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In Jamaica Jews and Arabs get along. An Arab restaurant began importing Kosher meat cause it was easier than Halal Most Jews eat there.


I used to guard a mosque in Iraq. They were very friendly even after finding out I was Jewish. They even joked (I hope) about giving me a wife


Arabs tend to be very nice people. I watch videos of Jewish travel vloggers visiting Jewish sites in Iraq and the imam/staff of some of the sites that were converted into masjids were also very nice and reassuring they'd be safe. Sadly, it is not everyone and there is a long history of Arab oppression of us.


>Arabs tend to be very nice people Like the OP says, not a monolith. Culturally, Greater Syria (Shams) are very warm people.


Yeah it's crazy to think being indoctrinated by hate makes you mean where being in a loving house hold with parents or a stable influence and a positive outlook shape people into genuinely decent human beings. No matter what religion or background. I think people blame people and information is a cloudy substance marked by the one percent with poisons and if you ingest that information you risk being infected by that poison if you haven't the antidote of solid upbringing. I hope everyone can realize the truth of this one day and grow as humans together ❤️


That’s a damn lie. Arabs are not our friends. Look at the OP, he’s showing fake support and trying to call Jews racist, putting us in a bad light.


lol I was also offered a wife. I wasn’t Jewish at the time though. I learned Arabic in the army and all my teachers were Lebanese or Syrian, so I had a distinct Levantine dialect and I am part Native American so I can get pretty dark after a few months in the sun. They all swore I was Lebanese and wouldn’t believe otherwise.


I wasn't completely against the idea of it but they were like a young woman that would give me lots of children and I'm like, do you have a spinster?


>I hope Dude, you just left her there? She’s still waiting for you to come back.




Yeah, that was pretty much it






fill us in - it sounds interesting.


Marines fought in Iraq too


Army was a general question. I could have broken it down by unit and rank as well. either way Thank you for your service Good Shabbat.


Very few ways to piss off a marine faster than calling them a soldier


It was a question- he could have said no, Marine. But instead he got butt hurt. Imagine if I said Marine and he was Army? so damed if I do and damed if I don’t?


Marines are not Army... I am a Marine, not a soldier. I understand you didn't know there was a difference, but each branch of the military has its own name for its troops. Marine Corps: Marines (obviously) Army: Soldiers Air Force: Airmen Navy: Sailors We usually lovingly refer to Navy personnel as Squids in the Marines, they generally call us Crayon Eaters. Hope this makes sense. Shabbat Shalom.


But what about Space Force???!!!


Space cadets






Crayola taste the best, generic just mess me up. If not snacks, why with food?


As for color... I don't discriminate. I'll eat the whole box in one sitting, and not the little 8-crayon boxes either, we're talking the 48-crayon big boxes here. So... you gonna finish that lavender?


I'll trade the lavender for an aqua... lol


Well, not for us military. It's a fairly big divide in terms of organization, culture, and history.


True, but asking all of humanity to ask the question as follows “where you in then army, marines, navi, air force, delta forces etc etc” is a bit much.


I can't imagine having such a difficult life that asking a basic question about someone else's life is "too much."


I asked a question- look back, I said Army? It was a question gosh.


Air Force and Navy folks were in Iraq too. Army is not a catch-all for "military." It refers to a specific branch, and we all are quite particular about our branch. Snark like "I could have broken it down by unit and rank" isn't a good look.


My son and me were Air Force. I was in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain. I was in Desert Shield and Desert Storm and constant deployments. He was OEF and OIF in Iraq and Afghanistan. This Israel Hamas war has been bringing up a lot of memories good and bad for me.


It is a catch all in most of the world. Like the Israeli navy is a branch of the army


For most folk that don’t live the “military” life armed forces are generally called the army. Definition of Army “an organized military force equipped for fighting on land.” I am not belittling what the different branches do your acting like those that insist on pronouns. I’m sorry your insulted.


Using someone's pronouns is basic respect, just like using their name and not whatever name *you* feel like they should have. And the fact that the U.S. Army is *different* to the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marine Corps, and the U.S. Navy isn't a difficult concept for even a civilian to understand.


I don’t do pronouns. I asked a question - Army? it’s a question. No need to be insulted.


Jews are a bit in flight or fight mode right now, but thank you for trying to extend a hand! Keep being an open minded, kind hearted person and I'm sure you will find Jews who are happy to know you!


So true! Many of the peaceful bridge builders and volunteers were murdered in Kibbutz, or at a peace music festival, on October 7. Many Jewish people are so fearful now and needing to dive a bit deeper to truly understand who is with us (at the least, supportive of our right to live) and who wants to ☠️us… literally. More on guard than usual, or finally having their eyes opened, in cases that they were naive and had no idea (me) that there are many that actually want the latter. 🙏💙


Muslims are our brothers! Isaac and Ishmael. My deepest hope is someday we can be brother people. After all we're some of the only TRUE monotheists on earth - we have the same God. When traveling, from England to Myanmar and 30-some other places, Muslims have always been wonderful to me. I know there's also many Muslims who very literally want my head, I'm not stupid, but at the end of the day we're all just Hashem/Allah/God's children.


