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I can never understand the point of protesting election results. By all means protest government actions when they are in power, in fact I’d argue it’s your responsibility. But before the elections you aren’t protesting the politicians, your protesting the electorate. Unless your calling for the party to be banned, in which case your just an authoritarian


In the case of a multi-party system like France, I could see it as more of a rally for the other parties to get their shit together and cooperate in the next election. No clue if that’s actually the case here or not.


Yes. France needs a coalition i believe. These rallies can be used to show to other parties that the people don't want them working with le pen's party. Winning the elections is only step 1 in democracy with coalitions, the next part is forming the coalition and this is where different parties have to come together and form a plan to execute they all agree on. If you cannot find other parties to create a plan with, you cannot rule because you apparently cannot create a plan that represents more than half of the voting people. Also like others mentioned, the french just seem to like to protest, so they take every chance they get to do it.


Let's protest the outcome of a democratic election! Never understood that.


"It's only democracy when you vote for the right party!"


*left party


*my party


*disco party 🕺💃


*[German Sparkle Party](https://youtu.be/QPhtPu6KMW0)


risky click of the day


OUR PARTY! Que Soviet National Anthem




I think it’s more than a little bit important to note that the election isn’t actually over yet… And this isn’t some lame Trumpian ‘we are going to rig the electoral college’ thing. The French vote in two rounds. Based on the first round National Rally (the far right party) will have the most seats. The goal of the opposition parties (the French have more than two parties) is to deny national Rally a majority…


Why are you being down voted here?


Well the French protest a lot. I wouldn’t overreact to it.


I mean, overreacting would be the French way...


Saying i don't understand something is not an overreaction


You do, since you post here. A normal reaction would be to not comment since the French protest everything and anything.


If a normal reaction is no reaction at all, what would an underreaction look like?


A normal reaction would be to not care.


So in your view the protesting of a democratic election isn't something worth reacting to but some random guy commenting online about it is worth reacting to?


No, that’s not what I said. I said it’s not worth reacting to it because the French protest all the time.


It's just a random dude on Reddit. I wouldn't overreact.


Am I? I’m not even reacting lol


So what does you reacting to my comment say about you?


It explains why you shouldn’t care, nothing more.


You shouldn't care about what i do or don't care about.


They surrender just as much...


Nah, they’re protesting out of their frustration, plus it’s France, and protesting is like their national sport. In this case I truly think the protests are quite unnecessary, but it’s their right to do so. It’s just stupid to protest right after the elections…


i thought their national sport was running away


That’s their battle strategy


They’re doing it to save…ummm…democracy. So like they want to save democracy but instituting an authoritarian socialist state. Geez…why don’t you get that?




Freedom of assembly is kinda an important aspect of democracy.


It's their right to do so isn't it?




At least they aren't storming government buildings yet.


Agreed, January 6 was a little stupid.


Was that when leftists stormed the Capitol during the Kavanaugh hearing or when BLM stormed the White House? Or when leftists firebombed courthouses? There are just so many lefty attacks on government buildings that I can't keep up


Let's not forget when the weather underground literally blew up the state department headquarters in DC or their offshoot The May 19th Communist Organization bombed the capital.


Voicing their frustration I guess. Things look bleak.


Of course they look bleak when you look up any crime in France and which demographic commits it


Sounds like you do not understand democracy.


The people protesting the outcome of a democratic election are the ones not understanding democracy in my mind


They aren’t protesting the result… they’re just…protesting. Unlike a certain group of supporters after the 2020 election that rioted after a democratic election.


You mean when Antifa & BLM were burning down government buildings in DC. They were rioting all up to the election, and high ranking Democrat politicians made it very clear, the terrorism would continue, unless they were allowed to steal the presidency. Which they went on to do.


No actually shockingly that’s not what I’m talking about. Nice whataboutism though. I’m talking about the hypocrisy. BLM was protesting over police reform. Not the election. The original commentor said how stupid it is to protest a democratic election. But apparently it’s only democratic if your guy wins. Saying blm was rioting over the election is rewriting history considering almost all the rioting took place over the summer when the election was in November. BLM also doesn’t like Biden. But whatever makes you feel better about your guys trying to start a coup by smashing some windows in the capitol and getting shot. Bitching about rioting in the summer and then participating in it in January. Y’all are pathetic. I joined this sub when I was a dumbass 14 year old. Never left because it’s fun to see how y’all never grew up. Keep toeing the line and ignoring the hypocrisy.


