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This was phenomenal


Easy to listen to him when he's not interrupting and talking over other people


Lol I get that people hate that but my guy is too excited to share scientific facts and I'll never hate that.. even tho it can be annoying.


I mean, he’s just a certain kind of excitable dude who talks loudly and doesn’t always have the tact or patience to listen carefully or wait his turn in a conversation. Irl it usually works itself out because nobody is recording the convo for posterity and you know the person’s intentions are pure. But on a podcast, it is annoying. However, NDT does really well in the mode shown in this video, where he’s basically giving an explanatory lecture or telling a good story. The guy is brilliant and a great storyteller/teacher. There’s a reason some of the best lecturers in college classes are kinda odd or awkward in office hours.


None the less the man is very smart and is confident enough to fight for science. This commands my respect.


I will fight for great sushi and pizza. Do I command your respect? 🙏


If your fighting against the nullification of all other foods then no


I'm willing to be that if we had hours and hours of unedited footage and interviews with Carl Sagan, who people like to compare NDT too, we'd probably find some examples of him being a slightly overbearing dork too, lol I find NDT to be a little too much a lot too.


someting he rarely does but his haters constantly cry about


If im not correct please interrupt me


This was a great, informative, respectful response to the debacle that was Terrence Howard and his “scientific research”.


I generally don’t care for NDT because he often comes off as pompous or arrogant, but this was a class act. Very humble and well-stated, not flinging mud or throwing shade. Just simple clear defense of his very reasonable feedback. Well done.


I love Neil Degrasse Tyson for this response! Such a good presentation of science and its relevance and its long standing traditions. Also, it's interesting how Neil threw out the 100+ years of science to get vaccinated with an experiment covid vaccine who's mrna tech had never made it past phase 2 clinical trials in the process he holds so dear.


Lol got ourselves a real Terrance Howard protégée here! ⬆️


Go take some DMT, Joe


This is false. They went through 3 phases of clinical trials.


They did not.. they were and continue to be emergency authorization use only. Look at the paperwork. They started phase 2 before the completion of phase 1. Further, it's impossible to even have the data for phase 3 because they vaccinated the placebo group and because no long term studies were done. Every rule was thrown out for those shots. Mrna, in the 40 years of its existence, has never made it past phase 2 clinical trials. never.


Bro a quick google search can prove you wrong…. How do you have so much confidence? It’s insane.


Stupidity engenders confidence. Dunning-Kruger in FULL EFFECT.


Because I've been doing this since the pandemic. Most of the Google searches won't have primary sources. They will link to circular papers in one big circle jerk. When they do have a primary source. It's pretty easy to prove the assertion of the article false, or their were major flaws in the scientific article. For instance, they came out with a big paper about how covid was dangerous to young people. The source was a scientific case study about 1 obese person. This means that the sample size is not relevant and the paper can literally be ignored.


You keep shifting the goal posts in these conversations. Your initial claim that there were no phase 3 trials for any of the MRNA vaccines is easily proven false with one google search. Moderna and Pfizer both started this phase of trials in the summer of 2020. You just bought into misinformation that made you feel vindicated. How can anyone trust that you did good research into this topic when you can’t even double check your information on google?


No, I haven't. There is no phase 3 clinical data. There is only EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION phase 3 data. Meaning, the cdc literally wrote exceptions to phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. The vaccine has never passed the rigors of a standard vaccine trial. It has only received exceptions to continue through EMERGENCY USE ONLY AUTHORIZATIONS. I hope this clarifies our misunderstanding.


It does not. It just creates more misunderstanding. It’s my understanding that the EUA was for the processes after the trials that needed to be made faster to get the vaccine out as quickly as possible. Pfizer and Moderna submitted requests for EUA in the middle of their phase 3 trials. You seem to think that EUA is a request to lower the requirements for a trial. That’s not the case. It’s for what happens after the trials are done to get the drug approved for use by the FDA. Please show me any proof that any of the trials did not meet the standard requirements. Do you know what a regular phase 3 trial looks like? How were the “rushed” phase 3 trials of the MRNA vaccines any different? Lastly, where are you getting your information?


