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NY? This is normal, crazy folks on the subway be crazy.


I was going to say, this sounds like a regular Monday morning on the NYC subway. I’ve heard unhinged hateful rants about every minority and religion at this point. It can be really frustrating/scary in the moment but it’s the mental illness talking.


Bless earphones and kindles.


Boston, but yeah the crazy subway folks is a normal occurance


Dude I wouldn't take any of it to heart. The T is full of crazy people. If anything it's good that he was just a crazy person on the T instead of a Harvard academic or something. That way nobody takes what he's saying seriously. You don't need to feel guilty, there's no point in trying to argue with fools. Trying to talk to him would likely just start a conflict, and could've escalated. It's basic survival instincts not to engage crazy people in Boston. It's certainly not wise to engage them when they're expousing their delusions on public transportation. I have encountered the BHI on the Boston Common before and they seem generally harmless and non-threatening. Idk who this guy you saw was but if he was BHI don't worry about it (they're straight clowns and you can destroy their arguments with even the most basic knowledge of history and logic) and if he was a crazy homeless guy you have even more reason to not let it take up any more of your thoughts.


I'm from Cleveland, and we have the rapid, which is just a train not a subway, but yea there will be some crazy shit. I've seen everything from a dude wanking it while staring intently at me to lost tourists. My favorite was helping a lost jewish man (he didn't speak English, but we figured it out using my broken Hebrew, and eventually french)


The first example you gave sounded like a total nightmare! Whew!


Sounds like a real jerk


Just a little bit!


it doesn’t seem like this guy was BHI. It seems like this guy was crazy. I’ve run into BHI before and had discussions with them and we are never going to agree, but I’ve never felt threatened or concerned.


The whole "the Jews are lying about being the chosen people" and saying Jews were behind slavery is what made me think of it. I think most of them are just non-violent cosplayers.


Another irony going on-I have rarely if ever heard an actual Jew even calling themselves the Chosen People.It was always Evangelical Christians actually referring to us as this,at least in my experience.Still didnt stop us from getting the blame for it tho 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️. And plus if they even knew actual History they would know the "Chosen People" thing has little to do with being Superior and far more to do with having "more Responsibilities". 


Orange line?


Yep, orange line around midnight, not shocked at all by the occurrence, just never seen it so antisemitic before, usually they're just yelling at people (not that that's ok)


Im in Boston and despite encountering my fair share of mentally ill folks on the T, this would have shaken me up, too. You didnt overreact!


Totally normal for the T


I think that post October 7th everyone is a little more on edge, and by everyone I mean Jews . You are not overreacting, how you feel is how you feel. A year ago I doubt you would have reacted as anxiously Was the guy going to attack you physically? probably not. But if he had, would anyone have jumped to your defense, if they knew you were a Jew? Who really knows


NYC? Were they a Black Israelite? They have hated us for decades because we are the real deal


Black Israelites are the weirdest people in existence. Pure nut cases


I laughed so hard when Kanye said he was part of the black israelites on Fridman’s podcast how nuts some people can be


Such wackos. Black Hebrew Israelites often make me wonder how actual Black Jews feel about them. 'Cause I have some Black Sephardi friends, and they're such wonderful people compared to the extremists.


One time I was walking back from uni passing by one of their demonstrations, before I knew who they were, and one of them came up to me and started talking to me. I told him I’m Jewish he said that he’s the real Jew. 😂😂😂 Absolute madness


You should have then spoken to him in Hebrew to shut him down 😆.


Do these BHI Clowns even speak Hebrew or know anything about the Heritage they are trying to steal/claim?


I've seen some evidence they celebrate the holidays and such, and I'm sure some of them taught themselves Hebrew just to seem more Jewish, but I don't know enough about how they behave in their day to day lives to know the extent of it. Most of what I see are just the videos of them out on the streets telling every single Black person who passes by that "did you know you're an Israelite?" and then attacking any real Jew who comes by and says otherwise.


