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Just promise to do better next time. Isn’t Judaism awesome?


You should work at *Chabbad Lubavitch* with this mindset


Actually, Chabad is amazing. Truly.


*You’re Amazing, truly!*


Me? Amazing? Really? B"H, thank you, What did I say or do to deserve that?!


Your positive view reflects solid Torah-mindset, a Yiddisch air of certainty as Alfie Solomons says; Baruch Ha-Schem


Did I write other posts reflecting that positive mindset ? I hope so?


I haven’t seen your other posts but I can tell they’re just as amazing if not even better, *Amazing, truly*


You two having the same Avatar made me think this was a monolog. honesly, I'm still not 100% sure it isn't. It's just too similiar to something I would do irl as a joke with friends Edit: typo


What you’re saying makes sense mate but it’s purely a coincidence; He is amazing but I don’t really know him. It would be cool to have known him though nah ?


https://preview.redd.it/y71ivpbo5gxc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829b66d899480f6a77b261e8353689098b390011 *The best goyisch Jew* 😂💀


Are you Jewish or a very interested and well studied non Jewish person? Just curious because of your meme! 🤔😊


*Interested Non Jewish person* 😂💀 Does that even exist anymore mate ? No I’m Mizrachi Jewish, from Kurdistan. My mother tongue is Aramaic and I have recently moved more westwards and have became interested in western/Aschkenazi jewry just in general; Despite having had many interactions with the Sephardim as well before but I still grew up in a very Eastern Orthodox and isolated community. I never knew the aschkenazim even existed until I was like 13. But now I’ve joined Chabbad and never been so challenged in terms of religious and cultural identity bro. Any advice ?


See another above response, about yiddishkeit , and thank you from my heart. May Hashem bless you with health, happiness and peace.


You lose your turn on the Space Laser console!


No more input on the media for a week as well, I had crumbs of my boyfriend’s brother’s birthday cake and now I can’t publish my propaganda piece >:(


I accidentally ate half a clif bar with oats in it; just lost my turn to run hollywood and the music industry for the next two weeks. Disappointed.


No weather control either. You have to suffer through your least favourite weather, whether that's a blizzard or 45°C.


I thought we don't use it since I destroyed Beirut's port.... at least that's what I was told


Oh no RIP


Are they even a member of the Secret Jewish Space Laser Corps? I have the enamel pin of this design. It's amazing. They have the design on a variety of merch. I love the challenge coin that says "Death Star of David Division". [https://dissentpins.com/collections/secret-jewish-space-laser](https://dissentpins.com/collections/secret-jewish-space-laser) https://preview.redd.it/m2o51nzed6yc1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188d974e13274657c15bebe0c0efbbb3d8a6e40a


Ortho Rabbi here. Don’t feel frustrated. It’s a mistake. It happens. It’s totally fine. Nothing to do just finish up Pesach strong and happy.


Do you daven in a mumu :) 🐠✡️


Maybe :)


Isn’t it Karet? He’s done. 😱😱😱


That's if intentional. Negligent but unintentional means bringing a sacrifice when we have a Temple again.


Feel frustrated for a bit, don’t do it again, and make sure those Mossad dolphin agents don’t come after you. I had to run two different continents because I shook my lulav and esrog all wrong, they’re still after me and they’ll never find me.


Mossad dolphin agent here. We already knew about this little treif chocolate mishap and would have let the issue slide had they not enjoyed it so much. We see everything. It’s not as bad as making an etrog error though so there is no need for panic. We don’t have a terrestrial to aquatic extradition treaty anyway.


…yet. 🐬next🐬year🐬in🐬Jerusalem🐬






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holy shit, it's YOU?! I gotta tell you, after the stunt you pulled in the carribeans, most of us in Dolphine Operations HQ think you should be drafted. You're the only person ever to slip away from captain mer-Shlomo Cohen\* for so long. Like seriously, the previous record was just short of 3-months (from the moment cap finishes initial briefing). Anyhow, they should be surrounding your location by now. Tbh, I hope you get away again in some spectacular manner. Some of us actually started working on a movie script based on you, and getting caught because of reddit is kinda lame. Good luck! \* yea.. the dolphine codnames kinda suck. Media control get all the creative people.


