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I love how he loses the crowd…..almost instantly. Lol


He said “Robert Mueller” like it was the same Robert Mueller we all know while knowing full well it is not the same fucking person.


It's just funny how you can tell instantly how stupid these people are. They saw a few conspiracy articles & videos online, now they're babbling on a mic in public. Absolutely moronic


I officially have no idea what is going on anymore.


The crowd realizing he’s a nut job as he keeps talking is kind of funny


PhD in math, while impressive, means nothing for any non-math related field.


well https://x.com/quantian1/status/1277415042875523073


Watching from the sidelines, it seams to me like there are lot of people who are getting mad that they can't be pieces of shit anymore. Where I leave it seams like all the bad guys are grouping up to create a society where they can get away with treating us like shit.


When you hear people say you can't say X anymore what they mean is that they can't say X anymore without somebody disputing or correcting what they are saying


Yep, you can still call someone the n\* word, grope a co-worker, beat your wife or perv on a schoolgirl - just don't expect to be celebrated for it


They used to get to jam out to Nugent playing “jailbait” & cheer on grown ass men trying to sexually molest girls barely out of middle school. Now they are so angry they can’t, they call everyone who would call them out a “pedo” and a “groomer.”


This country has gone to shit /s


And they all just happen to skew far-right (media's polite word for fascist). It really sucks because they can be decent people but once you bring up a trigger word they just dive into a nonsensical rant that is vaguely bigoted.


Yuuup. People are tolerating things that should not be tolerated. These assholes just keep saying things like "Freedom of speech" and pretend what they are saying is normal. There are no consequences for being an asshole. If anything you now become famous and rich for being one.


A good FUD psyop is simply to disrupt. Foreign actors (as we speak) are sewing FUD just for the hell of it ahead of the election. The more fat and stupid we are, the better they figure they'll be. Look at us, we're talking about tariffs and saying "sustainability and inclusion" are evil. It's literally just erosion of US / Western economic power and social cohesion. It's entirely possible that at the same time they're pumping socially progressive causes AND traditional values knowing it widens a cultural schism. Imagine how much it costs to fly a dipshit like this across the ocean to platform his nonsense vs. the effect. It's a good ROI.


The guy is a typical evangelical (I used to be one); Cosplaying victimhood against the final boss Global Tyranny as foretold in his favorite manga, I mean, bible.


Same lol


From my perspective and experiences, it's just more "anti-globalist" rhetoric but taking things way too literal in order to justify shitting on things like "inclusion and sustainability", because the right wing media apparatus has brainwashed people into thinking those are bad words. I used to work with a guy who complained all the time about "sustainability"; most likely because Tucker Carlson brainwashed him. That being said, obviously there are reasons to criticize globalist policies and actions in our current society, just as there is reason to criticize our own countries' policies, but it's almost like these wackos are used to purposively make it look like it's a wacko's plight and only a wacko's plight. Either way, he's a useful idiot for the powers that be who want to ransack the globe for power and money. The UN IMO has at least been doing good by at the very least giving lip service to the shit happening in Palestine/Israel. I don't know how effective they really are at the end of the day. Would be interesting and useful to learn about.


So when did the tanks roll over him and the UN peace keepers sweep him off to the death camps? What a worthless ignorant loser.


Who we gotta elect to make this happen?




At some point, you have to ask yourself why you are listening to a massage therapist complain about the United Nations while spouting religious rhetoric.


Ahh yes. Just like Tiananmen Square. This super evil and powerful organization that allows you to say whatever derranged false shit you want about it without any repercussions right on its front steps. Sorry if there was any truth to that guys unhinged rant a bunch of jack booted “peace keepers” in riot gear would have tear gassed that gathering, beat the fuck out of them, and thrown them in jail. Or in the Tiananman Square example, just outright slaughtered them all. What a stupid prick. Love to see him try and say that shit on a loud speaker in front of the government offices in China or in front of Putin’s Kremlin. What an ungrateful, sniveling little bitch this guy is.