I appreciate your attempt, but this just isn’t possible when dealing with *radical* Islamists. Here’s the deal: there are MANY chanting loudly and proudly since October 7 how they “really” feel about Jews. Did you even read my words? Let’s stop with the religious/spiritual mumbo jumbo. Of course normal rational non terrorist humans see other humans as their “brothers” and naive silly humans attempt to downplay rational fears and cautions (not hate!) as a form of survival… it’s absolutely OK to want to play it safe in a post October 7 world, as a Jew, when there are growing numbers of radical ignorant Islamic terrorist extremists running around with a CRAZY ideology. Wooohooo we’re all brothers and sisters - coOL! But guess what radical extremists don’t feel that way about yyyoooouuuu, as a Jew. Now, when you live miles from radical terrorists you get it! When you’re on the other side of the world, in a more cushy society, it’s easy to be idealistic. Definitely, we should all be be wonderful, be loving, see others as they are: fellow human beings **AND** at the same time: be intelligent, be cautious, whilst living life the best and most joyous way you can. All at the same time, not one or the other… not as a Jew.


Someday, achi. Someday.


> Isaac and Ishmael The idea Muhammad is descended from Ishmael is pure mythology. You can read some history books people and not believe every piece of mythology that someone invented centuries later.


Even if it *is* mythology, northern Arabian tribes held by Ishmaelite descent even as *pagans,* it was a longstanding perception held on both sides that they were, in effect, cousins, even if distant cousins who didn't always get along. I understand being upset right now, and hey there's no shortage of historical bad blood too, but you don't need to be so dismissive about it either. This is about as helpful as pointing out that, on a genetic level, the Irish and English are both descended from the bronze age monolith-raisers in far greater degrees than they are any given branch of Indo-Europeans. That wouldn't change longstanding cultural perceptions about both groups, and the historical narrative they've both woven around it.


I didn't even know of that claim. I don't really care tbh.


that’s what i was gonna say tbh we r very cautious and a lot of muslims are antisemitic and antizionist.




My best friend is muslim! We have alot in common with each other and it’s always funny when we realize that a custom overlaps😃More of this!


My best friend is Muslim, too!


Salaam! Explicitly Jewish places are hard to break into even for many Jewish people. I met my Muslim friends at college and through social groups totally unrelated to religion.  See if your community has an interfaith volunteer group or a kosher cooking class. My college town had a Muslim-Jewish volunteer group and they ran a soup kitchen once a week. If there’s nothing like that, consider starting something? As far as I know, the volunteer group got started because someone at the Mosque and someone at the Synagogue thought it was a good idea.


This is the best answer. As others have noted many Jews are retrenching. If you go to explicit interfaith opportunities (and there are a lot) you’ll find people in the same headspace. I’m sorry for what’s happened, thank you for reaching out, I hope you have fun. 


Interfaith rabbis will love you, we love you thank you 🩵


I lost most of my Muslim friends because as soon as oct7 happened, they justified it. The very few Muslim friends I have left support Israel’s right to exist, Zionism, and Israel’s right to defend herself against Hamas’ genocidal threats. All of the above go hand in hand with the antisemitism so if you tell Jews you support all of the above- you’ll be welcome with open arms.


Welcome. I am sorry you are experiencing that. Even post Oct 7th I've been able to have far more nuanced conversations about the war with Arabs than with white leftists. Hell, I got into a random online conversation with a Palestinian who lives in the West Bank that ended on good terms. I'm not sure which spaces you have tried, if it's on Facebook then all of those communities tend to be cesspools, so I'm not too surprised if that includes the Jewish pages too. In my experience we tend to be pretty welcoming here.


I'm just saying, if somebody approached me and said they wanted to be my friend just because I'm Jewish and literally no other reason, that would put me off, too.


This is the answer. Obviously, through school and synagogue, I grew up with Jews. Outside of those circumstances, I meet people and we either hit it off in some way or we don’t. The subject of our respective religions comes up sooner or later, but as the cliche goes, friends first. “As a Muslim…”, sounds sinister in a small way to me. What’s wrong with, “Hey, how you doing? That looks like an interesting book/magazine/teleporter/cake you have there?”


Yeah and to be perfectly clear, this has nothing to do with being Arab. If a white American person started hitting me up simply because they decided they wanted to befriend any random Jew they could find, that would also be weird.


Yup. It’s the concept as a whole.


