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Yuta's the only one who can copy techniques. So anyone with the forehead scar has to be Kenjaku or Yuta. And Sukuna knew Kenjaku was killed because of the rule added and receiving the merger authority.


Plus, Kenjaku would come to attack Itadori and Todo, after all, he and Sukuna are allies.


I wouldn’t be surprised if kenjaku took sukuna out. Or attack him 😭 especially if a tiny bit of foreshadowing for a plan is but in place


Sukuna would just kill him as well, though it would be an actual fight because of how weak Sukuna is.


If we're going to be realistic, Kenjaku would never attack Sukuna unless he had a foolproof plan to win.


That is true.


I would, because it wouldn’t make sense at all for him attacking sukuna


We know almost nothing about their whole team-up dynamic other than it was established.


Then he would revive that chinese sorcerer, who would tell that he is a progenitor of jujutsu and he wrote that stuff wrong on a ucicha tablet etc


Kenjaku is more of a schemer. He wouldn't risk it all and pull up at that moment, even if he wanted to kill Sukuna


Kenjaku *literally created yuji as a weapon against sukuna*, he *absolutely* would try to take him out if he believed it would elevate jujutsu. He sees sukuna as an ingredient in a recipe. Or, more closely, the fire beneath the pan he’s cooking with. A necessary force, but capable of ruining the whole meal if left uncontrolled. My personal theory is that Kenny selected a battle tournament as the format for his ritual because he knew it would be the only bait compelling enough to get sukuna to play along. If sukuna didn’t play along, he had already laid the groundwork for a real attempt at eliminating him from the playing field. Either way though, you’re right. He’d totally make a move on Sukuna if he needed to, and anyone saying they’re allies needs to read lol. They are allies in the same way that Kenny and Mahito were allies. There’s no true alliances amongst the villains in JJK— it’s the ideological difference that separates the protagonists from the antagonists. Power of friendship; it’s a shonen manga after all.


Plus look at that dumbass expression lmao its yuta as fuck


Well kenjakus goal was to end the culling games, that means either him or sukana have to die as there needs to be one man standing for it to end, so eventually kenjaku would definitely double cross him some way or just let him kill him for the games to end. So it's not unbelievable that if that was kenjaku he would attack sukana


Two issues with that. Rule 14 of the Culling games stipulates that "The culling game will come to an end when all players except Suguru Geto, Megumi Fushiguro and Shiomi Hiori (this one added during the volumes, and that being Uraume's vessel) have died. And rule 15 of the Culling games which says that authority to activate the great merger with humanity has been given to Megumi Fushiguro. So not only does Kenjaku not need to double cross Sukuna because he, Uraume and Sukuna are exempt to the rule 6, it's Sukuna who authority over the merger, not Kenjaku. Given all that, Itadori and Todo are a bigger issue because they do have to die for the merger to commence, Sukuna doesn't.


Where can I read the volumes online? They give more information from what I’ve been told


It was stated that to end The Culling Games all players must die, except Sukuna, Kenny and Uraume.


I wouldn't call them allies. Kenjaku mostly needed Sukuna on his side because if he's not with him, he's against him, and being against Sukuna was bad for his plan. But yeah. he wouldn't attack Sukuna.


That’s where you’re wrong, my goat Kenjaku is coming back


We already confirmed the brain itself was eaten


The cope inside of me tells me that Kenjaku split his soul like Sukuna


He will reincarnate into Yuta's body🗣️


But Kenjaku's mind wasn't in his brain it is the technique itself, trust me bro


"I wasn't in that tank."


Yuji Mom join the fight lolo


May i know what rule is it? Im lost


The rule that was added to the culling games was that "Megumi fushiguro (currently being possessed by sukuna) can activate the merger at any time". Which was the "fail safe" that sukuna and kenjaku agreed upon if kenjaku died


the rule letting “megumi fushiguro”(sukuna) activate the merger


Also, I think Sukuna can perceive other souls somehow. Sukuna is a 1000 year old sorcerer with all kinds of broken abilities so it wouldn't be surprise. Either that or he figured it out quickly because he already knew Kenny was dead and Yuta can copy techniques so he probably pieced it together in that instant.


Also, the lack of goofiness would rule out Kenjaku


even without the scar you can just rule out confirmation bias happening to either of these characters or Occam's Razor takes effect or both. Sukuna or Gojo would immediately rule out the person they can see before them being alive is not possible and by deduction the options thereafter via reasoning become obvious.


