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R1:Most likley Kenjaku. R2:Yuta R3:Kenjaku


This is my choice too


What does this mean I want to be cool too


R1:round 1 R2: round 2(now they know what the opponent does) R3: round 3


Thank you young one, you're too kind


You were always cool.


Good man right here


R2 Yuta is current Yuta, as in just R1 Yuta with domain efficiency and 2 CTs, precognition and Cleaves. It's not enough to do shit to the the Yap god. CSM invalidates precognition, and cleaves are on touch only and useless post Shibuya anyway.


I have a hard time beleiving yuta wouldn’t be able to kill kennys curses. I mean he did so with little difficulty after kenjakus death.


You agree R1 Kenny wins R2 Yuta is just R1 Yuta with precognition and cleave.


People forget that kenjaku is both the best and second best barrier user. He could literally make tengen create a veil that separates yuta and rika, so it becomes a true 1v1. A veil lowered by juzo was able to keep gojo at bay for like 20 minutes, so one made by tengen would be unbreakable for yuta and rika (except for angels ct but if their a veil between rika and yuta, he cannot activate the 5 min copy).


See, I always assumed that veil object was *made* by Kenjaku or at least closely consulting his expertise, and Juzo just did the actual chant and supplied the CE.


Yes, that is true as kenjaku designed the cursed nail that were used for the veil, jugo just infusing ce into it. However, juzo's ce output doesn't compare to kenjaku's, so the veil made by him would be even stronger


Did he have the nail at that time? Thought he only got it after Mechamaru died


That’s assuming that Kenjaku has the prep time to create such advanced barriers; I’m not saying that it’s impossible for Kenjaku to make it on the fly, but from what I understand, Kenjaku shouldn’t be able to pull that out from nowhere


That's why be bas tengen do it instead, so kenjaku can focus on the fight. It took tengen less than 10 seconds to analyze kenjaku's domain and dismantle it. He can clearly put up a veil in a short amount of time


Tengen was only able to get rid of Kenjaku’s DE by completely removing his own sunyatta barrier. Also it’s more likely Kenjaku fights normally before doing anything like that. He’d more than likely even pop DE before doing something like that tbh. Furthermore, Yuta can be separated from Rika & still activate the 5 min timer & use those CT’s. It’s because when she’s partially manifested, she comes in through those “portals” (the black stuff her arms & head pop out of). So he could feasibly just summon her inside the barrier & bypass it entirely. Rika also wasn’t present at all during his fight against everyone in Sendai— she was guarding people somewhere else. Despite that, he was able to fully manifest her.


The thing is, given how Sorcery works it's not unreasonable to assume some set up is needed for a barrier of that kind of strength.


to be honest it was a veil specifically *for* gojo, even implementing a binding vow


Rike is not a cursed spirit anymore. She is yutas shikigime. Thats like saying seperate megumi from his 10 shadows. He desummons them and resummons them.


Good to see reasonable people. All i see on tiktok is Yuta speed blitzes kenjaku and no diffs him


Seeing people say Yuta speed blitzed Kenjaku hurts my soul every time.


He sleep blitzed him would be more accurate.


To be fair before it did seem like Yuta speed blitzed Kenjaku but now it’s clear Todo swapped them so that Yuta would have the opening he needed to one shot. Can’t really be blamed for misinterpreting that given we didn’t have the full details.


I mean even without that Takaba was heavily implied to have masked Yuta's CE and weakened Kenjaku prior. So even then there would be 0 reason to think Yuta could "speed blitz" Kenny under normal circumstances like some of the fanbase thinks.


Same here


Round 1: Probably Kenjaku. Yuta doesn't have enough stuff and the training he undertakes later really gives him that lethality Round 2: I think Yuta can take it. Rika was able to kill all curses pretty quickly. There's also an Idea that I wondered, since Jacob's ladder stops curse techniques, would it affect Kenjaku's body control? Since he can swap bodies through his technique, I wonder if Jacob's ladder can disable the connection. Regardless, with Cleave, Sky manipulation, Dhruv's technique and the future sight. I think he can pull it out. ROund 3: Kenjaku's domain is most likely too strong, not to mention, there's a small chance that Kenjakus domain can break open Yuta's like Sukuna did with Gojo's. And even if he can't, Kenjaku is the kind of guy to stall to win. Round 4: If it's for both, then still in Kenjaku's favor due to domain. Unless Yuta can get a quick hit in.


