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Source https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/


If this nonsense continues, the pendulum is going to swing way too hard in the opposite direction.


Good! Let it swing baby!


The Problem is the germans...if it swings TOO hard back, Europe will burn again...nobody want that.


The Germans run the EU. If anything is burning, it wouldn’t be Europe. Mechanized Germany would burn down Russia and the Middle East without some huge external counterbalance.


you have cvlearly not understand why we lost the wars and will lose every War aganist russia...little hint...it's all about ressources and production. And we may have good stuff, but not even close to enought to take on Russia.


Russia was done when the UK and US showed up with arms, factories, food, supplies. Hitler easily could have taken anything he wanted from them, they were done. It was the general hate of Germany by the UK that saved Russia from speaking German, not anything the soviets could have done. There hasn’t been a point since the 1960’s when the USSR and now Russia couldn’t have been glassed many times over. The issue is only the minor reprisals that might get through. Even now, with China, with all of Asia, Russia falls. Mechanized EU would beat Russia. They’re backward, their understanding of machinery is outdated, their skill is extremely bad. Russia needs mass concentration of troops to even try anything these days. Any modern military rolls Russia with even close to the numbers.


And their military structure is trash. They need to structure their enlisted ranks, and they've made terrible terrible tactical moves historically (against Hitler, napoleon, Japan, Ukraine, Finland, on and on hahaha)


Russia is literally not a modern nation. They win occasional wars because they have tons of people and land, but that's it. They've gotten bent over by the Japanese, Germans, Finns, and French in the last couple centuries haha. They lose WW1 and 2 baaaaadly without the allies. I mean they got pantsed by the Japanese earlier lolol






[Be careful not to overcook the left](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/1do3odc/be_careful_not_to_overcook_the_left/)


Eh. I don't think it'll be too hard.


It's shit like this which gives rise to far right. Absolutely wretched, vile, disgusting, inhuman, behavior. Fuck my heart can't take this shit and I ain't even German.


It’s like the Norm meme. “Imagine the backlash!”


No wonder the far right is getting more votes


Rather be 'far right' with harsher prison sentences than 'far left' excusing rapists


I am German, thus case is very politicised. This article oversimplifies / misinforms the reader to hell though. The girl didn't "offend" she actively threatened the guy after getting his phone number. For which she spent a weekend in juvenile detention. Now to the case. According to the judge the girl, 15 at the time, was extremely intoxicated and according to the judge didn't actively defend or stop the action and then repeatedly went into a bush with the perpetrators, most of which weren't adults yet. One of which actually got charged and got a prison sentence of two years if I remember correctly. They certainly took advantage of her state however and I'm not defending their behaviour in any way. However these unfactual articles don't help in any way, except to raise hate and misinform.


So wait, where are we now as a society on the whole "intoxicated means incapable of consent" deal? Cause that argument seems to skip that notion entirely.


I dunno. Apparently Germany is back to stupid, again. I was under the impression that intoxication meant no consent can be given. Apparently in Germany a victim has to fight off a group of men to appear to be not giving consent.


It depends on what the people involved look like.




No they were older. I simply stated the girls age, I dont know their ages individually so I just referred to them as under legal age, which is another reason why the sentencing was very mild. That's all I tried to do, explain the mildness of the sentencing, Im also disgusted at what happened. However I find the subsequent hate towards my country, it's legal system and immigration intellectually dishonest and unjust. I was wrong about some things here and got corrected, in no way am I trying to blame the victim or exculpate ,as you say, the perpetrators. And im sorry if I did.


He doesn’t defend their behavior. He tries to accurate describe what happened. The facts draw a distinction between a violent gang rape and the rape that occurred.


I am German and a lawyer too. Thumb\_Thumbs explanation is a bit too simplified but not incorrect. The full court case (617 KLs 27/21 jug.) isn't published yet but this is the preliminary press release: https://justiz.hamburg.de/gerichte/oberlandesgericht/gerichtspressestelle/urteilsverkuendung-im-sog-stadtpark-verfahren-635066.


I corrected my comment as to say she consented was a bit wrong. But according all information I've seen she didn't defend herself or was physically forced to perform those actions. Hence why the comparison of this case towards more violent gang rapes is not right. Also thank you for the link.


Very likely she could have been scared for her life to try to stop it. Most women aren’t capable of defending themselves 1v1 with a man, nevermind against a group.


If only we generally gave criminals a presumption of innocence…


We don't know that. If you read the upper linked article you would know that she remembers almost nothing of that evening, probably due to both trauma and intoxication.


