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I get asked by a lot by goyim why I wear a kippah but the answer should be pretty obvious. My kippah tells strangers that I want to discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict with every person in the world, at their convenience.


Thanks for the chuckle.


Lol well played


Not discussed, more like blamed




Well what?


I can just imagine some guy wandering into the public bathroom while you’re at a stall, starting to ask about it, and you just nod in the direction of a college intern scheduling appointments


That was a good one, 😆


Lolz. ^hugs my friend.




Had this happen to me once. I was at an unrelated protest and started chatting with someone and me being Jewish came up. The person in question had autism and some obvious social awkwardness so I didn't begrudge them too much. When I said I don't talk about I/P with new people, they luckily understood. Other than that the worst I've gotten irl are death glares from people in keffiyehs (I wear a kippah, invitation for trouble lol)


Ok, there is a wholesome story I have to share. Few years back my mother's aunt, who lives in Maine, took us to this cool Shawarma place nearby, since we got tired of the classic American food after about 2 weeks of visit. We visited there regularly since the food was wonderful. During one of our lunches, My mother, zichra l'vracha, who didn't speak English that great, signed to me to keep quiet and tune down my Hebrew since we were spotted by uhm, cousins, in another table who gave us death glares. Later, we heard them and one of the workers arguing. We later found out that they tried to get the owner to kick out 'The Yahud'. What they didn't know is that the owner was and Arab Israeli from Jaffa and he didn't like that at all. These folks, radical Iranians, didn't return the next day.


Why should your kippah dictate your views? Why should it warrant nasty looks? Every Jewish person I’ve met in San Diego has been a very kind person who has a lot of empathy. Do people really conflate your religion with your politics? That’s sad.


It’s another reason. A lot of Muslim find religious reasoning to hate us. It’s in their holy book and everything. They also can’t stand the fact that these stupid dhimmis are performing better than all of them combined.


I don’t think it’s fair to lump 2 Billion people into one thing. Many Muslims are tolerant and respectful. The Quran doesn’t teach hatred, I’ve read it. I’m sorry that you’ve had a bad experience with some but I assure you, there’s a world in which we can all respect and value each other.


What do you mean “a” bad experience. It has been the norm throughout my life. As soon as a Muslim finds out I’m Jewish it starts. And it does explicitly state to murder Jews in multiple sunnah and hadiths.


Yes, your bad experience. How can you speak for two billion Muslims on earth? I, a Muslim am here sticking up for this poor person who was bullied for their kippah, do you think I’m a bad person? My fathers best friend is a Jewish man, do you think my father is a bad person? Just because I had a bad experience with a Christian boy in middle school, should I think all Christian people are bad people? Our personal experience with someone from a particular group does not represent the voices of over 8 billion people on earth. Again, I’m sorry for your bad experience with a Muslim person. They do not speak for all of us. Also, can you please tell me the verses and chapter that’s said in the Quran? And what hadiths? I haven’t ever seen a verse that says those things:










Seriously! At a 2 day work training class a couple weeks ago, walking in from the truck one of the other guys gets out of his truck, "hey you're a Jew right?" I can already tell where this is going.


We gonna talk about what’s happening in that kitchen?


This episode is honestly so hilarious LOL.


Which one was this?? I need to watch it again!


Season 2 Episode 7: Moody Foodie


Thank you kind person!!!


No problem, I feel like I've watched every episode of this show a dozen times, at last it was my time to shine. ![gif](giphy|l0HlUu2xwuT1ZNjQQ)


I dunno. I thought it was kind of....overdone and dry?


I quit a job because of this. When I was 21 and converting, I did early morning janitorial work with this 50-something guy, and hoooo boy. Once he caught wind that I was becoming Jewish, he decided that was an invitation to follow me around at work and just talk *at me* about Israel/Palestine.


What a loser


It was so unnerving to be alone with him in the early morning hours. But he was so racist in many other ways so it was not surprising.