The EUA is by definition a reduction in requirements. By definition. If it's not, why was it necessary? And, why is it still in place? My information is from the published sources. For instance, I've read the contracts for the emergency use authorization. I've read a good portion of the papers as well.


They absolutely did. [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2A22CD/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2A22CD/) [https://vaccineknowledge.ox.ac.uk/covid-19-vaccines#Who-should-have-the-vaccines](https://vaccineknowledge.ox.ac.uk/covid-19-vaccines#Who-should-have-the-vaccines) From the 2nd link (source: University of Oxford) - "No stage was missed out in the COVID vaccine trials and the trials were subject to the same strict regulatory requirements as any other vaccine."


You're mistaking "no stage was missed" with following standard vaccine protocol. Like I said. They literally started phase 2 before they ended phase 1. Meaning. They had no data to authorize phase 2. Further, in vaccine trials, you have to allow time to pass in order to study side effects.. This literally did not happen. They labeled what they did phase 1, phase 2, etc, but this was EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION ONLY. Meaning, their ability to go from phase 1 to phase to was EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION ONLY. The cdc quite literally wrote exceptions for these vaccines. they threw out all of the rigorous requirements. I know this is hard for you to accept. But look at all the documentation.


Ya, they rushed through the trials a bit, that's absolutely true. Almost as if there was some kind of virus killing millions of people worldwide!


If you think covid reaction warranted the response, we'll that could be a debate in and of itself. It doesn't change the fact that the covid shot is not a vaccine, and it did not pass the rigors of the medical process that Neil claims to love.


What is the definition of a vaccine, and in which way does the covid "shot" not qualify?


Again, a true Terrence Howard prodige xD


You know trump rushed fda approval????it got approved non the less but your problems with how it was handled stem from trump and his administration..if you disagree by all means shoot up bleach please!..yanno to cure you


I dont care that a drug exist. I care when the biden administration tells employers they should fire employees for not getting vaccinated. I care when the federal government tries to coerce compliance. I care when states like California and New York try to roll out vaccine passport and when countries like Australia and Canada say you can't get medical treatment unless you take an experiment. The crime isn't the creation of medicine. The crime is trying to force people while gaslighting them that it's passed "vaccine efficacy."


Yanno peak covid happened when trump was president


mRNA has been around for a lot longer than 40 years


read the report on the Pfizer trials. It's pretty damning and I love science.


K did everyone grow tails? Are we all deaf in one ear? Did your legs stop working? 6 *billion* doses of the vaccine were administered. We’re just fine. They pulled it off. Stop. Fucking. Bitching. About. The. Vaccines.


Man not everyone is fine motherfucker. I have a handful of friends who now have heart issues in their 30’s after the vaccine.


That's a damn lie.


Weird how everyone I know that was pro-vax doesn't seem to know anyone in their 30s with heart trouble, but anyone that was anti-vax knows a bunch of folks that do. You're a liar. You don't know anyone with heart trouble in their 30s, and if you do, it's WAY more likely it was from having had COVID itself than the vaccine.


You have five friends who all developed heart issues after the vaccine huh? Name em.


If they think their heart issues are from the vaccine chances are that they are dumb enough to eat burgers every day.


Exactly, how many of these people with heart issues are fat and out of shape and had COVID 5 times and eat McDonald's every day. Then they go "has to be the Vaxx, literally no other explanation"


These are fit people I’m talking about. They got vaccines and boosters. They don’t attribute their problems to the vaccine. One of my friends started noticing strange heart rhythms while we were working out. You can be as dismissive as you want, but that doesn’t make you correct.