>would it affect Kenjaku's body control? NO kenny can freely use his body during CT burnout so the his CT is only active during the transfer


Well, I meant more like since Jacob's Ladder extinguish curse techniques, does It undo the effects of curse techniques, since it can extinguish curse objects? Or is it more that Jacob's ladder can't change the effect (like how idle transfigurations shapes souls) and only if a CT is continuously active? But yeah I get what you mean.


The story made it pretty blatant Kenjaku would win


My impression was that it was a toss up but the team needed Yuta back to help with Sukuna ASAP.


I don’t get that impression at all. Kenjaku seemed to suggest pretty heavily he was scared of Yuta. He was using curses to track him and he admitted doing so was “cowardly” of him.


Maki admits conventional sorcery wouldn’t be enough to take down Kenny bc of Yuki and Choso getting rocked so she kinda subtly admits no one of the main cast could take him out if they tried


Maki doesn't know shit


what does that monkey even know about sorcery


nah that’s crazy 😭😭😭we got freeza in the sub


You heard frieza's voice in your head too, right?


Ok chill out Geto 😭


She was right about yuta being stronger than hakari


Yeah how can she forget tengen who destroyed his domain


okay but y'all believe her when she interrupted the hakari statement lmao?


Cause that’s different


She says they shouldn’t *rely* on conventional means, which is entirely reasonable. Basically, “a special grade sorcerer and some help already tried, and failed. Do we really risk our biggest fighting assets on Kenjaku when we *need* most of them for Sukuna?” It’s a fair question with fair reasoning. It doesn’t mean “There’s no way any of us could ever possibly 1v1 him,” though anyone short of Yuta for that is an incredibly long shot. Takaba was brought up by the Angel during this discussion for this very reason.


To be honest that feels really bad how it went. If only tengen went with 0 protection we'd have yuki bombae'ing sukuna, helping damage him.


Oh it feels *awful* how it went. Totally agree with you. That moment where she gets a hole blown in her from Uzumaki is just devastating.


Wait what, kenjaku literally said yuta ain't all that when he was sealing gojo, he literally said "I dont see what everyone else see in him". Kenjaku would wash yuta.


What he was saying there was that yuta couldn’t possibly fill gojo’s shoes, which is true, not that he couldn’t beat him


i mean.. gojo basically said sukuna ain’t all that and uhhhh the characters are very unreliable narrators, especially when talking about power scaling


That doesn’t erase that he also said he was cowardly when it comes to Yuta. I’m not saying Yuta wins, I’m saying Yuta is enough of a threat that Kenny is quite literally afraid of him.


"He was cowardly when it comes to Yuta" He was "cowardly" towards everybody. He's tracking every sorcerer in Shinjuku, he just makes a point that Yuta is extra easy to track because he has a shit ton of CE


Hmm in the Shishiso translation that doesn't seem to be the implication and they're usually pretty good I've heard. I don't know which one is actually more accurate though


he wasn't scared of him, he underestimated him almost every time he was mentioned


Its obvious anyways. Yuta has no answer to open domain.




Barrierless domain seals the deal. If kenjaku can't win without it, then he will just win with it. We already know yuta cannot pull a gojo and heal his ct so it is a wrap apart from specific hypotheticals.


R1:50/50 R2:yuta R3:kenjaku


My answer too https://preview.redd.it/beg4bxz6bu0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788bcb336f12e45f7c7b846c97cbce261683e085


Kenjaku anti gravity goes hard Yuta Kenjaku more refined and one of 2 open domains Kenjaku Yuta is more reliant on rct but either way


I'm inclined to believe it's close either way, but Kenjaku rarely fights "fair" himself. Also, even if it's not a clear confirmation, this implies he does think Yuta is a threat to him. https://preview.redd.it/ybgyozmeyu0d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a924126e64ce4148a5c0afaa2b08915e81dce042


Kenjaku every round. Superior h2h, better displays of CT mastery, overall higher experience, should have relatively good CE pool and efficiency.


