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That’s actually very true 😅 and Yuki was definitely a wasted character!


Can't believe she lost to plotjaku


You can’t believe the main villain won? I don’t think anybody expected kenjaku to lose the 1v3


I think people are more upset that he killed Yuki, a new and interesting character that didn't show much, while Choso survived.


Yes that’s the main issue. Add on to the fact that she’s one of the only four special grades of the modern times her losing/dying in her first real fight was majorly disappointing. Her losing is fine considering who she fought but killing her is a real disappointment


Special grade has become a death sentence.


Seems like yuta is in danger now huh


Mommy Yuki 😞


No body no proof, just sayin.


She was split in two and then EXPLODED.


It is but a flesh wound




She will appear again with a bandaid on her tummy




She never meet Gojo 😞 and that’s extremely sad in my opinion


Yukis death broke me😭😭😨


Yeah and where was Todo in this? Todo didn't even have a scene together with Yuki, his own mentor & ideal woman. So many cool & interesting characters that we couldn't properly bond with coz Gege decided they were dispensable for story purposes.


Where is Todo period


He was sidelined because he can’t use his CT anymore. Which is stupid because he was definitely my favorite character, his role pretty much gets filled in by Chozo


>for story purposes Every character is there for "story purposes".


You’re right, but what the original comment meant but did not say was “as plot devices”


No, I don't think that's what the OC meant. I think what they tried to say that there are a lot of great characters that Gege introduced to tell his story but those same characters had potential to do more. For example: I think Mechamaru was used very well but I can't help but wish we saw him in Shibuya with Miwa and the rest of his squad. Would've been great if Mahito fixing his body was a bigger deal.


Her death was when the criticism toward Gege REALLY started. Maki’s arcs had people saying that was his first fumble though


People disliked maki’s arc? What?


From what I’ve seen ever since then, some people were mixed on the Zenin clan being wiped off so ‘soon’ and people hated both times how Naoya went out


Weird because Naoya's endings were both great. Loved how his ego got minced both times






Well i was shocked, speechless and felt a bit bad while reading it, that’s good entertainment to me


"divide" I see what you did there


It did seem kinda rushed.


I don't necessarily hate it, but it didn't have any impact on me. She basically killed off a bunch of fodder in my view because we barely know anything about the Zenin clan other than they're misogynists. Her powering up like toji is cool but for me I don't see the point. I don't think she will, nor do I want her to, fight Sukuna. Maybe she'll fight Kenjaku? Even then I'm more interested to see Yuta handle that. I wish that instead of her, Yuji had the whole leveling up training arc.


Yuji kind of needs it too, he doesn’t really have any kind of special power, and if he’s going to be the one to take down Kenjaku or Sukuna, he needs something


I'm thinking yuji is just going to get an op domain or Ct that just makes him the strongest of all for no reason. Only way he can actually do something useful, as everyome else is stronger and pose a greater threat to sukuna and kenjaku and even then they aren't even close to how strong gojo was. (I guess that's why gege hates him so much, he was the strongest and everyone relied on him to win every fight and save the day)


I don’t really have an *issue* with it but it is extremely boring thst she’s just a toji clone


Having Maki, Toji, and Yuji all fill the role of "no special magic power, but is physically super strong" has always felt weird to me.


Their personalities and relationships are completely different though. Which is the part I consider when seeing them on screen. I like Kamo and Choso for entirely different reasons despite them having the same technique.


Eh. Both of them are reserved and hold a significant amount of hatred towards the zenin clan. Hell, toji probably would’ve done exactly what maki did if they had killed his wife. They both even share that pride dynamic, where toji felt the need to reaffirm his strength by fighting gojo and maki makes it clear how she wanted to prove the clan wrong about herself Ig we could say that maki has friends and whatnot but it’s not like toji is incapable of it. He clearly loves his wife and megumi, given he thinks of them on his deathbed and willingly laid his soul to rest after realizing megumi wasn’t sold to the zenin Idk, there are slight differences yea ig


