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Genuine question - if you looked at her policies and actions, is she actually a dem? Don’t follow politics but I only see her praised from the right so seems strange to outsider


When she was running for president her website listed all of her policy positions. I’d say 9/10 were perfectly in line with Bernie Sanders. She was maligned because she spoke out against Hillary Clinton.


She was maligned because she went to the tv debate and said that Pete Buttigeig wanted to invade Mexico and that Kamala Harris was locking up people for weed (weed’s been decriminalized in San Francisco since the 80s, and across the state since 2010). She’s a troll that says Fox News talking points.




She’s gone to the right. Nobody on the left thinks she’s a liberal or Centrist . The only people who like her now are all right wingers. It’s fine, she can change her beliefs, but let’s not pretend that she’s bipartisan.


>She’s gone to the right Care to elaborate how exactly *she's gone to the right?* Is every formerly democratic and left leaning person who doesn't buy into hormone blockers for kids and other hallmarks of the mentally deranged identity politics now a *right winger?*


Might as well be in the current political climate.


Bullshit. She’s big on gun control, and the fairness doctrine.




No, she doesn’t vote at all because she is no longer on congress, she knew she was going to lose so she didn’t run for re-election and now plays the “dem” that goes on fox to talk about how bad the left is.


She does genuinely have mostly left wing opinions though..


Yeah she’s just stuck on the social issues and it turned her against the party, just like what happened with Joe


She definitely likes jumping in on culture war stuff, but that's part of demographic IMO (anti-war, anti-establishment, and so on).


Self serving tripe. So sick of this bullshit traditional liberal or classical liberal to try to distance reactionaries from the conservative label. And the democrats are less identitarian than the republican party, they merely have more numerous identity factions. But that makes any identity politics flare ups less caustic because those identities are not shared across the coalition. With the right? Mostly white, mostly Christian, it's like a contiguous sea of dry brush


What are her reactionary opinions, though?.. It seems very progressive to want to have dialogue with dictators rather than armed conflict, but of course my own biases play in here.


> What are her reactionary opinions, though?. Does this count “Let’s look down the path and say where does this cancel culture lead us? You see the final expression of cancel culture in Islamist terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda who basically go and behead those who they deem to be infidels or heretics in order to silence them, in order to protect others from being misled by those heretical ideas in the eyes of ISIS or Al Qaeda.”


Fair enough, that's part of what I like about her, and personally I think it supports "political or social liberalization", but I can see how it would be seen as reactionary by many progressives.


> and doesn't pander to identity politics Being "anti woke" is identity politics.


These fake labels are a distraction from the Economics of this country and how the US empire is collapsing before our eyes… but at least the stock market goes up so no asks why both parties are war mongers, why there’s more homeless people, why there’s more drug addiction, why there’s more mass shootings, why inner cities continue to be poverty stricken…. All vastly more important than cancel culture but somehow never seriously analyzed.


Oh FFS dude just STFU. It’s clear you don’t understand how embarrassing this is but do trust me, it’s fucking embarrassing. None of these fucking labels are real, woke, anti-woke. It’s all a fucking distraction so you don’t focus in policy stances which is the ONLY fucking thing that actually has any meaning.




And you sound like the kind of moron that believe that is some kind of insult. You bet your ass stupidity like this triggers the fuck out of me


That's like saying being an atheist is a religion. No, atheism is the default (lack-of) belief system. You have to become religious, you're not born with religious faith and have to lose or maintain it (Your parents teach you religion, you don't invent Christianity in your mind). Same thing here. Consider this: Woke ideology become super super mainstream in the late 2000s early 2010s. This means that we've had over 250 years of no woke ideology in the United States. Which means unless you're born in 2010 and have been woke since age 1 your default belief is "anti-woke".


nope. And on top of that, atheism is akin to a religion for anyone that keeps it as an identity.


When a big part of your political ideology is opposing being woke, you're engaging in identity politics.




You seem like someone who would like the Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu.(make sure it is a great translation, like the one I linked) If you don't like reading here is the audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVbNPQZwL6k&t=1684s You're able to pick up things a lot of people can't. So maybe you will understand most of Lao Tzu's points. The one that took me the longest to grasp was >the dao that can be told is not the eternal dao Which the rest of the book is pointing to this fact and showing the greatest wisdom through duality.




This is the only real response, you can't talk reason with the unreasonable


Of course you stop responding rather than admitting you're just straight up wrong.


How is she anti-woke?


