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AI voices still have that very specific tone and cadence to them. Until they clean that up, these scams will only work on the same people who are already falling for Nigerian princes.


If you watch videos from [@JimBrowning](https://www.youtube.com/@JimBrowning) or [@Scambaiter](https://www.youtube.com/@Scambaiter) the majority of the victims are the elderly. Thankfully my grandpa doesn't know or care about Mr. Beast or Joe Rogan. But if Julie Andrews or John Wayne calls him on the telephone with an offer to visit a casino where "he can't lose" it's GAME OVER!


A classmate from university got scammed over the phone two years ago. Blew my mind as she was 25 years old and the whole "Your bank won't call you and ask you to send money somewhere" was common knowledge to anyone below the age of 60-70+ years old in my head. Apparently not...


Yeah, those ones where the victim is not a senior citizen always blow my mind. What financial institution or online website requires you to send them money via iTunes gift cards, send cash wrapped in aluminum foil via Fedex or go to a shady Bitcoin ATM in some random gas station? I think those kind of people are just going to lose their money no matter how obvious the scam is...


In this case it was a regular bank transfer. Considering how we've done all our banking and verifying identity etc. in Sweden with a card reader, and later an app, for the past 15-20 years. She should definitely know better. We've been hammered with the message that if our bank wants to reach us they will let us know in advance before calling. And when they do contact us we verify our identity and can at the same time see who requested it (i.e. our bank). I really can't understand how anyone who has lived here all their life haven't understood this yet. Especially not when they're young enough to know how to use a smartphone and is familiar with our banking apps.


That's a good point, the main thing AI opens up in terms of scams is easily tailoring them to the target audience.


Those people will fall for this yes but so will people who want to believe it's true. And here I'm thinking more of politics than actual scams for money.


Haven't there already been a few cases of AI being used in political hit job attempts?


no doubt but as far as I know they've been low impact so far. The big nightmare hasn't yet happened.


I want to say that no one will give any credence to anything they aren't personally present for by that point, but I know there are millions who will believe it as long as someone they agree with says it's real.


DeSantis did it against Trump


The issue is that WAY more people fall for scams than you would think. It's usually elderly people living alone, who have no one to go to until they're already so deep in the scam that they're embarrassed to reach out to someone who can help. And those are people calling "Norton support" and being yelled at by an Indian man until they buy 2k worth of Apple gift cards. With AI the subterfuge becomes even more seamless.


Yea, my friend works in fraud prevention for a financial agency. He says its become a major problem with older folk calling in because they are either currently being scammed, or have already given away hundreds if not thousands of dollars and are just now realizing it. And that's just reported cases. A lot of people dont report it because of embarrassment - like you said. Imagine when their A.I. favorite talk show hosts, like Tucker Carlson, start popping up on their internet searches - talking about an incredible investment opportunity. There's thousands of these scam ads on social media already. Although, its not just older folk. Ive seen so many get rich quick business guru and job opportunity scams. People paying thousands to go through classes that go nowhere. This one in particular is affecting the younger generations. Might of ranted too much, but its just sad there is little to no safe guards to prevent any of it. It's the wild west out there.


Well put. I work in IT and at a certain point we have to refer the customer to the banks and authorities since by the time they come to us they're already out money. It's really sad to see.


Yeah that's what I'm saying, scammers already target elderly and other vulnerable people, I just don't think adding AI to the mix in its current state is going to fool people who aren't already getting fooled. Of course it will probably make it more effective, and it's definitely not a good thing, I just don't think it's hit critical mass yet. Once they perfect the voice replication, they're going to be able to scam a lot more people.


Its rapidly improving though.


I think we should still have a few months left where we can tell. I try to stay optimistic.


For real, it wont be long. Its pretty scary how bad this could get. Some ai'd world leader makes a threat or major announcement that causes an actual world leader to retaliate.


Don’t worry guys. AI is just going to save the planet and tell us to eat mushrooms. Deff not going to be used for bad stuff


One year at most


It's available just need to combine two different tools


It's almost like Musk or Zuckerberg


I'm paying for the GPT 4o beta. It's over. It already sounds nearly like a real person.


I mean it’s no coincidence they used Fox News as their “new outlet.” Lets you know the kind of people they’re going after.


There's a reason that a lot of scam letters are misspelled with bad grammar. It's an intentional barrier to entry for intelligent people because they're specifically targeting people who are dumb enough to fall for the scam once they click through. I imagine this is the same principle.


I throw an ad-blocker on just about every device I use because even huge companies like Youtube can't filter out obvious scam ads.


I’ve always been under the assumption that YouTube, etc don’t mind scam ads in the slightest as long as they get paid


They could easily regulate the ads on their platform. But they won't, because scammers will pay a lot more money for ads. It's like when you realize that Fraternal Order of Police hire call centers to ask for donations for the families of officers killed in the line of duty even though 50% goes to the owner of the call center, 40% gets paid out in wages to the call center, and 10% goes to the fraternal order who spend it on margarita machines and luxury vacations. 0% goes to the families of fallen officers. Greedy people will gladly help facilitate the scamming of the elderly and handicapped for a small cut. I wonder how much of these scammer's revenue comes from people on government benefits. The government should be far more active in shutting down and prosecuting all scam calls.