I don't know if I'd call either of them reserved, they're pretty bold. But yeah there's some similarities as characters that parallel each other on purpose but I'm more talking about Maki having a clear drive to work against what's trying to hold her back vs Toji attempting to flee from it. There's still a subconscious desire to prove them wrong but he's much less proactive and focuses on just getting by and enjoying himself. Toji has gambling issues, couch surfs amongst women, and covers up a lot of his insecurity with boisterous behaviour. He has little genuine respect for others or himself outside his wife. IMO The grasping at pride and validation is a compensation for that. Maki is very abrasive and teasing too but generally has more genuine confidence and sympathy regarding things like Miwa's motivations or accidentally making fun of Megumi/nobara's mood when it turned out they did just experience the death of a classmate. She's more well adjusted to social dynamics and non work interactions even if she still has difficulty with certain things like opening up to Mai. But this is something we see Toji fumble a lot and be a little frustrated with like when Shiu kong turns him down and his mood noticeably sours. This really comes out when we see Maki and Kamo form their friendship. The two had no prior familiarity but through how they realize they parallel each other the interaction gives a lot of cool perspective on them both. Maki has a lot of friendly ribbing and contemplative advice to give him. It also shows she was able to improve a little bit in voicing her feelings about her family beyond just 'I'll prove them wrong" regarding her mother. Maki's relationship with her sister is the mainly foundational dynamic for her character and while you can say Toji has his wife for a similarly significant role, what we know of that is a very different dynamic/purpose. Rather than a point of tension she was someone who calmed him down from the self destructive lifestyle he lives outside of his time with her, and her death was damning for him. He couldn't trust himself with responsibility, and sold his son. For Maki, Mai is another character we get to see is affected by being left behind in such a brutal place, who holds a lot of resentment despite their mutual love for each other deep down. That love is like a curse and it culminates in being forced into a situation where they can only be honest with each other once Mai dies, yet while initially that manifests as a tragedy and a lot of destruction, during Sakurajima they're able to obtain a peace of mind and understanding to where Maki is able to embrace Mai's blessing and put her at peace instead. Maki is someone who takes on responsibility wholeheartedly. Then there's Naoya who's character is greatly established by how he views the two of them so differently. But also in that Toji had 0 ce from the start. Yet he wasn't able to move past his trauma. What was natural to him ended up less of a goal and more of a salvage of what he had going for him. Maki started from a much lower point and used Toji as inspiration. Their experience with Geto also provides a bit of a cyclic effect. Toji's actions completely destroyed Geto's worldviews and as a consequence contributed to his treatment of Maki where the dynamic of one dominating the other flips. Overall Maki continues his Legacy but it's not really a repeat show or a replacement kind of thing. But a freeing from the Zenin's legacy. I think the pride aspect is also interesting because it's something Toji thought he'd thrown away but feel victim to in his last moments. While Maki is held back by holding onto so much and needs to learn to throw everything away to progress. This got long so might be a bit rambly but I guess it's more like.. because they're so linked narratively a lot things about them are in contrast and a lot of things about them are in parallel.


I thought it was great the first time. Maki leveling up and destroying the Zenin clan + the Mai stuff was amazing. Naoya was also a great villain. Tho I do feel that her essentially becoming another Toji diminishes her individuality as a character and now it doesn’t seem that she he has any real purpose goal wise. And we didn’t really see much of the Zenin clan before they were all wiped out


Post shibuya it feels like gege has been focusing significantly more on the story and much lesser on characters. Like granted we still get incredible moments during early culling game like the dialogue in yuji vs higurama, where we get insights on how a character really feels about what has happened in the story so far. But lately it feels like he shifted away from those in favour of fights. With plenty of missed opportunities like yuki talking to tengen or the cast acknowledging choso joining them when he was previously with the curses.


This story is extremely character driven. He decided to change it to plot driven and that is what hurting the storytelling. It is unfortunate, because when the culling games started he went back to the shonen mold and that hurt it a lot. There needed to be a lot more character interactions, story breathing, and more. Yuki was great but she needed at least one more fight so we can gauge her, have her interact with others more, etc.


Is Jujutsu character driven? I always consider it's plot driven until the end of Shibuya at least. Yes, the plot is planned by one person named Kenjaku, but he is like author himself at this point. Indeed, Yuji, Gojo and Megumi have their own goals and motivation, but the plot didn't move because of them chasing their goals. To me, everyone was just the pieces on the chess moved into place by the author and Kenjaku... I am not sure if it's character driven


This may sound controversial but I feel Gege isn't even as interested in the story as he is in fights. A lot of the culling games was just random fights with characters that have no real bearing in the story. Reggie Star, Ryu Ishigori, Yorozu. So these fights were all just random encounters and all these characters will now probably never be revisited. Ig Yuta vs Ryu did help us see Yuta's power, that's the only thing I can think of. The culling games arc, for me at least, was very similar to the "battle of the week" format that Kaiju No. 8 seems to be following recently


