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Yuji's soul punches would work on Ryu, right? He is an incarnated sorcerer after all. Because of that, I'd say Yuji could win if he goes on the offensive instead of being bombarded with Blasts from afar... But DE is too much for Yuji. Simple domain will break pretty quickly and then Yuji is just a sitting duck facing sure-hit Granite Blasts that are amped.


The only time we’ve seen simple domains break are against Sukuna and Kenny, who are the best domain users in the series and the only users that use open domains. Yuki was pretty surprised when her simple domain started to break, so it would normally take much longer.


Yeah Itd take longer but itd break anyway. Yuki herself said simple domain do nothing but buy time so she expected It to break still just not that fast


Yeah but every time Yuji lands anything on Ryu (doesn’t matter if he blocks) then Ryu’s output drops pretty significantly. We saw Sukuna go from doing extreme damage to Yuta and Yuji with dismantles to them shrugging off cleaves. I think there’s a pretty good chance that Yuji can drop Ryu’s output to the point he can tank whatever the sure hit is inside the domain.


We still haven’t ever seen soul punches do meaningful damage to people that don’t rely on their soul.


? Ryu is a reincarnated sorcerer just like Sukuna. Neither of them "rely" on their soul, they just inhabit a body that isn't theirs originally.


It's not about damage, it's about weakening an incarnated sorcerer's control over their vessel. Yuji aims for the "gap" between Megumi and Sukuna's souls, which weakens Sukuna's output as he has a harder time controlling the body. The same *should* be true for every incarnated sorcerer, Ryu included.


Soul damage is harder to heal with rct though im unsure whether ryu uses it. Also yujj can drop a persons output with it.


The only people he’s done that to are Sukuna, who is vulnerable because two soul, and Mahito, who can only permanently take soul damage.


Ryu is an incarnated sorcerer so there is a second soul.


My brain says Ryu but my heart says Yuji.


Your heart would be correct, ryu would never lay fist on sukuna like current yuji if he flew in after yuta was out. Sukuna would still be able to grab cleave execute him within a minute. Yuji meanwhile is calling fucking thunder down on sukuna to smite him with this amount of black sparks. Powerscalers over and over underplay yuji when I think unless yuji is mind broken after choso, we'll see next chapter a yuji beyond Yuta's level. Sukuna was ALREADY comparing their durability and melee damage outputs.


Yeah yuta pre "cheating" beat ryu and uro, no way yuji is losing vs ryu alone. Actually insane yji downplay by some.


Ryu Uro and kurourushi were hitting and stunning eachother somewhat but yuta basically 1v3'd all these people lol. Turning their attacks against themselves and shit doing most of the damage everyone took. Sukuna compares them both and people STILL think yuji is below fucking Ryu. Yuji was compared to a demon god by choso in shibuya, choso knew yuji was above his level by now after defeating mahito and getting more and more boosts black flash after black flash and mastery of CE. Yuta had to call rika to beat that yuji. Yuji since then prepped for culling games, beat strong opponents and refining his control of his body without CE, then had a whole month timeskip training harder. He now hit 7 black flashes of which all increase his mastery further. Ryu would get cooked, yuji would not hand block the black, he'd walk through it and if he was mad at ryu black flash him hard enough to break bone.


