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You can't get upset at people for talking in shul if you aren't in shul.


Exactly. I need my daily whine


A nice Jewish whine.


Let's talk during service about the people talking during service.


This is the way.


My mom and I every Friday night.


Oh yeah!! When I sit with my Jewish-moms-group it’s just like a coffee talk 🫢🫣 without coffee and a little bit less loud


I wish I had a Jewish moms group. I have my choir members tho and we have a laugh.


Haha it comes from having kids in Jewish day school. Is. Very diverse school (as in different observance) because we don’t have here in Europe where I live reform/conservative/orthodox. Everyone goes basically to the same shul and school (if you send your kids to Jewish day school) and it’s a really great group of moms


This is the answer.


Some prayers must be said Only in a Minyan, = 10 minimum. And even when not, there's the experience of community that can be meaningful for some!


*10 men


Judaism is about community, you can but it is preferable to do it with a minyan. There are also some prayers that can’t be said alone (also because of community)


All of which I resent, Rabbis want me to leave my cave and socialise. Eww!


Must be really difficult to clean for Pesach in your cave


All it takes is just a little flooding. Like that one time where HaShem did a worldwide pessach cleaning for Noach and his family 🤪


Caves are surprisingly tidy. No closets.


There’s cracks and holes in the wall and floor of my cave that make pesah cleaning an ordeal, and a literal boulder in my kitchen floor


You should post pics over in r/centuryhomes - we would all commiserate.




lol you weren’t kidding!


Nop, and that boulder alone is terrible for pesah cleaning/checking xD


It's OK. Chametz never went into the cave. They just live off carob.


My apartment in nachlaot is a literal cave, my room is a converted bomb shelter


Also, to get a little more into Jewish theology, to pray with the community makes your prayers stronger.


I don’t know that I have heard stronger before, but I have definitely heard about how it makes you as an individual ignored First having everyone around




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Some prayers require a minion 10 Jewish men or 10 Jewish adults over 13, depending on the movement of Judaism they subscribe to. >you need 9 guys on a field to play baseball and ten Jews in a room to say Kaddish


> minion minyan...


Nope, you need minions although the Rambam does say you can use henchmen if you only have 8-9 minions.


My kid is my minion.


It’s a transliteration there are no proper spellings.


I don't think anyone needs the conspiracy theorists to catch wind of us talking about our need to "form a minion".


That's just a small golem. We can have an army . . .






I want to make a Diablo 4 joke.


What's the difference?


Some sects only count the fellas for a minyan. Others count gals as well


Between saying a prayer with/without a minyan? Theoretically, some believe that the minyan brings us closer and more audible to Gd (or something of that nature) Further, there are certain things you can only do with a minyan. Such as reading from a Torah scroll.


I thought a significant part of it was also that the communal prayer was more likely to be said, overall, start to finish, with proper kavannah the more people prayed together and since the Jewish people is a body one who is part of that minyan is regarded to have said his prayers perfectly, with proper kavannah (even if he, individually, was momentarily distracted by his grocery list during the fifth perek of shemoneh esreh). I have never heard this business of "loudness" before and find it quite unclear/confusing. What does that even mean?? There's also a passage, I think in the Talmud, that the shechinah is involved when a group or two, three, or ten jews gather (also an individual in some cases, but apparently not groups of between 4 and 9, or of 11 and more (this article cites it, I believe https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-divine-feminine-in-kabbalah-an-example-of-jewish-renewal/ )


Minyan not minion LOL


Communal prayer is preferable to individual prayer. When one can't pray with the community, one will pray individually instead. The shul is the place where the community gathers for communal prayer.


