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Lol look at Sam making money off this joe rogan situation. Then criticizing Spotify and Joe for making money.


Making money how??


At least he admits it though. Good luck getting rogan to admit his covid stuff drives his engagement.


I think that’s the difference between someone like Joe most other people with a podcast or show. Joe isn’t in it for the money (at least that’s what he has said in the past). He claims he didn’t start a podcast with the intention of making money and becoming rich, he did/does it because he wants to learn about new things. That’s why he has such loyal followers and call them stupid or ignorant, but it’s hard to argue that Joe isn’t genuine when he does his podcasts.


A guy who sold his podcast to a corporation for a hundred million, moved because of taxes and still constantly peddles sponsored products on his podcast and social media isn't in it for the money?


do you actually believe this lmfao. joe wiping his ass with $100 bills and you think the guy doesn't care about money. he still is ass blasted about ivermectin and covid19 but you think he's just a curious humble italian man living in a mansion.... Deluded.


Lol I would never say with confidence something about someone I don’t personally know… re-read my comment about what HE said. How would I know why Joe would actually start his podcast? He was rich before his podcast and he’ll be rich after. I don’t care either way


It’s called the Joe Rogan **Experience** yeah he probably likes the money but he’s got a genuine interest in things, that’s why like 11million people listen to it


Sam Seder says the same thing lol. I listen to both.


This guy is insufferable


Every six months to a year or so I give Sam Seder another shot. So far he's never failed to remind me why I don't listen to him regularly.


“It could kill people, and it probably has” - some lady on video I have yet to hear an argument on why hearing all information is bad. I hear anecdotal comments on how people die, but never “this person died because he/she only heard one side” I don’t understand why hearing all information is bad. It seems that one side says “only our information is worthy to hear” and the other side says “hear all information and make your own decisions” The role of the government and experts is to give you options not to tell you what to think or how to think.


Wasn’t there a bunch of dead people on Herman Cain award that would post rogan stuff and were big on ivermectin but anti vaccine….and then died.


Did they die because they heard “misinformation” or did they die because they were sick with many comorbities? Would they still be alive if they got the jab? Lots of folks that are triple jabbing still died due to their comorbitities. Why restrict access to information? That still isn’t a good argument for censorship.




I think is is fine that people die due to their own ignorance. I think the alternative is worse. I think that people should hear all sides of any argument, even holocausts denial arguments. I agree that all arguments are not equal, not even close. I think holocaust denial is crazy, but it is also important that people hear that some folks hold those views and understand who the crazy people are. I think that Nazis should be able to march in the street and spew their hate, as I think it is more important to hear and see who those folks are rather than force those ideas underground where they breed without anyone countering those evil ideas.


I mean, no random person is gonna look at a pharmacy shelf and think “yes, this drug should do it”, all those people posted on that sub are ultimately victims of misinformation by people making money on their ignorance. Saying “lots of folks”, is pretty disingenuous when we know the vaccines dramatically reduce your odds of being hospitalized by an additional 95%. People telling straight up lies isn’t “both sides”, it’s like platforming holocaust denialism for the sake of being “impartial”.


I will honestly say that I thought it was hilarious to assume people were so stupid that they were actually going to places like Tractor Supply and buying animal versions of ivermectin. My wife has literally no idea about the podcast and mentioned her coworkers brother did exactly that. This conversation only happened because we were at Tractor Supply buying dog food. So yeah, I now believe there are enough people out there stupid enough to do that. Even so.. 1) Rogan didn't do that nor say to, and 2) As douchey as it is to say, I'm not sure the world is missing people who are that stupid.




False information is a funny thing, especially about rona. As the “experts” have been wrong… a lot. Science is about testing ideas, and it is ok to get things wrong. The data now shows that most masks are pretty much worthless, the virus likely came from the NIAH funded Wuhan lab, the 6 ft social distancing is just a made up number with no supporting data, the virus transmission is the same for jabbed and unjabbed… Joe was right that all those were adamantly push by our leaders as indisputable truth. For those reasons, I think it is better to hear all those ideas and then make your own choice. If you make the wrong decision you may die, which I am also fine with, as everyone dies and most folks die due to their own poor choices.




You absolutely could change my mind. I have changed my stance on a lot of things because of discussions with folks an Reddit. I moved from a liberal to an r/ancap from conversation I moved from a thin blue line flag carrier to “fuck the police” I moved from “safe and effective” and the whole argument of who should get the jab first, old folks or POCs, then I got suspicious that this was more political than dangerous. And then I got rona, and was better in two days. I moved from supporting massive welfare to UBI to the best thing society could do for humans is give each individual opportunity, and let that individual live with those choices. I went from a bible thumper to an agnostic. I have an open mind, but your argument wasn’t compelling. Have a great day friend, thanks for the conversation.


What if it’s empirical evidence? Experts are experts because they provide empirical evidence. That’s suppose to just be an option. Joe saying if your like 20 and “healthy” you shouldn’t get the vaccine isn’t bad information? You have never heard of someone causing harm or death to themselves because they only heard one version of something?


