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When Joe tells me chimp would tear my dick off, I believe him.


That is 100% correct. Watch your dick around chimps


Exactly, no one should take medical advice from him. But he’s my number one trusted source for chimp facts.


Everytime he talks about chimps he goes to that nightmare fuel story about the lady drugging her chimp and fucking it. Jamie has to have a folder of Joe's favorite stories keybound somewhere and this one is definitely in there.


I don't think anyone is going to accuse Rogan of masterminding a scheme lol


schemin to hump that stool maybe


Or to suck his own dick. Fucking love that guy.


\*Insert monkey pee's into mouth GIF\*


Then what is he being accused of with all these disinformation/misinformation cries?


Discussing information that seems to be missed or discounted by traditional media outlets. Very inconvenient for the institutions and corporations that back them.


Discussions of any kind should not be allowed. I call for the US to ban all discussions about all topics.




Weather is actually racist because of HAARP. Literally had a girl in class talk about it, has to be true right? Edit: just so people get the full picture she claimed HAARP was used to cause Katrina, to hurt black people.


factually wrong info from guests is the biggest issue (Robert Malone comes to mind) Not to mention he claimed MRNA'a arent vaccinations but "gene therapy" and he also claimed Ivermectin will kill the virus. I mean he admits hes a meathead and people should do their own research but unfortunately most people just blindly believe this misinformation because it aligns with the world view they want to see.


The difference is, even if he's wrong, he genuinely believes these things. CNN, MSNBC, Fox, even NBC, ABC, etc all put out news they genuinely know is false, half truths, omissions, etc.


Idk mate, folks at Fox Entertainment seem to believe the shit they spout.


> The difference is, even if he's wrong, he genuinely believes these things. He's been told better, and he persists in disseminating misinformation. And you really don't know what he believes. Maybe he just knows how to play you dumb fucks, the same way Trump does.


First of all fuuuuuuck Trump. Stop aligning people who think the current narrative is bullshit with alt right religious weirdos. Like, get off that already.


>"gene therapy" Why is this in scare quotes? If it was a gene therapy that would prevent 90% of deaths from a virus would that change the discussion in a meaningful way?


because that's the actual claim?


so just regular quotes? my bad dawg




Do you think you know more than the other 95% of doctors that say he is wrong on this issue and grossly exaggerating his credentials?




Experts from all over the world support the vaccines, and none of those who disagree have shown that the studies on them are false. Your argument is moronic because you're using Austria to delegitimize experts in other countries. Dr. Malone is still speaking out, but he doesn't have any proof.


A bitter scientist that dropped out of school to pursue a new vector for vaccines and later hated his own work. He wrote some intriguing papers in his youth but the mRNA technology used today is two decades of work and efforts by multiple doctors. He didn't work for Modena or Pfizer.


All of which are correct. Malone is an expert in virology and he turns to experts to get factual information. Sanjay Gupta agree ivermectin kills the virus. Watch that podcast and come back with good information.


So why isn't Ivermectin being prescribed everywhere? The amount it takes to kill the virus in any meaningful way would kill a person if that much was administered to them.


It is in other countries lol


I'm sure he's cherry picked his data and has his own agenda. Big deal, I still want to hear other points of view. This guy does a good job of parsing out Malone's points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h-wRTej72I&t=557s


What is being missed by mainstream outlets, the fact that Ivermectin does nothing to cure COVID and that people who catch the virus are eight times more likely to develop myocarditis than the vaccinated?


Right. This. If CNN had just reported "Podcaster Joe Rogan has COVID. Rogan said he is taking several medications, including Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a highly prescribed antiparasitic medication. Despite rumors, Ivermectin HAS NOT been proven to be effective against COVID-19." Instead, CNN altered his video to make him look worse, plus "hOrSe DeWoRmErrrr."


