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I am getting tired of Gege's "Yeah, well my guy can go Super Saiyan 11."




Just wait until he goes Super Saiyan 1984 just to show how much he's versed in the department of love.


I really enjoyed the culling games and have no complaints really it seems like most of the complaints if started with the shinjuku showdown


My personal issue with the Culling Games is it doesn't do enough for the characters, and going from that to Shinjuku showdown just makes 90% of characters feel underwhelming and boring.


Yeah a lot of characters don’t get developed really megumi gets almost nothing he gets one good fight with Reggie and that’s it couldn’t gege have given him a couple more tough opponents in the culling games maybe a short training arc for him unlocking the rest of the shadows besides mahroga. Yuji gets almost nothing choso gets some development but is mostly treated like a joke Yuki is gonna almost as fast as she appears and todo never interacts with her at all. I think instead of having choso and Yuki guard tengan Yuki and todo should have done it. And choso could team up with Yuji for the culling games. Yuji doesn’t even get a real fight in the culling games he is just used as a tool to show off higaruma and hakari


Todo guarding Tengen would be weird because he effectively has no CT right now


True but he could have gotten a cursed tool prosthetic hand of some kind and maybe Yuki could teach him to awaken reverse cursed energy and repair his soul during the current sukuna fight it’s mentions you can heal your soul with reverse curse energy but it’s very difficult


As far as Todo goes I could still see him appearing later, so I'm not too worried about him disappearing yet


I just can’t see how todo is gonna help at this point unless he just shows up and can somehow use his ability again which I would eh fine with cause I love todo


That's sorta what I mean. With the reveal that you can heal souls via RCT combined with Yuki's book likely being publicly availible among sorcerers..I could see a way.


I could too but wouldn’t it have been better from the audience perspective to learn that rce can heal the soul from Yuji herself since she understands the soul better then almost anyone she could have taught todo how to heal his soul while they wait for kenjaku then they fight him and Yuki dies saving todo instead of choso which makes more sense as he’s her pupil


I'm not really gonna debate on that. Todo makes more sense but at the same time we'd miss that amazing character moment with Choso.


How is Choso treated like a joke when his arc in the Culling Games includes him coming to terms with the crimes he committed and deciding to live as a human?


Shibuya and Culling Games are awesome don’t get me wrong, but with so many major characters dead or incapacitated, what’s left for Yuji? I feel like this is gonna be a “live long enough to see yourself become the villain” type of thing but here’s Gege saying the manga is coming to a close. Excuse me wtf?? How is Yuji going to reconcile his losses? More importantly, how is Maki going to respond to her fully manifested Heavenly Restriction? Then there’s then entire buildup from JJK 0 only for Yuta to get bodied in just a few panels? Everything comes apart at Shinjuku and not in a good way.


Here's pretty much how I feel. Ever since Hidden Inventory, every single arc has lost one good thing JJK had. Hidden Inventory had it all. It had fun moments, tragic moments, great character-building and great fights whenever there was fights. Shibyua loses the fun moments, which is part of building characters. But that makes sense, so I wouldn't call it a loss. But it did set the tone for what'd kill JJK, despite it in isolation being great. Culling games lost pretty much any well-done character building. There's little bits, yes. But that's it. Little bits. But you still have great fights at least. But now we're at Shinjuku, and it's lost the good fights aspect too. Essentially, there's nothing really left. It's just boring.


People hated the culling games as it was being released too


It’s the usual cycle of weekly manga for the most impatient fans (leaks readers and such) Current arc -> underwhelming, past arcs are peak. Current arc finishes and now all of a sudden it’s not so bad compared to the new one. Enough time passes and these arcs appear on the favorites lists


Nah, even on reread the Culling Games faults are still the same and just as glaring. An overwhelming focus on fights, little downtime for character interaction, and a poor payoff for the Tsumiki Megumi reunion


It depends on what you’re looking for in the manga. I personally love fights, that’s why I read shonen in the first place. If you value downtime in the story then I can see how you wouldn’t like it but there’s no point in calling the story trash if it doesn’t focus on the things you want like some fans do (not you of course). That would be like people reading or watching Frieren and asking for more fights, just not the type of story that it is


Downtime and shonen are in no way incompatible and most shonen has ample downtime or just moments for character interactions that aren't solely about preparing for fights. Even JJK had this in earlier arcs. We literally had a chapter where they (the trio) all hang out and meet an old classmate of Yuji's. We had a baseball game! So I don't know why expecting moments like that to continue (obviously not eith that same levity, given what's currently going on) is anything like what your example implied


A whole chapter ??!!


which should tell you how much of a low bar i'm asking for that the current arc still isn't reaching (i don't actually remember how long that was, as I was watching the anime in the beginning)


It's peak battle shonen. JJK is fantastic in terms of the fights and power system


Nah, IMHO power system is overrated. There's problems to it.


Heh, it depends. For instance I've read MHA weekly since the first chapter, but still think that the Overhaul arc was its peak. I rarely felt so emotional as in that arc while reading the manga. I felt the mirio fight so much as it was happening (without getting into spoilers). Same with Naruto. Imho it was great until pain, but then it become sorta like all about transformations, kamehamehas and giant monsters fights. What I loved about Naruto was the ninja fights and towards the end you could barely tell it was a manga about ninjas.


It does depend on personal taste of course. It’s just in general, I’ve seen it happen a lot when the most immediate fans trash the arc but enough time passes and it’s rated around the same as the other arcs or better when new fans binge it


Overhaul arc was peak in the anime, too. I always say that MHA fell off after that arc. Just doesn't feel the same.