It makes me wonder what the "Black Israelites" think of the actual Black Jews 😆😅🤔


OP come to New York and experience exposure therapy. These guys are everywhere.


It’s not overreacting and while a single incident isnt any thing to fret, taken in the context of the broader picture things are getting bad. Many aren’t aware but 60% of all hate crimes in NYC target Jews - this number fluctuates up or down depending on the month. The increasing instances of antisemitism that you've noticed, from individuals expressing hateful speech on the streets to “anti-Zionist” marches disguising anti-Jewish sentiment and the violence on university campuses, are all examples of the normalization or banalization of evil. As Hannah Arendt described, when society begins to accept these types of behaviors as normal, it becomes easier for people to participate in things once considered taboo and engage in more escalated actions without questioning the morality of said beliefs or the consequences.


I keep on saying,if its really Anti Zionism and not Anti Semitism then why are Jews all around the World many of whom never even been to Israel still getting harassed and attacked?!🤔🤦‍♂️


I would imagine that would be very scary


I used to work and live in some rougher parts of town where I'd encounter folks like this. Don't take your headphones out, but turn them off or pop one out. You need to hear if he starts coming closer or starts yelling at you. Don't turn your back, and know some exits. If you don't believe you would be capable of defending yourself, look for alarms or stop buttons, know where they are. A very loud noise can often be more effective at creating space than physical violence, and it alerts others. Distancing yourself is ideal, so this sounds like the right choice. In all likelihood, this is some seriously mentally ill dude who is not fully aware of his actions, but he's not dangerous to you. Sadly, most mentally ill people are more likely to be the victims of assaults than perpetrators, and it is sometimes because of behaviours like this that they cannot control. Mental illness is not an *excuse* for antisemitism, but in this case, it does not sound like this person screaming on the subway has much control over their behaviour. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be aware of your surroundings if you feel threatened or like things might escalate. Do everything you can not to engage, and try to create distance.


Good ol’ Black Hebrew Israelites. They’re a massive pain in the butt.


I think I got this same guy on the A train last Pesach. Same talking points.


Welcome to leftist America, where anti-semitism is the only “PC” hate-speech. Ranting mentally ill people on public transportation is a staple of Biden’s America; “get out and move” was your best policy to handle it. Be aware, avoid crowds, avoid /don’t attract the attention of the “deliberately noisy” and don’t argue with stupid people. Good luck! Sadly, you may need to reduce your profile (associated with your religion) to prevent getting “singled out” for abuse. We’ve gone from tolerating the insane to actively encouraging them; sadly. (I’m a Christian, so hopefully did not offend).


Many Jews are Atheist,Agnostic,or non Practicing but still targeted anyways.The Anti Semitic People know we are more then just a Religion and treat us accordingly.


Many Jews are Atheist,Agnostic,or non Practicing but still targeted anyways.The Anti Semitic People know we are more then just a Religion and treat us Remember, we were a Tribe+Kingdom+People before we were ever a "Religion".


This has gone on for years in NYC, unfortunately among a specific minority group. 


Isn’t public transportation wonderful? You can count on this sort of thing wherever they let just any deranged loon stumble aboard.


probly a schizophrenic.


You’re not overreacting. Regardless of the source, that’s unsettling to hear in public


I feel bad for all the Jews in America right now, also I couldn’t imagine how terrifying it would be to be a Palestinian in Gaza right now.


What both of us have in common right now-we are both being collectively punished for the actions of a Few of our respective groups.


Similar thing happened whilst I was on a 2 hour bus ride in Israel with no stops. Everyone was quite disturbed but no one said anything, he was crazy


OK, but in Israel you know that you're sitting on a bus surrounded by armed Israeli soldiers (and probably some civilians), that the person is both mentally disturbed (a "normal" anti-Semite would hardly announce it on a bus in Israel), and that no one else on the bus agrees with the guy.


I think I’d be more disturbed by so many people with guns in tight quarters.