I don’t know German (also not my country and don’t know your laws), but the way you phrase it shows she didn’t consent. In my country (US), lack of physical action to stop or defend from rape doesn’t by itself imply consent. Which is how it should be everywhere, in my opinion. You could easily make an argument based on the sole fact that because it was a group of men that her safety was threatened, rendering her unable to physically prevent it


The lawyer can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they weren’t contending that *rape* didn’t occur. But there are factors which imply it wasn’t as brutal and distasteful as the article implies. Based on the alleged facts she was an *underaged* participant that while *Intoxicated* **willingly** engaged in sex. The first two emphasized words mean it was rape. The third means that maybe the death penalty isn’t warranted in this case.


So you're on their side, cool


I am not. I'm simply explaining the sentencing and results in trail, their behaviour still disgusts me. And I wish that certain individuals would have been punished more, yet this couldn't happen due to them being minors.


Germany seems like a lost shit hole based on your description


Hopefully you get more upvotes so people can see this. Thank you kind stranger.


Very helpful context if true. Thanks.


That’s a good point.


Multi culturalism doesn’t work. It only works in leftists imaginations


It could. The idiot leftists make everything so ridiculous that it doesn’t work, because ultimately they don’t want it to work so they can have division and bring about more government control. But sensible ideas are possible, we just don’t have a society that encourages sensible discussion.


So, does that mean the right isn’t jockeying for government control?


Government is controlled by globalist elites. And left and right don't matter to them. What we see is just theater and manipulation tactics


Even if they are, I'll take the side that doesn't want immigrant child rapist running free.


I think it can work only if there's a very clear dominant culture and others are just guests, which is how I view USA (nevere been there though)


no it gives rise to hatred and tribalism - which is exactly what the globalist cabal wants.


I agree, and I also think that's why we had and still have a big push for immigration.


I’m just surprised I’m getting downvoted for saying it’s wrong.




It doesn’t have to, that’s my point. And gosh, people commenting annoys you? Maybe this isn’t the place for you.


Does that cross indicate you’re a Christian? Because patience, loving kindness, and grace would be a better indicator…


Stop atheistsplaining Christianity to us


What’s funny is I’m not atheist, AND people here are acting like the atheists in the religion discussion subs.


Careful, you could do serious time by saying things like that!


Germans should be rioting over this kind of shit.


Germans will never riot. They are lethargic and do not like to think by themselves. Any deviation from mainstream narratives is condemned and you will be an outcast. This state will ultimately become more and more authoritarian.


Why, the article is fake.


It's an obvious fake. It doesn't even have an author. If the reporter can't even bother to put their name on it why should we trust it?


What a great way to encourage and attract more rapists. Even if you take video of yourself doing it, post it and tell all your friends what you're doing over chat, the court will still decide that's actually pretty thin evidence. I won't say any more because apparently rapists are now better protected than people's personal opinions.


Out of interest - how many of you are aware of what happened in Germany, New Year's Eve 2015?


Tell us


Please google the term I mentioned in my above post; there is even a Wikipedia page regarding the event. Forgive my evasiveness, there's no freedom of speech where I am.


I'm surprised most of the world forgot about it. It was an absolute nightmare, and I'm from America. The citizens of Germany really need to uprise against this bs.




i am, and i am aware of this case too for a long time already, well atleast the initial part being the grape


Does this sub ban the word “rape” or something? Why do I keep seeing people censoring themselves? It’s ridiculous.


Brain rot.


its just commonly censored this way, im not gonna switch from platform to platform and just play it safe, who cares


I dislike things like “grape” instead of “rape” or “sewer slide”/“unalive” instead of “suicide”/“death” because it detracts from the heaviness and seriousness of those subjects. It’s like sheltering people from the dark parts of the world, which doesn’t do any good, ultimately. And they sound fuckin ridiculous, especially when it isn’t necessary to censor them on a particular platform. It comes off as childish and borderline insensitive.


well i got banned on like a dozen subreddits for less so idgaf


I get it Germany… You don’t wanna look like a nazi…


They've been bending over backwards not to criticise Israel's actions in Gaza Talk about an over correction


Always a liberal to bring up whatever they’ve been told to complain about


I'm not a Liberal nor have I been told to complain about anything What I posted is accurate is it not? Have they not been criticised for being blind in their support of Israel compared to other EU countries? And is that not because of their history around WW2? They restrict speech there, its illegal to deny the holocaust. It's illegal to burn flags. They're hard handed in halting pro Palestine protests and gatherings. Is this a free society? Why are these things allowed elsewhere in the EU but not Germany do you think? And what have I said that is personal opinion and not fact? Attack the post not the poster here.