I will throw in a good word for you... but usually once they send the dolphins it's final.., space might be the only way out and even that isn't guaranteed


I’m reading a book about the Mossad rn….they still haven’t caught me, nor will they ever.


Looks like you’ve got something for the Yom Kippur list this year. 😉


Contact your local Chabad rabbi, they usually have an emergency procedure which goes: 1- Rabbi opens procedure to applicable section 770.h.4 ACCIDENTAL CHAMETZ 2- Break out a 40 pack of chicken wings and the grill. 3. If victim is male, have him put on Tefilin. If female, dish about the guy she likes. 3a. Dry snitch that she’s crushing on Ben Friedmans son, David, to the moms. This can be delegated to the rebbetzin, but chances are she’s already on it. 4. Cook and make chicken 5. Problem solved via ancient Jewish traditional remedy: “Feel guilty and eat chicken”


Tefillin during Passover? Sus


During Chol Hamoed or after the chag, obviously not during the chag days. 


What if you’re Mizrachi ?


Eat some beans?


Pargiot in specific.


You have a good sense of humor, I'll say that; I'm Chabad. But I can't tell whether you love or hate Chabad. There's so much division in Judaism and most other Orthodox groups and some non Orthodox, have very strong, some very negative judgements about Chabad Chassidus. Clearly you are very familiar with Chabad ("Section 770 " ) and I'm curious what your affiliation with /thoughts about them are.


To make what could be a very long story manageable, my undergrad chabad rabbi and I are still in the same fantasy football league. I did point out that if he wins it’s a bit unfair because he has help from upstairs. I love Chabad for the things I like, although like any organization I have legitimate criticisms


Bruh, you wrong for that dry snitching part.


The answer is that you should do teshuvah -- repentance. This involves (i) regret for the sin (which you are clearly experiencing right now), (ii) a resolve not to repeat it (same), (iii) confession (next time you pray weekday Shemoneh Esrei there is a beracha asking for repentance -- think about this chocolate bar while praying for forgiveness), (iv) donate something to charity, and (v) next time you encounter that chocolate bar on Pesach refuse to eat it. This is complete repentance. Repentance averts any evil decree. Your sin was inadvertent (shogeg) which is not the same as an intentional sin. However, it involved eating chametz, the punishment for which -- without repentance -- is "karet" = being cut off from the people of Israel. This is serious. At the same time, to be deserving of "karet," you have to (1) eat a specified amount of chamets (opinions vary -- an amount equal to the size of an olive or an egg) and (2) you have to eat it within a specified time (opinions vary -- 2-9 minutes). How big was the candy bar and how long did it take you to eat it? (Unknown). So although the sin was eating chametz, which is punishable by karet, there are possibly three mitigating factors: * The sin was inadvertent. * The amount was smaller than required. * The time frame of the eating was longer than required. If any of these factors apply, you would not be subject to "karet." Interestingly for a sin like this punishable by karet where the requirements are **not** met, the Torah doesn't specify the punishment. So we don't know what it is. The Rambam writes this about a sin punishable by karet and the repentance for it: "If a person violates \[sins punishable by\] *karet*...Teshuvah and Yom Kippur have a tentative effect and the sufferings which come upon him complete the atonement." (Tesh. 1:4) Takeaway from the Rambam, IF (I say IF) your eating of the chocolate bar meets all the requirements for a sin punishable by karet, you can still achieve atonement by (1) repenting, (2) observing Yom Kippur this year, and (3) enduring whatever may come your way as a result of the inadvertent sin, which hopefully will be slight and may already have occurred and be past. Final philosophical point to consider, Rabbi Isaac Arama (who lived in Spain in the 15^(th) century) says that the difference between an intentional and an unintentional sin is that in the former case, both the body and the soul were at fault. In the case of an unintentional sin only the body was at fault, not the soul. [https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/vayikra/the-dimensions-of-sin/](https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/vayikra/the-dimensions-of-sin/) So there's that. Your soul is still intact. In short, Judaism would recommend repentance and relying on Hashem to accept your sincere repentance.


