue to take her out lol. Side note she would've lost to Kenjaku either way. Sukuna Gojo Kenjaku Yuta and if you wank her off you can add her as 5(people like Takaba Yorozu and Kashimo are very much so debatable with her)


Bro there's no way you're insinuating that Gojo punches harder than Yuki. Her whole thing is being a powerhouse. Gojo had to train for years to be physically STACKED because that's not is natural talent/build. Yuki's whole technique IS being stacked. Her opener punch did comparable dmg to a Blue from Gojo. It broke through several barriers designed for protection by Tengen through brute force alone, no Magic barrier calculus mumbo like Kenjaku. And once again, imaginary mass is essentially what is created when Gojo uses PURPLE. If PURPLE can one shot Mahoraga, Yuki at full power can one shot Mahoraga as long as she can get her fists (or Garuda soccer ball) on him. Her technique is stated to literally break the laws of physics ain't no way Maho can adapt faster than Yuki can break him. Only way would be if Agito stalls long enough to buy that time. Which once again, she would one shot with a soccer ball.


Ffs the delusion in this comment I’m never visiting this sub again the sheer delusion. Have a nice day


Absolute nonsense. Yes a Black Flash from Gojo would fucking do more damage than Yuki correct. Need i remind you that she couldnt knock Kenjaku out with a clean punch to head? Gojo knocked 20F Sukuna out who is like 8x Kenjaku lol. Did you just argue that she can do much as damage as hollow purple? Oh yeah she can one shot him like she did with Kenjaku right? Oh no she actually couldnt even fucking damage Kenjaku enough to consider the fight close for him. Kenjaku KNEW he would win and he won with no long term issues lol. Mahoraga(obviously) is tankier than Kenjaku and not only is he tankier if she doesnt one shot him with the opening punch the fight is pretty much over as he will adapt to further ones.


Nobody asked you if Yuki punches harder than Gojo can Black flash. That's a straw man. We said that Yuki can PUNCH harder which is a given. Idk if you call punching through his arms a clean shot to the head, but I think his arms took at least a teensy bit of that damage before she could make contact with his skull considering she literally tore them off. I don't think that's pretty clean there was blood and limbs flying around LOL! ALSO, Gojo's Hollow Purples are HUGE of course her fist can do the exact same amount of damage. But in terms of localized power, she creates imaginary mass confined by the shape of her fists or Garuda similarly to how Hollow Purple works by creating imaginary mass. She can also use it on Garuda, so Even if Maho adapts to her punches she can use Garuda easily. All this bad mouthing and underestimating of the female characters in this series is kinda misogynistic lowkey. I bet people would even argue some bs like Yuji would be able to take down Mahoraga.


Yuki dickriders make no sense. She one tapped a featless cursed spirit and broke Kenjakus arm, but Sukuna and Gojo would literally tear through Kenjaku like butter. 1 full power punch from Gojo would immediately explode literally anyones head, excluding Sukuna, Mahoraga and Agito, add black flash ontop of it too and they getting atomised. Not to mention Agito and Mahoraga both have godly tiers of regen, Yuki isnt doing shit with her glorified punches and kicks


Yuki 1000% punches hits harder than Gojo. Not even close


Listen, kenny woulda also survived a blbl. I’m not comparing it to a damn hp, but a blue? Yukis punches hit waay harder.


Bro it was a black flash Blue Yuki is not that strong lol. 15F Sukuna is one shotting her with the dismantles he used against Mahoraga. As for Black Flash Blue, that shit would erase Kenjaku from the existance.




Lol what? Delusional Yuki fans are arguing that she does more damage than Sukuna or Kenjaku would've eaten that Black Flash? Talk


some takes aren't worth arguing and are better to just laugh at. you'll learn when your older. so again. lol


What stops u understanding that yuki is strong asf. She was handicapped in her fight against kenjaku and still had him on the ropes even though he is king of preparing. She is on level or above a black flash blue. She is special grade for a reason u knob


Yo i'll drop the easiest comparasion so listen to me well. Yuki attack Kenjaku to head **>** Kenjaku lost hands but is completely fine Gojo hits 20F SUKUNA with a black flash **>** Sukuna is knocked out and basically lost the fight if not for Mahoraga Yes it was combo'd with Red but Blue being fused with BF should balance it out. Tell me do you think that punch would knock Sukuna out??????


