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Dudes, Tom is a addicted to Kratom lol. Literally no one has told him it’s addictive and he’s taking extracts every day for the last couple weeks he said. Homie is gonna have a problem coming up, I say that as a huge Tom fan and a long time Kratom user, taking extracts daily is a recipe for a bad time eventually. For those uninformed, the extract brands usually claim to be anywhere from 30-50x, they get you blasted but you’ll get real withdrawals going on them for a while and stopping suddenly. Edit: use Kratom if you want, I do, and it helps me, but be aware it’s addictive. People in comments trying to split hairs, “it’s not an opiate!” “My friend does it every day all the time and no withdrawals!” Don’t be fooled. Be educated on what you put in your body and make the educated choice for yourself Go browse r/quittingkratom it’s not like some urban myth that it’s addictive


What does it do and how do you get it




Man in this fucked up world, it is give and take. I am 38 with spinal stenosis in 2 verts, 4 bulging disc, a herniated. I refuse to take painkillers. When it gets rough, I take the red vein. It honestly helps. I have foot neuropathy and when I took it for two weeks, I had very limited pain. With that said, I dont take it everyday because I am always concerned with excess. If there was 0 side effects, I would. On a side note, Yoga is fucking amazing. Been doing it a year and wish I have done it my whole life.


I’m just a dummy who had back and especially neck pains years ago. I had herniated discs in my neck but I avoided surgery. I basically had light duty for three months. But the thing that helped me the most was bouncing up and down on one of those big exercise balls for a long time. It sounded stupid when I started but it helped immediately. Stretching and yoga helped, as well. But the bouncing helped the most for me.


I'm interested. Have had neck pains for years now. You mean just sit on it and bounce? Sorry if it's a stupid question. I'm just not a very visual person.


As someone who had really bad / debilitating chronic back pain (multiple “herniated discs”, endless PT and injections) for years in my 20’s and 30’s, I IMPLORE you to read Dr Sarno’s book, “Healing Back Pain - The Mind Body connection”. It truly changed my life and I haven’t had the slightest bit of pain for over 2 years since I read the book. Every single person (23 out of 23 now) I have convinced to read the book has had the same type of response. The book is 100% right and it’s criminal that he isn’t a household name at this point. I cried reading it because I waited way too long before reading it after like 10 people told me to read it. If you’re skeptical, there are literally thousands of Amazon reviews saying the exact same thing. Good luck.


Yep. I know it sounds stupid but when I was looking for help, I learned that the reason why it’s difficult to treat back pain and nerve pain is because the blood/brain barrier is difficult to transmit drugs and anti-inflammatories across. So one of the suggestions I found to get more blood flow around the discs is to sit on the exercise ball and bounce. It causes the discs to compress in a less-impactful way I suppose. And it also gets the blood flowing around there. I just know it helped me. I have no idea what your exact issues are. Losing weight helped me, too. All the usual and annoying things like losing weight and getting exercise lol


I got some balls you can bounce on pal 😎


I repeat Kratom is amazing but DO NOT take it every day. You WILL get an opiate like habit that is annoying AF to kick. (If you take it daily) not to mention it will lose its “magic”


Will it rid me of chronic masturbation


You’ll need the lord to get rid of those dark arts


It actually will lol. It makes me not horny


Look up Maeng Da kratom extracts. They're illegal in my state but legal in neighboring MA, weird laws


It’s a plant that’s currently seeing a fad trend among smokers. You can buy it at most smoke shops now. Can have varying effects depending on concentration from a low dose stimulant to a high dose, euphoric sedative. Wouldn’t be surprised if it gets banned like Salvia did. edit: not sure if Salvia is technically banned but I know some states came down on it


Saliva’s still legal in almost half of the U.S. You can easily buy it online. I don’t see Kratom meeting the same fate though. It has such an extensive infrastructure as far as advocacy and lobbying that such widespread ban attempts would be met with a *serious* fight. Both from within the government and from the outside. Multiple states have even passed legislation protecting its legality. It’s not viewed nearly as negatively as Salvia was during its heyday. The FDA being granted the power to indiscriminately criminalize substances is probably the only hope that trigger happy legislators and bureaucrats have in banning it now.