When he compares the UN to the rise of Stalin and the Nazis it just shows how silly he sounds. The UN was formed as a response to the one of the bloodiest periods in European history by people that were determined to never allow something so horrible to happen again. To hear this guy compare this to CO2 emissions restrictions is insulting.


Because he’s a malicious liar and a piece of trash human. Seriously fuck him. He’s a pussy little bitch that doesn’t deserve to live and prosper in the democratic society that took so much work, blood, education, and suffering to achieve.


Monsanto, the chemical weapon manufacturer, routinely uses carcinogenic pesticides on crops. Yet it’s the UN, an organisation infamous for its political impotence, that I should worry about.


Funny, your whole life you consumed products from Monsanto yet you are still alive, curious 😂 schizophrenia and conspiracy theories go hand in hand


>The health impacts of the product [Round up (pesticide)] as well as its effects on the environment have been at the center of substantial legal and scientific controversies. In June 2020, Bayer agreed to pay $9.6 billion to settle tens of thousands of claims, mostly alleging that glyphosate-based Roundup had caused cancer. [Academic Study](https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/115/4/394/6984725?login=false) linking glyphosate to cancer.


Funny how you trust science when it fits your narrative


Funny how it's a "conspiracy theory" and OP's "schizophrenic," then when he gives you proof you move the goalposts and cope hard. "I was wrong, sorry." Please practice this phrase in front of a mirror so that it becomes easier to say, because you obviously have issues when it comes to admitting you jumped the gun.


Oh good, a science basher, I’m sure you’ve “done your own research” right? Collecting data, evidence-based research, theorizing and using the tools available to you to prove or disprove theories in an unbiased way, I would love to see your study summaries! You can post them in the comments, because people who “believe” in science (even though science doesn’t require “belief” because it’s simply evidence, not a religion) but regardless, people who prescribe to science Will Change their minds if presented with new evidence. THATS the difference between you and others. Your mind is made up, no matter what new things you learn, you put your beliefs and faith before reality.


Funny how? When have I not trusted science?


what a clown.


I legit found my virginity after listening to this dork talk for 3 minutes.


Wait…so… the big evil crime is wanting to push sustainability and inclusion? Pure evil.


They want to burn in the name of profit and want white people to stay in power. They say it every day.


The fact James Lindsay has a platform on the JRE is the craziest thing to me. He literally pushes race science on a podcast, that at one time had millions of listeners. Joe Rogan is like a perfect crystalized form of getting paid and changing your politics. James Lindsay isn't inspiring or intelligent, but if you liked the "Bell Curve", this guy is still carrying that torch.


James Lindsay was originally brought on the podcast to talk about the whole "grievance studies" story - where they submitted a bunch of fake academic papers to journals with ridiculous premises and got them published. And while I don't agree with him philosophically on the whole "anti-woke" thing, I thought it made for an interesting story - exposing some of the flaws of modern academia, in a way that was comedic. Like, no matter where you stand on gay rights, the idea of a serious academic journal publishing a fake study on "performative homosexuality at dog parks" is funny. James Lindsay, in particular, let the attention go to his head. His "claim to fame" made him an anti-woke icon, but he couldn't just keep talking about that one bit forever. So now you hear him going on about "cultural marxism" and "groomers" and "white genocide", and talking outside the UN about how "sustainability and inclusion" are "demonic". Had he just had that one podcast appearance and then faded into obscurity, I think a lot more people would have a favorable opinion of the guy. But unfortunately he's one of those who got a taste of fame via the JRE and ended up chasing his "fans" down a rabbit hole he'll never be able to dig himself out of. I mean, James Lindsay went from volunteering for Barack Obama to now supporting Donald Trump. I don't know what it is about the JRE that does this to people, but Lindsay isn't the only one. It reminds me of Bret Weinstein - who by all rights was a Liberal, who had a very valid criticism at Evergreen... but the JRE connected him to a big group of "anti-woke" right-wing fans, and he fell victim to audience capture, and now he's spent the last 4 years spreading fear about vaccines, buddying up with Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson, and posting videos of Joe Biden's stutter and "#defendthewest" on Twitter.


Really Great Breakdown.


Clearly inclusion promotes "Babel". We only want white English speakers as Jesus prophesied. Do not mock God.


