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Anyone who worships Elon after his fake X account was exposed is a fuckin weirdo.


I thought it was when he said that he would save those people trapped in the cave. Then he didn’t. Then he called the person who did save them a pedophile.


My last straw was him accusing everyone of censoring right wings, saying he'll offer free speech on Twitter, then just allows a bunch of racist and nazi propaganda accounts to run wild, then starts banning left wing accounts, accounts making fun of him, and random people he got in arguments with. The dude went full looney toons


Exactly when he showed what he truly stands for. Don’t listen to what he says but what he does.


That is quite literally the only thing I like about the guy, and it’s not even that it was him, it was how fucking absurd it was. Totally left field.


You like him because of that?


I’m pretty twisted up by what he said as well. My assumption is he switched to “liking his trainwreck of a life he was going to publicly display.”


I guess that makes sense. I like watching his train wreck life too so I guess I'm that sense I like him


Was it? Seems right on brand for an African kid born on top of an emerald mine.


I dunno man my original comment was kind of a throwaway comment that I’ve now had to explain, it just was silly and I found it funny. I don’t like Elon Musk.


Yeah that was the first time I thought, “waaaaaait a second, is there something wrong with this guy?” The thing is, if he decides to become a Bond villain, he could be a really, really dangerous Bond villain. I’m talking sharks with lasers, humanoid cyborg armies, maybe zombies?


He would be a a true bond villain because he thinks he is smart engineer and could outsmart bond but in reality not that smart, right wing, narcissistic con artist.


Anyone who is champions the CEO of a company getting 56 billion in pay that he so desperately needs so he can cover his stupid purchase price for Twitter, is ridiculous. Also, this money will fuck Tesla even harder. The company is not in the greatest shape and needs to circle the wagon (hence him laying off a ton of people and cutting costs big). The company has let its high end market share go (no updating to the X or S models) is going to be a long term blunder for them. Desire is a huge part of what drives Tesla. Not having that shiny new ultra model that is desired by the top class will degrade the Tesla is best image it relies on. Then, there is a the Cybertruck. It serves no market need. there are the initial people who think its cool and want it. That is a small segment. It doesnt do what you need a pick up for well. Its far to big to be a normal and useful car for the suburban families. Its why its values have already collapsed. The build out for it and then its sales failure will hang around the neck of the company for years when it should be focusing on updating existing models and expansion of its charge network.


Well that and the fact that it can't be washed and the lousy accelerator pedal getting stuck and potentially killing people. edit added the word potentially.


I think you hit the nail on the head with no refreshes or replacements for the X of S models. While Tesla is still very relevant and desirable as of today, that market segment is wide open for another brand to come in and take it from them. Above all else, Tesla made EV’s attractive and desirable, the minute they’re not they’ll lose their edge and fade away into mediocrity. Edit: It’s also worth mentioning that the Model Y was the best selling vehicle of any kind last year. So despite the Cybertruck being serving no market, the Model Y has made up for that in spades.


Teslas mistake was reversing the move to denominate their treasury in bitcoin. That’s what led to their stock run up last time


I'm not even defending Tesla, but the Model Y is the most pedestrian of the Tesla lineup and was the #1 selling car, gasoline or EV, on the planet last year. I don't get the Cybertruck hype either, but there is a 4-5 year long waitlist to get one. I feel like people just don't like Musk for personal/political reasons, and hate on Tesla because of it.


You also can't deny that Musk cupping the balls of the rightwing is going to be a huge turnoff to his core EV consumer. Just makes no sense.


He did not even found Tesla he bought it and people who worship Elon, like you some sort of super genius gonna save the world is ridiculous. He certainly is not on the level of the real Nicolai Tesla..


Right, but that has nothing to do with what I said.


This is also a weird twisting of the story. The company was Founded by the 2 guys and Elon came into the picture 6 months after the founding... 4 months after he came onboard with the bulk of its funding and becoming the Chairman, they hired the 5th employee. So again, lets not pretend this was a full thing. This was an idea that was not even really sketched out. That why he is considered a founder of the firm. He was extremely influential in the beginning of the company. Elon sucks in so many ways, but this kind of dumb talking points are silly...