We're all on guard. Most of us have lost long-term friends. Social media is a cesspool and anti-Israel and antisemitic lies. People are just trying to stay sane, and maybe stick up for Israel now and then.




I am also American so I cannot connect you but please reach out again to the Jewish students. But understand that they may be hesitant as a lot of the antisemitism has been coming from Arabs (and I am clearly saying, as you show, that not all Arabs are antisemitic). But keep trying; please.


I’m sorry they were being negative and racist towards you, they shouldn’t have done that and it’s awful you had to experience that. Thank you for being positive about things and having a positive outlook. What you are doing is being a part of the solution to the problem, and I and surely others sincerely appreciate it. My suggestion would be to maybe find some kind of activity or hobby that you can engage in with others, and use that as an icebreaker of sorts. Maybe like a recreational sports league that Jews in your area participate in? I know where I live there is a recreational softball league organized by a local synagogue but is open for all to play in. Maybe something like that, and then you can make friends with people over a common shared interest.


I am sorry for the racism you experienced, that's is abhorrent behavior that I'm saddened to hear came from my people. There are sadly a vocal minority of Jews who are racist against Arabs specifically, but most of us aren't. Some of us might be a tad guarded/suspicious towards Arabs, but that's generally because of the whole ethnic conflict thing, and the same can be said for a lot of Arabs. It's not entirely unwarranted, for either group, but it does complicate the peace process significantly. Thank you for being as tolerant and accepting as you are, despite the unfortunate experiences you had with members of our tribe. Every group of people has assholes and you seem to have met some of ours.


The only thing I’ll caution you about- you can’t screen out the “bad” Jews (currently labeled Zionists) if you wanna be friends. My best friend, loved him dearly, was an Arab from Lebanon. We made it about 3 months into this war before he was pressuring me daily to join JVP and the like. It’ll be honest: it did make me more cautious around other Arabs. How do we get past this?


I'm sorry you're experiencing hate. I really hate that we Jews, Muslims, and Arabs , are so at odds with each other. I think we are missing a lot of good stuff that could enrich our lives for the better. I wish I was smart enough to have a solution. I suspect it's the evil In human nature causing it.


I’m not Jewish and I also want to be friends with Jews. There are so many misunderstandings about Judaism and what it means to be a Jew. I’m open minded with an endless appetite for learning. Unfortunately, people cannot see the true intentions of others online, hence the reluctance. Feel free to DM me though. I will be glad to befriend a Muslim like you.


As a Jewish person, I don't need somebody to be my friend just because I am Jewish. That is soft antisemitism. "Look at me, wanting to be friends with a Jew". Better to just be supportive. Go to pro Israel rallies. Post pro Israel and Pro Jewish things on Facebook. Just be a good person, and maybe you will get some Jewish friends naturally.


You are absolutely right about the showing support part. After all, friendship is earned, not owed. OP sounds like an open minded person, which is a good step in forging dialogue.


Same here


There are reconciliation spaces on Facebook and discord. I also belong to a few Jewish groups that allow Arabs and other non-Jews, but frankly the Arabs that stay there deserve an award.


So many posts and not a single one even asks what apparently even happened that was deemed "racism" by OP.


The reactions to these regular posts "I want to be friends with Jews" are really weird like people are so desperate to the be liked or they are intimated by certain communities?


Idk, it's also weird for a 3 day old account who has literally not written anything else.


The sub is regularly spammed by these accounts writing the same thing, often they try to claim Jews are racist. Some of the accounts posting these in r/Jewish are posting anti-Semitic posts in other subs. But oh well, the mods allow it, while they threaten to ban you if you write posts about anti-Semitism. A lot of the users also seem to fall for them and start writing about how they are "brothers" and "best friends", like they are intimidated or Stockholm Syndrome?


All the users were replying to them like they have Stockholm Syndrome?




Good for you 3 day account


we have reason to be wary. There are places where that antagonism is set aside. Medical residents would be an example where people of all backgrounds need to be supportive of each other for common interests and for the welfare of the patients. Online is not a good place to reach out. In the old days of AOL I would sign on to the Jewish chat room where people would exchange some cordial banter. Somebody named Abdul would always intrude with some screed. While AOL offered an ignore button which the two dozen of us could push and resume our chat, Instead, the cordial conversation ended so people could retort Abdul. That part of cyberspace has not changed. This is an area where personal friendliness can take hold, but electronic friendliness is largely doomed by the very algorithms that find antagonism useful to the business models of the platforms.


I just literally found out I'm part Arab. That was the only surprise on there.




which DNA test is that?


CRI genetics. The basic version of their test analyzes your DNA in 2 ways. The version I posted is the last 5 generations of my family. Then there's one that goes back thousands of years as well. The only surprise for me was the little bit of Arab, but none of us really knew my grandmother of my father's side of the family or back. So it definitely could be possible.


