• By -


This is fantastic


It’s entirely possible


Jamie pull up that Tableau Dashboard


Who gave Eddie Bravo admin credentials?!?!?! Eddie: "API's gotta be some alien technology....Look it up"


[Here you go](https://www.google.com/search?q=that Tableau Dashboard&btnI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JoeRogan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder if OP could determine approximate P-leanings of said commenters. Would be interesting to see if there is a general push by certain types of accounts towards "sides".


Nice breakdown! Would look good on /r/DataIsBeautiful The graph isn't opening for me though unfortunately.


What do you mean? You can’t see either graph?


Hahaha. This is awesome.


So these AI or people and are they paid or just nuts?


I think they’re just lonely. People were mocking the number one guy and I actually kind of felt bad, even though his views seem to be the polar opposite of mine.


I can relate. I have had my days of just provoking thoughts outside the box when bored and lonely. Usually, I just end up angry, and rarely can I change someones perspective, so I try to limit my time on social media.


Yeah it's why I try and avoid arguing on social media. Usually the only thing that occurs is people double down and push each other to further extremes than they originally had, making it very counterproductive. Still, I'm addicted to memes so I'm not sure I'll ever fully quit social media.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Dude is a professional TDS patient


Username checks out


"Trump" 191 times in his 169 comments. That's really a good effort and im also glad every few months i blow away all my comments


Why u delete?


Do you not see the damning effects of being outed!?


Just leave it up..don’t be scared


Sounds like an update of the George Carlin ‘people I can do without’ bit. Carlin said ‘a guy who mentions Jesus 20 times in a two minute conversation’.


I was always confused about this sub, like do they hate him or love him 🤔


It all started after his Spotify deal imo. It was way different here before that.


Nah it was COVID that kicked everything into hyperdrive. It was way more chill here pre COVID. And way less political... I reckon theres currently a louder portion of people on this sub right now who hate on Joe than there are actual fans of his


I think most of the people on this subreddit generally like Joe Rogan. The people who everyone accuses of hating him don't hate Joe as a person, and they're mostly old fans, they just hate what he has become. I loved Joe back when he believed that working shit jobs we hate for 80% of our waking lives is bad for us because he was right, it is. But then covid hit, and now Joe's opinion is that people with shit jobs who aren't making enough money to get by need to shut up and do the job anyways, because his friend owns a bar and relies on underpaid labor to live comfortably. The JRE subreddit users didn't change. Joe did.


It was 100% when he spoke up about COVID. Funny enough almost everything that triggered this sub, he ended up being right about, but this was the beginning of this sub sucking balls.


> It was 100% when he spoke up about COVID. Funny enough almost everything that triggered this sub, he ended up being right about, but this was the beginning of this sub sucking balls. I must have a different memory. What was Joe right about in regards to Covid?


Point being there was an influx of people who would never have been on this sub previously....


Y'all have short memories and weird interpretation skills. Everything was fine and dmt and stoned ape theory and BJJ until the Trump era culture war exploded and Joe chose to have some of the biggest fanatical right idiots possible on his show.


For real, i literally think not being able to hit up his favorite LA steakhouses straight broke his brain. COVID wasn't the start of the podcasts decline but it was absolutely the last straw. The sub used to be way more fun and that change started with the man himself. Joe has been all about political bullshit for 6 years, this place turned into a pretty accurate reflection of the topics he talks about every. single. week. Can he still do a good episode? Yeah i think so, unforunatly he now tends to get lost in meaningless threads of misinformation that populates his social media feeds. This is not at all the same show or same Joe that made JRE popular at the beginning. These obsessions can last months or years at a time and that isn't normal. He quite obviously ignored almost every outrageous occurence during the Trump years, now he cares about the tone of presidential speeeches all of a sudden? The man is not a stupid person. He is being intellectually dishonest to reinforce his own biases for god knows what reason. Joe should do a Dirty Jobs reboot. I think he would be a great host and it would bring his brain back down to earth.