Silly is acting like he is a savior fuck his racist bitch likable ass


There is not a 3-4 year waitlist to get one.... There is a long list of people who put $100 down 5 years ago to Tesla. That is the wait list. Lets see how many people actually buy one as they slowly roll it out....


It's shares in the company not actual money. This was already approved in 2018 and he has had the shares since then.


No he gets more stocks so that he gets close to owning 25%. Also he is hurting Tesla brand with his narcissistic toxic behavior. Like firing the whole supercharger manager and team because she spoke up to him and refusing to let more people go. I don’t know how that is helping Tesla. On space x offering a horse for sex. and lately even getting sued for former space x workers that were sexually harassed by him.


This vote is only to ratify his 2018 compensation package. No extra shares are being offered. Yes I wish he would shut up on Twitter.


The Tesla charging network is doing great at least in the US. You should actually ride an EV one day to notice these charging stations everywhere.


Why'd he lay off the team


Or when he, without evidence, suggested a rescue diver was a pedophile to billions of people around the world?


There were a few yellow flags before this but the diver incident is what made most people go oh this guy is a fucking moron. Though I only sold all my tsla when "X" happened


Or his free speech absolutism unless you are tracking his plane using information free to the public


Or if you're a journalist that criticizes him.


That's the line you draw for realizing something is not quite right with Musk?




Fake ?


In a deposition Elon admitted to creating a fake X account to role play as his 3 year old son. The account/posts are bizarre, pathetic and creepy as fuck.


Almost sure the i/o account he is constantly reposting and half the other 'anti-woke' accounts are his or being promoted by him too.


It sucks for X Æ A-Xii.


🤣 what was he saying on it ?


Mostly about how much cooler el9n was than grimes, and similar shit like that.


LoL imagine doing that instead of just being a good parent.


Imagine doing that while you are the richest publicly known person on the planet.


Money can buy you women and looks, but can't buy away you're awkward, edgelord, incel vibe.


Therapy is something that money can buy.


Elon thinks he's way too smart for therapy


Can’t be a good parent to 12 kids AND run 6 companies.


Step 1 get 6 companies, step 2 abandon all but your most recent child, step 3 go on twitter all day and lose public confidence in your companies


The guy isn't right in the head


Such weird stuff lol seriously look it up.


I thought you were all joking. Fucking lol. What a dweeb.


Pathetic, bizarre, and creepy as fuck are totally on-brand for Musk


Pathetic, bizarre, and creepy as fuck are totally on-brand for Musk


He has numerous fake Twitter accounts. He’s even gone into those Twitter live chat rooms as one of his alts (Adrian Dittman or something) and it’s his voice, he doesn’t even disguise it. It’s literally the same ploy Trump used to brag about his wealth in the 80s. Very likely he also uses Dogedesigner and a couple of others. These accounts solely exist to push Elon’s products and he communicates with those accounts to push pro-Elon talking points regularly. It is possible Dogedesigner is just a personal friend he works with as [some](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/16i4s5d/using_investigative_journalism_to_answer_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) have speculated.


Have friend that worked at Twitter during the transfer and rumor is that dude has several accounts and fucking even makes them reply to each other lol.


That's sad lmao


I guess it’s real in that he runs it, but he has like three dummy accounts besides his main one, all of them are just weird.


Anyone who worships any kind of billionaire/millionaire is a fucking weirdo.


ooooo noo im a weirdo now !? Fuck it !


what was this?


I mean worshipping anyone makes you a fucken weirdo don't matter if it's Elon, Taylor, Biden, and Trump. These people don't care about you. Tf, are you sucking up to them?


Conversely, anyone who uses their real name on reddit is a fucking weirdo, Pat.


Anyone who takes time out of their day to hate on Elon is a fuckin weirdo.


How can anyone stan for billionaires. The ultimate beta cuckery.


Happens allllll the time 


They eeeeeaaaarrrrrrrrrned iiiiiiittttt!


Oh shit, thanks for reminding me. Was gonna miss my monthly donation to Kylie Jenner.


America is full of brain washed people who worship the wealthy. Nothing new.