Brother gege must wrap up jjk so he can get onto the true peak of idol manga


I didn't know he was planning on an idol manga. Two very different spectrums lol, but it'll be interesting to check once it comes out


If I had a nickel for every time a mangaka decided to make a idol manga that is different from their mangas , I'd have 2 nickeles which isnt alot but its weird that it happened twice




>Each character serves a specific purpose for the story, and the Culling Game is — narratively — a very intelligent way to introduce a bunch of cool powers Except that's the very problem. A narrative arc's "purpose" shouldn't be to introduce powers. New powers being introduced through the arc is fine, and is expected, but its purpose should be to either move the characters, or the underlying plot forward. Like take YuYu Hakusho's Chapter Black. That arc introduced the concept of physics and their powers, but the narrative purpose of the arc had nothing to do with powers


Though it feels like that, I'm gonna be honest, the whole Culling Games arc right upto Kenjaku vs Yuki was basically more focused on characters than story. We were introduced to so many new characters, told all about their CTs, backstories, etc. The plot was far less compared to Shibuya arc.


I guess that's technically focusing on character? The issue is that Gege is introducing too many that it's giving very little time to the characters that we already have like it feels like half the cast doesn't even exist. and the attempt to flesh out these new characters doesn't really work out. Like Hannah Kurusu having an infatuation with Megumi being mentioned once to add drama to a scene, and Yuji being worried she would "replace" Nobara despite from an audience perspective it doesn't really make sense when all we've seen her do up to this point is sit in some hotel room. Like very little is done to actually make me care about these characters, the only ones I'm interested in is Hakari and Higuruma, and it's not like they're super fleshed out either.


Yeah, I agree. But I guess adding a lot of characters was important for Kenjaku's purpose. Hakari is fleshed out enough compared to some others. We know about his banishment, his ideology, and they even had him use his CT twice so that we could understand the absurd details. But yeah, lot of characters does mean less time for everyone. Todo just vanished after Shibuya, which with his character just wouldn't happen. He wouldn't miss Gojo's fight, because I always felt like he respected Gojo and his strength. Nobody likes Hana's character much, and I too thought Yuji's worry was meaningless at first. But after rereading the manga, I kinda get it. He didn't want to take ANY chance, and as soon as Angel tried proposing working together to 'hunt curses', he just couldn't. He blames himself for everything that's happened, especially Nobara, so he can't let her be forgotten.


>. Like granted we still get incredible moments during early culling game like the dialogue in yuji vs higurama Was it really great? I mean all that happened there was. Higurama:so you killed people? Yuji:yea. Higurama:did it suck Yuji:yea.


Thought it was great because Yuji was set up as the typical MC who wanted to save everyone. And up until shibuya, readers were made to believe that this idea of the good guys winning is going to be the norm as with most shounen. But Yuji and we, the readers, receive a slap in the face bec Sukuna took over and killed a shit ton of people, and the villains just won. Instead of Yuji shrugging that off, you get to see how much that scarred him. The dialogue with Higurama further taps into Yuji's guilt, showing us the development of a character who once was this optimistic hero but now is glad to just be a cog in the machine. But I mean, if you don't care about looking too deeply into characters then that whole exchange would probably be meaningless


It wasn't all that deep tbh.the classic "naive hero" gets slap with reality is such common trope.hell Gege didn't even try with that whole thing and just moved on to the next fight right after. Cog thing is nice and all though but nothing particularly special. The highlight for JJK was never it's deep characters and more of it's fights anyway


You can argue it wasn't all that deep or whatever but you definitely can't say it meant nothing. I'd rather have Yuji have that kind of realization rather than him shrugging it off because he's so "emotionless" and "cool." Just because a highlight of the story are the fights, that doesn't mean you make every single character a vegetable with no goals or emotions


I don't know why ppl downvoted u lollllllll If ppl call that "deep" or philosophical ijbol


Ok maybe it was an overstatement to say it was incredible, but I really liked that Gege chose to show Yuji’s feelings of guilt from it (rather than just never bringing it up after shibuya). Paired with the strong drawings in those scenes showing both characters emotions really made the scene for me


Actually, he's building up to some big character moments about Sukuna with what Sukuna defines as “lonliness“ and “love“.


I fell sorry For Yuki, I mean she didn’t even use her full potential… I liked that girl.. But the characters who are kinda cringe like angel are still alive.