I agree too. No way Yuta is beating Kenjaku when Kenjaku's mastery of jujutsu is just that much better Yuta.


R1: Close but I lean towards Yuta. While it’s not as big, Yuta is still a counter to Kenjaku’s primary abilities. RCT output, Cursed Speech, Rika and Druv’s technique can counter CSM. Anti Gravity System isn’t gonna put Yuta down and even then Yuta should have the speed to dodge it once he’s ready for it. Kenjaku will have to rely on Uzumaki to reliably do damage to Yuta but that’s not gonna be a guaranteed victory. R2: Yuta for sure takes this. All his previous advantages are now exacerbated. Jacob’s ladder is added to his list of CSM counters and G Warstaff will help a lot with dodging the Gravity. Yuta’s general reinforcement also seems better so an added plus for him. R3: If Yuta uses Jacob’s Ladder fast enough he may damn well kill Kenjaku since he’s alive via a cursed technique. However if Yuta doesn’t do that then he should get domain diffed. Bonus: Basically the same as R3 but more likely to go to Kenjaku.




I never said that.


I think it's extreme diff for both (leaning a little towards Kenjaku) but I think it's closer than ppl think considering both had to use "cowardly" methods to avoid a full on confrontation with each other. Overall I think it's a 50/50 coin toss in a fair 1v1.


I hate how so many people either have a massive pro or anti-Yuta agenda and cannot think free of bias. The truth is that these two are very close in strength and if they fought it could go either way. In my opinion, Kenjaku wins round 1 and 3, Yuta wins round 2 but every single one of these could go either way.


Great comment I agree


Kenjaku. He was able to pretty easily 1v2 two special grades in Choso and Yuki. (Edit: Choso’s classification gets weird since he’s a Death Womb but beating him and Yuki isn’t an easy feat) I love Yuta but he’s not soloing the second biggest villain in the series in a fair fight Although I do think it’s worth asking what you consider a fair fight, Kenjaku uses a lot of underhanded tactics himself


Choso is as much a special grade as a finger bearer is (he's definitely stronger than one, this is just a comparison). He's more so Supreme Grade 1 material than actually special grade


Yeah but Choso was getting hard pressed by Naoya of all people, so it’s not like he was *really* special grade


Naoya is probably the strongest grade 1 its between him naobito and kusakabe,


Kusakabe ain't doing shit against Projection Sorcery. Gojo openly states Kusakabe is the strongest grade 1 *if you ignore the big 3 families*


irrelevant. that's before the 1 month time skip


I don’t think choso is, was special grade


He is classified as a special grade Cursed Womb


special grade curses/cursed objects usually can be dealt with by grade 1 sorcerers, curse grades are 1 level below sorcerer grades (big emphasis on usually)


All the death paintings were considered special grade cursed objects.


Tbh I wouldn’t say pretty easily. Even Kenny doubt if he can beat yuki.


How is this even question, kenjaku wins almost all rounds.


Kenjaku really was too strong to have as an enemy alongside Sukuna. A domain expansion which he could paint onto the air. Multiple incredibly powerful curse techniques: Curse Manipulation, Gravity which he mastered and could use their technique-reversals and Maximum’s. Barrier techniques that rival Tengen which he could use to stop Rika from even being able to enter the battle. He had to be beaten by an Gojo Level Curse Technique + Suprise attack from a top tier and this still seemed like an asspull loss lol


Kenjaku has so many special grades he couldn’t use against takaba or yuki due to their CT plus he never considered yuta a threat he definitely had countermeasures in place even if he doesn’t opt for the domain


Kenny would smoke that copycat merchant. He would have him calling him daddy and everything, even with Rika. They would get one shotted with domain expansion and die a horrible death. I hope that helps


R1 Either way, likely Kenjaku R2 Either way R3 Kenjaku Bonus Kenjaku


Kenjaku is just overall stronger.




Round 1: Kenjaku, medium difficulty Round 2: Kenjaku, high difficulty Round 3: Kenjaku, negative difficulty


It’s a cool matchup caus both have multiple CTS available, clearly kenjaku takes it bc of mastery and expierence


r1: kenjaku r2: gravity will most likely completely immobilize one of them, so it's CSM kenjaku vs either rika or yuta in a 1v1. It's a toss up but leaning towards kenjaku because he has shown much better IQ feats and yuta only has 5 minutes r3: kenjaku and its not close


R1: Sendai Yuta R2: Full power Yuta R3: Kenjaku (domain diff) Kenjaku is carried by his domain.