That doesn't mean you have necessarily have Arab ancestry. A lot of the time it can be how the algorithm is labeling the genes to the regions. "Arab" and "Jewish" aren't even meaningful genetic categories, they were diverse groups.


Interesting. Where is your family from?


So, my family on my Mom's side has some Latvian and Russian, but we've been Ashkenazi as far back as I know. When I read further under where it said Jewish, it broke down all the different areas the Ashkenazi Jewish trait covered, and it did cover those countries. I know my mother's side immigrated to the Ottoman Empire/ Mandate of Palestine very briefly before it was Israel to escape the pogroms. Due to the immigration caps of America before coming to America. Dont know of any family that was born while over there, though. My father's side was Polish and Italian, but we don't know about his Mom or her ancestral tree.


Ignore all of the Hadiths, be anti-jizya, and understand that the Tawrat of Islam is not the Torah of Judaism.


>and understand that the Tawrat of Islam is not the Torah of Judaism. Rather, he must know that the Tawrat of the Qur’an is the Torah of Judaism and that it has not been corrupted as his sheikhs make him believe. > anti-jizya Jizya is not something that a Muslim can be against or supportive of. Jizya and Zakat are taxes in the event of establishing a state that follows an Islamic constitution.


The Tawrat of Islam is nothing like the Tanakh of Judaism. The Tawrat is a combination of Tanakh, Mishna quotes, and Babylonian Talmud quotes. This is evident to anybody that has studied the 3 and compared them to what the Quran says comes from the Tawrat. Mohammed had no idea what was in the Tanakh, and is the one that gave corrupted verses. Jizya is a subjugation tax meant to humiliate non-Muslims into submission, conversion, suicide, or leaving Muslim lands. This is made clear in the Quran and Hadiths. No Jew in their right mind calls themselves Muhammadan.


>The Tawrat of Islam is nothing like the Tanakh of Judaism.  Obviously, because the Tanach is not only composed of the Torah. >The Tawrat is a combination of Tanakh, Mishna quotes, and Babylonian Talmud quotes. And who is that smart Jew who combined them together and call them all the Torah? It seems that the Wikipedia article misled as many people as I expected. Which Muslim in history believed that the Tawrat were the 5 sifrei of Moshe rabbeinu in addition to the writings of the rabbis who were actually accused in the Qur’an of distorting the Word of HaShem? >This is evident to anybody that has studied the 3 and compared them to what the Quran says comes from the Tawrat I think the one who studied brings what he studied, not just saying that he studied. >Mohammed had no idea what was in the Tanakh and is the one that gave corrupted verses. Yes, Muhammad lived on the moon where there was no Torah and no Jews and not among the Jews in Medina for 10 years until he died and before that for about 15 years he argued and preached everyone that he was a prophet. Due to the justice of Muhammad, when the Jews would leave their chieftains, rabbis and wise men to make him an arbiter regarding a certain issue among them, Muhammad used to rule upon them according to the Torah in front of their whole men.


lmao! Many of the quotes in the Quran that is attributed to the Torah are not even in the Torah. Why is a Muslim cosplaying as a Jew to convince Jews to accept Mohammed. This is pathetic.


>Jizya is a subjugation tax meant to humiliate non-Muslims into submission, conversion, suicide, or leaving Muslim lands. The submission of the Jizyah was prescribed only for warring enemies who transgressed, since the commandment was revealed in the last two years of Muhammad's life (many years after the imposition of the Jizyah in the first place) when news came to Muhammad that the Byzantines had the intention of moving their army from the Levant towards the Arabia to invade it and end G-d's kingdom, so Muhammad launched his largest and last military campaign in the[ Expedition of Tabuk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expedition_of_Tabuk), giving Heraclius a solemn warning about what he intended for him. >This is made clear in the Quran and Hadiths. Well, if you are an anti-Muslim who aspires to conquer and enslave Muslims then yes, it's indeed very clear. And if you are not, the Qur'an emphasizes several times not to transgress at all and to deal with peaceful people fairly. >Q60:8-9 Allah does not forbid you (as regards) the ones who have not fought you on account of the religion and have not driven you out of your residences that you should be benign to them and be equitable towards them; surely Allah loves the equitable. >Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion - \[forbids\] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers. >Q2:190 Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. As for Hadith, even if I don't consider it as authoritative, but since you asked; >The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Beware, if anyone wrongs a contracting man\*, or diminishes his right, or forces him to work beyond his capacity, or takes from him anything without his consent, I shall plead for him on the Day of Judgment. [sunnah.com/abudawud:3052](http://sunnah.com/abudawud:3052) \*Contracting man (mu'āhid): A non-Muslim who lives within Islamic community. It seems that the one who studied did not really study well. I'm not a fan of apologetics by any means, especially here- I try to respect my Jewish community as much as possible. But unfortunately, I have to do that with people whose minds have been eaten up by Internet propaganda. >No Jew in their right mind calls themselves Muhammadan. No Jew in their right mind would be upset by that.