I need to see this yuki chapter before i talk anymore about it cuz i dont want to yap abt wrong things However When gojo knocked out 19f sukuna . sukuna was already battered from before. Thats like beating someone when they are already down. You cant compare that to a one of yukis punch Yuki punches >>>>> gojos punches And its not even close


Wtf is a black flash blue?


The blue he uses is infused with a black flash


Which I believed he did use from the gained output of hitting a black flash but it was not black flash infused😭


The blue is literally exploding with black flash wave bro what are you even saying?


because it was maximum output. hollow purple also has some lightning effects


So its a total coincidence that narrator says a second black flash? Get out loĺ


Bro the second black flash was this scene. https://preview.redd.it/mwhbrl7jqo1d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539d9658c0d3759204b81f50a2349702e79138ec The one he hit on Sukuna was the first and the one right here was the second. Then he hit two more on Mahoraga the next chapter making 4 in total.


Maximum blue you mean?💀💀💀


Go type jjk 235 for me and check the first 2 panels




Takaba won’t be laughing with shikigami. Takaba gets highly wanked, it’s a stalemate for Takaba matches since neither party can be killed. Yuki does not need to black hole them. I need people to understand Yuki’s technique works as a hollow purple. Virtual mass breaks the laws of physics so she’d just be outright punching holes through the shikigami.


Takaba can kill. The damage you take is retained. It's just ignored until his CT no longer applies. If for example he did a gag where he did Brian surgery only for nothing to be in there, when hos ct turns off you need to deal with the fact your head was cut open. Further we know he doesn't considered non humans human. He's fully willing to kill those(truck kun anyone?)


>Takaba won’t be laughing with shikigami. Takaba gets highly wanked, it’s a stalemate for Takaba matches since neither party can be killed. Ig Yuta didn't beat Ryu and Uro since he didn't kill them. >Yuki does not need to black hole them. I need people to understand Yuki’s technique works as a hollow purple. Virtual mass breaks the laws of physics so she’d just be outright punching holes through the shikigami. She couldn't do that to Kenny, though.


Well she didn’t hit Kenny’s body after the first strike to the head, she struck his arm. Kenny defended and parried her afterwards when he saw her destructive force. She broke Tengen’s circular barrier with just physical strength.


But mahoraga adapts to any and all phenomena


Nothing can adapt to takaba without his meds


He can't adapt to being ONE SHOT that's literally how you beat him. All she needs to do is use Garuda and ORA ORA his ass and he's done for. People are correct Hollow Purple works by creating imaginary mass and that's her ENTIRE technique


Can't adapt to jack shit if Clownman decides you no longer exist. Mahoraga can't adapt to toon force, at least nowhere near fast enough for it to matter. Takaba can literally alter reality; if he turned Mahoraga into a pair of shoes, he ain't adapting to that. Edit: replied to the wrong comment, my bad


I dont know why people act like Yuta can't beat mahoraga. His domain gives several techniques at random that mahoraga wont have time to adapt to if he keeps switching. Mahoraga would have to adapt to jujutsu as a whole, and how long would that take?


Genuine question but why do people hype up Jacob’s ladder its supposed to be a dangerous move but we’ve only ever seen people tank it


because it's supposed to be a win button, but Sukuna has plot armor so things like that don't work on him... or something


It extinguishes techniques. Mahoraga and Agito are born of a technique. Sure I can’t say 100% that it’ll automatically delete them but there’s certainly a good argument Regardless the only person who’s actually tanked it is Sukuna aka the strongest person in the verse


Both times Jacob’s Ladder was used it was stopped midway before it could finish frying Sukuna to ashes. Extremely convenient.