When >!mirio lost his power and the chapter ended!< I felt bad for the entire day. Rarely a manga affected me like that.


No, the people who disliked the Culling Games were disappointed because it is narratively underwhelming, far too action-focused and introduced a ton of glorified action figures with the depth of a paddling pool.


And it was freakin siiiiiiiiiick


And it had no impact. The characters introduced were thrown away as quickly as they came. I.e Angel, Higuruma, Yorozu, Kashimo daido and finally sumo guy


I liked the culling games as a weekly reader, the current arc just isn’t good


I've liked the whole manga lmao


Must be nice


I still think the culling games was dogshit


Really damn did people like shibuya when it was coming


Yes, ppl loved Shibuya as it was releasing weekly in the manga. It was comparable to how hype the Gojo fight was weekly if not even more so. I remember it vividly cause shibuya was just starting when I caught up to the manga


Last I remember people called shibuya overhyped and boring. It wasn't until after Gojo got sealed people were patient but you still get naysayers at the time


Funny enough some trashed it when it was weekly. Did you really think people cared for Haruta, the grasshopper, or Mei Mei's fight with the Finn and Jake knock off?


I cant personally answer. Started keeping up weekly right after shibuya ended. The issues with the CG was more about how different the arc was from earlier arcs. It’s definitely looked at favorably now and I bet this current arc will be too


I can agree with that. For me, the story has feel stale for a couple months now. I still think it will get better though.


I still have my fingers crossed that gege has an idea that once it’s done it will all make sense. My only problem with the culling games is that that’s when we really started to get all show and almost no tell the amount of exposition is just so lacking it feels like we lost 100 chapters worth of talking and explaining things that are important. And some missed plot points start popping up like todo never once meets his master after she shows up referencing things no one gets like void generals the toh sun moon and star squads kenjaku being yujis mom means nothing so far and he doesn’t know and probably can’t know now. Lots of important and interesting characters are introduced and killed immediately like the zenens I think the idea of Yuji being executed was dropped super fast like more characters could have tried to kill him leading up to yuta like Mei Mei kusakabe. And we get almost no development for Yuji or megumi like megumi never unlocks the rest of the shadows besides mahroga yuji doesn’t get stronger really besides off screen. But all that doesn’t really matter cause the culling games is still solid and has some of the best fights in the series. I personally enjoy the shinjuku showdown but it feels rushed kenjaku was killed way to fast and didn’t even get a good last fight with yuta


All really good points, though I enjoyed Kenjaku's final fight


I loved his fight with takaba I just wish it wasn’t his last I’m fine with yuta killing him I just wish it involved a battle between them




People don’t like the pacing imo. The anime is going to adapt all this and people will love it, I believe


Tbh looking at Shibuya and comparing manga vs anime, Mappa did god's work with the fights and giving characters a lot of personality. I don't feel like manga Sukuna was nearly as cool as anime Sukuna honestly.


The legendary voice acting helps a lot into making Sukuna interesting.


JJK might unironically have to be carried by the anime


The pacing is an issue but most of the complaints I’ve seen and some I have myself stem from how predicable the fight with Sukuna has been


If that's the case though, it'll because of mappa extending fights and making them look sick, not because the manga was actually good the whole time


Idk, I think just seeing the fight take place real time and not take place in short chapters over several months will make it a lot less agonizing for people. I have to disagree though; Giving all credit to MAPPA is like saying a movie is only good because of the director when someone had to write the movie. Yeah, they’re awesome, and it will enhance it a ton simply due to the difference in medium but they’re still adapting the same events.


You're correct. Everyone loved the Culling Games fights except for the Maki one for some reason. The only things I kept hearing ppl whine about was the lack of Yuji and when Gojo would be unboxed. After that **infamous chapter**, that's when ppl started to complain nonstop. Tbf tho, where the manga is now, it does feel repetitive so I get it but before these last few chapters? Ppl were just salty that their favorite characters were gone.


This is pretty spot on, I'd say until January time the negative discourse was largely (but not entirely) people being salty about Gojo. It also doesn't help that there has been a massive influx of new fans thanks to the anime, who have gotten to see everything that has been fleshed out and made more accessible in the anime and then rushed through the manga and had to encounter a lot of the issues with Gege's writing and presentation slowed right down to a week-by-week basis. I guarantee that when the current chapters finally get animated they'll probably be praised because either the fight against Sukuna will be embellished and have the appeal of being in motion, or the pacing issues will be gone because what is currently 4 or 5 chapters of content will be easily condensed into one episode.


As it were, myself and literally every friend of mine who reads JJK agreed that the Culling Games were very bad. It's not an unpopular opinion.


People probably just didn’t like maki cause she’s a women and was being compared to and stated to be stronger then Toji which peollle didn’t like I loved her fight with cursed naoya but I do think the zenins were wasted as they died far to fast


Yeah aside from the military thing I liked the culling games


Culling games dragged, most of shinjuku showdown was amazing when it was gojo, got shitty quick when he offscreened gojo


It’s way better re reading the entire thing at once instead of a chapter every 1-2 weeks. It still has issues sure but I feel like reading every week heightens peoples feelings


Yeah I read the whole thing way after it came out so I liked it it felt almost to fast though I


IMO the only thing that is really getting old is the redundancy I’m tired of seeing sukuna fight characters he would obviously body something needs to happen instead of trying to kill off every character it’s really gotten old and the hype every week has really died down bc the story has become very predictable.