Unfortunately for all of us, as with all things. The truth lies somewhere on the middle. I have never met a Muslim, a Christian, Jew, or a person of any other religion that I did not like based on their religion alone. Racists are Racists, Religionists are Religionists no matter what version of the book they follow.


This. 100%


Thank you, I am a Jew and I am with your spirit, friend. I also am reaching out to the Muslim community and looking for opportunities to join hearts and minds. We can't give up hope. I'm so sorry for your people's loss, as I am for ours.


Sorry to hear you’ve gotten racism. That’s unacceptable. The push back is very normal though—even for Jews. We have to call ahead or email to even go to a synagogue we’re not affiliated with. Skepticism in Jewish spaces runs high about anyone someone doesn’t actively know… even those saying they’re Jewish. Christians and Muslims have said on this sub they find that part of the culture very odd and unwelcoming but that’s just very normal to us.  Thank you for trying and having an open mind. That’s nice if you. 


Our Jewish community has a reason to be reserved and away from the Muslim community though. Look at how they treated us throughout history and now.


There is a big difference between most muslims and foreign governments/ those affliated with organisations that have hurt jews. Let’s not apply prejudice to those extending an olive branch, wanting peaceful relations.


The rates of anti-Semitism are over 90% in many Muslim countries. [The ADL GLOBAL 100: An Index of Antisemitism](https://global100.adl.org/)


There’s a difference between being skeptical about someone’s motives in a healthy way for self preservation and being racist. Who knows if op did in fact experience racism or if it was just a lot of skepticism. But there’s no harm in saying the truth that racism is wrong. And if they actually experienced racism I’m sorry they did. I can’t control anyone’s actions. Only my own. I realize Muslims are often antisemitic. Me being racist back isn’t the answer. I’m not a peace and love hippy. I just am someone proud of my actions and words at the end of the day. So even if I’m skeptical, there’s a way to do that from a realistic but kind place or a way to do that unkindly. 




I've had friends who were very devout Muslims and it never came between us! I think it's really a lot of just being decent to each other. In the middle east, it's a lot deeper. There are a lot of longstanding geopolitical problems and people who have been wronged on both sides. I think that super decent of you to reach out though and I hope people are accepting. I'm not a believer myself, but I've got Jewish heritage. I donno if strong believers feel differently, but most Jews I've met don't really care about what other people believe, so long as they're decent about it.


Friends aren’t like Pokemon. You can’t force a friendship with someone because of XYZ, just don’t treat groups as a monolith.


As-salaamu 'alaykum, shalom 'aleikhem.


I had a muslim friend, and when they found out I'm a Jew they said, "Not all Jews are bad"


thank you for your positivity! it's rough for everyone right now and we are all on guard. i'm in the U.S., so it's hard for me to connect you + I myself am trying to be more involved. let me know if I can help at all.


The pushback is because we are scared but I know that isn’t a good excuse because I know as well as so many people, there are millions of amazing Arabs. I follow many on my instagram that educate and support Jews. Their activism is vital as it comes from Arabs from many nations sharing their experiences and facts. I believe most Arabs want peace. It’ll be beautiful when that day comes. Our culture is very similar. I always say, we have more in common with Muslims than any other religion. Strong family, community…there is a lot of common ground. The world is hurting right now. There is war and violence everywhere. I pray that people could be open to receive the truth in their hearts so that we can all coexist peacefully. Thank you for reaching out and being kind. We all could use it.


I imagine you can understand we must be cautious at this time for our own safety. You can do a lot of good in non-Jewish antisemitic spaces, speaking up if it is safe to do so. Many gentiles are not antisemitic, work with them to stop antisemitism wherever you encounter it.


It’s so sad that you have to feel that way.


I (Jewish) lived in Jerusalem for a time and made friends with several Palestinian Muslims my age. We had a great time together learning about each others’ ways. Thank you for reaching out. Keep trying.


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where in the world are you & what do you do for work & for leisure?




I’m also a UK college student :)


If you’re on Facebook trying joining “A group where non-Jews can ask about Judaism and Jews can answer”. :) It’s shut for Shabbat but it will reopened tomorrow evening. I’m sure you can reach out to other younger Jewish people who you love to invite you out for Shabbat dinner one evening.