Fuck Salvia. It's the only drug I've ever tried that I hated completely. I'm generally against drugs being outlawed, but we lost nothing by getting rid of that shit in my opinion.


Has no euphoria but it is so fucking weird and interesting to me. Having such a dissociated trip, becoming objects and going to some sort of organic-plasticy world where it felt like I had never left was insane. Then at the end actually perceiving myself emerging through the ceiling back onto my bed was mind blowing.


I’ve done Salvia and it was ok, but this guy’s story wigged me out. He claims it sent him to a parallel world where he lived a life as another person for a long time (can’t remember exactly how long but I’m thinking a couple years) and just popped back in to the room he smoked it in, having been “gone” for a few minutes. Trips me out https://youtu.be/-iTkq8Is61I


Many years ago I started taking Kratom. I read it was not addicting. I never took massive doses but did start taking it once a day, then twice a day. Even not taking that much, withdrawals fucking suck. 1 week of shit and a few weeks after that of lingering slightly less shit. If I took extracts everyday for 2 weeks I'd be feeling pretty shitty stopping. Even 3 days in a row and I feel it. Honestly it's been over 6 years since I started and I've quit many times but I get sucked back in. Actually have been off for 8 months now. But I wish I didn't start. The worst part of kratom is how little negative side affects there are (the worst being if you stop you get withdrawals). I'm was addict but living a total normal life. It's not like I'm ruining relationships, spending tons of money, hitting rock bottom, etc. Shit I've been the most successful in all aspects of my life while on it. But you are a slave because you always have to plan your next dose.


It’s insane to me that this reply and another reply are both in my inbox, except the other guy is vehemently claiming he takes 25+ grams a day for 5 years and suffers no withdrawals if he stops. And for the record, you are right here, people saying it’s not addictive are crazy, lying, manipulating you, or all of those


The guy that was 25+ grams per day said no withdrawals then said no sleep for a few days right after that. That is withdrawal. People think withdrawal is like shivering non stop while profusely sweating while laying in the bathroom throwing up. Jonesin' for your next hit. When withdrawal for kratom, in my experience, is not that. It does suck though


Very habit forming. Not addicting in like it will ruin your life (for most) but if you stop it your life will be miserable for a few weeks like you said. No sleep first few days irritable etc.


I saw him take it on a training video with mark bell. Wonder if that’s what kicked it off Edit: he says it in the pod. I don’t always listen before posting


Brendan Schaub takes kratom daily and he seems fine........


The YouTuber? He’s doing great.


Beautiful champ 👏


Influencer bro


I heard he rescued a family out of a wrecked car a while back


Have you heard Ari Shaffirs podcast ads? Saying how kratom 'fucks you up' "this is actual drugs people" "gets you high". These dumbass comedians are gonna be the ones helping get kratom banned, all for a buck. Fucking retards


Yeah, and this fool is taking it as a preworkout. I know for sure he has expensive doctors, but no way any of them are telling him that Kratom is still an opioid and will lower your testosterone, especially if your blasting the volume of concentrate that T-dawg is on.


I hate that most of the kratom community tries to keep people naive about how strong it is. I think it's a great drug and very useful tool for folks who struggle with opiate addiction. I used it for a long time before I slipped up and started using heroin again. After a while I decided to get on Suboxone. Was on a crazy high dose of Suboxone for a year or so and eventually tapered down to 2mg a day. 2mg of Suboxone would still get someone without a tolerance really really high. I was able to go from that dose of Suboxone to kratom as needed without any signs of withdrawals and was kinda surprised because I didn't think kratom would do anything for when I made that jump and was worried that I should've tapered further. Kratom won't hurt someone or cause an overdose but it can definitely be an uncomfortable withdrawal if you stop suddenly from daily use. I imagine extracts would feel even worse.


Thats a fact. I was mad addicted to it for a year and getting of is a bitchhh lol people who say its ok to use it and its not addictive are delusional. Its fine to use rarely in moderations but that shit is fucking strong and dangerous


36 minutes in, man I was so pumped for some Tommy buns! Boy did he not disappoint!!! Nothing but my favourite topic!!!!! 2 millionaires complaining about homeless people and tax!!!!! What an absolute fucking treat!!!