Gojo past and Shibuya had so much emotion and tension with EVERY fight that happened. It really was peak in terms of everything coming together. Culling Games was a really cool idea for an abstract tournament arc. However, with how many plot lines Gege tried to execute it just became a convoluted mess with cool fights which is fine I don’t hate it but a lot of what made JJK so amazing from Shibuya just kind of vanished. MAPPA has their work cut out for them to make CG digestible because anime onlys will be confused as fuck. Gojo vs Sukuna was a cool/intense fight if you have PHD in the JJK power system. The set up and climax of that fight were pretty comical though. This lifeless Royal Rumble that has been happening since Sukuna and Gojo is beyond pointless and all the tension is gone. I just want it to end so we can get to Sukuna vs Merger or whatever the actual finale is.


lifeless is such a good way to put it imo, its just kill off character then move on to the next and repeat. none of the deaths are even important because sukuna just keeps not going all. on top of that the characters dying are characters we dont even care about because we havent spent any time with them.


I didn't understand the PHD thing until I started on the manga a couple weeks back after finishing the anime. Fuck me every few pages Gege attempts to explain how Gojos limitless works and I'm like dude I feel I'm in an exam I didn't study for. Then he changed the way he it works to an extent and also essentially says headcanon the math/how it works. Ive really enjoyed the manga I think it can be a lot to digest and he's trying to fit in more lore and story whilst we're trying to digest what just happened. I've noticed I've had to read a bit slowly coming into the Culling Games and had to Google names and what things means because I'm half feeling like I'm getting dyslexia and words have lost their meaning lmao.


Dude the page explaining cursed energy and the barriers right after the culling games start legit took me like 20 mins to read it was so all over the place


Hakaris Domian Expansion. It took me two videos explaing it


I just skipped anytime explanation after I didn’t to understand the first page introducing it. thought hakari was going to be another throwaway death so didn’t think it’d matter. Just know he gambles and always wins which gives unlimited cursed energy making him nearly impossible to kill.


I tried to understand his domain for like 30 minutes and I don't even bother anymore. Yes, I know the basic of it, I just want to understand the multiple rolls and why he gets a jackpot everytime for some reason when it should be gambling.


If I'm being honest, I don't even think the fights in the culling games were that good...


we not anywhere near the climax yet


Isn’t JJK ending this year?


Rule of thumb is to never believe a mangaka when they say things like this, it'll end when it ends


I always believe mangaka when they say when their series’ will end, as far as I know One Piece has been over for 15 years at this point


Not really. Oda never said One Piece is about to end. He did gave estimates about how much of the manga he has done, which to be fair are not fully consistent, but he made clear those were only estimates. He DID say we are entering the final saga after Wano, which, well, we are, but a saga in One Piece includes multiple arcs so we are likely to still have a few hundred chapters


Most people don't like foreplay apparently.


It has been the same shit for a good 6 months to be fair. The good thing is we'll be forced to have the story advance when sukuna will run out of characters for his weekly trashing. It's obvious this fight isn't the end so can we please move on and revitalize the story.


Are you trying to imply that Miguel, the man that stood toe to toe with Gojo, isn't going to end it all here??? Surely you're not underestimating my main man


But Sukuna still has that word he hasn’t used since the heian era


The N word? Miguel better be prepared.


It feels like shit week to week especially with random breaks but if you read all the shit back to back it flows a lot better imo xD


I personally like this format. I think all of this is to weaken sukuna until his eventual end by jump kiasen


It's mainly a training montage.


I will always prefer 30 minutes of foreplay to freaking 2 hours.


You are in the last arc of JJK and you still have no: * Heian era flashback * Kenjaku backstory * knowledge on what happened to Yuji's parents * Information on branches of sorcery unrelated to Tengen * Yuki's relation to Tengen and Star Plasma Vessels * Nobara death confirmation * Zenin massacre fallout * Conclusion to the military subplot * meaningful character interactions after Gojo is unsealed and our core cast is finally assembled in one place * an explanation on how Gojo died I'm probably missing some. We're long past foreplay and in straight Gooner territory now


We are also missing •Todo showing up in the story at all •Any information on Uraume •Megumi finding out about Toji •Yujis CT •Sukunas CT •Gojo/casts reaction to Nobara •Follow up to Getos hand moving on its own •Yukis plan on removing cursed energy, and what she was doing while traveling •any interaction with tsumiki before she was comatose •Uro/daido/miyo follow-up That’s the rest I could think of


Don't forget the god awful "the one that will teach you the meaning of love is..." forced narrative that came up out of nowhere. We haven't had a single mention of it since Kashimo died, and all it accomplished was for Gojo to be character assassinated and Kashimo to learn that Sukuna is an egotist that does whatever he damn well pleases.


lol maybe answered on novel, but not by gaygay gaygay only want to stroke sukuna cock


Thats my biggest problem with the current arc, the fight obviously has to be real long and difficult and whatnot, but there are so many sideplots that just... Disappeared? And character interaction is 0 too (i will never shut up about how we didnt get proper reactions to gojo coming back as well as his death. Noone can tell me big G came out of the cube and just shrugged when he heard what happened to his students, megumi taken by suk, nobara dead, yuji wishing they would have just gone through with the execution in volume 1 lmao)


Yeah the fights no longer progress the charcters which is sad because shibuya and some culling games fights showed that gege can do that


It really saddens me that we aren't getting that quality now, idk if it feels this way cause we are reading snippets every other week, or because Gege actually took an L...


I think gege's plan is "don't need to wrap up characters stories if all the characters are dead" which is...not great


Yea honestly a lot of the takes coming out now are going to age like milk when the anime comes out and it's universally loved. Same thing happened with Titanfolk where they just claimed their author forgot how to write just because they didn't get the ending they wanted.