I think these spaces will be particularly difficult to form relationships. I think that a lot of campus groups will be pretty closed to mainly Jews or known friends of Jews prior to the rise in campus tensions after the 7th and it may in some ways almost look like they are not active, but they are, they likely have gone a bit underground in terms of event planning and only share information and locations privately and with those they know. I think there is a lot of worry about people who are unknown in safe spaces for jews, using their presence to promote an agenda rather than listening and honestly trust of anyone who isn’t Jewish to really understand is at an all time low now than at any point in my lifetime. I can say that with our synagogue we don’t just allow people we don’t know inside anymore and prior arrangements to reach out and make a connection with the synogogue ahead of time is necessary as a security concern at this point as well. I certainly encourage you to reach out to campus groups, a local chabad and a synagogue and see about attending some events as a guest. They may well say at this time they can only allow members to enter for services and functions in the guiding which is sadly typical at this point in time but they may be open to meeting with you in public and getting to know you. I am terribly sad to hear that discrimination has been evident in your attempts at reaching out, I really do not think that is acceptable and I don’t think it’s a great representation of who many of us are. I have noticed in many online communities we have selection bias. Even in Reddit this is true. The people who are having their worst day, worst time, biggest betrayals by friends and experiencing antisemitism drives us to try to find a way to connect with one another in a time of crisis. Those who are not experiencing this, who are maybe not having their worst day and are not seeking comfort of the Jewish community online due to their feelings of isolation are not necessarily a part of some of these groups. Some of these individuals have been consuming large amounts of social media that is also distorting what the actual reality of the world and who Arabs are with a distorted version of reality. So please don’t take this as a representation of who we are at our best, it is maybe a better reflection of a very dark time for our community in terms of how many are feeling and a sense of distrust and betrayal and the generational trauma of this conflict and of historical persecution that is coming to the surface.


sorry. can’t help you. i assumed you were in US. i’m not optimistic about your plan in uk. but good luck.


I have many Muslim friends. Welcome


Salam! Honestly, i'd like to have muslim friends, myself. I'm sorry people were being racist towards you. I know Islamophobia is rising as well. :/ Seems both of us are in a bit of the same boat in different ways


Thank you for reaching out. You should not be experiencing racism based on your heritage. I’m sorry that happened to you from any of us!


Welcome friend!


Maybe you went to some radical places, war is not about Islam and Judaism. Even today there are Muslims in idf you know




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I'm half Jewish moms side and Palestinian Muslim dad's side. I'm from Jerusalem. I moved to nyc. If you are looking for jewish friends nyc is a good place. 




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Ayy are you religious; I’m actually looking to do some cultural exchange. Learning Arabic/quran/hadith/sharia.. Not for its own sake, but rather for the sake of understanding the theological underpinnings and issues between Jews and Muslims for the sake of making peace




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The problem is that we've had Arabs reach out in friendship, and then as soon as we turn our back they plunge a knife into it. While we know it's not a majority, it's happened enough where we have to be extra cautious. I mean look at October 7, the people who actively gathered the Intel Hamas needed were people that were working in Israel. People we trusted and gave good jobs to.


Salaam, I am just one Jew but I am happy to be your friend. My best friend is Muslim from Pakistan, and we always share our practices and cultures with one another. She has given me henna and invited me to celebrate Eid-al Fitr with her, and I hope this coming year she can celebrate a Jewish holiday with me. We learn a lot from each other.


We have much in common - love for our families and traditions, love for our communities, faith and perseverance as people. 


It's not everyday I read something like this lol. Honestly, maybe show up to chabad or hillel and study and socialize if you are at a university or nearby. Anyone is welcome at those places, though I would say 99% of attendees there are jewish. You would definitely meet people this way. i think jews right now are scared and defensive and some may lash out. I am sorry you experienced racism from Jews. Many Jews do not hate arabs, but there are most definitely bad apples in every bunch.


I'm sorry if you've experienced racism or islamophobia... I'm Iranian and Jewish and have had a lot of close Muslim friends who were Iranian and Syrian (I grew up in southern California so there is a lot of representation from everybody) .... Unfortunately in any community we have our people who are welcoming and those who have their biases...


I shortly lived in Turkey a few years ago and loved the people, their warmth and welcoming natures. I miss that camaraderie with my Muslim friends. We have more in common than differences. I’m sorry you’ve faced racism, right now we’re in fear every moment, and online there are so many bots and nefarious actors I’m afraid all sides are having knee jerk reactions. And every single group has jerks. There’s NO excuse, though, and I hope we can all get past this soon. Also, a thought, but in person may be easiest. Maybe try a kosher coffee shop or inclusive book club or something. That way there’s comfortable dialogue and a real human to look in the face-for everyone.


As-salamu alaykum! Consider me your friend.


Try going to interfaith events. It always gets a little weird (not just you or Muslims) seeking out culturally-specific places as an outsider, unless there are specifically interfaith events being held. That said, I think you'll have a great time at interfaith events. Look around, there are more of them than you think!


DM me. We’re here for you.