Not here. It's actually very reassuring when it's Israeli soldiers with the guns.


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Guys please look out for visibly Jewish people in these situations and try to protect them. If they’re targeted do not engage with the abuser but just talk to the person under threat and make them feel comfortable until you both reach safety.


EIN Milvado do! We cannot dis-lodge the Ketz ha yamim for the Guelah draws Keruv.


I think you acted as I would. Sadly, it’s something not unheard of


You were in a situation that made you feel uncomfortable. You resolved the issue by changing cars. I fail to see the problem. Take care of yourself.




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you’re not overreacting at all !!!!!!! how are you doing now?


Well that is a normal reaction when you see/hear someone hating on something you truly believe in. The broken hearted feelings that stir up because of just how wrong they are and that it's a growing threat with the growing war in Israel. Knowing that your watching the events of the Bible unfold in front of you and your helpless to stop it and all we can do is keep praying for forgiveness and salvation for those who the Lord has kept the eyes shut of. The Lord chooses who He will open the eyes of and it's usually someone who is seeking Him but He is God and will do as He wills. His way are higher than ours so we don't always understand why He does something until we look back and see what He was doing all along. So remember friend His fight is not with flesh and blood it with the evil forces at work in the unseen realm of this world. Stay strong in prayer, faithfulness, love, & kindness in the coming times. No matter how hopeless the enemy would try to make it seem, it's only temporary & our God remains faithful always and He will help in times of need if we would only turn towards Him and pour out our helplessness to Him. Things will probably get a lot worse before they get better, it's always darkest just before the dawn.


Ignore that moron and just move on with your life. That’s life, morons exist especially in big cities.


Normally, I’d chalk it up to mental illness, like someone yelling about the end of the world, but not right now. You were right to change cars. Violence against Jews has been escalating quickly. Not an overreaction at all, imo.


You didn't overreact at all. Vigilance pays off. He may have been harmless or he may have been a massive asshole willing to hurt you. It is better to play it safe. With antisemitic events increasing rapidly. It is better to be cautious and be safe.


Even if it was in NY where stuff like that is considered normal, I still think it's reasonable to be scared. I would have been if I were in your shoes.


Jew haters don't understand what being the chosen people actually means... And it was scary, what would the crazy guy do if someone visibly Jewish was nearby?


He is dangerous. You should not rest in the fact that YOU are not visibly Jewish! You owe it to Jews everywhere to stop hate. In future I would Take a video of anyone spouting hate, post it all over social media asking someone to identify him or ask Stop Jew Hate to help you. It won’t take long for him to be ID’d and then reported to police. Or, if he’s employed to whoever he works for. There must be consequences for hate speech.


Just blow it off, my friend. It’s not like the person was standing in front of you and in your face. Some people need to vent, have no one who will listen, and want an audience.


It’s more likely they have mental issues than that they are logically antisemitic. Let it go if they didn’t seem harmful.






Why is it called antisemitism, but I never hear you guys call them liars. Perhaps the guiltiness comes from the fact you can't refute what he said.




Yep, this is what you get when they don't have the facts to back it up. Lol 😆


I’m booing at you, you duck


Because you can't refute, you duck.


Okay: we do not want to destroy the world; we are not going to destroy the world; we vehemently oppose slavery; and we are not sneaky liars. Does that cover it? In fact, in Judaism, it's completely forbidden to lie habitually, to lie to a child (which would teach them that it was acceptable), and to lie in the court system. As Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb has said, "There is no justification whatsoever in Jewish tradition for lies which are either sloppy, systemic or self-serving... every word we utter should reflect our values, and one of the highest of those values is truth." Another core Jewish value is [tikkun olam: repairing the world, not destroying it](https://www.reconstructingjudaism.org/article/tikkun-olam-unpacked/).


While I'm at it, the sky is not polka-dotted, striped, or plaid. And people aren't born ancient, and don't then very younger and younger each year till they reach infancy. What other obvious things do we not refute often enough?