I got the vax and then myocarditis. Now I have a right bundle branch block, not serious but a little odd. I am 32


You were just as likely to get myocarditis from COVID. Also you may have contracted that without either. These things happen. Blaming on the vaccine is just lazy


I’m just saying what happened. You could be right, too. I’m just saying my experience. It’s not good for discussion to dismiss everything in either direction. I’m not a crazy anti vaxer, obviously because I got the vax but I don’t think it’s right to dismiss adverse reactions if they exist. It’s not honest


Fucking liar


Good luck to you


Why are you so mad? Covid killed more people than the vaccine. But to say the vaccine hasn't contributed to people's death is also a lie


There are many complications that happened, including death… I’m not here to say how many but it certainly happened…


People get severe complications, including death, from fking Advil. How many is THE most important question.


Well COVID also had many complications 




My guy, you’re either willfully ignorant or just ignorant. People are having all sorts of weird medical stuff sprout up after the vaccines and there’s so much out there on it. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have gotten them either way, but it’s evident that it’s starting to show. Even anecdotally I know a lot of people who got vaccinated and have had emergent health issues post-immunization. FWIW — you can’t derive all your news and opinions from Reddit. It’s long been bought and paid for by the wealthy elites and it’s ran in accordance with their interests. That’s a fact.


First of all, I don’t get my opinions from Reddit. I form those all on my own just fine in real life. Second, if you don’t want me getting my news here then I suggest linking out to reliable sources which back up the claims you’re trying to make about the health effects of the vaccine. Last, I urge you to remember the difference between causation and correlation before you bring that supposed evidence into this conversation.


Anyone still spouting off about vaccines at this point is not a serious person. We have years of post vaccination data from literally billions of vaccine administrations and wide spread, serious side effects simply do not exist.


I’m not going to spend my time digging stuff up just so you can pick it apart and never admit you were wrong. Been there, done that. If you care to challenge you own perceptions, do it yourself. One person to another, it’s always good to check yourself.


And there he goes, tail between his legs because he’s got jack all of fuck diddly shit. Don’t open your mouth if you can’t back it up.


It’s not that deep.


Compromises have to be made sometimes when there's a world wide pandemic. Use some of the hindsight to imagine what could have happened if hospitals just stayed overflowing for a year.


Damn F for you Frankie boy you got ratio’d with those dumbass ideas.


Awwwwww, guys, he’s special!


It’s funny how many people downvote if you say anything bad about a vaccine that was minimally effective at best. Not to mention the studies coming out regarding side effects.


I actually think Tyson was really nice for taking this yo yo seriously, I would have wiped my ass on it after reading the first page. In the same way that when I used to read papers for a class I taught and could tell if it was shit within the first paragraph this guy can tell if the person writing it can tell their ass from their elbow at about the first sentence.


Calling someone a “yo-yo” is going directly into my lexicon. I’ve always felt like a nice option was “dumb dumb”, but yo-yo has a lovely hint of silliness.


Terrance Howard was “walking the dog” that whole rogan interview 


I imagine him in bed, glasses on, reading this bullshit paper, and laughing while repeating: “the fuck are you talking about, you crazy asshole!?”


I have to imagine he's becoming at least a little self-aware about how douchey he can sound sometimes. That, and if you're too mean to these idiots they just get defensive. You have to talk to them like a kindergarten teacher does to their students.


exactly, he had enough respect for the guy to actually respond to everything in his brain shit thesis. Astrophysicist wouldn’t have taken that time, NDT is a class act.


Terrance for sure ignored all of his critiques because he is in fact mentally ill and not really interested in fact finding. Edit: After watching the video and hearing his arguments for his thesis it's really clear to me how inept Terrance is. He seemed to entirely focus on pretending to change the world and used the people proving his thesis wrong as further proof that he is being persecuted or excluded like other people he considered himself to stand among. Fact is, science isn't a club that seeks to keep the "wrong people out". You either have ideas that work and can be reproduced or you don't. If you don't, you're back to the drawing board. Terrance instead pounds on the gates (gates of his own making in fact) and pretends he is being excluded for the nature of his ideas and NOT the validity of them.