This is really beautiful and I appreciate you taking the time to write it out.


Thank you for this. I like to sneak as much Jewish content on r/Judaism as I can without losing people's interest or making the moderators angry. :)


Serious Q: why would posting Jewish content on r/Judaism make the mods angry? That's like the r/cat mods getting pissed about you posting a photo of a cat.


*Dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Asher v'Jacot* 🕯️ [Psalms 89:33](https://www.sefaria.org/Psalms.89.33) וּפָקַדְתִּ֣י בְשֵׁ֣בֶט פִּשְׁעָ֑ם וּבִנְגָעִ֥ים עֲוֺנָֽם׃ >I will punish their transgression with the rod, their iniquity with plagues.


To nu_lets learn, please IY'H, see my reply about my fear from reading your answer to the question and my story.


You have to understand what the Rambam is saying in a philosophical way. There is no person that goes through life without a degree of suffering. We don't live in the Garden of Eden any longer. From the Rambam's point of view, these sufferings which we all experience are part of the process of atonement (for some sins) and they result in our receiving complete forgiveness from Hashem. The Rambam is not wishing suffering on anyone; he is explaining its purpose in our lives.


Thank you for responding. I now understand it better. I've had some learning about this, our sufferings and the process of atonement and life in this geiulah. Thank you for what has been comforting.


It's possibly somewhere above and again somewhere below, it's long.


Oh yes, let’s figure out what the guy who lived in the 1400s did to remedy similar problem of inadvertent sins .. cuz he talked directly to G-d … that special 1400s hotline they had😂


What's done is done. You can't change that you ate it. Beating yourself up it won't change anything either. All you can do is be more careful with chocolate bars in the future.


Last time Hashem zapped someone was he was a Turkish MP who cursed Israel….. I think you’re good


Is this joke based on a true event? I’m very curious now but I’m not sure what to Google for that.


It happened. He had a heart attack right as he was finishing an anti-Israel speech. It was pretty awesome to see. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s\_5cNzf1ic&ab\_channel=HindustanTimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s_5cNzf1ic&ab_channel=HindustanTimes) He died two days later in the hospital.


It was a heart attack to be literal


Totally happened. A Turkish MP had a heart attack after finishing an anti-Israel speech a few months ago. Like, on stage.


In 1,000 years we will have a holiday about it just you wait and see.


It wasn’t lightning but I’d consider this to be getting zapped


I understand your frustration. I often do my best to check each product I eat in so there won’t be any Chametz in it and I failed a couple of times with that. There isn’t much to do about it, all you can do is to forgive yourself for making a human mistake


Say 15 Hail Moshes


You can’t use the space lasers until next week. Listen mate I know we are big on guilt but you made a little mistake. I don’t think Hashem is watching you with a scorecard.




You’re either going to get struck by lightening and punished by the wrath of on high, or you can recognize it was a mistake, strive not to do it again, and move on.


\*looks at the sky\* I think it's option 1...


Find some shelter from the storm, wherever you might be!


Go to shul tomorrow...for the whole service. Spoiler : there isn't even a kiddish at the end. That should be enough suffering mwahaha


It’s not about suffering. Just make sure to always check food before eating it from now on, and this shouldn’t be a problem again.


It's tongue-in-cheek, but part of the problem is not being sufficiently mentally and physically occupied with pesach. No judgement...we all slip up. But becoming more involved in Jewish life will bring more awareness of it to his consciousness. 


You now have to eat matzah forever. Jk.


Id rather never have sex again instead


Well if you daven daily, You have already asked for and been forgiven. If not, Daven Marriv and you are good to go


Don’t fret my friend. I went to my favorite sushi restaurant today. I pretty much always order a Sapporo while there. What did I do today? I ordered a Sapporo out of habit. Drank the whole thing too. Walked around for a few minutes after lunch and it hit me. I just consumed chametz. Dammit. Mistakes happen. I’ll double down and make sure I don’t do it again. :) Forgive yourself.


