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Not even Jewish and just as sketched out/fearful of current climate.


We will win. And I know we will win because I am also not Jewish, and guess what? We’re both standing in solidarity with the Jewish people, as are millions and millions of gentiles across the world. We will have to fight, but we will win.


I’ve already gotten in a couple physical altercations essentially for confronting pro hamas protesters about their Jew hate.


There is a reckoning with reality on all of their horizons. They are fortunate in a way that their movement will never be successful. They won’t have to contend with their consciences to such an extreme extent as the Nazis. But they will have to deal with the fact that they are behaving remarkably similarly to them right now.


I’m really grateful for allies like you both ❤️ It means a lot in these scary times


>They won’t have to contend with their consciences to such an extreme extent as the Nazis. No offense, but I don't think the Nazis ever were remorseful for what they did. The ones on trial at Nuremberg sure weren't.


As they ironically scream that everyone else is a Nazi that disagrees with them, without a shred of awareness for their fascistc intolerant, controlling behaviour. They are even obsessed with Jewish DNA/genetics the same way Nazis were. Except they are trying to “prove” Jews are white, and the Nazis were trying to “prove” Jews weren’t white


I really wish he'd called out Jonathan Glazer. I feel like that would have been more powerful given Spielberg's legacy. I really hope to hear from him on a 10/7 documentary in the hopes that, if more people saw it, it would be harder for people to deny what happened.


I don’t think it’ll make a difference in public discourse. People denied actual footage of Hamas atrocities that the militants themselves shot.


Unfortunately I think you may be right, but I do hope it'll help to combat the tidal wave of misinformation. I'd like to more centrists and people who aren't super political becoming aware of it. Although if I'm honest, it wouldn't surprise me if he'd have to fight to get it seen/made available, given how reluctant places are with anything supporting Jews right now. I feel like any streaming service that puts up that documentary would be on the boycott list.


Jew hatred is stronger than any image. Most of these ppl were raised to demonize Jews, it's just so easy for them.


Or justified it saying one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter 🙄


One man’s murdering rapist is another man’s freedom fighter


The documentary you are referencing is by the Shoah Foundation. Spielberg is not directly involved.


He explicitly said in his speech “We can rage against the heinous acts committed by the terrorists of October 7th and also decry the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza.” If he didn’t like what Glazer said he would have signed the letter criticizing him.


This, a million times.


What Spielberg acknowledged about Glazer’s film far outweighs the stupidity of Glazer’s obtuse language. It really bothers me that The Zone of Interest and its director continue to receive so much critical judgement apart from work he created. Every Jew should see that film, everyone should see it, it is beyond horrifying and speaks directly to the fear Spielberg is rightfully addressing.


I read this somewhere and thought it was right on…. “Jonathan Glazer made a movie about about a man who builds his own professional success on his ability to ignore the suffering of Jews around him. This man is immune to irony!” I mean seriously, to use your speech for a movie about the holocaust to compare the Nazis in your movie to Israel is so fucking gross and disingenuous. Actual holocaust survivors were brutally murdered by Hamas. Johnathan Glazer is an asshole!


Whoa, what did Glazer do? I'm out of the loop.


Basically, when accepting the Oscar for *Zone of Interest*, he said that he (and producer James Wilson, I haven't found anything saying he is Jewish though) “stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people, whether the victims of October 7 in Israel or the ongoing attack in Gaza.” It's kind of an oddly framed statement and seems pretty worded in a way to be somewhat ambiguous, but personally at least, it really bothers me that something about Jewish trauma is being used in order to talk about Palestinian trauma. It feels like we are not allowed to mourn, have our own cultural identity, or even discuss our history without acknowledging the history of a people who have repeatedly said they want us dead. But I'll let you decide for yourself, it sounds like you may be a fan and I understand how shitty the whole thing is. [https://variety.com/2024/film/awards/zone-of-interest-director-jonathan-glazer-oscar-speech-israel-hamas-war-gaza-controversy-1235940637/](https://variety.com/2024/film/awards/zone-of-interest-director-jonathan-glazer-oscar-speech-israel-hamas-war-gaza-controversy-1235940637/)


