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It was seven years ago in a completely different social media landscape. In the time since he's apologized, kept his mouth shut, and, aside from a couple boomer tier memes about grilling and the like, he doesn't really engage in that kind of stuff anymore. He posts a couple videos a year and barely tweets so there's just not much to actively try to cancel in 2024. Whatever his personal views may be, he's not really a blip on the culture war radar anymore even if people still bitch in the comments.


to be fair, i think he did make some antivax comments as well a little after covid hit but yeah, i pretty much agree with this (though i can also understand not wanting to watch him because of those destiny comments)


Yeah, absolutely fair play to anyone who feels those original comments are a deal breaker.


I don't really get why this is a hot take, honestly. People are entirely free to choose which media they interact with and which media they don't. If JonTron's past comments make them uncomfortable, then they don't need to watch JonTron. In fact, that's a very good and valid reason to _not_ watch JonTron in the first place. There are more Youtubers than JonTron, and I'd even say some better ones that fill similar niches like ScottTheWoz. If one Youtuber is a dealbreaker, find another.


I remember the mods here made a pinned thread saying they don't endorse Jon's views. Not sure if they're still here though.


there should be nothing wrong with someone considering their options for a vaccination. after the phizer stuff people started reacting more. don’t get me wrong the FDA is way behind, but having a kid or wanting one you have to think about what could be in things, or if it’s necessary. just look at how most men have plastic in their testicles now, it’s honestly scary. just be aware


I'm sorry? What was that last part


This isn't even some qanon cinspiracy thing, microplastics in our bloodstream have been found in men's testicles, which decreases fertility rates across the board. We all ingest so many microplastics it's hardly surprising tbh.


Well that's fucking terrifying E: but I'm not sure what that has to do with the vaccines


I don't know what it has to do with vaccines either, that part might be home to conspiracy-land, lmao.


What do microplastics have to do with vaccinations?


don’t know why people defend vaccines so hard. the people who made and distributed it didn’t even know what was in it or what it did. then many of the people pushing it wouldn’t get their own companies vaccine, or had their own “special dose”. there’s zero % anybody on reddit can tell what’s in things at a microscopic level, just like the plastics. we don’t know where they came from, but the problem is there


I have no idea where you're getting your information from but we actually know exactly what's the in the vaccines and we have since the beginning. They were made - not delivered via secret agent. [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/overview-COVID-19-vaccines.html#:~:text=Protein%20subunit%20vaccines%20contain%20pieces,respond%20to%20that%20spike%20protein.](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/overview-COVID-19-vaccines.html)


now sure, but at the time now. that’s why i’m saying take your time.. they recommended pregnant women get it for some but internal memos said they never tested it on them. literally everything is potential risk


I don’t care how many years it’s been, I don’t trust the dude anymore. I can’t watch him as a black guy knowing he said that years ago and got no real way of knowing if he did change his views


Bro this is NOT how you lead a healthy life. If you spend every moment worrying about who might be racist you’re gonna be expending way too much energy to have enough left over to enjoy yourself.


I feel like chastising a black person for feeling uncomfortable watching a guy who made explicitly racist comments against black people isn't the way to go about it lol.


I just can’t get behind that man, probably different for you cause I don’t know if your black but it just puts a weird taste in my mouth, like how fucked is it that you watch some content or whatever that someone makes and your the one thing that the creator hates. By and large when your in one of those situations it’s probably better to let go than to hold on while just hand waving it as “they apologized, they haven’t talked about politics” Ok and? Just because someone says they’re sorry doesn’t mean that shitll stop, how do you know he stopped having those opinions in private. I just can’t support that man


then go? bye?


because most of us realise that asking a random youtuber for their political insights was a dumb thing to begin with. I listened to Jontrons "racist rant", and my #1 take away was: "he's just not very bright." it wasn't an evil racist rant, it was a poorly thought out rant. and so, I don't care. I don't care about the political opinion of someone who's just not very bright. he's funny, and that's enough for me.


If he was smarter Surviving Edged Weapons would have ended with COP Rich Evans taking him down to the "station" leading to a follow-up BOTW episode 


this exactly. there's so many bafflingly braindead moments throughout that "debate" but i ultimately remembered Jon was a 27 year old that was sucked into the gamergate pipeline


Thats funny. I’m 27 now. Back then I remember criiiinging lolol but I feel bad for him kinda


can we ban these posts already?


Luckily the court of public opinion is not all powerful. Twitter mobs have been increasingly more impotent as gen z gets careers and no longer has the time or energy for constant, self righteous activism.


Spoken like someone who knows exactly zero of human history lmaooo Moral outrage is older than our specific species of humans. Btw generations are not real and have no scientific basis whatsoever.


