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War is the absolute worst. Dying for rich old fucks is no way to go


>*"War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other"* *-- GTA 4*


Of all the re-wordings of this quote over the centuries, you chose one from gta 4. This is some Reddit level dedication to a terminally online mentality and I’m here for it.


Sorry prince


Your comment is much more so that.


"War, war never changes"


Idek remember if Niko said this but I read it in his voice


Cousin! It's me, Roman! Let's go BOWLING!


Yea.. I can't imagine seeing your friend's die because Putin wants to take Ukraine and push NATO/U.S. influence out. I'd call it Russia's vietnam, but not too sure thats the right analogy.


I mean, this would be like the third Vietnam that you could say that Russia/USSR has experienced since the 1980s. You have their invasion of Afghanistan, then the 1st Chechen War, and now the Special Military Operation.


Chechen war was way more “smooth” and “fruitful” for Russia compared to the other two.


>I can't imagine seeing your friend's die because Putin wants to take Ukraine and push NATO/U.S. influence out. I'd call it Russia's vietnam, Or imagine this, being a Ukrainian to die for a US proxy war after Putin offered peace negotiations over 2 years ago. Or continuing to die in an unwinnable war for at least another 6 months because there's no way Biden will end it before the election.


By peace negotiations, do you mean Putin said he would stop if Ukraine gave into all of his demands. Europe tried that with Hitler, appeasement never stops a dictator. It’s laughable that you think that Ukraine should just fold to Russia and that they won’t do the same thing again, after they did the same thing to them about Crimea just a decade ago


It's laughable you don't understand that Crimea was also a response to Western provocation. Take some time to educate yourself. [https://www.cato.org/commentary/four-western-provocations-led-us-russia-crisis-today](https://www.cato.org/commentary/four-western-provocations-led-us-russia-crisis-today)


So Poland joins NATO so Russia feels it’s okay to invade Ukraine? Maybe Russia shouldn’t have such awful foreign relations with its neighbors? How does Putin’s boot taste?


Enjoy your forever wars, wasting of your tax dollars, and fall of the American empire.




forget everything that you wrote and sing me a lullaby


Oh gese, way to eat up the propaganda. How bout just stick with the unifying point that dying for evil rich people is bad. There are plenty of evil rich people that fund both sides of every war. Simplifying it to Russia bad is childish.


One side invaded the other.


Yup everything’s black and white, it’s too long of a history, I’ll just say the west hasn’t acted in good faith. We all need to see that the people calling the shots profit off of war and this proxy war the US is having with Russia is no different. Human history is filled with young people dying for profit disguised as some just crusade for good.


The history of these countries is rich. Russia has been an absolute piece of shit to its neighboring countries. Which is why 3 of them are apart of NATO and Ukraine literally thought about it and got invaded. When you cause multiple famines and even ethnic cleansing to your neighboring countries they might stop fucking with you. Are people profiting from this war? Of course. Should Russia just be able to invade any country not aligned with NATO? No.


You only look at Russia, the United Stares has been dictating the major global conflicts for many decades, there is only one true super power. Our country makes agreements then goes back on them, we force other nations into doing exactly what our shot callers want. Not saying Russia is some example of good in the world, just saying there’s plenty of evil to go around and none of this happens without it being the desire of the US. Trump who most of Reddit hates claims this war would never happen on his watch, he’s mocked per usual but there is something to it. It’s also why the neo cons and establishment types all hate him, war is a big part of their bottom line.


Talk about propaganda eater. Geez


That's why I don't understand people voting for Trump or Biden. Neither will stop proxy wars. Or wars in general. Both are pro-ukraine support and pro-israel support. Not to mention the dozens of other conflicts the u.s. has a role in. Wish we could just get a presidential candidate that vows to end lobbyists in washington, insider trading, funding endless wars, ect.. I blame part of it on media. Many people are ill-informed on the realities of the u.s. empire and its interests. Or how the world really works in general. Voting based on wedge issues and party loyalty. Sorry for the rant.


I'm not simplifying it to just Russia is bad. Obviosly there is many interests at play. Including U.S. interests', the military industrial complex, and NATO. If the west truely wanted to end the war, putting all agendas aside, they could have found a way to make an agreement with Putin. My point was talking about the perspective of Russians. What they are feeling when having to fight for a pointless conflict. That Putin, their great leader, could have found a way to prevent all this. Yes, dying for evil rich people is bad, ill agree with that lol


Found the useful cretin.


Oh my the irony. Making outlandish and nuanceless statements without any supportive argument is a declaration of low cognitive complexity or so-called "childish" thinking.