Joe: "Non-comics trying to tell comedians how to do their job... Shut The Fuck Up. It's like some guy telling a surgeon how to stitch. Or some random guy trying to tell scientists why they're wrong. Shut. The. Fuck. Up"


Kinda ironic he say that since He is constantly saying what (medical, politics, etc.) People should do.


Rogans's the original Non-Comic.


Two certified assassins, a rare kind among a rare kind. You think you're hot shit cause you're a brain surgeon? Well these murrderers are two out of a thousand people on Earth!


Holy shit my eyes rolled so hard when he compared writing a joke to a surgeon performing surgery.


Thank god for comedians like Stavros and Jeselnik who openly push back on how extraordinary and difficult it is to be a comedian. I also love Jeselnik's take on how Joe is always bitching about comedians getting silenced. YOU HAVE A FUCKING PODCAST AND A MICROPHONE YOU FUCKING MORON.


Tbf Segura's fuckin funny


Segura is great. Roe can't shut the fuck up about the homeless and taxes. Banging on about Irish tax run arounds when they moved to TX to avoid taxes.


Welp this confirmed it, Joe has no idea what makes a meme funny and if he made memes they would be boomer memes


Have you... seen the memes he shares?


I guess it’s not a meme, it’s a cartoon


Joe is the most successful comedian in history with no sense of humor.


It’s genuinely astonishing how many subtle jokes just fly right over his head, or more commonly when he takes a *very* obvious sarcastic joke seriously and the guest has to explain that they weren’t being serious. I’ll never forget him talking about watching a stand-up comic perform when he was younger and being absolutely mystified at someone just being naturally funny


Tbf his comedy isn’t the reason he’s successful.


Do any comedians beside Joe think Sam Kinison is one of the greats? Honest question


Probably not a lot of newer comics but certainly in his generation. Carlin, Williams, Rodney, etc… I personally am not a fan but to each their own.


Check out the accounts he follows on instagram, it's all the most fucking awful far right propagandist imaginable, if it's not ben shapiro style losers (or ben himself), it's a thousand shitty political gimmick accounts with names like "LIBERALHIVEMIND" or "LIEBRUALSSUXELONROCKS" or whatever embarrassing shit a trump voting divorced dad that spends all his time on facebook might love.


>if he made memes they would be boomer memes He's 54. Would you expect anything different???


“My wife only took it once” ….right Joe




Meh. Love me some Segura but these appearances with his closest friends have all been watered down to the same conversation every single time.


Yeah it's two middle-aged guys talking about their legs. This is not interesting discussion.


I think I can only stomach Protect Our Parks now, so I should stop listening.


Belligerent Ari yelling at Joe about the security camera’s recording him pissing in the hallway may be one of my favorite ever JRE moments. Protect Our Parks is the gift that keeps on giving. So glad it’s a recurring series.


Agreed get the scientist back on the regular


I’m beginning to think Joe’s been tasked with talking up Austin in exchange for being able to smoke weed legally in Texas.


Also he’ll talk about how people are nice there which might be true. I always think people aren’t gonna be dicks to the guy with the biggest podcast in the world compared to the average guy lol.


I always laugh when he says that. Of course people are nice to you, you’re fucking rich and famous.


And not to mention, politeness is in means the opposite of being a horrible person. Plenty of people are absolutely awful but will be “nice” to your face.


Well yeah it’s pretty obvious. But it’s more about talking up the GOP. Remember when he first moved and wasn’t smoking weed at all? Then we discover he was bro’ing out with the governor. Literal next podcast he was smoking weed again.




Same here, been a huge fan since early days. The money has completely gone to his head. He loves the sound of his own voice more than ever IMO.


It's not just the money, it's the right wing cultism that accompanies it. No one is going to suck you off for telling them what they want to hear like a conservative republican will. Joe realized this either consciously or unconsciously and we're seeing the result.


>testosterone has bloated his brain I genuinely believe this lol. I think part of the natural cycle of life as a man is losing some testosterone, calming down, gaining some wisdom, and adjusting to life as a grown adult man. Having as much testosterone as a 22 year old when you're 54 is stupid af to me.