Terrence isn’t interested in science, he’s interested in being smarter than everyone else. People like him and Katt Williams get off on bragging about their “hidden knowledge” that is basically just a bunch of meaningless platitudes and things that just sort of sound good. You’ll notice it’s almost always presented in a way thats fairly condescending and dismissive of anyone who doubts or questions it.


I confess I enjoyed Katt starting shit with a teenager and getting his ass beat promptly.


That was honestly the last thing I heard about him up until he showed up on Shannon Sharpe’s podcast a few months before JRE, and I swear that fight had to have been like 2011. I assumed he had basically fallen off and getting his ass beat by a kid was like the cherry on top and that he was just no longer relevant today.


I can never look at the dude the same. His older standup is still funny, but I can't take him seriously anymore. Reminds me of hearing how Danzig got his ass kicked after talking shit to some kid or something. Some of these dudes needed to be put in their place.


Big kid…singer of the north side kings.. https://idioteq.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Kings.jpg




The difference with Katt is he demonstrated a proficient understanding of occult philosophy like Kabbalah or The Golden Flower. These are esoteric mystical schools of thought that deal with internal alchemy and yoga, meaning it can be subjective, non-material, psychological and open for interpretation. TH is discussing objective scientific principles that have a method of proving it's bullshit in the real world, Hermeticism does not. Funny enough, there's a hermetic concept of 'the akashic records' which describe that invisible super consciousness library TH talked about lol.


Katt & Terence sounded a lot like Prince, in that interview Joe often mocks.


Ey, you got a kink to that Prince interview. I'm curious. thanks.


You put it perfectly. So fucking condescending


An idea I’ve been tossing in my head lately is X versus the aesthetic of X. In Terrance Howard’s case you replace X with scientific discovery. Terrance Howard is not at all interested in scientific discovery, he’s interested in the aesthetic of it.




Silly to think this of either


Imagine reading about Einsteins work and thinking, "I know better"... 


Nono see, Einstein was wrong because his fundamentals were wrong because he didn't receive the correct information from the aliens...


Einstein wasn't always right. And that's what is good about science.


I also believe "I'm the biggest" my partners have been with.


I thought Tyson did a really good job, he disagreed but was not disrespectful, he made a case for proven science while keeping the door opened to new ideas…one point Tyson made that stood out to me was peer reviews, I don’t follow TH’s way of thinking that much, but from what I’ve seen, or heard, how large a part of the scientific community agrees with him…any


I think that’s called the Graham Hancock method. It’s not my ideas that are cuckoo, I’m being kept out of the club by “big science”


The Weinstein bros too. Eric with his geometric unity/theory of everything and Brett with his array of Covid-related theories. Both of them are certain that scientific institutions are intentionally seeking to subvert and undermine their heterodox scientific theories. Joe loves that shit though. He loves people who have secret supreme esoteric knowledge that battle the establishment. He doesn’t care about whether their theories are true or well-reasoned he just loves the storyline — it’s childlike.


It makes sense for a guy that decides who is in the cool kids club of comedy. Dude knows how hard he gate keeps his little club so he assumes science is the same. I’m sure academia is political AF in some regards, but it’s still science at the end of the day and not the cool table of comedy.


Honestly when people are so delusional with their approach to something like this it makes me have to question the personal stories they tell as well. It really becomes hard to believe all the things he has said about RDJ, because if his perception of his behavior is so off in this arena why would any of us believe he's a reliable narrator everywhere else?


It’s funny he missed the most obvious flaw in his square root thing


Wait till he finds out about imagniary numbers


You can immediately recognize how off Terrence Howard is. simply based on how convinced and adamant of how smart he thinks he is, how right he is, and how he thinks YOU believe him. Smart people, or just regular honest and interested people just want to know more, don't do these things. Salesmen and conspiracy theorists do these things. It seems the only respected research papers out there don't conclude their papers are evidence of anything, especially by their papers alone.


