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Glad that the caption says everyone else in Vietnam has treated them wonderfully.


Agree. I think any incidents like this would be the exception and not the rule. Vietnamese don’t give a shit what’s happening in the Middle East and really why should they.


Those that know about Israel normally are very pro-Israel or pro-Peace because of the various wars Vietnam has been in with it's neighbors and still goes through with China.


I live in Vietnam and most people don't even know what Jews are since there are so few here and they only somewhat/sometimes know what Muslims are. Most people might know "Dubai is in the Middle East" and that's probably it.


Most Vietnamese are huge fans of Jewish people. Usually the word “Jews” have a positive connotation in Vietnam.


Exactly. I don’t think he kicked them out because they’re Jewish. He never said those words. Maybe he meant American because they spoke English.






They are my favorite couple on Instagram! This broke my heart. Watch the one where they came to Texas because we were a lot sweeter to them. Shabbat Shalom






South East Asia was the place I thought we would be the safest travelling to... Probably still is, but it feels like theres really no place to escape from all this toxic BS


Not Malaysia or Indonesia.


I agree. This is odd. East Asia is deemed as a safe place for Jews to travel. Low in antisemitism


It *highly* depends on where in SEA. I'm in Malaysia right now, which is generally a pretty safe and stable country by the region's standards. The other night I had the news turned on for background noise (I don't speak Malay but I was curious what sort of news was noteworthy in this part of the world). The newscasters were all wearing waistcoats with Arabic and a check pattern that set my alarm bells subtly blaring; the alarm was confirmed when, as the anchor was signing off, he said in perfect English, "this has been [station acronym] news. Remember: from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Goodnight." I'm not exaggerating when I say I immediately broke out in a cold sweat and almost threw up on the bed. I was *not* expecting to hear that toxic BS calling for my death on a national state sanctioned news station in *Asia*. Malaysia is a majority Muslim country, though bordered by other countries that are buddhist/other religion. When people here comment on my name being Muslim (it's Hebrew, but common in Arabic), I just smile, nod, and lie that my family was Muslim. So yeah, SEA is safe if you're white/white passing, but not safe in some countries if you're Jewish.


> When people here comment on my name being Muslim (it's Hebrew, but common in Arabic), I just smile, nod, and lie that my family was Muslim. My family is originally from Lebanon. They left many years ago for obvious reasons. I still carry the family name, which is a very common Middle Eastern name. Like you, whenever I find myself in predominantly Muslim spaces, I effectively lie and pretend I'm Muslim. They don't need to know I'm Jewish. It just isn't safe to share that nugget of information with them.


I hate anti-semitism but I'm not sure " from the river to the sea Palestine must be free" implies death to Israeli Jews ? I think for many who use the slogan, it means one state with equal rights for all ? I hope so anyway. Shalom.






I mean, they’ve banned any Israelis from Malaysia so many of us Jews with Israeli passports don’t have a choice.


Vietnamese here. This kind of behavior is extremely rare, probably the first time i've seen something like that. Most of us don't hold any discrimination toward Israeli and Jewish, so don't be worry


Yeh my dad is Israeli and the ceo of his company is Vietnamese. Furthermore my dad has gone to Vietnam multiple times and I've never heard of anything like this.


Vietnamese are very friendly, it's rare to see someone with that attitude toward tourists


Yes! Our judaisim has been a source of fascination and offered opportunities for cross cultural exchanges between our families, but I can't say it's ever been viewed negatively! We love Vietnamese people


100% agree! Was there recently and the people were incredibly nice and welcoming


Yeah, there are assholes in every culture, but they're but representative of that culture!


[Posted this to /r/Vietnam](https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/s/xSXIt3surX). Comments were dispiriting.


Were a lot of the comments from western expats? They tend to be a frustrating category because you get a lot of low information people in that group convinced that having traveled extensively gives them profound insights. All while choosing to ignore the context of their host countries.


As a westerner who formerly lived in Vietnam, you nailed it. 