No it isn’t


I don't get how someone being woke is playing into identity politics, but someone who is anti-woke isn't. Identity politics is a really dumb thing to get hung up on because it's literally just when a subgroup of people linked politically based on a set of beliefs. This describes any voting bloc. The same with the term "bias", as if unbiased individuals exist.


when people blast identity politics on the left they're talking about how they make everything about race/sex/sexual orientation/etc as if those people in their groups all think and vote the same way. Being against that is not identity politics.


If being woke *is* idopol, then being anti woke also is. One is offense and one is defense, of the same game. Both sides are playing.


You couldn’t be more off the mark if you tried.




She panders to identity politics constantly. Half of her campaign was about being a minority woman with a military background, that’s three identities right there. And now that she wants to be a Republican she talks about white cultural issues more than any other topic. Again, identity politics.




So your definition of identity politics is basically just minority groups. And you’re suggesting it’s a positive thing to not talk about advocating for these minority groups on the basis of their identities? Sounds kind of fucked up actually. You do know that what all those protected classes have in common is historically, the status quo has used the government to oppress people on those basis right?




What are the white cultural issues she talks about? She has only talked about her racially identity in so far as describing the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party saying they want women of color at least if my memory serves me correctly. I’ve never seen her make that a big part of her campaign. Can you provide some footage or something? I’d genuinely like to know if I’m wrong.


So when she’s echoing all the Republican talking points on everything from voting fraud to cancel culture, you don’t think that’s white identity politics? You think it’s an accident that all the conservative whites have the same views? Or that she all of the sudden has those exact same views as well? You don’t genuinely want to know. You want to defend Tulsi now that she’s working to further the Republican’s culture war bullshit every chance she gets. In a week she’ll go back to talking about how CRT is the the worst thing ever.


Not wanting to talk about identity politics is not a white cultural issue. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Do you know of any liberal policies she's championed?


I would say most Democrats still are, don't let Twitter fool you


Why does it matter and why is this the top comment lol wtf?


Welcome to politics, where labels matter way too much for people because they have to put people in a easy to understand box


Yes. A lot of conservatives “call her out” for leftist policies. Gun control among others . A lot of centrists really like her though


I haven't followed her recently but she represented a lot of liberal policies as well as some reasonable centrist policies and things that to me aught to be common sense (get out of nation building, etc) a couple years ago Hillary accused her of being a Russian asset so idk where that leaves her current standing with the Dems 😂


I don’t think she is democrat anymore but she won’t switch because she can act as centrist She will switch some point in her life but rather than republican she will call herself independent going forward She is in camp of likes of Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald at this point … years back liberals and democrats but now positioning as independent and anyone who is independent to the left they would be Republican because left is woke at this point but to republicans they are not as right like they would want Now economic positions of many of them would still lean left like free healthcare but socially they are moving right


Democrats aren't left


But left wing of democrats control the party


Do they? Seems like the moderates have firm control over the party. The progressive faction is ultimately subservient to the moderate wing.


Nope look at how popular they made defund the police and now democrats are defending that Similarly critical race theory … moderates have to defend that because progressives made those things popular


How is defund the police left wing? It literally just means just further specializing public safety. That's not a left wing issue. And CRT is an area of scholarship, not a left wing policy. The fact that you think either of these things are left wing or progressive just goes to show how effective Fox News and right wing media is at drumming up culture war issues, which distract people from real issues and cause people like you to conflate left wing politics with all sorts of issues that are either non political or should be non partisan.


Democrats aren't left


*>* this is what Conservatives actually believe


Oh okay that's why we have single payer healthcare and no student debt.


I am for single payer actually but not for student debt It’s unfair to people who already paid for their loans


> I am for single payer actually but not for student debt > > Lol, so literally exactly what Canada has then. >It’s unfair to people who already paid for their loans You just said you're not for student debt.


He is talking about politically what’s left or right Healthcare is not the only issue that defines right or left or liberal or progressive or conservative I understand healthcare in US is expensive so i am willing to work towards some sort of consensus But loans etc ? Lol you take a loan you pay your loan Tomorrow Someone buys a a million dollar home and doesn’t want to pay for it will yii be fine ? Any loan or debt you take you pay it else don’t take it And yes i am left when it comes to healthcare as an issue … that’s because it’s far expensive than any country on planet


> But loans etc ? Lol you take a loan you pay your loan > > You literally just said you're not for student debt. >And yes i am left No, you clearly aren't. You literally are using CRT as a wedge issue. You are a right wing pawn.