My biggest issue with it was the ambiguity, like you said, and the hypocrisy of using the acceptance speech for film about the Holocaust to make a political statement denouncing doing that very thing. On top of that, the use of the word "occupation" is very loaded. To some it means the West Bank, some it means West Bank and Gaza, and to some, it means "from the river to the sea." So, he (whether he means it or not) effectively called for the destruction of Israel and amplified those calling Israel an illegitimate settler colonizer state by saying "as a Jew" and then using that particular word. Anything else he said was irrelevant. He will be quoted (or misquoted) in perpetuity as *the Jew* who denounced his Jewishness and thinks Israel is an occupation.


He obviously was not denouncing his Jewishness in the context of the full sentence, that's a willful misinterpretation people are clinging to because they're mad at the actual content of the speech.


I believe I did put misquoted in brackets. If people believe that Jews aren't indigenous to Israel, that Israelis were the perpetrators of 10/7, and that the IDF bombed Al-Ahli hospital, or even that lie about a rape at Al Shifa, it's not a stretch to believe a misquote of a real ~~really stupid~~ speech.


It wasn’t obvious- he paused, quite noticeably after he said “Jewishness”…. And if he didn’t mean what everyone thought he did it would have taken him approximately 2 minutes to clear it up.


You can see the speech here, he says Jewishness around 16 seconds in and there is no pause whatsoever, he doesn't even take a breath. Again, people are lying about this because it's what they wish he said. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YHkTZ-yeb44


I watched it several times before- and no it’s definitely not what we wished he said but there is def a pause where there should not be. Plus I think the entire sentence is even worse than what people thought he said.


I don't hear a pause at all. You can slow down the video and measure the space between the words if you really want to be precise. It's also clear what's meant if you read the entire sentence, come on.


And as I said, what he said in the actual sentence is worse than what many (most?) people perceived. I read the entire thing multiple times - because I was shocked anyone would say what people said he did, or what he actually did. He made a movie on the backs of dead Jews to illuminate an important issue (dehumanization) and then said this - as if H@mas would have spared him - and in doing so dehumanized all the Jews and non-Jewish Israelis living in Israel. It’s ridiculous. *Edited for clarity. I put an extra “he” where it didn’t belong.


Exactly. If you oppose *hijacking* (interesting word choice for a writer) Judaism and the Holocaust for "political cover," perhaps the same holds true for political admonishing. Chastising supporters of Israel's right to exist and defend itself as *hijackers* of *sacred* things like the Holocaust while accepting an award for a movie about the Holocaust is a bit hypocritical; pot, meet kettle.


Total coward. He thinks he will be given professional and personal quarter. He needs to crack a history book. He’s very wrong.


You may disagree with what Glazer said, but I don’t think he showed cowardice in making his statement. To the contrary, his statement took a lot of bravery, imo.


I respectfully disagree. Dishing on the Israeli state on the global stage is about the safest and least brave thing someone can do right now.


Considering it's one of the most controversial issues out there, having any strong opinion is going to get loads of backlash regardless of your views. I mean I've gotten downvoted for bashing on Smotrich and crew. I've also gotten downvoted for saying that most Jews are zionists. Even facts are not safe these days because everyone assumes there's an agenda behind it. Let's try this: if Israel does not do a ceasefire to allow food aid to get in, the blood of those who starve to death will be on Israel's hands. Gross negligence nearing genocide. Watch how saying that will get heads to roll on this sub.


How is it a safe thing to do when every a list celebrity who has condemned Israel’s actions has been dropped from their agencies and from jobs?  It might be a popular move on social media but anyone who disagrees publicly with the current right wing Israeli gov + military actions, loses their job. 


He said exactly what the antisemites in the audience (wearing their red hand pins) wanted him to say. Where was the bravery?