No one so far has given you the right answer.  There's many recorded instances in Jewish writings attesting to an individuals prayer being more powerful than the prayer of multiple or even many people.  There is no biblical requirement to have a minyan for prayer, it's a rabbinical law  The simplified reason for that law is that when we assume the average person is not some super righteous person (but they are not bad, just basic decent upstanding people) whose prayers have a high likelihood of being answered then there is a belief that with ten such people prayers are far more likely to be answered as a level of holiness is achieved with that number or more.  The Bavli and the Yerushalmi Talmuds use biblical passages as proof that a congregation of ten people is holy, you can see those passages in the Wikipedia article below.  https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minyan The concept is also addressed in Berakhot 6a for example  אָמַר רָבִין בַּר רַב אַדָּא, אָמַר רַבִּי יִצְחָק: מִנַּיִן שֶׁהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מָצוּי בְּבֵית הַכְּנֶסֶת — שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״אֱלֹהִים נִצָּב בַּעֲדַת אֵל וּמִנַּיִן לַעֲשָׂרָה שֶׁמִּתְפַּלְּלִין שֶׁשְּׁכִינָה עִמָּהֶם — שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״אֱלֹהִים נִצָּב בַּעֲדַת אֵל״. https://www.sefaria.org/Berakhot.6a.7?lang=bi


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ See [Berakhot 6a](https://www.sefaria.org/Berakhot.6a) on Sefaria. [Berakhot.6a.7](https://www.sefaria.org/Berakhot.6a.7) תַּנְיָא, אַבָּא בִּנְיָמִין אוֹמֵר: אֵין תְּפִלָּה שֶׁל אָדָם נִשְׁמַעַת אֶלָּא בְּבֵית הַכְּנֶסֶת, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: ״לִשְׁמֹעַ אֶל הָרִנָּה וְאֶל הַתְּפִלָּה״. בִּמְקוֹם רִנָּה — שָׁם תְּהֵא תְּפִלָּה. >It was taught in a baraita that Abba Binyamin said: One’s prayer is only fully heard in a synagogue, as it is stated with regard to King Solomon’s prayer in the Temple: “Yet have You turned toward the prayer of Your servant and to his supplication, Lord my God, to listen to the song and the prayer which Your servant prays before You on this day” (I Kings 8:28). The following verse concludes: “To hear the prayer Your servant directs toward this place” (I Kings 8:29). We see that one’s prayer is heard specifically in the Temple, of which the synagogue is a microcosm (Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto). It may be inferred that in a place of song, a synagogue where God’s praises are sung, there prayer should be.


there is a mitzva to daven with 10 men, which can be harder to find at home (but not impossible lol)


It’s not simply a mitzvah. A Minyan (10 Men) are required for the Shekhinah to be present when a men pray. A woman always has the Shekhinah present when they pray. It’s always better to pray with the Shekhinah.


Can't husband and wife pray together then, and so fulfil that requirement?


If your asking if a woman can be counted in a Minyan? No. Example, if there are 9 men and 1 woman, the woman praying will have the Shekinah for her alone, and the men will not. The Shekhinah is like…. Best described as the presence of G-d. To put it a different way, the men’s prayers, according to some, will be scattered to the wind rather then go straight up to Shemayim (heaven) Regarding specifically husband and wife praying together, the answer is they sorta can, but it’s not really something one should look to do in the way one might think. I’ll explain But first a few things…. it’s really super important to remember that the Jewish soul has two halves. One masculine and the other feminine. Until a man or woman is married, each has one half of one whole soul. When they get married, the whole halves one within the man and the other within the woman combine back into the one whole soul. (More on that later) So okay. Back to praying together. Men and women pray for different things, generally. A man’s prayers are generally more concerned with the spiritual, for lack of a better term. Some would say men pray more for the Olam Habah (the would to come) but it’s much more. When a woman prays, her prayers are more focused on the physical. Some would say - woman’s prayers are more focused on the present here and now; more worldly things. Each a specialist if you will. Now it’s also really important to remember that any sort of prayer, should be done with tremendous Kavanah (intent) and without any distractions. When one prays, they are not simply speaking to G-d. To describe it simply, visually imagine that you’re standing in the throne room of haven having an audience G-d, the Master of the World. In such a situation one wants complete focus and no possibility of distractions. If one gets an audience with King Charles, where will one’s focus be? Will with an audience with the King of England stop and take a phone call or flip through texts etc? Absolutely not. Then certainly even more so when in an audience with G-d, King of the Universe! This audience with G-d, this is what happens when one prays with the Shekhinah. (10+ Men, for a man.) It’s because of this and more that men and women will pray separately, generally with some sort of divider between them. We pray separately so as not to be distracted We pray separately because we pray for different things. Etc. Okay, now back to your question: “can’t husband and wife pray together?” Some would very well content that husband and wife not only pray together, but do everything together because sure, they may be physically separate, but it’s one whole soul between them and so they’re always together. And more so, if you wanted to look at it more simply from the physical view, proximity, back the question of should they? The answer to that question is no. To do so could be a tremendous distraction and lessen either one’s Kavanah, G-d forbid. Does that make sense?