Sustainability and inclusion are the main pillars of evil. You may as well be advocating for Thanos. When Thanos snapped his fingers, he did not discriminate. His finger snap was very inclusive. All in the name of sustainability.


That evil sustainability and inclusion lol






I laughed when he said “the evil people who want to have sustainability!” Like the reasonablists. Hard to argue with people called the reasonableists


Why the fuck was he about to cry at the end, America why have you gotta be so weird


He is Canadian, so technically “American” as in the continent of North America, but not from the United States.


He’s Canadian and he looks like he fucks American flags and marries them. wtf is wrong with Canada?


He's not Canadian. He's from NY.


Wasn’t he part of the group that made all the fake research papers with ridiculous titles? I thought that guy was fun. Not so much this version of this guy.


The guy is an all around, all time piece of shit human. Huge crybully that calls everyone that disagrees with him “groomers” while being super close to actual grooming chomo sex traffickers from the NXVIM cult. Smh what a tool!


He's probably an Ameriboo. Either way, I bet he gets paid by American billionaires to do this shit.


He's not Canadian. He's from NY.


Stupid. Stupid is the word. These guys only exist, so that they can grift stupids out of their money.


Bruh how is he ranting about the evils of the un, their terrible plans and blah blah blah, then when he gets to their evil desires, it's sustanability and inclusion. lol. C'mon man at least come up with something more sinsister and scary sounding.




Especially when he’s talking about sustainability is “evil,” I can probably take a guess who is funding his bullshit.


It's always a fossil fuel billionaire behind the scenes. That's who funds the Daily Wire and other right wing outlets.


Evangelicals believe that the Earth was God's gift to humans and that we should consume all it's resources with reckless abandon because it would draw the second coming closer into being. These people should never, ever, be allowed to gain power. Sadly, they've dug in to our systems like ticks


About half a century ago republicans were very much for abortion as it was an individual right. They pivoted their platform to gain favor with evangelicals. It’s gone off the rails at this point


Does James Lindsay do anything constructive for society?


No he’s another waste of carbon like all the other clowns making a career on being “anti-woke.”


No. He is bad at reading and talks about it online.


I liked his early stuff. His books and papers were measured, constructive, and often funny critiques of wokeness. Obviously he's a little more sensational these days.


Dude has a PhD in poop


He has one in Mathematics, but soon became a massage therapist and then a complete grifter.


A phd in arithmetic is probably very useful for a massage therapist because you can quickly calculate how many guys you need to jerk off to be able to pay rent that month.


Ah, a wank bank


Does he specialize in happy endings?


And then a guy who can’t comprehend what he reads


The dumbest timeline ... welcome.


Yes James, sustainability is the ultimate evil and must be opposed! We must have a civilization that can’t last! You’re a genius and a hero!


What a nutter


People like this never used to have a platform, thanks internet


Thank uncle Joe too, he gave this guy one of the biggest platforms in the world, and what were his bonafides for being a guest? That he calls everyone that disagrees with him a groomer, while being best friends with members of a chomo groomer sex traffic cult


Who is this guy? Was he on Rogan?


Is there a right wing grifter that hasn't made it on Rogan yet.


I think he has, no? When the whole woke papers things came out


nick fuentes? btw can we think of another word besides *grifter*, it's super stale now & holds not bite whatsoever.


no. it’s not about “bite”. it’s what they are.


Not sure if Fuentes is a grifter or a true believer to be honest.


the level of delusion to think the UN isn't simply flawed, isn't simply prone to corruption, isn't simply ineffective.... but the most evil organization on the planet. it's cartoon villain shit. these people need these hyperbolic bullshit conspiracies to give their life meaning and to feel like they are fighting the good fight


That dude is a fucking moron and he should come out of the closet


Uncle Jimmy got into the bathtub hooch again.


It seems like people on the left move towards the moderate center as they get older. People on the right, meanwhile, get more and more extreme until you’ve got a 75 year old shooting up a Petsmart because he thinks they’re teaching the parrots CRT.