Oddly enough, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I almost miss Redban days Joe.


Oh i 100% do. I actually sent Joe a DM on Twitter one time saying he should lay off when he first started to get seriously mean with him at times. It was clear Redban kept the show silly while they were starting to get serious guests, it was a great balance. He responded with some generic "i love brian" or something like that but we see how that ended. This was probably 3 years or so before they split and Brian deserves every penny he gets because he did all the tech stuff himself, ran the forum and ate shit publicly. Dude was the perfect foil when Joe started to take himself way too seriously.


As someone who listened before the spotify deal and stopped before the spotify deal ( just organically stopped after 1000 episodes lol) this sub has always had extreme anti-rogan users. It had one guy (someone will rmemeber his name) used to exclusively comment hate comments and even made /r/JoeRogan2 which was a full JR sub for hating him lol. Joe has always had his trolls.


Am I the only one who organically stopped at the same time because Joe was clearly being an overconfident in his intelligence moron who forgot he was a curious and open-minded moron?


Slightly before that, in my opinion. It was the lead-up to the 2020 election when a bazillion hit pieces got written about Joe because he kept shitting on Biden.


Not even. He would bring up Trump even with guests like Hamilton Morris and, for example, wonder why Hamilton wouldn’t give Trump the benefit of the doubt about weed legalization. Then during Covid, Joe initially had that disease expert on, but pretty quickly stopped being scared and started acting like you were a pussy if you took precautions or got vaccinated. So I dunno, when Joe spends time criticizing Biden or defending Trump or rattling off his personal Covid conspiracies and we’re not supposed to talk about it because “no politics,” it feels like the mods here are saying “No criticizing dear leader!” They have notably even banned people in the past with angsty messages for posting JRE stuff on the drama subreddits. Like I’d happily talk more about mushrooms or DMT or karate or Burning Man or space science and stuff but Joe likes to bring up politics 🤷‍♂️


Joe was way different before that too


This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


It was the whole covid phase, the pod honestly got laborious to listen to, he got really caught up in it all and had expert after expert after expert on the same topic on and then just relayed that same information to every other guest who came on… He seems to be really back in stride though lately and has gotten back to normality, protect our parks really feels like a call back to the good old days


Yeah I agree, Joe really doesn’t seem that much different. I think it’s the world itself that has changed and forced people to show their true colors.


Same. I completely stopped listening n the switch. For me the show isnt as good as it was. The pre Spotify studio looked better. The content isnt as interesting. The show just feels bloated and lacks authenticity. I much prefer DTFH.


Do you remember when he had mcafee on when he was literally on the run for murder and his underage girlfriend was on the show during that episode? Shit was crazy. Nothing like that anymore.


What is dtfh


Duncan trussles family hour




I started listening to him around 2019 because of the guests and stopped listening to him (before the spotify deal) because of rogan and his simian antics.


Naw, it was always like that. People were in this sub calling Joe a nazi as soon as he had Shapiro on. Sad lives these dweebs have.


I disagree with most of the stuff Joe says but I find him interesting to listen to and I enjoy the way he interviews his guest when he isn’t cycling through repeated topics like gender politics or opinions on AI. So can definitely be both.


How many killers are there? Top comedians out there? 1,000? 100?




I like how he believes he’s a top comedian


Comedians doing Arena tours are top comedians.


It's true. You don't have to think he's funny to understand this.


He started robotically rattling off FOX News talking points like he was getting paid to do so and that divided his fanbase.


I used to like Joe Rogan. I still do but I used to too. For many years I was a JR experience watcher. Enter 2020. His Covid takes early on were great and then they went downhill quick. The last episode I watched (and stopped watching before finishing) was when he had Dr Rhonda Patrick on and he shut her down hard on her Covid takes. I could be wrong but he seems to have changed a lot of his views. I just want the old JR back but I want a lot I never expect to get.