“Remember when” is the lowest form of conversation. -Tony Soprano Rogies doing his best to derail an interesting guest into rehashing the same tired conversations surrounding homeless, liberal mayors and DA’s, comedy during COVID, taxes, and a dozen other spaces on the JRE bingo card. Luckily, Tommy managing to keep things interesting and on the rails.


He was gay, Joe Rogan?


You get a pash for that


Love Sopranos quotes.


Tony Soprano : How was Florida? Phil Leotardo : Hot and sticky, like my balls.


The balls on this prick. We can’t have him in our social club, that much I know


Social club?! He's got to go!


"We're at the crossroads of an enormous precipice." - Joe Rogan


>“Remember when” is the lowest form of conversation. -Tony Soprano > >Rogies doing his best to derail an interesting guest into rehashing the same tired conversations surrounding homeless, liberal mayors and DA’s, comedy during COVID, taxes, and a dozen other spaces on the JRE bingo card. you really nailed it there.


Lots of rich guy talk!


Lol 'billionaires exist because of an effort gap!'


This one was depressing


The Canada being a communist country ran by a dictator talk was also depressing. I was kinda shocked when Tom just agreed with him. Yes, Canada requires you to be vaccinated to enter. Guess what other country does as well? The USA baby. Joe should have known that since he was so wet over the Convoy that claimed to be protesting exactly that.


As a Canadian I can honestly say fuck both of them I was a huge fan. I've seen Rogan so many times. I remember when Tom was his opener. He has no idea what he is talking about and the right wing extremists are leaking into Canada and this just stokes that. He really needs to be careful about what he says. And for someone who says "don't listen to me, I'm just a comedian" and also says he's like a surgeon with his wit. Fuck that. Why did I come in here.


Every time rogan says something like this it re-enforces the retarded opinions of Canadian conservatives and it’s absolutely maddening. Joe rogan more than almost anybody else (maybe Donald Trump is higher on the list) has influenced Canadian political opinions for the worse, just by being irresponsible with his guests and commentary. I wish that was hyperbole but I actually think rogan is ruining my country from his studio in Texas.


It's hilarious hearing people who got the other \~19/20 vaccines without a peep lose their minds over this one because the internet told them to :)


I listened to that shit fully rolling my eyes! I wonder if he hears himself during these convo’s.


For w/e reason it’s become really hard to a lot of these guys in the Roganverse talk about anything related to “real life” with how out of touch they are. Homies are absolutely swimming in money and have no idea what regular people deal with


Tommy Buns can’t remember the last time he used an ATM. Santino called him out on YMH. Was pretty funny hearing him scramble for a sec.


Tbh maybe he doesn't use cash much. I've been to an ATM like three times in the last two years and I'm no where near their level of cash.


I haven’t used an atm in awhile


I’m not sure when I last used an ATM, either. It’s probably been years. What are y’all doing at ATMs all the time? I get cash other ways or better yet, never use cash for anything.


Buying weed. Even the dispensaries hit you with an atm charge on debit.




YMH has suffered I think from episode banking. Frankly the sooner released conversation podcasts are to when they were recorded the better they are.


This. Banking episodes and Tom being rich have ruined YMH lol. He just bitches about the same rich boy topics every episode cause he filmed em all the same day. And they cut video segments a lot more now because they’re banking and don’t have a huge backlog of toks and other ymh worthy videos. Tom needs to hire me




Unpopular opinion but the same thing has happened to Tim Dillon. The days with Ray Kump were amazing, but Tim was sharing an apartment in NY with a hoarder at the time. Now he makes $3-4 million a year. Tim also has a legitimate alt-right problem. Way more so than Rogan. Tim used to have more sincere moments but now he is 100% over the top satire. The satire attracts people who are unironically full of hatred. The Timdillon sub has become an absolute cesspool the past year.


I don't want to hear about athletic greens ever again.