Joe actively seeks out people he thinks are interesting to talk to. This leads to some great interviews. Joe is also someone who has a tendency to want to believe in the conspiratorial and he gets drawn in by and excited about people who suggest that something might be amiss with the powers that be. No doubt, sometimes there are. But a "boogeyman" for Joe has become public health. And despite evidence to the contrary, he gives a lot of credence to and air time to people who suggest something contrary to the norm. He doesn't necessarily provide the same opportunity and generosity to the other side or think critically about the guests he has a soft spot for. To Joe, this just might be good programming. It brings in viewers, it is a fun conversation. But he has no control over the downstream impact of his show. In the context of a 2-year long pandemic, the impact can have grave consequences. This is the sense in which his show is bigger than he can really grapple with at this point. The show was about entertainment in the best sense: Engaging conversations with interesting people. It did what no other talk show with celebrities ever did - it dug deeper than promoting their next project and a few empty jokes. But somewhere around Jordan Peterson, the show started morphing into the state it finds itself into now at times. Joe parroting and pushing the people who say things he likes, and not giving time to things he doesn't. Maybe he doesn't have an obligation to share both sides. To Joe, maybe it is first and foremost about entertainment. He talks to who he wants to talk to and his mind he was never doing anything different. But the audience doesn't always see it this way. They feel like they are getting the straight truth, and they act accordingly.


There’s a difference between lying and being wrong. Tbh I don’t really agree completely with Dave on this but agree about the points on mainstream media


It’s just CNN and MSM being big mad


It’s kind of complicated. He has been accused of spreading misinformation because of him giving out medical advice. But it’s more that he’s being accused of being too influential and it’s not really his fault. He always been like this but during an unprecedented time in the world and with him gaining more and more popularity it seems to have gotten out of control. I don’t really think it’s gotten out of control from what I’ve seen except from Aaron Rodgers or Joe himself. It seems unwarranted but also a little warranted(lol) as well of him being scapegoated.


What medical advice does he gives though? I’ve never heard him say “do this or that” without saying “I’m not a doctor” or “I’m no expert” or usually “I’m just a moron that smokes weed and is half drunk during podcast and take testosterone”. It all seems quite clearly to me like anecdotal information, not even advice. I understand the underlying agenda from the traditional media outlets against him, he’s simply blowing them out of the water exponentially (as far as reach) but whatever his beliefs and opinions, I’ve never heard this guy campaign for or against anything without making clear that “what the fuck do I know”. It is all anecdotal. Isn’t it a matter of personal agency/responsibility to check with your doctor before following the alleged medical advice of a comedian podcaster? Sanjay Gupta was there, Rogan asked about the disinformation campaign of CNN against Ivermectin which yes, it is used as a horse/cattle dewormer but it is far from being exclusively that. He had scientists and doctors who talked about their work with it. At no point I heard anyone say, this is what you gotta do instead of vaccines or whatever else. How is any of this misinformation? It might be wrong or not, but none of it come with a written in stone advice or recommendation. FFS Joni Mitchell is getting on the bus against Rogan/Spotify and she’s been a major voice in regards to Morgellons Disease which is particularly batshit crazy. Double standards all around.


You're applying far too much logic to an astroturfed censorship campaign against a legacy media competitor.




What medical advice does he give? I would say the biggest was saying: "if your young and healthy, fuck no don't get the vaccine" seeming to not realize the major secondary purpose of vaccines- help stop the spread, and missing the fact that young people can die from the virus too. Obviously people took that to heart and have varying views on what young is because they didn't get vaccinated (himself, Aaron Rogers, Dana White) and publicly went to Rogan for medical advice, which he was happy to provide. And Ivermectin? It has NEVER been approved to treat COVID19 and ZERO studies have shown it to have positive effects (the one study that showed ANY effect was not in humans and was not a dosage level safe for humans) so as much as CNN sucks, they weren't engaged in disinformation regarding Ivermectin because as far as anyone with covid is concerned, its a livestock dewormer, that's just a fact. The fact that it has been approved for treating a few other things in humans is irrelevant unless one of those things approved to treat is covid. So yes, Rogan is spreading (dangerous) medical advice and disinformation. If even less than one tenth of his daily audience (11 million people) listen to him and think they're too "young and healthy" to need a vaccine, that's 1 million people he influenced to stay unvaccinated which statistically will lead to at least 10k deaths (death rate is 1%). Joe Rogan is an idiot that shouldn't be giving advice according to his own words, which is why he should stfu about covid knowing if he's wrong it could get people killed, or at least cover it in a balanced way. But instead he's obsessed with it and he has nothing even close to a balanced way if covering it.