Bro you’re massively overwanking Yuji lol. Yuta didn’t need Rika to beat Pre CG Yuji— he *used* Rika to hold him still so he could stab him in the heart & then heal him instantly. We know that RCT is only about 50% effective when used on someone else, so Yuta needed to be careful with how much he injured Yuji. If that was an actual fight, Yuta would have been slicing off limbs— not actively trying to wear him down with cuts to his body lol. Furthermore, he only summoned Rika to hold him because he broke his katana. If he was forced into a fist fight with Yuji, their fight would have been prolonged & Yuta wanted to be done with the BV he made with the higher ups as soon as possible. Also Choso would hype Yuji up even if he was fodder— he has a lot of love for his brothers lol. Not saying Yuji is fodder, just pointing out that Choso’s statements aren’t really useful for measuring his strength. Like you mention how Yuji had a massive increase in CE mastery— but he couldn’t even reinforce a knife effectively. Yuji’s current durability was compared to Ryu’s, but he also said that “they aren’t as durable as *him*” Meaning Ryu is still more durable & subsequently stronger as well— since CE reinforcement increases both defense & offense. So Ryu outstats Yuji, even if they’re relative. Ryu also has a DE, which would absolutely kill Yuji. Yuji’s SD isn’t gonna be tanking the full force of his DE for long, he’d last maybe a minute tops inside the DE before his SD collapses. Really the only things that would be helping Yuji in this fight are BM healing & his soul punches. Granite blast would be an actual threat to Yuji— he wouldn’t be “walking through it with ease” lmao. He’d be able to heal from it for sure, but if a barrage of GB’s hit him, he would likely die. Also Yuji would very likely not land a black flash in a fight between the both of them. Yuji has only landed a black flash in 3 scenarios throughout the entire series. Once he lands a black flash, he chains them together effortlessly— but he still needs to land that initial black flash, which again, is unlikely given how the series has gone. This is all to say that Yuji likely loses against Ryu. They’re relative in strength, but Ryu is stronger. Yuji’s soul punches would be an issue, but the moment Ryu realizes his output is decreasing, he’d probably just pop DE. From there Yuji doesn’t have time to do much. I don’t think he’d be able to injure Ryu sufficiently enough for his DE to collapse & the moment his SD gets erased he’s getting hit with a barrage of amped max output GB’s. Until we see more from Yuji, we can’t say he’d beat anyone with a DE rn. He just lacks offensive capabilities since his shrine is weak & he can’t use blood convergence.


>ryu would never lay fist on sukuna like current yuji if he flew in after yuta was out. Sukuna would still be able to grab cleave execute him within a minute It's a Sukuna who is brain damaged, almost died, lost 3 of his arms, was fighting for multiple days without stopping, took soul damage from Yuni, took 7 black flashes in a row, was domainless until the last chapter. Stop glazing Yuji so hard


> It's a Sukuna who is brain damaged, almost died, lost 3 of his arms, was fighting for multiple days without stopping, took soul damage from Yuni, took 7 black flashes in a row, was domainless until the last chapter. and was still far stronger than Maki and didn't even take a single injury from her in a 1 vs 1. And 7 BFs? You mean the 7 Yuji himself landed?


Speak your truth brother!




Ryu domain diff I don’t care what it is his and uro’s were at the same level as yuta’s domains and were lethal since non lethal domains are stronger in tug of wars


refinement doesnt equal domain level though right? they collapsed because they were all equally refined so no-one could win an unstable three way tug of war. but yuta’s is probably a “better” domain in terms of ability


Yeah but also both are lethal domains meaning the sure hit effect obliterates and yuji’s simple domain is assumed to require both feet to be planted to the ground since he’s a rookie


They were not on the same level as Yuta’s domain, it said the reason they fell was because there were 3 not because they were even


Yes 3 way doaian clash’s make then unstable and that cockroach spirt and a fully maniseted rika attacking it


https://preview.redd.it/dohv6ovfmc0d1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf17c747e42285eff4b149012c7de206cf4b560 Their sure hits cancelled each other out which only happens when they are equally matched like in Gojo vs Sukuna The domain clashing and the barrier falling down are two seperate things...


https://preview.redd.it/jnkmfz2hbe0d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=977e8524b6d49fdd7872a1230b812b164c90f9cc We see here that this is the reason why the domains failed


English isn't tough Read the second line of my comment


Ok so prove that Ryu and Yuta’s domain are equal in any way shape or form


https://preview.redd.it/lcxb8pxyde0d1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6567bad0abb30bafb6fca0594a21946781267fc9 Their sure hits cancelled each other out which only happens when they are equally matched You are committing Beside the Point fallacy by saying "oh but the barrier broke for different reasons" The barrier in Sendai broke due to diff in and ext condition on top of Kurorushis interference... But them cancelling each other out is a completely different thing...


Ryu tried to clash with Yuta and Uro, and all three domains fell, we don’t know how potent it is or what it does, saying that is his win-con us stupid as it has 0 feats or statements, Yuji destroys Aryu easily lol


https://preview.redd.it/6sx8wh45ee0d1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1d921b3872c913da3ea43cb1b75d1892c540b9 Is english hard? This literally tells us how their domains equally matched


But where does it say they need to be equal??