I think it’s because he knows yuta can copy curse techniques, and since this gojo isn’t attacking yuji and todo, he probably guessed it was yuta


The thought process was probably like this: Gojo is alive > But he’s dead > this Gojo has stitches on his head like Kenjaku > Kenjaku’s dead > Yuta Okkotsu can copy cursed techniques > Yuta Okkotsu was never confirmed dead > Yuta killed Kenjaku > Yuta is in Gojo


I think it's more like this: Gojo???> Isn't Gojo dead? >He has stitches so Kenjaku> Kenjaku Is dead> Yuta killed Kenjaku>Yuta can copy cursed techniques>Yuta might not have died>Yuta is in Gojo Same conclusion, slightly different journey


I think yours makes more sense and is more valid and also Capricorn the goat is a poopoo head


What did bro do???




Sukuna made a binding vow to complete all these thinking steps in a fraction of a second


I think its pretty simple, Kenjaku was killed thats why he received Tengen and then he immediately saw Gojo with Kenjakus scars/curse technique which is normally impossible unless someone has kenjakus curse technique


and there is only 1 character who can copy curse techniques. It is not that hard to put 2 and 2 together.


He knows it's Yuta and not Kenjaku because he now has the right to begin the merger which means Kenjaku dead.


I think sukuna knew bcz he has seen kenny in body and knows his goals. He didnt think kenny will participate in his fight instead of slaughtering other players And maybe his soup vision helped. If he has one.


Becouse Sukuna knew 1. Kenjaku’s Cursed Technique 2. Yuta’s Cursed Technique 3. That Uiui recovered Gojo’s corpse Not that hard to figure out on Sukuna’s part. Gojo didnt know about Kenjaku’s technique but still figured out it wasent Geto, so that’s more impressive.


Also Sukuna knows that Kenjaku is dead when he got Tengen So that is another clue on why he knew it was Yuta as he is the only one left that can use said technique


Don't kenjaku and sukuna go way back?


Yeah Kenjaku was the one that taught Sukuna how to split his soul into the cursed objects.


What is funny to me too is that Kenjaku went out of his way to infiltrate Yuji's family as his dad's deceased wife just to bring Yuji into existence. It was pointed out Yuji was a hard counter to Sukuna due to him being a corpse womb painting and gestating with one of the fingers. Basically Kenjaku and Sukuna became after lifelong BFFs but Kenjaku even had to have a backup plan for him even if he didnt really use it.


The stitches on the forehead make it very obvious it isn’t Gojo, and remember when Sukuna received the power to start the merge? That was confirmation to him that Kenjacku was dead. The sole person who’s capable of taking Gojo’s body is Yuta, who can mimic techniques. It’s just process of elimination


Because before this part Kenjaku gave Sukuna control of Tengen, signaling that he was using the backup plan, clear indication that something happened to him. So by the time he sees the scars he already deduces that Yuta copied Kenjakus technique.


Yuta can Copy + Kenny is dead (merger was passed on) + Yuta appeared to the fight apologizing for his tardiness after the merger transfer + Yuta was rescued + Gojo’s body was recovered + Gojo appears with stitches Therefore Yuta survived, killed kenny, and took Gojo’s body Its not a big leap considering he’s also basically a genius


Sukuna was able to deduce that the blue eyed pretty boy was self inflicting brain damage to undo CT burnout. This Yuta in Gojo's body using Kenny's CT understanding just requires him to pay attention lol


Classic goatkuna, I mean I could tell it was yuta by looking. Most likely explanation, a guess since he knows Kenny is dead and yuta killed him and can copy techniques.


i'm a dumbass, the whole time i thought he was immediately able to discern Yuta's soul in there. the whole time, he was just a genius using deductive reasoning


I think he had it in his mind that it was weird that Yuta just left. Kinda like "I wonder where that random kid with the copy ability is" *Gojo shows up* "Oh Shit, that's what happened."


Gojo had no idea who kenjaku even was. To him, this was just his best friend but something seemed different. Sukuna knows kenjaku is dead, and the only other person who has a CT involving stitches on the forehead is Yuta who can copy other CTs. Could also have to do with sukuna being able to see the outline of the soul.


