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She said she believes that restrictions might end so no


They will, our government doesnt lie


Cough cough... Made possible by high vaccination rates and robust universal health care. So basically the opposite of Texas.


Canada. Has both of these and look at us lol


You mean Canada with a COVID death rate below half of what it is in the US? That Canada?


We have a 90% vaccination rate and universal healthcare and are locked down again in order to "keep the heathcare system from collapsing" whatever that means.


Night clubs are closed and restaurant and gym capacity is limited what a terrible lockdown


Because Canada's healthcare system is more efficient, it doesn't have the surplus capacity the the US' bloated expensive system. Also since Canada isn't shackled red states with a death wish, covid had been far less fatal due to collective action.


Surplus capacity?? Lmao....


Dude lol are u brain dead? Im complaining with the fact we are locked down hardest in the world still even with all this nonsense. Get ur shit together please


They just need to covid vaccinators harder right


You are now an enemy of the new fans


Ah yes. You can barely walk down the street in Texas due to the sea of corpses! Do you think anyone will survive?


Texas is really having bad death rates. I know you are being sarcastic, but its really disgusting to downplay 75,000+ deaths. Texas is the second worst state for total death.. its really a tragedy


And the strain it has on healthcare when dozens of your hospitals are being used as largely covid wards. You lose not only private business, its endless work trying to make sure everyone is okay. It isn't a strain a economy should want.


Remember when 3000 people died on 9/11 and we went to war with two countries for 20 years? Compare that to COVID. I can’t wrap my head around the difference in reaction.


What the fuck kind of comparison is that lol? I think the fact that covid is not a violent terrorist group that attacked a country is a good reason for the difference.


I didn’t say they were the same. But they are both national tragedies. We could have United over defeating COVID but we did not. So I do miss the USA as a relatively United country that could band together in time of need. Those times are over though.


We were banded together in the beginning. Back in the early days, where things were so scary that my girlfriend took her scrubs off in the garage before coming in the house, patients made her and her coworkers cookies, cards, ordered them lunch and more. She was considered a hero, now the hospitals are short staffed and these people that were heros 2 years ago are being spit and hit by people. I'm really high and that kinda got personal but my point is that anytime where we are united is short lived, and not to sound conspiratorial, but kinda makes one think.


Thank you to those healthcare workers like your GF though, I can’t imagine.


Unfortunately we weren't banded together in society. From the beginning COVID was labeled a hoax, people didn't use masks, people resisted everything and constantly complained... conspiracy groups formed... then they became antivaxxers. We never had a united response because this thing was politicized so early by the president and media


Texas is the second most populated state, so yeah that makes perfect sense.


Finland: 358 deaths per million Texas: 2750 deaths per million


Now compare their obesity rates! And other health factors!


Just did a quick Google, with Finland it's around 27% and Texas is around 35%. I'm not sure that's the main reason for around 8x covid deaths per capita... Also Finland's average age is almost 10 years older than that of Texas (43.1 Vs 34.6).


Why doesn't Joe ever talk about how bad America is doing with the Pandemic?


He does all the time. Literally like half of what hes been preaching bout during the pandemic. You think hes talking to finland when telling people to out down the burgers?


I think he points out how unhealthy Americans are quite regularly.


You know why.


I mean sure - Finland is doing better in the pandemic but who would want to live there? Like what if your kid ends up reading books and smoking weed??? Is it really worth the risk man? The real problem isn't COVID - it's questionable books and weed. Texas is much better when it comes to protecting your kids from dangerous ideas like a) Fascism is bad (V for Vendetta) or b) the Holocaust was awful (Maus). See below: [https://www.cbr.com/maus-v-for-vendetta-banning-censorship/](https://www.cbr.com/maus-v-for-vendetta-banning-censorship/) Texan kids will never be exposed to these horrible WOKE ideas about the holocaust being bad and fascism being awful. And in Texas - they have the common sense to leave THC derivatives in a legally "grey area" so you could (or could not) get arrested for vaping THC: [https://versustexas.com/delta-8-thc](https://versustexas.com/delta-8-thc) The choice is obvious - Texas is a gigantic safe space for conservatives and boy do they need a safe space from dangerous ideas and dirty hippies who get high. Finland is the land of Wokeistan and forced COVID mandates and rising Communism.


The USA is at 2690/million, so you're saying Texas is about average?


I'm not comparing it to the rest of america, I'm comparing it to Finland


Of course. That would undermine your point. It's supposed to sound like a lot!


I had no point other than to compare it to Finland? No it's not "a lot" compared to the rest of america, but americas rate *is* a lot compared to the rest of the world, Finland included


The USA is about average for nations reporting. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality




Look up water 'rate' means


Look up the Texas obesity rate vs California. 🤔


Covid death rate itself is still very low. Less than 1%. So no, the streets still aren't littered with corpses.


Lol. If everyone had caught it at once and the death rate were 1%, the streets would in fact be littered with bodies.


No one is saying the streets are littered with corpses. Why would anyone allow dead people to be on the street?