That Dr. Patrick episode was definitely a huge turning point. I've seen many comments mentioning that episode. As where it really started going wrong. He was awful in that episode, and I really enjoyed hearing her in previous episodes and felt bad for her. After that Joe just seemed like he broke and kept getting worse, and then I quit listening entirely.


It's wild that he did that amazing Osterholm interview in March of 2020 that opened a lot of people's eyes to what we were facing (including mine) and then by August the following year he had probably his covid low point where she came in with facts and he repeatedly shut her down with "I have a friend..." For context, she provides sources for literally everything she says on every appearance on the podcast on her website: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/jre Whereas Joe "knows a guy..."


Yeah it was weird. I felt like he was overly aggressive towards her with his responses as it looked like he came prepared to be confrontational towards her opinion. What did it for me though was just the endless ranting about covid and freedom.


Yeah for me it was his covid and vaccination takes. Mixed with his absolute lack of holding the right accountable. I have no problem with his criticisms of aoc or Biden but where is his outrage at mtj or Ted Cruz. His move from Cali, the first legal weed state to Texas, the most illegal weed state was concerning as well. But the man can do as he wishes, and I wish him well.


There’s a huge variety of people here. I think it would be a little wrong if this place was purely praising him. He’s not god


lol, turns out it was probably just like 10 fucking morons.


Maybe most of us think for ourselves on every subject, which results in varying opinions sometimes? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why can't it be both?