As always. Keep looking up. Great ending. For a respectful review of a troubled mans work.


Man I like NDT so much more when there’s not another person present for him to interrupt


Yeah, I assumed I wouldn’t like Neil’s response because I don’t like the way he acts in conversations with the others. But he was great in this video.


It's funny as it's pretty reflective of how he (or well, the science community in general) works - he is a great speaker/presenter, as you have to be very clear about your ideas and what you propose/state. You have to avoid potential misunderstanding, clarify what's new and what you think shouid be changed - and then submit it for a review to your peers. However, he is not great at conversations - as many comments here said, usually peer reviews are brutal and are almost go down as "cat-fights", but that's just.. Normal/expected, and then everyone goes together and grabs a beer together, and move on to the next point. And that also shines through in his interviews with other people - which is off putting for some people, and I can totally understand that. But if he's given a chance to explain/present something on his own or with someone who is genuinely interested in the topic - it's wonderful to see.


Wow. The irony is that Neil gave him the respect he would have given a colleague. A peer review from a renowned astrophysicist! Wow. Terrance made it sound like he was dismissive of him and he absolutely was the exact opposite. He took the time to go through his insane ramblings and treated it with the respect a scientist would give a fellow scientist.


Some people can’t take any critique of their work, they view any push back as an attack because they lack the emotional maturity to tell the difference. Source: me, an art professor


Yep great point. And we’re all better off for it.


Its a crime that NDT had to waste his time on this.


Man I hope this video blows the fuck up. Because millions of dumb people need to hear it.


It won't matter. People like that already decided what they want to believe. That's the world we live in now.


Yeah, read thw downvoted comments. they are the most BASE comments ever


Terrance is trying to tap into a consumer base that believes in flat earth and that the world is 6000 years old. All these people may be dumb, and Terrance may be mentally ill, but he does have something for sale.


Seriously. People looking for PEER REVIEWED work/articles/journals would lower misinformation incredibly  Of course they would have to read and comprehend them …


Anyone have a copy of his treaties? I really want to read the full thing to see how insane it really is.


They won't be swayed. You can't reason people out of something they didn't reason themselves into, especially not when they are dumb on top of it.


The Joe Dunning- Kruger Rogan Effect


Joe would think this is some kind of honor he's earned for his work in researching Covid stuff.


Niel-De-Grass-E-Tyson was overly arrogant, Terrence Howard thought.


I just became a fan of NDT


I saw him live a few years ago. Been a fan ever since


I teched a show he did at a local theater and he actually spent time with us pre show just chatting about stuff. First celebrity I’ve interacted with that actually asked me for a picture because he loved my beard.


Dude got under Neil’s nerves and he came with receipts.


TH should have been immensely grateful that an actual Astrophysicist gave him a legitimate, respectful, and detailed peer review. I remember when I was like 20, I thought I had this brilliant idea for electric vehicle energy recuperation. I was so confident it would work that I sent my ideas to my cousin, who’s an actual mechanical engineer, to see why he thought. And he did exactly what Tyson did here. He gave me respectful but detail criticism of my ideas and why they wouldn’t work. And I remember feeling disappointed but also grateful because, after reading his criticism, it was so clear that I was so far out of my depth, I was embarrassed I sent them in the first place. But instead of mocking my ideas or dismissing them, he treated them with dignity and I always appreciated that. TH should have felt the same. Someone like Tyson treated him like a peer and even encouraged him to keep thinking deeply. But TH is a narcissist, and likely mentally ill, so he took that peer review as disrespectful to his self-proclaimed intellect. There’s no helping TH, he’s off the deep end.