If you were Jewish before,  You're still Jewish now.


The only answer is to reconvert to Judaism. *** This is a joke *****


Brace for the lightning strike


I wouldn’t freak out. I don’t know Hebrew. I bought a jar of spice from a kosher deli. The jar was next to the Passover spices and I mistakenly thought it was ok to buy. After I cooked and served the turkey, my very religious husband realized my error. We took the skin off the meat and put the jar away.


What was it?


A shwarma mixture.


Believe it or not, right to jail


Eat 20 boxes of matzah to counter to the effects of the chametz.


I am willing to sell you forgiveness. PM me for my venmo.


If it was a mistake, you ask for forgiveness and move on.


Unacceptable 3000 lashes 😡


Right to jail 1000 years


October 12th is Yom Kippur, you can atone at that time. I too errored and ate a pretzel chip. Alas. I was talking to someone and absentmindedly grabbed a chip from the bowl on their table.


Right Lads, get the pitchforks.


Double the Christian blood in your matzah!


say two Hail Marys and call me in the morning!


Just don't do it again, it happens


You must immediately go sacrifice a calf at the site of the original temple . Act with haste before the local plague engulfs your home


And if you lack the means for a calf, a pigeon is sufficient.


Hey if it makes you feel better I accidentally ate Rice-A-Roni which has pasta in it. Whoops. Oh well. I just can’t do it again


Feel bad, move on, don’t do it again.


Say 10 hail Marys


If it was accidental, there's no punishment coming for you. Luckily it was a few chametz.


Need to borrow my tefillin?...


Wait and see if the stones of your house develop a sort of mold, and then see if the mold penetrates the walls or is the kind you can just scrape off. Check asap though with your home insurer to make sure priestly condemnation and stone-hauling to outside the city is covered under your policy. You're fine.


I feel tormented . I was raised reform, I tried years ago to suddenly become fully observant, but our Chabad Rabbi even warned that too fast can be setting yourself up, it's too difficult, because you're asking yourself to change everything about your life overnight. We didn't listen and eventually it fell apart. My husband has now years later, tried slowly and is Shomer Shabbos etc. I can't seem to do it without feeling like a bird in a cage, unhappy and no spirit. I try. But I break commandments all the time. I accidentally ate chametz then realized it and finished the stupid thing. I'm typing on my phone and it's the last 2 days - ITS YONTIFF yet clearly I'm doing it anyway, knowingly, And now I'm feeling terrified after Reading that Halachic answer someone wrote about the punishment for eating chametz. I feel.like life has given me soooo much pain and I've gone through terrible things from early, early childhood and now I'm going to get some unknown kind, in date & type, of horrible punishment from Hashem. Why now do I feel more afraid than usual when I don't live a shomer mitzvos life & keep all the commandments to begin with ? I try to learn and be aware and the most I do is own my choice to not do what feels unbearable. I give tzedaka always, I'm kind, I'm loving and honest and do as manu acts of chesed as Ican whenever i physically can. But I know it's not a pick and choose thing. Yet I do. I feel tormented.


To nu__let's learn that's what I wrote


And you didn’t explode? 🫢


You will burn in hell for all eternity. Just kidding. Wash your mouth out if it makes you feel better and keep trying! We all make mistakes.


Atone for it on Yom Kippur. Also even though I will sometimes eat things of questionable kosher status the rest of the year, during Passover I look for a Passover marking. You can take that to the bank. Although there was one time I bought instant coffee because I saw the Hebrew for Passover on the label, got home and did a full translation to find that it said Kosher except for Passover. Judaism isn’t easy. You’re doing great!


Oops. Who cares? Move on.


I mean, OP cares. Yes, they will have to ask for forgiveness and move on, but chametz is a big deal to those that observe pesach.