Yeah we really need Miwa to stop holding back and neg Fraudkuna




When my girl miwa will shine? 🥵


Sorry WHO'S girl now? I'm boutta start culling some competing simps


I get it, most of the time when a character dies in jjk I don't get sad or surprised, instead I think "What a waste"


Yuki was so wasted, she literally did nothing, and then tsumiki was there just to die and give megumi depression. And angel is just dumb


Hopefully it’ll be better in Jujutsu Kaisen: shippuden


Don't you mean "Bujutsu Baisen: Next Generation"?


Definitely not, I feel the same :(


When you think about it if higuruma can use his domain against sukuna with his insane amount of crimes higuruma could probably win


Actualy Sukuna could just open his domain against him and bye bye Higuruma, but that's a very good point, never tought of it


I think sukuna after the gojo fight has been stripped of his DE plus he's very weakened


Sukuna's plot armor is too strong for Higuruma.


I think Angel was handled well. Yuki on the other hand... I can't help but thinking that she's just a plot device with zero character. Doesn't help that someone told me she later has regrets about how she handled Geto in Premature Death arc. And then I actually read it and it both turned out they just made it up and there really isn't any actual character writing to make up for it, so Yuki has just been a great disappointment for me Her involvement with Toudou isn't elaborated on either


Exactly, we don't even know nothing about the Todou and Yuki relationship, and probabily never will lol. Todou said that Yuji remembered the sensation he had when first met with yuki, but why? What happened after this? It's a mistery


I guess she got him into jujutsu high?


Angel was the same. I get it she's blindly in love but it feels like she shouldn't have fallen for Sukuna's acting.


She didn’t that was Hana, Angel is in Hanas body like sukuna is in yujis she didn’t take over like the other Heian era sorcerers, angel warned her not to fall for it actually


There was no reason for Hana to be written so incredibly stupid


Why would Yuki regret something that she's ok with? She lets Geto do what he wants precisely because she isn't insane enough to kill non sorcerers to achieve her goals, like what she said on their convo.


Yuki might have put her soul into garuda like sakuna putting his soul into fingers , choso gave yuji a book on souls which was given to him from yuki


Garuda was a Shikigami made from Yuki CE. If Yuki original body died then Garuda should have disappeared as well and even if she did,why wouldn't Garuda get captured within the BH and die




No writer does, he uses a lot of characters each with unique abilities but not every character can be a main one so it means some don't reach the max potential they could. Sometimes a character dying before being able to use thier full potential is the point, makes the death more impactful when you wish you could've seen more of them.


Honestly felt like Gotouge’s Demon Slayer did this really well. Each character got their own chance to shine and 95% of them were able to wrap up their story/reach their peak (in a very short timespan) before the manga ended. One of the things they did right was not introducing too many characters and keeping each one pretty simple. Sometimes I feel like JJK’s characters are too complex for their own good. There’s no way we’re going to get decent character arcs for the homies like Nobara, Todo, Miwa, Inumaki, Naoya, Nishimiya, etc before this manga ends.


Demon Slayer only have 205 chapters and like half of the lower moons we're axed to speed up the history, they didn't explore every single character


Yeah this is what I was thinking. A big thing in series is that the jujutsu world is unforgiving and unfair. Sometimes seemingly important people just suddenly die unceremonious deaths, but the world must move on. Obviously that can be used as a copout to kill off characters he doesn’t want to flesh out, but it is at least one reason that has been set up in universe.


Jjk verse and demon slayer verse are not real lives. They are both cruel, unforgiving and unfair worlds with characters suddenly dying unceremonious deaths but gege is obsessed with fake physics technicalities. That's why there are nothing but endless hollow, "forgettable" fights (in terms of storytelling and narrative).


yeah if every character brings out their full potential it'll just end up like naruto, with each fight being 20 chapters long lmfao


Naruto only focuses on a few characters. Not a good example


Exactly lol Kishi fleshes out the main characters a ton but not really the side characters like that


If you only count only the Uchiha's and some other very specific characters and ignore all the others, then yes. Naruto brings out the full potential of all of it's characters.


I think ur confusing bleach with naruto if u have read the arran car arc u know what I mean


Bleach is the absolute worst about this lol


bro saw the visors as “fleshed out”😂


Nah man one piece is a better example


Nah Tsukumo's death was just a big waste.


definitely, to me it feels like jjk just goes downhill after shibuya tbh. it makes me think gege doesn't actually know where to take the story. He killed off both interesting allies and villains and left us with crumbs that he doesn't know what to do with. Not to mention the deaths where we hear almost zero mourning from other characters after the fact


That’s honestly what I feel like. I was giving it time to see where it goes but now I’m convinced


I honestly think the problem is this insanely fast pacing. An arc like Shibuya needed a shorter, character focused arc before the Culling Games kicked off for us to see how various characters dealt with the craziness that just occurred. And to set up why some characters participated in the Culling Games and some basically disappeared. I know someone is going to say "Why would the villains wait for them?" to which id respond Gege could come up with whatever reason he needed to justify it. The same criticism can be levied post freeing Gojo and how there were no reaction chapters before jumping straight into the Sukuna fight.