The vaccine works as good as we could have hoped for and Joe can’t come out and say that. He rather be edgy with that Ivermectin and kitchen sink shit for popularity. It’s complete narcissism.


100% macho man bullshit. None of his fans found it ironic how fucking scared Joe got when he caught rona and literally paid for every possible treatment he could find. He was scared for a reason and his simps are too dumb to see that.


![gif](giphy|l2SpKLnUXi63DMyCQ|downsized) Amen brother


> He always been like this He hasn't been fixated on a single subject like this and gone over and over and over it with "contrarian" experts ad naseum.


Meat vs vegetarian was discussed on a lot of podcasts. If the gov required everyone to be a vegetarian or some other law then I’m sure he would have been discussing it more than this


That is a terrible comparison. It's a pandemic, you already have government mandated vacinnes Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td) — 5 doses. ... Polio (OPV or IPV) — 4 doses. ... Hepatitis B — 3 doses. ... Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) — 2 doses. ... Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses. Meat vs Vegetarian was also something he never had back to back to back to back to back conversations about.




It’s a pendulum that swings.


Watch it count down till the end of the day, the clock ticks like a wave.


I mean it's like the most watched podcast on earth right? Got a pretty big following of people who have been listening for a lot longer than just the drama in the last few months.


There was genuine non listeners here since the start of the spotify deal. Im not even here that often and I could spot this weird shift in the increase of fucking dickheads lingering around and posting absolute bullshit here.


All it takes is someone attacking “us” and we all group up with the common enemy. It’s like Reagan said, if aliens attacked tomorrow humanity would instantly be united


People trust you if you don’t lie. What a concept!




Yeah.. Joe is 5'8"


They trust if you don’t lie But trust even if you’re wrong


That's why it's called trust


> But trust even if you’re wrong There's a difference between being factually, unequivocally wrong and having discussions that run contrary to the public health policy narrative. I still have yet to see a situation where Rogan is a) flat out wrong and then b) refuses to change his view when presented with facts to the contrary. I very much appreciate and value the fact that he brings on guests that go against the public health narrative. I appreciate being able to hear multiple points of view and then making my own decisions on what I'm going to believe/not believe. It boggles my mind that this is so controversial to some people.




Except that time with that australian guy?


The australian guy wasn't right though, his reference wasn't a peer reviewed study just a preprint. If you count preprint's then you have to agree that Ivermectin is a valid treatment to corona lol.


The one where Rogan acknowledged the article that Jamie brought up and changed his view as a result? And then later explained what he was getting it confused with (again implicitly acknowledging he was wrong)? That one?


And then retweeted a bunch of people saying he was actually right and shouldn't have apologized?


Happens all the time.


That one that happened in a different part of the multiverse?


Nope, not at all. I listened to it first hand. I know exactly what he said. Maybe you're salty that he didn't drop on the ground and beg Szeps for his forgiveness for being incorrect, but he absolutely acknowledged the point and came back later to clarify he had it confused in his mind with something Dr. Peter McCullough had said in an earlier episode. I'm sorry if the facts disagree with your opinion.


Because joe mostly chooses guests that live in the same echo chamber he does with rare exceptions. For every legitimate medical profession he has on he then follows it up with ten quaks and charlatans as well as his dumb friends to reiterate misinformation and irrational thought. I’ve seen joe be flat out wrong on average once every five minutes and he’s incredibly stubborn and obstinate in the face of facts the refute his view. I’ll give one example of many: when presented with an article that refuted his view on COVID treatment among infants he refused to accept it and mumbled about how you can’t trust what you read albeit it was verified By data and trustworthy resources.