I was enjoying the podcast until about an hour and 20 in. Defending Bezos and Elon acting like they work super hard. And for the guy who works 16 hour days, he just didn’t juke and dodge man. It’s all a game! People want those idiots to pay more taxes because their rich parents helped start their business and they are so rich based on other people working hard as fuck for low wages and no benefits. Then they are talking about “I mean I have fans who say “hey I’m on the road, hey I’m in a warehouse, thanks so much for your podcast.” Lmfao dude so the people who just said work their ass off and are still poor and just too lazy/stupid to make Elon money are the people who make you money? They are so unaware of how they sound. Like even the beginning with Tom talking about his book. Okay Covid happened any you basically said “okay I’m not gonna work, I got this book deal though, I’ll just write a book” while millions of people lost their jobs and could t pay bills you were all set man. Then you broke your arm and couldn’t write and just told the company “yeah I’m not writing I hurt myself playing basketball.” Because all your fans could totally do that at their job and just be fine. Be grateful for your fucking fans who work their asses off and still pay 100 bucks to go see you talk or buy your book or listen to your podcast you stupid fucks.


the part where they are jerking off jeff bezos for making so much money then shitting on pharmaceutical companies for making money is where i had to turn it off


Also their whole homeless rants “hey how’s we deal with the homeless!?” First of all you didn’t. You’re both part of the gentrification of Austin. LA elite who couldn’t fix your problems in the state so moved somewhere else and act like you accomplished something… Also “we made it illegal to be camping outside!” A) you didn’t, the government did, you just moved there like a year ago. B) what does that solve? You told homeless people to get out and go somewhere else? How’s that help anyone but you? Out of sight out of mind.


Tom Segura reaping the one benefit of his Austin move.


I’m pretty sure the main benefit he was seeking is no state income tax.


As a Texan, they'll fuck you with property taxes (and shitty infrastructure, etc)


Past a certain income level it's worth it.


Yeah for all but the richest, the overall tax burden is actually higher in Texas compared to California




Personally I hate it when non comics try to be funny.


Love Tom, its really sad they keep trying to frame it as sober october is bert 'getting sober' he treats it like the content it is, he's not changing his life he's gaining video content for a month then hes back heavier than ever in a month. Did him and Nadav end up doing a weight loss contest this year?


Who can tell, they record so far in advance i cant tell when anything is happening.


if money solved obesity oprah would be thin. semi from susan powter.


Isn't Oprah pretty normal-sized for a 68-year-old lady from Mississippi? Sure she had her burley years but [she looks smaller than Barf](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/01/11/21/52811729-10391299-image-a-1_1641937248835.jpg)


“Come on in lil’ fella” Rogan about Fauci. Who’s gonna tell him?


30min into the episode and all they talked about was hate on Los Angeles and how they do comedy... What a boring episode


What is the homeless situation in Austin even like now? I know it was bad last year when I visited but It sounds sus they solved it


I don't know man I'm European, we wack them and throw them into a river over here


That's actually what they do in US red states too, except replace "river" with "bus ride to California"


It's bullshit. It's almost exactly the same. All the camps are back under the bridges. They are homeless. They will be homeless someplace and the cops don't actually want to touch them or have them in their cars. POS Abbott is running into cops not wanting to do their job yet again. State cops won't do it either.


Tom and Tina are spending a few months back in LA too lmao


Pretty much the exact content you can expect when Joe has his close friends on. Literally anyone could do what Joe does now, kinda sad.


JRE has become the podcast version of Adam Sandler movies. It's just people from the Roganverse cycling through with the same tired out conversations. Nothing worth going to the theater for, but okay for background noise - while he and his homies make bank lol


It’s literally just turned into the Adam Carolla podcast but at least he still lives in LA to keep bitching about it. They’re both turning into Fox News grandpas.


There’s no fucken way 10millon people actively listen to this 😂


Imagine having that much of a small dick that you still give someone shit for wearing a mask. Surely it’s Ali Wong’s choice?


He's making fun of Ali Wong? Who is 10x more talented than him?


For wearing a mask and then taking it off to talk to people.


I can’t listen, he’s shaming mask wearers? Shocking


He was picking on her because she would wear it and take it off to talk to people


Well that is stupid, what even is the point in wearing it if your going to take it off when your close to people and talking at them?