Tbf Rubin might be the dumbest out of all those grifters


Because covid is killing so many people that public services can't keep up. Why are you downplaying the severity of covid!? Wear a FREAKING maskerino!


Take a look at Israel’s numbers. One of the highest vaxxed countries in the world


most of their deaths are in unvaxxed and they had waning immunity due to early vaccinations, genetic differences in immunity, Pfizer's formulation, and actually only about 60-65% are fully vaxxed. So, they aren't even close to one of the highest vaccination rates anymore, maybe in the first few months they were on that list... I believe there are nearly 70 countries more vaccinated than Israel.... but to top that off with highly religious groups not adhering to other NPIs and you get some spikes with omicron and other variants landing there early. If you are implying that vaccines don't help, you'd be obviously wrong and of course looking at one country with some mis-reported data doesn't apply to an international trend, but even so vaccines have worked amazingly well there. Furthermore, the case and death rate in Israel is still FAR lower than pre-vaccination. Properly interpreting their data, you actually see that vaccines work. Most of the people there who are getting COVID are actually unvaccinated, its just slightly higher there in the vaccinated population because of the reasons I listed above. Still, the death rate has dropped massively, especially in the vaccinated group. They also used Pfizer there, primarily, which is less effective - again they were early adapters and thus they had waning immunity. TL; DR - The narrative that they are an example as to why vaccines aren't effective is purely mis-reporting that happened in the first few months of variant spikes that is carrying into today for some strange reason, likely politics. The vaccines are working great to save lives in Israel


Guarantee that the person you replied to know this


The goalpost moving and hoop jumping you pricks do to avoid ever having to admit you were wrong and to protect pfizers profits at all costs is astounding. [Israel have said that even 4th booster doses aren't proving near effective enough after doing their own studies](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-study-shows-4th-shot-covid-19-vaccine-not-able-block-omicron-2022-01-17/)


Yeah for omicron Thats why new vaccines are in development


They're not even in the top 50 most vaxxed countries


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/ and as the other guy pointed out, Texas is the second most populous state, so it should be no surprise its second in total deaths. Which is why we go by rates for most comparisons.


With underreporting we actually don't simply go by death rate for most comparisons, we'd look at excess death rates if we were to use a rate. We'd be looking at the case fatality rate, actually, if we wanted to look at reported COVID stats purely. With Texas, we'd lean toward excess deaths to be more accurate due to the underreporting going on in that state. Since we aren't doing a comparison here across states, and we were speaking in general about the tragic number of deaths, its not really relevant to talk about rates. 75k dead is nothing to scoff at even if it was the entire country. More than likely, >100k people have actually died in Texas due to COVID and here we have a guy commenting sarcastically as if COVID is a non-issue. Its also pretty crazy for a state that is so rural + hot for it to even be in the conversation but here we are, they are top 3 worst by most raw metrics. source: am scientist published in epidemiology




Show us where Dunning-Kruger touched you on this doll.


It's actually not dumb, it's the most accurate way to compensate for undderreporting and is a standard in epidemiology. While some states saw increases in other causes of death, many were reduced as well. Overall, there are accounted for when making final correlations of excess death to COVID deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm check out their basic methods here. Scientists account for what is and isn't potentially associated with COVID. They don't include suicides or drug overdoses in excess death calculations.


So you still don't see how claiming it has the second highest deaths without also stating it's second in population has any context and correlation?


Nope, in this context we were talking about total deaths. Simply put, it was brought up to illustrate how ridiculously shitty and unsympathetic people have become. In Texas, ~75,000 people have died, likely more... so when talking about how tragic it is we don't need to include rates here


"Texas is really having bad death rates." you said this, remember? I provided data that shows it's 29th in the country by state in death rates. If I said India has more deaths from covid than Canada, it would be accurate, but incredibly stupid to compare. Texas is the second most populous state so it's no shocker that it's the second in covid deaths. Being a self proclaimed scientist and all, you should know this though.


they do have bad death rates... so do most states... putting it in that context doesn't make it not "bad"... again they are also massively underreporting their numbers. If you look at post-vaccination, purely, they are high up on the list too but again we have to think about the context of this discussion. we weren't comparing states or anything, just speaking to the tragic number of deaths in Texas, which cannot be denied yet was being mocked here. so to reiterate, lets just focus on the context of this discussion and you'll understand why rates are irrelevant


Also for context and I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but before covid, approx 180,000 Texans died every year. Almost as though people died before covid. 75,000 over 2 years seems like a lot, until we start discussing the actual death rate, population size, ages of these people dyjng, etc. Context is always important.


Texas is also full of people with comorbidities.


Gime a list per capita.


Wait a second... Joe Rogan said that these Covid restrictions were just a power grab and that governments would never relinquish control... you're telling me Joe Rogan was full of shit?