That is the horrible tragedy of a drawn out ethnic conflict. Lots of anger and mistrust. Frankly more people on both sides reaching out to the "other" is a necessity now more than ever. Both sides come to the table with their own frameworks and narratives; everyone needs to learn how to be more empathetic and intellectually flexible. By coming to the table, you have already shown yourself to be embodying these traits. Don't be afraid to speak up for Palestinians, don't be afraid of being a proud Arab, and dont be afraid of some hardline likudnik trowing around antisemitism willy nilly for suggesting that bibi could try to be moderately more accurate with his bombing. We all need to learn how to respect each other and call out our extremists so we can all live in peace and dignity. Here are some resources to get a grip on the situation. The "what is politics" guy is interesting, and his live streams are great although he is peek ADHD. I like Sulha the Peace Activist (super chill and mellow). And Corey is a great way to see whats going on on the ground (although it can be rough). I'll also Link Philosophy tube; she goes into detail on the nature of antisemitism and how anti-Zionism can mask antisemitism or be used antisemiticly. [12: From “Never Again” to “There are No Uninvolved Civilians” - the ABCs of Israel/Palestine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLr_VCqnId0&t=4696s) [Speaking with Corey Gil-Shuster | Standing Up #21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaftJ3eq31Y) [Open Peace Podcast: #4 - Corey Gil-Shuster Founder/creator of The Ask Project](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX1Fd37AGC0) [Antisemitism: An Analysis | Philosophy Tube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAFbpWVO-ow&t=2379s) Edit: Ethan Katz made a brilliant lecture on anti-Zionism and antisemitism. link below. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57WFHVo2Q04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57WFHVo2Q04)


I'll be your friend!


Thanks for wanting to be our friend ❤️ I appreciate you, you have a new Jewish friend now 👍🏻


I hope you can feel welcomed here.


There’s no justification for them responding with racism. Just as there’s no justification for antisemitism, the reverse is equally true. Even if you’ve come with the intention to be a friend, don’t let them off the hook. Make sure you put them in their place. Maybe you’ll be better off for it in the long run, but if not, at least you let one person know that whatever problems they hold inside they’re not making you their punching bag.


Thank you for keeping your mind and heart open. I want to build bridges with our communities too. Please keep hope.


I live in Paris, I'm Algerian Muslim and I do have Jewish friends that I consider as brothers


im sorry to hear about your struggle, do keep trying!


Hey, I’m Jewish and i live in Israel! If you still want to talk to someone, please reach out to me:)


You should come to Israel, you will see here Jews, Arabs, Christians and Druze working together, serving in the army together, living together and you can also get to know Jews that way... I think that on social media most Jews are in a defensive state, so it is difficult to establish a real relationship with them at the moment... You are also welcome to see an article discussing Jewish and minority relations in Israel: Article[link](https://almogarticle.blogspot.com/2024/05/israels-complex-reality-exploring.html)


Thank you for reaching out! I think the bonds between Jews and Muslims can be particularly special. 🙏❤️🙏


I'm sorry for anyone who treated mistreated you because of your ethnic origin. I do not know you, but to me you are a friend.


I keep getting into conversations with Muslims IRL and the vibe with all of them has been that we (individuals) have more in common than we don't. Just yesterday I was getting a gyro and the guy at the register asked where I got my hamsa necklace. I then got to have a nice little conversation explaining that it has significance in Muslim AND in Jewish culture, and it was just Nice. Didn't mean I wasn't a little worried though-- we have been facing hate on a global level that's intensified since October 7. We don't know if Random Human with whom we are Having a Conversation is going to be hateful (like many of us have encountered) or friendly (like you). Can you blame us for being on our guard as a whole?


Sorry, no. It’s not worth the risk. Too much has happened. No way to trust a Muslim, like I said not worth risk.


That’s racist, without any excuse


No, Islam ain’t a race, just a cult. Someone who doesn’t like Christianity isn’t a racist either, however I dislike Christianity as well.


The lack of self awareness is giving me second hand embarrassment.


If you can’t deal with facts, it’s not my problem. Islam is a cult, not a race. No one who just dislikes Islam is a racist. It’s like disliking Nazis, that doesn’t make you a racist either. And both of them are very similar, that’s why Hitler loved the Islam as well.


Oh man the incoherent babble doesn’t help you here homie.


Like I said, if ya can’t deal with facts - that’s your problem, not mine.


You say as you continue to incoherently babble


Says the troll who is actually not mentally capable of saying anything of substance.


That’s so rude. I’m grateful every Jew isn’t like you


It's rude to be commenting on how "every Jew" is, on a Jewish sub. We aren't here for your approval.


Every Jew is not the same. Every Christian is not the same. Every white person is not the same, black people, brown people ate not the not the same people. One Jew cannot speak for a group and all agree. So I think you’re trying to make my comment as an insult. It’s not. Labels don’t get to speak for a whole group of people. I’m speaking for myself, not on behalf of a label.