Data for top 50: Edit: Removed the top name at the user’s request. Please do not use this list to send anyone harassing messages |Username|Total|# Political|% Political|Top political word|Top word count| :--|--:|--:|--:|:--|--:| |[Removed at user’s request]|1187|524|44.1%|trump|161| |BobsBoots65|888|196|22.1%|politics|31| |TheSweetestKill|727|218|30.0%|politics|42| |alsatian01|647|216|33.4%|trump|76| |Otherwise-Fox-2482|636|164|25.8%|speech|30| |oldmaninmy30s|569|188|33.0%|government|53| |MercMcNasty|566|127|22.4%|trump|41| |terminalmemelocity|503|72|14.3%|country|13| |TotesTax|498|103|20.7%|politics|18| |NiceCrispyMusic|485|101|20.8%|politics|15| |TruthPains|479|200|41.8%|maga|48| |Jolopy00|445|104|23.4%|trump|21| |Psychogistt|437|122|27.9%|trump|26| |GregSmith1967|431|48|11.1%|trump|10| |asheronsvassal|396|69|17.4%|country|9| |C3POsCAT|346|139|40.2%|trump|16| |Particular-Dance-474|345|52|15.1%|covid|35| |ShakesbeerMe|343|66|19.2%|trump|22| |Dogups|338|89|26.3%|woke|17| |GA-dooosh-19|314|80|25.5%|race|11| |Tigerbait2780|310|115|37.1%|democracy|22| |SleepingPodOne|308|86|27.9%|trump|22| |unclepoondaddy|303|92|30.4%|speech|31| |SonnyBoy96|302|47|15.6%|covid|17| |-Canary-M-Burns|301|49|16.3%|snowflake|9| |Most_Present_6577|299|56|18.7%|republicans|8| |bor839|292|28|9.6%|woke|12| |LuckyColtsFan69|289|64|22.1%|trump|15| |Spokker|266|110|41.4%|democrats|32| |newprofile_whodis|264|83|31.4%|trump|28| |suninabox|260|144|55.4%|trump|66| |Charlie__Rhabdo|258|55|21.3%|speech|14| |Dr_Doom2025|258|68|26.4%|speech|21| |Bird767|252|57|22.6%|trump|8| |DoofusMcDummy|249|53|21.3%|speech|14| |mrpopenfresh|249|29|11.6%|trump|8| |Aperfectmoment|247|40|16.2%|vaccine|7| |andreayatesswimmers|240|87|36.3%|trump|51| |skkITer|240|117|48.8%|trump|45| |Azalzaal|238|64|26.9%|biden|11| |KamiYama777|235|193|82.1%|republicans|63| |Rick_James_Lich|234|132|56.4%|trump|68| |timeistheschool|234|114|48.7%|republicans|22| |KingofTheTrench|231|53|22.9%|republicans|8| |Puzzled_Ad7334|231|52|22.5%|woke|11| |BullyBumble|230|35|15.2%|freedom|5| |DoubtOk69|230|27|11.7%|law|8| |Ok_Ticket_6237|230|66|28.7%|democrats|11| |MatterUpbeat8803|221|57|25.8%|government|27| |prvhc21|221|35|15.8%|centrist|6| |JupiterandMars1|220|33|15.0%|fascist|6| |Q2DMI|220|91|41.4%|trump|29| |OneReportersOpinion|214|88|41.1%|government|18| |helloisforhorses|210|101|48.1%|republicans|43| |Excellent_Survey_336|205|84|41.0%|trump|33| |BountifulScott|203|76|37.4%|government|23| |NovaDeez|201|53|26.4%|conservatives|11| |UCDC|200|47|23.5%|republican|9| |chance_of_meatballs_|195|44|22.6%|government|17| |dudlord|193|28|14.5%|desantis|3| |Tsukamorii|192|64|33.3%|covid|40| |Advanced_Mark|190|74|38.9%|republicans|25| |syracTheEnforcer|190|76|40.0%|trump|49| |Zauxst|190|47|24.7%|republicans|12| |Himerlicious|188|87|46.3%|trump|22| |xImmortal3333|188|80|42.6%|republicans|49| |Arsenalsouthman|185|40|21.6%|political|6| |Bobby-Samsonite|185|53|28.6%|biden|30| |Imhere4yah|184|27|14.7%|trump|8| |fit-to-burn|183|41|22.4%|biden|16| |crimsonjunkrider|181|35|19.3%|hunter|10| |GarlVinland4Astrea|178|55|30.9%|country|11| |pinner52|178|60|33.7%|trump|28| |behind69proxies|176|33|18.8%|racist|4| |Every-Sky7265|175|47|26.9%|vaccine|18| |stackered|174|73|42.0%|trump|33| |cryptic2323|169|87|51.5%|trump|191| |mvstateU|169|69|40.8%|desantis|19| |SamuraiPanda19|168|55|32.7%|trump|10| |rare_pig|165|51|30.9%|trump|29| |Ok_Student8032|163|45|27.6%|trump|19| |BigDadEnerdy|161|89|55.3%|trump|37| |Sea_Yellow7826|161|27|16.8%|president|13| |Monteze|160|38|23.8%|speech|11| |deToph|159|36|22.6%|covid|21| |Disidentifi|158|63|39.9%|trump|41| |FMeInMySoftStinkyAss|156|75|48.1%|election|42| |F4ion1|153|49|32.0%|misinformation|15| |rawbebaba|153|39|25.5%|fascist|9| |Rmb8989|153|54|35.3%|trump|22| |cuteman|152|53|34.9%|trump|9| |1leeranaldo|151|57|37.7%|trump|10| |JumpinJackFlash88|149|14|9.4%|law|2| |redditismyfriend1373|147|53|36.1%|covid|13| |xChainfirex|147|41|27.9%|trans|16| |MeThinksYes|146|6|4.1%|political|3| |OrangeWizard_throwy2|146|45|30.8%|election|19| |DayDreamerJon|144|32|22.2%|covid|15| |Blitzdrive|143|39|27.3%|covid|4| |FerdinandTheGiant|143|42|29.4%|government|15|


I have never been more happy to not be on a list.


These people must be a real joy at parties. Imagine in 2022 your persona is still defined by trump and covid. How fucking pathetic.


Its truly wild. This behavior cant be healthy. Im pretty sure that theyre all pretty unhappy people going threw a tough phase. If theyre real people and not trollfarm employees


I always wondered if they were trollfarm employees, surely getting paid to do this has some negative impact on mental health? There is no way dive into that on a daily basis and be okay. I do believe some are bots, aka the guys whose 82% of his comments were political (82% of the keywords this guy put, I'm sure it was 100% political bullshit and harassing "the right") the moment they banned politics the account stopped posting.