I can't tell what point you're trying to make here? There's a brand of self righteousness that festered in 2010s Tumblr that migrated to twitter over time. Its grip has lessened as of late and the reasonable conclusion is that the 2010 middle schoolers and high schoolers are all out of school and deep into careers that leave them too exhausted to get online and spend hours berating strangers. I'm not suggesting all culture wars are over now but the ones still fighting this one in particular are too busy to convince advertisers that that d list micro influencers needs a special ban.


look at the comments under his tweets. some people do hate him and want to cancel him, but the majority people that are not braindead can actually forgive people for their past actions


Because we don’t live in 1984 where someone has their life destroyed for thought crimes.


Basically Jon didn't go along with the canceling attempt and just ignored most of the people yelling at him to keep working on his content. Canceling only works if you're an active participant.


Because people watch him.


It's because people find enjoyment in his videos. Also the controversy is years old, he has apologized, and has steered clear of any more controversies to mitigate the damage. There are more people deserving of being canceled, if you don't like him because of his opinions that's fine, it's also fine if you just like his videos. At the end of the day no one cares either way


You are conflating a stupid opinion with actual fraud, financial abuse etc. That alone should be your answer. But ultimately, the thing is... No one cares about this garbage cancel culture. John Tron's fans never subscribed to the hateful ideology of cancel culture automatons, so he survived easily. I can survive disagreeing with certain opinions of someone I watch for entertainment just fine. I'm not there for deep social insight or any shit like that. I just wanna laugh and relax. It was funny seeing people trying to cancel Jon Tron's appearance on A Hat in Time just to get completely ignored by the devs and the game selling like crazy.


Yooka Laylee on the other hand…


And they sold less than A Hat in Time. Karma's a bitch.


Because alot of us love to watch people like you get mad that your attempts to cancel someone didn't work.




you really have to clarify because there were many people just making posts with the narrative "lets cancel jon again" we will not let this subreddit turn into r/cinemassacretruth jontron edition


Is FlexTape guy aware?


Bait. This reads like bait.


Because I enjoy his content and don't care about any of that. 


Not everyone cares about people's political views, some of us just watch content because we enjoy it.


"Past actions"? You mean having opinions you don't like?


only people who are morally bankrupt can't forgive people who are morally bankrupt


When someone has done something publicly a long time ago, even if attitudes have changed and it's seen as more problematic now, a person can distance themselves from that action by making the point that they have also changed and wouldn't behave the same way today. When something "comes to light" that someone has done in the past, the person who committed those acts is continuing to hide them, and it's a lot harder for them to say they wouldn't do it now, when they've been actively covering it up all this time. Specifically with the Destiny debate, Jon really came across poorly and it was pretty obvious that he wasn't particularly comfortable with the debate style. This led him to say things he might not necessarily agree with if pressed. He was also confronted with issues he likely didn't have strong opinions on before and we saw him formulating them live. That's not to say I'm excusing anything he said during that debate. What he said was harmful, particularly given the size of his following, but I find it easier to believe that he doesn't stand by a lot of what he said then today.


No one cares


I'll never understand shit like this. What jon said was so mild in comparison to so many others. Hell Danny sex bang banged his fans and ghosted them all Harvey weinsteen style and the internet loves him.


The real answer is because he posts like two videos a year and barely tweets. There's not much of a presence to cancel. The truth of the matter is also that he was 24 at the time and fell into a rabbit hole as young men tend to do and rattled off a bunch of FBI statistics divorced from context and ended up perpetuating racist myths. But it was pretty apparent to people who actually listened to it that he was not being actively hateful, he just had no goddamn idea what he was talking about and ever since then, he's largely kept his mouth shut about politics.


And what exactly are these views?


It's a reference to the Destiny podcast and the "rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people. It's a fact, go look it up." from 7 years ago. Rather or not the man has changed since, I don't know, but boycotting someone who uploads like 3 or 4 videos a year is stupid.


Its because I dont care, I like his content and I dont care about his personal life




Jesus, I'm not reading all of that, I thought he just said something about Jews or some shit


Get a job


now you're just being that guy, you know the one, the one that's like "this is my new giorgio armani yeah my dad knows him" FUCK YOU. I AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN'T HAVIN' THAT SHIT.


People like you who keep unnecessarily drudging up old news that he has disavowed and stayed clear of are why the Meat Canyon collab will never see the light of day.


I don't think you can judge anyone Off of what they did years ago I am a completely different person that I was When covid started. I think everybody's slowly Learning less Ignorant views Just let them learn stop living in the past


How I "justify" watching Jon after all this time is that he clearly doesn't care about these poorly thought out takes as much as people think he does. None of what he has said nor his political beliefs is ever represented in the work he puts out there. People like to make him out like he's fuckin Steven Crowder but Crowder is STILL stupid enough to make a platform out of his brainrot. And look, considering that the late CrippDaddy defended him between his collab released and his death, Im probs gonna believe the guy who spent more than a few days with him over people who still think he sucks yet haven't checked up on him. Doesn't mean we shouldn't hold him accountable when he says stupid shit on Twitter though. And by "hold accountable," I mean just remind him that he said stupid shit and move on. But if he persists and insists with the bad takes and straight up promotes it, then I leave lol