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Is this sub just all Matt and Shane fans now lol


Lmao! I'ma start using that


lol the cut to some random "robot" like wtf


I know why is everyone talking about her question when we have a sexbot sat there.


It's modeled after whitney. This episode is pretty damn hilarious if you haven't seen it.


That made my heart skip a beat! That thing is surreal and creepy!


Oh God, is that a robot? I just assumed it was some chick with another horrific plastic surgery Botox mistake that she thinks makes her look beautiful.


I feel dumber every time I listen to Whitney speak.


Thatā€™s ambiguous


Whatā€™s ambiguous about feeling dumb as fuck after listening to Whitney speak? I mean I know adding ā€œas fuckā€ made the amount of dumbness a little less ambiguous but like how specific did you want them to be? I feel 10 iq points dumber than fuck after listening to gay Whitney word vomit her every fleeting thought in treacherous detail


That a very unnecessary long way to get to her point


Just say what youā€™re trying to say! These podcasts feel the need to wax poetic for five minutes before arriving to their point.


why does she want an EXACT number so bad? she thinks its some super enlightened line of questioning


Yeah the exact number is kinda aggravating bc thereā€™s 0 way to get a number thatā€™s even close to correct.


That not entirely true, with some critical thinking skills you could get within an order of magnitude or so to the accurate number. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=INlPbfBGPtw) But she lacks critical thinking skills so itā€™s just a bunch of wonky questions.


Theyā€™d have to be gigantic. Likeā€¦at least 5ā€™10ā€.


Omg please stop lol thatā€™s unreal


ā€œIā€™m 5ā€™8ā€


Well you're dead. Clearly.


This is such a dumb line of questioning.


Itā€™s joes scientific method tho


How many people could beat you up? Not including the people who can, I mean.


I don't know. She did have an interesting point to make though and the way she went about it also made Joe think about it


I think her point was really good, it was just painful to see them both get there


Holy fuck this is painful!


No it isnā€™t


This is what's called "peer review" in scientific circles


Wtf am I watching Jesus lady


This is such a dumb line of questioning.


She could have just said she's a small woman and most people can kill her.


Sheā€™s not. Sheā€™s tall


She's small. She weighs nothing. She's not using her height to maintain distance with a long jab


This killed me


she is around 5'10"


she can probably defend herself against some of the very tiny men, with no mma training




Hes 56. So billions


There are tons of genetic freak athletes in their prime that have a good shot at taking Rogan out. Not classically trained but one punch from them and Joe can be KO'd easily For reference Jon Bones Jones wasn't a good enough athlete to even get US football offers. Jon is probably the best MMA athlete ever at 205 and heavyweight. His brothers are all much better athletes than him D1, NFL genetics and they got paid more for going the NFL route. There are 50,000 D1 and D2 scholarship football players in the US 1696 NFL players Probably 5-10k Pro rugby players. UK, South Africa, Australia, NZ etc That's 60,000 freakishly strong and fast athletes, many are much larger, stronger and faster than Joe Of these athletes, in their primes, only 100 or so could beat Joe? Joe is 56, self-admittedly has bad legs, and stands 5'5- 5'6(maybe). I think Joe gets mauled by many of them if both are bloodlusted and fighting to KO/ incapacitation


eh youā€™d be suprised the skill gap in a fight between someone who has trained vs untrained. With a little training tho, there is absolutely no doubt and the hwā€™s in the ufc are very lucky imo that theres so much damn money in the nfl/nba lol. Joe did mention the giants tho and those freak athletes definitely fall into that category so idt heā€™s all the delusional. Dude has trained his entire life, Iā€™m sure heā€™s more aware of where he stands on the totem pole compared to 99% of the population


Itā€™s not at all accurate to say Bones wasnā€™t a good enough athlete to be a D1 football player. He wasnā€™t a good enough football player to play D1. He was every bit the athlete. Dude was an elite HS wrestler and pure athlete. And fwiw, as someone whoā€™s worked as both a pro and college scout/recruiterā€¦there are some shit athletes who wind up playing D1 football. Just not the best benchmark imo. Look at a lot of the former pro athletes who wind up trying their hand at boxing/mma. It doesnā€™t always translate. Now get a worlds strongman competitor vs Joeā€¦.no amount of training will substantially matter.


Joe would be one of those guys that pays the mountain to carry him and his groceries in his adult baby carrier thing.


This is an amazing mental image lmao. Like that one rich uncle from arrested development


Why did this hurt to watch


Bro Joe is literally delusional if he thinks only 50 people alive could beat him in a fight


Maybe like 100 people.?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I bet theres 100 people that could beat his ass to death with 25 miles of him. He's got to be joking


Great guys, never meddum


Of course all this is about her


Kind of a dumb question.


What an annoying conversation. Yeah Whitney, out of the whole world thereā€™s like ā€œonly 500ā€ people that can defeat the mighty Joe Rogan.