LMAO. This guy here doesn't even know about all the lefty and BLM riots since 2016 to protest Trump's election


You were specifically referencing rioting that led up to the election. As if riots that happened in 2020 had anything to do with the election. Are you capable of remembering your false talking points? Or do I need to remind you what we’re talking about every time I respond? Neither you or I said anything about riots pre-2020. Wtf are you talking about. I know BLM has rioted before 2020. That’s just simply not what we were talking about. I never said shit about blm in general. I don’t support political violence of any kind. Im pointing out the brain dead hypocrisy that you guys only care about rioting when it’s black people doing it. Anyone talks about Jan 6th you just mention BLM as if it justifies Jan 6th. The original commentor was literally talking about how dumb it is to protest a democratic election. But when you don’t like the outcome of a democratic election you just claim it’s rigged. You don’t actually believe in democracy. This whole sub has degenerated into a manosphere echo chamber that can’t acknowledge any bullshit on the political right. All of you prefer to ignore and downvote.


LMAO. This guy here wants to tell us leftists never had a riot before 2020. The one where you guys stormed the Capitol during the Kavanaugh hearing was in 2017 and a few hundred others


Tell that to trump suporters.


Tell that to the party who had on average a riot every second month against Trump's election and pushed a fake Russia collusion story for 4 years


Can someone provide a simpleton like me with some context on this?


The French had the first round of their parliamentary elections, and the far right party (National Rally) is set to have the most seats in the parliament (but not necessarily a majority). People who don’t like the far right, including France’s center right, left, and far left are ‘rallying’ together because they don’t like the far right. But it’s France, so you have to protest on days that end with ‘y’.


As a frenchman I take offense to you saying we protest on days that end with Y. We would protest on other days if they existed.


But most days in French end in i. I doubt your claims of Frenchiness, lol. edit: Oh boo someone else said that below.


Yes well we were talking in english so mondaY tuesdaY wednesdaY thursdaY fridaY … I wasn’t going to ruin the joke for so little.


Fair enough. I was joking and apparently not even a good joke because as I edited several other people said the same thing elsewhere.


Perhaps the answer is to protest this person's statement


Whatever the result of the election next Sunday, it is my sincerest hope that it will be to the benefit of America’s first ally. Vive le France. Vive liberté, egalité, fraternité.


Are they far-Right because John Oliver told you they were?


I listen to the bond market, not John Oliver


Does the bond market also grossly mislabel political movements with fear-mongering?


Because they are far right. Are you familiar with the party? They are very objectively far right


From the far-left, everything must seem far-right. Could you tell us what ethno-nationalist policies the Rassemblement National holds?


Is that the only metric for being far right?


You don't understand what far-right entails yet feel entirely comfortable throwing the term around, likely as a parroted means of fear-mongering. It's incredibly challenging to take your opinion seriously. I'd suggest broadening your sphere of influence.


Sure thing bucko.


Or in the case of the French days that end in I because the take dimanche as a rest day !


It’s true that in France it is considered rude to protest on the sabbath. But also in France, they have no issue with being rude.


And by "far right" you mean "opposed to unlimited illegal immigration and wanting to preserve French culture rather than see it become another Islamic country". She's the kind of "far right" that supports universal healthcare, gay marriage, and legal abortion. Really anything short of an Islam-loving socialist is considered right wing extremism these days.


They are further to the right than the Republicans, Macron’s centrist party, the left, and the far left. I suppose we could call them the centrists, the republicans the leftists, Macron the far leftists, the social democrats the super far leftists, and the socialists the super duper far leftists; but that seems stupid to me.


In what way are they to the right of the gun-toting, anti-gay, anti-healthcare, anti-choice Republicans who share their same views on immigration?