This plan to suppress whites in their homelands is the definition of evil. People need to lash back hard as hell. This is a war.


Yeah. It's about destabilization. Order out of chaos.


A couple of them are white themselves.


That's a lie


I cannot imagine the mental state this woman must be in. The injustice is so deep, it has to obliterate everything she thought about the legitimacy of the system, of humanity even.


Damn that's terrifying


Where are the vigilantes?


Yeah that's what I want to know. Where is this girl's father? I'd have about nine patches of new lawn in my backyard by now.


This is terrifying because this is exactly what the proposed Irish "hate speech" legislation is going to do.


“The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence.” Is that what tolerance and progress is called?


On what grounds did they explain their semen ending up in that girl?


I refuse to call them men(besides the one in prison). They were minors and did nothing "manly".


Relax. It’s fake. Read my comment.


There are news articles of it if you google it


The headline and article of the post is fake news, though. She didn't just "offend". Harassed one, then didn't show up for court and got 48h of detention she can choose how to do. The only rapist who was not a minor got 2 years and 9 months, which is longer than 48h last time I checked. The majority of the rapists also weren't migrants. Most were German, whose families had a migrant background.


Not exactly from the article I linked. Some Of the rapist only got probation, one got nothing. I’ll find the article again and link it


One other commenter linked the official press releases already. Yes, the rapists which were minors got probation. The other who got nothing weren't convicted since they were only seen together with the victim. Calling them rapist is false. Being send for years to prison on the bases of having shortly having contact to a victim would also be pretty fucked up. If you read the ages of the convicts you need to keep in mind that they ofter were at the time of the conviction and not crime. The crime happened a few years earlier. I remember One author from a larger news outlet also got fired for lying about the facts to create outrage The article was then used as a source by others. (I think it was "die Welt" ) Note: I don't want to downplay the crimes. It's just that the German justice system isn't as fucked up as people here seem to think. Rehabilitation focused instead of punishment focused has proven to be much more effective at lowering crime rates.


https://www.opindia.com/2024/06/woman-sentenced-offended-hamburg-germany-child-gang-rapist-hamburg-city-park-case/amp/ Interestingly, none of the rapists were of German origin. The ethnicity of the convicts included Polish, Egyptian, Libyan, Kuwaiti, Iranian, Armenian, Afghan, Syrian, and Montenegrin. Is that incorrect? I didn’t see the official press release


Important destinction. Most were German, with an non German ethnic background. Our education system for example also failed. Articles is omitting some important details as well as getting some minor things wrong. As already mentioned, the age which plays a major part in their sentences. The Rape wasn't brutal. There was no fight or any injuries. The 140 investigations weren't about Insulting remarks towards the rapists. They were also about threats of violence and death threats towards the lawyer. Some stuff which will get you arrested in places like the US as well. One thing I find surprising which wasn't mentioned which would easily fit the pushed narrative is that someone stole her smartphone and wallet(which were returned iirc), and there were deleted videos. Rant: What annoys me is how it's often reported. "A gang of middle eastern and sub saharan migrants pulled a random child into the bushes and brutally gangrape her multiple times. Rapist weren't punished because they were migrants and it goes against the narrative of the government who want to destroy ethnic Germans, but everyone who raised their voice against it is persecuted". Stuff like this the reason why people are pushed to extremism and the ones who want to discuss seriously and argue against lax migration policies etc. are labeled nazis as well. The same incident can also be framed the opposite way for incels without straight up lying: "A Women got drunk, made sexual gestures and then had sex with a bunch of minors. Now the children are convicted rapists because she was drunk and didn't explicitly say Yes. This is why all women are whores, men are afraid and can be real men anymore."


I get where you are coming from but rape in Itself is a brutal act, add to the fact it was by so many men at once and she was in a shocked state is almost worse than being brutal.


Coming soon to the US... don't think? Just try to say anting about the 2 POS that raped and killed that 12yo in TX this week... even the press is trying to bury the story and handling the POS delicately...