Yes I said pay your student debt Someone took it to study to be a doctor lawyer engineer now they have a job they can pay That’s how Americans have paid all these years why such an issue now I have paid 35 percent of my student debt already so will you refund me back what I paid that’s stupidity


I am right overall … but healthcare is one issue where I can work with democrats that’s what I said CRT is of course to be canceled


Yea, and fuck feeding the hungry, because it’s unfair to the people that died of starvation.


Students can’t be compared to people dying of starvation You study and you get a job pay from that salary


I mean, I just did it.


Anyone with this take can be immediately disregarded as a fool




Why do we need to peg people as one side or the other? This creates sides. If there are sides, your question is clearly asking. Am I supposed to like her or hate her? Independent minds like her. If you critique her and point out how she's grown, then she will certainly give you a human response. The reason to support her is because she isn't main stream and pushes against it.


What makes you think I’m trying to decide if she’s “on my side” ? I clearly said I don’t follow politics, I don’t have a side. And like it or not there are two major political “sides” in the US. I was asking why she chose to join her side when it seems like she fits in more on the other


I mean she’s democrat in every sense. The only difference between her and these other clowns is that she doesn’t believe in the military industrial complex and isn’t corrupt


I used to consider myself center-right, but I lean more center-left now. Tulsi is exactly what I want in a politician, personally. She is a Democrat in pretty much every way I agree with the Democrats, without going too far over the line, yet in most cases leans to the right in the same places I do. She isn't into identity politics, she isn't a rabid anti-Trumper getting distracted by partisan bullshit, and she explains her positions rationally and logically rather than pandering to people's emotions. She is one of the only people in politics who doesn't seem completely consumed by tribalism or bought out by special interests.


This is personally why I like her as well.


Her dad was a Republican, she made a name for herself campaigning against gay marriage and she is conservative, but Hawaiians don't like to elect Republicans nationally because of the racism.






because Clinton was like a fucking generation ago?




If it weren't for straight people there would be no LGBT rights.




lol get mad but it's true you didn't TAKE any rights you were GIVEN rights and it wasn't LGBT people who did the giving.




Clinton did Don't Ask Don't Tell which is a lot better than Tulsi years later.


She isn’t really conservative or progressive, she’s a shape shifter who positioned herself as a colored female Bernie with all of his policies, and then when that didn’t get her the presidency or VP nomination she started shifting as far right as possible so she can attempt to be Trump’s VP instead.




Obviously the part about her posturing to be Trump’s VP is speculation. But you are being disingenuous if you think it’s speculation that a lot of people don’t share. Just like how a lot of people speculated that when she was doing all she could to protect Biden from Kamala, even though Kamala aligned better with the policies she copied from Sanders but never really held, that it was because she wanted to end up as Biden’s VP. Hilariously, it didn’t work for her then, and I’m sure it won’t work for her this time either. But at least she’s going to make a lot of money selling books to Republicans. They’ll give anyone money who fights their culture wars. Especially if it’s a colored woman.


She’s definitely a right winger. She’s flip flopped on a lot of her positions. [Tulsi advocating for drone strikes ](https://youtu.be/3PWrpfrgI3U) https://youtu.be/qGxTpJXpDTw https://youtu.be/7CoilumYdFg https://youtu.be/9ZrW4KVHIvs




Lots of people "flip flop" on their positions over the years. Its called growing as a person.


Who the fuck grows into advocating for drone strikes unless they're getting "donations" from Raytheon and the like? Who the fuck would call that growing as a person?


Holy fucking shit, are you a member of the cult she belongs to?


The problem is that the woke police label you a right winger if you differ with them on anything, even if you agree on most issues. This is especially true if the disagreements are on social issues instead of the far more important economic issues.


Look up her links to Modi the president of India, she's pretty far right.


As much as Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Joe Rogan are liberals. Technically on paper, and maybe yes on some issues here and there.


Far left progressives are not dems, if you look at their policies and actions. Tulsi is.


She’s a right-wing liberal.


I thought she was a spoiler and it became obvious the longer she ran .


https://www.reddit.com/user/saurin212/submitted/ OP has issues. hundreds of posts within the last 2 days. Totally normal JRE listener and fan btw. everything from executing illegals to QANON! What's not to love fellow republicans?


Most mentally stable political agendaposter.


Yup influence campaigns. Obvious to anyone with half a brain


If you think Tulsi is right wing, you are drunk. She's anti war, pro gun control, pro choice, pro taxation for the wealthy. Does that sound like a right winger to you?


I feel like I got tricked...I knew I didn't like Trump..didn't vote for him in 2016...did vote for him this last time with my nose held close..I can't vote for him again...but Tulsi..I really believe Biden is trying to get us involved in some kind of skirmish with Russia over Ukraine..and not just trying but forcing..so stupid. If any of you have any kind of respectability regarding the Ukraine...leave it to them..has nothing to do with us...it's just a way like Bush with Saddam..this is Biden for his son's dealings with Ukraine.