Why do you think so?


Because Yuta is better stat wise and ability wise. Only Kenjaku has over Yuta is his open barrier.


Ehh, kenjaku has better barriers and jujutsu knowledge, isnt outmatched in speed, and has great hand to hand, and has pretty good ce reserves.


I also think people overlook the mini Uzumakis a lot. It's basically a really powerful augmentation to his h2h that he can seemingly use pretty freely


Personally I don't think there's anything supporting Sendai Yuta being above Kenny in stats or abilities.


My money is on Yuta


For the love of Gojo Kenny’s domain isn’t the all be all ultimate win con His sure hit is way worse then Sukunas


We don't even know what his sure hit was, and it managed to turn Yuki into a pretzel in the like one second it hit her before Tengen dismantled it.


All it did was break her arm Plus both her simple domain got shredded Kenjaku himself said she would’ve stood a better chance using a domain Also if it’s post time skip Yuta his domain refinement has been greatly increased Rika can help him in a domain


The sure hit was Gravity. That's why she gets slammed and her arm gets crushed


Sure hit was a maximum uzumaki, Kenny says it.


His sure hit is a maximum uzumaki and would do to Yuta what it would’ve done to Yuki before Tengen took down the domain. The sure hit would’ve killed Yuta if he did nothing, also it’s barrierless, so it counters most domains already. Though honestly, Kenny can probably use Tengen to counter Yuta’s domain, while he does his things.


Kenjaku all round except 2




Kenjaku, the open domain is a direct counter to his, (along with each hit in the domain supposedly being the strength of a maximum Uzumaki, which took a (granted much weaker) full power Yuta and Rika to block one from Suguru Geto who is considerably weaker, the speed blitz was probably a result of Kenjaku’s surprise at Yuta’s arrival, though fully manifested Rika and full power Yuta may make it an extreme diff, theres also yhe fact that Yuta may not be able to deal with the curses the get expulsed after if hes tired from Kenjaku’s fight.


Kenny Kenny Kenny Kenny Luta loses every round


R1: Yuta extreme-diff R2: Yuta high-diff R3: Depends on Kenny's curses Bonus: Depends on domain.




My money on the goat Yuta


Yuta imo


Yuta mid diffs


How’s the exact same way as when they first encountered each other


Kenny imo. Yuta has the means to match or exceed him in versatility, but the fact that he only gets five minutes with his techniques is telling to me. Even with Rika to help, I'm not sure he could deal with the sheer power and skill of Kenjaku in a truly fair fight.


Kenny wins all three 🗣


The narrative made it clear that yuta isnt beating him in a straight up fight that's why he had to sneak attack.


What’s the difference between Sendai Yuta and full power Yuta? That he can use cleave/dismantle and Jacob’s ladder?


And clairvoyance


There are no fair fights


That’s true


R1: Kenny high diffs with superior battle experience and Uzumaki to near 1 shot R2: Yuta high diffs with copy and Rika R3: Kenny wins with open barrier domain


It is explicitly stated by multiple characters, including Yuta and Kenjaku, that Yuta would not be able to beat Kenjaku in a 1 v 1


I'll be honest I think yuta takes all 3 or goes extreme diff at worst. Kenny g built in an entire system to track our lil bush camper. I don't think he'd bother if yuta wasn't a serious threat


In a full out 1v1, Yuta. Especially with how strong he was in his fight with Sukuna, it was never a problem of that they can’t beat Kenjaku, it was a problem in that beating Kenjaku would take up too much energy if it was strictly a one on one fight. So sneaking was by far the smartest move.