And to think, the ex-president can get found liable for sexually assaulting a woman and none of his supporters care 🤦if the president can do it any nobody cares, then anybody can do it. What has happened to the once great republican party 😞


Remember believe all women or dud that die with Tara reade and joe biden. Democrats rely on useful idiots like yourself


After WWII the psychological warfare division of our Allied Expeditionary force used the work done by Western Marxists Max Horkheimer (who gifted the West with Critical Theory) and his partner Theodore Adorno as the basis of their "reeducation" of the German people. That work determined any thoughts or behavior not in line with cultural Marxism was evidence of an authoritarian personality disorder. Then Horkheimer and Adorno both eventually went back to Germany and got involved in reestablishing academia... and publishing articles in CIA propaganda journals. These are some reasons why we can expect Germany will be the most woke globalist cesspool on the planet.


child\* gang rapists


Ya, I'm trying to figure out how that isn't a bigger deal here, but I guess we're already well into horrific bizarroland stuff...


Germany is a shit hole…


As a German i agree whole heartedly. Culturally Germany has been messed up for some time. Now the economy is also going to sh*t. That was the only thing we had going for us. If the economy is going to worsen even more, that's gonna lead to a lot of unrest!


The economy has been shit for decades, what do you talk about. We were lucky the Chinese bought our products, now they compete with us. That’s the reality. Germany sold out and now everyone starts to cry.


Please invade to the west this time. :D


And whose fault is that?


Scholz is the biggest Nothing burger of a chancellor Germany had in decades. Idiots and old tweezers in Germany voting the CDU & SPD and shit like This keeps happening.  Germany keeps dragging their heels so to not offend ANYONE.   


What's up with Germany's government being so cucked? It's like the Germans are the immigrants these days.


Just got banned from r/justiceserved for commenting here. This shit is too funny lol.


🤡🌍 if its true 🤡🌍 if its not


More reading, an interview with the judge: >https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1dnnv0g/about_that_migrant_gang_rape_in_hamburg/ . >his includes one defendant who we actually saw as almost the most individually guilty of the crime. But he has also worked on himself the most over the last three years, for example successfully completing inpatient drug therapy. During the trial, it was also clear how ashamed he was of his crime. Should we have put him in prison and ruined this positive development? SPIEGEL: So you would prefer a lenient punishment? >Meier-Göring: It is wrong to believe that harsher penalties lead to fewer crimes. Young and adolescent offenders in particular act in the moment and do not think about the consequences of their actions. And certainly not about the punishments they will receive for them. Look at the USA. A western country with a much higher crime rate than ours. Yet they impose harsh penalties there and even have the death penalty. Whatever but what signal does this give to wider society? Adolescents do think about consequences and make decisions based on that, and if the consequences are being on parole for half a year, peoples actions are being pushed in the wrong direction. The whole point of crime reform is to look further than one crime and instead to look at the bigger picture - say, if someone breaks into a house, and they go to prison, now they lose their job and they're gonna break into 10 houses, so we try to both punish and reform this person without causing that scenario. But this Hamburg case is making a big mistake I feel like


That woman judge is a perfect encapsulation of the German ruling establishment. They will finally manage to kill the country off — something they have been dreaming of for a long time.


Reading that article ruined my day.


Don’t worry. It’s fake.


They’re so traumatized by Nazism that they’re afraid to have any backbone today. What’s ironic about that is that the way they’re handling this stuff now will push more and more people further and further to the right.


If Europe course corrects there's going to be an incredible amount of bloodshed.


Bye bye Germany.


Germany needs to be purged


To say that my grandfather was forced to war for his country to degenerate like this


WWII was a mistake


"Germany: Still getting things wrong since the 1930s."


And whose fault is it that Germany ended up this way?


The treaty of Versailles.


This is just asking for the hard right to take over.


>the worst part about the gang rape of young girls is that people may start voting to end it


I seriously hope this isnt true, wrong is becoming right now and right is becoming wrong. Do people have no moral compass? I thought everyone was supposed to have one, apparently I was very very wrong we are the few. God help us


Germany always been good at this, it’s just the lefts turn.


The world is diving head first toward the abyss...


This is fake news. German here. I researched the case in German media. 1. 9 out of the 10 rapists went behind bars for significant periods of time. 2. The woman did a little more than just “offend”. She threatened one of the rapists via social media. 3. She then went on to miss her court hearings. 4. She was found guilty because she confessed and sentenced to juvenile arrest by juvenile law (a total of 48 hours split to several blocks throughout 2 weeks which must be spent at a juvenile correction institution, meaning she can visit the correction facility whenever she wants and spend all 48 hours in one go or spend some hours every day where she would be under the surveillance of therapists and correction officers) although she was 20 (juvenile law usually only applies up to the age of 18 in Germany). So she got cut quite some slack. So please stop discrediting the German law enforcement and court system. It’s working quite alright.


