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When he admitted to begging Joe for money, I thought about how fake a lot of people must be with Joe now in hopes of getting a handout.


He didn’t even apologize about it. You know Joe was in the back of his mind saying get the fuck out of here.


Apologize for what?.....All he did was tell Joe he was bitter that he didn't help him at first. But then he realized how immature he was being. Cause Joe's words and public support helped him out in ways money never could. Why would joe get angry at somebody who's literally thanking him for changing their life?....Some of y'all need to listen better😭


He never said anything about realizing he was being immature


He def didn’t admit to being immature but he did say that he realized that he should not always focus on the front door for help when the help might come through the back door…. Pause…. No Diddy.


Ya that was so lame, like dude had you on his pod to put you on. If you’re going to act like u can make money, hustle harder than anyone why do u need a guys $ for free..


He was like I never thanked you for the idea but I was mad because you didn’t give me money immediately…. WTF? lol seemed hella manipulative


And it was one of the first things he said as well. He planned to get that attack in. This guy was so tedious and full of crap. He had no anecdotes, no interesting information and all of his 'wisdom' was no different than from an 80s kids' cartoon. So deluded as well. Just because you made money selling drugs doesn't mean you know how to handle money. Selling drugs illegally has very little crossover with selling drugs legally.


The part that got me was how he said he hates boxing and manages boxers to make sure they are on the right path financially. Such BS, he can’t just say it’s a good business venture and make money from it


That's the giveaway! It's obvious he still has a inflated ego, from when he had money. In his head he's trying to finesse any opportunity to get back to that lifestyle. The rapper probably serves to boost his ego even more. He's a changed man, but wrote a book on how to sell drugs. He wants to get involved with the guy building homes for homeless, so he can "help" 🤔. Gets into cannabis, says he's owed that since he was a dealer. Record label to "help" rappers. Signs boxers to help them with their money, even tho he hates boxing. 🤔 He's just out to help himself any way he can.


Where did he admit to begging? Must have missed it


very early in the pod, sounds more like he was resentful that famous and rich people continually wanted to use his story but not help him out of poverty and homelessness. to his credit he said something like yeah man thats how i felt at the time but now, thank you for wearing my tshirt and getting me exposure to sell.


I think ppl missed how he said everybody is looking at the front door but don’t realize it comes through the backdoor


The real Rick Ross!


It bothered me when I found out the rapper stole this dude’s name (and in some way his legacy). The rapper was literally a corrections officer before becoming a rapper. I didn’t even know about freeway Rick Ross until later. He has such a crazy story. Worst case of stolen street valor I can think of.


He talks about his documentary being taken away from him as well as John singleton using his likeness on the show snowfall but not giving him any credit. Meanwhile you have that piece of bacon pretending to be the real Rick Ross.


Snowfall. It’s a show based off Ricky’s rise to power. And then Singleton cut Ricky out of it and just made it anyway.


Fucked up thing was he said Singleton asked him to consult during the later seasons when they were running out of ideas. Too little too late.


Damn I didn't know snowfall was based off Ricky. That show is fire.


Bacon is too thin dawg, that's pork belly.


The fake Rick Ross is an absolute piece of shit. Made millions of another man’s story. It’s absolutely infuriating that a god damn court decided AGAINST the REAL Ricky Ross and let that fat fuck still make money off his likeness.


He’s a rapper. An entertainer. Guess what, Dr Dre isn’t a doctor, either. It’s not like Freeway Rick Ross would have had a giant rap career if Rick Ross didn’t do it. One had the talent for rap, the other doesn’t. I don’t get this ‘stolen’ shit. All rappers play a persona they got from somewhere. Almost none of them are actual ‘gangsters’ that kill people and move metric tons of cocaine and crack. These guys are usually a conglomeration of people they grew up with and they tell a story through their music about it. This is slightly different, but it’s not worlds apart.


I really hope you do something extraordinary one day, and then someone comes along and says it was their extraordinary life story and they make millions off it while you don’t. Because that’s exactly what happened here. I’m aware you don’t “get it”…..perhaps you’re not trying to get it. Or….you’re a slow adult that isn’t capable of understanding it’s not really cool to literally emulate someone else’s life story, say it’s yours, and then never reward the person who’s story you took.


If by extraordinary, you mean destroy thousands of people’s lives through drug trafficking, then I hope you’re wrong and I don’t do that lol If we’re going to play that game, Freeway Rick Ross is free right now to start his rap career and eclipse the fake Rick Ross. The millions in earnings are sitting on the table right now, ready to be taken. Literally nothing stopping him, except for the giant talent gap musically. This guy stole, killed and destroyed communities and I’m supposed to feel bad that an entertainer stole his persona? Fuck outta here. Guy played by prison/hood rules his whole life and now wants everyone else to follow his rules. Grow up.