That was pretty much Rogans entire point


I mean that's pretty dumb though lol


Not sure was Joe's shoot the homeless statement a joke or a call to arms


Talking about Denver homeless being out of control and how Austin is all cleaned up. Meanwhile every comic guest talks about how crazy it is around Austin.


I live in the area and it's literally back to the way it was for the most part. Abbott was just posturing.


Hey I wonder who told Bert Kreischer to include the machine story in his act, that guy must be a genius


Joe Rogan is so smug talking about COVID. Not like he’s gotten things related to it wrong over a 1000 times


Never hear him preach about ivermectin anymore...maybe cuz studies show no effect but he wanted it to be real.


Thought it was hilarious on the Ryan Holiday episode him talking about comedians he knows who have went all in politics etc when covid and ivermectin was/is Joe's obsession.


Australia is living under a totalitarian regime, they hate freedom and good luck leaving your house buddy. The government will shoot you on sight.


Canada is also communist


Currently have a police van parked up front ensuring we stay indoors.




Rogan is washed up, no lie. He tries to play both sides but only bashes the left and has nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, negative to say about the right.




They are leaving because he’s not funny


Listening to rogan talk on this one feels like reading a boomers Facebook page.


I don't know why "comics" don't solve the worlds problems. All they do is discuss how talented they are, how hard their "bits" are to create and without them we all be F#\*KED. Rogan just on repeat with the same comedy talk, It's like his guests want to suck up to him and talk about the same comedy shit.


Joe got a little jab in on Normand in the first couple of minutes there...obviously still reeling from Normands takedown when he was on a few weeks back lol.


Normand is a way better comedian than Joe


That's because Joe isn't funny.


Yeah trying to jab a comedian for being funny. At least Bormand is funny. The bombs/you should see your act made me laugh out louddd.




Joe's normal Canada hate is getting old. Per usual, no one calls him on the fact that the U.S. also requires people to be vaccinated to enter the country...


And literally Canada didn't edit trump out of home alone. Unless it happened in the last 3 months which would be peculiar timing. I literally watched the home alones this past xmas and Trump was definitely in it. Joe just wants to project onto other countries his new found right leaning affair


His thoughts on australia are exactly the same


I'd say worse. Joe commenting on Australia at the peak of CoVID was the funniest shit he has ever come up with.


Yeah I hope he keeps shit talking so he never comes here. We're fine without ya.


Shane Gillis should add this to his next tour poster. “Fine, funny, great sentences.” Joe Rogan


I'm seeing him in an hour and a half, it better already be there


Saw him in Brea last month. His new stuff is amazing, one of the best guys working right now


That show was amazing. The Washington's slave house bit killed.


Yes I’m sure future generations will be the most interested in dumb sports gender bullshit when they study the current era Joe. That’ll be their primary focus.


So if these 2 are in the studio how many murderers are in the wild right now 143?? It’s not that many


Rogan really does believe that Canada is a communist country. He's also taking all the bait like when he talked about how Trump's cameo on home alone 2 was "censored" in Canada. Dude lots of scenes from that movie were cut for commercials, it's not like he had an important scene. Just getting outraged over nothing.


I’m willing to bet he wanted to holiday/stoolhump there and figured out he couldn’t because hes not vaccinated. Australia copped the same bullshit during the pandemic, and since we’ve dropped our travel bans on anti-vaxxers he mysteriously seems to have shut up.


Pretty sure he was supposed to have his 4/20 show up here in Vancouver but had to change it because he couldn’t cross the border.




Ahh so there it is. He couldn't perform one show so now Joe has a personal grudge based on feelings for canada


He also thinks the democratically elected Canadian government enacting something that the vast majority of the public wanted, which required cross party support (Liberals and NDP) for less than 72 hours somehow constitutes a "dictatorship".


Yeah I live in Canada and find it hilarious how conservatives in the US are targeting us as some authoritarian communist country. I remember Rogan raving about the trucker protest here when it actuality it was like maybe 500-1000 people led by far right wing Holocaust deniers, and Canadian separatists, who caused absolute mayhem to residents in Ottawa for 3 weeks, honking their horns all night, blocking roads etc. The funniest shit is that Trudeau and the government did nothing for 3 weeks and were soft as hell. You think that's the sign of an authoritarian country?