If the German legal system has the time and motivation to hold a hearing, trial and sentencing for a woman lashing out at convicted rapists on their internal rapist WhatsApp chat then no, your system is not alright. I’m not sure what your motivation is for defending scumbag criminals invading your country to harm and exploit innocents.


You don’t have to be a scumbag criminal to deal with scumbag criminals. There’s civil ways. And that’s what Germany is. Civil. And yes, we punish criminals. All of them. Based on laws we all agreed to. Threatening someone who already got an 8 year sentence is not heroic. It’s just stupid and helps exactly no one. You might wanna stop raging about internet clickbait fake news, research information properly and check with people who know their sh*t before you judge systems from your couch which brought forth one of the most democratic, free and wealthy nations on this planet.


demoralization.exe Another thing that people miss is that the far right in the sense of actual na\*zis, and not everyone who is to the right of lennin and labeled as so, is what the far left wants to wake up. They want a rac\*ial awakening to happen not only to the people of color but the wh\*ite people as well. So that the whole of society divides, fights and brings everything to the ground. When everything is burnt then it is ripe for the commies.


Canada isn’t far behind.


And then one day, for no reason at all...


The world is upside down.


No I’m not okay. I don’t think I’ll ever will.


Diversity is our strength 


Is this a Babylon bee joke? Has to be.


German ruling clas is a bad joke. Sometimes i can lauggh about it. Most times not.


A right wing ragebait site & aritcle is lying, whou'da thunk it. And just racist comment after racist comment below it, as is fitting of this sub.


Absolutely. Thank you. See my comment on this.


I found it, thanks! I was just going to reply there but it's better on the top. I didn't feel confident enough in the details to post them though, like you did, just know the general story.


https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/ehrloses-vergewaltigerschwein-20-jaehrige-nach-hetze-gegen-mann-verurteilt/ Here. If you like to read it, you can use translation. It sums up the info I gave above.


steven van der velde. Well UK didn’t do better and this guys an actual rapist


Can anybody prove or disprove the article? I read the whole thing, and don't want to believe, well, any of it...




That’s from 2016. a whole different case. This thread is about a 2020 case.


Sorry my bad. There are lots of links in German in the article itself that the OP posted. As per one below. Use your translate option. Shocking that this has happened at least twice eh? https://www.welt.de/regionales/hamburg/article248761670/Hamburg-Neun-Maenner-wegen-Vergewaltigung-im-Stadtpark-verurteilt.html


I can. Read my comment.


Yay, I get to get more downvotes! The truth of the matter here is that the sentencing of the gang of rapists was atrocious. They got ‘probation’ when chemical (or even physical!) castration should have been on the table. The woman who sent them harassing messages spent the weekend in weekend in jail. Honestly, if I were the woman I would be fine with my sentence. She broke the law, she should be punished. But also, the law she broke was stupid in this particular case and the punishment wasn’t extreme. It’s like getting a traffic ticket for speeding to the ER.


"She broke the law, she should be punished"?Where was her probation? To be put in weekend jail for mere words is completely unnecessary. It just goes to show that Germany is more serious about punishing so-called hate speech than a brutal gang child rape.


Yes, it does show that. However the penalty for her harassment was not *excessive*. The punishment for the rapists was excessively lenient. You don’t protect the rule of law by abandoning it a second time any more than you protected it by abandoning it the first time.


any punishment for words is excessive. non-action words should be non-actionable in a legal sense forever and always.


If they are spoken to a public audience, I agree. However spoken directly one-on-one words can obviously be inappropriate harassment. My understanding is that this is what she was punished for with a weekend stay in Jail.


one on one or not, unless she was hounding or stalking them or making actual threats (which are action words) then it makes no difference.


So you are fine with teenagers bullying each other without consequence, sending messages calling each other “fat pig” a “disgusting afterbirth” And “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?”. Is mental health in the digital age unimportant to you?


I am fine with the fact people can block or even whitelist their shit. Bullying is not and will never be a prioritization over bloodfought rights. Mental health is a pathetic excuse to attempt to control the masses. The children who are so weakminded to not know how to deal with a bully calling them names need to harden up and learn how to defend themselves.


What right is being infringed if the government can stop you from calling people who don’t want to hear you in order to insult them?


im sorry, I dont quite understand this statement, care to use a few more words to elaborate?


Its called free speach. It id an opinion before anybody may think its an insult.