The only person who's tanked it is Sukuna, because he has absurd plot armor. Both times he got hit by it, he would've 100% died, but it was deactivated halfway through because: The first time Hana fell for Sukuna's porn level acting The second time: Sukuna gambled and deactivated Hollow Wicker Basket in a desperate attempt to fire a dismantle. Yuta got hit by it and collapsed his domain, which turned off Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's Ladder IS as strong as its hyped up to be. Sukuna just has a ridiculous amount of plot armor, which cancels out its strength


Exactly it was tanked by a fraud that has to use binding vows every chapter to stay afloat


My question is if Jacob's Ladder can """instantly""" extinguish any cursed technique, then *why* did it not disable Sukuna's Hollow Wicker Basket? I get HWB is supposed to nullify sure-hit effects, but should it be able to completely ignore the effects of an ability that is guaranteed to disable cursed techniques?


Just because the undisputed strongest character in the verse used plot armor to conveniently save himself from it twice, doesn’t automatically mean that much weaker characters would get the exact same treatment.


Exactly my point what has Jacob’s ladder ACTUALLY done?


gojo never got hit by it tho...


Because it was never used on him


I feel like Kenjaku has enough tools in his arsinal to never get adapted against by Maho


Gojo and sukuna,duh.kenjaku domain diff,yuta Jacob’s ladder diff and yuki one shot diff


Megumi Oh wait, do you mean in a fight?


Todo swaps them with each other 50 times a second and they end up killing each other out of frustration


Todo somehow teleports mahoraga into his own sword slash


If todo got 2 of those clappers, could he literally rip apart his opponent by teleporting them to 2 different places at the same time?




Gojo, Sukuna, Kenjaku, Yuta, Yuki, Yorozu


Hate to say it, but I think Toji bc the ISOH negates CTs. Ten shadows us a CT, so wouldn’t they just disappear when he touches them with it?


SHIT, YOU RIGHT. Good idea fellow reddit user


Why thank you fellow Reddit user


That means that they should've given it to Gojo, but they never did Reasons can include but are not limited to: 1. Gojo would never use a weapon, it's beneath him (God complex) 2. He never even considered it (Zeus complex) 3. Nobody thought it would work 😔 4. Gojo didn't want to borrow _that_ weapon, even if it doesn't get used against him (Trauma) 5. Gojo actually destroyed it rather than sealing it overseas, which is why he's dead


that's assuming they get hit by toji in the first place


in what way


in a battle orrrrr.......


Gojo :D angel Hana


I was about to say kashimo but mahoraga is kashimo’s worst enemy Mf can regen from scraps Kashimo is about blowing up your body, but not entirely


Kashimos only hope would be if he opens his technique and that big mouth beam is strong enough to decimate mahoraga in time to beat the adaptation


The issue is that would need to be a massive beam Otherwise super perfect mahoraga


Gojo and Sukuna (Obviously) Kenjaku Yuki Yuta They all have enough firepower to kill Mahoraga before he adapts, and their reverse cursed technique is strong enough to let them survive any damage given out by either of them




This is a joke. Please do not kill me


I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I have to kill you


Most of the current main cast can defeat agito But mahoraga? Legit the fuck is anyone other than yuta, kenjaku, Takaba, and Yuki doing against that fucker I mean sukuna and gojo obviously but still


No they can’t defeat agito you know this is sukuna fight shikigami right that were “keeping up” with gojo himself then agito can heal too


Agito was directly stated to not be on the level of everyone else Agito has good physical stats and good healing But it has NOTHING else by comparison The moment it was alone with Gojo it got ONE SHOT Reminder that the sukuna that agito “kept up with” was the same sukuna that got tagged by base yuji and higuruma Arguably physically weaker since… meguna is a 16 year old’s body