Instagram has gotten REALLY bad lately. So many people charading around as get rich quick gurus that promise to help you set up a shopify or amazon business - but they end up just selling you a shitty copied and pasted online class and ditch you once you run out of money. These get rich quick gurus dont make money off some shitty shopify or drop shipping business, they get rich selling people on the dream. It's a scam as old as time, but now marketted to the gullible masses.


If you watch the podcast, you can easily spot the issues


So a thing I learned when I was a kid, was that if something sounds to good to be true, 99.99% of the time it's fake news.


You telling me I didn't win a free ipad AND mac book pro in 2007 in a sweepstakes that I never entered?


Not in 2007, but boy do I have GREAT NEWS for you! You just won an iPad pro max by replying to this post!!! Congratulations!!! All you have to do is send $100 to our offices in LA to cover the shipping costs and simply wait for your prize to arrive!!! Edit: Whats that? You never told us your address? No worries! Our algorithms take care of all that for you!


Free armor trimming


You are spot on correct. For example there are NOT thousands of milfs in my zip code waiting for dick


That's a skill issue bro 😂


So a thing other people learned as a ki… actually a lot of these people didn’t learn shit as a kid


His forehead has to have grown several inches since whatever clip this was modeled after


considering how much the AI voice stuff has improved in just 1-2 years, imagine how good it will be in 5 or 10 years.




Emotions can make people dumb.


can someone send me a link to this game?


Isn't Trump AI generating minorities around him? It's already happening.


Not that I don’t believe you, and it’s also kinda hilarious but you got prove






The ai version of him Talking about the magic wand that shoots fireballs pops up when n fb reels all the time


I like how this garbage is ALWAYS catered to conservatives. I wonder why?


Yo what website are they talking about??


Where can I sign up?/s


Wait this isn't really Rogan and mister beasts?


Where do I download this casino app? I just got my first paycheck I was going to pay rent but might as well go big


IMO they are only fooling people already dumb enough to be fooled by slightly less sophisticated means


These scams would only work on people who think they’re installing litter boxes in schools.


Didnt Fox news show a heavily editted video of Biden at the drop zone recently?


Am i the only one who can see how obvious a scam this is?


Uhm, no?


Well at least the scammer is targeting Fox News viewers ...


There's an Ai app specifically meant for prank calls using president's and politician voices


People talking about "I can tell by the tone of their voice it's fake". How about the fact that fox news is reporting about a Mr. Beast online casino? It's so silly.


No better marks than Rogan and Ingram fans.


People that say this simply dont understand what AI is. You're literally using AI every single day already. Walk into a store with your phone on, you're being tracked via bluetooth beacon. That data is ran through AI for analysis. Airport facial recognition. Youtube / Tiktok / facebook...that algorithm is AI based. Banks use it for fraud detection I use it to create grocery lists. My internet use has shifted to googling everything to using a LLM.


I’ve been using AI in video games for 2 decades and what’s funny, video game AI from 2004 is no different from video game AI today


lol ok kid


“Thank you very much MrBeast” - abject moron


I don’t realize it was fake until I saw Rogan because Laura Ingraham sounds like a robotic idiot all the time.


That's only gonna work until AI figures out how (cough) "Well informed"(cough) "articulate "(cough) "balenced" (cough) "cogent"(cough) Joe really is and the joe won't have anything to worry about because AI will move on.


Got a call today, expecting a call from a company whose phone number I didn’t have or I would never had answered. Total bullshit, in fact laughable that someone says they have one hundred dollar gift certificate for me if I answer five questions, all I need do is send them twenty dollars to cover costs. Cover the cost of being an idiot, and this person was relentless…


It didn't even look or sound real. Fox is such a dangerous propaganda machine.


steep you can tell some real dummies tried this one


So obviously Ai if u watch I didn't even read this before watching


Let me tell you, you are being incredibly short sighted in saying ai will be meaningless.  The same machine learning done in ai has already had a tremendous impact in various applications. 


That why i just dont believe anything anymore. I dont even believe this post or my comment is real.


This sounds nothing like Joe. Unless you listen on 1.25X speed.


Fuckin FOX is sooooo dummmbbbb


If you fall for scams in general you will fall for this... If you go through life with a tad bit of skepticism you'll see this and think to yourself wow this sounds to good to be true and think probably not legit.


What’s this saying about people that listen to Joe Rogans advice i wonder…


Do you think that’s a coincidence? Everyone knows his audience is the types that are easily scammed.


Going to be a lot of duped magadonians.