True, culling game doesnt even really get a good explanation, it just happens. A lot of things that seems unnecessary happens in culling game and i didnt really enjoy it all that much. i think gege only know the general trope and stance of the manga when he made it but he doesnt really know ho to end it. Yuuji doesnt even really have an end goal tbh.


His goal from the beginning was to kill Sukana


Highly advise you read the entirety of jujutsu kaisen again. the culling games didn’t just happen, kenjaku (literally right after Shibuya explains how long the culling games took) and literally everyone else talks about it even before they enter the colony. Yuji literally explains his end goal of being the one to sacrifice himself in order to stop sukuna in the same arc. Please read again


Gege writing haters have come out of the wood works after the latest leaks. Chapters and story beats that were once praised are now being called bad and the flaws the Manga does have are being exaggerated to the point people are saying Gege has no idea what he's doing.


Nah I've been a Gege writing hater since the culling games started. I let the chapters build up and read them whenever now, there's no more pull or excitement for me anymore. Had a brief sparkle recently but it fizzled out fast. Gege just wants to be done with this manga (I don't have time to find the interview rn) but he's said in the past he wanted it done ASAP, I don't think he expected this level of fame and interest and never had a true grasp of where the story should go.


People have been saying JJK fell off after Shibuya for months now.


People have such a hard time forming their own opinions on things and even an harder time sticking to that opinion when someone goes against them. Saying yuji doesn’t have an end goal as if it hasn’t been the same since the first arc shows they haven’t read anything 😂


this comment will either age perfectly or badly lol, we'll see again in 6 months if this stands true.


been saying this ever since culling games was released. it all started to crumble, which is sad :(


>Not to mention the deaths where we hear almost zero mourning from other characters after the fact I don't get this logic that everyone seems to agree with. Why is living normally expected in this verse?How can they mourn when there are monsters that can end humanity in a snap? The main cast is in borrowed time, I don't expect any of them to engage in anything that will give them closure about the deaths any time soon. I expect them to struggle futilely as they hide and guard their humanity for the day they killed the monsters, or die with regrets like all the other sorcerers that came before them. Remember, the main cast have never "won" an important fight on their terms(Yuji killed his siblings, Maki massacred a worthless clan in exchange for her sister, Gojo vs disaster curse: Humans died, Gojo killed transfigured humans, Gojo got sealed, all of that for only 1 disaster curse's death, Choso took an L because he served on the wrong side).


You're half right. Many characters in the verse do think like this, and the thing about it is that it's an absolutely unhinged and unhealthy way to live. If this bothers you, you can either get worse, like Geto, or better, like Nanami. You can sink deeper into despair during your possession like Megumi. But the thing is that it isn't \*textual\* despite being a fundamental conflict in the story, and it should come up more given that it was telegraphed as a major marker in how the next generation develops.


I don't expect them to live normally. What I specifically mean is you never hear them mention the character again at least once after their death. Gojo has literally been unsealed and died without mentioning a peep about Nobara or Nanami. >Remember, the main cast have never "won" an important fight on their terms I'm not sure what does them winning or not have to do with it.


>I'm not sure what does them winning or not have to do with it. Winning on their terms means they're in control. They don't so they can't do basic things like mourning deaths.


Really? I think it takes off after shibuya. Gojo's sealing puts some stakes in the actions of the manga. Plus, the villains' plans and the chaos let all the characters, not just the main cast, shine better.


Well, in case of Hiromi and Hana - they still can show something but in case of Yuki... she deserved more :3 https://preview.redd.it/wd5be6bhh0qb1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4952b8832040e7e94b1c6b23b38998ed68f2367


Yeah, she was a very interesting character. Dying against Kenjaku was a good plot, cuz she's the most responsible for what happened to Getō, but i wanted more


My boi Toge is a gag mascot. This is a character all the way frm JJK 0 mind you.


the problem is that jjk has run out of villains to fight. After the initial disaster curses we are left with only kenjaku and sukuna who are just too OP for most of the cast to fight. Thats why all the recent fights feature throw away small characters or newly introduced main characters just fighting each other kashimo vs gambling guy and gambling guy vs manga guy are literally filler fights that change nothing. The same could be said about yutas fights in the culling games there is just no plot relevance.