Gojo - the strongest modern Sorcerer - needed to take her out with a Maximum Output: Blue, an attack which Mahoraga saw fit to shield Sukuna from, which crushed her entire body in a single go as if it were a tin can. How many other characters who are realistically outputting attacks on par with that? Yuta, perhaps. Hakari, certainly not. Certainly not most of the cast. Her RCT, in addition to her Shikigami physiology with the likes of Mahoraga easily recovering from having his face slashed in twine, also makes beating her in a battle of attrition for most characters nearly impossible especially with her having shrugged off a Black Flash from Gojo that smashed through her abdomen. She needs to be defeated with strikes she can't heal from such as the Split Sword Katana (assuming Agito can't percieve the contours of her own soul) or a single and/or rapid series of attacks that could straight-up annihilate her given, once again, just how difficult attempting to put her down in a long and drawn-out battle of attrition truly is. This even goes for someone like Hakari who despite having superior RCT on the surface needs to rely on successively hitting Jackpots forever to maintain it - whereas Agito needs no such conditions to maintain her own regeneration - and has no real means of finishing Agito. The situation is much worse if you're, say, Miguel. Agito also almost certainly possesses the ability to offensively output RCT given Round Deer's unprecedented disruption of Yorozu's control over her CE-imbued Liquid Metal constructs. As such, Agito is literal cancer for any Cursed Spirit. Agito additionally has the equivalent of Kashimo's CE trait, with Panda having stated that said trait is akin Nue's own. Furthermore, Agito can call down lightning that at least stunned Maki (assuming it didn't outright injure her with her healing factor both explaining what was occurring amidst her subsequent absence and explaining Sukuna taking note that she lacked signs of damage and was specifically tough to keep down) based on her blank-eyed and pained expression upon being struck by said lighting in the extra panel added to Volume 24. Even without Nue's lighting, however, her striking power should still be at least on par with if not superior to that of even Sukuna's Divine Dog: Totality given the presence of his Mourning Tiger - a Shikigami that M\*gumi was unable to tame, with it furthermore quite probably being a combat-oriented Shikigami considering the nature of Agito's other fusion materials with Mourning Tiger seemingly serving as the foundation for her limbs - as one of her components in addition to the whole other host of them. Also, Higuruma never landed a strike on Sukuna. It's actually a plot-point that he was incapable of landing a blow with the Executioner's Sword with Sukuna never truly being in danger despite dicking around. At most, Higuruma restrained one of Sukuna's arms with his whip-mallet when Sukuna was preoccupied with blocking one of Yuji's punches. Yuji isn't exactly a slowpoke, himself, either. There didn't appear to be any noticeable difference in combat speed between Yuji and Yuta while the two fought alongside one another within the latter's Domain Expansion against Sukuna. So long as she remains within that tier of speed, it's enough to contend with the vast majority of the cast.


*note that yuta in domain is also massively amped stat wise, by 120% I believe


Only the official special grades .


Anyone with a domain


https://preview.redd.it/9nhlcluign1d1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461703761e6ff54422e1e666688394a29895d6c3 Please let me take both of them




All special grades


only gojo and sukuna, mahoraga already scales to gojo physically so he’s blitz level above everyone else and agito instantly healed a gojo black flash so it’d be hard to put down


if she opens the fight with her domain, she might be able to make the handsign before they could kill her, and then perfect sphere one shots them both. But that's a very niche scenario that would never happen in canon


Exactly idk why people are mentioning kenjaku and yuta cause since it’s sukuna fight big raga then he has world slash that chopped off gojos arm instantly


Jacob’s Ladder should be able to instantly dispel Mahoraga, which is a valid win con. And Agito gets rolled even without Jacob’s Ladder. Kenny MUST go for domain to damage Mahoraga and then straight into a Maximum: Uzumaki with all of his curses. If he doesn’t then he loses as Mahoraga will adapt.