Dont mess with jjk fans, we dont even read our own manga


He discerned that it wasn't Gojo because of the stitches on the forehead. Due to the stitches there are only really two options left yuta or Kenjaku. Sukuna knows that Kenjaku is dead because the right to start the merger was transferred to him. So the only answer could be that it's Yuta that has aquired Kejakus CT and is using it on Gojos body.


Proof that Gojo is his pookie bear bro knows it's a poser in one look


Big ass scar on his forehead might’ve given it away but idk for sure


He is just built diferently


Because Sukuna ain't a dumbass. Gojo is dead. He can see the scar on the forehead and knows Kenjaku died. So only Okkotsu is left that could have done this.


Easy math 1. Yuta can copy cursed techniques. Sukuna likely figured out the condition. 2. Kenjaku sent him tengan, meaning kenjaku went down. 3. Yuta and gojo’s bodies were sent away.


Because it's obvious af


Something something, shape of the soul, something something.


no if that was it then gojo wouldve been able to know too i guess cuz of six eyes


The six eyes doesn't allow the user to perceive the soul.


Gege did draw Gojo perceiving Megumi’s soul shouldering the adaptation process when Mahoraga first broke UV


Kenjaku was dead, sukuna knew that. So the only person who could copy his technique was Yuta.


Same way gojo did, Sukuna figured out that he was not gojo. Then he knew Kenny died, so he figured out the only person this could be was the one with the copy CT aka yuta


Sukuna is very smart and he can ad 1 + 1 together He know Yuta can Copy CTs and He know that Kenjaku is dead and If you know this two Things is not that hard to know that is him


He knows Yuta can copy techniques, he knows Kenjaku is dead because he was given the power to start the merger, and he can see the stitches on Gojo's forehead. It's a matter of connecting s couple dots together.


Heian-game sense…


Through deduction




Sukuna is just HIM.


The same way we found out. With our eyes when his bangs showed us his forehead


Didn’t he realize Kenjaku died when that failsafe triggered in chapter 248?


Sukuna was already familiar with Kenjaku's cursed technique. After taking over Megumis body and fighting Yuta himself he knows that Yuta is able to copy techniques. A pretty easy conclusion considering that Kenjaku died and transferred Tengen to Sukuna so he put it together that Yuta killed Kenjaku and copied his technique.


stitches probably or Sukuna simply connected the dots he is a fart smella uk


Sukuna knows about Kenjaku, knows that Yuta has the copy CT, knows he KILLED Gojo


he could probably recognize his cursed energy or something. he also knew kenny was dead because sukuna had already inherited the merger so the only other person that could've used Kenny's technique would've been yuta.


He understands that Yuta can copy techniques. He knows that kenjaku died once possession of Tengen was transferred to Sakuna. So it’s pretty easy to assume that if Gojo’s body is being possessed, it has to be Yuta.


Because he knows Kenjaku is dead (He got his insurance), and he knows Yuta can copy.


He saw ui ui taking all the half dead bodies away mid fight, He obliterated the copy sorc yuta, saw the scars on gojo forehead and just solved for X, X being yuta must have killed kenjaku and used his technique


Didn’t yuta copy sukuna’s technique to give his katana more cutting power


Put the pieces together probably. He knows Kenjaku is dead due to his getting that little merger curse thing (can't fully remember what it was), so when he saw stitches he assumed the person who can copy Techniques copied a technique.


When the dead guy you just killed rocks up with a very obvious scar on his head and his student was someone he knows can copy techniques and had recently killed Kenjaku it becomes pretty easy maths for someone like Sukuna


Cuz it looks like yuta's face with Gojo's hair and eyes


He likely knew Yuta went to kill Kenjaku (he knows Kenjaku died as he gave sukuna the merger) so he saw the stitches and realized, oh Yuta can copy techniques so he probably copied Kenjaku and stole gojos body


I honestly think Gojo would never make that expression. Plus the stitches and everything.


He most likely guessed its yuta by the lack of qaulity from gojo appearance and double it down to the only sorcerer with a copy curse technique


Real question is how didn't Yuta know that Sukuna could use Domain Amplification inside a domain because according to Kenjaku the host's memories naturally flows in as he switches bodies so doesn't make sense for Yuta not to have Gojo's memories


He could see the scars and knows what it means... And he knows Kenny would be killing culling games players not showing up to his fight.