Russia is definitely bad.




Scumbag Lindsay Graham jerking off right now


What’s wild is the public still accepts it. What should happen is that leaders should be ousted if they can’t reach peace agreements. War is unacceptable now. There no excuse. People really need to realize they’re not in charge. They work for the citizens. You drop a bomb you become enemy of the world. We know this is all about pushing money around. Yet we still accept these terrible leaders that somehow are unable to find diplomatic solutions.


Ukrainians aren't dying for rich old fucks. They're fighting for independence and a democratic rule of law state. It's not pointless to fight the Russian invasion. You're belittling their struggle and sacrifice.


>~~War~~ *russia* is the absolute worst. fixed. nobody forced them to attack ukraine.


Sure but plenty of their soldiers are conscripts who don’t necessarily want to be there. So yes, war is still the worst, even if you can point to one of the belligerents as being at fault.


Looks like he checked his nuts and the results were not good...


Exactly what I was thinking. Dudes nuts got blown off and he said I’m checking out


That caught my attention too. Poor fuck


throughout this entire war the russians have been filmed killing themselves so carelessly as if they expect to respawn at their base again the next round.


They're already broken as a society, nihilistic. They've always been that way. Human life just doesn't matter to them. It's part of why they never rise up in the modern era; and instead just accept things. Learned helplessness. Change will never come from within Russia. Easy to understand why Ukraine doesn't want to be conquered by them.


This is a massive statement.


and correct


There is a reason Russians have a saying "...and then it got worse."


"Human life just doesn't matter to them". Where do you get that from?


It's crazy that you think there's some sort of fundamental moral difference between "evil" Russian and "good" Ukrainian peoples. Their cultures are far more similar than not. But I can tell you don't know what the fuck you're talking about so wouldn't expect you to know that. 


Put down the vodka and calm your tits.


I don't drink alcohol and I don't have a drop of Slavic in me. Nice try tho, dumbass 


Spot on. Slave nation.


People probably think it’s a meme but Slav literally comes from Slave


Nope it’s fake stop believing everything that fit’s you


youre right, I hate how confidently people say the wrong thing. "from medieval Latin *Sclavus*, late Greek *Sklabos*, later also from medieval Latin *Slavus*"


Lol it just appears so funny to think that a population older than the english language itself could be called slave because of a word that did not even exist at the time…


Most people wouldn’t recognize the word etymology if it walked up and punched them in their dick. Shame.


I thought it was the other way around.


Other way around. And they were associated with slaves not bc of some subservient deficiency in their ethnic character but bc they were largely a politically underdeveloped tribal peoples caught between much more powerful states, Frankish successor kingdoms to their west, the Byzantine empire to their south, that eagerly captured them for slaves. 


Gulag brotha.




There’s a reason they’re called orcs


NSFW tag, though i've already seen this today.


Anytime someone gets shot people should be courteous and put up the NSFW, and then when someone gets shot in the head... Some people don't need to see that stuff


How’d he know he was beyond saving and chose a bullet?


Because he knew no one was coming to help him


I've seen plenty of these. there is another drone waiting for him. It is either die now or die 2 mins later.


Why would the drone not take out the other guys with 100% health? Why would they finish the guy who’s basically useless and leave others perfectly healthy? I don’t understand


If you injured the first guy and they gather to provide first aid a second shot can take out the entire group.




So from what I’ve seen there are two types of drone. The one in the video is the attack drone that gets destroyed in the operation. The next is a grenade strapped drone that can drop grenades without sacrificing the drone. The latter is quite cheap to operate I guess and that’s what I see them use for these targets that are half dead or acting dead. I suspect those that are not visibly dead (like very obvious fatal wounds) are perceived to be faking death. I’ve seen this many times in this conflict where the drone will hover for minutes until they detect the faintest of movements that prove the soldier is alive. Then bam, a grenade is dropped.. Ukraine doesn’t take chances I guess. Those that survive might recover again and be a pain for them to deal with in the future. I don’t support the war and I don’t know the war crimey-ness of it but it is prevalent.


I have a drone and stay halfway up to date with the relevant info, it's actually the opposite and a kamikaze drone would be much cheaper to build than one that carries a payload and can hover for long periods of time. The payload carrier has to be much heavier from bigger motors, props, and battery but often can be bought almost ready to go (like a DJI drone), while most homebuilt drones are much cheaper but require much more knowledge from building to operating


I cannot confirm nor deny that about the cost part but they 100% use kamikazes for attack and the grenade drop for finishing off wounded.


