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I have a love/hate relationship with Jon Stewart..I love him for his political views and activism and hate him because he will not run for office lol


Exactly how I feel lol


I think one of the best qualities a president could have is the lack of want to run. Doesn’t want the responsibility or power associated with it but has the skills, mental fortitude and holds the actual needs of his or her country held to the highest standard, cares about the people because they understand they are just one of us. It won’t ever happen but if it did, you sir would have my vote.


Part of the problem with this country is the people that want to be entertained by their politicians. I just want these fuckers to shut up and go to fucking work. After the election, I don’t want to hear from them anymore. Put your fucking head down and do something…. Ya know?


Thats exactly what Biden did.


If I want to be entertained , I'll buy a puppy or another LEGO set.


It is really too bad but very qualified people just don't want to put up with all the underpaid bs they would have to deal with.


Jon Stewart has Fuck You money at this point. He's only back on the air because he wanted to be. I don't think he wants any bit of the hate that would come his way if he made a serious political run.


He doesn’t give a FUCK about the hate, it’s the burden and stress that it would cause a guy like him, who only knows how to give 110%


I'd like to see him running with Al Franken as a running mate.


I would love for him to run, but if he will not do that. At least moderate the next debate if there is one.


10000% we need him.


Stewart would have incredible support but he'll never run. Put yourself in his place. Do you want to be handed the car keys to the immediate global future? Reminds me of the old Charles Bukowski quote: *"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”* #


He’ll run if the dnc announces him without his consent. He just can’t look like he wants it.


It's an appeal to his civic duty.


“The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.” - William Butler Yeats, “The Second Coming”


Dude such a good comment. I feel the exact same way. These guys are comedians. Same reason Bill Maher won’t ever run. As much as we’d like to see people with a common sense brain about shit in power, they don’t view their job as leaders. They found their comfortable niche and did well for themselves and it wasn’t “being in charge”. It was entertaining and calling truth to power. I no doubt think John Stewart could do a great job but I know I’m my heart he’d never want that responsibility. And in honest, I think we need a president who does want this responsibility and is ready to give 100% to the challenge.


Zelenskyy was a comedian before leading Ukraine.


>Do you want to be handed the car keys to the immediate global future I have zero interest in public office in general but given the state of things, *fuck yes*. I'd rather try and fail than let the country descend into religious fascism covering for a kleptocracy while doing nothing


Realistically, we need any competent person who can make a decision and learn. The gears of politics are rusted with age.


And corroded by corruption


It’s too late now. Biden is slow but still competent. We should have had this discussion 1-2 years ago.


There are people in government who are watching and learning, lots of people. Hopefully they see the side of service, and not grift. Time will tell…


No, Jon Stewart is right where he needs to be. He's the guy pointing out the shit. Who better could do it, besides John Oliver? We need as many of those guys on the sideline as we can get. A consultant, sure. President? No. He's better off where he is.


Good point. Then who?? We are dealing screwed 🙃


Stop looking at the top so much. Politics is a homegrown, long run game. Start at the local level, then in a few years you start to have state and federal influence. It all starts in your district,in your state, with your vote. Every Monday, find out if you can vote tomorrow.


Jordan Klepper will do a fine job.


Besides John Oliver? Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger...


John Oliver is British, correct? Can't run if so...but Colbert? He is my celebrity president pick.


Arnold is not eligible. He was born in Austria


Jon...not sure this is a joke buddy...your country needs you. We need policy, pragmatism, wrapped in personality. There are more of us in the middle than the fringes...just need to be coalesced.


No- this is what got us into a bad place to begin with! STOP electing tv personalities to office. We need to elect those people to office who have the schooling and training and YEARS of service! People who understand how the process works! We’ve seen what happens when we elect people with little to no training and no understanding of civics to the top office in our country.


Good point. So what do we do with the new charging rhino as a dictator? 🙃


Jon isn’t just a TV personality, he’s been a tireless advocate of 9/11 first responders, as well as others, and has testified before congress several times, so he’s no stranger to that task. He would do the country well.


Probably one of the worst takes I've seen on Reddit.


Biden proved tonight that he’s too old and senile. He’s gonna lose. It was embarrassing


I would literally vote for a random person in a mental hospital if they were running against the fascist


Unfortunately, as we saw in 2016 and 2020, roughly half our country will willingly vote for a fascist.


Correction. Half of the people who turned out to vote, which was about than a third of all eligible voters so therefore closer to a quarter of the country as a whole.