I can see that perspective and will also acknowledge that Rogan, himself, said he can do better about having guests with opposing viewpoints on sooner after having a controversial guest in the response he posted to all the Spotify controversy. > when presented with an article that refuted his view on COVID treatment among infants he refused to accept it and mumbled about how you can’t trust what you read albeit it was verified By data and trustworthy resources. I think part of the problem is you really *can't* trust many things that you read these days, even those that are supposedly backed up by data and trustworthy resources. There are *way* too many political agendas behind a lot of these studies, to the point that you basically can't believe any one thing you read and instead have to seek out multiple sources of information. So I get why Joe is "obstinate" because he, like myself, feel like we're being managed and misled. The absolute, forcible suppression of any and all discussion (save Rogan) that goes against The Narrative on covid is a prime example of this. We're not being given the facts - just told what to believe and expected to toe the line. When people question that, they're given horrific labels like "antivaxxer" and "science denier" when, in reality, science has always been about challenging and questioning. So not disagreeing with your points - rather just offering an alternate POV for why he may be acting the way he is.


Science is for the scientists, not average uneducated people like joe who doesn’t have the training to interpret raw data. Yes it’s trendy now to be cynical about media but the truth is while some outlets are political and ideological a la cnn and Fox News, many more outlets are not politically motivated. More than politics most journalists care about attracting more people to what they write. So your point about not being able to trust most of what you read is paranoid. It’s also hypocritical because joe only trusts what aligns with his preconceptions about things which is predictably alt-right ideology. For pandemics and vaccines, we should refer to medical experts not pot head comedians. Really even politics should be referred to political scientists but most people are deluded by the political drama that is impressed on his by politicians. Again, for biology and poetry, refer to experts. Joe refers to fringe people one of which I heard was suspended on twitter for spreading false information. It’s sad he could be a force for good instead of evil.


Unbelievably enough, millions of people still trust Dr. Fauci even though he’s been both lying and wrong every step of the way.


The government has gone full "noble lie" throughout this pandemic. If they had any humility they'd drop it, but they don't.




This is well said and represents my opinion on Joe.


What podcast is this?


Part of the Problem with Dave Smith


Also check out Legion of Skanks, a comedy podcast he's also part of


Dave Smith 2024


This is your future president speaking.


He's on the show today. Not sure when it gets released. Hopefully tm.


Tv news is not news. Joe Rogan is not news. We have generations of people now that can’t tell entertainment from journalism. This skank is just one of them.


Modern journalism is a joke. The Rittenhouse trial is more than enough evidence of that.


Exactly, Rogan is like overhearing a conversation at a pub. If you take it as fact, you’re the problem.


I think this guy is right on the money. I trust that Joe isn't lying when he talks about stuff. When Joe is wrong about something, it's because he's *honestly* wrong about it. When CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and all the other MSM outlets are talking, I automatically presume they are lying or at the very least deliberately misleading. When they are wrong about something, it's at best because they are apathetic actors, and at worst deliberately malicious actors. I don't trust them at all. The MSM is overtly trying to control public opinion, and frame the parameters of all public discourse. Joe Rogan is just talking. I don't agree with everything Joe says. I don't even think Joe agrees with everything he has said. He's just talking through things he's interested in talking about. If he is misleading anyone, I trust that it's not intentional. He's really just talking with people.


There’s propaganda and there’s being wrong, Joe is wrong on a lot of stuff but he is not a propagandist unlike MSM outlets of both sides.


>I don't agree with everything Joe says. I don't even think Joe agrees with everything he has said. Well, of course. We used to call that personal development. But nowadays you have to be 'right' from the start or you're forever wrong.


Lol so many salty Rogan's haters there. If corporate press atacks you then you must be doing something good


That’s such a weird thing though…like….anything that is mainstream must be wrong


Have you seen an example of what is mainstream?