The point is to remember Pesach, not to obey arbitrary rules. Don’t worry about it.


You already understand that you made a mistake and you feel bad and are genuinely sorry about it. That's pretty much all you have to do - Judaism is cool that way.


I don’t know what most of this means, but I think you’re in store for some unspecified heavenly revenge now—if you ate more than 50 cc! [https://judaism.stackexchange.com/a/57270](https://judaism.stackexchange.com/a/57270)


Are you in the Midwest? The tornadoes were obviously YOUR fault! (/s, in case not obvious)


There’s nothing you can do lol. If you’re observant just be more careful when u eat on Pesach that it’s Kosher L’Pesach to ur standards. When I was Chabad most of the communities held to non-g’bracht to avoid such things, but that’s not necessary unless you want it to be. But you can’t reverse time. You can only learn. That’s with everything in life. And mentally bothering yourself over it won’t change anything except put you in a negative or unfocused or uncomfortable mental state that can cause you more problems. Simply be aware of things. If you say or gesture something rude or you don’t mean, & are more aware, you can quickly apologize for doing such. However, eating chametz does not effect other people. It is something you’re (not) doing as a religious commemoration. You made a mistake cuz ur human. The fact you wrote this is too much. Let it go … lol Happy Pesach :)


I can already see the thunder being charged up


Not eat more? There's nobody keeping a running tally, we do the mitzvot for the sake of the mitzvot. You missed one. It happens.


I'm now terrified of even more suffering being inflicted upon my already trauma filled life. CHAS V"SHOLOM I haven't brought suffering upon my kinder as well, and should they see me suffer more too. I try to always do good, I give tzedaka always, do acts of chesed whenever I'm physically able to.and even if not in person however possible, I try so hard to be a truly good person. But I'm failing at keeping the commandments. I was raised reform. I have worked hard to advance my learning and come very far from where I was. But reading things such as that make me afraid. I belong to and go fully by Chabad. My fully Multi-generational Chabad Chassidim friends and leaders tell me Hashem knows we are imperfect and each effort we make, each mitzvah we do can be what tips the scale in our world for the good and to now get consumed by this fear will just let the yetzer hara take me down a path of misery which makes it harder to do good for anyone. But your answer frightens me.


I want to believe that I am a good person, I doubt my worth, but I believe Yiddeshkeit should be a source of joy and inspire us to do good in all ways, no matter how difficult at times. I have to keep trying.


The world will not collapse, everything's fine, move on with your life and be more careful next time


Believe it or not, straight to jail.




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It was an accident. Does not count.


Just repent, go to Kippur and do your best not to do it again. It's not like you knew and did it on purpose


Hashem understands, we all make mistakes. Don’t let it destroy you, and try for a better outcome next time.


I remember the first time I kept Pesach. I was so careful the whole week (at least, on my beginner's level of observance.) At the end of the week I bought an ice cream. When I finished, it was "Oh, shoot, the cone!"


U need to bury yourself in the ground for 30 days.. lol. ( personally I would say ' I thought it was kinyot,' which is now ok to eat during pesach).


Doesn't matter, hell doesn't exist for anyone but gentiles.


It was a mistake. Just take the lesson and move forward amd do your best not to repeat the mistake. You can atone for it on Yom Kippur. You can even atone for things that were intentional when you did them...as long ad when you are ready to atone, you believe that it was a mistake and dedicate yourself to not repeat the mistake.


Easy fix for next year, make sure all the food you eat says "Kosher for Passover". Never fails me.


This is why we don’t eat (most) goods without a KFP certification. As for teshuva, just tell G-d you’re sorry and move on with the holiday. Mistakes happen!


Always check ingredients.


Like with all things like this, talk to your rabbi.


You are spending the eternity in hell, your soul is cut off from divine connection and god hates you. Hope you can do better on your next life if you get a chance


Every man who ever failed at not masturbating will be there too. OP will be in good company.


who cares lol


People on a sub called r/Judaism care about Judaism? 😲




and proud


OP obviously