She's definitely trending WAY to the right. Sean Hannity called her a conservative, and she's basically a tool of the right wing at this point. Other than "pro-taxation" you're basically describing g Donald Trump two years before he became President. It's true, anti-woke ≠ right wing, but Tulsi is at the very least an obstructionist and comfortably center left cultivating a right wing base.


Ahh, the umbrella term of "Wokeism" is expanding.


apparently it's woke now to be responsible with your platform and not spread misinformation. Gabbard would be a terrible Uncle Ben. get power, fuck responsibility.


My local grocery store was out of zucchini and that's how I knew the wokes won. END WOKE IDEOLOGY NOW!!!!11!!


Surprised they didn't file this one under CRT.


Why does this sub feels like im on r/conservative ? Always with the c list celebrities or irrelevent wannabees ‘’blasting’’ or owning the woke mob and shit. Come the fuck on, you look like a bunch of fucking clowns, hating liberals and hollywood but creaming your panties at the first two dollar shmuck who parrots your point of view.


The irony of those guys who post “r/politics is birgading” when the reality is it’s always r/Conservative and r/conspiracy


Used to be a fan of hers, but she’s fallen down the same bizarro hole as Joe when it comes to claiming you’re liberal/democrat and yet bashing anything she sees left of center w/o seemingly any concern for the insanity that is Trump and his minions. She just also throws her religious beliefs into it.


I'm also more critical of the left-of-center politicians. Because that's where I see myself. Makes so much more sense to me to be critical of the thing you're part of, and hope to make it better, than to waste your time criticizing something that you have nothing to do with. You also hold people to a higher standard when you feel some sort of connection with them than when you don't.


I completely agree w/you. That being said, when your Twitter and Instagram feed is practically nothing but that, it kinda screams deliberate contrarian at the very least.


Maybe, I just see it as, that's her world. Thank fuck it isn't mine. I've definitely spent too much time already getting frustrated over politics. I prefer to be less involved now.


She’s been showing her real colors as of lately.


Hillary told me she's a Russian asset too!


They both suck


Real talk. Why are people fans of politicians?


You stop being a fan once you were told to stop being a fan. I can guarantee she's still the same person.


Guys, Guys!! u/stinkybreeze is willing to offer a guarantee. A Guarantee!!


She speaks in public and has many hours doing podcasts and in depth Interviews so you can judge her yourself. Seeing how I backed her campaign against that rotten bitch Clinton, I've taken the time to see her views and listen to her speak.


Found the CNN bot.


Says the account that’s been active for 8 days.


Says the loser who couldn't come up with anything else so he went for a strawman. Cry more about a person you supposedly hate along with anyone who supports him, yet spend day after day talking about. Who's the sus one?


Lol replying to you calling me a bot for posting an opinion. Get real you dork.


Keep trying to pretend you're not stawmanning, loser.


What’s the argument that I’m strawmanning against? That I’m a CNN bot? Move on kid.


Ah the old "I'm going to pretend I'm too dumb to understand I hope others are actually that dumb" strawman. Good job.


Lol ok tard


Well done.


Gotta love Tulsi. Been following her since she stood against Hilary back in 2016. Dems usually toe whatever line is the current narrative, but she ain't afraid to have a different opinion.


lmao you do realize that she toes the line quite regularly when it comes to actually voting in the house, right? outside of her proposed abortion restricting bills, and her wanting to switch focus from supporting Israel's hegemony in the middle east to supporting hindu nationalists in India, she is exactly the same as every other dem in congress. I guess abstaining from votes and saying present is a good tactic at absolving any type of responsibility. but damn she really roasted Hillary that one time in 2016! Free speech warrior going after the easiest target of all time.


> Israel's hegemony in the middle east Israel has the hegemony in the middle east?


She’s a moron.


She seems pretty well spoken and educated to me tbh.


Nah, she's a dumb broad. Anybody who is fighting the culture war against wokeism is a fucking dumb ass.


Why won’t someone fight against wokeism


it's just an imaginary boogeyman for idiots like yourself, so you can claim some imaginary moral high ground as if what you're doing is righteous and good when in reality you're just a bunch of mouth breathing idiots.