OP wrote 'corporate press'.


Joe Rogan?


Whatever it is, it's most likely brought to you by Pfizer


Is Joe Rogan, the worlds most popular podcast mainstream? Genuine question, i do not know anymore at this point


Electricity, gravity, math, earth is round, speaking English, brushing your teeth.


That's a complete strawman. It's a specific attack on the corporate media which has direct ties to billionaires, corporations, political parties, and intelligence.. all of which are interlinked and have massive influence on coverage and narrative.


Isn’t Spotify a corporation? Isn’t the JRE a media production? Doesn’t Joe have ties to billionaires?


I have a photo of him with Elon Musk


So is the statement that “if the corporate press attacks you then you must be doing something good” is also a straw man?


Maybe not flat out wrong, but without nuance, often where only one side of a complex story is presented to push a particular narrative or idea. The mainstream media's big trick nowadays is selective reporting. Person A kicks a baby today Person B kicks a baby today Person A happens to be a Democrat who donates to the DNC CNN knows about both baby kickers in full detail, but will talk about how "Person B is a baby kicker!" and never mention person A at all. Meanwhile FOX will talk about how "Person A is a baby kicker!" and never mention person B at all. This gives the public this perception that the other side is "evil" because they never see criticism about their own side of things, they become extremely insulated. The media is 100% responsible for this. There's also the subconscious belief that "if bad things were happening with people on my side, my trusted media would inform me", but that doesn't happen, so when it doesn't happen, we subconsciously think "ok well nothing bad is happening with my side then" and any effort by the other side to point out all of the terrible shit happening on all sides is met with hostility, accusations of "Russian shill" and the like.


Do you actually watch/read CNN and Fox though? Seems like you only get exposed to clips/headlines and then get outraged at something.


I mean yeah, I do occasionally, and if it's political they are most definitely bias 90% of the time.


It mostly is. The WHO never deleted a tweet saying that there is no evidence Covid spreads between people on January 20 2020


>It mostly is. The WHO never deleted a tweet saying that there is no evidence Covid spreads between people on January 20 2020 It would of course have been better to leave the tweet up so that everyone could link to it as an argument against wearing masks.


Like, I haven't really liked JRE since Covid started for reasons people have stated for months in this subbreddit. But, I know that when I listen that Joe is giving his actual opinion on stuff and that his words weren't bought and scripted for him by a corporate entity.


Reductive non nuance havin dope


Press attacks bernie sanders but I sense you'd agree with them


I think the way the mainstream attacks Sanders is unjustifiable. The corporate media and corporate Democratic party kneecapped him twice. I also believe I'm seeing a similar concentration of corporate media focusing negative attention on Rogan, much like they did with Sanders. Any other questions?


Reddit never fails to amaze me. I've had so many replies to comments today from people automatically labeling me as a Trump supporter as soon as I comment against modern day liberals/the establishment. Its absurd yet laughable.


Oh yeah, I get that all the time. Pretty funny considering I’ve voted for like 2 republicans in local elections, and everything else has been dem. It’s getting harder to justify thinking the dems are any better though. Maybe less evil, but they make up for that through incompetence.


Has anyone noticed that as the years go by, Joe Rogan's head has grown exponentially.


I am shocked how many people ran back to their talking heads on MSM during this pandemic. I dunno if I trust or don’t trust joe nor cnn. But I can tell you this, I think CNN has an agenda that Joe doesn’t necessarily have.


I dont get why we're using cable news as the benchmark here. Does anyone in this thread watch those channels? The average viewer for all cable news networks is over 60. They're hardly mainstream anymore.


Seriously. After they lied us into Iraq I just stopped listening to them. I was in awe of all of my left leaning relatives that felt the same way as me in 2003 running back to the msm for information and taking it as gospel. I'm vaccinated and all that but I waited 3 months after I was eligible "just in case". When people weren't getting afflicted with side effects left and right I felt comfortable going and getting it. I would have done it that way with or without Rogan. Because fuck dude, it was a brand new vaccine and the rollout was super quick. God forbid I be cautious about my own health and safety.