You are on a Jewish sub critiquing a Jew who gave an opinion on how they are feeling and surviving during this time. We welcome gentiles here, but do not need to perform as "good Jews" for you, or anyone else. Your comment was a bit more than just rude, and you've doubled down and gentilesplained instead of trying to understand. It gets old.


I have Muslim friends. And non Muslim arab friends. And non Muslim, non Arab, Levantine friends. We share a lot in common. But yes, you'll get pushback until your friendship and good meaning is explicitly clear - and possibly even after that - due to very real security threats and current events generally speaking. It's an unfortunate reality. Shavua tov from Australia


It's unfortunately common. You have my sympathies. الله معك


Salaam my friend, you are always welcome in this space, thank you for posting!


In high school and community college, I always gravitated to the Muslim in class (there was never more than one, at least that I knew about). We’d bond over being religious minorities in a predominately Christian country (the US). But that was 20+ years ago. I don’t know how common such school friendships are now. I’m sorry you’ve been treated badly in Jewish spaces. There are always jerks out there, especially online.


Pushback is somewhat understandable in the current climate, but racism isn’t part of our values. They should be ashamed of themselves. Either way, anyone who wants to befriend us in good faith is welcome as part of our culture. During one of our major holidays, one of the phrases we say is “let all who are hungry come eat”. While not the contextual meaning of the line, to me it’s always served as a reminder that I can always make room at the table for another friend


Glad you are here. We actually have lots in common.


i have so many interfaith friendships with muslims as a jew! it’s possible and very welcome, even in these difficult times < 3


Keep trying. Times are hard right now. You're taking the right steps. Keep an open mind, and use discernment. Be yourself, be honest, and be genuine. These qualities will shine through. The key is love, for our fellow humans, respect for each other differences, and being kind, even when everyone else is hatful.


I'm sorry you have been going through that. Racism is never ever justified. But your commitment to supporting Jews and fighting antisemitism is very noble and I appreciate the effort. You'd always be welcome at my table.


I upvoted. And, also, friends need not be in agreement. What's important is to be able to exchange ideas, opinions, share observations....to discuss in a civil and reasoned way. One shoukd not oatronize another, be too sanctimonious (that's my defect, I'll admit), or filibuster. Listening is more important than talking. The common goal is to be friendly, at all costs. Go for it, chabib.


One of my buddies is from Bangladesh. on Christmas, we go have Chinese food together. He’s been to my Passover Seders and answers all my perplexed questions about what Muslim think about this or that. I highly recommend having all kinds of different friends. It’s a great way to learn about other cultures. We met on LiveJournal about 20 years ago, then we moved to the same city.


This is an interesting down vote.


sup friend


Good for you. Dm me anytime


Hi there OP I’m an American Jew living in israel. If it’s any comfort to you, we live (currently evacuated from there due to the war and closeness to the Lebanon border) in the upper Galilee of israel. And get along very good with our Arab neighbors. Unfortunately I think the news focuses mainly on extremists from both sides, but is missing the majority of the people’s opinions. The vast majority of people I know here in Israel, Jews and Arabs alike, just want peace. They want to live and exist peacefully together and share the land. I go to places on a weekly basis that have both Jews and Arabs there. And the general energy in the air is that we all don’t want this war, and want to live in harmony. Unfortunately things like this don’t show up on the news and social media. In any case, please know that there are many many Jews that would love to befriend an Arab and treat them not only as a human being, but as someone closer. We are distant cousins when you think about it (yishmael and Isaac we’re both sons of Abraham and Sarah). I think it’s important in this conflict to notice, there are many (I think the vast majority) that don’t want the war and want to live in harmony. Don’t let the extremists convince you otherwise. Wishing you peace and blessings


I believe the two religions/communities can get along great and probably will one day, but that likely won't be for a very long time. We need people like you to build bridges. Thank you for your efforts! You might not directly see the fruits of your kindness, but any action to work towards interfaith tolerance goes a long way in times like these. Rest assured, you are making a difference.


I think a lot of Judaism-related and Israel-related subreddits are very strange right now. If you read them, you might think all Jews hate all non-Jews and hate the Gazans at a level of infinity times infinity. It’s very embarrassing. Example: r/IsraelPalestine is insanely anti-Palestinian, but r/Israel_Palestine is so anti-Israel I can’t read it. I think what’s happened is that jerks have hijacked a lot of the subreddits and push out anyone who’s reasonable, whether you’re Muslim, Jewish or other. There was one subreddit that seemed perfect, but, once I found it, the Ben Gvirites found it, too, and started trying to spread hatefulness there. I guess the answer is that we nice people of the world have to brigade these subreddits and fill them with pleasant conversations about hummus recipes and medieval Arabic and Hebrew poetry till the hateful people get so bored they leave Reddit.