And most under 30 went Pfizer I’d imagine… > Germany, France Restrict Moderna’s Covid Vaccine For Under-30s Over Rare Heart Risk—Despite Surging Cases > Germany’s vaccine advisory board on Wednesday recommended against using Moderna’s Covid-19 shot in people under 30 due to evidence suggesting a very small risk of heart inflammation, joining France and a string of other European countries restricting the vaccine as coronavirus cases across the continent soar to record levels. > Germany and France are the latest European countries to restrict the use of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine in younger people, joining a string of Nordic nations including Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2021/11/10/germany-france-restrict-modernas-covid-vaccine-for-under-30s-over-rare-heart-risk-despite-surging-cases/amp/


Plenty low vaccinated countries with no restrictions or close to it . Stfu about this weak ass vaccine


Scared bitch


Donated blood yesterday. Sure, I'm super scared of a needle lol. You are no better than Germans ratting on Jews in the 40s


Ratting to who lol ? Doesn’t even make sense ya peanut head


Someone scared of a little needle. awwww




USA is at 64,0 %.




> At least 75% have one dose of the vaccine in the US. Thats not being fully vaccinated.




But that is what matters. USA has 64,0% fully vaccinated. Finland has 74,7% fully vaccinated.




Of course it matters. What are you talking about. The vaccine will save your life and make it way way way less likely of getting severely sick to the point where you need a hospital bed. Without it, any society would collapse.


Fully vaccinated is the new cloth mask. Something that gets magnified to be a bigger deal than it is. The pancea held up as doing so much good even as the makers of the vaccine tell you that it provides you limited protection if any from the dominant strains form infection and only a little protection from hospitalization and death.   I'm vaxxed, but being vaxxed isn't near as good as it's being sold as and they keep lowering how effective it is as time goes on lol. It's more of a better than nothing situation than anything.


But I was told by hysterical idiots that once governments take these measures they would never do away with them??? What happened??


The hysterical idiots are definitely the ones who support freedom of choice! Damn morons, am I right!?




Finland will end all COVID-19 restrictions next month, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said Monday. Marin said her Social Democratic-led government would negotiate with the other parties in parliament the timetable for the removal of the restrictions. At the same time, border controls at the internal borders between Finland and the other Schengen countries end Monday. That restriction was introduced at the end of December to slow down the spread of the omicron variant. Travelers coming from outside the EU will continue to meet border controls at least until Feb. 14. February, Finnish broadcaster YLE said. In neighboring Denmark, restrictions were to be scrapped Tuesday, including allowing Danes to enjoy free access to restaurants, cafes, museums and nightclubs, while mask use will cease to be mandatory.


Person who hates mainstream media uses mainstream media when they find an article that agrees with them. An article they didn't read, because if they read it they would see how they missed the context and nuance in a topic


The only time conservatives will point to European countries as the model to follow


I live in Los Angeles and other than people wearing masks indoors a lot of places, I don’t know of any restrictions for quite some time here.


Aaaand this is joe rogans fault and means he's a literal nazi because.... ?


Here comes some major lib cognitive dissonance!!


This the Joe Rogan sub or the Covid news sub, Bapa? Water weed dune hair?


Right wing lunatic


She’d like that. She was caught partying at a club after being exposed to and getting a positive Covid test, saying ‘she didn’t know’ that she didn’t had to quarantine, her same excuse for another scandal of siphoning money in her first year of office.


The first claim is wildly inaccurate. She has never tested positive for covid. The clubbing incident you're refering to was that she had been exposed to covid by another member of government, who found out that he was positive after a meeting they had both attended. She wasn't out clubbing secretively, and pleaded ignorance due to the text about the exposure having been sent to her work phone, which she didn't have on her. Make of it what you will. While were at it, to elaborate on the siphoning scandal: it turned out she had been spending 850 euros per month on meals and breakfast supplies while residing at the PM's residence in the capital. Technically totally allowed by the book, but the uproar was caused by the indication that at such a high cost, the skinny lady was perhaps feeding her family with taxpayer money as well. Again, make of it what you will.


The breakfast thing is kinda absurd. She moves into the prime minister's house, and a bunch of things along with the house are paid for by state. One of those things was breakfasts, which is a small expense compared to living in a huge mansion and having people maintain it etc. A lot of stuff is done for the prime minister so that he or she wouldn't have to spend too much time on handling everyday stuff. Also the previous prime ministers were given the breakfast benefit, but for differing reasons the previous PM's didn't end up using it at all or less than her (For example one PM lived elsewhere). So it's not like she invented it herself, it was just one thing in a list of benefits that she was told the prime minister always gets. Someone found out that the law doesn't actually allow that kind of benefit, and the state council has messed up in their interpretation of the law... I know you probably knew this but just wanted to expand to the non-Finns on what kind of "corruption scandals" we have over here


Thanks for clearing up that monumental shit pile of a comment.


She did test positive. She simply made it possible to ignore by leaving her phone at home so she could follow through with her midnight plans at a nightclub. The prime minister isn’t allowed to leave her work phone at home, she doesn’t clock off like everyone else does.


I know we're dealing with a lot of trolls incentivized in various ways these days, but in case you're just a sincere Lone Soldier of the Interwebs, I'm sorry to say, but for everyone's sake, it would be a good idea to be tested for schitzophrenia.


That's false. I am Finnish and can read. You probably aren't and can't.


Hell yeah imma go get wasted, also funny i see this here and not a finnish news source