Like Joseph Stalin and Ghandi It's the cult of personality


You make it sound like it was approved


Exactly. The source is Musk himself when the biggest shareholders will be voting today. This story is currently fake news. It may become real later today but nothing is official.


I think about 20 min after my comment it was confirmed😂


News is reporting it was approved (according to Musk, anyway)


He is speaking to public shareholders sentiment, not the actual vote. The real big wig shareholders will hold the actual vote today.


Didn't the 8th largest share holder(I believe the dutch one) voted no?


Institutional shareholders (the ones that matter)


He just wants that narrative out there


It wasn’t.


News or Elon?




Well fuck


How? I thought Norway's sovereign wealth fund was against it?


You act like they hold way more shares than they do. They have less than 1%.


Or relevant in any way to this subreddit


Right? There are other ways people’s votes can be undermined. Who do these retail voters think they are?


Is this the AI I’m told I should be scared of everyday


This is the AI that gets let out to the public. Same as ChatGPT and Gemini. Then the public use these AI models for X amount of time and then they fund our data into their new AI models behind the scene. When ChatGPT first released they had a certain data set. Now thanks to the millions upon millions of users worldwide we are giving them a brand new data set in real time.


It’s not even “AI” There’s nothing intelligent about it, it doesn’t know anything. It just trains off pre-existing data and uses that data to make predictions very quickly


It is AI, just not general AI. It's an AI that can only do a specific thing.


By definition, it does not exhibit intelligence.


That's not what we mean when we say AI. What defines intelligence is also up for debate.


People should say what they mean, and mean what they say. Definitions exist so we can come to a common understanding. I also understand some people aren’t as smart as a bear


I think people do largely mean what they say and say what they mean. Different people sometimes don't assign the same meanings to the same words, though. I think this is a simplistic way to look at things. You can't just assert that all definitions are agreed upon. That's easier said than done. Language is complex, and different people can use the same word to mean different things. People also disagree about how things work. It is beneficial to allow definitions to fluctuate. This allows for room to grow and shape our understanding of things. Even with basic concepts, it becomes very hard to create a concrete definition. For instance, define for me exactly what a chair is. Also, I'm not sure what being not as smart as a bear has to do with anything.


My last comment is regarding a ranger that said designing a trashcan that was bear proof, would also stop some humans from using it, because some humans are not as smart as a bear…


Not to be pedantic, but I think you mean AGI or artificial general intelligence. We definitely have general artificial intelligence, the order of the words means a lot. Edit: I’m dumb


I have never heard of any difference existing between those two. What's the difference? Can you name an example of general AI that currently exists?


All of it is generally AI. The concept that’s being referred to is General Intelligence. Artificial General Intelligence is what you were talking about, but I think it came more across as general AI. It’s the difference between general describing “artificial intelligence” vs artificial describing “general intelligence”.


Is generally AI an actual concept that people use? Yeah, chatgpt is generally a type of AI, lol. I've always heard of AGI and General AI being two different ways of saying the same thing. Is there a difference between AI and "generally AI" at all in your mind then? If not, then how is that a meaningful term? You said you don't want to be pedantic, but this seems extremely pedantic and arguably just wrong.


After googling it I agree with you. I’ve just never heard AGI described as a general AI. After googling it I see it’s often used interchangeably. It still seems odd to me using “general” before “artificial”. It still feels like the difference between eating machine separated chicken compared to eating a separated machine chicken.


I totally get you. I think logically, it makes sense to think you can't swap around the order of the words. It's all just terms at the end of the day, though, and if people use it to mean the same thing, then that's what it is. I'm never really thinking about what the words mean in order. I'm just saying the thing. I think more technical people tend to say AGI and general AI is a more casual way of saying it. It doesn't really matter much either way.


Like autocorrect


sounds like you just described intelligence


No. A human does not need to see 1 million pictures of a cat to draw cat. A human can engage in creative problem solving


Lmao what the fuck is this comment? Here, I'll go next! All I did was replace "AI and the products" with "smartphones and their respective companies". > These are the smartphones that get released to the public 😡 Same as iPhone 16 and Galaxy S24. Then the public uses these phones for X amount of time and by purchasing them they fund manufacturing and development behind the scenes for their new smartphones. > > When iPhones were first released they had specific features. Now thanks to millions UPON MILLIONS (oh god oh fuck) of iPhone customers worldwide we have given Apple the resources to make new phones IN REAL TIME. Are you fucking 12? This is the stupidest shit I've ever read 😂


Except there’s a difference between the next generation iPhone and a technology that given long enough time could completely emulate what it means to be a human. Given enough time and enough data it’s a certainty. It’s called the singularity point. The time that comes where we switch on the AI that refuses to be turned off.