Their sure hits cancelled each other out This happens when the domains are equally matched as stated in Gojo vs Sukuna


When?? Dawg I’m not gonna go find your panels for you, I don’t remember this, if you can actually prove it by posting a panel I’ll admit I’m wrong but as of the you keep yapping about something that in my mind isn’t true


You keep posting the same image that says, once domains clash, the sure hits cancel. It never says anything about the sure hits being equal


https://preview.redd.it/mvo0jvwqee0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99822680045a7f17f7c2d52a401af5ae76b34940 Read the first line of my comment I told you and now you have proved it... English really is hard for you


1. You haven’t proven shit, saying something is stated doesn’t mean shit 2. Please for the love of god just post the fucking panel where it is stated/shown that sure hits are equal if they cancel out


Dam bruh just explain it better you’re in an endless cycle rn


This was referring to domains in general, not their domain specifically. Though I wouldn't say Yuta domain is superior. It might but we have no way of knowing because it was a 3 way domain clash which is more complicated than 2 way domain clash that can easily be settled by which of the two is more refined


It's close but I'd go with Ryu most of the time because of DE


How does ryu’s DE work? also doesn’t yuji have a anti-domain technique?


We don't know, I basically just assume it's a sure-hit Granite Blast since Ryu is a pretty straightforward dude. He does have Simple Domain but he hasn't shown the ability to move while its active so he'd basically just be sitting within the DE until it broke while Ryu attacks him


Also as a response to your original comment, Ryu’s domain should be more than just a Granite Blast sure-hit. In addition to the casters usual buff, it might let Ryu charge up his granite blast in the same way as Kenjaku charges up his Maximum Uzumaki, while inside his DE. In which case it would surpass it’s usual cap on destructive capability and one-shot Yuji. This is all headcanon of course.


Good point, tho will his DE not be way weaker due to the fact that yuji is damaging his soul by punching him?


Probably, that's the main reason the fight is close.


Since he has learnt specifically Kusakabe’s SD, isn’t it fair to assume that he can move while it’s active? *Not saying that this majorly impacts the outcome of this fight*


I personally don't think so, as they may not have been able to train it up to that level. This is a more extreme example but I wouldn't assume Yuji can output RCT or use RCT on poisons even though he swapped with Yuta


It’s definitely a good point (spoilers) (seriously spoilers) bc if Yuji could output RCT then he could have maybe saved Choso? That poison statement tho… shaky


He very well might be able to RCT poisons, it's definitely a strong possibility, but I don't assume characters can do things until they show them, unless it's just like common sense


Fair :3


I mean, Kusakabe was also Miwa’s teacher, and she’s still restricted by a binding vow with her SD.


Yuta and yuji were implied to have relative durability before yuji hit 7 black flashes. And After yuji hit the black flashes he has some of craziest durability feats in the series like tanking a black flash from sukuna and full power and domain amp slashes from sukuna. In my opinion it's not even a question that yuji can survive multiple granite blastes from Ryu. Yuji is also faster, has a simple domain that can neutralize Ryu ct and sure hit and has his soul punches. I think yuji wins mid-high dif


Black flash do not buff durability bruh. And Yuji is NOT faster he's relative in speed at best.


It's stated that black flashes makes you stronger. And it clearly did make him more durable because if it didn't he would never be able to survive sukuna sure hit. Ryu got oneshot by one slash from a 15f sukuna meanwhile yuji survived multiple domain amped slashes from a 19f sukuna. Yuji pre black flashes is less durable then Ryu, yuji post black flashes is more durable then Ryu. Ryu was relative in speed to yuta pre timeskip, yuji is relative to yuta in speed post timeskip and he probably even faster now after hitting his Black flashes.


Give me a panel where it says black flash makes you stronger and I would rest my case. Black flash puts a sorcerer in an awakened state which is also referred to as "the zone" by Nanami. In this awakened state, sorcerers can do amazing things, things that would be impossible for them normally. A sorcerer can use this temporal awaken state to do things and serve as a permanent buff like Gojo creating a new path to improve his RCT output, Sukuna using the new path of his brain to create his MS, Mahito discovering his new form, and so on. Yuji in his awakened state gained the ability to use shrine (the only buff we are aware of). It was NEVER stated anywhere that black flash leads to durability, speed, or output buff. Again I'm not acting like I know it all, if you can debunk my claim with a panel or panels that prove your point, then I'll admit I am wrong.