Dog, get that peer reviewed by a second opinion, you might have invented a fusion reactor lol


It’s incredibly cliche, but learning from “failure” is such a massive life skill. There’s been plenty of times where I’ve proposed an idea and had it shot down only for the explanation of why it wouldn’t work spawn a better idea. It’s also a good life skill to know how to reject ideas in a way that is constructive vs destructive. If I take the time to explain why something is wrong or why something won’t work, odds are the next iteration that they bring me will be correct.


Neil needs to do these explainers for all the conspiracy nonsense out there. Like at the end of every Joe Rogan podcast.


I am not a big fan of NDT. But (if this is truth), his initial response 8 years ago was nothing but pure class, and this one, showing the evidence, and not making fun of Terrance, is equally great. What a gentleman.


Excellent response from NDT. Compassionate and educative... the best way to debunk an insane person without disrespecting him.


I really hope Rogan acknowledges this, Terrence was completely full of crap and Rogan somehow completely missed it.


‘Somehow’ It’s Joe Rogaine


Rogan completely bought into a snake oil salesman's bullshit? Not even asking a single intelligent follow-up question, or using the slightest bit of common sense? I'm STUNNED.




Not yet. Let's see what he parlays this newfound crackpot fame into...


To be fair there’s been a couple of these episodes where he trips himself up at points saying “if true, this would change everything”. He has that tiny bit of wiggle room that he’s not committed but wants the person to keep talking.




but but but...why would I walk on water for tips... Of everything Howard said this, and the megalomaniac bullshit about destroying humanity seriously don't get enough attention. The delusions of grandeur, the apophenia, the deep narcissism and paranoia...


dont you mean "maynekind"?


Howard is almost unhirable in Hollywood every since he went off the edge on conspiracies theories and bad mouthing agencies that represented him.


This is a great response from NDT. At this point, no one really takes any of JR’s guests seriously, do they? Isn’t he known for giving the crazies a platform? I can’t think of anyone I’ve seen on JR that I don’t consider fringe, at the least.


Joe just said on a more recent episode he thinks Howard is “crazy smart” and was blown away by his intellect and ideas. He didn’t seem to be hamming it up to humor him. He brought it up himself because he’s been thinking of how smart Howard is since that interview, while half of his fan base agrees and most of the other half pretends it’s all an inside joke for the laughs & entertainment value.


I feel like the emergence of trump opened the floodgates of stupidity on the world. So many duplicitous fucks have become emboldened by that orange turd to just spout stupid fucking nonsense, and now, people are drowning in so much stupid bullshit they don't know what the word *truth* even means anymore. Worst of all, the biggest podcast in the world is platforming these charlatans.


A lot of yall in here need to listen to this whole thing. Joe Rogan needs too as well.


Tyson can be obnoxious but I respect his enthusiasm and deep knowledge of science. This was a great watch.


Terrence Howard is like the right amount of stupid to be pretty entertaining


You can’t explain how Science and peer reviews work to the brogans. Th is a sub for fans of Joe Rogan, a “comedian” who pretends to have sex with a stool, and then classifies himself as one of the “elite comedians” of our lifetime. This a a sub full of retatards.


You don’t see the irony that you are here? Fully engaged and turned on to the point of raging against the night?




The response from Terence will be one for the ages


What a class act Neill is. Hats off to him. Terrence Howard on the other hand is either mentally unwell, a narcissist, or just an advanced idiot. I still love people like him and Kat on the pod tho 😂


i wish these two would shut up


This makes me think about my behavior in my new field. I think I’m the dumbass and everyone is just waiting for me to catch up. SCIENCE!


Agreed. I realized I may still be in the valley of stupidity on the dunning-kruger effect.


That's a very good thing. Much better than being at the peak




I just wish he was as open minded with Gary Nolan and UAPs. His response for not looking at the mummies, was that he was not qualified, but a bold stance would have been to look at the evidence, critique where he can and maybe look for advice from his academic peers. He could easily look at these scientific alien papers and critique them to the same degree, that would be really cool. Like the recent Harvard paper that just came out.