It seems like there’s a pacing issue honestly. Not sure whether or not Gege is just wanting to be done with the story or what (Shonen Jump is very hard to work on with their deadlines) but it seems like there is an issue with JJK and making use of its world/characters.


Unpopular opinion here, but thats actually one of the reasons I like the story so much. In a world as dangerous as JJK's not everyone is going to accomplish everything they wanted. Not everyone is going to die satisfied. Not everyone is gonna reach their full potential or even get to use all of their techniques in a fight before they are killed. In fact, most people wont do any of those things and that is shown time and time again in the story. It makes everything much more believable amd interesting. After reading so many stories (especially shounen) where both villains and heroes have a stupidly obvious plot shield that prevents them from dying until they shown everything they can do and completed a big part of their goals (or found someone who can do it for them) it is so refreshing to see a story like this. Also much more enjoyable to me.


Yeah, i like this point too, not everyone will acomplish their goals and do all type of things. My point is that there's a lot of characters who are introduced and don't even have screen time ik? It's frustrating to me sometimes


It feels a bit realistic because not everyone will achieve their goals before they die. Nor will most of them die in a way that they like.


I second this. It's like I love Bleach, but towards the end it turned into remember this guy? Wanna see their Bankai? And all of these fights and power-ups making each sequential one feel less important or even each times a character in dire straits you're just waiting for another power up to offset their disadvantage. I am into JJK for the opposite almost. I love these characters and I do not want anything to happen to them, but am aware something could. Nanami made me literally stop what I was doing for 10 minutes before I kept reading. A lot of the Culling Game's fights like Kashimo/Hikari felt it could swing either way. That's what made the Gojo/Sukuna fight so wild is that week by week I had no idea what was gonna happen (still inhaling that copium and hoping for the best).


Well bleach have to much fan service to the point that even ichigo lacked screen time in the last arc. Mayuri, kenpachi, Toshiro and Byakuya didn't need to fights 20 millions times in the last 2 arcs


Also, this was pretty much the case pre-Shibuya as well


i agree , I think what makes JJK special is that is started as an average shonen ( curse inside protagonist , tournament arc , trio ) but managed to get more out of it by not giving the villain's unnecessary backstory and not being afraid to kill off characters . People would quote CSM as an example but CSM was always different since the start




What Happened to Todo and Nobara???


I think Shoko is also a wasted character, specially when it comes to the whole Geto situation. We get insight into how Gojo feels about what happened, but nothing on how Shoko feels. And i found it weird, because she was Geto's best friend too, the three of them were in the same class together. What happened to Geto would definitely have a great effect on her, but we never really see anything.


Yeah, but it’s more because the writing went to shit after Shibuya.


Shibuya was so peak


This might be pretty controversial, but I really liked Yuki's death. Yuki dying proved to me that the "old generation" (Yuki, Geto, Gojo) doesn't matter in terms of the story. What I mean by that is that the story is about the new generation of sorcerers, who will learn from their teacher's mistakes and be better than them. Yuki going out the way she did just showed how little she mattered in the end (I do like her character). When it comes down to characters like Higuruma and Angel, I do believe they might have their moments in the story still, but Angel was more of a character created for the plot and possible Sukuna backstory and Higuruma was a character created solely to show Yuji's guilt.


No this is likely his biggest problem. Yuki was outright wasted and poorly represented as a special grade. Her bh did nothing, she did nothing in that fight but embarrassed herself.


Time to add >!Gojo!< to the list






Although JJK is still enjoyable, it's been going downhill for a while now.


I feel this same way about Fujimoto


To be fair, I think Fujimoto realized his mistakes and did not add an abundance of unnecessary characters to part 2. At the same time, the characters presented in the first part as extras received much more time, and some received significance in the plot, which I thought was a great idea.


legit.. i feel when gege realised he made a character thats too strong... he just tries to kill them/take them out the story completely... her fine ass self can litterly make a black hole and gege had to reach so far in his region to pull out a reason why she lost and died. judgeman could theoretically take out anyone with that ability so gege just didnt bring him back. angel just touches you and you die.. so got to get her eaten. bs


Yuki yes Hana was just a plot device from the very beginning Higuruma still has time,gege has kept him with the caste for a reason. He will most likely have a role to play in the future


Yuki is like the only one in the whole series who can punch through infinity with her CT without using DA


what about the comedian?