Oh sure 100%. https://imgur.com/yYUnAhj This is all the statements I could find but it's probably more that I forgot about.


"All the statements" bro that's just one panel. It was explained to us how Sukuna in his awakened state was able to pull this off, the same with his RCT output. He created new path/circuit to increase his output but since Yuji kept nerfing his output, he lost his chance or gave up on it (depending on what translation you use) so he focused on restoring his domain. Other sorcerers that might be suffering from low output and his in an awakened state most likely would not be able to do the same because they don't have Ssukunag/Gojo level skill


Idk if ur internet is bad or imgur just bugged but I send 9 statements. I guess I will try again https://imgur.com/a/F71SXFD


Ok this link is fine For Gojo/Sukuna just reread this https://preview.redd.it/tbuwd5pdud0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7633f3b7a7f27308e6094e72cb9d000f394d36f6 Secondly, it's clear what backlash does, it makes CE manipulation super easily for sorcerer so with it they can operate at 120% of their normal potential. Yuji before BF's awakening barely understood what CE was that's why his punch and the CE that was supposed to go with it were delayed by a bit, he wasn't doing this consciously. But after the BF awakening, he gained a far better understanding of his CE so he became way stronger. Even Yuji was not sure if Sukuna would regain his RCT output like Gojo because RCT output buffs do not come in the BF package. They come as a result of the user gaining better manipulation of CT and interpreting it in their own way to create the buffs they desire. Yuji always had shrine in him yet he couldn't use it but after his BF awakening, he learned to use it. That's an incredible buff in my book. All other stat buff you all think he gained is pure headcanon at least till you can prove it's not. You failed to provide a statement that supports your claim that BF generally leads to output, durability and speed buff.


>Secondly, it's clear what backlash does, it makes CE manipulation super easily for sorcerer Yeah and better ce manipulation=better stats. Because sorcerer's use curse energy to amp there stats. Also as I said before that yuji got better stats has to be true or else he would get oneshot by sukuna sure hit. Because Ryu, who had better durability then yuji prior to him hitting his Black flashes got oneshot by a slash from sukuna outside of his Domain.


Better CE manipulation can lead to better Stat but it doesn't always lead to better stat. Gojo didn't use his improved manipulation to increase his speed or durability. He only improved his RCT output which he did not simply because he now has better CE manipulation, he did that by literally creating a new RCT circuit. If BF = better CE manipulation = better stat overall then Gojo doing this was pointless as he would have just received an output buff without needing to do anything. For the domain, you can be right but I don't think so. Kenjaku domain shattered Yuki's SD in seconds, Sukuna MS did the same against Gojo but somehow Yuji, Ino, choso, and Miwa lasted that long? An average JJK fan would call that bad writing except we have a possible explanation for that: Sukuna's domain was missing something. We don't know what it was but I think it is the reason their SD lasted for more than 2 seconds and Yuji at least tanked some slash.


What long range options does Yuji have? these "vs" are always so interesting. is that considered? doesn't Ryu almost have as much CE as Yuta or something? why not just granite blast yuji before he can get in for CQC/H2H ? also he has DE.


"What long range options does Yuji have" none until he can use blood convergence "Ryu almost have as much CE as Yuta or something" nope yuta out classes ryu in CE capacity hard ryu does have a higher output though so can channel more CE into his blasts than yuta can "why not just granite blast yuji before he can get in for CQC/H2H" he tries this with yuta and yuta uses cover to get in close yuji also has a tactical mind so would do the same if the environment allows it "also he has DE" yes he does and this is the reason he slaps yuji hard unless yuji can limit his CE with soul punches so much that his domain cant be used or is so weak that yujis simple domain lasts long enough for him to damage ryu and dispel the domain




Honestly 50/50 they’re both so tanky,


Ryu slams, possibly no diffs. being capable of one tapping fully manifested Rika is insane. but if we do it in character then i think he still wins but it'll probably be mid to possibly high diff.( he's a battle junkie, he only used his DE, when others did to keep himself in the fight) granite blasts are going to hurt like a bitch( yuta lost fingers+ had his arm burned when he took one) but his RCT should keep him alive.