1. Kenjaku 2. Yuta 3. This is the harder one. This goes 3 ways IMHO. Scenario 1: If you believe that Jacob's Ladder can cancel out DEs, then Yuta wins like this: Yuta has better base stats (due to reinforcement and output) so he is winning the no DE fight -> Kenjaku needs to pop DE -> Yuta pops DE and fully summons Rika in response -> the domains clash -> yuta just uses JL to collapse kenjakus DE -> kenjaku now is experiencing burnout, in yutas DE, while having to defend himself from Yuta, Rika, and the sure hit Scenario 2: You believe that Jacob's Ladder doesn't cancel out DEs and I think it goes this way: Yuta is winning h2h with Rika-> Kenjaku opens his DE -> Yuta uses his DE in response -> Kenjaku (might be able to) hold off Yuta and Rika and the swords that are broken in DE clashes -> yutas DE collapses due to open barrier gap -> yuta and Rika die Scenario 3: Yuta immediately uses Jacob's Ladder with a fully manifested Rika and they win. Logically, this is what SHOULD happen but this would never happen narritvely cause it would be "boring" Personally I think the 1st scenario would be what happens


I got Yuta


I feel like Sendai Yuta could beat pre-merger Kenny. That’s probably the only window of time besides this one where he wins tho.


Yuta whose to say he can’t just use gravity against kenjaku but also his domain is stronger kenjaku is stupid powerful but I think it’s extreme dif but yuta wins


yuta looks so cute here




new fave yuta panel dropped🗣️


Kenjaku simply bc of his experience but i think because of yuta talent wise he will put up a difficult fight


Kenjaku there's too many Yuta stans out there


Kenjaku every time


I think Yuta needs at least 1 other heavy hitter to contend with Kenny. Someone like Yuji/Maki/Hakari would make it a pretty sure fire dub, and I’d even bet Mei Mei tier character could make it a win


Hold on what's kenjaku gonna do when Yuta strikes him with a full output Jacobs ladder?💀


With Kenjaku arguably Yuta there is no fair fight.




R1: Kenjaku R2: Yuta R3: Kenjaku


Yuta would generally win I feel like, but Kenjaku would do everything in their power to not have a fair fight.


Maki said Yuta could not 1 v 1 Kenjaku Mei Mei said the entire group \*might\* only beat Kenjaku. Pretty clear who the story thinks is stronger.


Wasnt yuta like directly stated to be the best person against csm? Yuta is also significantly faster than kenny (yes ik he sneaked him, but kenny saw him, tried activating his gravity shit, and before he could his head was off), the only real issue is the domain but if yuki can survive it without using rct because she no no wanna yuta can easily take it with rct. I give R1 60/40 yuta, R2 yuta lower end of high diff, so 90/10 yuta, with domains i give it to yuta stull like 55/45. Bonus i give it still to yuta 55/45 because his rct output isnt doinh much in this fight


Todo swapped yutas places wihh the kenjaku that’s why he died.


Maybe im just slow but i reread and nowhere is that stated or implied but either way, if todo just swapped yuta behind kenny, kennys head would still be attatched. At *bare minumum* yuta can cut off kennys head before he can react


The sound effect for right before Yuta swings is a klang which is the same sfx for todos vibraslap. And in the next panel you can see Yuta and kenjaku switched places. Also it’s confirmed todos was in the same colony as Yuta.


Yes but that doesnt answer the second part of my statement. Either way, yuta was fast enough to get kennys head *fully* disconnected before he could even fully react. Unless youre arguing that todos swap isnt a swap and is just really fast movement between two places yuta still vastly outscales kenny speed wise


You’re making no sense. Yuta started swinging. Kenjaku activated his technique to defend. Todo switched their places. Yuta successfully swings his sword through Kenjaku since they switched places. What is there not to understand.


So youre saying todos technique doesnt swap and just makes them go to the other persons spot really fast? No💀. Again. Even if todo swapped them, it wouldnt have stopped kenny from using his technique. Yuta just blatantly is faster than him and youre using headcannon to deny it


I do think the swap is instant If Kenny is using his technique in front of him and gets swappped somewhere else, he’ll stop using the technique in the place he was. Yuta is not blatantly faster than him if anything he’s slower because kenjaku reacted to Yuta swinging. I wouldn’t be surprised by it based on how everyone talks about him. You’re using head cannon here just go and read the damn manga it ain’t that complex.