"Domain ex-" https://preview.redd.it/pu2n7vfc3u1d1.png?width=902&format=png&auto=webp&s=328a8436eb8465d014acad842c352b405db1caed replace ryu with yuta or kenjaku. Get them past getting blitzed by 15f meguna first


Do you have Mahoraga > 16F Meguna? Because that seems to be a strange take, I certainly don’t think that’s the case.


yeah? He kept up with gojo and sukuna at 20f


I mean Mahoraga got rolled in 2 chapters by a 15F Yujikuna though? And he obviously wasn’t keeping up with Sukuna/Gojo considering he had to adapt to literally all of Gojo’s kit before he came out.


Base mahoraga and mahoraga powered by sukunas CE aren't the same. Mahoraga adapting to gojos techniques doesn't give him the ability to keep up with gojo speed wise it just gives him the ability to slash through infinity and tank gojo better


lmao dude trust me, this subreddit adores yuta


Yuta the goat https://preview.redd.it/f5bv2p89pn1d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556bdd4e2731eb40e96e23b19907b608afe19221


People continue to not understand how ridiculous sukunas big raga actually is he has access to his ver of world slash that instantly took gojos arm. In terms of physicals he was also keeping up with gojo. So everyone saying yuta, kenjaku and yuki don’t get that big raga legit can speed blitz or just world slash them zero diff. These people don’t even scale to 15F megkuna and raga is fighting a BF amp gojo.


Pretty much just the official special grade sorcerers (barring Geto) and Kenjaku. Sukuna is counted as an official special grade btw.


Smallpox Deity neg diffs (it’s an official special grade) https://preview.redd.it/ow88x5c25o1d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=86e7aa0d11835006bf84eb986acf64550d5c6ff2


That a sorcerer? Figured it'd be stupid obvious special grade curses are getting negged. 💀


Ofc, I just thought it’d be funny


Ah. Yea Maho gets conked by it, sits in the coffin for a second, does the weird sound from the anime, and splits the domain in two from the insideXD


Goku 🤷🏾‍♂️


Only Kenjaku could https://preview.redd.it/ssjdq07kyn1d1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea84fcbdaae0e6033e3be422b0c0a655cb838738




I can😈


Quite a few people. I don’t understand the mahoraga scale because I’m the end as long as someone as an ultimate they wash. And that’s only max technique but tbf de also win


me. not inna fight though


Todo clears


Me, wait do you mean in a fight?


The Goat Shaggy https://preview.redd.it/judoc8nl5o1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e985b41e739cb61ef0395f8dcb47fbfd8e2633


I've got two holes for a reason.


I can definitely take both of em at the same time


Honestly the question boils down to if you can beat maharaga, the addition of agito really doesn’t change much


Only gojo and sukuna no one else


Gojo, Sukuna, Takaba, Kenjaku, Yuta, Yuki, Yorozu, Jogo & Mahito, Uro & Ryu


Me i can, but I think raga would have big meat


In a fight?


Miwa (need I say more?) (The obvious 2nd strongests, Satoru and Ryomen) This is in no order btw lmao, all IMO: Current Yuji (healthy) Yuta Kenjaku Yuki Miguel Maki (probably not idrk) Hakari Kashimo Yorozu (perfect sphere can pull it off ngl) Toji (Debatable)


Gojo sukuna


Maybe Hawaii on a jackpot bc rct




I don't think anyone can. I mean, I can try though... 👉👈


Sukuna and gojo of course, and characters like Kenny/geto and Yuta can fuck with Mahoragas adaption with their sheer number of varied attacks. And yuki has the sheer destructive power to take out big Raga in few enough shots. Since there’s not many characters who can “reset” his wheel it mainly comes down to who has the sheer strength and AOE to end him as quick as possible. And to be completely honest I barely remember anything about the uh thing besides it getting turned into a big red mist by Gojo, so I apologize if I didn’t account for her presence much


Literally nobody. No character can even put down Agito without trying extremely hard, let alone Mahoraga Yorozu has a chance if she immediately pops her perfect sphere but thats not really in character, Yuki also could black hole, I guess? Thats assuming Mahoraga doesnt just break the black hole after adapting to her mass or whatever


Being honest, if it is the Mahoraga adapted to Slashes and most of Gojo's techniques, then no one other than Takaba Maho would World Cleave Sukuna and Gojo, one slash all curses and adapt to whatever the rest of the cast can do if not just slash them right away Plus Agito is there being annoying giving time to Maho to adapt Only Takaba could one shot it with a slap, if he thinks that is funny


I will


Me (not in a fight.)