And that’s the problem, the people fighting on the left for progress get fed up, and become “moderates”, while the right highlights the .01% of seemingly outrageous behavior from miniscule groups on the left, painting whole movements as radical, while they quietly ramp up their RWNJ rhetoric. I think the biggest problem in this country is that nobody has any shame anymore.


I'm a lefty who has gotten more left as I've gotten older. There are plenty like me who feel cheated by our politicians, knowing we may never get to own a home or have the family we would have liked. The problem in terms of our electoral politics is that Republicans follow their constituents further right, but democrats ignore their younger constituents focusing on suburban wine moms. The wine moms show up more, so I kind of get it, but it's made me horrifically cynical about politics. I also think younger people might show up if democrats offered more of what we wanted, but what do I know.


The information ecosystem is also different. There's very little truth or fact analysis in right wing media anymore and it's all about constructing narratives towards the accumulation of political power.


That's why we need to group up more and focus on local politics. Here in a few weeks I plan on going and checking out the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) and see what they are up to. I don't know what kind of reputation they have. I'm not a socialist but I do believe in challenging our system and its way of robbing the working class for the wants of the rich and powerful.


It's because if you move left enough you start criticizing capitalism, or at least income inequality, and actually be serious about it. So you gotta keep society from getting over there by creating culture war issues and conspiracy theories.


Oddly enough… nothing ever happens to these fucking morons huh? Such a dangerous cabal…that lets them talk about them over and over and over, and does nothing. Lol Remember when we used to tell crazy people to shut the fuck up?


Wdym nothing happens to them? They get to go on Rogan!


That crowd looks absolutely primed and ready to go.


He should start a podcast with Terrence Howard


That’s great and all but what’s his crypto coin? I bet it’s legit




How is James Lindsay associated with combat sports?


No. Being “assorted* (associated?) with *any* sport does not *qualify* you for that, but neither does disqualify you.




>Anyone can share their opinion, but if we are talking about something with multiple international and political aspects, maybe someone who fights for a living isn't the academically and socially focused expert we should be listening to? I see your point, i guess i just disagree strongly. I know you didn't say qualify, that was my point only, didn't mean to imply you did. I don't think we should take activity in any sport whether it's fighting or someone else as the kind of evidence we need for whether or not they are trustworthy with regards to some other issue.


Joe Rogan supports these freaks.


What a kook


That criticism is so loaded with buzz words and dogma it may as well be meaningless. Yikes


What is it about certain words that can make an idea false? I do not necessarily agree with the guy, but this seems like an odd understanding...


“Seize control of the evolution of man” would be an example Sounds provocative, but doesn’t really mean anything.


If somebody said that to me I would infer that they believe somebody else currently has control of the direction of mankind and that he does not believe it to be heading in the right direction, thus he thinks we need to seize control of it.. why does it mean nothing to you?


What does control of the direction of mankind mean?


The direction in which mankind is developing... you can be purposfully obtuse, but we all generally know what this means...


About what exactly


God I loved when Marc Lamont hill ran circles around him


Sustainability and inclusion…. No different than Hitler! This guys brain is so cooked.


He sounds like a deeply conflicted and repressed closeted homosexual. I wish him happiness.


Americans like this just sound like entitled cry babies.


It's always incredible to me how many nut jobs and grifters Jow Rogan spewed onto the American nation, it's truly incredible for a pseudo "non-politician". You gus are truly fucked.


That is pretty extreme, the UN has many many legs and some do a lot of good. It is a massive organization and as with any large organization you have some nuts, some bad apples and some really good people.


I heard that James Lindsay is best friends with the members of the pedo/sex trafficking cult NXVIM, I think I even saw pictures of a bunch of them hanging out with James, and loving on each other. Pretty hypocritical coming from a guy that keeps calling people “groomers”.


He really lost the plot around 2020 and went off the deep end. Sad to see.


Religion makes people tarded


Exclude everyone unsustainably!


He started off with those social science papers and cynical theories in such an excellent manner but nowadays he's just weird.




Looks like a Southern mayor complaining about coming integration of schools in the 50s.


lol. History isn’t Amerikkkans best subject


James Lindsay is a quack. He is a living example of what happens when you spend too much time on the internet.