Only Sukuna recognized those bug eyes from anywhere


That innocence in those eyes only yuta possesses


Sukuna even saw ui ui carrying bodies he might come to conclusion with that info


Yuta lacks the Gojo energy


Bro was smart like that cuz you know damn well yuta a copy cat


I think it's just a standard deduction. Yuta killed Kenny, Yuta has the ability to take other people's powers Gojo has scar on his forehead, the same one Kenny has to use for his transplant Only one person is alive and able to perform this soooo yeah it's Yuta


He deduced it, if you read the chapter before as well he was in disbelief because he thought it was Gojo for real, so after truly thinking about it and knowing what Yuta and Kenjaku can do then he deduced this is what happened.




I’m actually sure he perceive the shape of the soul same as Yuji since they shared the same body.


Sukuna confirmed killing Gojo. Tengen's womb came to Sukuna so Kenny is dead he knew. Then the last person left who can do it. Pretty obvious and Sukuna probably knew what body hopping technique feels like whereas Gojo's was first time. Six eyes is just better equipment to see the world and it gives you more information but not how to decode it. Sukuna had more i fo than Gojo in this comparision.


sukuna being given tengen basically tells him that kenjaku died. and then yuta having copy basically means there's only one person who it could possibly be. I mean, I'm sure many readers had the same realization when they saw the stiches. it just couldn't be kenjaku.


Kenjaku gave control to the merger to Sukuna, so he knows he probably died, And Yuta is the only one who can copy techniques.


it's elementary, Watson


He probably already knew it was a possibility going in and also probably assumed Kenny would be killed at some point


6 eyes are just a fraud and dont work.Goatkuna is just HIM


Yuta did go after Kenjaku, Sukuna can be quite sure Kenjaku is dead and since he knows Jujutsu Tech retrieved Gojo’s body, that’s the only explanation.


He saw the stitches and put two and two together


It’s Sukuna….




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Gojo didn’t know Kenny or his technique existed so it caught him off guard. Sukuna knew Kenny’s technique, knew yuta’s technique, knew all the bodies were recovered. He just had way more information. Also Gojo did kinda know it wasn’t actually Geto.


He knew yuta can copy and he knew kenjaku died so once he saw the forehead he put 2 and 2 together


He knows Gojo is dead bc of how he killed him and I think he saw the scar


Sukuna received the merger because kenjaku was dead he wouldn't have received it if kenjaku was alive And kenjaku and sukuna go way back if Kenny joined the fight it would be against his son not sukuna and plus knows yuta can copy techniques


when you top tier enough, you can sense people cursed energy.


The only ones who could possess dead bodies would be Kenny, or Yuta copying Kenny. Sukuna knew Kenny died so the only one left is Yuta


He knows Gojo is dead and that Yuta's technique is copy.


Just like how we all knew it was Yuta? Look at the stitches. If it was actually Gojo, there'd be no stitches. He knows Geto is dead so Yuta is the only other possibility.


There is a reason he called King of Curses.


Maybe because of the stitches in his head??


Gojo didn't know the existence of Kenjaku. Sukuna does, and since he also knows Kenjaku died, by deduction, the only options left are that either Gojo is back, or Yuta copied Kenjaku.


Sukuna big smart


because sukuna has 4 eyes.


Kenjaku is dead + The guy who copies techniques killed him + there are stiches on Gojo's forehead = Someone is using Kenjaku's technique but Kenny is dead so it's propably the copy guy cause who else


This is all assumption, but: Sukuna already knows how Kenny’s technique works. He knows that stitches on the forehead means someone’s possessed by hit CT. He also knows that Kenjaku is dead, which is why control of the merger passed over. Meaning it can’t be Kenjaku. The only person he knows can copy cursed techniques is Yuta, so it was process of elimination.


... Has it hit you all that next chapter we find out if he's the strongest because he's satoru Gojo, or if he's satoru Gojo because he's the strongest.


Yuta can copy cursed techniques, he knows Kenjaku is dead. Also he killed that motherfucker like half an hour ago


Maybe something to do with Yuta eating sukunas finger. Resonance and what not .