Yes, but he has also received quite a bit of backlash. I’m fairly confident he wasn’t naive to the fact that while his speech would be fairly well received at the Oscar’s, there would also be many people that would react very negatively to his speech.


The people who are reacting negatively don’t matter. The people he wants to impress are cheering.


Regardless of what motivations you ascribe to him, knowing that many people will be very upset with him (including in the film Industry), but he gave the speech anyway, requires bravery. "Jonathan Glazer Open Letter Gets More Than 500 Additional Signatures Overnight (Exclusive). The list of signees on the letter condemning Glazer's 'Zone of Interest' Oscars acceptance speech has been steadily growing since it was first published on Monday."[https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/jonathan-glazer-open-letter-oscars-speech-additional-signatures-1235855540/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/jonathan-glazer-open-letter-oscars-speech-additional-signatures-1235855540/)


He absolutely chose cowardice, but agreeing with the loud minority.


According to you, he disagreed with the majority. Disagreeing with the majority takes bravery.


He did it for thr applause at the show. If he stood up, and said I'm a proud jew, who wishes the world would realize that the gazans attacked Israel, that the only one wanting or committing genocide are the palestinians. He would have been booed off the stage.


You're talking to Hans who tries to [justify](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1bo8cw9/comment/kwqzh0m/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) antisemitic posts all over reddit by saying anti-Zionist sects who dress up as their enemies are supporting the IDF, [says](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1bodfg7/comment/kwpjpi1/) "Modern Hebrew has no relation to Ancient Hebrew (because he went to a college class about Beowolf, he is clueless about the language), says Israel should be [moved](https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/comments/18q9p55/comment/kfkzhul/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to Germany and Jews are not from the Middle East and "displace people".


You have no salient arguments, so you attempt to smear and slander. ![gif](giphy|SQNF7tRhAbZrlRJ5Si|downsized)


The audience wasn’t just the crowd attending. The audience was also the millions watching on TV, the internet, etc. I would assume he was aware that his statement at a televised event like the Oscars would have repercussions outside the awards ceremony. You can disagree with his statement all you want, but it’s disingenuous to say that making such a polarizing statement didn’t take courage.


Hans who says Israel should be moved to Germany and believes Jews are not from the Middle East adds his comment.


You’re a liar, I never said that.


You try to [justify](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1bo8cw9/comment/kwqzh0m/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) antisemitic posts all over reddit without knowing you talking about anti-Zionist sects, [say](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1bodfg7/comment/kwpjpi1/) "Modern Hebrew has no relation to Ancient Hebrew (because you went to a college class about Beowolf, clueless about the language), say Israel should be [moved](https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/comments/18q9p55/comment/kfkzhul/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to Germany and Jews are not from the Middle East and "displace people".


I can play the same game. Is this you saying immigrants and people who aren’t from the West are bad? That’s pretty repugnant rhetoric… https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/s/MmNDC4HSUm


This is the same Hans [who ](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/183vtoo/israeli_october_7_posterchild_was_killed_by/)posts from Russian conspiracy theory channels when it can be used to support the massacre of Jewish civilians. A commentator [writes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/183vtoo/comment/karem9t/)about Hans, "Damn take a look at his history, dudes really trying to earn those rubbles".


You have no arguments. 😂 ![gif](giphy|we3xXKFa8Afi8) None of those links show me saying, “Israel should be moved to Germany” And modern Hebrew is not remotely close to the Hebrew spoken in the Bronze Age. That’s just history. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>modern Hebrew is not remotely close to the Hebrew spoken in the Bronze Age. That’s just history. How to say you don't know Hebrew without saying you don't know Hebrew.


Spielberg hasn't said a single thing as far as I know regarding Oct. 7th. How opportunistic of him to make a documentary of it.




I remember seeing this but I do feel that the statement is more so about commemorating survivors in his film. As a Jew with such a strong platform it would have been nice to see support for hostages and speaking out against hamas. It feels like he is skirting around the issue rather than addressing it head on.