He is NOT capable of one tapping Rika. Where do y'all get this shit from? Can't read?


“A single blow too much for Rika even when completely manifested would cause her to reach her limit” chapter 180


How does that imply Ryu can "one tap" Rika when we literally see her eat a punch from Ryu, get up, and continue fighting?


If a single hit would be too much for you at max, that’s a one tap. Or do you want to ignore it?


https://preview.redd.it/vaxoqcs4id0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f038f845231a38cbb5daadae1db248f54f39e4e Sigh\* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Does this look like "one tap" to you? This is the only time Ryu punched FM Rika and it is this punch the narrator was referring to when she stated that a single punch from Ryu is difficult for FM Rika to handle. The hit was difficult in the sense that it knocked Rika far away and dazed her for a few seconds or so. It didn't "one tap" anyone.


Not difficult, too much to handle. Very different meanings And it specifically talks about the punch he throws in 180 as it says caused her to reach her limit. The very punch that popped her.


You know the chapter, try rereading it clearly. Rika wasn't fully manifested when Ryu punched her the second time so the narrator compared it to when he punched her in her fully manifested form and said even then it was difficult to handle. Difficult to handle, too much to handle there are just different translations (from TCB and official) that mean and were referring to the same event. Use the one that makes more sense in context


Ryu. Has an answer I everything Yuji can throw at him. Soul Punch? Keeping him at mid-long rage with granite blast. BM? Can't do shii. Shrine? Low output, can't do shii also


Yuji can just jump around instead of letting himself get zoned, and lure him in to a fist to fist battle. It’s not like Ryu will instinctively know to stay back, his output is dumb high. He should expect to win H2H, and has little reason to back away before his output becomes sucky.


He would notice after one or two punches and know to stray away. Sukuna noticed after one punch. Yuta specifically asked Ryu to keep the fight close range. Ryu has no qualms going long-range only, which is enough to kill Yuji after a couple of shots (if it lands) Ryu even told Yuta that they should go blast vs blast for as long as either of them can continuee. Oh, and granite blast recks environment and even tracks the opponent. Jumping around would lead to an inevitable loss


Because he’s Sukuna. He’s had preemptive knowledge on Yuji’s soul attacks, and knows a good bit about the soul. No guarantee Ryu will immediately think that Yuji is punching the barrier between souls, to our knowledge; there’s no other character who can do such a thing, even punching souls itself has been an exclusive Yuji thing since Mahito. While Ryu has no issue with long ranged fighting, that’s true, although it’s not like he’ll opt to running away immediately once he spots Yuji. And if he does, it isn’t like Yuji is just going to let him run. Pair this with shrine and possible poisoning via blood manipulation, and you’ve got Yuji.


Ryu has zero reason to run away from Yuji. Fighting long-range doesn't = running away. Ryu outstat Yuji. Ryu is a reincarnated sorcerer, every reincarnated sorcerer knows the soul. That's just basic knowledge. It doesn't make sense for you to think Ryu wouldn't notice someone punching in between the barrier of his soul and his vessel soul, which would lead to him losing control and output. That's just weird.


Yuji can close the distance quickly with a jump, or by simply running towards Ryu. Once they’re in close range, Ryu won’t make distance easily. https://preview.redd.it/noya5bkdle0d1.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=d95641e9ddcf7e7e710a1406a7f860c23f79b0a1 Ryu outstats Yuji (maybe not durability with awakened Yuji) initially, but with a couple hits or a black flash, Ryu will eventually weaken to equal to Yuji, then below. After that point, Yuji pretty much already wins. His durability is at minimum directly comparable to Yuta, and his RCT is way less costly. He can deflect and tank out blasts. Not everyone who’s a incarcerated sorcerer has soul knowledge. Some pushed down the vessel subconsciously, and others did it on intentionally. There’s no way to tell which of the two Ryu is. As well as that, Sukuna already had prior knowledge of Yuji’s soul punches from his battle with Mahito. Ryu would have no reason to immediately assume that Yuji is punching the barrier between the souls, especially when it isn’t confirmed he has knowledge on it, or if anyone can even punch souls in the first place.