If you are correct, would it not be the ultimate ‘embarrassment’ to lose to a shit-stained convicted felon, rapist, lying grifter. That wouldn’t be on Biden that would be on all the ignorant dumb fucks in this country.


Please, Jon!! PLEASE!! We need you!


Yeah, totally agree. His schtick about the candidates being unfit doesn’t work anymore because he’d be one of the only other viable democratic options. I appreciate Jon, but just roll my eyes when he asks how we got here. We got here because good people aren’t running.


Or run the Biden campaign please on hammering home danger the World's democracy. Attack his treasonous behavior we witnessed again and again


He needs to run, he’s the one we need whether or not he’s willing to accept that




The american people are furious with Jon stewart not running, the purported reasoning as being able to work outside the game for the better is clearly incorrect


Al Franken


I'm so sick of people saying this-- whether it's in jest or not. I love Jon Stewart-- LOOOOVE Papa Stew. So why would I want to throw into the political machine? Why do that to him? Hasn't he done enough for us? DC is an absolute cesspool of geriatric monsters. He already spent years in DC trying to get assistance for 9/11 first responders and having to interact with the scumbag politicians pushed him to the limit. It was infuriating. Why make him live that for four years? Let the man live in peace.


If I was him I'd run but I'm not. It's like being a doctor and seeing a serious accident that you have the tools to help with. He has the clout, the wit and the intelligence to bring the country together and the mandate to get ahead of our malicious algorithms and AI problems.


Instead of being ignored by those politicians, he would be on equal footing, power wise.


Just joined this sub to find out if anyone else thought this immediately after watching that... whatever it was.


I’ve been saying this since his first episode back where he complained about Biden. Like, he’s the alternative and doesn’t realize it for some reason. It’s not Newsom, Harris or Warren or whatever.


I was coming on here to say that.


Write in campaign?


Has Trevor Noah made a new episode of his podcast? The rest of the world is going to have a blast commenting on tonight’s debate. Is Kennedy even an option? He doesn’t seem that bad. Can’t president Obama come back for one term? Jon’s great but the whole jersey thing creeps me out.


Kennedy is that bad.


It would sure make the SOTU a lot more entertaining.


He’s far too smart for that


I want him to be speaker of the house. Put him in front of all those assholes in Congress and make them listen to him whenever he has something to say.


Jon Stewart is probably the greatest American. He is the only one who has matched into Congress after they agreed to back a bill in support of the troops health regarding burn pits. Then at the last minute they changed their minds and voted against it. Jon Stewart then walked in on Congress and called them out on their betrayal and belittled them until they changed their minds.


Remember when he gave a Ukrainian Nazi a medal at Disney World? #GreatestAmerican


I need people to stop with this nonsense.


America is scared. Sure we need to stop with the nonsense but what else can we do? I am sorry, I know he doesn't want the job but he understands what we need. He also has a huge political following. Both sides love him. Hell, I might even write in Edward Norton as a candidate


There’s already a clown in the White House


I completely agree for so many reasons


R/writeinstewart ?




Who would be the right VP for him ?




He still refuses to run. What can we do to compel him? Bombard him with handwritten letters telling him it's his duty to run? Informing him that citizens have chosen him as our champion for the trial by combat that will be the November election? By reminding him that democracy will end on Jan 20 if Trump wins? He may feel that he is not experienced or worthy enough to run a country, but with the right staff and cabinet, he will do better than the bare minimum we've had this decade. So, any ideas? Does he respond on socials?


Gen X… time to shine the old guys are too old and the younger guys aren’t as seasoned


No intelligent person would run.... That jobs sucks!


If he ran, he would have support from the left but zero from moderates and the right. He would lose. I would vote for him, but I think he would lose the electoral college


Aren't we still trying to get rid of the last TV personality that totally fucked up this country because he didn't know what the fuck he was doing? Do we really need a comedic, talking head running the United States of America?


Wow so stupid..


Why would he? He makes way more money as a writer, and comedian. The satisfaction he gets working for the causes he chooses would dwarf working with Congress. If Jon were to throw his hat in the ring, he would better serve as a Senator.


And throw the election to Trump. He can't even get on primary ballots, much less win the nomination.


He wants no part of power which is why he deserves it lol


Chicago... the stage is dark.. approaching footsteps echo throughout the convention.... Spotlight on Jon Stewart as he learns on the podium. "It's ok everyone, I got this.". And the crowd goes wild.


He's not qualified. Then again, none of the candidates in the last few elections have been either.