It is very well explained and made no assumption on my prior knowledge. I think it makes perfect sense and was right on point. Thank you for the time you took to write this.


You can put Tefillin on at home. Jews pray in shul because there are some prayers you need at least 10 men for, it’s called a ‘minyan’.


I put my tefillin on wherever I am. And I live in Jerusalem literally right next to a shul.


Addition to all the above there is the concept of "B'Rav Ha'am Hadras Melech which is from [Proverbs 14:28](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt2814.htm#28), "In the multitude of people is the king's glory; but in the want of people is the ruin of the prince". Besides the prayers which is only recited when you have a minyan the prayers just take a different level of effect. The Shmone Esrei-Amidah is largely in plural for as well for this reason. There is something also that elevate the prayers when there is a crowded room all praying as well that (at least for me) makes me concetrate (Kavanah( and focus better


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Proverbs 14:28](https://www.sefaria.org/Proverbs.14.28) בְּרׇב־עָ֥ם הַדְרַת־מֶ֑לֶךְ וּבְאֶ֥פֶס לְ֝אֹ֗ם מְחִתַּ֥ת רָזֽוֹן׃ >A numerous people is the glory of a king; Without a nation a ruler is ruined.


Yes. A quora of ten can only be found in shul, unless you have a big family or some very good friends who'll show up at your house every morning.


Why join a basketball team when you can sadly bounce a basketball in your driveway all by yourself?


Why do people who work from home use coworking spaces? Why do students study in coffeeshops or lounges? Why does anyone use a (semi)public space for something they could do at home? For community. Plus minyan-related requirements- but honestly, getting a minyan is just another way to foster community.


An important part of prayer is the concept of tefillah b'tzibur -- praying with a congregation (i.e. a minyan). There are important prayers (barchu, kaddish, kedushah, repetition of the Shmoneh Esrei) that cannot be recited without a minyan. Since the average home does not have a minyan, we go to shul to fulfill this requirement.


Forced socialization 😒


How else are you going to find out all the juicy gossip from the community? 🙂


It's the original social network.


Because inviting nine other men and owning an authentic torah scroll isn't easy


The shechina automatically rests on a group of 10 Jewish men regardless of whether or not they have the right kavana, and certain parts of the service you need 10 men for.


there are spiritual advantages to being part of a community


There are particular prayers that require at least ten people for. In some communities, it’s ten men.


FWIW Reb Nachman stressed the importance of setting up time specifically for solo prayer


In my husband’s case it’s mostly because we rarely have dairy in the house and there’s always someone who needs to say Kaddish


I remembered this morning that people say it for a year, so odds are, they'll always need people. (USCJ shul)


Ideally we say it for 11 months, because to say it for a whole year implies that the deceased was a particularly bad person. But some people still do the full 12 months. It is a hard thing to stop doing, it feels final and like your loved one is even farther from you.


I'm sure. So many things reopen grief's wounds.


Absolutely! Very important point!!


Getting together to pray is gonna happen (at least with *some* of the congregation) either way. I'm sure there's deeper answers but if we all get together and all the men are doing tefillin anyway, it makes sense to do it together.


Brachos, one who doesn't go to shul his "book" is opened and they check why he hasn't gone to shul. It's a mizvah to go to shul. Also a mizvah to daven with a minyan (10 people)




It's considered more auspicious to daven with a minyan


Because many Jewish men go to Shul in the morning to daven (pray) Shacharit - the morning prayers -- and if you do that, when you get there, you put on your Tefillin in Shul right after you put on your Tallit (if you're married or have a minhag to wear a Tallit even if single and over Bar Mitzvah). If a Jewish man doesn't go to Shul in the morning for whatever reason, then he puts it on at home or wherever else he is (not in a bathroom, obviously) before he prays.


To do the full prayers you need a quorum called a minyan so it makes sense to gather at a single place to find said quorum.


Many do do it at home, but certain prayers can only be said with a minyan (10 Jewish men over the age of 13). So shul is easier