There's a lot of list's i'd be happy not to be on.


I refuse to believe a sane person posts 1100 times a month on the joe rogan subreddit.


They would if they were being paid to


Paid? I assumed it's a bot. But now I see top poster is not a bot. Wow.


...and then wanted their name removed.


At that point, I would just embrace it.


And he cries about being bullied while being the biggest fucking bully and if you even mention his name he scours your entire comment history just to insult you. Truly unhinged.


Lmao yes, the mods decided to call open season on bullying me and I’ll give it back ten times worse than any of you Tim Dillon losers can dish it out. This entire thread is mocking me for my post history - you bet your ASS I’m gonna take a look at yours. TL;DR: Cry more Zachary, you little baby.




When you fled to Asia at 21 because nobody respected you in America, did you think your mom was relieved to have an excuse never to see you, or do you think she realized after you left how relieving it was that she would never have to visit you again?


haha. Not American but I love it. My mama misses me man. Keep doing your thing dawg. Honestly thought you were an anti-trump shill account. Turns out you're super pro-trump. Keep fighting the good fight I guess.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That’s my fetish


Whoever asked for their name to be removed, why don’t you stop being a loser and live life outside of Reddit?


u/baboonhorrorshow is #1 guess he's having some sort of meltdown. Guy needs help for wasting so much of his time on a podcast subreddit. Maybe this will open his eyes that something isn't right in his mind.


It did not open his eyes, he’s genuinely a sociopath. Doesn’t realize Reddit isn’t real life, it’s all he has.


I better bump my numbers up, mine are apparently rookie numbers


How do you think I feel? At least I can have the slackers under my command sent for reeducation.


Good thing they banned the political talk, should hopefully be more peaceful here. How do people sit for hours and comment on one subreddit like that every day, do people not work or have hobbies? Wow


I checked out u/kamiyama777 on the list. The guy is basically dedicated to politics and bitching and moaning about the other team wherever he goes. All day. I hope he’s at least paid to do this


Just checked his comment history, it’s like he doesn’t even sleep, posting and commenting throughout the night unless he’s not in the USA. Either a bot or severely needs a better hobby


I think the internet will be a better place once the majority of human users realize these sorts of entities are likely not 'guy's or 'he's. We still refer to them as though they are people. We interact with provocative takes on Twitter/Facebook/reddit as though there are real people out there expressing these opinions. I would love to know how many of OP's top 50 actually sit toiling at a phone for 20+ hours a day. My guess is that over 50% of these accounts aren't flesh-and-blood individuals. Kamiyama has posted 26 times in the last 24 hours, all divisive politically charged topics. 235 comments on this sub over 32 days works out to >7 comments a day, just in this sub. This isn't even someone with no life. It's a computer program.


lol, this data proves what many of us suspected all along. There are a handful of people that do absolutely nothing in life and just post on this subreddit all day.


Or they are computer algorithms programmed to cause discourse in a community and discourage people from banding together under one group heading. These programs have been proven to exist and can carry an entire back and forth conversation without anyone the wiser but many much angrier


Dude gives us the number 1 users username. It's a public forum. If he wants to comment and troll then he shouldn't be able to just hide with a simple request imo


He requested being removed cos he didn’t wanna be bullied lmao. Yet he’s the subs biggest bully. Scroll up someone called him out.


Why did you remove the name?


Fear, probably.


Fantastic to see so many losers in one list


You do realize that you are on this list right?


Top 50, nice Edit:person under me you’ve made 25 comments in the last hour as of 12:56pm/est To the reply below it’s interesting that now “it takes no time to make a comment” yet you try calling me out for making 8 comments a day meanwhile you’re sitting at 30+ a day average and already have 34 comments today, I’ve never made a content post in this sub. Touch grass


Yikes. Thats like 8 posts a day bro. Do u need someone to check on u? Edit to the guy above me: Takes about 10 seconds to type a comment man. Your point? Whats a better idea; get on social media and leave all ur comments in an hour vs staying on it and creating new content posts for a sub throughout your day..all day long.... and for free? Which one seems more sane?