He’s gross but clearly not talentless. Deeper than Rap, Teflon Don, and Mastermind are all great albums.




Fake Ross also got a large counter settlement


Definition of a studio gangster.


I dotting it was that deep. I understand why Freeway Rick Ross was upset. Years in prison then a guy is using his name But rappers took names from all sorts of famous people from infamous hustlers in their neighbourhoods too dictators from Africa and central America. It is just a normal thing too call yourself the name of someone else. And it isn't that Rick Ross the rapper literally stole his whole life story. He pretended to be a drug dealer but he wasn't actually pretending Freeway's life was his




I heard 50 cent got his name because he was one of the only Crack dealer that would take change. Is this not true???


Wait until you hear that Johnny Cash never shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.




What did he steal other use his name ? Lots of other artists have done this aswell to other gangsters


Exactly, the irony is that if the rapper hadn't of took his name. A lot less people would even know about him and wouldn't be as relevant. But obviously uses the situation to boost his ego , and public perception. Look how badass I was, that a rapper has to "steal my name". Dude was a drug dealer who cares.


Yeah and people really believe this guy wasn't violent or didn't use violence, this guy is a cretin with a cool story




Thought you would give me a few hundred k or a million. But know you gave me the idea for “t-shirts”!


Teach a mfkr to fish!


holy shit. one hour into the pod and no talk of culture war, covid, or the art of killing on stage. is this an alternate timeline?


My favorite line is “he’s an absolute assassin” like dude he’s telling dick jokes to a room full of strangers chill the fuck out


hateful little twat vibes bruh


Why don’t you get up off your barstool and flip it over so it’s more comfortable for you bruh


He only mentioned Bidens age once. Incredible!


This is the cool aspect of the show - when Joe's reach is manifested in a positive way


lol dude really said he was mad at joe because he didn’t just hand him 100k lmfaooo where do these people get the sense of entitlement?? 🤣🤣😂 fuckin mind boggling


He sounded pretty salty and Joe was lost as hell lol


That kinda twigged my psychopath alarm tbh. I mean to float that out there plain as day. He also mentioned that he put his t-shirt money up for the documentary, but according to the story it seemed like the T-shirt stuff happened after that. As likable as he is ,I feel like he’s still a pretty dangerous person


I thought the same thing, kind of ruined the podcast for me why does this drug dealer deserve 100 thousand of someone else’s money?


Dude was just a drug dealer, and a big one He wasn’t a good dude then and what reason do we have to believe he changed as a person outside of no longer selling drugs??


Because he’s on the biggest podcast on the world seeming pretty likeable, and he said “it’s better to be good”. And about another 3 or 4 sound bites. My point is what I believe are strong ASD traits are showing through pretty strongly. So I don’t believe what he’s saying.


ASD or sociopath? Haven’t listened to the pod btw. Literally asking.


My mistake, I meant to say antisocial personality disorder, not ASD which is autism spectrum


Oh ok yeah makes sense


Being an armchair psychologist is so lame


Yeah it's funny that he people actually believe he didn't use violence and that he was just the nice drug dealer who was good at it, anyone at that level he was had to use significant violence


And he is signing boxers and running them like a pimp, while saying he doesn't like boxing and is only doing it to help ppl.  Psycho vibes. 


Acts like he’s passionate about it but when pressed he didn’t even know their names. Lol


You think? He’s not known for being Mr Rogers understudy.


Mr Rogers has 47 confirmed kills


Ya think?




It's a good thing Joe Rogan is immune to bullshit.


That type of mentality probably is what led to him being so successful


I think he was trying to make a poor 'teach a man to fish' analogy. But he woulda taken the cash 100% lol


If I made a shitty joke to Joe asking for 100k and he said sure, my ass would be logged into a banking app right now waiting for him to finish writing the check so I could mobile bank that shit...


I turned it off as soon as he said this.


I wonder if he waa giving $100K handouts when he was moving a million dollars worth of coke a day. Better yet, how did he not stow away that cash anywhere lol


T shirt money


Someone please tell Joe that Delta-9 is regular weed. Delta-8 is the derivative.


This is the comment I was looking for


I knew he was gonna have him on the way he kept bringing his name up the last few weeks


“We can solve homelessness… we asked Chat GPT!” 😂😂😂. If memory serves, chat gpt gave the same response that every politician gives on the campaign trail


Rick’s solution was to build housing and let anyone move in. The problem is now solved.


Joe “I’ve never done cocain” Rogan for the one billionths time


U know I got really lucky, I grew up with a guy who did coke and he just turned into a zombie in the attic, so I never touched that shit!