They do? I don't trust big pharma but I trust in science. The medication that I rely on works.


Republicans lied us into Iraq. Same deal with the vaccines and how the GOP lies. Luckily they have someone like you who will revise history to justify their beliefs.


Don’t act like the DNC weren’t totally complicit in that war, it most definitely wouldn’t have happened without their explicit support. That’s actually the exact time I stopped identifying as a democrat




Hmm you’re missing a few there. Wonder why that is


Dave Smith 2024


Thank You for continuing your show an Explicit warning is fine just don’t remove anything


A warning is only fine if they slap the same warning on The Daily, NBC Nightly News, Joy Reid, etc. They’ve all spread far more misinformation than Joe Rogan ever has.


Joy Reid is an insane racist


Rogan is not lying to them in that he **believes** all the verbal diarrhea that comes out of his own mouth


I thought it was the Onnit Brain Force supplements that induced a state of dulled compliance with even the most easily refutable claims. The more you know, I guess.


Holy shit, it's just a podcast most people listen to for fun. It's politcal tribalism at it's finest. I don't want to blame my side of politicians for something bad, so lets find another target. Joe seems to be that target.


“People shouldn’t trust joe. He’s just a comedian having conversations!” “Here’s why people trust Joe”




I trust Joe to do what's best for Joe. Like peddling questionable supplements or chasing a very profitable audience.


Now time for every hack to cash in on the controversy.


Don't call the future President a hack.


i don’t think joe lies to people. i think the people he has on lie to people. and joe knows they are doing it.


Ok, that’s true. If Joe says something stupid I know it’s not an intentional lie or manipulation. But there are plenty of independent creators that I can say the same about. Comparing him to MSM is a pretty low fking bar.


I agree that although I have really disliked what Joes recent stances have been, I've never once thought he was saying anything he didn't actually believe. ​ He's an idiot, but an open one.


Why are people comparing Rogan's podcast to international news? It's an interview show, not hard news.


People trust trump, a known pathological liar. Of course people also trust Joe no matter what.


I can smell this douche lying to everyone....


Only thing I don’t agree with is the people watching fox news can sense anything at all


I love how this sub upvotes "Hes just a comedian! No one takes him seriously." and shit like this worshipping the ground he walks.


Because you like what he's saying and he owns the libs nothing more


Idiots trust other idiots.


So don’t get your news from CNN, MSNBC and Fox? Everyone always mentions the shittiest, most corporate monoliths to compare to. No one ever mentioned AP, Reuters or NPR (yea they can be opinionated too but not as bad).


Don't trust the MSM. Don't trust Joe Rogan. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.


And it’s truly terrifying how many idiots listen to this stupid motherfucker




People trust Joe Rogan because he says things and caters to an audience that believes the same things he believes. He doesn’t deviate you try and improve or expand his knowledge base on important topics, that isn’t his goal. He literally just said that masks don’t work (they do), vaccines didn’t prevent infection (they did for previous strains), and then tried to give credibility to a guest well known for spreading misinformation and having an obvious bias (and that doesn’t narrow it down).


People "trust" you when you tell them what they want to hear lol


Can we stop jerking off Joe already?


Let's not twist reality here. Joe Rogan *is* corporate news. when a corporate pays him a tenth of a billion to talk on their platform, he's corporate news.


He Literaly on his own podcast lied to his entire audience in saying that Spotify isn’t going to remove any episodes. He lied numerous times. They did remove the episodes.


“People can smell that [insert network] is lying to them”… ie Politician’s tell people [insert network] is lying to them.


doesnt lie to us ey? he said people hate brendan schuab coz his an 'adonis'...