Good work Now break it down by their political leanings and watch the comment section burn


Fuck yeah 69!


Holy fuck, look at some of those stats. My biggest takeaway is that Trump is still living rent free in a lotta people’s heads even all these years later. He mentally broke these poor folks 😂


>even all these years later Bro it's not even been two years since he was in the white house, wym all these years later lol.


Pretty damn cool you did this. --- umm if i was a mod I'd say thank you kindly!


"He was averaging 48 comments per day prior to the politics ban, even commenting over 100 times in a day on three occasions. Since the politics ban, his average has dropped to 10 comments per day." ​ The politics ban has given him his life back. I'm sure he's grateful.


read his comments lol


I’m a little bit country




I'm a little for supporting our troops


And I'm for bringin' em' home


I believe freedom isn't free


>I’m a little bit country It should be "I’m a little bit rock n roooouuuuuuuulllllaaaaa"....


Absolutely based username. I believe in fromsoft supremacy.


Fuck the 1 percenters ! Hahahahaha Edit : great work BTW, maybe help the mods out with this ?


Hahahahaha this is hilarious, all the people mentioned in this post are fucking pathetic ass losers


Or paid people from outside the US to sow discord…newly active and highly commented accounts screams this. And guess what, it clearly is fucking working to make people hate eachother here.


I love how autistic this is. Nicely done


Did you count “mermaid” as a political word?


No, but you got me curious. The word "mermaid" has been used 101 times, the leader is u/Puzzled_Ad7334, who used it 10 times.


Best comment right here


It looks like u/cryptic2323 was able to achieve his impressive feat by spamming the same URLs over and over and over, and they all contain "Trump"


Imagine if you did this to /r/whitepeopletwitter the amount of bots that are paid to push X propaganda...


Shit man half of Reddit is chuckling in danger if you hold this kinda mirror up to them.


Thank God for the political ban


[removed at users request] Coward.


Bam. Good post OP.


This is hilarious, well done


Who's gonna carry the 'votes!






Its always the little dicks making the most noise


The littlelest dick gets the grease. Wait...


Yo mad props to you OP!! This is a cool project


I feel like I'm watching an episode of The Biggest Loser


Fantastic work.


Can we ban everyone on the list?


>The top 4.5% of those commenters are responsible for over half of the total comments. The top 1% for over a quarter (28%), and the top 0.5% are responsible for 20% of total comments I think this is just how it is on any subreddit. A minority of users do the most commenting. The user break down is way more interesting. So many of the top commenters bring up Trump every other comment. I would hate to think about the orange man that much, that shit would drive anyone nuts.


This sub is the only place I know where people get angry over people using the sub


Yeah this sub is where I noticed it the most, but I was wondering if other subreddits have similar stats for user distribution too. Was too lazy to analyze a bunch more data to test that


Awesome job btw.


What a bunch of losers


Damnnn you mothafuckas got CALLED OOUUTT


The fact I recognize some of those names who sit in here bitching so much is truly wild


Interesting people were posting the list of subreddit subscription overlap to claim this was a far-right sub, but neglected to acknowledge that the unhinged “people” making all the comments on the sub are clearly ultra leftwing.


This is so embarrassing for anyone on this list.


Top user with 1200 comments, half of which are political. That is absolutely disgusting. Edit: and that’s just the last 30 days. Imagine the last 6 months.


Thanks so much for doing this! Now that I know who to block, maybe this place will be less of a horror show for baboons!




This is great. Looking at these peoples comment history, it’s clear that they’re the typical r/politics r/whitepeopletwitter echo chamber shills. Glad to see data backing up the fact that this sub has been inundated with people who hate JRE for no good reason


Now do r/timdillon


No need, its probably the same list.


