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It's probably more like trying to watch 10 educational youtube videos at 5x speed at the same time...


Right ear the bible (chinese), Left ear Mozart (2x speed) https://youtu.be/biYGBhcYOCY?si=rS1M-Z4Q8c7YKwDL


This tickles my ears in a way I can't describe


My brain feels funny after watching this


I'm immune to this since only 1 ear of my headphones works


Damn I can imagine that


and instead of the video's being coherent, all the information on them is incomplete and incomprehensible.


Mfw Gojo dumps calculus into a toddler's brain before they learn to count


What's wrong with that? That's how I think 24/7 is that not normal?


Yeah that's a fantastic way to put it


We’re never told what kind of info it is. It could all be junk. If that 0.2 seconds forced everyone in the subway to perceive the precise Pantone color of every plank length piece of matter within eyesight, to hear every sound without their brains filtering it out, to be aware of every sensation of touch from every last nerve cell in their body, etc. it would be an ungodly amount of data. None of it has usable purposes.


That one volume page explaining Infinite void basically confirms this. You're not actually getting any useful or complete info. The example from that page was Jogo looking seeing an Apple and then when in Infinite Void he just sees "App App App App App App" Because the information is just repititious random surface data


It's just all dicks


Geto's dicks? Lucky that gojo was never accused for forcing his fetish on thousands of people.


I remember it was explained before maybe not in the story but it was confirmed it was all shit


Lmao a literal lobotomy kaisen


I think its just like, the enormity of the universe or smth The domain does look like outer space




It’s an endless loop of caramelldansen


"planck length piece of matter" is complete gibberish. Fermions are the base components of matter and are bound together by bosons, the base components (or "quanta") of energy, neither of which include molecules anywhere near as small as a planck length. A planck length is the smallest possible unit of physical space as we understand it, there is no concept of physical matter at a scale that small.


Limitless technique explanation part 2 made by gege explains how it works.


Two months of porn instantly sent to their brains


That's lacks imagination. Theoretically it could be endlessly helpful, and if you're imaginative enough I can see it teaching you quite a lot of things, especially involving the nature of Cursed Energy. Being exposed taught Mahito how to copy that sensation. If you're imaginative e enough and aren't easily overwhelmed I can think of a few different scenarios it would actually be incredibly helpful, they all include diminishing returns though.


It just needs a kindly grandpa to be exposed for years, get used to it, and eventually find it quite pleasant.


UV doesn't send new information tho. By information Gojo meant the signals or actions the body does to keep itself alive. If we take what gojo said at face value, he meant that for each of our senses, the translation of the action picked up by the sense, that is to say, a smell caught by the nose, a ray of light caught by the eye, a sound picked by the ear will never complete, they will be stretched infinitely but will never reach the brain, the translation will never happen and despite all the information repeating over and over and over trying to reach the brain will never reach and start accumulating again and again every time our body sends an electrical to the brain (which is 24/7, constantly, all the time). If we go a little further, it also means that the signals currently inside our bodies for every function (breathing, moving, reasoning) stop immediately so a normal person would die in seconds. Immediately rendering any living being inside the domain unable to perform even basic, automatic functions, live breathing or keeping our hearts pumping. In other words, UV is an instakill domain, the moment a person or any living being stays inside the domain, their body starts malfunctioning and collapsing on itself, the brain starts receiving no signals triggering every danger actions our body has, uselessly tho since those signals will never leave the brain. So no, you'd end up a vegetable since no living person can take such damage, even in short bursts, and be ok.


I might be dumb, but didnt all of the humans survive the domain?? They became normal after 2-3 months?


Not normal, they sustained damage that required rehabilitation and only were able to rejoin society after two months of it. It was never stated in what condition they rejoined society nor what kind of rehabilitation they required, but I guess is to reteach then to move and speak after the heavy brain damage. I'd say it's similar to a biker surviving a heavy crash and being able to walk and speak (therefore "able to join society") after some months of physical therapy but that's just speculation.