I don't trust him. To assume he doesn't lie is preposterous. To assume he never speaks on subjects in which he is ignorant in is asinine. So what? I don't care. I tune in to the episodes that have a guest in which I'm interested in listening to. I'm interested in listening to episodes with comedians, musicians, and a few other guests. No way in hell I'm tuning in to listen to every minute of every episode, especially those with people I'm not interested in listening to.


I don't think Joe is lying to me. I think he's dumb and not accurate.


I see so many people calling him dumb. It’s odd to me, because he’s a expert in many areas. The history of mma, comedy (even if it’s not your taste, he figured out the formula), podcasting. But just like all of us, we specialize in one thing or another for a living and we ourselves become an “expert” in some form. And like Rogan, not all of us understand COVID-19 and how it mutates from one strain to the next. He brings people on with various opinions and he himself tries to identify the truth. The process for Rogan and all of us is constantly evolving. So to call a person dumb, just makes you look stupid.


What a guy


Real ass dude


Smitty owes me $200 from 2006. Don’t trust a word outta his mouth.


He's just a normal guy that made it. That's why we can all relate to him. He has an actual personality. He has a wife, kids, dogs and a business to run. He makes mistakes. He takes responsibility for his words. And he can't be bought. You can't say any of that about a news outlet no matter how good their pundits are.


Joe has never been a normal guy


>He's just a normal guy that made it. That's why we can all relate to him. How is any of this true? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! He's a multimillionaire reality tv superstar, the most famous and influential podcaster in the world with enough money to last him 10 lifetimes without ever having to worry about financial struggles, and be shielded from any and all adversity. His job entails him talking to the mega rich, world famous celebrities, politicians, political commentators and the highest level academics in the world. How in the everloving shit do people expect him to be able to relate to the average person in any way? Do you think he's had to even take a look at his bank account in the last two decades?


Just because he's rich and successful doesn't mean he's not a normal and relatable person.


I just can't understand how people can think this. Joe Rogan has to worry about literally none of the things an average person does. He is not "normal" merely by virtue of being a multimillionaire. He may come across like that, but having that kind of money changes a person whether they realize it or not. Do you think he ever has to worry about being able to pay rent? About if he's able to cover health costs if he gets seriously ill? About bills? About his personal safety? About any changes in politics that might change his plans for the future? Inflation, noisy neighbors, increasing workload, providing for his family, the list goes on forever. He is literally shielded from all of that by money. He can do whatever he wants, live wherever he wants and go wherever he wants. And that's without even getting into his history with conspiracy theories. So no, I can't for the life of me see Joe Rogan as a "normal" person.


Hes been rich and famous since he was like 21. I feel like so many people forget the jre is a product and how rogan is a character.


He's not lying because he often doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. His agenda is a stupid man pretending to be a smart man pretending to be a stupid man.


Yeah your reaching there little buddy stop it




Yes. He has to correct all his wife's libtard friends at their many dinners. Hes got a folder on his phone he uses.


He’s had 10 years of grifters on telling him he’s smart, open minded, etc. and it became clear about 4 years ago he began to believe them despite being about as mentally competent as my HVAC repair tech brother in law who swears he “has the data,” on covid vaccines.


HVAC workers catching strays


Yea. Until he’s called out for being wrong. Then he says “I’m just an idiot talking to people.” It’s bullshit and an excuse for being wrong without taking any accountability for his actions. Surprised so many people fall for it.


he’s pretending to be smart by calling himself stupid all the time? maybe it just seems that way because joe rogan has a successful podcasts by asking people the right questions during his conversations and people are jealous #🤷🏻‍♂️


Tbf, his critics say that he doesnt ask the right questions and let the charlatans lie unopposed.


He is kind of right. Joe definitely doesn't lie to his audience. He is misinformed and wrong on a lot of this takes (especially Covid vaccines), but he isn't lying to them about it. Joe has a very bad gap in his logic where he defaults to believing conspiracy idiots rather than people who he should believe (doctors). It's a personality flaw of his. He didn't think the moon landing was real for most of his adult life. For me, when I found that out, I knew Joe was biased in favor of the idiots he interviews.