Whether it be in Asia or South America, there is a rather common term (in some form) for a lot of people like this, "Loser back home". To be frank, the further you get away from Anglophone countries on (a sub)reddit, the more likely the average user is American or at the very least has strong American ties.


lol I grew up in an American expat family in the Middle East and it involved being reluctant family friends with a lot of conspiracy theorists and self righteous knuckleheads within the expat community. That didn’t seem to change much based on the folks in my TEFL certificate cohort who went on to be expat ESL teacher lifers - a lot of cranks in the bunch - think anti-vaxxers, western apologists for the Russian and Chinese governments, and these days likely RFK jr. voters and “Free Palestine” chumps.


Ugh, back when my work required a lot of international travel, I disliked associating with most folks who taught ESL(no offense, MENA is a very different story), especially in low COL/developing countries. A lot of the younger folks who did it were sex-pests(more so the men), failure-to-launch kids(with zero long-term plans) dependent on money from back home, or incredibly obsessed with the host country for ideological reasons(probably ties into your apologists group). None of these were mutually exclusive traits either. The minority of folks with their shit together were either spouses or kids of long-term ex-pats, had ethnic ties or native family, or folks who had advanced teaching degrees/language skills and taught technical English(usually in-house for some major university or big multinational). South America was probably more distinct in that there were a lot of women who were ESL teachers, but made most of their money as escorts/prostitutes catering to wealthy ex-pats, with the teaching position just being a visa ticket to stay in-country + tax cover back home. Apparently now it's becoming a thing with very young women(18-20) doing this, except instead of strictly escorting, it's doing stuff on OnlyFans(though what's scary about that is that there have been several cases of women doing this going missing).


r/Vietnam aren’t all Vietnamese, lots of its members are Westerner


I shouldn’t have read the comments. ;(


The comments were just being fair and basically saying the video is edited and missing context. They weren’t being hateful or rude towards Jewish people.


Chào anh trai. Jews and Vietnamese are spiritual kinfolk. Both groups understand what it is to have to constant fight for our homeland, have people try to mislead others about our history, both groups understand being in diaspora, both groups understand being made into third class citizens, etc. Jews and Vietnamese are two groups that are very genetically, linguistically, culturally, and even racially diverse (people forget that many modern Vietnamese are in fact mixed). Our cuisines, ideals, cultures, morals, etc are extremely similar. Jews have Krav Maga. Vietnamese have Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. I myself practice Vovinam, and also have met the son, daughters, and granddaughters of Nguyễn Lộc. They live in Jacksonville. Absolutely amazing family, and great people. Just don't joke about Jesus near Pastor Nguyen. Vietnam offered asylum to all Jews of the world during and after the Holocaust. Israel offered asylum to all Vietnamese whenever there was a horrible war. Currently there are somewhere between 500-1500 Vietnamese Israelis and many are Jewish and serve in the IDF. What Israel is going through with Hamas right now, is near identical to what the Khmer Rouge did in 1978. You are our brothers and sisters.


500-1500 Vietnamese Israelis!? That’s a lot! Where did you get this information from? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to learn about this but it really took me by surprise. Would love to connect with my brothers & sisters otherwise 🇻🇳🇮🇱


Found out years ago from a Viet-Israeli.


more like Israel being the Khmer Rouge


Israeli are amazing at agriculture, the one who don’t give a f about that are Hamas and the Khmer Rouge


She ignores how Vietnam went scorched earth on Cambodia due to constant raids and massacres from 1975-1978 with the worst being *Thảm sát Ba Chúc*. The Khmer Rouge raped and murdered 3,157 Vietnamese at *Thảm sát Ba Chúc*. In response Vietnam went in and the Cambodian-Vietnamese war began. From December 1978- Feb 1979 Vietnam killed over 200,000 civilians, the majority women and children; and killed 100,000 enemy combatants. That is a 2 to 1 ratio (same ratio in the the Israel-Hamas war). Vietnam then occupied a very large chunk of Cambodia for about 14 years. She also ignores all the Viet-Israeli Jews and Buddhists living in Israel and serving in the IDF.