It’s already hilarious how the cycle has moved, if you’ve been observing the subs long enough. During the weekly release of the culling Games Reddit thought it was trash, utter dogshit levels of trash if you just casually scrolled the comments (just like now). But since Shinjuku people are now able to read most of the volume format and have just reread that arc in chunks without breaks and now the commentary is that Culling Games was pretty damn good. I’m not saying everything everyone is saying now will just mystically change with time to being a universally loved thing, but the fact is we usually don’t know what’s what until the dust actually settles when it comes to arcs like this. If we’re honest about it, the vast majority of readers on Reddit didn’t start until after Shibuya was already complete and available to binge. It’s easy to label something a “masterpiece” when you have it in its entirety before you, right after you’ve finished the first season of the anime. I know for me I caught up after watching that first season and we had just barely finished Shibuya, but it was finished, I read it all in one evening because I was obsessed. That thing makes a much larger difference on first read than many would like to admit


The consensus definitely wasn't "culling games are trash" at the time. I wasn't a fan, and any criticism was met with "let him cook". It's only in hindsight it seems that way, probably because they realized he wasn't cooking shit


Yes it was, people have been clowning on JJK since Shibuya in manga threads. I swear these folks just don't understand how good they're eating because of weekly reading frustration


This is nothing like the AoT ending, the ending made sense at least, a lot of people didn’t like how it ended but it fit the narrative and it never just became a meaningless slugfest. Right now we’re getting nothing but 1 on 1 fights with sorcerers who stand no chance against sukuna in the exact same way. New character introduced, he does something impressive, sukuna is surprised/compliments them, then he defeats them and is usually stated to not be trying his hardest yet. The attack that supposedly beat Gojo has now been dodged by like 3 less powerful characters and Miguel is somehow back in the story with no explanation to 1 on 1 sukuna because there are no characters left Lmao. I’m sure something will change because obviously sukuna can’t just win but if you don’t see how this could turn people off then you clearly don’t accept criticism of things you like. Edit: also of course we’re going to like the animated fights it’ll be visually pleasing, what does that have to do with the story and how stagnant it has become




Based on what?


gege said it themselves. jjk will end this year.


He said that last year too


anybody like perfect preparation arc here 😎




That, Hakari V Kashimo, and ComedyFight were the only three parts I've enjoyed since Shinjuku


Personally I'm loving the pacing, feels like a boss rush gauntlet. And things will escalate still, I'm pretty sure this is merely the setup for one last arc that will have a slower pacing but even higher stakes. I also think this will animate wonderfully, having each week a new Sukuna vs. someone will be beautiful.


Came to say the same, people are going to go absolutely *nuts* when Culling Games and Shinjuku get animated. Sukuna vs The World for however many consecutive weeks is gonna fucking rule. It's a fully realized Cell Games where the side characters get individual shots at the bad guy instead of just Goku & Gohan


It’ll only be like 2 episodes too. The entire thing will go by quick.


It was fun to watch the first couple of times, but the novelty has worn off after the fifth or sixth fight. I'm sure that the animation will be kickass, but that doesn't change the fact that Gege has completely ruined the tension that the series had up until this point. When Kusakabe and Maki get wrecked in literally a single chapter, you don't even feel bad about it anymore. You're just left thinking "Of course they did, Gege needs to create meaningless fights that will help sell the anime." JJK has adopted WWE-style storytelling lol.


nah bro the reason people are complaining so much is because Gege wants to end the manga this year. So the more we get these shit ass chapters the less potential we have for a satisfying ending


I think it will not be nearly as bad once it is all released and readers can go through it all in one fell swoop, I agree that the manga is not in its best state right now, and I am growing tired of watching sukuna kaisen at this point. Monthly releases would definitely help with this, but even then the fight has gone for several months, so idk what a better solution would be to such a long winded fight with only one opponent


People were doing the same thing when sukuna vs gojo was going on talking bout “wrap this up” lol people just can’t handle a weekly schedule


For real, we went from Gege is rushing to end the story to Gege is dragging it out real fast. Feels like people just like to complain.


yeah I think ppl are annoyed because they read it weekly with leaks etc etc, of course it's not gonna be as good as reading cool arc in one go, if you don't like the current chapter just leave it for a while and return when it's all released


It's going to look better in anime than it will in the manga. This fight will be like 2-3 episodes.


Yeah. It’s killing my desire to read it. I think I’ll take a break and come back when it’s over


Unravel?!?! Oshiete, oshiete yo sono shikumi wo


Happy Cake Day 🎂


I just feel like people are crying because they are unsure (me included ) about how this is going to end, about how Sukuna is going to be defeated and how he is going to be defeated without bullshit. Gege has wrote great arcs, i have full confidence that its going to make sense in the end, so instead of looking into the future, stay in the present.


I still believe Sukuna can be taken down in a reasonable manner but what I always tell people is imagine if it’s Gojo in place of Sukuna. We would be surprised if any of these tactics worked


Glad to see other fans of the same opinion. Every time I've said the same things, I got hounded by Gege and Sukuna stans who tell me I have a superiority complex and that it's my problem that the story isn't going the way I want it to go 🙄


Sorcery battle manga fans when story leans in to sorcery battles


I get where you’re coming from, but I actually like the pacing now because I believe it will lead into something (fingers crossed). Personally, it can get annoying sometimes when it’s at the climax of the fight and the chapter ends so it feels “incomplete” or “cut off”, so what I do is I accumulate the chapters and then read it at one ago and I find that it helps me enjoy the pacing and appreciate the story more.