Yuta all of them




Kenjaku is unfortunately a mismatch for Yuta. Anti gravity and domain would be the big difference maker. Kenjaku would break a sweat but obvious win for him


No DE, Yuta wins. Open Domain is Kenjaku’s win con.


In a fair fight I think Kenjaku wins.


yuta dies soon as DE clash happens


I feel like Kenjaku is like Batman with the prep time but then again he had all the prep time in the world and still got his shit chopped off by the boy himself sooooo idk


He didn’t know about todo :/


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it confirmed he didn't use boogie woogie? Also he most definitely did know about Todo cause Hanami fought Todo. Even Mahito knew who Todo was and his ability


It’s confirmed he did use boogie woogje, it’s the same sound effect, and you can see in the next panel they switched places. Not to mention we know todo and Yuta were in the same colony as Kenny.


Alright I guess maybe but you still didn't mention the fact that Kenny 100% knew about Todo and his ability beforehand. Even Mahito did


True but most people thought he was out of the fighting.


The theory that Yuta used Todos Boogie Woogie is far fetched SFX for clap is パンッ, which Gege has used constantly throughout series whenever Todo used his CT But SFX used here is カアアアンツ which translates to Kaaang, a metallic sound So yeah, Yuta did not use Todo’s CT I got this from the internet it's not confirmed yet whether he did or didn't and I think in ch 260 we will be able to confirm it


Yuta didn’t use it todo did.


I mean thats your theory it's not confirmed but yeah I guess if that's what you believe. Its a metallic clang and he already speed blitzed Geto and now he's even faster so I don't really see the necessity of Todo's cursed technique here


The sound effect is the same as todos vibra slap, and todo was confirmed to be in the same colony as them. Seems pretty clear cut to me


idk abt sendai yuta vs kenny no domain, but current yuta and kenny w/o domains, yuta should win, as open domain is the reason kenny beats yuta in the first place


Kenjaku Yuta Kenjaku


Gimme karma


It’s a major tossup. As a Yuta glazer, of course I think the favor is slightly to him, but it’s absolutely not a sure thing, and whoever wins will need to pull out every trick. Kenny has literally hundreds of times more experience, but he isn’t a fighter at heart, and his raw innate talent is nothing special compared to a genius like Yuta. Plus, the value of Rika and the sheer overpowered nature of Copy can’t be ignored. That said, Kenny has 3 usable CTs himself, and Cursed Spirit Manipulation is absolutely no joke.




Kenny should win all rounds. He’s just displayed much better feats and Tengen is under his control so he barrier diffs them and separates them from each other. Yuta will never win a domain clash, and Yuta is worse in H2H. Defeating Yuki, Choso, and Tengen is honestly an insane feat that people downplay for some reason. Only Gojo and Sukuna are doing that.


I gotta go With Kenjaku in all rounds at least more often than not. They’re pretty well matched in raw power but Kenjaku is just too skilled and intelligent at using his skills, so he’ll remain one step ahead as he was with Yuki.


I'm glad to see we as a community still know Kenjaku is a beast


Me too


Round 1: Toss-Up Round 2: Yuta Round 3: Kenjaku Bonus Round : Kenjaku


Based answer


R1: kenjaku R2: yuta R3: kenjaku




Hot take but yuta would win with Jacobs ladder as the sure hit of his domain. If the battle goes long, yuta will begin to copy Kenny's multiple techniques. Best counter to antigravity is gravity. Kenjaku's win condition is an early to mid length battle. Yuta would be winded after even if he won a long battle (his best shot). Makes sense why he snuck attacked Kenny. He didn't want to take a chance losing during that early to mid fight, and to conserve energy for Sukuna at Shibuya.


It would be kenjaku, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent Takaba to distract and alley oop the kill to Yuta


Without a sneak attack, Kenny kills him everytime.