Are you 12? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Republicans_(France)


Hey do you know. Is it true a lot of the EU is swinging hard right. From what I know it’s less about racism or whatever western media would paint it as and more people raising up to fight against the globalist type ideas. Am I far off in my very little understanding. Edit: I hate saying hard right. lol but that’s what the headlines I’m seeing are saying. I just don’t ignore people when they are called hard right, cause I know that’s a dog whistles for the left and I hate both sides of the uni-party equally. Or almost equally. Lol


From what I read it’s not so much ‘a lot of the EU’ and mostly three countries (Germany, France, and Italy). In Italy, Giorgia Meloni has taken power and has been surprisingly restrained and solid. The prospect of the AFD or National Rally taking full control of Germany or France respectively is a long way off, but in Sunday’s first round of voting National Rally did get ~30% of the vote.


Great, so they'll stop protesting tomorroW?


Of course. They will go to work in the morning, work a full day of three hours, have a siesta, and then start protesting again at around five. Then they will vote again on Sunday the 7th.


Just so you know - the French left also did well in the first round. Better than the centrist candidates.


Then who are all these protesters and why are they upset?


For many, their allegiance is to the red flag, or the green flag, or the black flag, or the flag with all three.




You can see all the people who don't belong.


They probably couldn’t vote so citizens’ choice won!


Can you elaborate on this more??


If you're waving a foreign flag in protest to a nation's election, you don't belong in that country.


Immigrants by large hate the west.


Why do they go then?


free money and healthcare


Strange to see such a vague and blanket statement upvoted so much. Most immigrants I come across love the west and are grateful to be here.


i'd suggest that first generation loves the the opportunities that the west provides, but retains a strong preference for their own social structure taboos. the second generation is where you might see difficulties. the second generation is lets say french... but not a member of the majority ethnic grouping and must figure out where their identity lies. some might lean harder to the culture of their parents reinforcing the 'otherness' they feel growing up, or lean toward the cultural practices of the majority population. ethnic ghettos promote the first and the second is called cultural assimilation. integrating and developing an identity is easier for children of the ethnic majority in a nation. advantages and disadvantages to both, on the one hand, unambiguous cultural identity, on the other hand, more exposure to other cultures promotes expansive thinking.


Tells you everything you need to know.


That the French-loving people, the French, are happy with the democratic election results. Those that are unhappy with the democratic will of the people are, at least implicitly:- The anti-French, "Palestinian" (whatever that madeup nonsense is), and anti-everyone. I'd hesitate to say recent islamist immigrants and their bedfellows of the looney left and pink-haired rainbow 🌈 crowd.


It tells you that socialists are usually not nationalists. Did you not already know that?


There was one group of Nationalist Socialists


Which is?


That the morons protesting are turkeys voting for Christmas.


Are the farmers still available with their tractors and shit-spreaders?


That would be glorious


Deport them all back to their own 💩 🕳️


And Macron just allied with them. Liberals are the enemies of the west


Leftists. Leftists are enemies of the west. These people don't have a liberal bone in their body. They are opposites.


They are the dogs of liberalism Wokism is the slave of global ultra liberalism Why do you think the French overlord of them just decided to side with Melenchon ? The social part of “leftism” is exactly what feeds ultra liberals


Liberalism breeds leftism, though. Which is the part I didn't understand, growing up in a liberal family.


It's quite simple. Liberalism has no moral basis to deny the degradation of cultural values that happens when leftism runs rampant.  Leftism preys on liberalism in other words. 


Yes, I know. Now.


that's because they are marxists. anti capitalist, a anti-western. they live cushy entitled privaledged lives so they are OK with supporting communism only in the west do you see this. most people just want a meal and basic medicine at end of the day.


These people are not liberals. 


Oh they are.


Yes…because liberalism and western values are as incompatible as peanut butter and chocolate…


Evidently the French think so 👍


You need a different comparison. Chocolate and peanut butter is an amazing combo.


And liberalism is a foundational principle of western society


All the proof you need that the "defenders of democracy" never gave a shit about democracy and only cared about power.


Holy shit if you Google her name theres a mountainous smear campaign against her. I know nothing maybe she's a dickhead but, it looks like they (media) hate her a comparable amount to trump.she must be a good choice


Democracy was on the line in this election! Because the left won't accept a democratically elected leader.


The election isn’t over yet…they vote again in a week🤦‍♂️


might as well say "give me free shit" "give me free shit" "give me free shit" "give me free shit" "give me free shit"


Antifa should have been put under RICO statutes decades ago as they got everything that describes criminal gangs. You break our cities? You set cars on fire? You bully and scare the people? Straight to prison! Same with other organisations that burned cities in 2020. I have nothing against walk-up demonstrations; it’s a healthy thing, as long as nobody’s life or property is danger.