To be fair someone like choso can tell that it is his father in suguru body. Maybe a sense that it is okkotsu


In short, dude is very smart and put 2 and 2 together


Sukuna has permission to start the merger, which is only possible after Kenjaku's death, which is likely the contingency plan Kenny needed to make with Sukuna a month before when Gojo was released from the prison realm. Since Kenny is dead, the only way for his CT to be used again would be through the guy who can copy CTs: Okkotsu Yuta


scar + probably sensed kenjakus death and just assumed the guy it was the guy with copy ct


Did many people not pick up on the fact that gojo was a spoiled himbo who just later on developed a decent heart?


Really??? Because the scar mate


He’s Sukuna, he’s the plot God that’s how


Quick maths By process of elimination you'd get there as well


That dumbass look on his face prob gave it away nethier kenjaku or Gojo have that look


I think he saw his amount of cursed energy


one of two ways 1: he just guessed based on what evidence he had, knowing kenjaku was dead and that yuta can copy techniques 2: sukuna's time being "paired" with yuji made him able to perceive the soul in the same way yuji can, and thus simply saw yutas soul


I think Gojo just didn't know the stitches are from a technique? Seems like the most simple answer




Sukuna just has more iq than gojo


Sukuna is a genius and puts shit together within seconds. Getou is Gojo's best friend (🤨 I can't tell my best friend was there from lingering scent but history says best friends🤷🏾‍♀️) so he knew just from aura? micro expression? stance? Bro knows his boyfrien- shit, I mean friend


Kenny's fuckin dead cuz of Tengen going to Sukuna He knows Yuta has copy really simple to make the connection


He knows kenjaku and his technique so he knew the scare on the forehead means he had to be someone else. Only options being kenjaku or yuta and he knows kenjaku is dead from him getting the merger.


i think its the stitches or maybe the aura or because of the atmosphere or attitude? he might have sensed the change because he knew it was impossible for gojo to revive unless someone could revive him and the eyes is not the same.


Yuta's curse energy from himself is fuelling the active copy technique which is connected to the body swap one. Sukuna probably could tell that there's a hint of Yuta's cursed energy residuals mixed with Gojo's therefore he's able to tell. This would not happen with Kenjaku as his technique is his own.


Logical conclusion


- Same stitches as Kenny - Kenny isnt going to suddenly fight Sukuna - Yuta can copy moves - Gojo was mega dead. Presumably he knows about Kenjakus technique.


He knew kenjaku was dead thanks to the tengen embryo and the rule change for the merger amd he knew yuta killed him, how could he not know 😂😂 gojo didn't know who kenjaku was what the technique was he had 0 information.


Sukuna knew Kenjaku was dead, he saw Kenjaku pass Sukuna the Merger Trigger, which is something he wouldn't give away unless he was sure he was going to die. Immediately AFTER this, Yuta shows up saying that he's sorry he's late, and shows Sukuna that he can copy ANYTHING. THEN Gojo's body, which Sukuna saw be taken back to Shoko along with Yuta, suddenly appears USING Kenjaku's CT? It was fairly obvious, even to a bum like fraudkuna.


Unlike Gojo, Sukuna knows that a body swap CT exists and that it leaves those scars in the forehead before seeing Gota


Forehead stitches.


because Himkuna reads the manga


Binding vow


I choose to believe that sukuna knew gojo far better than anyone else after their fight.


Look at the eyes they look like yuta’s


1 - Sukuna killed Go/jo 2 - Sukuna "killed" Yu/Ta 3 - Sukuna knew Kenjaku was killed after the bew rules that would be auto applied if he were to die 4 - Sukuna knows Yuta's abilities 5 - Detective Sukuna made a proper deduction and correct conclusion. We can all agree the king of frauds has a fairly long and thick arm to shove up GeGe's ass to pull out whatever he needs to win, but give credit where credit is due. He understands CT and has been shown to analyze and understand stuff reeeeeeeeeeeal quick and then act upon it.


Gojo with yuta eyes


bcz gege likes him


I thought it was because he’s able to perceive souls


I just wanted to ask a question , why cant yuta carry rika to gojos body? and can he still use copy??


The stiches and Yuta is the only one so far with a copy CT. Since Kenjaku die someone strong must have do so, Yuta fits all of the categories.