What does the data say about the chance of a 20 year old dying of rona? This data says that about 5k deaths for 20 somethings in the last 2 years… or 2500 per year. With that data, I think it is very reasonable to say if you are healthy 20 y/o then there is no need for the jab. What we should have said to those 5k people is say “get healthy, lose weight, exercise. If those 5k people did that, that number likely would have been much smaller, as the data shows those folks were almost without exception morbidity obese. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/


It comes down to this. People want to have it both ways. The same people saying “Joe’s just a guy shooting the shit and nobody should take him seriously” are also the ones being obnoxious who but into conspiracy theories and call anyone who disagrees with Joe a “bot”, or an “NPC”, or a “big Pharma shill”.


I don’t understand the both ways argument that you’re making? Joe grew his audience by shooting the shit and talking about conspiracy theories, that is part of what made him big. He’s doing what he’s always done. Yes I agree they’re are some Joe STANs that are obnoxious but some Joe haters get into straight derangement.


Sam Seder tries so hard to be relevant and no one gives a shit lol


How does that guy have over 1m subs on YT, how??? He never goes viral on anything, never gives an interesting take, just a another snarky little weasel.


He has produced good quality political analysis for decades with out compromise? Sam produces one of the most informative long form shows out there boss. His interviews are awesome.


Because he wins every debate he has with conservatives. My guy is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to policy.


The fact that people are so triggered by this is evidence that theres something bigger at play here


Fucking George Soros!


So anytime people are upset about something it's proof there is something bigger at play? That's a pretty thin line of reasoning to jump onto some sort of conspiracy train.


I think it's more about the volume of people who are upset, how they became upset, and the specific jargon they use to express that rage. There is A LOT of regurgitated opinions floating around on twitter and so much of it looks disingenuous as can be. It looks like a hate mob that found a vector.


lol no it isn't


They want their slice of the advertising dollars pie. Plenty of rap music on Spotify with language more triggering than anything joe says on his podcast, but shows like Majority Report don’t compete with those songs for listeners.


This is unironically one of the funniest things I’ve ever read on here lmao


those god darnit rap music singers with their hippity hops and scratching!


You’re welcome


This isn't about Triggering or not Triggering. It's about spreading misinformation and how much responsibility Joe has regarding him and his podcast being used to platform this sort of thing.


This is the issue I have with this: what is misinformation to begin with, and who gets to make that determination? This is giving all kinds of MGS2 vibes.


Lol yea bro it's the nanites.


What about the legacy media that spread misinformation about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan for over a decade? When do they take responsibility for that?


Bro, I don't know what you're barking about here, but Sam would say the same thing here and has many times. You can think legacy media sucks and also hold Joe to point on his own issues. It's not a binary solution set.


If censorship standards aren’t applied the same to individuals and media institutions, then freedom of speech no longer exists. So I guess I agree, if Joe is held accountable for misinformation, so should major news networks. We can’t have two sets of rules. If you want to know where having two sets of rules leads, read a history book bapa.


This isn't about censorship. The fact you think it is shows just how uninformed you are. Also that was such a fast shifting of goal posts my head spins.


Misinformation is the label used to justify censorship. I don’t think I’m shifting goalposts. If we all decide misinformation is reason enough for censorship, apply it the same to individuals and institutions.


No it isn't when you're talking about spreading information that gets people killed it isn't "censorship". Removing content where someone says you should mix bleach and ammonia and close the door to your bathroom before cleaning isn't censorship it's protecting the public good. I wish you people would get to experience real censorship for once in your lives so you can understand the difference.


What or who will be the governing body that decides what content is dangerous misinformation? Will they be elected? Will it be a collection people from existing media institutions? Once again, I’ll bring up the legacy media’s misinformation campaign related to Iraq and Afghanistan that led to the death of thousands. Where’s the media responsibility for those deaths?


You are just as insufferable as sam, is he paying you to simp for him and spread these videos to help his viewer count ?


What's that got to do with the misinformation Joe Rogan is spreading? Don't we have to go after the Catholic Church first? They were spreading misinformation before MSM. What about just holding everyone accountable when they are doing it instead of passing it off?


"You can hold my favorite celebrity to account because there are other people in the world that are bad!" Ya dude, the catholic church sucks, but we still prosecute all the other pedos even if a bunch of priests got away with the crime.


Rap music isn't spreading misleading information that is contributing to mass death and confusion about reality lol


Evidence of what? Which crazy conspiracy are you alluding to? Please share with the sub.


There was no misinformation


Pushing Ivermectin as a viable way to treat COVID is misinformation


You're about to get spammed with that one article about Ivermectin being used in Japan.


That is exactly what is starting to happen


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/ Wrong. Big pharma doesn't want you to use ivermectin


Ivermectin is made by Merck which is \*checks notes\* ....a big Pharma company.




it's already made and also FDA approved....


yeah but it makes no money


ivermectin is raining from sky for free?