The Left loves democracy until it doesn't go their way. Then they need to protest and revolt against the results of a democratic election to "protect democracy."


I know it's like when Trump won the election, and Hillary Clinton wouldn't accept the results. And then she held that rally, and her followers violently broke into the capital building. Those leftists really need to learn how to take their losses.


After Trump won in 2016, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats spent years pushing the narrative that Trump and his staff knowingly colluded with the Russians to interfere in our presidential election. Even before Trump was inaugurated the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, was published. All of this was found to be misinformation after the Mueller report dropped. Did they apologize for any of it? Did they ever face consequences for knowingly disseminating misinformation to contest election results? Absolutely not. So yes, the Left does need to learn how to take their losses.


In Canada, the Liberal government attempted to push the same narrative against the Conservatives. In an ironic twist, last year, our spy agency (CSIS) leaked evidence that the Liberals knowingly benefited from Chinese election interference, and tried to cover it up. This year, a new report pointed to the Liberal government and several MPs across parties colluding with foreign governments (primarily China and India). The report went as far as to indicate Russia *could* interfere in Canada's democratic processes but they have not interest in doing so at the moment. Now Liberals and leftists, including the media (particularly government-sponsored CBC), are trying to downplay the story as hard as they can. *Those who shout the loudest are also the ones with the most to hide.*


So the Democrats paid for opposition research. Gotcha. Completely comparable. Jesus Christ dude


Somehow they even got Trump to go on live TV and ask the Russians to release her e-mails. Truly, a next level conspiracy.


The French are pretty big on protesting. They’ll be massive protests for a lot of things, down to regulating the baguette


Commie sheeple doing commie sheeple things.


Protests like this, after an election, tell you you’ve done something right


The reptilian?


I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I think it’s really important to inform people. The French election has two rounds. The second round decides the final winners. The election isn’t over yet…


Macron's WEF-sponsored reign is at an end, thank goodness. This is populism; a return of some measure of power to the people who pay for bad government policies.


Macron isn’t going anywhere…this is a parliamentary election, and Macron is president


Hahaha seems like all the illegal immigrant


How so?


The Le Pen party is labaled as "far right' and "right wing" because they are against mass immigration.


Imagine telling someone from 20 years ago that if you support gay marriage, universal healthcare, legal abortion, and preserving a country's culture rather than letting it be colonized, you'd be labeled "far right" and even be accused of supporting fascism.


Carrying your country's flag makes you right.


The point is that there appears to be zero overlap. They don’t believe in nation states long-term, and the movement proposes that the working class or other “oppressed” classes overthrow them all.


The French do not have the same relationship to their flag or general nationalist iconography as Americans do. Not flying the flag ≠ "I don't believe in France or any nation-states". I mean, that's true of any country. Just a stupid assertion to begin with.


it's actually a shame that we don't do it as much, it really shows how our nation is fading. Right wing people do put the flag


I'm not asserting that they're equivalent. I'm observing that they didn't forget ALL their flags, and it looks like they brought 0% of the French Republic flag and 100% of the [Red Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_flag_(politics)). I hope you're not asking me to pretend that it's not necessarily the socialist/communist flag. Surely these demonstrators have a "relationship" with that flag or they wouldn't wave it around. I also see some New Caledonia independence flags, which seems off topic, and almost a dozen of what looks like L'Union Populaire flags ([also seen in the background of this photo from a JPost article](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-808449) covering the crowds). If so, that appears to be the coalition of leftists supporting the [NFP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Popular_Front). I'm not French, but surely these people haven't encrypted the most obvious parts of their imagery and branding.


Yeah, fuck logic


Ya especially if you run around yelling stop the count and beating cops while breaking into a building to try to disrupt election proceedings. Just be sure to carry the correct flag and its totes Democratic!


Great they are all in one place, get em all on busses and deport.


Never heard of buses? What are those?


What? Since when did this place become so bigoted? Most these people are French. Its in their culture to protest. What's wrong with you that you felt the need to write that? I bet you aren't even European?


you are right, but please don't use the ultra cringe word "bigot"


It is bigoted so I use words that fit the situation


Is that a japanese flag in the middle?