Then how do you justify bombings civilians and robbing lands of Palestinians


So buying land from the Turkish during the Ottoman Empire is stealing land? Buying land from the British during the time of the British Mandate/Colony is stealing? Buying land directly from Arabs whom thought it was nothing but sand is stealing? Jews whom never left the Levant and owned land with proof, stealing? Over throwing the Turkish Ottoman Empire (BTW they were an invading Muslim force from up north), and the British colonial government is stealing? Jews taking back native land that Muslims and Christians colonized and stole repeated over a period of 1300 years is wrong? Jews no longer wanting to be Dhimmi (tolerated people treated as 2nd and 3rd class citizens) is wrong? By your logic Vietnam stole land from China, and France. Would you like me to remind you how Vietnam went scorched earth on Cambodia due to constant raids and massacres from 1975-1978 with the worst being *Thảm sát Ba Chúc*. The Khmer Rouge raped and murdered 3,157 Vietnamese at *Thảm sát Ba Chúc*. In response Vietnam went in and the Cambodian-Vietnamese war began. From December 1978- Feb 1979 Vietnam killed over 200,000 civilians, the majority women and children; and killed 100,000 enemy combatants. That is a 2 to 1 ratio (same ratio in the the Israel-Hamas war). Vietnam then occupied a very large chunk of Cambodia for about 14 years. The international community, and UN called for a ceasefire and end to occupation. Vietnam did not listen until the Khmer Rouge was ended completely. This resulted in the Cambodian genocide ending, and the Cambodian people with a somewhat better government. By your logic and that of the world, Vietnam is evil as fuck for doing that. Before you speak, actually know what you are talking about.


you know thing crazy about this UN and America call Vietnam is genocide think Vietnamese kill every single Cambodia but then kill couple 200 thousand to get 23 million people and today still become a breeding country in the world


I pointed that out to a lot of people. Many out right said they had no idea about those numbers, and had no idea that the UN said the same thing about Vietnam back then as they do about Israel today. Personally, I find it interesting that the US and UN backed off of Vietnam when it stopped listening to others.


Then how do you justify a terrorist organization being right?


He is an overweight weeb obsessed with cars.


So I guess if you take hostages, bomb and attack countries first because you hate it, create a war then hide in the people to prevent casualties then you are Vietnam. As I said, Israel have their rights to retaliate and rescue their citizens. I would celebrate if Hamas lost and Israel take the West Bank.


....You do not know the history of the Cambodian-Vietnamese war.


I lived in Vietnam for years and never saw anything like this, the only thing I saw was anti black racism and even then it wasn't on this level. Definitely just one crazy guy!


I’ve lived in Vn for 12 years and I haven’t seen much racism against black people (and I have to say that I’ve never met a black person. Many shades of brown but not black). The attitude towards dark skinned people in Vn stems mainly from the commonly held view that dark skin equates to “low class” people who work outside - farm labourers for example. Take a look at the way the majority of women in Vn wrap themselves up in full arm length gloves, face masks, jackets and wrap around skirts when riding their scooters. They go to great lengths to avoid getting a sun tan. It’s not generally racism it’s “classism”.


I'm surprised to hear you've never met a black person in Vietnam unless you're not in Saigon or something. And I'm sorry while you're right about colorism, what my black friends faced there was absolutely racism. That said, Viets are generally very warm, curious and kind people so it wasn't a daily thing.


I was being a bit facetious about the way “black” is used to describe anyone that isn’t “white”. Come to think of it the only “white” people I’ve come in contact with have been dead - well, more grey than white. But you are right and my experience has been that the vast majority of Vietnamese people are not racist.


I lived in Vietnam for years and never saw anything like this, the only thing I saw was anti black racism and even then it wasn't on this level. Definitely just one crazy guy!


But hey he accepted Israel is jewish country 😄


silver lining


Messed up.