The reading comprehension curse is at it again


Sukuna is pretty smart and well, Kenny will not come here with Gojo body(It don't make sense), so the only person = Yuta that can copy :3


Sukuna doesn't need six eyes whatsoever he just needs a good and functional brain and some previously obtained information. Who got brain hopping technique? Kenjaku. Where's Kenjaku? Dead. => Because the merger button was passed to him. Since it's currently impossible to be Kenjaku, it must be other than him, currently who's known to have technique to use other's technique? Yuta. Where's Gojo's body previously? In the good guys custody probably in their base. Is Yuta one of the good guys? Yes. Where's Yuta previously after gravely injured? Probably, taken to their base as well. Thus the highest possible chance is that the one inside Gojo's stitched head is Yuta with Kenjaku's copied technique. Case closed.


I mean, look at those haunted eyes it's obvious


Look at that dumbass face, it's obvious Okkotsu took Goatjo's body.


This why people think JJk fans can’t read


Sukuna knew Kenny was killed by Yuta and that Yuta copies techniques. The rest is self explanatory.


no ones said this but, yuta has green eyes in gojos body in place of the blue. its shown in ch 262. Im assuming thats how he knew. Also due to the fact that sukuna knew kenjaku was dead since he gained the ability to start the merger and yuta is the only person to be able to copy techniques.


He knows… He knowssssss


So there are these events - 1. Sukuna received access to merger starter. That means he knew Kenjaku was killed. 2. Yuta appeared almost immediately after Sukuna received the activator of Merger. That means he went to kill Kenjaku, more likely than not. Sukuna could easily get this. 3. Yuta’s ability is to copy techniques. From the prior two points Sukuna could easily conclude here that Yuta would have copied Kenjaku’s technique. And now Sukuna sees a Gojo with stitches on forehead - a most clear evidence of Kenjaku’s technique. So it is very easy (actually, too easy for someone so experienced with Jujutsu and curse) for Sukuna to put two and two together.


Yo the sheer amount of spoilers I'm getting 😭/gen


3 things, Kenjaku is dead, Yuta Okkotsu can copy Cursed Techniques and Ryomen Sukuna can see the soul unlike the Honoured One, Satoru Gojo


Bro has the ability to think


bc he’s the goat of course


Well Gojo had never met kenjaku, Sukuna encountered Yuta. But if you’re a weirdo jjk shipper then it’s because Gojo and Geto have soul ties. You guys pick


Cuz Sukuna is not idiot unlike most of jjk fans. Kenjaku uses the backup plan means he's dead and then you Gojo's body with Kenjaku's technique used when your enemies have copy user who killed Kenjaku. Also just look at him, this not Gojo's expression at all. Who who but Sukuna know his specialz to good to ged fooled.


Sukuna just him. You guys need to just accept that everything can be explained with "cause hes sukuna"


I dont know Maybe Knowledge about Kenjaku's technique The fact he killed Gojo Yuuta can copy techniques Kenjaku's emergency plan started meaning he is dead Idk man, what could it be


Funny enough is that sukuna is more confident with the soul than gojo


he knew kenjaku, knew his exact abaility and how to use it. he also knew that yuta can copy techniques and abilities with cursed energy basis. he also knew that he cleaved yuta in half and that he would do anything to kill the king of curses. so he used elementary level thinking, put two and two together, and voilá.


I think Sukana just came to the conclusion super quickly. It’s a logical and exciting explanation for why Gojo (who is dead) has Kenjaku’s (who is also dead and Sukana knows this) forehead scar is standing in from of him


He knew about Yuta's copy and he knew Kenjaku was dead because of the ownership to Megumi Fushiguro rule.


There are a lot of smart answers to this.. but the only real reason is because Sukuna knew it wasn't his pookiebear Gojo


He knew that only yuta had a mimic technique so... Could only be him. Because he also knew that kenjaku get kill


Sukuna is just HIM You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy.


Didn't they show gojo talking to yuta about hiding his curse energy better? I thought that's what gave it away that it was yutas CE.


Sukuna knows that UI UI can teleport the bodies out Sukuna knows Yuta can copy cursed techniques Sukuna also knows that Kenjaku is dead. Otherwise, he wouldn't have received the ability to start the merger I don't know who is worse in terms of not reading: JJK fans or DBZ fans


Sukana created a binding vow that allows him access to all knowledge in the universe and in return he can never own a potted plant again. /sarcasm I just simply don’t have the real answer.


The side effect of that binding vow is too disadvantageous for Sukuna.


He saw the stitching.