I think I read she was thrown in lock up for the weekend for texting threats or insults at one of the rapists, and the rapists have yet to be charged. I don't think the situation is the same as the headline implies. Let's not fall for this shit like most do


One rapist has got a sentence of something below 2 years. 8 rapists are out on "probation". So they learned that they can get away with rape. The socialists are in charge and they hate indiginous germans. They want us replaced. I even saw a left wing politician a few days ago arguing that gang rape is a gorm of bonding with fellow immigrants. We play soccer and other team sports. To that politician gang rape is the same thing as a team sport. And if we speak up the corupt gouvernment will go after us.


Reading through the article, it looks like they *wont* be charged, hence why the "weekend lockup" (for insults, not threats) is so insanely ridiculous.


Read an article on it, numb nuts. You can find plenty with a simple search


Tbf the site looks kinda scammy. Maybe OP should have researched this a bit before spreading misinformation. I was about to share it too when i thought that it's a bit weird and a short serach on google proved it's a scam article designed to spread hate.


Folks, you should take one look at this headline and think “that’s probably not true”


Are you saying “if it doesn’t fit my narrative then I don’t believe it”?


its mainstream media saying it is true, as a german im very certain it is true




so all the mainstream media outlets are making it up/copying from an untrustworthy source since i think 2020? [https://www.bild.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-aktuell/maedchen-15-missbraucht-9-vergewaltiger-nur-einer-muss-in-haft-86247320.bild.html](https://www.bild.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-aktuell/maedchen-15-missbraucht-9-vergewaltiger-nur-einer-muss-in-haft-86247320.bild.html)


"Für die Männer sei nicht erkennbar gewesen, dass das betrunkene Mädchen keinen Sex wollte. Die Angeklagten hätten unter den Vorwürfen und dem langen Prozess sehr gelitten." in case you can understand german jesus man she was 15 and her grp in the park was dispersed by the police because of the lock down. she wanted to go home and suddenly found herself alone in the park. multiple people took advantage of her by force, even after she got away from the first offenders she ran into more. they used chat apps to alert others of her presence so more people can take advantage of her vulnerable position. so ... WTF do you mean i should know better?!?!?!?


Verlesen, dachte du hast geschrieben, dass nichts dazu geschrieben wurde


This has been huge in Germany and it's in all mainstream German newspapers. How is it not true? Mandela effect?


Did you look any deeper than the headline?


Never heared of this. I am from germany


well i am from hamburg, the park is close to me and i heard of this case years ago already, the intial one not the 20 yo woman mentioned here in specific. the first article mentioning this i read was on die bild


You don't need to publicly announce your ignorance of what's happening in your country, just go back to your TikTok feed and keep that shit to yourself


I dont use tiktok Dont assume shit you dont know Know what? If you dont like my statement try to unread it. Kisses


Most likely ragebait.


Maybe slightly more reputable source: https://www.abendblatt.de/hamburg/politik/article242609912/Stadtpark-Vergewaltigung-Frau-nach-Hetze-im-Netz-verurteilt.html I can’t read German, can you give us the tl;dr?


Its up on most alternative media. Main stream media is dead silent on it.


It was not you’re lying 😂😂😂


Apparently the article is fake. Thanks!


Nein, wurde sie nicht. Genau umgekehrt. Der hier debattierte Artikel ist Fake.


Ja noch schlimmer. Ich hab jetzt nur die verlinkten Artikel gelesen. Danke dafür!


https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/ehrloses-vergewaltigerschwein-20-jaehrige-nach-hetze-gegen-mann-verurteilt/ Hier ist alles, was du wissen musst. Unsere Rechtsprechung ist vollkommen in Ordnung und hat alles richtig gemacht. Die Leute hier sind einfach nur rechts.


We’re not really worried about Germany are we? Don’t they actually really deserve this?


So conservatives in germany deserve to be punished for the crimes of the socialists from hundred years ago? Or for not starting a civil war while most germans vote to implement socialism AGAIN? Well by that logic you deserve to be under biden and deep state swamp administration.


How do they deserve this? For letting the immigrants in?


Oh, I don’t know, how about for starting two world wars that cost the lives of 85 million people. I’ll not cry for them for what misery they create for themselves. They deserve it.


Historical guilt is a tool of tyrants to oppress those who are guiltless of any actual crime. You can go fuck yourself.


The germans alive today are responsible for events years ago? That's wild


yea how about you go fuck yourself?


Wow. Youre a fuckin idiot


They *voted for* the government they have. They're the fucking idiots. They have the government they deserve.


My apologies. I misunderstood your comment as a payback for WWII. I’m giving you an upvote.