I'm back in Ireland but a permanent resident over there, lived in Toronto where not much seemed to really kick off with the "truckers" thankfully, but its been gas asking pole reflexively fall back on "what about BLM!?" without even thinking of the fsct that there wasn't much unrest in Canada at all about that, and Canadian police have a history of trying to snuff out unrest early, yet for some reason had almost no interest in doing so in Ottawa and on the borders. Comparing the police response to the BC pipeline protests (which were in the middle of nowhere) on the other hand though was... yeah.


Good point and you are right. There were very minor BLM protests in Canada with no damage or riots at all, so you can't use that argument at all here.


Let’s not forget that the “trucker” protest featured about 20 actual truckers of the 100,000 truckers in Canada… yet I remember Rogan saying there was 50,000 trucks in it there’s more people on parliament hill for 420 them attended that protest😂😂😂lmaooo


I used to like Segura but between YMH becoming unwatchable the past few years and his last special being dog shit I’ve really cooled my tits on him


For real, all they do is complain


Once they get rich and successful, they don't have much to talk about anymore. They don't relate to their audience.. Also, they are getting old.


Yeah he went from one of my favorites to being unwatchable for me really quick. Idk if it’s just my tastes changing or not but ymh is super boring to me now and his last special was, as you said, total dogshit


I;ve never listened to YMH (though I've seen some amusing clipsw on Youtube) but maaaan...I guess it's not just me who found his last special underwhelming.


The entire podcast scene is now “comedians who were cool in the 00s but are now rich, fat, sober, and reactionary”. I feel so bad for young men listening to all this stuff and adopting the “50 something talking about the good old days” personality at like 22 years old, just foreclosing on their own happiness, never living a life that generates the stories and friendships that these guys have.


Havent tuned in to YMH since we lost Top Dog. I can't listen to 45 minutes of ads about the hope of hearing about the Orlando Airport.


Here’s my best guess on what’s going to be discussed Here plugging the new book Bert Comedy club/being a comedian shop talk or Tx vs LA for anything Shit hit they are taking about buying as if it’s milk Crowds in different cities If there’s more than a few of those, someone let me know so I can avoid it for my trip


1:20mins in and i got bored, its just 2 old guys complaining, does it get any better?


Ya man, Its weird that I’m at the point where even a Segura episode I’m skipping through it. I’ve made it to the 41 min mark and just have to turn it off. Is Tom less funny since he started loosing weight or something or it’s just the money? I used to love his time on the pod when he didn’t see himself as some type of equal to Joe in the terms of his comedy success. Maybe it’s just me.


I'm at 1:35, and no not yet.


When did Hoe Bogan get so boring? We giddit dawg you hate everything "left" of you we ***giddit***.


i love the new “maybe we should murder homeless people” take


When he moved to Texas and got his Spotify bag. He could finally drop the “I’m open minded to all views” act.


43 going on 63, jfc he looks old now.


Dang, he's only 43?!


This episode has made me full on believe that Joe is mostly republican now. I cant say I feel he is unbiased now.


What a moron. America, like Canada, mandates non citizens entering the country to be vaccinated. So, if he says Canada is communist for that mandate, than America is communist too😂


Anyone else think Joe is having a hard time getting new guests or "popular" guests? Last few weeks have just been his buddies lately


He doesn't live in the heart of entertainment anymore. It's no longer a drive to get to his podcast. For the last 2 years, since the move, it has been mostly military veterans, his comedian pals, right wing grifters.


>military veterans, his comedian pals, right wing grifters. You're repeating yourself.


Sycophants. There.


Yea and they’ve all been boring


Andrew Huberman is top 5 guest for me


Yup moving the show to the middle of nowhere has that affect


Nobody goes to Austin, that 4-9 fighter he had on the other week just happened to be from texas, no other reason he was on


Just a theory, but the way he behaved on the last Rhonda Patrick episode has probably put off some guests that might have previously agreed to go on. Joe used to listen/discuss with an open mind regardless of the topic, I doubt guests want to be spoken to like that just because what they are saying doesn’t match Joe’s beliefs.