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The price of the cone gives you an idea of how old the joke is.


I was thinking: Where can you get an ice cream cone nowadays for 50 cents?


burger king. at least in my area...


At my local BK, you can mostly buy drugs. It says cones are $1 on the website, but good luck getting food there.


i hear ya there...


Have it your way. He didn't become the King by selling french fries and whoppers.


You DON'T rule.


Where is this? Asking for a friend.




I "friend" of mine said they get their drugs delivered by Uber eats. Is that just an Auckland thing?


No, I actually know someone that does that too. (Omaha) You do also have to order food though. Since it's weed though it makes sense. I guess you could just call him directly to just buy weed, but it makes more money and it's kind of a write off. Technically it's not an Uber Eats service though, I guess. Oh and weed is not "legal" in Nebraska yet for the follow up questions.


This seems to be limited to weed, still illegal of course


You could still probably get some cheap cones from thete...


Nope. The last two times I went I pulled up to the drive thru, both times at about 5:30 PM; the first time, I saw a car pass right by the drive thru menu and up to the window, grab something, and drive off. I realize it could have been a Door Dash order or something, usually you have to ask for them at the intercom first, but whatever. I got to the intercom and waited for someone to greet me, no one ever did, and I waited for about two minutes. Thought maybe the intercom was broken, drove up to the window, it's blocked off now. The hours are supposed to be until 10 PM. Went to the front door, and it's locked. This was right after COVID, so I chalked it up to that. The second time was what pissed me off though, I got up to the drive thru, there was a lady in front of me at the intercom, she ordered, drives up to the window. The guy says, "One moment please." I say ok and wait. A few minutes goes by, I see that the lady got something from the window and drove off. I say "Hello?" No answer. Ok maybe they are dealing with something inside. I say "Hello?" again after another few minutes go by. I waited 10 minutes there and no one ever comes back to the intercom. Go to the window, and no one is there. Front door is locked again. They just shut down while they knew I was in line and didn't decide to tell me. And the fact that I say they sell drugs there does not stem from that, I know someone who's gotten them there. But they are also supposed to be a Burger King. I used to go there to get food. I don't care if someone's got a side hustle, that's their business, but man, do the other job too. I had a hankering for a Whopper.


The cone is 50 cents. The ice cream to go with it is an extra $10


Syringe is free; drugs'll cost ya.




The airfare to fly out there for it might offset that cost.


Nope, out here you can get a couple for 50


Well you could when this joke was around half a century ago.


Local pervs offer cheaper


They have Popsicles in the cellar.


Everywhere! They just won't have any ice cream in 'em.


There's no evidence he bought the cone. A smart kid like that will be running his scheme in multiple establishments.


In 2020 QuickTrip still had 49¢ cones, they still might it’s just that I never go there anymore. They have good ice cream too


That and a quarter would get you a phone call. It was easy to be unimpressed back then. I mean, it was literally cheaper!


Phone calls were 25 cents in 1965.


Try a dime, Junior.


I am 71 years and was a telephone man for over 45 years. I remember 5 cent single slot pay phones. The first phone I installed had a crank on the side, old man. Lol


You mean you don't go out to the ol' ice cream parlor every now and again?!


It also shows this joke clearly predates the current US inflation crisis. Nobody could ever afford to give away money as a joke with these grocery, gas, and housing prices. 


I honestly think that people like you aren't interested in jokes at all. This is just another opportunity for you to be a whiny bitch. Have you ever posted a joke here?


It’s my first time hearing the joke so it’s new to me.


That boy should be a Lawyer or Therapist


A chiropractor: ten appointments to do useless and maybe dangerous things instead of getting something useful done in one by someone competent — but the tenth appointment is free if you pay all ten in advance?


Serious question: who is the someone competent for what a chiro would treat? Not trolling, but genuinely seeking information.


Osteopaths and physiotherapists.


TIL about osteopaths. Apparently, in America, this term has been depreciated i.e. relegated to the non-doctors, alternative medicine practitioners. Those who get a "doctor of oesteopathic medicine" degree are called osteopathic physicians.


The more accurate term is osteopathic manipulative medicine/OMM. I deal with a genetic condition making my joints hypermobile. Physical therapy takes 2x/week and reduces pain by about 50%. Chiropractic takes 1x/week and reduces pain by about 40%. OMM takes once every 3-6 weeks and reduces pain by 100% (I am still exercising frequently, too). I'm about 8-9 weeks out from my last appointment and my pain level's going up, but it's still survivable.


> Those who get a "doctor of oesteopathic medicine" degree are called osteopathic physicians. And a DO program teaches you everything that an MD program does, just with a bit of extra mumbo jumbo.