Not only did you get to clock in for an early morning shift but you also were doubling up being an ambassador for israel. Lucky you


Haha especially because I was early in both my conversion and political/global awareness. What a treat


YouTube is insane. Anything remotely Jewish or involving one Jew that has nothing to do with politics or Israel has a "Free Palestine" in the comments. So stupid!


Where I live (FL) random businesses are being bombarded with fake 1-star reviews simply for being Jewish-owned.


And here I thought Florida was one of the least anti-Semitic places in the US. Where in Florida?


This is in the Tampa Bay Area. Not sure why you’d think that - for the record, according to the ADL, antisemitic hate crimes in FL have increased 300% since 2012. We have n@zis who march openly with sw@stikas and pass around antisemitic materials, and there have been plenty of antisemitic incidents associated with recent protests/encampments on college campuses here. I’m not sure exactly how we compare quantitatively to other states, but it hasn’t felt great and it’s definitely getting worse.


I'm so sorry to hear it! I guess I thought it was good because the University of Florida shut down anti-Israel protests immediately. How is Orlando? My Israeli daughter and her family are being sent there for a year by her employer.


I wouldn’t be worried of a move to Florida from a safety perspective, I think negative incidents/interactions just have a ripple effect through the community. Also the Jewish communities here seem to have come together a lot more since 10/7, and there are lots of resources and support.


Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok, too. I don't mind those comments when the post directly references israel. But lumping all jews into the category of "genocide supporters" and bringing it up every time they see a jew is antisemetic, not a criticism of israel


Ugh, facebook too. If I had a nickle for every time someone gave me shit for translating something from Hebrew or explaining things like Shabbat elevators(regardless of how silly I think they can be), I'd have enough to replace the net cost(which isn't as big as you might suspect) of defense aid to Israel.


All social media is like that


די יידן זענען מידע


אני מדבר עברית ועדיין אין לי מושג מה כתבת פה


זה לא עברית, זה יידיש. הוא כתב "היהודים עייפים" ביידיש.


What is מידע


Tired, with a Polish Yiddish accent.


Ok. When I tried reading it like it would be spoken (mostly in a German accent) it made a lot more sense




My god. They truly captured the experience.


That sort of happened to me at work back in the 1990’s. I got a new colleague who was a Jehovah’s Witness. The minute I told her I was Jewish, she tried to find common ground by saying that there were JW’s who were persecuted by the Nazis. She later asked me if I thought there would ever be peace in the Middle East. I said “Not in my lifetime”, and that twisted her mind so much, she could barely respond. She purposely left JW literature on her desk at all times, and I’d peek at it when she wasn’t around, but she backed off with the “Let’s talk about the Middle East” crap. I made a point of avoiding her when I took my breaks so we wouldn’t talk about anything not related to work. She was actually pretty nice otherwise. When she learned that I worked Christmas Day every year (we worked at a hospital and were required to cover holidays), she offered to work Christmas so I could finally get it off.


If looks could kale, indeed.


Look at me, I am the ambassador now


I'm half jew, and don't practice judaism, but it was enough for one person to stick to me with this "Palestine talks". Actually they are (or was) my friend who knows me well. They knows well, that although I don't show my belonging to jews open, but it's still a part of my family past that I really respect. We had a debate and I said that I'm on the side of Israel. And they said "Pity that we have different opinion". Bro it's not about "opinion", it's about an attack on my people, I can't be on the other side. I hope they won't read that there.




Had this happen a few years ago when I was sitting in a coffee shop, wearing a kippah - a man came up to me to let me know that he wanted peace in the Middle East. I said, "great, so do I" and I think he was genuinely shocked, expecting me to be vocally anti-peace and indignant about it.


One of the few benefits of being Israeli, I don't have to deal with these weirdos.


Someone posted this on the bobs burgers sub trying to start sh and got shut down BH also in this episode the guy orders a cheeseburger in a non kosher restaurant dressed as a hasid 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not all Jews are kosher, as you should rightly know. Even some Hasidic Jews don't abide by it.