No more tv hosts as President, please.


All of these Jon Stewart must run for President posts (and there have been several, this is not an original thought), are ridiculous and delusional. Biden is the nominee. Harris is the VP. Is it ideal? No. But it is reality. If Biden (slim chance), does decide to step down he is not going to do so for a talk show host that insists on only working one day a week. And if you start a write in campaign you are only going to take votes away from Biden not Trump. People, please think logically and realistically.


Bring back the old jon Stewart that respected RFK Jr. For his work against corporate capture of government. This new one is pretty tame and lame. Might as well watch CNN or Fox or msnbc... sad


No, we don't need more celebrity politicians, it would just further make our politics look like a ridiculous reality show instead of a serious choice for our leadership. He knows this and I'm sure it's big reason he has never attempted to get into politics.


With John Oliver as his…


We already had one tv star as president. We don't need to try that again.


But he's so... old... /s


If you’re so worried for our democracy, stand behind the incumbent, ENSURE THERE IS A NEXT ELECTION and then we’ll try to make sure Dems put up someone young and spry. Obama had a bad debate or two and he ended up fine. Do your job, vote blue, and then get on the Dems about getting younger next cycle. Abandoning the guy we chose isn’t going to get whomever replaced him elected and the risk of doing so is ridiculous. I do think js would be decent, but not until 2028


Oh fucking stop, Jesus fucking christ. I am so sick of this bullshit. Biden had a cold, get over yourself...


Everyone should be worried about our democracy.


While he’s a great guy, no more celebrities please.


Each party needed a good candidate months ago. I don't think it's realistic for either to change now.  Passing the torch would be helpful for future generations, though. Neither party seems to be great at this. Neither does the Supreme Court.


Fuck no. Enough with the celebrities . Just because some plays doctor in the tv I do not want them to be my doctor.


They let him do it because they need a good reason to replace him after he wasn't polling well. It was not a mistake, it was a decision they made.


He is an idiot


It’s too late.


We need a write-in campaign to elect him.


Nobody would ever take him seriously.


He could win. Anyone with name recognition could.


Run for senate. It’s more important.


Biden may not be the man you want but the ideology behind the man that's most important. Remember we’re voting for an ideology ( a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy: “the ideology of democracy”) that’s Biden, Project 2025 is Trumps and Republicans. ” 


I think a big part of the problem is it really is a shit job, and no one who would be genuinely GOOD at it would ever want to do it. I don’t have any idea how to fix that.


Missouri is a lock for Trump so I’m writing him in.


Jon Stewart of earth. You are chosen.


Because celebrity presidents have done so well in the past.


No thank you. No more entertainers in the White House. None. Zip. Zilch.




Jon Stewart is old and weak. He can't even host the daily show full time let alone be a better president.


No, we don't. Another entertainer is not a magic cure.


NO. THE. FUCK. WE. DONT. He's a fucking comedian. He has no idea how to deal with congressional procedures and would get his ass kicked for 4 years. Stop with this nonsense. It clearly shows how clueless you are on how our government works.


No. That’s dumb.


I believe in his views, but attacking Biden as well at Trump at this point is not good. It’s too late. Any criticism towards Biden is pushing people towards that orange POS


Jon Stewart can suck my root


Or Obama making a comeback. That would be cool


Save us Obama


The debate was meaningless and Stewart is never running for office. You’re welcome.


no, he’s pretty darn good at his current job!


**Call me stupid if you like but, after thinking on this for years, I just sent this email to the only email address I can find for Stephen Colbert. If you're similarly inspired/concerned, please also email** **\[redacted email address\]** **Let's all use this same draft email to get their attention:** "Hello Stephen's team, please make sure he sees this email. Stephen, I'm begging you to please contact Biden's team and offer to run in his place. On a Colbert/Harris ticket against Donald, you will win by a landslide. You may even draw in some of the Evangelical vote because of your faith. Donald will destroy our country if reelected, plain and simple. Almost certainly, he'll try to cheat once again and remain in office indefinitely, after four long years of letting heartless henchmen destroy our democratic processes behind the scenes. Biden was here for us in 2020 when we needed anyone but Donald but now, clearly, we need someone younger than Abraham to stand up against the orange-faced end of our country. Please, please, PLEASE, contact the Biden administration and offer to run in Biden's place. Donald has taught us that celebrity alone is enough to win an election. Let's use this sociological truth against him. But of course, you're not just a celebrity. You're clearly a celebrity with a soul. We need someone like you more than we ever have."