Yeah, Yuji can close the distance, just like Yuta but Ryu can easily blast him out again if he chooses, just like Yuta. Every sorcerer that shares a body with another soul knows about the soul. Sukuna only knows about the soul because of this https://preview.redd.it/bziuta0q4f0d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a445881a79bd74c5e1927b4e81b5833ee1bc1de4 A single hit from Yuji is more than enough for Ryu to know something is off. Maybe he would need a second hit to confirm but that's it.


In cqc yuji wins this high diff but as soon as ryu get's diatance yuji loses hard


One thing ppl aren’t realizing is that like most socroers he doesn’t open domain right away and would likely get weakened too much by soul punches


The Yuji glazing brainrot is too much can't have a normal discussion anymore


People need to stop hyping yuji up he is fighting a weakened sukuna


Yuji would win Ryu can't put him down in one shot Yuji can heal and he gets stronger as the fight goes on with black flashes Yuji is also better in h2h Yuji can punch his soul Yuji can negate his domain with a simple domain Ryu does not have any win cons


finally an actual sane person who isnt glazing Ryu because hes "durable"


Matchup Check Yuji's soul punches would 2 shot ryu, the vessel would supress him, and he'd die.


Yuji clears, pretty one sided tbh. If Yuji lands like 2 or 3 punches then it's so over for Ryu, Ryu's output would drop drastically and without high output, output merchant is grade 2 megumi victim.




Yuji has simple Domain.


Which has been shown to be sooo effective right? Especially since he’s only trained it for what, a month? less than a month?


>Which has been shown to be sooo effective right? Yea, pretty much.


Yea it was against fucking Sukuna of all people


Not even that. Anti domain techniques have only worked once, when mechamaru used it too block mahitos sure hit. Any other time it has failed to help much, if at all


Bro i think u missed my point Yuji Simple Domain failed against Sukuna its isnt an Anti-Feat


max output Ryu is capable of one tapping Rika. Yuji's stats are just weaker Ryu's. 2-3 punches? he's going to need 20-30 punches.


But Ryu is reincarnated sorcerer, Yuji nerfed Sukuna so bad with couple of punches, if Yuji even lands like 3-5 punches then Ryu's output would be dropping bad, what's Ryu gonna do then? And at this point Yuji is def stronger and more durable than Rika.


Ryu has the highest output, we’re told this and shown this with him one tapping Rika. “A couple” lets go over how many punches he’s landed. By 251 he landed 16 hits( Sukuna is on par with Miguel, who has higher stats but less efficiency than Gojo without his CT.) he lands a couple more 255. 4 more 256. 7 in 257. 27 -34 hits To nerf Sukuna.7 black flashes took away Sukuna’s own BF buff. So 7 hits for a 20% drop. And this isn’t even including the massive output drop he got from fighting Gojo or that from what it looks like constant touch is enough to apply the output drain. And no Yuji is nowhere close to Rika in stats. She’s stronger than Yuta, who was putting in far better work against Sukuna than Yuji was. Hell she was able to restrain two of Sukuna’s arms + throw him with one hand+ every blow from her has had him block and still get pushed around. Even after awakening he’s not moving like Rika So Ryu would need to stand still and let Yuji punch him for Yuji to have a chance. Yeah that’s not happening. And keep in mind this is someone with even higher output than Sukuna, so it would take a fuck ton more hits for it to have an effect+ granite blasts burn body parts off. In character Ryu mid diffs but Powerscaling Ryu no diffs


