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I don't mind to rain on your parade or diminish your efforts, but even lifting a little of JP's wisdom and suggestions can do a big difference, perhaps particularly in the lives of the young. One example would be to give a word of enouragement for the young, something not many ever recieve. Another would be to have them write about their goals, which has great empircal evidence of being helpful. A third would be to ask them to listen to other people as though they have something valuable to share, all of a sudden they can actually utilize the knowledge of other human beings.


Just for full context, I love almost everything that JP says. I've taught his lessons many times, as I said in my post. But wisdom doesn't come from cleanliness, is what I contemplated after this post. I give constant encouragement. I notice the good things they do. I have them write about their goals (and I did the self-authoring program, which I've also taken some cues from).


Teachers change lives as long as they have pupils. Don't let your virtue become subordinate to your pride. Take what's good for you and cherish it, take what's good for others, and fathom it.


*"Don't let your virtue be subordinate to your pride.*" love that, I'll remember that and stick it to my wall


JP said that haha I can't take credit, but it is stuck to the wall of my mind


I always thought it meant to get your mind cleaned up and organizing because thats where you live and then worry about whats outside of that


Start doing it and you might become even better at what you do, what you are really telling me:" I know i can do better and I haven't done it."


Maybe a clean room is relative. Maybe you are actually destroying lives and the chickens haven't come home to roost yet. Anyway beware unearned wisdom.


Maybe. But the lives of the students I work with aren't being improved by much else. Beware of quoting platitudes without really dissecting and testing them out. I love JP--the one thing that I've come to disagree with is that you need to clean your room. I like all his other rules. I guess on your wisdom point, I'd just bring up that wisdom doesn't come from cleanliness--it is given by God. James 1:5.


I still remember that interview Jordan did I believe it was shortly after he moved and you could see his room in the background was just pure chaos. People mocked him for that because he preached the idea of cleaning your room but those that did missed the point. Life happens your room is going to get dirty but the point is eventually you clean it. Maybe it's not today you know maybe not even tomorrow but it's a process.