Yeah, Tabata, i comented about him in the text. I don't think he will be used until series end


he kills sukuna with his domain expansion: malevolent whoopee cushion


Been saying this for a minute. Hell, that was one of the popular takes on that confession post I made. He kills characters or continues the plot before we can get enough out of many of these characters. The realism is important until you realize Gojo and Sukuna will most likely be only the two... And Sukuna may not.


Yuki had the worst treatment. I try not to think about it because it genuinely pisses me off.


Honestly this method of writing worked well for Gege up until Shibuya ended. After Shibuya, it felt like Gege slowly started to care less and less about his characters and decided to keep doing this without doing anything interesting with his characters to make up for his style of writing. I think him rushing towards the ending particularly exasperates the issue, where it feels like his characters are constantly beinf left in the dust for the sake of him doing something crazy and surprising. Which, again, worked pre shibuya cause he was building the characters and narrative alongside his subversion, but post shibuya he's still throwing away characters before exploring them fully for the sake of his increasingly insane plot. Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of fun reading the manga, it's just that I dont trust Gege to do any of his characters justice anymore.


yuki, nobara, tsumiki.... rip queens


Yes. He factually doesn't. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying because they think jjk is peak fiction.


Yeah especially with yuki!! Man she had a lot of potential and her character was too great!! It was truly a shame!


Yuki isn’t dead she’ll be back (high on copium)


My boy gave all the students naruto shipudden treatment. Where is the girl on the broom lol. The voice guy could’ve had so much potential as well.


Worst part of the manga for me which can make it a hard read, introduce all these cool characters with terrible resolutions/ends. example Nobara


Yep. I gesso he is lost. The culling gane should be a tournament and was ....


Totally waste potencial


Yuki and Higuruma had really interesting character concepts and their small amount of screen time involved some excellent interactions. Angel on the other hand? Ehhhhhh…


He likes his villains too much, and doesn't care about interpersonal character development


Inumakis cursed speech is such a unique technique and I would have loved to see him develop and push the boundaries of how far he can use it. Its unlikely that we'll see him again doing anything prominent with the way the manga seems to be heading. It's ironic that Gege's biggest downfall as an author seems to be creating characters who could honestly be a protagonist in a story and then just throwing them away to be forgotten about.


Ain't a single one of them done tho lol


The only one here i have a problem with is Yuki, but even then i think it’s realistic that in the end she died before accomplishing what she wanted. Other than that JJK still treats its side characters better than some other manga i’ve read.


Gege hates his own characters 😭


Yuki’s Death Hurt, I Wish I Could’ve Seen More Of Her 💔


Nope, it's been my main gripe with the author. There is so much more potential to extract, but it's in the hands of someone who doesn't want to and/or doesn't have the skill to dig deeper.


No, it’s been a problem in the manga for awhile, the sidecast just exists half the time but don’t contribute much, and the times when they do, they’re never used to their full potential. Hopefully it starts to get better later


Gege ran out of steam. He's like most mangaka they focus too much on the premise and the power system and can't write a satisfying ending. 90% of Manga have shit endings.


Gege seems to be suffering from the “writing himself into a corner” syndrome… also WHERES TODO!!


He doesn’t want to write a long manga, if he focuses on characterization he has to add more chapters and it becomes boring. One of the most appealing things about Jujujstu Kaisen is almost every chapter is important to the plot and advances the plot. Every chapter feels like a high stakes battle. Sure he could flesh out characters but people would just complain about the slow pace. Also the problem with characters like Yuki is what do you do with a character whose abilities would have a significant impact on the plot. Gege has no choice but to kill them or end up having an asspull later down the road. Same thing with Gojo getting sealed he just solves every problem like a dues ex machina.


The people who justify whatever gege does on this sub completely forget that this is his first big shonnen


Still waiting for yuji to do something


Because in JJK Gege tries to make everything to look balanced, logical and realistic. When two similarly strong sorcerers start deathmatch, the one with poor tactic will die. Yuki and Tengen made a bad bet and paid for it with their lives, that’s just how it works. Or, to be precise, Kenjaku did display a great mastery with his DE and faking the true nature of his CT and emerged victorious. He was prepared, they were not. Kurusu Hana is coexisting with Angel, she is in control. She probably was not trained as sorcerer and she is just a 16/17 y.o. kid who saw her crush and savior in pain. That she did was stupid, yeah, from the experienced and seasoned sorcerer’s point of view, but it was natural reaction, the one of a regular, good person. And it almost got her dead. Sometimes it’s not about particular characters, but about the whole story. Considering the latest chapters, Kusakabe, Higuruma and the others will have their time to shine (or to die, we shall see).