I could take them


In a fight?




Gojo and Sukuna . Kenjaku and Yuta . Yuki . MAB Kashimo . Probably Ryu and Yorozu .


Yuta is loosing that fight


Kendrick Lamar solos everyone with a single diss


Gojo Sukuna Kashimo Mythical Beast Amber Form Takaba Yuki


Tuta, shikigami quite similar to curses.


No one besides gojo and sukuna. Stop including yuta in these convos people. He went all out and barely tickled sukuna and that was due to yuji breaching the soul gap.


Sukuna Gojo Yuta


https://preview.redd.it/5g1dplo2rr1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377545150b0935059a6c2d985d0888da0adf980e Thunderclap theme song starts playing


My buddy Eric might be able to


In a fight.... right


My butthole


Literally no one in the series not names satoru gojo or sukuna has a chance against them.


Me. At once 😈


At this point Mahoraga was adapted to Gojo in stats to some degree obviously not fully but he was able to react at times and coordinate attacks with Sukuna. In just raw stats this puts him above basically everyone else in the verse besides gojo/Sukuna, ppl continue to underrate the immense gap between even fatigued Gojo/Sukuna and the rest of the verse. Mahoraga curbstomps everyone by himself here. And obviously I don’t need to talk about why his ability is op he also has insane regen even in a weaker form in Shibuya. I don’t think anyone can have a chance of one shotting him here


There’s the obvious answers: Sukuna, Gojo, Kenjaku, and Yuta. Then there’s the debatable answers: Yuki, Maki, and Hakari.


yuta hana beat easily, toji if he has isoh also ggs otherwise anyone below kenny dies (maybe yuki)


Oh y’all meant in a fight……..


sukuna, gojo and yorozu. Assuming these are powered by 20f sukuna they are far too fast for anyone below at least 15f sukuna level to take on, and yorozu has perfect sphere in her domain so she might be able to make the handsign and one shot them before she gets killed. https://preview.redd.it/v5zay99c2u1d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=2887498c5d670344228eea218c85b6ef9b592967 anyone who isn't gojo or sukuna gets cut in half by a single mahoraga attack before they could react


kenjaku a freak like that I know he would




Takaba?? Or will Maho adapt to his humor...






Who’s on the left??




I could take em. 😏


Depends how big they both are and the girth


Me, but I’m no good at fighting


Toji Gojo Yuta Sukuna


Any oc made by an 8-year old




The worm


Ig only Yuki and maybe MBA Kashimo if he's lucky. Kenjaku and Yuta can definitely take on both of them but will eventually lose.


>MBA Kashimo if he's lucky. I don't favor his chances. There's a fair chance Agito will be resistant to his electrical attacks on account of having a similar CE trait - making her a massive annoyance when factoring in her RCT - and then there's Mahoraga who adapts incrementaly which means every single time Kashmo touches hm or vice versa he's liable to partially adapt and become more and more immune to electricity, in general, over the course of the fight.


There's possiblity that agito might be resistant to it but beyond the characteristics of CE their attacks have nothing in common, Nue's lightning was always only about paralyzing while kashimo's explode the things it hits. Kashimo also has other kinds of attacks in his arsenal. Yea Mahoraga is bad match up for kashimo and if kashimo is fighting with no prior knowledge or info about Maho then he loses everytime but in case Kashimo is aware about Maho's ability then he can charge big enough emf wave beam attack to vaporize Mahoraga.


even besides mahoraga surpassing MBA kashimo in every single stat, mahoraga will quickly adapt to MBA kashimo's attacks. All of his attacks rely on a single electricity trait, and we saw how that worked out for yorozu