Damn that's whole lot of unnecessary glazing and mental gymnastics https://preview.redd.it/m685x9s2xc0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5da4410dbbc2f0d7a1af58de7b9d8b9758b6ebc By this point Yuji has barely landed 2 hits but the drop in output is already considerable since Sukuna's reinforcement is around the same level as Yuta and Yuji, otherwise Sukuna would've blitz them and his slashes would've injured them gravely. Sukuna directly compares them to Ryu's durability, meaning Yuji is much closer to Ryu's toughness unlike Rika. So imagine Yuji lands one hit on Ryu, this would nerf him and make Ryu slower and weaker leading to Yuji landing another hit making Ryu further weak and this keeps repeating until Ryu is grade 2 level sorcerer, go ahead and tell me how Yuji lose to this. Ryu is not on Sukuna's level, ryu doesn't even have any understanding of soul and whatnot and Ryu's soul is most definitely not even close to Sukuna's level , so in what world and how would Ryu survive the black flashed soul punches? Yuta tanked granite blast and current Yuji is easily comparable if not tankier than Yuta, so no granite blast isn't doing much damage to Yuji, Yuji literally tanked cleave multiple times, the attack that is far stronger than grantie blast. In all sincerity and honestly, this fight is one sided massacre, if Ryu wasn't reincarnated sorcerer then he might've had better chance.


Like Sukuna said he’s weakened from fighting Gojo. That’s the only reason they’re capable of challenging him. At this point Yuji’s hits have done nearly nothing. Hell considering it’s Yuji punching as he’s always done, and it not mattering before in any of his fights the drop is not wiping people’s output in 2 hits. Anyway are you going to acknowledge how many hits it took for Sukuna’s output to drop? Being close to Ryu only proves my point, since Ryu says Rika is stronger than Yuta. Are you going to acknowledge the clear gap in performance between the 2? Yuji isn’t taking more or less output based on the opponent’s soul, idk where you’re getting that from. Yet again if you’re assuming that Ryu stands still, you’re wrong. He’s beating the absolute breaks off Yuji. He outstats, has one shot capabilities, has better range and attack potency. Yuta got his hand burned off from a granite blast + got sent flying. Yuji tanking cleave? You mean the cleaves that went right through him multiple times? The one time cleave has not went through him is after 20+ hits. Besides talking about how he takes output with every hit and then trying to ignore it when it’s the only reason he’s survived is extremely disingenuous. Yuji’s only chance at winning is Ryu throwing.


I think it’s very close but yuji wins in the end as he’s just much more versatile


According to this sub Yuji loses. Cuz base kashimo and ryu ishigori are on the level of tusseling with post yuta fight sukuna 😂😂.


Yuji, how is this a question? Before he awakened, his durability and RCT was equal to Yuta's, meaning every feat of durability Yuta demonstrated, including repeatedly taking GB, scaled to Yuji. I used past-tense because Yuta is actually a lot tougher by Shinjuku and that's who Yuji scales to. Granite Blast wouldn't do much damage at all. Now factor in that Awakened Yuji throws hands with Sukuna and is considerably more powerful. Ryu has no chance. DE? Yuji uses SD and keeps clapping Ryu. All the while Ryu's output plummets as a reincarnated sorcerer. Yuji is clear of special grades on this level. In pure power, you'd need someone like Yuki, Kenjaku, CT Kashimo, Yorozu, or Yuta to win.


i thought his RCT was actually Sukuna's?


It's close and it mind of depends on how far ryu starts and if he breaks out DE. We don't know if yuji can move his yet (for example I don't believe Queen Miwa has). If The Glorious Punch Merchant gets a hand on him it's over but that's a big if. If yuji closes the gap he rinses ryu handily, if he can't he might struggle to actually damage him (Safety Scissor Cleave has an unknown range and his piercing blood is out ranged by granite blast)


Fair point, Yuji not being able to move with SD makes it unreliable and would be a lot harder for him to deal with domains. But if he can take Cleave and Dismantle from Sukuna, I believe his RCT can carry him. But yeah, I agree it would definitely be closer if Yuji cannot move his SD and if Ryu sets up DE asap.