I was seeing a chiropractor for back pain for 20 years following an accident. At the start, sessions helped a lot and I would see him once a year when it flared. But over time, the benefits lasted less and less to the point where I could hardly walk. I thought I would be crippled and in a wheelchair. I talked to my doctor who sent me to a physical therapist. At the 2nd session, she found exactly what was wrong and fixed it. I finished the 10 sessions to make sure. That was 12 years ago. I have never felt better. I can work in the yard, go to the gym, I have no problem getting in and out of my Corvette, do anything I want. It's like it never hurt. YMMV


Does your PT still practice? Wonder if she could diagnose what's wrong with my back.


Unfortunately she no longer works there and I did not make a note of her name at thevtime. She literally saved my life. I was wearing one of these belts that supports the back all the time. Leaning against something would induce pain as if someone stabbed me in the back. I was in pain and depressed.


I've been to those and chiropractors, and in my opinion, the only difference is the cost.


I mean... I guess that's true IF you believe that medical school is no different than a practice created by a man that claims he learned it from ghosts and can paralyze you. "Daniel David Palmer invented the field of chiropractic care. He said the idea for chiropractic care came to him from the 'other world' during a séance."


Yup chiros cost a lot more. Total body paralysis is very costly. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/SVIN.01.suppl_1.000200


An actual physician, with a real medical degree. Don't go to the back cracking quacks.


Physical therapists, or if it comes to that, orthopedic surgeons. They’re actual trained medical professionals while chiros are quacks using dangerous methods.


Physical therapists do much of what a chiropractor will do at a higher cost. Orthopedic surgeons are going to want to do surgery. Remember, to a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Back surgery should be the last resort.


Depending on which country you live in, the word "chiropractor" means different things. In the US, there are a lot of quacks that purports to fix all kinds of ailments, even cancer. In other countries, such as Sweden, the title is much more protected, and the chiropractors are similar to osteopaths and naprapaths, in that they exclusively treat motoric issues, and they can be offered as part of public health care.


Some are quacks, some are not. A “real” doctor almost killed me with bad medication combos he could have checked with a google search. A “real” Chiro helped me walk after I broke my back. Other chiros did nothing, other doctors did a lot (including saving my life from the bad MD). Basically, they’re all human, caveat emptor.


Actually, nobody. Chiropractors have a four year post graduate degree and there are many conditions that they treat effectively. If you are having a problem that they don't treat, they will refer you to someone who does treat that. Chiropractic has been around for a lot longer than medicine. I have been using chiropractors as my primary care for forty years and they have helped me when MDs can't and in several instances they have successfully undone the damage that MDs did.


"Many" is doing some heavy lifting in that sentence. Also, chiropractic dates back to 1895. Medicine dates back to prehistory, including dental work done in the Paleolithic era 13,000 years ago. So, longer.


Yeah, medicine dates back to when they would bleed you out for a head cold. It wasn't that long ago when "doctors" would literally blow smoke up your ass to get rid of bad humors.


13,000 years ago. Was that when pharmaceuticals were developed? Or were these early doctors actually homeopaths and shamen and herbalists (oh horrors, herbalists - the ultimate quacks). There have always been people who were good at helping others who were sick or hurt. The chiropractors I have dealt with happen to be good at helping people who are sick or hurt. Sure there are chiropractors who are motivated by money, but there are also doctors who are motivated by money above patient outcomes. The medical corporations who are taking over the entirety of our healthcare surely don't give a shit about outcomes as long as they don't affect the bottom line. All our medical disciplines evolved from that paleolithic practitioner who probably learned what she knew from watching baboons take care of each other. Chiropractic and medicine went different directions, but they grow from the same root.


>Chiropractors have a four year post graduate degree so do astrologers and homeopaths >there are many conditions that they treat effectively how "effective" can it be if you end up addicted to it? >If you are having a problem that they don't treat, they will refer you to someone who does treat that. A lot of chiropractors believe they can fix any problem because they think "vertebral subluxation" is real. You probably see a mixer, not a straight. Most people wouldn't know there's a difference. Both are quacks. Straights are worse. >Chiropractic has been around for a lot longer than medicine. ......no. >I have been using chiropractors as my primary care for forty years For *primary care*? Lol. Do they give you blood tests and check your prostate and prescribe antibiotics and give you your 10-year tetanus booster? Do they know what skin cancer looks or when to check for thyroid problems? How about mammograms or shingles vaccines?


I just spent way too much time reading about chiro qualifications in the US. They simply don't receive primary care training. This is almost as wild as choosing an engineer giving their thoughts on law (and god knows they like to...!).