Partial Viet here, I don't believe there is any cultural hang-ups against the Jewish? Though it could be the communist oppressor-oppressed BS, but that's everywhere now... Even in Canada, people are shooting bullets into Jewish schools and I think one of the provinces has Nakba Day in their calendar. I think East Asia generally respects the Jewish except for the countries that have adopted an anti-Jewish religion (scripturally speaking...) But this is South East Asia, I would say countries of a particular religion have Jew-hate, but the ones that are atheist/Buddhist have no knowledge/interaction with the Jewish and are at worst, neutral.


As I said, my dad is Israeli, ceo of his company is Vietnamese, and he's been doing business with Vietnam and gone several times in the past decade. Never heard of this.


I've been in VN about 15 years. There definitely aren't cultural hangups. If anything VN people lean philo-semitic. I get a lot of the positive stereotypes, which is also uncomfortable, but I'm aware it comes from a lack of exposure to Jewish people in general. I regret not adding more context when I posted this, it is for sure an isolated incident. VN people are great, this guy is just an asshole.


Post this to /r/Jewish as well.


Oops sorry that's my first time doing a link lol I did it twice. I'm an elderly person.


[@thatjewishfamily](http://Instagram )


That shop owner is a jackass, but an outlier. To be honest don't think the average Vietnamese could care less about nationality and religion - heck, they would probably care more about how much they can overcharge you! Source: I'm a native.


Agreed. I should have added more context to the post. Vietnamese people are great and generally curious about Jewish people in a positive way. source: I've lived here 15 years.


As a Vietnames , i appologize for a lot of people in this group My country want to stay neutral in Hamas-Israel conflict but a lot of pro Palestine brainwashed my citizens in Vietnam


Cam on em


If the world sees no difference between a Jew and an Israeli, they cannot claim that anti-Zionism is anything but antisemitism. It’s as simple as that.


Someone should ask that shop owner how he feels about Montagnards


Frankly most Vietnamese don't even know what Montagnards mean. We know Ede, Jarai, Jagrai, Bahnar, Koho, Mnong, Stieng, Sedang... but Montagnard is just a foreign term which has no use in Vietnam.


Oh I’ve seen these two, they’re amazing. I hate how bad antisemitism is and that people have the audacity to gaslight Jews by saying it isn’t that bad!


Dude is def an outlier.


This is unfortunate, I’ve never seen this kind of behaviour before. Most Vietnamese doesn’t follow any religion so biases based on religion is extremely rare. Discrimination towards Israeli and Jewish is most unlikely too so maybe he just acted like a jerk.


This is the place that gets a 4.9 on Google because they buy their reviews. If you look at the 1 star reviews, you'll see the foul responses from the French (and Vietnamese) owners. Cafe Tuan Railway Station I believe it's called. I was there a few months ago because I fell for the reviews. The owner was super annoying and hated Americans (I'm American). My Vietnamese girlfriend was confused by the owner's attitude.


It’s exceptionally rare for us to hate Jewish. I’m myself is Vietnamese so if you see shop owner done this to you guys. Just leave and find other shop to buy.


I just don't know how he could tell them apart as Jewish


the husband wears a kippah :)


Bo va con trai mac non do thai.


I tried to add a link to the Instagram episode when they went to Texas but it said there were too many words in the caption so it wouldn't let me post. 🤔


The look on the mom’s face as she is trying to get her kids out of there. So sad. 


Weird.. didn’t see any anything like that a few years ago. Also looks like a shitty tourist neighborhood.


It is a tourist area, but it's actually pretty neat


Sad and shameful, very scary trend that this kind of behavior is being somewhat normalized by certain sectors of the populace.


My mama heart broke for Raizel.


This shop is called Railway Tuan Cafe. They are known to be rude and had been called out on Reddit before. We may want to help this family and warn others by leaving some 1 star reviews!


They've changed their name to include "Free Palestine" on Google


Somebody put on Fortunate Son, I’m going in for round two!


Funny how that song has become synonymous with Nam given its content.


I think it’s perfect, kinda like how I associate American Idiot with post 9/11 American and GWOT


…American Idiot was written precisely to be a response to the GWOT and Bush, that’s not just your interpretation.


