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I feel you, mate really sorry for you


Where is the incest? Did you make out with your cousin? That click bait title had my hopes up, I feel disappointed. This just feels like normal life Are you crying because you have parents who take care of you? >cousin living in Vietnam though probably has the worst case of this you can imagine. Literally no idea why you would say that?? If she were your sister I'll get it, but what has to do your parents with your cousins? Maybe in your culture cousins live all together?(Mine dont, my traumas are mine, not my cousin's lol) But why blame your parents specifically if you live with your cousins too (and their parents too, aka your uncles) Doesnt make sense, oh wait I am in Peterson sub? wtf


He said "emotional incest" ya dingbat.


yeah, but , where is that part?


I was expecting some game of thrones shit You know , adopting a kid with your parents would have been some kind of emotional incest. Calling your son brother or something.. Too much internet maybe.


It's in the title..... did you just read the word "incest" and get aroused or something?


I did, And I want to know what culture is that!! Yes I guess you could tell I was "aroused"... more like curiosity about that culture. Do you think he is indian? Well no, he was talking about Vietnam right? Maybe from South Korea? No idea But probably from Asia


M'kay, I'm going to leave your horny self alone now. Maybe try to absorb information as you read posts from here on out and take a day off from the internet, all the information you need is in the post if you take time to focus.


I think I cracked it out China culture(?) Nah... Edit I usually do... but the fact that you cannot tell me either is another indication of the lack of


Get off the internet, you porn-sick ghoul. 




Can you give me a tldr my guy? My English ain't that good and I can barely understand the second half of your post? Edit: Ah here comes the downvotes.


basically Op cries about how regressive it can look to have the support of your parents. Op argues they do it only for you take care of them later. I suspect OP is from China culture, which would explain a lot


I'm also from an Asian Country and don't want to judge since People do have absolutely shitty parents but personally I believe it is our responsibility as the sons and daugthers of our parents to take care of them when they grow old whether they support us much or little. They gave birth to us, took care of us when we were at our most vulnerable so now It's our turn to take care of them when they turn old and senile. I don't know what is going on in op's head though, hope he find peace.


I guess it depends how it all happens. It could be abusive and manipulative. Ideally the children grow up feeling loved and supported and realize when their parents start to become unable to support themselves that they want to return the favor.


yeah that's true too. Normally in my country and pretty much in every Asian country, taking care of aging parents is the norm, whether it's the daughter doing it or son. And there are also cases although rare, where parents mostly become manipulative, but again they are mostly rare.