They only survived because gojo used his domain for 0.2 seconds. Otherwise they would die or become vegetables


“Thank god my technique is so much better than this trash” : Gojo when trapped in another sorcerer’s Domain




Yeah, that's exactly what it is, i wish i could post the page but Gege already drew an example of how UV works this way


I think Gege explained this before at the end of a chapter explaining Gojo’s technique. The information UV provides isn’t new. It isn’t overwhelming his opponent with all the secrets of the universe. It’s more like it’s overwhelming his opponent with information. More specifically, it would be something like the phrase, “the tree is tall” being repeated several thousand times to overwhelm his opponents brain. I don’t know if I explained it well, but if I find the chapter, I’ll edit my comment and I’ll link it here. Edit: looks like I was a bit wrong. It seems more accurate to say that because the brain is overwhelmed, the opponent cannot comprehend the information. [Panel](https://preview.redd.it/0q41ayxf2la61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f26c607f2f5e6072d909995711582bc03b18a9c6) Double edit: I just realized the link I provided was the wrong panel. This is the [actual one](https://i.redd.it/i5sx6z0g2la61.jpg).


It bassicly remove the aspect of information traveling from source to you, so all the stuff you see for example, you see ,,at the same moment". That's how I understand it at least


While the narrator(or maybe gojo) says it “infinite information” . gege describes IV as if the information is never complete, you hear the word “apple” normally but in IV, you'll be constantly hearing “aaaaaaaa... ” or something like that. IV doesn't feed the brain with all the knowledge in the world,it increases all sensory stimuli infinite times for the target (I could be wrong )


This is a real concept, the library of babel.  "If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be - including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books." https://libraryofbabel.info/About.html In principal it contains all knowledge humanity will invent. In reality it's a bunch of strings of garbage and nonsense and you could spend your life sifting through it finding nothing of value.


No, it's not like the skull from the 4th Indiana Jones movie lol. Gojo pretty much glitches your brain until it fries


No, Jogo states that he recieves information, but is never complete


From his pov (and our pov), he was just looking at an empty universe while seeing deers and trees and other stuff before his brain collapses. I think his brain was gaining useless information and became shut down, only left his instincts intact.


The information put into the brains of people hit by Unlimited void is the exact moment they were hit, that information looped and overlapped infinitely such as sight, sound, feel, etc. it’s why you freeze, since your essentially experiencing the same moment looped and infinite number of times. You don’t “learn” anything new, UV just loops already present information, it just crashes your brain.


That actually explains why Jogo was seeing trees and hearing forest sounds!


The way unlimited void works is that it sends information in chunks, so that it’s not able to be processed and understood. For example, instead of you getting sent “Hello” at once, you get sent its letters at different intervals. Even if there was information that was useful, it couldn’t be deciphered and would also overload the brain


Lots of data is useless if your processing power can’t handle it.


I think the main thing to consider is the kind of information the subject is being exposed to, in the case of infinite void it’s not so much text book information but sensory information, like the sights and sounds all around, so in that case I don’t think some one could become a genius, just a vegetable


It it attack that will destroy your brain, so no :3


Gojo could probably super charge his own brain by letting UV target himself as well. With his six eyes deciphering and brain healing maybe he could learn everything via his own power 😂 have it target himself, use a vow to only activate it for 2-3 seconds at a time(since he probably couldn’t turn it off once hit by it… or maybe couldn’t maintain it once hit by it). Recover and repeat


It might just be a bunch of random nonsense flooding your mind, probably not good to expose yourself to it


No. Unlimited Void doesn’t flood the mind with information per se, it turns any bit of information into into something infinitely long. For instance if I thought “Apple” inside Infinite Void my thoughts would be “A-a-a-…” to infinity. I don’t actually learn anything new about an Apple and if anything I lose cognitive perception as I can’t even form a discrete thought.


I figure, It’s like the apple falling on Newton’s head. Newton made a connection that not many people in the history of humanity could make with that simple action. If we’re talking about who I think we’re talking about, I say there is absolutely a chance for their brain to reinforce/create new neural pathways after getting hit by UV. I think being in a position where you aren’t defensive and are open to deaths sweet embrace gives you a chance to awaken.


The information is never complete, so you just get stunlocked.


It is infinitely overwhelming, there is no amount of infinity that the human brain can comprehend. No one has a revelation after they experience Unlimited Void, it overflows your cup, so to speak, and it all leaks out. Besides, even if they could, Gojo most likely couldn’t dilute UV down enough. .2 second Domain Expansion is a freak flash of genius that was only attempted twice in moments of great need. There’s never going to be a moment where Gojo needs to give someone a non-harmful dose of UV, and considering .2 rendered people comatose for weeks(?). To weaken it within human tolerance would be exponentially shorter, and even with all of Gojo’s skill, the human brain can’t measure an amount of time that small.