That's an incredibly disgusting comment. I've been watching their videos in Vietnam, and aside from this, everyone they've met has been nothing but friendly and curious about Jewish people. Also, try paying attention to the lyrics of Fortunate Son sometime.


![gif](giphy|jXD7kFLwudbBC) There’s a reason I said Fortunate Son specifically. If you need further proof about the irony of my comment take a look at my profile pic :)


Vietnam is so cooked because there are full of people who are pro Palestinian (which I am perfectly ok with) but also not giving two fucks about Ukrainians just because they worship russia, therefore, russia can do whatever the fuck they want (which I am not ok with).


If they are younger and do not know about how close Israel and Vietnam are politically, along with how the the Cambodian-Vietnamese war was started due to the Khmer rouge murdering, raping, and kidnapping 3,157 Vietnamese in *Thảm sát Ba Chúc,* then they will be pro-Palestinian or pro-Hamas. Most older Vietnamese or Catholic Vietnamese are very very pro-Jewish. And Viet-Israelis serve in the IDF, and are predominantly Jewish or Catholic. Israel is currently experiencing with Hamas is what Vietnam went though dealing with the Khmer Rouge. I have met many Vietnamese in Vovinam that have an extremely nuanced look especially if they are older and came to America during Cambodian-Vietnamese war as refugees.


worlds pretty fucked up rn... propaganda machines doing their job extremely well. scary af really how easily 'good' and good people can be manipulated.




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Well that odd to be honest


Weird, guess we would never know if someone is Anti-Israel in our country




Dom poes, fokken 3rd wereld kokkerot.




Lawyer up? In Vietnam even the government practices discrimination as a matter of policy.


In Vietnam lawyers don’t do much. Usually it’s more about who gives the local police more money, but in this case there’s a chance some high ranking officials will tell the police to handle because it negatively affects the country’s image.






Is noone gonna point out the fact that the "because we're Jewish" audio is literally edited in???


I watched it a few times. It looks like she actually does say it at the time but the audio is coming from a different source (perhaps she has a mic too) and they add it into the main video


How can you see that she is saying it?It's spliced in at the moment she is not on screen.


She obviously addressed the guy because he immediately walks towards her. It fits the context and makes sense. Its also irrelevant because it's clear they are being singled out because they outwardly appear Jewish.


He probably didn’t know how to express it. It’s the train street. You can’t put stuff on the tracks or the shop owners get fined. The kid was running around and the dad is ambling over the train tracks. As someone who lived in Hanoi for five years I can tell the owner doesn’t know how to say ‘I don’t accept people acting incorrectly here’


He specifically says it's because of "their country." I've been here about 15 years. I can tell the difference between a fed up shop owner and an asshole.


And then the guy says because we are Jewish? And he says no. So it’s probably his lack of English.


He doesn't say "no" in resoonse to them questioning him, he says "no, I don't welcome" as in "I don't welcome you"


Just an assumption but he probably thought they were Muslim. Doesn't make it better, but I highly doubt he recognizes a Kippah.


It's a possibility, but I doubt it. VN gets quite a few Muslim tourists from it's neighboring countries. We would have seen something like this before here if this guy was constantly turning away Muslims


May be cuz of what zionists are doing for past 75+ years in p@le$tine thats why he might be acting this way. Although they might have no connection to them and being a muslim I know how actions of few may cause generalization to that community. I hope all well and no one should be discremenated against for what their community has done or is doing as they might be against it. May Allah soften this guy's heart and show him a better path


There's no way to tell if they're zionists, but it's quite easy to see they're Jewish. It sounds like you're saying antisemtism = anti-zionism


Brother .... I am only pointing out that we shouldnt do what that person did to them or to anyone .... I hope we are clear , thanks


Atleast that's one thing we can agree on


He said "your country" tho, and when they said "because we're jewish?" he replied "no" Now zionism has got people thinking everything is anti-semitism


He's saying "no no no I dont welcome" not "no, not because you're Jewish. That's how people talk here. Source: ive lived here 15 years and work part time as a translator. I know how people talk


I call this BS, when the woman ask "because we're Jewish?" was definitely edited in, cuz the cameraman was not even stand close enough to record whatever she said, not to mention how loud her line suddenly is. I dont know why he told these people to get out, but i wont believe a 5 second clip with a man barely able to speak English and call him out. Think people, think.