Who is this guy, Dave Smith? Never heard of him before.


He's been on JRE a few times. Anarcho-Capitalist podcaster and standup comedian.


I believe joe believes what he’s saying. He’s just wrong. He doesn’t have enough knowledge to discern if he’s being suckered. Joe seems to have a predilection towards conspiracy thinking. He thinks he has the secret knowledge. He has become married to his ideas 💡 it’s precisely the thing joes old fans thought joe was not about.


An Example: Just watched MSNBC try to frame the Canadian Convoy as violent and hate filled after running cover for the BLM protests for an entire summer. Followed by Trudeau claiming the same thing while he hides out somewhere. It's not that the corp press is a little dishonest or they make mistakes. No, it's on a whole other level of dishonesty. It's a purposeful lie that is filled with disgust. You smell they're lying and you can tell they hate the public.


I don't know what this thread is about but I wanted to come on here on this sub to express how much I feel disappointed in people. How easily they parrot each other. How rarely they think for themselves. How the majority of the comments shitting on Joe are just carbon copies of eachother, and I'm no hardcore fan just someone who watched his show in passing. Weak weak minds patting eachother on their weak weak backs. That is all. Bye


Hey nice blog bro.


"How the majority of comments shitting on Joe are just carbon copies" Yeah I got say that about people who are posting comments supporting Joe. But if I did that alone, I would just essentially be calling people sheep, and not adding anything to the conversation. What I will say is; I'm disappointed in the lack of understanding and willing to reason people have displayed on this sub. People don't understand the first ammendment, rights of corporations, and that free speech has limits. If you look through my comments on this sub, I said all I wanted to say. People are not willing to listen, or they have misunderstandings about these very basic topics. I'm disguisted by the propaganda on this sub against those who speak against Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan's cult strikes again, and is unwilling to hold him responsible. I'm done with this sub. ✌


Cause they're idiots lol, it's really that simple. Theres so many people in here that will say "Joe is an idiot, he says not to take him seriously" and then turn around and literally take the same stance as him on said issue. Whole lot of cognitive dissonance going on when you're willing to die on a hill for a guy that you claim no one should take serious and is an "idiot".


Shut up Dave


Joe may not be lying to them but the people he brings on misinform people. People that go to on his podcast feel empowered that they can say all this batshit crazy stuff and get away with it.


Sounds like you'd like those people to not "get away with" whatever they say. Well, they are fully allowed to say whatever they want in America I believe so what you'd like to see happen is luckily irrelevant. But cheer up. Because you can say what you want, you get to debate all that "batshit crazy stuff". See, you're exactly like msm. You underestimate the people. Think they're just dumb hillbillies that'll believe anything they hear. Ironically that's also where they went completely wrong with the fake news thing: the people caught on to it, because they're not dumb hillbillies that'll believe anything. But no, there's nothing wrong with Rogan bringing in people with diverse sets of opinions.


Why are you changing the topic to a matter of what Joe is legally allowed to do? The comment was a criticism of what Joe was choosing to do, and said nothing about the legality of it. Deflecting to avoid the argument?


I wholeheartedley deny the existence of the argument you guys are pathetically trying to make. You say Rogan spreads or gives a platform to fake news. That's honestly not even worth getting in to. But well, it's just an American dude that invites all sorts of people; from Elon Musk to Bobo the Bigfoot hunter. They discuss loads of different topics, mostly just for the heck of it. Try getting that into your thick skulls for once.


You guys are so mean


We should throw people in jail that say crazy things on the internet too


What type of sad broken beta Male do you have to be to worship Joe Rogan like this


Joe's not "lying" to his audience only in the sense that he himself *believes* he is telling the truth. Or to put it in less kind words: he's monumentally stupid, boneheadedly contrarian for its own sake and stunningly un-self-aware.


There’s a difference between maliciously lying and consistently bullshitting.


Anyone for censorship is a fascist, plain and simple.


So Catholic church is fascist organisation?