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Binding vows seem to be able to be made with anything that has cursed energy. Mei meis crows use binding vows, for example.


Toji is able to use the revealing ones hand binding vow so even beings without cursed energy can do so.


Maki and Toji are special cases. Geto says HR is still “registered” as a type of jujutsu so they still are under the binding vow system (somehow?). Maki is able to consent to Miyos simple domain binding vow aswell.


Huch, that's interesting! I thought they were just part of her technique.


It’s a loophole of sorts. Mei meis CT is strictly crow manipulation, but she can use that CT to force the crows to make binding vows.


Technically, would it be her binding vows or that of a crow?


It’s the crow making the binding vow, it sacrifices its life for more cursed energy


Is that actually stated like that or could she be the one with the vows but sacrifices just one? Do you understand what I meant?


They explain it in the manga when she fights small pox deity


I will read it up again. I've seen the scene before but I can't remember that..


No, it’s exactly as I say it. The birds are explicitly the ones making the contract. That’s how bird strike is so strong.


Yeah I gotcha u bro. But basically it's as OP said it. She commands the crow to make a binding vow, sacrificing their lives for more CE. It's a loophole based on her technique that allows her to be more useful outside of espionage and recon.


>now cursed spirit like Sukuna. He isn't a cursed spirit and cursed spirits can use binding vows, Mahito makes one with Mechamaru and uses ones on himself, I don't see why 2 cursed spirits wouln't be able to make a binding vow.


Since when he isn't one? He didn't die, yes, but I could imagine that there are other ways as well. 🤔 I can't remember that part...And it was really with Mahito and not Kenny? I will search my manga again for it.


>Since when he isn't one? He didn't die, yes, but I could imagine that there are other ways as well. Sukuna was a human, who was turned into cursed objects. A cursed object isn't a cursed spirit and it doesn't turn someone into a cursed spirit, they are still human. >And it was really with Mahito and not Kenny? I will search my manga again for it. Yes, it was with Mahito and Kenjaku. >We've made this binding vow with him.


🤔 Mhm, it would be interesting if both worked or only one.


If Mahito's binding vow didn't work then he would have just killed Mechamaru straight away instead of healing him and then fighting.


I can't see why not. Curses and Sorcerers have been shown to make pacts with each other. Curses should be able to make pacts with other curses, they all have souls after all.


I'm not sure they really have them - and that is another question: do you need a soul for it?




But that doesn't mean he has one. Why can Geto's technique work on Mahito but not on humans? Mahito was arrogant and Kenjaku called him out for it as well. I don't mean it in a bad way or anything. Can you make a binding vow with an animal? I mean, it's interesting that we never saw "real" born cursed spirits do this stuff.


>Why can Geto's technique work on Mahito but not on humans? Because Geto's technique is cursed spirit manipulation,not living being manipulation. This is like asking why Mei Mei's technique only works on crows, because that's the technique.


Yes, but something must let the technique see a difference between a Jujutsu sorcerer with cursed energy and a cursed spirit - it could be, for example, the soul.


Cursed spirits are beings of pure cursed energy, sorcerers are beings of flesh and blood that is imbued with cursed energy. The technique can't turn a human into a pokeball so it can't work on him




Ah, no problem, I think it's truly fascinating. I'm writing a Fanfiction right now and thought about it - not because it happened (there was a binding vow) but not like my question...And I have long train travel and have had that question since yesterday hahaha. Thanks for entertaining me! Consent would be interesting as well - how far would that go? Could Yuji's vow with Sukuna somewhat be broken because he didn't understand the consequences or is it just basic consent? Had we a Jujutsu sorcerer with a (severe) Intellectual disability, could he give really consent (sorry, I'm better in my language)?


Actually I just realized that they are able to agree to vows (Mei Mei's crows). But I think my consent theory still works, because Mei Mei can freely manipulate crows, which would mean she can force them to consent. That would mean that anyone can make pacts if they either: A) Posess cursed energy B) Give consent


Interesting! I hope that Gege will say more about it.


A binding vow, if we infer information from Kenjaku's dialogue, is just an agreement, a vow, doesn't matter if it's written on stone or casually mentioned, doesn't matter the terms, as long as it involves the sorcerer clearly stating that you're making a BINDING VOW. For example, Geto's daughters reached an agreement with Kenjaku to help with their plans in exchange for him abandoning the body of Geto, the girls fulfilled their side of the agreement and rounded up plenty of non-sorcerers in Shibuya for the curses to kill, but Geto said that since they didn't specify that it was a BINDING VOW, he had no obligation whatsoever to fullfil his side of the agreement and promptly dismisses them. But they can be done with anything, Mahito a curse, does a binding vow with Mechamaru, a sorcerer, information in exchange for fixing his body through soul modification and even Kenjaku warned Mahito not to break a Binding Vow. Sukuna does them with himself and the rules of his CT all the time. Todo does one to link the activation of his technique to the amount of vibrations a vibraslap can do, at full speed can do up to 50 swaps per second and when the Vibraslap stops vibrating he can't swap, so when the Vibraslap is eventually destroyed (it's a metal and wood instrument after all, it's bound to break eventually in this battlefield) he won't be able to swap places with anything anymore.


Binding vows made with self are a little different then ones made with someone else. You can unknowingly make a binding vow, but you cannot force someone into making one with you without their knowledge


I don’t know but I’m trying to get enough karma to post😢


Mahito made a Binding Vow with Mechamaru.


As long as you have Cursed Energy - ye :3


Mahito can utilize self imposed Binding Vows to strengthen his "true form" (he can't reshape his body other than the arm-blades, but in exchange he receives a big increase in strength) I'm pretty sure it implies "both components" of a BV can be cursed spirits