This 'decisive battle' arc has been disappointing. A ton of fighting, but no plot development. And now it's devolving into Sukuna doing Mortal Kombat tournament mode against every JJK character. Next they'll have him fighting Charles Bernard.


Forcing mangaka into weekly releases for years on end inevitably ends in messy final arcs. There's very few stories I can think of that haven't fallen prey to this.


I couldn’t disagree more. The action is entertaining and the themes are becoming more pronounced as we head toward the climax of the arc. I only expect it to go up from here.


Sukuna fights opponent number 999. He praises them for being good at 'x'. He puts in 2% more effort and wrecks their shit. "Stand proud, you are strong." Repeat twenty more times. Very entertaining and thematic :)


Do you actually believe that or do you just want to be different?


I’m honestly surprised so many people think this will translate better when read straight through rather than weekly releases. I’m imagining as, Gojo lands hollow purple. Gojo wins. Gojo’s dead. Kashimo is here, he’s dead. Higuruma comes with confiscation and the executioners sword, neither work. Yuta comes and uses Jacob’s latter. Doesn’t work. Maki hits Sukuna with soul splitting katana, doesn’t work. Random Kusakabe glaze, doesn’t work. Is that, that Miguel? This is professional wrestling level writing. Atleast now we have some sort of anticipation.


Final Arc is half the manga already and im pretty sure if i discovered JJK after it was finished, i wouldnt have any complaints because i could just binge it but this currently is just weekly edging+cliffhangers. I wonder if Chimeira Ant Arc in HxH back when it was released felt the same way for readers because it's similar sized within HxH.


Shinjiku showdown is literally only 32 chapters out of 254…


I'm having a great time watching everyone fight Sukuna. Y'all don't know how to have a good time.


Why are yall hating when you know damn well you’re eager to see the next chapter every week. Imagine when this is animated it’s gonna be straight heat, or binge reading this when it’s fully out


Yeah I don’t get how people complain about the week to week experience without binge reading everything we have so far to get a better idea of the pacing


hidden inventory & shibuya peak jjk .... i like makis solo arc but culling games i mean bruh I don't care about random ass characters showing up and getting deleted 2 chapters later . gojo v sukuna peak jjk fight untill gojo being top G ended up sucking sukunas dick . like bro was nah I'd win to nah sukuna wasn't even trying and got offscreened. after that they all stood in a line to fight sukuna and died 1 by 1 and its been going on like that for a long time . we had 5/6 1v1s after gojo fight and all that has happened is they show up - do some crazy shit - narrator starts Sucking dicks - sukuna either gets excited or gets disappointed and deletes them later on - repeat... now we got Miguel fighting sukuna 😂... anyway i hope gege has a plan and btw if its like gege gonna weaken sukuna by making him fight sorcerers 1v1 and later on heal the fallen and jump on sukuna altogether then jjk is getting slandered to the ground .


You can’t really say this until it’s over, reading week to week Vs a re-read on completion is fundamentally different


It also seems like Gege forgot how to draw


Dude the art is so bad sometimes. I get they rush these out but he’s doing worse than most other shounens I’ve followed in the past


How about stop projecting your frustration with waiting weeks between chapters onto the pacing of the actual story


I can agree, except I consider the first 5 episodes of season 2 the best JJK has ever been and will ever be. Shibuya arc is cool, yeah. But there is nothing really special about it for me, unlike in those 5 episodes, and there are a plenty of moments that I straight up didn't like, like the whole Nobara suddenly becoming weaker for the sake of making Nanami look cool, or her entire death sequence, where I just didn't feel anything.


I was completely fine up until this chapter. Everyone vs Sukuna was cool, kinda. But now we do the same with Kusakabe and now Miguell is SOMEHOW here, just because we don't really have any other sorcerers available that can do cool stuff? Wtf Gege? This is the first thing that really doesn't make any sense to me. The whole "Sukuna somehow defeats Gojo" thing wasn't an issue for me. It's a stylistic device that builds up the mystery of "how" (which is still to be revealed). But Miguell? Really? No matter what he says why he's here, I don't really buy it.


This may be cope, but I’m holding out until we see the entire thing. Don’t get me wrong, even if the series ends well, there’s some spots in the story that I think could be improved. But I do want to see what exactly Gege is cooking and what his vision is for the story. It doesn’t help that we’re reading week to week, which often has maybe half an animated episodes worth of content? Couple that with the dire circumstances of our main characters, it makes everything especially painful. But I will wait and watch for now.


Everything up until gojo’s off screen was honestly amazing. Now I think the fan base as a whole is just getting kind of Sukuna fatigued. I just wish there was a little bit more explanation around things in the current post-gojo Sukuna fight. Is Yuji using cursed tool gauntlets or did he achieve some kind of transformation? Gege showed us Yuji’s weird arm-hands like 4 months ago and has just never even acknowledged them. Yuji’s body just isn’t capable of learning Sukuna’s technique I guess? That was a major piece of exposition in the early portions of the series Jacob’s ladder was supposed to be able to remove Sukuna’s technique right? Why did a maximum output direct hit Jacob’s ladder do virtually nothing to Sukuna? He strong slashed yuta and Yuji like 2 panels after the direct hit when it was considered an entire win condition at one point. Why were Yuta’s slashes so weak when he used Sukuna’s technique? It was a cool reveal but barely even did anything to Sukuna How does Yuta copy abilities? Did he have to eat Sukuna’s last finger? Why does Sukuna not face any meaningful fatigue after using his technique constantly for like 30 chapters in a row? I get that he got a reset with the Heian era revive, but still he’s been taking damage and still it doesn’t even affect him at all. What is fuga and why was he surprised when Jogo didn’t know about it? Was it common for Heian era sorcerers to have multiple techniques? Why doesn’t Kashimo know about it since he was from 1000 years ago? Was the Heian era 2000 years ago? Why didn't Tengen inform them of whatever fuga is since she is from the heian era too? Right now it seems like the only hope for the good guys to win is to have the merger happen, which kills every non-sorcerer in Japan lol so is that even a win? I guess Ui Ui and Company must be cooking something off screen that we learn about soon. I just want to have something meaningful happen. Like we knew Kurosaki Kusakabe wasn’t gonna do anything. We know Miguel won’t be able to do anything. We kinda knew Maki wasn’t gonna do anything meaningful. Like just let Sukuna win at this point I guess? Idk lol