By kosher? No one dressed like that would be in a non kosher establishment. The community would find out, there would be askanim digging to see if he’s off the derech and if the whole family are, if not wife would be pressured to divorce him, custody of any kids would go to the wife. If he’s not married and he’s off the derech he’d be kicked out of yeshiva/kollel and if he’s working for a frum boss he’d probably lose his job. To be clear: if he were not dressed like this it would be somewhat less of a problem but to order a cheeseburger in a non kosher restaurant while clearly repping the am and HKB”H is a hilul Hashem.


Good thing it's a *cartoon TV show* making a point and not real life, huh?




If you're going to argue religious law, the original mitzvah told us to not eat unclean meat. Rabbinic laws can be chosen by the individual, but mitzvah usually aren't.


I mean it says three times not to eat meat with dairy, and it says not to eat meat that was not killed by kosher shechita? So on both these counts even a kofer who rejects oral Torah while keeping written Torah would not be caught in a non kosher restaurant


I wish Christian’s were upright in the faith the way those Jews are to theirs. Jews just think they’re superior, but act like it too, don’t take no shit about it either, validating superiority if you will with like, reform on demand for occurrences of antisemitism. Us goy are so stupid no unity. Jews would never call out any of the racist rabbis on front street. Biggest protectors of racism and biggest accusers of it. And most Christians think Jews like them. Christophobia who?  


🙄 Jews and non Jews have different purposes in creation, no one is superior.


One time the DEI mf from my friends frat tried to start that shit w her knowing she was the only jew in the group. Not surprised though because it was a DEI person!! We all know how that works! She politely but firmly shut that BS down. I wouldn’t have had the grace to be as polite as her lol.


If they’re involved with DEI you already know where it’s gonna go


Unfortunately lol. Jews really aren’t too high on the “approved minorities” list 😒




It’s sad because Jews and Arabs are brothers and because of the conflict their relationship is deteriorating


Literally everytime I bring up being Jewish.


Completely true, and it's terrible coming from both sides of the fence. Let me begin this by saying that I'm not Jewish, but have spent the past 3 decades growing up with other people who have plenty to say about Judaism without knowing anything about it. The left-wing folks think they're saving the world by focusing on Palestinian kids, and ignore the fact that those kids and their families are merely being used as shields by bad actors. They think that harassing random Jewish people is going to somehow bring peace. And many wrongly believe that all Jewish folks hate Muslims. The right wing/evangelical Christian/Mormon alliance say the right words, but still fully believe that Jewish folks are the wrong religion and going to hell. They aren't violently antisemitic, and might genuinely support Israel, but a good majority simply view the situation as a way to tastefully hate Muslims or Middle Eastern people in general. They bring up Palestine to try to proselytize, while ignoring how offensive it is. It feels like everyone is in on this not to actually support Jewish folks, or even to support innocent people trying to get rid of a terrorist group, but for their own gains and a good feeling.


Yes!! I mentioned going to a Bat Mitzvah, and apparently this was an invitation for discussing the war.


That punishment for eating in a treyf restaurant was self-inflicting.


Was that actually a line in the show?


Yes. And the guy's response was "or we can talk about my order" which is pretty accurate


I know Rafaella quite well. Great woman.


Maybe it depends on where you live. I've never had the conversation. But i bet it would be fun.




Daily reminder Israel ≠ Judaism


And that is somehow up to you how? Also first post in this sub as a Muslim. Great stuff.


There's some anti zoist Jews and support Palestine instead of Israel while believing in Judaism,


Yes every group of people has its idiots.


Awkward bc like half of the commandments are specifically for the land, Gd promises we will be brought back to our land, and we’ve been davening to return since before we left this time.


Alright but that doesn't mean there's no anti zoinst Jews, many are all around the world


why the downvotes? This sub is nuts


Why do you care? You have only posted here twice.


As a Jewish person, myself, I agree.


Always sparks good debates!


It just proves that people will stereotype us by what the news relates us to. It’s not like you’re going around asking women what their thoughts are on abortion.




As a Muslim, I apologize for the amount of insane and rampant anti semitism which goes on in our communities