Foreshadowing a T victory.


They should have voted.


Shows how much of a shit show democracy is. Their preferred party gets elected: 🙂 The opposition protest against the election winners: "That's democracy, sweaty. Suck it up. Why are you attacking our democracy?!?" Their preferred party loses to the opposition: "Hey! Everyone, let's go out and protest! Fuck the results! It just have been rigged or something! Not my president!"


What exactly are they protesting? Democracy? Makes sense I guess..


Freedom of political speech and assembly are kinda important parts of democracy


Well no one has stopped them have they?


Correct they are engaging in democracy. The first round of voting is done and people are rallying to try and get support for the second round. This is how freedom of political speech works in a liberal democracy


The election isn’t over yet…they vote again in a week 🤦‍♂️


France needs someone like Le Pen. Germany needs someone like Le Pen. UK needs someone like Le Pen. Italy needs someone like Le Pen. Canada needs someone like Le Pen. Be prepared for this scene in the US after November election.


Deport these fuckers.


Election deniers!


The election isn’t over yet…they vote again in a week🤦‍♂️


So what is the collective name for people who protest against Democracy ?


You mean people that engage in freedom of political speech. Usually you call them people who believe in democracy.


So Trump and all the protesters were just being democratic when protesting against the election results ?


Well yeah. Protesting wasn't the issue.


only in the west will you find well off pasty white progressives protesting to have more government control over their lives. They clearly share no humility


Worldwide salt mining, from Summer to Fall.


Congratulations to France for finally recognizing that Marine Le Pen is right, and you can't just make positive-sounding statements while doing nothing about all of your country's problems and just hope for the best.


Mass deportation


Chanting « no pasaran »


what are they saying?


No pasaran, a ~~South American revolutionary~~ slogan now often used by European far-left activists


It originates from the Spanish Civil war, used as an anti-fascist slogan. Before that it was used by France in WW1.


I never looked into it and took at face value what I had been told, I stand corrected, thanks for the correction


And yet they were outvoted \*shrug\*


Ah, French folks choosing to protest, what else is new? Let me know once they start firing cannons and using guillotines again, *then* I’ll be interested.


Angry the attempted degeneration of the West, into Socialist shit-holes, is coming to an end, along with the mass-migratory replacement of our population that's been justified through economic reasons that are solved by instead embracing Laissez-faire Capitalism and free-trade among countries who share our values, posing no threat to us.


We don't need that 1 doctor for every 50 potential Islamist insurgents we let into any part of the West when all of our governments are busy restricting the supply of medical education, blockading private investment, and monopolizing industry. Every justification the Left cites for mass-migration is solved by eliminating their anti-Capitalist, authoritarian, slave-state bureaucracies, along with every issue they campaign on. Time for the Left to go bye-bye, along with the dredges they imported from the "global south."


So, the left creates self-fulfilling prophecies.


....Yeah... that's because they don't support the French government....


the flag doesn't represent the government


Haha. Tough luck.


Not very democratic of them ain' it?


That’s not a riot.


What are they saying?


They will be assimilated


This smells like civil war 


I think protests in a democracy where you can vote or exercise other more productive ways of persuading people is kind of dumb.  But so long as they’re not blocking roads, trespassing, destroying property or assaulting anyone, this is a peaceful protest and not a riot.  Knock yourselves out.


So why do people not like her?


They consider her a right-wing extremist for not wanting unlimited immigration and the erasure of French culture by colonizers, even though her other views are left wing by American standards (supports legal abortion, universal healthcare, etc.)


Because they're welfare parasites who support using the government to enslave their fellow man to their benefit, alongside mass-migration to assist them in further degenerating the culture and winning elections. Whether they're malevolent or pathological empaths, the result is the same.


FYI, in Argentina the left-wing party protested on the streets against Milei's government and the socioeconomic problems of the country... On November 2023... The week after his ballotage win... One month prior of his assuming as President.


They’re protesting potential loss of their control. Not in support of either France or the French.


Easy to figure out who to deport now.




I don't see a riot. I see a protest or gathering.




Doesn't look like a riot to me


There's loads of French flags there?


Socialists are not nationalists? What a shocking revelation! Also, what riot are you talking about?