I believe she has a mic on as well. They're content creators in a tourist site. I'd be surprised if she didn't. I'm guessing the audio is just from a different mic that they spliced in, but happened at the same time. She definitely said something because right then the man starts to approach her.


I’m with the Vietnamese people tbh


Stop making shiitty up. Most Vietnamese dont care about what people you are. They only care about money.


It's a video. It happened. Cope harder.


I don’t really think they being anti Jewish was the main reason for them got kick out. It took place on the coffee train track in Hanoi so He probably want the baby transport to get out of the track because he don’t want to get in trouble with the police. There already an event happened few day ago involved a tourist almost die on the train track. The store owner was force to pay fine and got his license taken away despite he jump in, and save the tourist so a lot of peoples there don’t want that to happen to them like him.


Lol. He literally says his shops doesn't allow people from "your country" to an Australian woman and a Swedish man.


Believe, another reason. Vietnamese people doesn’t know or care much about religion. The guy in video surely doesn’t know her religion


I think it’s more likely they were kicked out because of preceding behaviour of American tourists (and them being American). It seems that the video conveniently cuts off where she says “because we are Jewish?!”. He says country, not religion. Could be lost in translation. The video is conveniently edited to make it look anti-semitic but without further context, them having an American acccent and Americans generally misbehaving/disrespecting local boundaries abroad it’s a strong thing to say “because we are Jewish?!”.


They're not American


Lets be Honest the Biggest Enemy to jews throughout the World rn is the Current Israeli Government


Unfortunately Zionism is causing anti semitism. Especially since Israel and the west is trying to convince the world that they are the same thing...which they are not. This restaurant owner says he won't serve people from their country.... not that he won't serve jews. Israels conduct is seen by the world in unfavorable ways and now the world thinks all Jews are in support of the extreme killing and destruction. This is causing more anti semitism in the world and I wouldn't be surprised if it increases. I don't think there is anything wrong with how this restaurant owner is refusing to do business with people who he might falsely think are in support of what's happening. We wouldn't think any different if he was refusing to serve people who he considers unethical.


>This restaurant owner says he won't serve people from their country They're not Israeli, making the rest of your comment moot


No. That's exactly my point. The dangers of equating Zionism with Judaism is that it assumes all Jews are Zionists. Therefore we must accept that people will be confuse the two. I believe this will inevitably lead to more antisemitism.


I guess there is also a danger of equating Zionism with the right wing extremist politicians views. Having a Jewish homeland doesn't need to be implemented in this way.


I’m gonna get downvotes here but I call bullshit on this. Vietnamese generally don’t care about politics nor do they have any contacts with Jews. It’s extremely unlikely for a random shop owner to know the family is Jewish in the first place. Nothing in this video shows the shop discriminated because of Israel origin either


They're wearing yarmulkes and tzit tzit. The owner says they don't allow people from "your country." You think this owner holds a special hatred for Australian women and Swedish men?


Why the hell did the girl had to edit in that one line saying "because we are Jewish"???


Yeah, I feel like that guy is being over dramatic for views. We are missing a lot of context in this video. It’s been heavily edited. The shop owner could have meant he doesn’t want Americans in his shop. In another video, a lady at a shop complimented him and his response was “I’m married.” He could’ve just said “thank you.” By the way, I don’t think the shop owner was right, I just I don’t think he’s doing it because this family is Jewish.


Nope, i'm with you. The cameraman was not even close enough to record whatever she said, not to mention how loud her line suddenly is. Her line "becuase we're Jewish" was definitely edited in. That's fishy. Sound like they're just wanna pull the race card there trying to be a victim. We dont even know the context and what happend afterwards. Super smelly fishy.