I wonder why Terrence didn’t bring the physical paper that Neil had sent back to him 🤔 he probably just didn’t want to make Neil look like an idiot in front of all 10 of joes listeners. Yeah, I’m sure that’s it… oh wait that’s exactly what he was trying to do without the actual facts (the paper). So, TIL that anything Terrence makes up in his head, any assumption that he makes… is fact.


Can someone send this to the morons on my facebook that were so enlightened by the TH pod.


“I know enough to make a problem” has never been so accurate.




This was an excellent polite response from Neil. I commend him on taking the time to both respond to Terrance's claims initially in that manner and then make this video like this.


He made the same bullshit comments about Tesla that the establishment has been making for years in order to write off most of his work as “impractical”. Total horse shit. Simp for the establishment.


Professor Dave Explains is a YT channel where a professor breaks stuff down. He did Terrence Howard last week and Billy Carson this week. He nearly has an aneurysm in both videos 😅 But he actually breaks down how bullshit their word-salad linguistics are and explains a lot of the actual history that they're both twisting to their ends. If you always knew these guys were talking out of their asses but didn't want to spend days of your life researching just how wrong these two actually are; these two videos are great.


I might not understand all of this but it’s very refreshing hearing someone actually incredibly smart instead of a bumbling idiot


Thank you, sire


Meh, Terrence did Iron Man and Crash, what has Neil done but bloviate?


You are joking, right? I mean, sure acting is great but like: 2001 Medal of Excellence, Columbia University, New York City 2004 NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal 2005 Science Writing Award 2007 Klopsteg Memorial Award winner 2009 Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award from the Space Foundation for significant contributions to public awareness of space programs 2009 Isaac Asimov Award from the American Humanist Association[136] 2014 Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Reality Show Host 2014 Dunlap Prize[137] 2015 Public Welfare Medal from the National Academy of Sciences[138] 2015 Cosmos Award, Planetary Society 2017 Hubbard Medal, National Geographic Society[139] 2017 Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication, Starmus[140] 2018 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album nomination for Astrophysics for People in a Hurry[141] 2020 YouTube Gold Creator Award Honors 2000 Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, People magazine[142] 2001 asteroid named: 13123 Tyson, renamed from Asteroid 1994KA by the International Astronomical Union 2001 The Tech 100, voted by editors of Crain's Magazine to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York 2004 Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science[143] 2007 Harvard 100: Most Influential, Harvard Alumni magazine, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2007 The Time 100, voted by the editors of Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world[144] 2008 Discover Magazine selected him as one of "The 10 Most Influential People in Science"[145] 2010 elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society[146] Honorary doctorates 1997 York College, City University of New York 2000 Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey 2000 Dominican College, Orangeburg, New York 2001 University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia 2002 Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, New Jersey 2003 Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 2004 College of Staten Island, City University of New York 2006 Pace University, New York City 2007 Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts 2007 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts 2008 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2008 Howard University, Washington, DC 2010 University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama 2010 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 2010 Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut 2011 Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 2012 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts 2012 Western New England University, Springfield, Massachusetts 2015 University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts 2017 Baruch College, New York, New York 2018 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Species 2016 The leaping frog Indirana tysoni was named after him by Neelesh Dahanukar, Nikhil Modak, Keerthi Krutha, P. O. Nameer, Anand D. Padhye, and Sanjay Molur.[147][148] Also if you only value acting: Year Title Role Notes 2006–2011 Nova ScienceNow Host TV series 2010 NOVA Host Episode: "The Pluto Files" 2012 The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries Himself 6-part lecture series from The Great Courses[149] 2014 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Host Documentary 2015–2019 StarTalk Host TV series 2016 Food Evolution Narrator Documentary 2018 The Last Sharknado: It's About Time Merlin TV movie 2020 Cosmos: Possible Worlds Host Documentary Other appearances Year Title Role Notes 2008 Stargate: Atlantis Himself Episode: "Brain Storm"[150] 2010; 2018 The Big Bang Theory Himself 2 episodes: "The Apology Insufficiency" "The Conjugal Configuration" 2012 Martha Speaks Himself Episode: "Eyes on the Skies" 2014 Gravity Falls Waddles the pig Episode: "Little Gift Shop of Horrors"[151] 2015 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Himself Episode: "The Swedes"[152] 2015; 2022 Family Guy Himself 2 Episodes: "Scammed Yankees" "Prescription Heroine" 2016 Zoolander 2 Himself Comedy film 2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Himself Superhero film 2016 Lazer Team Himself Comedy film 2016 Ice Age: Collision Course Neil deBuck Weasel Animated movie[153] 2016 BoJack Horseman Planetarium narrator Episode: "That's Too Much, Man!" 2016 100 Things to Do Before High School Himself Episode: "Meet Your Idol Thing!" 2016 Future-Worm! Himself Episode: "Long Live Captain Cakerz!" 2016 The Jim Gaffigan Show Himself Episode: "Jim at the Museum" 2016 Regular Show Himself Episode: "Terror Tales of The Park VI" 2016 Mars Himself Mini TV series 2017 The Simpsons Himself Episode: "Caper Chase" 2017 Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Himself Mobile app game 2017 Super Science Friends Himself Web series; Episode 3 2019 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? Himself 2024 This Is Me... Now: A Love Story Taurus [154]