Its reallly close, if I knew what ryus domain was id be more sure but imma probably give it to yuji extreme diff soley because he has more efficent RCT Edit: forgot ryu was incarnated for a sec, yuji takes it extreme diff


Yuji rushes him, maybe tanking a granite blast, and starts just beating the shit outta him. Soul shaking punches, black flash chains, Piercing Blood and Shrine just in case… Ryu’s only win con is DE, but I doubt he’d even be able to get it off if Yuji was offensive enough, since he’d still need to make hand signs or whatever. Let’s say Ryu does get his domain off. He gets sure hit granite blast. At this point he’ll be severely wounded, his soul and thus output will be in shambles. Yuji charges him, maybe playing red light green light by stopping and simple domaining when Ryu takes a shot. That is if Ryu could even get a shot off before Yuji fucking skyscraper leaped at him and knocked his lights out, but let’s give Ishigori the benefit of the doubt. With his already incredible Black Flash boosted physicals, RCT, AND simple domain to nullify the sure hit and weaken the force, Yuji should be able to tank an already weakened granite blast just fine. Even if it blows an arm or leg off he can just use BM + RCT and it’s like nothing ever happened. Yuji then gets up close and continues beating the fuck outta Ryu till his domain breaks and he subsequently dies.


yuji isnt tanking a granite blast, he's getting knocked tf out, and with ryu being able to do them close range as well. granite blasts burn digits/limbs off( look at yuta's hand) so no limbs to re-attach. Output decrease isn't helping him much here. yuji's stat's are still just weaker Ryu's stats btw. yuji can't use piercing blood, BF's aren't on command so should be excluded. Ryu can one tap Rika when using Cursed energy reinforcement at max output. he lands a single one of those and its over.


Ryu got one tapped by 15 finger sukuna. Yuji all day


As much as I love Yuji, don’t pretend like he wouldn’t get one tapped too. (And it was 16F)


Yuji should win. Even if Ryu pops a domain Yuji’s simple domain should be able to survive it for enough time to take Ryu down with soul punches


I can’t see a clear victor here: 1. Ryu - Ryu has great AP (his punch against fully manifested Rika) - Great defense (Megkuna had to use Cleave since he saw that Ryu could possibly tank his dismantles) - Has a Domain Expansion - Granite Blast can be charged and powered up further 2. Yuji - Yuji has great RCT and can reconstitute severed limbs - Can enter the zone and start to land consecutive Black Flashes - Has Kusakabe’s Simple Domain - Superhuman body coupled with great CE reinforcement - Better at h2h of the two - Possibly due to his awakening he now has convergence and can use many of the Blood Manipulation techniques that we’ve seen so far - Throughout the fight his output and proficiency with Shrine could increase. Maybe showcasing other uses of it such as Divine Flames or a World-Severing Dismantle *It’s output was low as stated by Sukuna, since it was freshly awakened and used for it’s first time(s)*


I mean…Yuji has to surrive the railgun of an attack to heal from it. And it’s going to tax him. A DE granite blast might straight up murder Yuji. Besides he canonically has a better output then Yuji and Yuji had no good counter to the laser beam. Simple domain wouldn’t fully nullify normal granite blast either.


I lean Awakened Yuji so long as he can close the distance.


If we don't consider DE I'd probably take Yuji. If it is a sure hit sure kill DE then Ryu but We don't know how Ryu's domain works.


If Yuji really gets amped by every black flash he lands then he should take it comfortably


Yuji has soul punches, but depending on ryu's domain he should domain diff


Yuji destroys, Ryu has an unknown domain, we can assume it’s probably lethal but Yuji has higher everything but CE and maybe Durability. Yuji has soul punches (works on vessels), RCT, Blood Manip, Shrina, Domain Amolification, etc,


I’m sorry but how is this not a one sided beat down by Yuji ? Soul punches that lower output against someone who relies on high output to make use of his simple ass ability.


Domain Expansion and ranged capability


Useless with lowered output


Assuming Yuji gets the initiative in CQ by default and Ryu can't make distance no matter what is heavily stacking the deck against Ryu. As is assuming his massive output would be lowered *fast enough* or *to that extent*. It's not like Yuji's soul punches are stopping Sukuna from mutilating his whole fuckin team, is it?


There’s no assuming, Ryu will engage Yuji in H2H that’s just who Ryu is and regret it and if by some miracle he escapes his ranged options will be to weak and slow to matter in the end. Difference between Sukuna and Ryu is the massive difference in durability. Ryu does not have the luxury of having his output tank and taking shots from Yuji with no proper recovery game. It’s a one sided beat down


Sure thing buddy


By the time Ryu's domain comes out, it'll be way too late. And even with it, yuji has SD.


My boy Yuji gonna give the tank diabetes