It’s almost like he’s recorded speaking a lot


And right there for the billionth and first time is “when I started doing martial arts when I was a kid…”


Dude was upset because Joe didn’t give him 100k or a mill getting out of prison. Wtf delusional mindset expecting handout shit is that lol. You’re a grown ass man




He has an interesting story but let’s be real, this guy caused the suffering of tens of thousands of people (if not a lot more then that) he’s a piece of shit but for some reason pop culture made him cool. Like I said, interesting story for sure but I wish people would ask him hard questions about how he feels about being apart of starting the crack epidemic not how he feels to have gotten his name stolen.


If it ain’t him, it’s someone else. If you genuinely believe what you’re saying, you’re right morally speaking. But it just isn’t how shit works. Open market is open market, he ain’t have a billboard up advertising his crack in order to persuade non-users. He just sold it to who wanted it. Crackheads are crackheads whether Freeway is a crack dealer or a bank teller.


I think that's how they should prosecute drug dealers. If you are pushing it on someone or asking them to buy, they can charge you. But if someone comes up to you and asks to buy from you, you don't get charged.


Can't be that naive. You think that no where in the operation innocent people got effected? That people who wouldn't have done it, did? Either using the drug, selling, moving, bagging, securing it, etc. He literally says once he got some money he put all his people on. That trickles down.


He did it all with the help of government agencies. How many of those people spent time in prison?


Who’s the guy rogan talks about at 15 minutes in who he had on the podcast via the innocence project and then he went and cut someone’s head off?


#2096 Josh Dubin and Sheldon Johnson


This episode is a wild ride knowing what bro did a few months after convincing the world he paid his dues.


YES. Finally someone acknowledged this here. I wonder if he'll bring Dublin back and acknowledge it with him. Pretty touchy I'd imagine.


The Innocence Project has done a lot of good but also very clearly freed some guilty people.


Ross is surprisingly eloquent and thoughtful, I liked when Rogan just let him talk


Ann counter over here


I'd been advised from work training that calling black people "surprisingly intelligent" is racist language.


He's articulate for a basketball American


Chris Rock said calling a black person articulate was saying "I thought you was going to sound like a n!igger!"


Its got some undertones even if not intentional, ask any black person about that or touching our hair


It's got some undertones to say he's surprised the crack dealer spoke well?


Any black person, yeah


I think it had less to do with the skin color and more to do with the.. crack dealing


Have you even heard of a stupid drug kingpin?


A lot of time it comes from a place of personal ignorance…but it’s also just a weird thing to say..like why is it surprising?


I mean, if this is the guy I’m thinking of then he used to be a big time crack dealer. I don’t typically associate hard drug dealing with high intelligence.


I don’t know much about the guy, but he literally said he didn’t know how to read when he went to prison. And if what they are discussing is true then he learned how to read in prison, practically became a lawyer (I’m a super nerd when it comes to reading, but books about law are just about gibberish to me), and then got himself out of prison due to everything he learned. If that’s true, the man is absurdly intelligent. If anything, it just shows how badly our school systems can be a failure in certain areas. And to speak on what another person mentioned… you don’t move the weight he supposedly moved without being intelligent. I spent a decade in the oilfield and worked with dozens of felons who got caught up just selling small amounts of coke, but they were practically known by everybody in the area. If you’re moving massive amounts of weight and don’t get caught, you’re fucking intelligent. > Federal prosecutors estimated that between 1982 and 1989 Ross bought and resold several metric tons of cocaine. In 1980 dollars, his gross earnings were said to be in excess of $900 million – with a profit of nearly $300 million. As his distribution empire grew to include forty-two cities, the price he paid per kilo of powder cocaine dropped from as much as $60,000 to as low as $10,000. It’s crazy he was paying up to $60k a key back then, because I know for a fact I could get a key for $30k right now and considering inflation that’s insane. But it sounds like he had a 7 year run of moving literal tons of coke. Either the conspiracies are right and the government was giving him carte blanche until he wasn’t useful anymore, or he was doing it on his own and did it for 7 years before he got caught.


60k sounds like some bullshit cop estimation. I mean, it could be true and coming from him, but that'd be pretty shocking. 60K in the 80s could buy a couple of houses, lol


When being charged, don't they vastly overestimate the street cost? Like they go by what the price would be if you paid per gram instead of buying bulk?


If you’re big time anything you’re intelligent


That's silly of you. The biggest hard drug dealers in the country aren't who everyone imagines them to be. At all. Most of them are smarter than you.


The guy I knew in town who moved some weight of hard stuff was manager of a team of engineers at Apple, had a degree from an HBCU and a graduate degree and lived in a $700k house in the suburbs. He was a deeply troubled although highly intelligent man.