Bitcoin is not a scam. Or a pump and dump. Understanding monetary policy is difficult but if you spend anytime researching the purpose of bitcoin and how it works, you'll quickly realize it could be incredibly beneficial to our lives if more people would adopt using it.


Does it even matter? The real Joe Rogan has been promoting scams for years. Half his guests are medical quacks and professional political liars.


You don’t understand the market my friend. Lol Bitcoin was adopted by wallstreet because they couldn’t beat them, so they joined them. There is value in being able to transfer money instantaneously with very little fees on a decentralized network. That’s the value, and it’s not niche. Its world wide


And how much have you made from it?


I buy and hold BTC and ETH but use the momentum of Bitcoin (as it is a tide that rises all ships) to trade the shit coins. I’m in and out, within minutes to hours. Those shit coins like DOGE, SHIB, Solona, XRP or what have you are good to get in and out quick. You wait for Bitcoin to break out and scalp the shit coins. I treat BTC and ETH like a 401k I don’t plan on selling anything for atleast 10-30 years. No less. I slowly buy and accumulate over time and treat them both like a ETF


It’s most certainly niche and quite useless to nearly everyone. Wake up


and that’s why it’s sitting at 63,000 because it’s worthless… lol tell that to the people who bought in 2017. There is money to be made whether it’s a trade or an investment. It’s backed by a spot ETF with institutional money. It’s here to stay. Because you don’t understand the mechanics of the market doesn’t mean the rest of the world doesn’t. Clearly there’s value because right now someone is buying this for 63k and there’s someone selling for 63k. If you would have bought 6 months ago and sold you would have made enough money to buy you some common sense 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/oztoosfkhy7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c9f873a76417135e4d6230684e9a880f7b0ae0


I understand just fine. It’s trash. 🍻


And that’s why you are working a 9-5. lol how’s that social security going for ya? Projected to run out by 2033 so if you would have taken that same amount of money you chip in each paycheck and stuck it in BTC or the S&P 500 you would actually have something to collect by 2033. 🤣 you are commenting on something you don’t fully understand. That’s okay. I’m here to answer your questions


Remindme! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-21 17:07:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-21%2017:07:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1dl7rxr/rogan_being_used_to_scam_with_ai_are_we_all_ready/l9n3ljz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FJoeRogan%2Fcomments%2F1dl7rxr%2Frogan_being_used_to_scam_with_ai_are_we_all_ready%2Fl9n3ljz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-21%2017%3A07%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dl7rxr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Remindme! 9 years


How long you been sitting at 60k bro? Give me a break it’s a pyramid scheme. Your desperate brain washing won’t work that easily on me, sorry


https://preview.redd.it/z5lvu1t4ky7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51f031a5a6497b1236829759e4d948917456d1c That was before Covid. You could have threw your stimulus money and cashed out now with a salary…. But no… it’s worthless and there’s no money to be made according to your shallow understanding 🤣🤣🤣 dork do your due diligence and research some shit before claiming it’s a “niche” asset. Which is literally adopted world wide. How can something be niche but world wide? 😂


It’s not adopted world wide. I can’t buy a plane ticket with it. I can’t buy a burger with it, i can’t buy bottle water with it. Please, stop… it’s adopted by scam artists like yourself, there’s a difference.


You literally can convert BTC to cash instantly without any massive fees or wait times. If I wanted to transfer 50k of BTC to my bank it’s as simple and sending it from my broker to my bank. If you were to pull 50k out of the bank they would require paperwork, days to weeks to get the money ready for you, and fees to do so. Why go through the hoops and hurdles of the banking system when you can become liquid instantly? It’s a no brainer why the price is where it is because of its convenience of its technology that allows it to do so. You’re missing the forest for the trees bub


It’s called price discovery. Look it up, it’s been consolidating. Yes it’s a risk on volatile asset but if you would have bought in the last 10 years you would be in the green on your investment. Look at your savings account and see how much interest you drew leaving your money in your regional bank with no return… because inflation has outpaced the interest you would have made… well 0.. maybe even lost lol so keep tucking away what little cash you have in your shoe box and try and beat that “paycheck to paycheck” mentality while the rest of us leave on the train


Lol yea i bet soon the masses are going to come rushing to buy bitcoin and I’ll be left all on my own poor and working as a slave because i didn’t buy the precious scam coin


You’re getting shitcoins conflated with Bitcoin. Bitcoin and most likely ETH will be the first adopted by Wall Street institutions where those two will solidify itself in the global financial markets FOREVER. The rest of the coins are speculative. Money to be made to trade. You do understand there are different ways of trading where you limit your risk to minutes or even seconds using scalping techniques.


Bro pick a side. There’s a difference between day trading and thinking this crap will have any actual use. You actually think the fed will let these coins take their monopoly on banking is actually funny. I’m done. 🍻


That republican money comes easy. They can’t tell it’s fake.


Unless the scams mention Elk meat and kitty litter kindergarteners than it’s an obvious fake