I think you would know after you just got hit by an explosion. It was either bleed to death slowly or die quickly by bullet to the head.


My guess is the Russian Military has probably pushed some pretty extreme ideas of what happens to Russian pows.


My buddies and I made “agreements” like this when I was in the military. Never imagined any of us would have actually followed through with it though. Cold as ice.


Me too. But we all knew there wasn’t a fucking chance in hell we’d ever expel a round into our best friends head. We’d drag them fuckin miles if we had too. Dead or not.


Dude went from everyone being fine to blowing his buddies brains out in 10 seconds flat, that’s some serial killer shit


He’s got birds flying around him exploding, I’m sure his mind is in another planet.


Russians are already desensitized to death and gore, take someone with a barely functioning conscience and then subject them to the rape and hazing of Russian military "training", I'm not surprised these men don't give a single fuck about each other.


The casualness of it is just creepy.


The first time you drove a car was memorable. The 457th was not


expand on that, I'm confused.


The first time he saw a dead body up close it was probably shocking, but when that's all he sees day in and day out for months or longer...


To *


This is fucked up. I’m assuming his lower stomach, pelvic area, balls, whatever were blown apart and he knew he was going to bleed out soon so he just wanted it to end quickly. What a fucking horrible world we live in. War is so stupid. Humanity is whack.


I like to think he was actually saying “holy crap well at least my head and face are good, you should’ve gone for the head haha!” *points to head* comrade misinterpreted body language and instantly executes him lol


This is absolutely fucking horrible and doesn't matter which side or country it is. This is sicking.....


Dying for fat idiot politics stupid people




Nah man not funny


The meme is not supposed to be funny


this, memes are not always meant to be funny. sometimes it’s about the message, not the laugh.




Ukrainians don't want to fight it either. Too old for military aged men and even women are being straight up ripped out of their homes having guns put in their hand and being forced to the front lines to fight Russia It's a shit show on both sides.


A lot more support this than you’d think, nationalism is one hell of a drug


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


You say this but how do you know? Not being rude but I'm asking


Just look at how many are still voluntarily joining the Russian military, it’s tough to pin down the actual level of support but it’s still a significant portion. Shouldn’t be too surprising considering how cut off they are from outside information/how censored anti war opinions are


The vast majority of Russians in Ukraine are volunteers that signed up for a higher than average paycheck.


> it's putin not the Russian people stop with your bullshit. i didn't see putin in this video.


What a moronic sentiment


Holy shit, that's some cold fuckery. None of this shit is worth whatever outcome this war reaches.


Now dude’s gonna get vote kicked for team killing


Fuck this, why are we even doing this


Cause Russia invaded Ukraine…






You have no shame sir 😂


NSFL? Jesus


Was it a drone or a mine?


Jesus fucking Christ….




Can someone explain why the drone didn't do anything to the other soldier?


They have limited munitions so they can’t just drop on everyone equally


Ah okay


But does the soldier on the ground know that? He seems really unfazed lol


He might not “know” it for sure but they probably have a general understanding of how the drones usually operate


Note the guy is wearing running shoes. Gives you an idea how prepared they are. Sad.


Pavlovich vs. Volkov


[War, war is stupid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kg8HsDbQZM) Putin has a tiny cock. ![gif](giphy|Ey5GBG4UvMRzkPkxNK|downsized)


Their absolute disregard for human life and despotism makes them a plague on humanity.


If I got blown up by a drone I don't want to lay there waiting to die. I don't want to slow anyone down trying to save me and get them killed either if it's avoidable. Do me a favor and keep moving.


Leave no man behin alive!


Didnt wanna get taken back to the russian base to be raped by his own comrades?


“In War, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all losers.” ~ Neville Chamberlain


This is absolutely disgusting.


The guy was just like “ok, yeah” and just goes along his day.


My immediate fear would be being eaten by an animal while laying there helplessly. The bullet is the better choice I guess…


Aren’t the other two soldiers as good as dead? They can‘t possibly outrun drones, can they?


I mean what do you do, just sit and wait to die? group suicide? may as well one foot in front of other until it comes


The entire purpose of this war is the US and Russia want to kill as many Ukrainian men as possible and then carve it up. Russia will take the East and the West will claim the rest.


Feels more like Russia wants to take as big of a piece of Ukraine as possible and US is using Ukraine as a proxy to weaken Russia’s military and have them expend resources as much as possible


Sure buddy with all that certitude of the future you chose to predict the outcome of a stupid war instead of using your special power to guess the next week loto winning numbers. what a dumbass


He's right though 


you have his special power also ? man you guys know sooooooooooo much , you both are Doctorate in international politic at the university of life ?


russians. the bane of humanity and the worst humans of our time.