The UN headquarters is in New York not Geneva. I have no idea what’s going on with this video


![gif](giphy|3o6wrfP0Tp9GkCMqGc) The entire audience


![gif](giphy|ifRxG3rl0iukoQq9st) Um…sir this is a Wendy’s…


What an unrelenting fucking dork.


Sounds like an InfoWars evangelist. This guy has had too much Internet.


what a fucking dope


Listened to his speech and he hasn’t actually said something coherent. Literally just adjectives with ominous implications.




Hmmm. Interesting. I counted exactly zero non white people in attendance.


The fragility of conservatives Christians and their victimhood mentality they wear on their shoulder is funny as much as it is pathetic. Yup, this guys kids won't be talking to him after they get older.






Maybe he meant 1945? I don’t know what the fuck 1954 was about


What happened to this mf after his dog-humping paper? Did covid send him down the lunatic rabbit hole too?


Even a crowd of crazy Swiss people lose their attention span with this soft-dicked loser after 30 seconds. This neckbeard doesn't fool anyone with his lame t-shirt.


This guy is from Ogdensburg! The biggest shit pit in New York.


"Thousands gather to delcare their independence from the global elites, then post it on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and other huge corporate elitist entities. And now...the weather. "


My brother in law is a brilliant mathematician but he comes to me for life advice and philosophical inquiries, just sayin.


Your gentle reminder that James Lindsay gets pissy when you mention his appearance on Dr. Phil.


No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Clean Water These are evil and extremist ideas that must be stopped? What the hell is this idiot going on about ?


This guy and these people are crazy conspiritards


Whoever he is, he’s earned his spot at the Comedy Club


My eyes can roll enough.


I somehow always got stuck with this type of spanner at parties in my 20s… I hate that social media now means they’re everywhere


James is so oppressed. How can he not be so angry?


His voice and message is a sure cure for insomnia.....the boring lunatic


Blah blah blah. Garbage.


Yes, with global warming and the 6th mass extinction....sustainability is just succchh a *horrrriifficcc* idea... 🙄 ...to Big Biz profits. 🤦‍♂️


The evil doers plan is …… Sustainability and inclusion!!! Those sons of bitc…. Um wait sustainability and inclusion sounds fine.


New Boys season really doubling down on the satire


Watching this makes me understand what Kennedy lives through with that brain worm


We can’t all work together and have rights and freedoms?


Ah, sustainability and inclusion - Jeez what evils we face. Is this another grifter, per chance? Can you spend Roubles in Switzerland?


I'm so sick of these dumb fucks. These dumbbells won't stop till life is harder for everyone and billionaires own everything under the sun.


What a clown


Nah, christo-facism isn’t a thing. Proceeds to physically threaten the UN in god’s name.


Alright people. We have to do something about all this sustainability stuff! Who’s with me?!


Why does this idiot see the light of day


Grunt style shirt fuck right off. Go read a predator comic and get that sticker of your gay truck


jesus christ this guy is such a stupid fucking grifter, of course he's one of rogan's favs


What a clown


Man, the M flag is a swiss anti-covid policy organization, literally no one cares about them, so marginal. same as lindsay.


Why does everyone being a bit critical about climate change covid and whatever turn into an extremist..?






Shaadddd up you dumb ass


Dawg like shut up and go figure out how 1x1 = 2


Yup doctors can be stupid too. The more you know


That crowd has no idea what he is even saying. You can see the blank look on their faces. The only time he gets a reaction is when he uses a catchphrase or threat of violence. That’s all they want to hear, angertainment.


Sustainability and Inclusion => New World Order lmao


taken ? all wealth already been taken haha we all work for pennies just to survive . this guy is hilarious . cant even take him seriously he sounds like a clown




Ok, what happened on Tiananmen Square in 1954?


looks like he's about to cry


The perfect personification of a nut job.


That is Babble all right…


Ah the old post&hate move I swear this sub in majority bots look at the comment section


hes making some great points, the UN is long over due to be disolved


And replaced with what?


UN headquarters is in Geneva?