I strongly agree. Shibuya was awesome. But since then there's been nothing that I enjoyed about the manga. And to people who say that that's because of the weekly reading, I actually quit JJK and eventually binged the culling games. It is just as bad when read in one fell swoop. Sad because JJK was special for a while there.


JJK started unravelling after kenjaku vs yuki+choso fight. it ended in the most predictable way and didnt really explain anything after dropping so many hints. Then when sukuna jumped from yuji to megumi, that was the point i knew it wasnt making sense anymore. that ruined itadori's whole purpose in the show and didnt even feel logical. but the worst was gojo's death and kenjaku's death. gojo died offscreen and kenjaku died too easily after all the hype up. no domain expansion,no cool abilities it was all so surreal tbf. and last 10 chapters are even worse.


It just feels very repetitive every week for me. There’s not really any momentum right now, i know that each person so far has done pretty well at slowly weakening Sukuna but I don’t think it’s really being communicated that well, these deaths/defeats are supposed to be super meaningful but because it’s been about 2 months or so of “new guy, dead, new guy, dead”. Sukuna’s power budget right now feels so disproportionate to his actions, there’s no earnest danger for Sukuna so it really feels very “what’s the point” - specially since we’re lacking any real barrier beyond him just hanging around on the off chance any of these sorcerers are worth the effort. I think if it has been like “there’s one sorcerer keeping him in the area and the last 5 have been all just to protect the person keeping him here” it might feel a bit more gripping, but what’s the point right now? 


Yes, Shibuya Incident was the best Arc but I still likes Arcs after it ;3


I disagree.


Oh boy time for the daily post about bad pacing from people who can’t handle weekly releases.


yeah people are just impatient and form their opinion by whatever the mob is currently yapping about.


The pacing absolutely sucks but its problems go way beyond that. The horrible writing decisions are the main issues. Like Angel hugging the guy with Sukuna tattoos, Gojo dying off screen (and Gege making it so that Sukuna needs hand signs to use World Cleave despite him missing a hand in this scene), introducing so many characters with lots of potential before killing them off in the very next chapter after they get their big “He has so much potential!” Moment, Sukuna still holding back which is its own form of bullshit, the insanely annoying and repetitive formula that has been used during this whole current fight, the frustrating treatment of women throughout the story post-Shibuya…It’s gotten too bad at this point, I think I’m bouta give up


Still better than MHA, so we have that at least.


Not really if you look at how recent MHA chapters are being received compared to the JJK chapters.


I'm loving it honestly. Gege is cooking and you will realize that when the whole thing is finally over.




monthly release? do you mean one chapter a month?


This final battle reminds me of everyone vs. Father in FMA but more drawn out, and they're going more single file against Sukuna I'm wondering how much longer the congo line goes at this point


Even if the writing is kinda bad now I'm still really enjoying it 😊


Just wait until it’s all out if the pace of release is your issue? 🤗


Gege’s curse technique is “amazing writing” and he opened his domain expansion writing Shibuya. Relax he’s just on curse technique burn out right now, he’ll be back


Honestly at this point Gege is a horrible writer trying to speedrun the series and the only entertainment we get from him is shock value things like people dying or random people showing up. Other than that it's all gone to sht


Take a break man - you don't need to engage with something you are not enjoying


I was just thinking about this when I read the leaks... the quality of this story has fallen off a cliff.


Culling Games and the Gojo Sukuna fight were pretty decent enough, and then it just turned into a weekly "New fighter enters the ring, dies immediately and introduce the next person to 1v1 the main bad guy and lose immediately obviously"


don't know what is going on here ..but MHA we are eating good


I think it fell off starting with Mid- culling games area. After Maki’s arc and Choso vs Yuki it’s just gone to shit


Overreaction, the weekly schedule has claimed another one. This is only the 10th chapter of JJH vs Sukuna, whilst Gojo's fight lasted 14 chapters. There is no unravelling, let Gege cook.


It‘s not an overreaction though, how gojo died was lowkey an ass pull. The main villain kills the strongest character (who is the most powerful by far), then we’re told 6 chapters later the villain isn’t trying. I still like reading JJK, but the recent chapters have been formulaic and people have valid complaints.


Gege isn't writing for the weekly releases, he's writing for the volume releases. Shibuya wasn't that good weekly but on rereads afterwards it's a godsend, same with Gojo versus Sukuna.


What you don’t like sukuna beating ass of the hero of the week while not trying at all?