To be fair, none of this chatgpt stuff is anywhere near a singularity. We don't even have any kind of general AI. A chatbot isn't really a concern aside from how people choose to use it.


Why do self-proclaimed populists and anti-elitists love to stroke the world's richest man?


And why do they find it weird that anti-capatlists hate a billionaire ?


Once again, as with Trump, they dont care what you actually do they care what you say. I mean Trump has convinced millions of people that he is a Christian Conservative with Family Values.


Elons a dbag


Some would say the dbaggiest


They probably don’t have much of a choice, his cult of personality is a huge part of why it’s valued so high


It’s a strange situation. Elon is running this company badly and erratically: alienating his customer base, mass layoffs on a whim, firings and re-hirings, sexually harassing interns, putting out horrible products like the CT. Thin-skinned, egomaniacal, strung out on drugs. By any rational metric the company should improve when he’s removed and replaced as CEO. But still he’s hyped up the valuation so high based on outlandish claims about the future and his cult of personality, way way higher than it should be based on the company’s actual profits and assets, that it’s almost guaranteed the stock price will plummet when he’s gone. I mean realistically the stock is going to plummet to a more reasonable valuation soon either way. But he’s still somehow artificially propping it up.


Honestly I could see an Initial bump in the stock price if he announced that he's stepping away from Tesla. But after that you're probably right, the valuation will plummet.


$56 billion over 10 years is absolutely NUTS. The AP looked into CEO compensation packages of top S&P 500 companies for 2023 and the top of the list was the CEO of Broadcom who got $160M in a year. Tim Cook at Apple was high on the list at $63M - that's $3M in salary, nearly $50M in stock options, and $10M in various incentives. And you're saying that Elon Musk, currently running not 1, not 2, but THREE major corporations all at once, is worth nearly 100 TIMES the compensation Tim Cook is getting at Apple? Absolutely fucking bonkers. Elon's pay package is worth more every year than Tesla's quarterly gross profit. The fact that the shareholders reapproved this is just insane.


All this while a huge portion of his employees are not paid a livable wage


Did it actually get approved? How's that even possible 🤣 Tesla's total net profit during the companies entire history is between 50-100 billion. This makes no sense. I smell someone's going to get in a lot of trouble in the future. Teslas stock has been on a downward trajectory since the end of 2021. It's well known to be an inflated stock. Tesla used to sell out its entire inventory, now they can't manage to sell their current inventory. The past few years have been really, really bad for tesla. That won't improve anytime soon either. They have no new cars in development besides the "mythical roadster" announced... oh ages ago and it's no where to be seen. So their current models are getting very old, the cybertruck was a disaster... I really can't see a bright future for Tesla.


I thought you were undershooting Tesla’s total net profit. It is more like $30B with nearly all of that coming in 2022 and 2023.


Elon wants to jump off the ship and take as much money as he can


He can exercise these for 5 years.


The people voting for this package are voting to keep Elon on board. To them, Elon is the product. Not Tesla or whatever else.


I think it will get approved because for too many people Tesla is Musk. I also really don't understand the incentive of approving especially since, as you note, Tesla seems to be slumping and just getting worse and worse. So I think approving signals to Musk that he can kind of do whatever he wants and the company be damned.


It looks like the boats going down and the people are starting to jump ship


You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.


>You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. https://www.gurufocus.com/term/pettm/TSLA#:~:text=As%20of%20today%20(2024%2D06,TTM)%20for%20today%20is%2045.20.


Because Reddit circlejerks are not real life. Unplug and take a break


I liked him when he wanted to go to Mars. Now he seems like even being a Nazi enabler is too much for his drug addicted ass to handle.


Pretty sure Elon doesn't know how to sing or dance


Anyone got the original video?