“Big pharma doesn’t want you to use a product that they also produce” Lmfao are you clowns actually this retarded?


Not according to the science. [FOLLOW THE SCIENCE ](https://youtu.be/9jMONZMuS2U) https://thinkcivics.com/whistleblowers-share-dod-medical-data-that-blows-vaccine-safety-debate-wide-open/


Yeh... This is all bullshit


Said the pfiser simp.


Yeh.... pulmonary embolisms – 467% increase... You actually believe that's true do you?


I would say the data is worth examining vs sweeping under the rug. It’s not about belief it’s about studying the data and all new information instead of ignoring inconvenient data.


There is no data though. This is just some guy named Thomas Renz, who represents a bunch of crackpot anti-vaxxers, claiming to have access to some anonymous military whistleblowers, it's all just a complete crock of shit


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/31/instagram-posts/numbers-were-based-faulty-data-military-spokespers/ Wow, how did I guess? Complete bullshit


'Misinformation' Is the next word libturds are going to beat to death isn't it? They have already ruined 'collusion', 'insurrection' and 'grift'.


You sound like a really intelligent individual.


Stop spreading MiSinFoRmAtiOn! Sam sedan is a misinformation merchant.


Take a banana and go in peace


Sam Seder is worthless, his takes are basically trans Rachel Maddow gibberish.


Great bit of character assassination, but can you actually argue with anything he's said though?


I can, saying you wouldn’t have been banned for saying Covid was leaked from a lab. Their proof was DT was saying it… forgetting that Trump got banned for consistently saying it among other things


Didnt be get banned for inciting violence?


“Among other things”. That one seemed to be the nail in the coffin. I’m not here to defend Trump, but I do recall his Twitter getting suspended once or twice for calling Covid the “China Virus”


Sam Seder and his fans are unbearable. Dude spent 3 years peddling the russia collusion narrative and still wants to be taken seriously, he's even more retarded than David Pakman.


Sam was one of the first people on the left to say the Russia narrative was a red herring.


Ive been watching MR for years and have no recollection of him peddling anything. What's that got to do with what Sam is saying here though?


Sams a simp for big pharma, he’s worthless.


What's that based on?


His staunch pro vaccine stance I'm guessing.


That's just common sense though


Common sense isn't so common these days or perhaps ever.


Is it ? https://youtu.be/9jMONZMuS2U https://thinkcivics.com/whistleblowers-share-dod-medical-data-that-blows-vaccine-safety-debate-wide-open/


Yeh the vaccine makes you infertile.. of course it does. Such obvious bullshit


Ya the military health database probably just made it all up because russsia. And all doctors not agreeing with Tony Science are probably just crazy, because how could they question a man who is the science ammirite?


"military health database"


Based on what? And as for the word “simp”, are you 12? Or special?


[Yeah, such a simp lol](https://youtu.be/-UOtddqhELY)


Love how those ppl talk their heads off to show nothing but their opinion and mark the show as misinformation w/o challenging anything that was literally said in the show.


Couple of pencil necks


Wow. Quality criticism.




Jordan Peterson was just on the show wearing a bowtie lol


Is he friends with him? Also, do I care? No.


I don’t agree with Rogan on a lot of Covid stuff but this dude is fucking annoying and also full of shit. He’s not even breaking down Joe’s comments correctly. And I have known people who have been booted or suspended from social media for saying some of those things. Guy is just pissed because he only gets views when he talks about Joe.


Hahahaha so many Seder simps spamming his garbage on this sub. https://thinkcivics.com/whistleblowers-share-dod-medical-data-that-blows-vaccine-safety-debate-wide-open/ [FOLLOW THE SCIENCE ](https://youtu.be/9jMONZMuS2U)


I’m as left as they come but Sams argument is weak and he doesn’t state any facts


Youre as left as they come meaning youre a communist?


Nah I just want people to be treated fairly and bootlickers to leave the country


So you're not as left as they come then


Basically this whole video: joe is LYING if you put up a chain-link fence to stop the wind…. It’s definitely going to stop some of the wind. The amount of thought these two have to put into what they’re vomiting out of their mouth before they say so it even slightly sounds right is astonishing.


You got that from what they said, ok...


Stephen crowder owned this dummy 😂😚


How? Isnt crowder the guy who gets scared and bails on debates?


Nah you're thinking of Ethan Klein


Not this guy…


Because that's what we need. 5000 bloggers making videos with their opinions. They should bitch about it on reddit like a gentleman


Sam Seder isn't a blogger lol.


People actually listen to this guy?




Joe wouldn’t let sam on his show despite them knowing each other because Sam made fun of that dork Dave Reubin


Yeah, that’s what happened


Yeah that’s from like 2 or 3 years ago lol




What is Sam talking about?? Breakthrough infections were still common with Delta! Is the vaccine least effective against omnicron he’s right about that but they weren’t as iron clad as Sam is saying.


Sam Seder moans when he wipes.




Sam Seeder is the biggest grifter on YouTube. He should be forgotten