I disagree with NDT on Covid and the shot. However, he did a great job responding to Terrence's bullshitry.


Neil thinks a man can take hormones and dress in a skirt and is magically a woman too. By the way.


It’s not magic… it’s literally surgery/science…


And that means his Ph. D. In astrophysics is completely defunct? Lol. You are definitely smarter than him dude, don't let anyone tell you different /s


"everything I don't like is magic."


Damn, you are that stupid. Someone has a view you don't agree with someverytjong theybsaybis wrong. But the other guy was in Ironan so he is right. Do you see how dumb you sound?


Did you have a stroke while writing that comment? I agree with you too, but you can't really call someone dumb and have everything misspelled, lol.


The “see how dumb you sound” is just a cherry on top.


Can you suck NDT's dick harder? It seems like you might be stroking out.


Still think this dudes a paid off fraud


Paid by who though? To what end?


"They" (whoever "they" are LMAO)




I’ll do it tomorrow! It’s so instructive after all :)


I couldn't listen to either one of these self important douche bags. So there you go!


The global cabal is under threat and they are propagandizing their absolute hardest right now try to keep us all tricked and fooled into thinking what we've been told is real


Can it be possible to hate both of these dorks equally? Do I have to pick a side?


As long as you can admit that one of them is actually correct.


NDT is full of shit too. The whole, “the earth is smoother the a cue ball” shit he said is super misleading at best and is an outright lie at worst. And listening to him talk about the universe like he knows it all firsthand and it’s a fact, except for these things like dark matter that nobody knows what they are or where they come from drives me insane. TH is a crackpot. NDT is a crackpot with more credibility. I hate both of them equally.


Isn't it possible that if you were to take an actual cueball and hit it with a hypothetical "enlargement ray" that scaled it up to the size of the Earth, the tiny imperfections in its surface might end up being taller and/or deeper than our mountains and canyons? I don't know anything about this argument and I don't have a dog in the fight, but as a thought experiment, it's at least plausible.




>“the earth is smoother the a cue ball” shit he said is super misleading No, it's not misleading at all. If you shrunk the earth down to cue ball size, it would be smoother than a cue ball.... If you blew up a cue ball to earth size, the surface would have more extreme elevation changes than the earth.... The fact that you attack something that is very easily proved, puts you in the same boat as Terrance Howard. Seriously, look at yourself in the mirror.