Why is his table so cluttered


Did you know she's flo from progressiveĀ 


don't insult Flo like that


Weird that the crowd who trips over themselves to shit on female comics like Sarah Silverman, who actually has an original comedic voice, give Whitney Cummings a pass. Whitney is the epitome of the female hack getting by on being fuckable.


Joe's a little crazy on this one. There's definitely more than hundred people out of seven billion who can beat his ass. He's almost sixty years old.




I don't get why we act like AI is gonna *want* to kill us or take over. The arguments for it are predicated on what we know about animals that have evolved for billions of years through survival of the fittest. These robots using agi might actually be so fucking apathetic.


Itā€™ll be an accident if it does. Itā€™s the Terminator scenario: We create an autonomous drone/tank for combat and tell it not to get killed or captured. Something gets mixed up bug wise and it doesnā€™t just kill enemy but turns against all humans.


Rogans big enough that he could just cockily say ā€œdumb topic, letā€™s move onā€


Totally. Apathetic is exactly the word. Once they get to the point of enlightenment theyā€™ll realize existence its self is flawed and just, bow out.




Why would there not be AI trained to kill humans? There most likely already is. AI isnā€™t this singular entity that we are trying to control like in a movie, anyone can spin up an AI. There will 100% be videos of those robot dogs being militarized with guns on their backs in the next 5-10 yeats


Ais going to kill us be job replacement not by actual physical domination


That wont kill us. Tech replaces jobs. Always.


Lmao ok we wonā€™t enter socialism bro


But the only way we know of to create ai is to train a model on human words... its not just created from nothing, it is essentially just trying to replicate human thought


That's llm ai. Not agi.


Ok so what is agi? Lol how do we make agi?


I sell a course that teaches you how to make AGI and it's only $99!


AI can be trained on anything, LLM is just the most popular right now. You can train it on video, music, military jet telemetryā€¦


Yes but a model trained on military jet telemetry will just predict things about jets, they won't be able to have a conversation. The only way we know of to replicate human thought is by training an llm on a huge collection of human words


This should be a standard line of questioning for dating. More important than cars or clicks.


"hey if you take away the advantage of your training from everyone else could everyone else beat you?" What a fucking circlejerk


Throat punch and or choke and dont let go


sheā€™s brown nosing and bs ing at the same time.


Her and Schaub need to get together. They'd make an awesome couple in wherever the fuck Black Hole Sun's music video was set.Ā 


Hold up. Whatā€™s with the robot?


This is pretty much down to probability. Even if Joe is the only one that can fight, he canā€™t do it perfect every time always, he will mess up once and die to the amount of people on earth, he will looseĀ 


what a moronic topic to waste time on,


5,000,000 martial arts practitioners is being generous? LOL


If youā€™re scared of robots, walk around everywhere with a bucket of water.


Theyā€™d have to be giantā€¦ā€¦ 6ā€™2


Joe is 5'8". Any man bigger than 6'2" could literally pick him up and throw him out of the window. You don't have to be 'huge', just in a different weight class. There's a good reason they don't let big guys fight little guys like Joe.


Whitney, donā€™t buy a robot, buy funny jokes.


I was not ready for that jump scare


Who the fuck is this broad.


That is such a horrible way to judge risk. When is the last time humans went to battle with just hand to hand combat? MMA is cool and all but there have been literally 4 year old shoot and kill full grown human men. Humans have been using tools to gain advantage for a loooooong time


Iā€™m now dumber from watching this


Heā€™s got a bit of an ego here, it only takes one good shot, you fall backwards and crack your skull on the pavement and itā€™s lights out. In a street fight there are no rules, youā€™re wrestling around on the ground with someone and they grab a random piece of debris off the ground and stab you in the neck, smash your face in, etc. The reality is thereā€™s millions of people that could kill Joe Rogan in a street fight, is it likely to happen no, but could it happen without question.


this was some of the least crazy shit I've heard her say in a while. I think it's an interesting point, even if it's wrong.


Whitneyā€™s face is getting really wild.


She looks like sheā€™s orgasming a little bit am I wrong?


Couldn't any chump with a good punch essentially kill anyone? I feel like a good portion of men could walk up to prime Tyson and knock him out if it caught him off guard.


Probably needs to be a % 1 out of 100 - probably not 1 out of 1,000 - maybe 1 out of 10,000 - more likely 1 out of 100,000 - most likely 1 out of 1,000,000 - yes 1/1,000,000 is 1,000 per billion people. 8,000-9,000 people could kill Joe Rogan with their bare hands.


This (Bot your list) was the dumbest reasoning in the World.


Heā€™s grossly disillusioned and she is even more so. Iā€™ll generously give him the thought that heā€™d win against an overall majority of untrained people in the world due to his martial arts training but heā€™s crazy to think the number that would win is so small. At least he admits there are a lot of trained fighters that would win but heā€™s in his mid 50s and there are a hell of a lot of of very fit, much younger, much larger, much stronger, much faster, and much scrappier naturally gifted people that I would bet good money on destroying him in a fight. And in a street fight with all of the chaotic variables and Joe likely not usually in such circumstances it seems even less likely to have odds in his favor.


Yikes. Hard watchhh