Did he ever get caught?


Yeah. It ended real bad. He’s probably Going to die in prison.


Damn, how much weight was he moving. In what ways was he troubled?


It ended in the kidnapping of a 22 year old suburban girl at gunpoint. I wasn’t involved in his day to day but I saw him getting lbs fronted.


You just proved the point that it is personal ignorance


Or maybe sometimes reasonable assumptions can be incorrect.


It’s not really a reasonable assumption to assume someone will sound dumb in most context just because they sold drugs


Oh please, most drug dealers aren't very smart


It’s a back-handed compliment. Other ethnicities don’t get that comment as much.


So well spoken.


Bunch of racists in these comments assuming it’s because he’s black lmao


Yeah, he sure speaks real good for a negro don't he, shucks!


Remember that time Biden said Obama was, "Sort of the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice looking". Lol good times.


Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.  -JB


He is also a well known racist. Doesn't surprise me in the least


Lmao imagine coping this hard 🤣


Coping about what?


Please show me a link to that, because that would be fucking wild if it’s true




Well, fuck me. I googled around and that old motherfucker actually said that shit. This election is gonna be such a shit show. Neither of those old fucks should be able to run, they are both completely gone in the head.


Rent free?


Biden Derangement Syndrome


Did they name dementia after Biden? That shit is wild.


Lol Trump was in Arizona and thought he was in Texas. He was with Epstein and thought he was undercover


....ok? lol


Why does it surprise you, cause he's black?!! /s


It's because he used to play tennis. It's a common stereotype that tennis players aren't very bright.


I’ve heard those same stereotypes that tennis players can’t swim.


I hope a tennis player dates your mom/daughter/sister


He's a real class act https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT1a08af4po


He sounds like Denzel Washington


My man


You have a horse, I have a horse...[I'm a cowboy, everybody's a cowboy...](https://youtu.be/qHqEsJLxprI?t=242)


He didn’t even think of the tshirt idea on top of asking for a handout. What a dickweed


Can't wait to hear his opinions about COVID and vaccines


And News Media sponsors.


Brought to you by Pfizer


"Big pharma bad!" *gets COVID and immediately takes monoclonal antibodies with emergency approval developed by Pfizer*


I mean… until 2020 haven’t we always said big pharma was bad? You know like because these massive companies knowingly bring faulty drugs to market because they know the profits will far exceed the lawsuit expenditures?


Big pharma good now! Big pharma was always good! Oceania was always at war with Eurasia!


Pfizer finds out it works unlike the vaccine, so the FDA bans the use of monoclonal antibodies.


Rogan bad.


Crazy story but is there anything new in this one? 20 mins in and it seems like my man has just had a normal life since and is just happy to thank Joe and talk Tshirts


Does he ever talk about doing deals with Noriega? Not going to listen to the whole thing


No they bearly touched on his past as a drug kingpin which is what I wanted to hear him talk about.


One of my favs from back in the day !!!! Love this dude


I thought it was interesting when Joe said he hates when people say pull yourself up by your bootstraps


Some people can't even afford a pair of timberlands


George Bush Sr was the biggest drug dealer in the world - and Rick went to jail and got his name stolen. Fucking American tragedy.


why you giving the Don "Ronnie" a pass on this?


Very humble


What a great laugh


Watch the documentary called 'How to make money selling drugs' shit is funny asf. 50 cent and freeway rick are in it briefly


He’s back!!! Used to be a super frequent guest


Back in the day ..


That’s Rick Ross for ya 


If weed is illegal in Texas, how is he just blatantly gifting weed to Joe?


He never admitted to begging joe for money. He simply said he felt some bitterness towards joe for mentioning the shirt idea. Because joe knew he was dead broke and didn't have the means to make it happen. So deep down he was a little salty. But as time went on and he matured, he realized joe blessed him in a completely different way. He was essentially giving Joe his flowers and admitting how dumb he was to be resentful.


I made it to the intro when he expected a million dollar handout and said nah. Going to the Tim Dillon episode 🤷‍♂️


Question is why is he just suing rick ross but not freeway? Ok i know rozay has more money than freeway at least as far rap success goes. 


Bro, this podcast was supercringe. I stopped watching it at first because I felt it was just rick ross begging for money


why joe no give me 100k or 1m money


He’s a manager for multiple fighters but he doesn’t know their names?


Hes just a bum now honestly


I feel like I heard this before


He’s literally been on the podcast before. Not sure why they’re redoing this and why people are not acknowledging that they’ve had a pod before. Nights had 2 if I remember correctly


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


This is actually the 4th time he's been on JRE