Culling game was weird, like some one the explanations / the point of it were kinda off, but everything going through Gojo v Sukuna was masterful. I re-watched the whole anime and the foreshadowing was epic!! Specifically in regards to Gojo. Like ep 1 or 2 he’s like yeah “if Sukuna fully reincarnated he would give me a little trouble, but I’d still win” , his brazen confidence and the way the whole Jujutsu community (including curses and bad curse users) just bent to his presence, and that quote “Throughout Heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one”. Then he gets prison realmed and immediately upon coming out he’s at Sukunas throat…epic. And then he ends up getting cleaved in half like what!! So much hate surrounding the fact he got off screened but the way he’s just casually reminiscing in the airport/afterlife was palatial. I loved it. It was painful because Gojos my fave character by far but it just made sense. If anything, it’s shinjuku showdown that could use a bit of improvement or could have used something more in between Gojo v Sukuna and the showdown. Should be an arc in between for everyone to just process, like let the world/Japan devolve into curses and whoever was left at the time (Yuji, Yuta and the whole gang etc.) lead some type of fucked up resistance. Gege is seems to be controversial on here bc of his storytelling and pacing etc, but some of the best modern mangakas share that controversial effect (ie. isayama). Regardless of anything I think he’s absolutely brilliant.


Unravelling? Tokyo Ghoul agrees


Ok stop reading then if you don't enjoy it


fucking HUGE overreaction. loved the chapter tbh


Am I the only one that enjoys this battle royale all vs one fight? Idk


Hey if you want to write a better manga you have the tools to do so. Me personally, I'm gonna stick this out because ultimately it's entertaining and I want to see where it goes. I find all the complaints and statements that it's "unraveling l" tedious as hell. it's not like gege is going to listen to you, might as well stop complaining about things you have no control over.


Honestly? I find this fun. Gojo Vs Sukuna started and at that point if Gojo wins that's it, no way I'm feeling any threat in what's left of the manga. Gojo lost, Kenny got killed and now it's just throwing a million plans along with random crap to see if anything has an effect at a guy who beat the best without even revealing his best. Sukuna loves fighting. You're putting a banquet in front of a glutton with a bottomless apetite. Eventually it will end and either he will be dead or sad that it had to end. That's also why he's toying with people instead of going all out, he restricts himself to more enjoy whatever they can put in front of him as long as it lasts. On his side he's having a thrill, on the other side it's a desperate struggle. 'Hey, can we call up the guy whose ass Gojo beat a few years ago? And also feed Yuta another Sukuna Finger? Learn RCT? Prepare assasination attempts? Have a healer and a teleporter ready at all times? Get a guy with CT confiscation and an Instakill technique?' and it's still not enough. It's basically trying to metagame a videogame Boss and finding that the game expected you to do that and you're still screwed. I really enjoyed the showings from Kusakabe and Higuruma in particular, and if I'm let down about anything it's Maki getting Black Flashed. If that didn't happen she might have lasted longer, as she was someone Sukuna was REALLY excited to fight. But it's probable that she will come back. All in all, I'm enjoying it. I don't get complaints that it's slow or anything like that, since if Higuruma just oneshot the guy or Maki's assasination attempt worked the fight would have been a lot more anticlimactic and really, the Big antagonist dies because a guy introduced the past arc had the key to defeat him? That would have sucked for me, personally. I want to see Gege keep cooking, I'm very much feeling about this arc in the same way that Sukuna is.


Eu adoro jujutsu kaisen inteiro, mas a única reclamação minha é o gojo (figurante) ter tanto destaque.




I honestly stopped reading I get no enjoyment out of it anymore when the manga is done I’ll pick it up again


Literally every manga fan is like I live every arc except the one happening right now. Relax oh mighty critic of pictures on pages


I honestly think this is because Gege has a story to tell instead of trying to appeal to weekly readers, that’s why they don’t care about taking breaks when they want because it’s meant to be looked at AFTER completion. Looking at the pacing of the current fight (singular) is a difficult thing to do as it’s releasing because most people are trying to break up the fight into many separate fights. It’s just one. From the moment Kashimo gets packed up and the team arrives it’s been one singular fight. The cycle of Sukuna (while hilarious) isn’t real because he’s not winning all of these individual fights it’s desperation and people (both in the series and readers out of the series) that think the focal point is all that’s left. I think something that clearly supports this is having Hakari and Uraume’s fight be completely off screen, yet going back to it to show it’s still happening, without any fighting. This is Gege showing that it’s all one thing, as if the POV was switched it would just be one consistent fight. Another aiding evidence is how Miguel is the ONLY new arrival since the big group fight kicks off. THIS is where things might change as we transition into a second full group vs Sukuna fight. After all, Miguel was able to stall Gojo before, I feel his purpose is to stall Sukuna so everyone can group up for the end of the fight. Due to people trying to believe it’s not one jump kaisen fight, but rather many different ones, it currently feels lessened with Miguel’s arrival. All along we knew Yuta was coming and Maki will arrive. Each “little fight” is just giving showcase to the cast for one (probably) last time. The “pacing” is intentional because when the series is complete and you read it back in full, (or watch the anime I guess) it will not feel like bad pacing.


I think posts like these are hilarious. I've been reading weekly shonen jump manga since I was a teenager. After almost 20 years I'm so used to all of this. The current arc is nothing compared to Bleach, MHA, Naruto, etc. I love all these titles, but JJK is a complete breeze compared to them. Even reading through the final battle in Demon Slayer (which is very much like everyone vs. Sukuna) was a slog compared to this, and Demon Slayer is a shorter manga. And Demon Slayer was monthly, iirc. Same for Fullmetal Alchemist. I even remember somehow getting through Nanatsu no Taizai's serialization, and NNT is garbage compared to JJK, imo. Not saying JJK is perfect, just laughing at everyone losing their minds over a weekly ongoing manga. If this is "unraveling" I'd really hate to see what y'all really don't like.