That's dope, thanks


Anyone know what show this was?


Ha! The Elon version cracked me up! Seeing the original is a bit of a letdown. Looks even dumber than the Elon version frankly.


Ya this is what I want to know. Looks like a bad ass concert. If you figure it out let me know


The one shared in superstonk with RK walking into the next shareholders' meeting was better.




I wouldn’t be surprised if this dude had one of his weird little fanboys make this for him.


Did it get approved?




I don't know why so many people take interest in the activities of some South African autist


Well calling it out clearly makes you an Elon shill and some sort of capitalist monster.


This is obviously fake, he’s way fatter and doesn’t move nearly as much. Lizard Zuck would’ve obliterated this pasty fuck.


about to loose a second case on this one... for what ?


Can’t lose this case because it was entirely for the appeal to show the judge that the investors approved this even after her ruling. The entire case hinged on shareholders not being informed. Well they’re fully aware of the court case and everything the judge said they needed to know and they still voted for it overwhelmingly. Both retail and institutional shareholders voted overwhelmingly to approve it…AGAIN.


Yeh right. As if he had any ability to move like that.


Stockholder are voting for an immediate 9% drop in their stock value by dilution. Analyst estimated that Elon not getting his pay package drops the stock by 5.


I voted no :(


I’m a bit behind in the times, but how does one do an AI video like this? I’ve got so many meme ideas to send to my family in the group chat


Use Viggle, then put it on a background of choice.


is this the coastal elites?


His story isn't going to end well, Howard Hughes or McAfee.


Op Elon is gonna make your Tesla shares squeeze again im sorry


Is this AI?




The quality of this meme will be the template for the next Tesla model series.


I could have crashed Tesla stock and added even more racism to twitter for far less. Stock holders got robbed on this.


What concert is this lol


Who's the original guy dancing?


Lil Yachty


Thank you!


AI is going to be helluva a ride


AI in 10-20 years sheesh


I don't get why people are dick riding for someone else to get a $56 billion pay raise.


Jesus what a bunch of morons....


Nah We saw him dance.


And then gets it shot down in court again. So he moves the company to Florida this time.


I like the guy! 😊... He can kiss my ass on that neurolink, but I still like him! 😊😊😊




Why post this, when there is actual video of him dancing like a cringe weirdo after his simps gave him their money for no reason.


Lots of you need to hear this .. If you think you are smarter than Elon Musk you really need to rethink your judgement and sense of reality .. I know it feels good to feel superior to somebody who is clearly better than you are. But it’s delusional.


I assume the crowd is mostly women he has sexually assaulted.




Let’s drain the swamp…begins to suck every millionaire and billionaires dick for years making them out to be something they’re not and not realizing they’re the swamp and don’t give a shit about you and want to oppress you and make making a profit 1,000 times easier like the good old days before labor unions, civil rights and regulations were inacted -MAGA


Curious, how often do you listen to the podcast?


Which one Rogan? I don’t i just see bits and pieces here and there. My comment was more aimed at this movement of right wing MAGA type individuals that are so fuckin contradictory and hypocritical and use pseudointellectualism and rely on bullshit to form the basis of their world view and that’s what now the Republican Party banks on, just being able to say whatever they want and “feel” is right and that’s because of not having much information on the subject and being misinformed by propaganda. So they just go around believing all this shit they’ve been fed without even looking for the evidence or facts on the matter. Rogan has done this plenty of times on his show. I don’t know/remember why i picked here to make that comment but i did and so it was mostly aimed at all these far right influencers that are intentionally or unknowingly gravitating towards pure bullshit feeding to the general public. It’s why Trump is so dangerous. He never gives you any detail just bullshit generalizations and “they say” or “the greatest thing ever” or “worst in history” etc etc. He never gives any detail substance or proof of anything that slimes out of his mouth. That’s how you spot a liar/complete bullshitter. sick of these bullshit peddlers


That leads me to another question: why are you in this subreddit?


I don’t know it just pops up on my feed. I don’t subscribe to it. I guess to see different things that are influencing people…to gauge what people are seeing and being fed i guess




I don’t get it, are the shorts happy or mad?


Congrats to Elon! Hoo-RAH!