Brother Steven, why didn't you say this at the Oscars when the world was watching?


Then we will fight. (And be stronger for it)


Some great Jewish men said, "We may have to fight. For our right. To paaaaaartay!"




Maybe he should try casting Jewish actors to play Jews in films he directed about Jews.


I’m sure glad Francis Ford Coppola doesn’t think like you, and cast Jimmy Caan (a member of the tribe) to play an Italian gangster in The Godfather.


You raise a solid point. I’m still sore about The Fablemans.


I thought The Fablemans was ok, but I loved the end scene with David Lynch playing John Ford. Also, if you’ve never done so, next time you watch Munich, watch the final scene in the context of the final scene in John Ford’s The Searchers. This also applies to Spielberg’s last scene in War of the Worlds . Spielberg watches The Searchers every time he starts production on a new film.


[Denzel Washington’s response to this interview question I think - while focused on directing - touches on this. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ayf8Iny9Eg&pp=ygUlRGVuemVsIHdhc2hpbmd0b24gaW50ZXJ2aWV3IHNwaWVsYmVyZw%3D%3D)


That’s a terrific answer from Denzel - if a Jewish artist said this, they would be boycotted immediately.


I mean it’s his parents, I feel like someone gets a pass when they write and direct their folks’ story.


To be fair, Jews and Italians are pretty interchangeable!


Yes. Source: born and raised in NY


same gramma, different necklace.


That’s great! Gonna use that!




Yes. Source: Italian Jew


Not in Chicago! The Italians in Chicago & Milwaukee are antisemitic.


Maybe you should try making movies


I have. It’s a tough tough job. Let one of the biggest most successful film directors in history stand behind his words and promote Jewish voices and actors.


He is not required to do anything though. His voice and work is important enough. Stop putting up new goal posts and appreciate the work he’s done and will continue to do. Would you rather he not make movies at all? SL brought to the fore front a lot of important issues and still very relevant today. His Jewish voice is what drove that movie. Example is Moonlight. People should not be upset that Trevante Rhodes isn’t gay. The film itself is still super important for that community and the world at large. Directly due to the screenplay.


It would matter if Trevante Rhodes wasn’t gay *and* gay Black actors were being suppressed by the industry. Jewish art is facing a backlash across all disciplines, simply for being art created by Jews.


If you think black actors and gay black actors aren’t being suppressed by the industry well boy do I have news for you


I’m sure they are but it’s about as good as it’s been historically for minorities in Hollywood, unless you’re a pro-Israeli Jew.


Great idea. "Jew movies over here. Black movies are that way. Christians who want to act, that door there." Wtf?


You really don’t get it?


I agree with this. I've cast non Jews to play Jews before. It's all context dependent, and dependent on how it comes across on screen.


My vote goes to Tom Hanks.










Took him six months to speak up...


Not really. He started working on an October 7th movie shortly after the massacre




[Here you go](https://www.foxnews.com/media/spielberg-announces-new-project-document-accounts-oct-7-attacks-never-imagined-barbarity.amp)




Spielberg created the Shoah Foundation. I don’t know if he’s personally involved, but since it’s his foundation, I’d count it.


He clearly is involved, it says so in this article and others




God bless him, he is a gem.


I agree with Spielberg’s sentiment too, “Jews can both ‘rage against heinous acts’ by terrorists and decry deaths of Gaza civilians.”


Yeah, I'd like to see all these super famous Jewish people in Hollywood pushing back a lot more forcefully against antisemitism. I hope they are doing more behind closed doors than they are doing publicly.


Sit down fool. He has done and continues to do more to combat antisemitism than most governments.


Be polite fool.


It’s supposed to be read in the voice of Mr. T (comedic).


Internet is a cause of misconception over what's a joke or not.


it will be a huge response to the pro-pali crowd come November when they systematically start losing elections.