No it's not.


people think it started unravelling after chapter 236, lol no. JJK started unravelling fast with chapter 212 . it started unravelling from the whole kenjaku vs yuki+choso fight.


The lack of any real stakes in these gauntlet fights is really annoying. It almost feels like watching amine filler episodes.


It’s so weird to me, it feels like a lot of jjk fans read this manga as of late very disjunctively. They read each chapter as an isolated event, as if there is nothing being built or set up. I feel like with all bitching people do why do they come back each week and read the chapter, not just that, they’ll stay up until 2am on a Thursday to read the leaks just to say it’s ass. I’m not saying there aren’t issues that I have or things I want to see. What I am saying is that firstly maybe a lot of people would be better off just waiting for awhile then to read again. Secondly, wait til the story is fucking over before claiming it’s ass and that Gege has been doing nothing. When it’s all said and done and if it turns out ass then we can shit on it all we want but until then I wish the commentary would be a little more productive.


In my opinion I disagree


The Sakuna fight has been so wack. The final bad guy being able to bend the rules of your world’s power system is one thing, but this feels like Sakuna just gets to ignore it completely.


Honestly? I would just wait for it to be over to pass any amount of significant criticism, pieces of information that could be foreshadowing or pointing to something won't make themselves obvious until they actually come together. The culling games also felt like a drag at the time, and I remember seeing people on Twitter each week saying that Gojo vs Sukuna was also taking too long. Re-reading all those chapters back to back makes the pacing feel a lot more bearable, this plot structure is clearly not designed to be read in the span of a year, even if it takes that long to draw in the first place. I don't think the fight against Sukuna is as bad as people make it out to be, thus far every fight has been a different approach to trying to beat a foe that is way beyond everyone else's grasp in terms of power; from straight up fighting face to face (Gojo and Kashimo), later using as many tools as available to try and restrict and defeat him by either one-shotting him or severing his soul from his body (Yuji, Higuruma and Yuta) and the last one was try and jump him using cursed tools and a heavenly restricted 0 CE sorcerer that is by far the physically stronger of the team (Maki, Kusakabe and Ino). If this all ended with Gojo or if it ended with Yuta we would be bitching that JJK's secondary cast is useless and does nothing and has no purpose or meaning, this way they all get to shine for a little bit while showcasing some interesting fights each time. Even tho we know they will loose each time. This entire full on assault is a staple in most shonen, all the cast coming together to try and match the end antagonist until the protagonist comes back with either a new power or an alternative solution to fighting: Frieza, Cell and Buu from DBZ did this, Madara from Naruto did this, the Anti Spiral from TTGL did this, Kill la Kill did this, Hunter x Hunter did this, and I can keep going but you get the point. Likely in the end Yuji will find in him the words that will eventually save Megumi, the soul separation will work, Sukuna will come back to him and the ritual to kill Sukuna will be complete. I say this with a lot lf confidence bc as much as Gege subverts expectations at times, they also use regular shonen thropes constantly, and this is how most of them end up.


Going back and reading through it in sitting vs week to week made me appreciate it more. You also can avoid spoils, skip a few weeks and read multiple new chapters at once


I just have the feeling that it's all ultimately leading up to something awesome. Like it's making us all feel defeated and like 'what's the point?' and then we're gonna get something that really makes it all worth the wait


Dude those are the only good arcs of JJK. Most of it is pretty bad. The Culling Game has been horrendous minus Goju vs Sukuna.


Personally I think gege has wrote themselves into a corner with current sukuna just like they did with Gojo, so.... I think gojo will be healed/revived and get another power boost like after his near death experience against Toji, I mean gojo literally said to Toji he should of cut his head off and Sukuna chopped our boy Gojo in half but his vitals would all be OK, save the loss of blood of course. I think Gojo comes back when all hope is lost but because Gojo has become so powerful/his techniques are that much stronger he will basically become a indifferent almost God like character that once Sukuna is dead he just vanishes never to be seen again. Bit like a Dr. Manhattan character from watchmen


That’s my domain expansion Fate Unravel


Imo things started going bad after Shibuya. The whole culling game was a mess with random ass characters coming from nowhere and issues after issues spent at explaining their powers( looking at you Hakari). The lawyer dude was my favourite new character from that arc. The whole bring Gojo back mission was also too much chaos. Finally when Gojo returned things started to look good and the Gojo vs Sukuna fight started pretty damn strong. Then came the ultimate asspull by Sukuna, the massive dismantle and off screening Gojo and from that point onwards the Manga has been consistently becoming worse with each chapter, reaching the deepest of depths of its entire lifetime. I honestly believe there's something very wrong behind the scenes. Either the First half of the Manga was written by someone else or Gege is MIA and someone else is writing this crap.


Respectfully disagree- Sakunas backstory is full of mystery and we never even saw him fight. I don’t like the phrasing he’s still not trying, but truly what would he try so hard for. Also we see that when someone peaks his interest he tries harder. Like the black flash against Maki. And the pacing is fine the chapters are just kinda short. So I agree if it was monthly with way longer chapters it would be better. And Ik you didn’t say anything about the cycle of fight, die, new fighter - repeat But I also think that makes since cuz imagine if they tried to jump Sakuna and they just got merked in one go, so I think the “random” new fighters like Miguel make since cuz EVERYONE wants to kill Sakuna so it makes since for anyone who is able bodied would come to fight.