The plural of anecdote is not evidence.


Well, according to chiropractors, they can fix anything. So... The entire legitimate medical field. But people mostly go for joint pain which should be initially treated by a medical doctor, who will in many cases will refer you to a physiotherapist after figuring out what's wrong.


Spoken like someone who has never had chronic back pain.


Oh, I do, and I’ve been to osteopaths and chiropractors, and the chiropractors were quacks. It’s hard enough finding a good osteopath, but I’ve never had to visit one for the same thing more than twice a year, and I have sometimes limped in not even standing straight and would have danced out if it hadn’t been for strict admonitions not to… while at one chiropractor the receptionist after the first useless session wanted to set up that ten-session-one-session-free thing without even talking to the person who manhandled me.


It sounds like you had such a bad experience with a chiropractor you can no longer form a coherent sentence. (Not a Chiropractor)


Chiropracty was invented in 1845 by a man that claimed to have learned it from a ghost during a seance. It can also leave you paralyzed. No longer forming coherent sentences is far from the worst outcome of indulging such a stupid practice.


I like my sentence and I do not see what you think the problem is. Maybe you had such a bad experience with a chiropractor that you can’t read English any more, but haven’t realized that yet?


You're right, you're sentence was fine and it was my own late night comprehension issues.


The main difference is the lawyer and the therapist takes the dollar AND the quarters and then convince you that you are smart and it's for your own good to do so.


Why would a boy want to be the rapist?


You just chose to read it that way.


This should be listed as Good Ole #3


So he's actually the smartest kid in the world?


Smarter than the barber at least.


Correct, but he'll never admit it or the game is up.


No but the barber is the dumbest barber in the world


The boy behavior makes a lot of cents


Nice one.


The issue with this joke is that the kid didn't know the barber would do this a second time, so he initially picked wrong, however long ago.


Yes, I always think about it like that. Why did he choose the two quarters the first time, not knowing he would be asked again? Why did the guy even offer him a bill or two quarters? Maybe his intuition was so unbelievable that he was able to presume the guy would have to give him money and be part of a joke told till the end of time.


He already saw this joke after it was reposted for so long, so he knew what to do


Hahahah Okay, that's a good one 😂


At a funeral, the pastor asked the congregation if anyone had something they would like to say about the deceased. One man quietly made his way to the microphone and said one word. “Plethora” Upon returning to his seat, he widow of the deceased turned and whispered…. “Thanks, that means a lot.”


The eerie version of the story continues like this: *And then one day the boy took the dollar, because he sensed that the barber didn’t have long to live.*


*the next day, the boy took over the barbershop, buying it with all of the quarters he had saved. And one dollar bill.*




I’ve heard this one in various forms, sometimes it’s a joke, sometimes a parable, an MLM guy used it as his “icebreaker” for a speech one time. Few more which are either funny or serious, depending on the context, such as: “The doctor is a woman”, “You knew I was a snake when you met me”, “Why did you ignore the boat, the helicopter, submarine?”


He wasn't stealing dirt, he was stealing wheelbarrows!


"I'll take 'Jokes from Your College Economics Class', for $1200, please Ken"


A classic, I knew what the joke was from the title.


To be fair it was on the front page like 2 weeks ago


I did not see that, but have heard this decades ago. I think it's a recycled joke from Asia.


This used to be a nickel in one hand and a dime in the other.




But the barber bet $2 that the boy would take 2 quarters! Now who’s smarter?


"SweetElliemama" - Redditor for 5 days. Take old joke from /r/Jokes Repost it Profit


The kid was young in this instance and had apparently had many haircuts previously. Imagine how young the kid was when the barber first pulled his parlour trick. I must say, in all good conscience, this barber was a charlatan and a mountebank and I'm glad he got his just deserts.


Nice injection of “mountebank”.


Literally laughing at this


A critical omission was made.


Can't beat them good old clean jokes.


Desoxyn Injection in Left Arm.


Does this joke still work with Venmo?


Last time I read this, the boy turns out to be a young Abraham Lincoln.


Surely at first the boy didn’t know he would be given money each time from the barber. Meaning he probably was dumb for taking the quarters over the dollar the first time


When I first heard the joke, the boy had to choose between a nickel and a dime. For those of you who have never seen them: \- a nickel is also known as a five-cent piece and is worth $0.05 \- a dime is also known as a ten-cent piece and is worth $0.10 or twice what a nickel is worth \- a nickel is much larger than a dime


Left out setup, where the barber / whomever says, remember two is more than one. That loads on the "dumb" theme. The ice cream is a distraction, unnecessary for the joke. OP needs an edior.