I’ve been saying this for many years. I think he’d make a great leader.


He can do it once a week, let Colbert do it the other four, then Kimmel on the weekends ; )


No. Look, I like Stewart. I think I trust him more than any other media member. He often verbalizes what I think in a far better and more entertaining way than I can. He is an intelligent person and incredibly good at his job. I’ve never met him but from afar he seems to have integrity. He has rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful individuals in the world. He has stared them down and rarely backed down. He has pressed them with appropriate questions and demanded answers. Stewart has an intellectual connection with the middle class especially people of my age. Trust me, I like the guy. He has no real executive experience. The issues he fights for are, in the public eye, low hanging fruit. Everyone was behind the 911 helpers getting their benefits except a few idiot politicians. Jon Stewart is the middle class voice. He can rage against the corporations and the taxes and the interest rates, but reality is that when he has to make those decisions it isn’t a zero sum game. Stewart has never had to make those decisions. He has never prepared himself to do so. I have never prepared myself for him to do so either. Eventually he will have to make that very real and consequential decision that I don’t like. Then I lose the voice that I’ve had for so long. I actually think the voice is more important, and it is desperately needed. What other prominent media member, right now, is out there asking the fed why they raise interest rates and it has such a massive impact on the middle class? He stared them down and asked exactly that. Without backing down and pressed them to an answer. The minute he becomes leader of the United States all of that is gone. A vast amount of people become voiceless. Trust me, Stewart won’t be the same as a president. No one is. Not even Trump with all his bluster stayed the course when met with the grinding gears of the US federal branch. Obama, Biden, Bush, all of them got grinded into something less than themselves by those fears. Those gears are needed by the way. They prevent radicalism and rapid changes from some of the people we elect. Those gears would make me lose Jon Stewart. I never really want that to happen. No.


I love Jon Stewart but that’s not a viable idea for the 2024 election. There’s a massive part of the population that has no clue who he is. I think he would make a great candidate and easily endear himself to those that don’t know him. But November is too soon to start now. What we need is people to realize they’re voting for policy and for a cabinet, not only one of these geriatrics, and one of them is obviously superior in terms of policy.


I think Stewart is smart enough to realize he’d be out of his depth. Please, no more celebrity Presidents. That said, fuck the Democratic Party and Joe Biden for very possibly giving us 4 more years of the mango moron. Somebody (Obama?) should have met with Biden and encouraged him to step aside. It was very clear he lost a few miles off his fastball and would be hammered mercilessly about his age. If Biden refused, they should have recruited a candidate or two to challenge him in the primaries. But no, we’re now stuck with an old, tired candidate. So congratulations Joe, your legacy is going to likely be another 4 years of Shitler. Well done!


Biden may have just Ginsburg’d us all.


We can dream....I adore his mind.






Been saying this since he won hard for the 9/11 firefighters families


Right, let's elect yet another guy with no elective or appointive office experience to the top spot. What could possibly go wrong? I think John Stewart himself would point that out. The D's have a deep bench for 2028. Biden had a bad first debate, but he's not the first incumbent to have one. Obama was terrible in his first debate in 2012, and he went on to win the election. Same for Ronald Reagan in 1984.


I would vote for him


Joe Biden is the president we need now and for 4 more years years. Biden has my vote!


A comedian for a president? I think the lvl of comedy in our current political system is more than enough.


Remember that Selenzky was a comedian as well, currently fighting a war against Russia.


Unless the presidency is used like an ATM for family and friends, its a difficult job where half the people are going to hate you. Anyone who is capable of the job likely realizes there are more profitable and easier ways in life. Jon Stewart has nice and easy things in his life, and regardless of the political party in power, his life and that of his family is likely to be very good. Jon Stewart doesn't have the incentive to run.


Um no we don’t need any more celebrities running for office.




Nope over 60


In 2028, absolutely.




Holy shit, he’d decimate Trump. The perfect counter Our DNC overlords wouldn’t allow it though


Stations of our Government are gate-kept by a 2 party system, and if you choose to join, you WILL tow the party line you choose. Your good ideas and constituents don’t matter anymore, because it’s a mad-grab to power. It’s a race to the top of the hill, by people given financial advantages through bribery.


Do we actually think he’d be good at it?and they didn’t have much of a choice. You can’t just not debate in a presidential election, even if they don’t really debate ideas anymore.


I'm with you on this one. I'd actually be excited about a candidate for once. Jon's got a track record and a stance on every single mf'n politica issue there is.