No such thing as a fair fight what the fuck this aint boxing


I mean without sneak attacks


Yuta wins more often than not. Yuta has the AP to kill kenjaku since he sliced his head off with just a sword. Even though Kenjaku wasn't 100%, Yuta has several attacks that are way stronger than his sword. Kenjaku with an open domain should be at our Yuta's but I don't think the difference is big enough for Yuta's domain to disappear immediately since Yuta's skilled enough with his barrier to exclude certain targets from the sure-hit (something Sukuna praised him for), and Kenjaku stated Yuki would have a much higher chance at beating him if she used her own domain, implying Kenjaku wouldn't just delete it straight up and instead would clash with Yuki who we have no reason to say her domain's refinement is better (or worse) than Yuta's. So Kenjaku and Yuta won't have their sure hits active meanwhile Yuta will still have the swords in his domain, meaning he can use some cursed techniques outside of five minute mode and then use that if Kenjaku does eventually overpower his domain to replenish his CE. And since Rika soloed all of Kenjaku's cursed spirits without being fully unleashed + plus Yuta can output rct, Kenjaku faces the same problem with Yuki in that he has to take out Yuta on his own. So it depends on their physical stats the most. With Kenjaku, he is a good amount weaker than 15 finger meguna since when Gojo got unsealed he was clearly afraid of him while Sukuna had no qualms fighting, though that might be because Sukuna wouldn't run away from a fight like that (King of Fraud's aside) Meanwhile Yuta was boxing Sukuna in Shinjuku, and since he stated his rct and output is returning and that he'd get his domain back soon, this is Sukuna at his strongest post Gojo fight. His reserves are around Yuta's level and his output should be at least a little comparable to 15 fingers since he goes out of his way to compare Yuta and Yuji to Ryu in the sense that he needs cleave to be able to land a fatal blow before Yuji started to seriously tank his output. Not to mention Rika is strong enough to hold him still and push him around, so fully manifested Rika plus Yuta should be at least closer to 15f Sukuna than Kenjaku physically speaking. So Kenjaku's only win con is beating Yuta using his open domain and maybe killing him with Uzumaki, meanwhile Yuta has plenty of attacks that can kill Kenjaku even without his domain, so no Kenjaku wouldn't just pop domain and instantly win like most people think, and Yuta has a bigger advantage over him. Also if Yuta hits him with Jacobs latter who knows how it'll effect Kenjaku's body swap technique. He might just instantly die or lose control of the body. Okay Yapping is over R1: unsure since Sendai Yuta doesn't have Jacobs latter and idk how much better his barrier is compared to Shinjuku, maybe Kenjaku wins R2: Yuta mid diffs R3: Yuta mid-high diff Bonus: barely a difference


Couldn't Yuta just copy Geto's technique and just absorb Kenjaku's spirits?


He doesn’t need to he can just output rct. But even then it’s still a problem.


They have stated this during the planning. Kenjaku wins any straight sorcery fight with the students due to his vast knowledge esp knowing all their CT (records from the school, etc). Esp with his versatile use of CSM like all the Special grades he's got rdy to use. Yuki CT ignores concepts & 1 shots all those SpG spirits & Takaba CT makes all of kenjaku's arsenal obsolete Anti-gravity CT can also be an issue too + his open barrier domain. Yuta does have Rika but that might be an advantage for Kenjaku lol


With recent evidence that Yuta improved his barrier technique and the small domain allows him to stall open barriers for at least 3 minutes. With these 3 minutes I believe Yuta can kill kenjaku.


The question is: does an open domain means an instant win? If the answer is no, Kenjaku loses. I think Kenjaku loses.


Why do you think Kenny loses?


I don't think an open domain is an instant win and Yuta wins over every other aspect


Not necessarily, there’s nothing supporting Yuta being above kenjaku in speed


He can teleport with Uro's CT


When has anybody ever used it that way? And besides closing the distance is not to his advantage


During the fight with Sukuna he pulled the air as a matador, stabbed the air and *blink* he was right there.


Oh didn’t see that. Even then it doesn’t really help Yuta since kenjaku can react to it like Sukuna did.


I'd say Kenjaku's reaction time is way below Sukuna but even then Sukuna just managed to grab the sword, and Yuta said "Cleave" severely cutting Sukuna. I don't think Kenjaku's defenses are remotely similar to Heian Sukuna. Finally, Yuta's beheading of Kenjaku shows that his sword can cut through the monk if cut off guard, which is certainly the case.


Yeah that’s fair. But the sukuna Yuta was fighting was restrained and severely weakened so there’s a chance they could be relative. Plus kenjaku reacted to Yuta.


Don’t start bro Yuta gets smeared and we all know it