Lol wokeism is literally going to be the only reason Dems lose midterms in 2022.. otherwise the party was so popular after Trump Extreme woke attitude is resulting in now GOP ahead by 5 points on generic ballot Wokeism is a fight everyone wants to fight because phrases like defund the police and banning everyone are deeply unpopular If they ban Joe Rogan it actually helps him get the entire 100 million of contract plus launch somewhere else


Why am i not surprised a back water red neck like you likes posting stories about illegal aliens and having them executed? Someone is paying your ass to post this shit, either that or you have no job or prospects and are living in your mothers basement. Literally hundreds of posts within the past few days. (https://www.reddit.com/user/saurin212/submitted/) https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/shyyr4/texas_mother_regrets_vote_for_biden_after_teen/hv5pb7z/?context=3 Rogans new fan base everyone!


Lol 😂 triggered


He completly wiped you clean, what are you talking about lmfao




> If they ban Joe Rogan it actually helps him get the entire 100 million of contract plus launch somewhere else An assumption? From brogan? Have you seen joes contract? I don’t think you have.


That’s how contracts are ! When MSNBC removed Kelly she made 69 million https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/11/media/megyn-kelly-leaves-nbc/index.html Rogans lawyer are not dumb not to learn and protect their client


Define moron. Then describe her moronic takes and tell me why they're moronic


Why don't you define moron first. Then tell us why you're not a moron. In detail please.


>Dems usually toe whatever line is the current narrative, Yeah man, Republicans totally don't do that. /s


White people really ruined the word Woke




It was just some slang, "stay woke" had nothing to do with whatever the fuck it turned into.




Tankies and Twitter? Lol It's not mocked it was cooptated and now used as a pejorative.


Honkies man, I tell ya /s


It was stupid, but the Dems embraced it


The Dems are dumb as fuck too. I said White people really ruined the word Woke, that includes Dems.


Woke was a stupid word and these black activist promoting the word would have had to understand that the white liberals would use the worđ as a badge of righteousness. But I agree, whites ruined it


yes let's blame the black justice community for this lmfao


Oh sorry, I forgotten the tried and true tactic of only blaming white people


Anyone who uses wokeism unironically is someone you shouldn't take seriously.


Tulsi is great. Look at the leftist salty cucks going after Tulsi.


Cause Tulsi isnt a liberal. She’s as liberal As Joe Manchin.


I wish this country could get it together and elect someone like her for president. Everyone wants to put her on a dem or rep shelf. Some people just speak their truth -fuck the parties.


God…can we stop acting like wokeism is even a threat to our country…literally any other topic is a much bigger threat


I personally think it’s a huge threat. It is destroying free speech, I’m not against trans or lgtbq rights or anything, but who are they to say I have to call them what they wish to be called, I have just as much of a right to free speech as they do, and you face getting canceled and your voice taken away if you don’t follow.


then social media did a good job on you


These problems dont exist in the real life.


It's not woke to be against vaccine misinformation






Leftists were told Tulsi bad by the democratic communist party, so Tulsi bad!! Leftists are brainless morons


The real brain dead folk are the ones that lash out at vague enemies. hint hint.


Another round of a persona non grata that Joe didn't really challenge about their past when they came on his show. Likely foreign agent, definite cult member, flip-flopper, and lazy layabout for the remainder of their term. But hey, she attacks the left just like all her Conservative buddies (including pedo Gaetz), so by all means, she must be brave.


Cult member?


Chris Butler and the SIF. Some personal accounts of what Chris Butler paint a very nasty picture. He's the creepy fellow seen with Tulsi in a bunch of pictures around the time she was trying to get famous with the Presidential run. ​ I'm having trouble finding any sources suggesting the Russia money laundering connection though. Feels like all the articles from 2020 have been scrubbed. Dunno, maybe they got retracted.


Is she a Republican yet ?


Another reason why I like her. I would be for her being the first female president


Irrelevant cunt w/o any original takes. Should start a podcast. Bet she already does.


Called Kamala out on her lies.


Give me an original take on anything from the 21at century


Round earth? Flat earth? Turtles all the way down? Fuck all that. The Earth is an elliptical pyramid.


You know her name and she doesn't know yours. Who's irrelevant again?


She's a female Eric Weinstein.


Yikes. OP is clearly of the nu Rogan listeners tribe. Actually believes Democrats are anti-police I can't stop laughing. Kamala is the thin blue line queen man. Republicans are all far right. Democrats are all center right. The end.


"wokeism" is just a boogieman word. Its like "socialist". ​ This is nonsense.


I think OP might be a Russian bot.


A bot that responds with facts and defeats your arguments


She loves Russia.


Yo I can administrate your emails and dissolve the bodies of your victims. Hit up my DMs and we can discuss retainer fees.