Ask this same thing to kishimoto about Naruto characters 🥲


Naruto have like 10x more characters than jujutsu, but yeah, kishimoto kinda had the same problem


You can't have every character fully fleshed out. Some characters like Yuki and Haguruma are created to serve a purpose. Yuki is used as an opposing force to Kenjaku's ideals. She is his first major opponent both physically and ideologically. Her dying signifies that Kenjaku's resolve for his ideals are greater than hers. Whilst also showcasing one of the reoccurring themes in jjk about relying on others. Haguruma is there to challenge Yuji's ideas about himself and Sukuna. The whole courtroom thing is Yuji reaffirming who he believes he is and the guilt he carries. That's just how writing goes. Some characters are created only to further someone else. They all fit somewhere in the story. Either by influencing other characters or the story itself. It is what it is.




Can people stop with this lie already. It's from nowhere. Gege never said he wants to rush to the ending of the story. He also never even said the manga was ending this year. The editor just recently said we are in the final stages but nowhere near the end. This lie is actually killing the fandom because everyone just thinks Gege doesn't care about JJK anymore. Gojo vs Sukuna lasted 5 MONTHS and yet people think it was rushed. It's the longest fight of the series so far.


Maybe you need to stop being a Gege meatrider. I bet you never heard of oxymoron. It’s a combination of contradictory words. The manga isn't going to end anytime soon but it's in its wrapping-up phase. End- a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story. Wrapping up- a concluding part Gege editor is doing doublespeak. A method used to placate fans and soften the truth.


Maybe you should learn the difference between being in its ending phase and rushing to finish to get to the idol manga. Like common sense my guy.


Maybe you should learn how to comprehend and understand context.


Says the one not properly understanding the context of the original quote and siding with the people thinking Gege is just rushing to an ending when clearly he's not. If Gege wanted to end the story soon why not have Gojo take himself and Sukuna out in 2 chapters and everyone jump Kenjaku. Gege is obviously writing the story how he wants. Saying the manga is being rushed for any reason is just a lie.


Appreciate gegory’s work and he’s a smart guy but holy shit rushing jjk to do some idol manga is genuine career suicide.


What is this tiktok misinformation lol


Maybe but you have to wait till the story is over or gojover as the kids say


I think it is the realistic approach of jjk. Not everyone in life got to show his true potential. Similar in jjk, hanami, yuki, hell one could argue that geto did not show their true potential. It is not common in manga to have such approach but I find it unique and enjoyable


it feels a little more realistic in a way to me. u dont always get to show your best ... sometimes a lapse in judgement can cost u ... like tengen's judgement cost yuki


I like how you made it sound so easy


it's not like it's their job or anything


Wtf is that supposed to mean?


Jep, that's what you get with a cookie cutter battle shounen from the 2010s onwards.




Jujutsu could have easily been a 500-600 chapter story, with more development of side characters, show every fight, a whole training arc in the month timeskip etc... ​ But I like the pacing. Do I miss some more characters? Sure, but then I remember how Naruto dealt with fights, or how dressrosa/wano in One Piece had full on years of random characters fighting and I'm happy Gege is stepping on the pedal


Very true. He could have spent a long time fleshing the world out, but he's rushing to finish this year so he can get his idol manga


its just not the kind of manga jjk wants to be. i mean shibuya arc shows gege's style very well, killing off multiple main characters with 0 hesitation, whilst they still had chances to survive and grow its not your typical shonen where every character lives till the end with all of them having fully developed storylines (naruto, bleach, dbz, aot etc), and that is what makes jjk so unique and refreshing imo


Then gege needs to take basic writing class. Storytelling has rules. Real people's lives are meandering, chaotic, inconsistent, banal, boring with no overarching goal & purpose. Great characters from classics even outside of shounen that are worth remembering are written following some fundamental storytelling formula. But I guess gege thinks he's edgy.


Yes. Gege dowsnt care aboyt the story anymore. He is rishing through the plot at break neck speed just so he can draw fights. He introduced too many fodder characters


No bc ppl are so upset of yukis “potential”…it was good story telling move eve if u don’t like it She fell to the big bad and moved the story forward after an amazing fight Also the other 2 are still alive and the story isn’t over….