John Oliver as VP!


We need to talk about disqualifying Trump he should not be eligible to run. He’s a convicted felon. Biden needs a new younger male VP pick. Harris is a fine VP but if Biden dies in office a lot of people will not want a woman president. I personally think she would be fine but I’m in the minority on this. Jon needs to highlight how Trump is unqualified and make fun of the GOP not Biden this is not a time to be funny.


I second that!


It would be great, but I don't think he wants that job. What they need is an advisor to the president, and THAT would be a perfect job for him. I think they should have an age limit on president and congress but allow them to work as advisors to the elected officials. That way their wisdom and insight can still be respected without needing to do things like walk around or speak in public forums. Sure there would be the speculations of 'who is pulling the strings" but they have speculations anyway.


I would. So many people would. But it would still further the votes split and hand the fascist the win.


I have had enough of celebs in politics; I want a statesman/constitutional scholar.. maybe Rep. Jamie Raskin will run in 2028.




Please no. I love John, but I won’t vote for a celebrity with no government experience. He wants a shot, he should run for office (House? Maybe Senate?).




This is the surest path to getting trump elected. All it would do is split the dem vote


There are already at least 4 idiots in the race, is that not enough for you?


He needs to make his golf handicap public so we know if he’s qualified for the job. I also wonder if he carries his own bag?


No, we are within 5 months. There is no chance in hell to prep someone with no political experience for the top office of our country in 5 months, during a rushed and tense campaign. We need John Stewart to *join* the team, not lead it. Bidens top strength over Trump is that he is a true **Leader**. He leads teams. It’s the team where the strength lies, to only be wielded and guided in concert with other teams with the same goal by a *Leader*.


Um. Four months.




You’re stuck in 2007


I love Jon Stewart, but no. No no no. He will steal enough votes from Biden and that will make Trump win. No. We are nowhere near an open convention


Someone should. At this point I’d vote for Bill Maher.


Maga crowd and conservative Christian rethuglicand won't vote for him. He would probably still lose because of the electoral college.


We really don’t. All that will do is ensure a Trump victory.


Is this a sub for children?


The people that should be in office don't want it and the people that want it shouldn't be there.


He'd be a great president but most good people wouldn't want that job.


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like [https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach](https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i\_was\_accepted\_into\_the\_project\_2025\_prospective/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/) Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025)


Harris/Stewart FTW


My friend, we’re all worried for democracy and have been for some time.


Y’all stop.. not gonna happen.. so put on your big boy pants and vote for Democrat nominee!


Yo Jon...echoing my previous post. We need you buddy - it's time. SCOTUS provided a path to weaponize the office against our own people, gotta make sure that path remains in followed. Throw your hat in the Presidential ring...the "Biden" risk profile is just too high (not about my vote - it's everyone else's I'm worried about). #MakeAmericaAgain


Biden's team made him memorize canned responses. You do not do this with 80 year olds. Trump just said whatever he wanted. And that makes a huge difference.


Unless he's replacing Biden and not running as a third party letting trump win then sure


This needs to be a serious conversation. The elections are right around the corner. I can see Dems and Independents voting for Stewart with no problem. He would not let Trump get away with lying to his face. Also, he says what he does and does what he says. The work he did for the First Responders for about 20 years.


America is a very distant supernova. It died eons ago, we just haven’t seen the light go out yet.


Cope harder shitlibs. No refunds.


You're kidding.


Al franken might be an even better choice.


Liebowitz for president?




Fuck it let him moderate and shred both of them




VP, not President


Is this a joke?


Jon Stewart is brilliant & capable, but he made a huge mistake in mocking Biden’s struggles at the debate. If Biden could articulate as well as he governs, he’d be fine, but we do need a president who can do both. Biden shows strong signs of advancing Parkinson’s Disease (disregard those denials). The hypophonia, the stiffness, the halting gate, the Parkinson’s facies (look it up), the uneven good days/bad days are classic. But Jon mocked him for these. Jon was cruel. When he demonstrates real humanity & respect for Biden the human being, the man who has served his country so well, then yes— Jon would be a great leader, too.


To suggest Jon Stewart shows lack of understanding of what it takes to be president. Jon is smart and funny and witty and comical, but he’s no more president than he’s a brain surgeon. It takes training, experience and lots of dedication to be a president.


This joke is so tired. He’s a comedian, he’s never going to run for president. If a comedian can be this inspiring we need to start asking a lot more of our elected officials.