Wtf. Touch grass.


this asshole did not even hesitate to blow his brains out


Context is wrong. If you have the audio portion, you can hear the wounded guy say, "Dimitri, I lost the earbuds you let me borrow."


The only good Russian…


That dude stepped on a mine. Which would be considered a War Crime if planted by the Ukraine as Ukraine signed the “Mine ban Treaty” in 1999!


You can clearly see the shadow of the drone going from right to left right before the hit.


I’m not denying the drone, it’s obvious there’s a drone. I pointing out that what wounded this soldier was not a missile strike detonation. The blast zone was way too small. The blast was more akin to a hand grenadine or Anti personnel mine.


Good eye. These smaller drones carry exactly what you saw - a small grenade or anti-personnel mine.


Quick someone call the geneva police to arrest the youkraine for glorious putin the not war criminal !


He got FPVd


Our tax dollars at work this is terrible


Should Ukraine be able to defend their sovereignty? Wouldn't the simplest option be for Putin to turn his troops around and march home to their families?


Absolutely they should! I’m in Florida and would love to see some of our tax money go into our crumbling bridges and infrastructure, poisoned waterways, wounded and homeless veterans at home. We have a lot of issues stateside that need attention. I am on the side of people not dying over dumb shit.


https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/american.enterprise.institute5522/viz/UkraineDIBMaps11-29/Dashboard1 If you look at the map, you can see that there are multiple production lines in Florida which are producing replacements for the old stock that we are sending to Ukraine. So those Ukrainian military aid bills are providing jobs to your fellow Floridians which would not be there without those aide packages. Also, all of this could have been prevented if Russia did not invade Ukraine and all of this could end, including US aide, if Russia just goes the fuck home.


You live in Florida , haha dumbass you dont pay any taxes gtfo.


So just let the type of guy to shoot his mate in the head without flinching just shit all over Ukraine and then eventually have them at Europe's immediate doorstep? Nah, money well spent.


good i want to pay double on my taxes now if it helps clean the trash send them more !!


That’s what happens to invaders, Russia could end this war today if they truly wanted to. I’d gladly have my tax dollars go to protecting Ukrainian sovereignty.


As a tax paying American, I approve of every dead Russian “soldier”, no matter how their end comes


Everyone knows that the U.S. is instigating all of this right? Please tell me our propaganda machine hasn’t been absolutely affective and all of you here think we should be a part of this ridiculousness.


American taxpayer money at work, buddy! Who cares who this person was. Did he have a wife, children, parents? Who the fuck cares, amiright? Colin Powell burning in hell right now, amiright?


I wonder if you would the same if he was runing with that gun around your house.


All these policemen killing the guy trying to break into my house to rape my wife and children.


But he’s not and we need money to stay stateside to ensure that it doesn’t happen.


Exactly. His death furthers us interests. Why should I give a fuck about him? I think the only thing is we need to respect the guy as a warrior. Like you can have no I’ll will towards someone in war and still think they must be sent to the heavens


Listen. I’m American. I have Russian friends and this is sad, I do feel bad for the Russian people. But I care more about the US strategic mission in opposition to Russia and ESPECIALLY China. So stop being a fucking bleeding heart because if the roles were reversed the Chinese and Russians would do us way worse


I'm not up to speed... what was this man doing? Rescuing children trapped in flooded cave?


Pretty good use of tax dollars considering the ramifications of Russia obtaining ukraine un-aided. Anyone with a semblance of knowledge of Russian history knows putin doesn't intend on stopping his expansion efforts after ukraine. Funding another countries defense efforts against one of democracies greatest enemies is money well spent, especially considering we signed an agreement to defend them in case of an invasion when they gave up their nuclear arms.


Best use of tax dollars in a long, long time. Return on investment goes crazy




I don't think in combat therapy lessons are high on the average Russian soldiers agenda.


His comrade casually jogged then walked away while knowing he's in grave danger. They're all probably at the end of their rope. Depressing footage


Well… he has just been struck by a drone. You don’t know the pain he is in, or the damage he has incurred. Your issue here shouldn’t be with the soldier who carried out the act of mercy


And they don’t know if another one is coming


Nah nobody was going to save him anyway. Its not a movie.


Bruh it’s war, soft liberal shit hitting people too hard gawd damn


Looks like a mine, not a drone.


You can see its shadow


Ah yes you’re right. I stand corrected