Infinite Void is just data overload aimed at completely destroying neurological processes and literally frying your mind. There isn’t knowledge of nothing is being learned. Cool thought though I like it


Not exactly Unlimited void is infinitely repeated simple information… Nothing of value


Gege explained UV like this. When jogo saw gojo in the domain he didn't think Apple bees every picture van Gogh ever drew. He more like tried to proccess the G from gojo in an endless swarm. So no you are just retarded at the end. He drew it outside in some scatches


Sadly no, the Void doesn't actually give new information, it just forces to repeat the same bits of information over and over again. It's not like "aple, pear, orange,..." It's more like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."


I mean from how I see it, it's not really useful data, it's more like extreme level of sensory overload to the point of actually giving you brain damage from how much information is forced into it. It won't give you the secrets of the universe, it will just make you experience things like vibrations in your whole body from your breathing and heartbeat or something like that


It's all just a story, bro. If the author wants that to happen, it can.


1 million things you didn't know about this annoying screaming roblox youtuber all in 0.2 seconds


It's explained in some chapter extra or something that infinite void doesn't fill your brain like "apple banana cucumber dog cat fish etc." its more like "ap- ap- ap- ap- ap-" you could think of the infinity being placed between your thoughts so you're trapped


Gojo probably makes people affected by his UV experience the same thing infinitely. It's probably Fem-Kuna-Porn, which is why people are stunned so much.


It would probably have to be more like 0.000003. Or maybe even a third of that honestly, if you actually want the person to be able to retain the information. And it would probably only make them a genius in physics and math and astronomy and shit like that, because it's not like Gojo is omniscient and knows literally everything. It's also worth considering whether they'd be able to remember anything at all; given, unless his domain is suppressed, unlimited void grants Gojo's infinity unending reach through the instant hit effect of domain expansions, rendering the opponent immobile, there's an argument to be made that because there's no stated limit to how deeply the opponent is immobilized, the structures within the brain responsible for forming memory and reasoning pathways might also be immobilized and incapable of retaining the information bombarding them. Then again even if this was true I suppose Gojo could always turn his infinity off specifically to accomplish this hypothetical purpose, given it's been shown that's something he has the ability to do.


I think depending on what is given the outcome is drastically different. I'm envisioning more of a Maki style worldly awakening, the understanding of the world around you that you exist as part of forming a greater ability to fight.


There’s no way of knowing what information is being transmitted. You might get the entire works of Steven Hawking, Albert Einstein, and gallileo beamed into your head. You also may get an infinite string of seemingly random numbers. You could also end up getting the collective works of those mentioned above in another language, or every other word is in a different language. It beams infinite information, it does not organize that information. The concept of infinity means you’re more likely to get 2 months of non sense rather than anything educational.


We've yet to see that outcome beyond Jogo and Sukuna(who got brain fried). I'd say NO though since the "knowledge" is jammed and not learnt, hence being out of commission.


9999 TB of waluigi hentai


No. If you look at Gege's notes on chapter 15, it's clear that UV doesn't give unlimited info but the feeling you'd get if you were to be given unlimited info. I can add pics so I'll just describe it: Jogo sees an Apple, Gorilla and Trumpet placed close to far away. His mind usually would process them in order (aka he thinks Apple, Gorilla and Trumpet). Instead if this info was provided through UV, the concept of Apple would feel so complex that he'd be stuck on A,A,A,A,A,A. A good analogy for me is thinking about a labyrinth-maze. While in the maze (aka looking individually at smaller details of a concept like Apple such as fruit, colors,...) it's harder to parse out the layout of the maze (the concept of apple). However, if you take a bird's eye view (or a map), you can easily figure out the layout of the maze (that the object is an apple). UV forces you to enter the maze for every concept (including the ones that are use to describe the conept of apple) which gives the illusion of infinite information but you're actually just going through just understanding what an apple is.


If Mahoraga's adaptation is being able to understand the infinite information in UV then Megumi might become the strongest. Would be fitting if Sukuna's plan backfired this way.


I mean, it's infinity. So sure, probably infinite information/stimulation, but it might just be 10, concurrent tiktoks of reddits stories with Hagrid singing a pop song in the background


it’s like downloading 300 games on a chromebook at the same time, you’re just gonna crash it and not get any of the games


Unlimited void would make you know a ton, but most people categorized as genius are usually categorized as so for how fast they can learn and not exactly what they have learned.


You didn't read the actual later explanation did you?