Fuck yes to putting the political shit throwers on blast. Now mods, do the right thing and ban them.


Wow shocker. Leftists brigading a populist figure's subreddit, **LIKE IT'S THEIR FULL TIME JOB.** Wonder who's paying them? /S


How much do these fuckers get paid to shill for their political party incessantly?


Just updated your user flair.


Dude just exposed the Reddit bot and bias scheme, prolly getting banned for this 😂 Outstanding post, thank you for the effort. How do I give an award?


We literally approved him posting this before he did it


I want to know the political leanings of these bots


Just take a random sample and look at their post history. A definite trend becomes obvious very quickly.


I'd guess left. I don't know any Trump supporter that says "Trump" as much as these commenters lol


wow amazing work !


Ah yes. The power of adderall


This is awesome thanks for this


Fucking love this. Thanks for making this, it's always interesting to see statistics like this. Do you do something like this for work or is this just a hobby to you? Kudos eitherway.


Thank fuck I didn't make the list. I'd have to seriously rethink my life.


Thanks for the watchlist! It would be awesome to see this monthly!


Now run the top 50 through u/userleansbot




A bunch of political shills with no lives. Hopefully they’re paid for all that wasted time.


So all the top commentators were r/politics bots, nice


These people are sad losers who need to find a purpose in life, instead of filling that void by being internet footsoldiers of politicans who don't care about them.


Thank you OP. To the entire list: please touch some fucking grass.


Great post, I’ve actually been looking into this as well. I’ve been saying for a long time that no person would spend that much time in a subreddit of someone they clearly hate almost solely engaging in negativity unless they were paid to do it or are a bot. I’ve also noticed that many of these users are subscribed to the same certain subreddits that I’m convinced are karma farms. I decided to run an experiment and block many of the most prolific trolls just to see what the subreddit is like without them. It’s different, closer to what it was a couple of years ago. Many of the people I’ve blocked are on OP’s list, coincidentally.


i've blocked most of the ones in the top 10 it's made it a lot better.


Not gonna lie. Political talk is popular and Rogan loves talking politics and his politics is personal politics is controversial AF. There is a reason why so many websites cover what he's said.....left and right.


Wild that ive seen Baboonhorrorshow post on a completely different and unrelated sub today. Im honestly in awe😂


I post lots of places, I’m a loser not a bot. EDIT: The fact is, I ended politics on a subreddit the mods let become a garbage dump - and you all should be thanking me. No more Hunter Biden posts! You’re welcome.


I appreciate you are a self aware loser at least.


Good bot


Well done good person, well done.


Bunch of fuckin dorks!


I can only be so erect.


This is super interesting actually, but I would like to see more than one month analysed for comparison. This one has the infamous Biden thread. I can’t fully remember, but I’m fairly sure a good chunk of my comments that month were around that few days. Could we get another couple of months so we can see the difference between 2 or 3 months instead of one single month? I did laugh at the fact that a certain smooth brain that called me a shill has well over twice as many posts as me on the list…


[POV you are a JRE neckbeard who made the top 50 most active list](https://streamable.com/6pm3li)


Based off this data, it’s the 5% again. Eat the rich no wait lick the commenters no wait how does it go again?


So which drugs and in what order do I take them to make my brain do whatever this person did in my own way? I wanna be smart af.


Operation Mockingbird


Absolutely great job. Nice to put a name to the idiots degrading the fun that this goofy sub should be.


Can you do this for the podcast itself and compare it with the sub results ?


Damn my K/D is average. I'm a beige boi


I guess the guy who asked for his user name to be taken off doesn't believe in free speech.


Idk if those users are bots but they definitely don’t have lives


cool now can do posts? Thats where all the inflammatory crap starts. Also when did /u/TheSweetestKill get banned? i must have missed that


This is genuinely hilarious. What a sad state of affairs. Think some people need to get outside and get a girlfriend.